[glom] PostgreSelf: Remove the version number parsing methods.

commit 24af4acf7c08065d539bcfffbc104b93056e755b
Author: Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>
Date:   Tue Sep 1 12:18:37 2015 +0200

    PostgreSelf: Remove the version number parsing methods.
    Because they are not used.
    (In the previous commit I ported these from Glib::Regex to std::regex
    just as a way to learn about the std::regex API and to make sure that I
    can bring back working code if I need this again.)

 Makefile_tests.am                                  |    6 -
 .../connectionpool_backends/postgres_self.cc       |  135 --------------------
 .../connectionpool_backends/postgres_self.h        |   14 --
 tests/test_postgres_version_regexes.cc             |   52 --------
 4 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 207 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile_tests.am b/Makefile_tests.am
index 94b1c17..f61b64d 100644
--- a/Makefile_tests.am
+++ b/Makefile_tests.am
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ check_PROGRAMS =                                              \
        tests/test_document_autosave                    \
        tests/test_field_file_format                    \
        tests/test_parsing_time                 \
-       tests/test_postgres_version_regexes \
        tests/test_signal_reemit                        \
        tests/python/test_python_module \
@@ -69,7 +68,6 @@ TESTS =       tests/test_document_load        \
        tests/test_field_file_format \
        tests/test_field_file_format_in_locales.sh \
        tests/test_parsing_time \
-  tests/test_postgres_version_regexes \
        tests/test_signal_reemit \
        tests/test_dtd_file_validation.sh \
        tests/test_glade_file_validation.sh \
@@ -186,10 +184,6 @@ tests_test_parsing_time_SOURCES = tests/test_parsing_time.cc
 tests_test_parsing_time_LDADD = $(tests_ldadd)
 tests_test_parsing_time_CPPFLAGS = $(tests_cppflags)
-tests_test_postgres_version_regexes_SOURCES = tests/test_postgres_version_regexes.cc
-tests_test_postgres_version_regexes_LDADD = $(tests_ldadd)
-tests_test_postgres_version_regexes_CPPFLAGS = $(tests_cppflags)
 tests_test_signal_reemit_SOURCES = tests/test_signal_reemit.cc
 tests_test_signal_reemit_LDADD = $(LIBGLOM_LIBS)
 tests_test_signal_reemit_CPPFLAGS = $(tests_cppflags)
diff --git a/glom/libglom/connectionpool_backends/postgres_self.cc 
index ec954c7..14e066c 100644
--- a/glom/libglom/connectionpool_backends/postgres_self.cc
+++ b/glom/libglom/connectionpool_backends/postgres_self.cc
@@ -225,141 +225,6 @@ Backend::InitErrors PostgresSelfHosted::initialize(const SlotProgress& slot_prog
   return result ? InitErrors::NONE : InitErrors::COULD_NOT_START_SERVER;
-Glib::ustring PostgresSelfHosted::get_postgresql_utils_version_from_string(const std::string& version_output)
-  Glib::ustring result;
-  //Use a regex to get the version number:
-  std::regex regex;
-  //We want the characters at the end:
-  const gchar VERSION_REGEX[] = "pg_ctl \\(PostgreSQL\\) (\\S+)";
-  try
-  {
-    regex = std::regex(VERSION_REGEX);
-  }
-  catch(const std::regex_error& ex)
-  {
-    std::cerr << G_STRFUNC << ": std::regex constructor() failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
-    return result;
-  }
-  // We get, for instance, "\n" and 8.4.1" and "\n".
-  //TODO: Find a way to do a simple range-based for over the regex matches?
-  auto matches_begin = 
-    std::sregex_iterator(version_output.begin(), version_output.end(), regex);
-  auto matches_end = std::sregex_iterator();
-  for(auto iter = matches_begin; iter != matches_end; ++iter)
-  {
-    const auto match = *iter;
-    //We don't use a range-based for loop, so we can more easily
-    //skip the [0] match, which is the full (parent) match:
-    auto sub_matches_begin = match.cbegin();
-    ++sub_matches_begin; //Skip [0], which is the full (parent) match.
-    auto sub_matches_end = match.cend();
-    for(auto sub_iter = sub_matches_begin ; sub_iter != sub_matches_end; ++sub_iter)
-    {
-      const auto& sub = *sub_iter;
-      const auto str = sub.str();
-      //std::cout << "debug: str=" << str << std::endl;
-      if(!str.empty())
-        return str; //Found.
