[libsigcplusplus] Created tag 2.99.4

The unsigned tag '2.99.4' was created.

Tagger: Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>
Date: Fri Apr 8 11:04:50 2016 +0200


Changes since the last tag '2.99.3':

Murray Cumming (38):
      Add .clang-format file and reformat tests and examples.
      Reformat .cc files with clang-format.
      Reformat .h files with clang-format.
      slot_list: Make list_ private, not protected.
      signal_base/signal_exec: Make some member data protected.wq
      slot_base: Make _dup private and _destroy protected.
      Make a comment easier to reformat with clang-format.
      Rearrange another comment.
      Use {} with multiline for() blocks.
      Use {} with multiline while() blocks.
      visit_each.h: Add and use is_base_of_or_same_v to avoid duplication.
      limit_derived_target: Use perfect forwarding.
      Some perfect-forwarding.
      Docs: Remove unnecessary Scope of Documentation paragraph.
      docs: Slots: Add section titles to break it up.
      test_mem_fun: Rearrange into individual test functions.
      test_mem_fun: Test auto-disconnection with trackable.
      docs: slots: auto: Mention why it is bad.
      docs: slots: Mention automatic disconnection.
      docs: mem_fun: Improve the note about auto-disconnection.
      docs: mem_fun: Improve the simple description.
      docs: slots: Fix tiny typo.
      docs: ptr_fun: Improve the simple description.
      Remove unnecessary slot.cc file.
      Remove unnecessary signal.cc file.
      slot_do_bind/unbind: Make constructors explicit.
      limit_derived_target: Make constructors explicit.
      tuple tests: Use static_assert() in constexpr tests.
      Revert "tuple tests: Use static_assert() in constexpr tests."
      trackable.cc: Use auto instead of specifying iterator type.
      Use of auto instead of mentioning iterator types.
      signal: Use a range-based for() loop.
      C++11: Use = default for simple default constructors.
      C++11: slot: Use = default for simple copy constructor.
      C++11: Small uses of auto.

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