[libhttpseverywhere] Created tag 0.2.4

The signed tag '0.2.4' was created.

Tagger: grindhold <grindhold gmx net>
Date: Wed Nov 9 23:47:08 2016 +0100

    0.2.4 - new rulesets

Changes since the last tag '0.0.2':

Michael Catanzaro (30):
      Fix include directories for compiling test
      Fix valac warnings about redundant static specifier
      Finish calls to rewrite immediately when init completes
      rewrite should return immediately if scheme is not http://
      Add a library context object
      Test classes do not need to be GObjects
      Add test to ensure Context.rewrite completes
      Fix Context.init
      Add test to ensure InitCompleteCallbacks are always called
      Add a sync version of Context.rewrite
      Updater: fix race in lock_update()
      Updater: fix libsoup deprecation warnings
      Fix code style errors in previous commit
      Fix another style error
      Rename variable in new method
      Rename a test case
      Make Context.init cancellable
      Make Updater.update cancellable
      Avoid a sync call in Context.init
      Add test for cancelling Context.init
      Add Emacs/gedit modelines
      Make Context.has_https not fail before Context.init completes
      Add basic tests for Context.has_https
      Fix whitespace errors
      Remove code leftover from sync rewrite
      Add test to ensure rewrite fails if called before init
      Use contracts to ensure Context is initialized when required
      Make Context.initialized a property
      updater: Include error message in critical warning
      Updater: don't critical if datadir already exists

Thomas Kurfürst (8):
      core: blocking rewrites until init finished
      core: initialized bool mutex locked
      core: removede lock and moved to async
      fixed tabsize
      core: removede lock and moved to async
      fixed tabsize
      include ../data/ to searchpaths for rules
      fixed indent

grindhold (92):
      added docstrings to ruleset.vala
      postinst-script calls ldconfig
      added method to check for success of rewrite
      removed unused method
      removed uncatched error warnings
      Merge branch 'gnome'
      libhttpseverywhere now works agains sqlite backend
      built class frame for updater implementation
      Merge pull request #5 from lukasepple/master
      https-everywhere: updated to release 5.2.3
      use shallow submodules
      version bump 0.0.3
      do not require owned string for rewrite method
      Merge pull request #6 from sternenseemann/master
      build: include libsoup-2.4
      updater: downloading latest http package
      [wip] progress on updater
      set to new target
      removed obsolete code
      [wip] correctly decompressing rulesets
      cmake: drop sqlite, add json-glib
      [wip] changes to buildsystem
      now parsing rulesets from json
      beautification commit: removed trailing whitespace
      buildsystem: moved to meson
      rule: preserve suffix in url
      testing: added unittests for rewriting rules
      updater: locking
      updater: proper error handling
      throw away .gitmodules and .gitattributes
      throw away old pkgconfig templates
      updater: removed percentage
      updated copyright dates to 2016
      data: declare the license of https-everywhere
      updater: made code unicode-safe
      updater: wrapper around update-execution
      updater: caching
      updater: renamed unnecessary status enumerator
      added missing docstring for RewriteResult
      removed debian packaging files
      readme: change "status"-text
      main: add "/" to url when it ends after hostname
      build: correct api notation in header path
      build: corrected headerdirs in pkgconfig
      Merge pull request #11 from mcatanzaro/includes
      ruleset: remove annoying info
      build: make include-subfolder in srcdir obsolete
      fixing addeddums to #8
      Merge pull request #14 from sternenseemann/master
      build: rid toolchain list of project args
      updater: automatically reload rules
      updater: asynchronous method throws error
      Merge pull request #16 from kochchef/master
      core: do not declare rewrite async
      Merge pull request #17 from grindhold/wip/warnings
      Merge pull request #18 from kochchef/master
      Merge pull request #19 from grindhold/rewrite
      Merge pull request #22 from grindhold/update
      docs: fix invalid markup.
      context: asynchronize init
      context: removed ciritcal warnings of sync methods
      updater: update-method is async now
      Merge pull request #24 from grindhold/modelines
      Merge pull request #25 from grindhold/cancellable
      Merge pull request #26 from grindhold/has_https
      Merge pull request #28 from kochchef/master
      rulesets: use rulesets of HTTPS-Everywhere 5.2.6
      context: make rewrite and has_https sync again
      updater: corrected error propagation
      test: fixed context/rewrite test
      Merge pull request #31 from grindhold/contracts
      Merge pull request #32 from grindhold/initprop
      make Context an GLib Object
      context: private setter for Context.initialized
      readme: several improvements
      readme: wrong meson version number 0.3.0 → 0.35.0
      build: do not show C-level warnings
      docs: fixed several docstrings
      rewrite: renamed param p_url → url
      readme: added link to online api docs
      updater: do not cause init to run
      updater: unlock update in finally block
      build: add package version number instead of API version
      update: automatically create update directory
      bump version to 0.2.2
      bump version to 0.2.3
      updater: do not throw critical if updatefolder exists
      Merge branch 'v0.2' into updaterfixes
      Merge branch 'updaterfixes' into v0.2
      updater: throw correct error
      updater: fixed an error string
      update rulesets to https-everywhere 5.2.7

lukasepple (2):
      remove archlinux package since AUR 4 has git support
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:grindhold/libhttpseverywhere

midzer (1):
      fixed minor typo

sternenseemann (3):
      Use 5.2.5 release of https-everywhere
      Make ArchLinux package compatible with new build system
      Fix wrong prefix in ArchLinux PKGBUILD

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