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-Glib::ustring PostgresSelfHosted::get_postgresql_utils_version(const SlotProgress& slot_progress)
-  Glib::ustring result;
-  const auto command = get_path_to_postgres_executable("pg_ctl") + " --version";
-  //The first command does not return, but the second command can check whether it succeeded:
-  std::string output;
-  const auto spawn_result = Glom::Spawn::execute_command_line_and_wait(command, slot_progress, output);
-  if(!spawn_result)
-  {
-    std::cerr << G_STRFUNC << ": Error while attempting to discover the pg_ctl version." << std::endl;
-    return Glib::ustring();
-  }
-  return get_postgresql_utils_version_from_string(output);
-float PostgresSelfHosted::get_postgresql_utils_version_as_number_from_string(const std::string& version_str)
-  //std::cout << "debug: " << G_STRFUNC << ": " << version_str << std::endl;
-  float result = 0;
-  std::regex regex;
-  //We want the characters at the end:
-  const gchar VERSION_REGEX[] = "(\\d*)\\.(\\d*)";
-  try
-  {
-    regex = std::regex(VERSION_REGEX);
-  }
-  catch(const std::regex_error& ex)
-  {
-    std::cerr << G_STRFUNC << ": std::regex constructor() failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
-    return result;
-  }
-  //We need to loop over the numbers because we get some "" items that we want to ignore:
-  guint count = 0; //We want 2 numbers.
-  auto matches_begin = 
-    std::sregex_iterator(version_str.begin(), version_str.end(), regex);
-  auto matches_end = std::sregex_iterator();
-  for(auto iter = matches_begin; iter != matches_end; ++iter)
-  {
-    const auto match = *iter;
-    //std::cout << "match: START" << match.str() << "END" << std::endl;
-    //We don't use a range-based for loop, so we can more easily
-    //skip the [0] match, which is the full (parent) match:
-    auto sub_matches_begin = match.cbegin();
-    ++sub_matches_begin; //Skip [0], which is the full (parent) match.
-    auto sub_matches_end = match.cend();
-    for(auto sub_iter = sub_matches_begin ; sub_iter != sub_matches_end; ++sub_iter)
-    {
-      const auto& sub = *sub_iter;
-      const auto str = sub.str();
-      if(str.empty())
-        continue;
-      const auto num = atoi(str.c_str());
-      if(count == 0)
-        result = num;
-      else if(count == 1)
-      {
-        result += (0.1 * num);
-        return result;
-      }
-      ++count;
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-float PostgresSelfHosted::get_postgresql_utils_version_as_number(const SlotProgress& slot_progress)
-  const std::string version_str = get_postgresql_utils_version(slot_progress);
-  return get_postgresql_utils_version_as_number_from_string(version_str);
 Backend::StartupErrors PostgresSelfHosted::startup(const SlotProgress& slot_progress, bool network_shared)
   m_network_shared = network_shared;
diff --git a/glom/libglom/connectionpool_backends/postgres_self.h 
index 608e7ff..4c18945 100644
--- a/glom/libglom/connectionpool_backends/postgres_self.h
+++ b/glom/libglom/connectionpool_backends/postgres_self.h
@@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ public:
   static bool install_postgres(const SlotProgress& slot_progress);
-  ///This is public so it can be tested:
-  static Glib::ustring get_postgresql_utils_version_from_string(const std::string& version_output);
-  ///This is public so it can be tested:
-  static float get_postgresql_utils_version_as_number_from_string(const std::string& version_str);
   virtual InitErrors initialize(const SlotProgress& slot_progress, const Glib::ustring& initial_username, 
const Glib::ustring& password, bool network_shared = false);
@@ -76,14 +70,6 @@ private:
    * order, and return the first one that is available.
   static unsigned int discover_first_free_port(unsigned int start_port, unsigned int end_port);
-  /** Run the command-line with the --version option to discover what version
-   * of PostgreSQL is installed, so we can use the appropriate configuration
-   * options when self-hosting.
-   */
-  Glib::ustring get_postgresql_utils_version(const SlotProgress& slot_progress);
-  float get_postgresql_utils_version_as_number(const SlotProgress& slot_progress);
   void show_active_connections();

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