[video-subtitles] Added Lithuanian translation
- From: Aurimas ÄŒernius <aurimasc src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [video-subtitles] Added Lithuanian translation
- Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2015 19:30:26 +0000 (UTC)
commit c29716f3a733adbc46bebda2e1bbb20aa397045c
Author: Aurimas ÄŒernius <aurisc4 gmail com>
Date: Sun Oct 25 21:30:09 2015 +0200
Added Lithuanian translation
video-subtitles/gnome318/po/LINGUAS | 1 +
video-subtitles/gnome318/po/lt.po | 305 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 306 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/video-subtitles/gnome318/po/LINGUAS b/video-subtitles/gnome318/po/LINGUAS
index 2c5074e..6e39285 100644
--- a/video-subtitles/gnome318/po/LINGUAS
+++ b/video-subtitles/gnome318/po/LINGUAS
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ gl
diff --git a/video-subtitles/gnome318/po/lt.po b/video-subtitles/gnome318/po/lt.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5d1ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/video-subtitles/gnome318/po/lt.po
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+# Lithuanian translation for video-subtitles.
+# Copyright (C) 2015 video-subtitles's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the video-subtitles package.
+# Moo <hazap hotmail com>, 2015.
+# Aurimas ÄŒernius <aurisc4 gmail com>, 2015.
+#. extracted from ../gnome318.srt
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: video-subtitles master\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-24 13:41+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-10-25 21:27+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Aurimas ÄŒernius <aurisc4 gmail com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Lietuvių <gnome-lt lists akl lt>\n"
+"Language: lt\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n"
+"%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:04.040-->00:00:06.760
+msgid "Thanks to the hard work of interns and contributors"
+msgstr "Praktikantų ir talkininkų sunkaus darbo dėka"
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:06.760-->00:00:09.140
+msgid "GNOME announces version 3.18."
+msgstr "GNOME skelbia naujÄ… 3.18 versijÄ…."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:00:10.160-->00:00:13.560
+msgid "In this release, GNOME improves the general user experience.."
+msgstr "Šiame leidime, GNOME patobulina bendrą naudotojo naudotojo patirtį.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:13.560-->00:00:15.560
+msgid "..for users and new developers alike."
+msgstr "..tiek naudotojams, tiek kūrėjams."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:00:17.200-->00:00:18.860
+msgid "If your computer has a light sensor.."
+msgstr "Jeigu jūsų kompiuteryje yra šviesos jutiklis.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:19.160-->00:00:21.160
+msgid "..GNOME can now use it to automatically.."
+msgstr "..dabar GNOME gali automatiškai jį naudoti tam,.."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:00:21.160-->00:00:23.120
+msgid "..adjust the brightness of your screen."
+msgstr "..kad reguliuotų jūsų ekrano ryškumą."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:24.080-->00:00:26.520
+msgid "The touch screen experience has also improved.."
+msgstr "LieÄiamojo ekrano patyrimas taip patbuvo patobulintas.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:26.600-->00:00:29.040
+msgid "..when selecting and modifying text."
+msgstr "..žymint ir redaguojant tekstą."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:30.760-->00:00:33.560
+msgid "Files has received a lot of attention this cycle."
+msgstr "Å iame cikle, daug dÄ—mesio buvo skirta failams."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:00:34.320-->00:00:37.520
+msgid "There's a new view in the sidebar so remote and internal locations.."
+msgstr "Šoniniame polangyje yra naujas nuotolinių ir vidinių vietų rodinys,.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:37.520-->00:00:40.280
+msgid "..are collected in one place for your convience."
+msgstr "..kuriame jūsų patogumui yra surenkamos visos vietos."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:40.960-->00:00:42.960
+msgid "Progress is now shown in the headerbar.."
+msgstr "Dabar eiga yra rodoma antraštės juostoje.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:42.960-->00:00:44.960
+msgid "..when files are being copied."
+msgstr "..kopijuojant failus."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:00:45.400-->00:00:47.000
+msgid "There are many other improvements.."
+msgstr "Yra ir daug kitų patobulinimų,.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:47.320-->00:00:49.320
+msgid "..including a more polished search function.."
+msgstr "..įskaitant dar labiau nušlifuotą paieškos funkciją.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:50.520-->00:00:52.520
+msgid "..Google Drive integration.."
+msgstr "..Google disko integravimÄ….."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:52.520-->00:00:54.520
+msgid "..and better file management."
+msgstr "..ir geresnį failų tvarkymą."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:00:58.160-->00:01:01.400
+msgid "Software has become the first to support updating device firmware.."
+msgstr ""
+"PrograminÄ— įranga tapo pirmÄ…ja palaikanÄia aparatinÄ—s įrangos atnaujinimÄ….."
+# "Linux Vendor Firmware" jau neverÄiam, nes netelpa, o ar bÅ«tina?
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:01:01.400-->00:01:04.480
+msgid "..through the new Linux Vendor Firmware Service."
+msgstr "..per naujÄ…jÄ… Linux Vendor Firmware tarnybÄ…."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:01:05.480-->00:01:08.200
+msgid "The service allows vendors to submit firmware.."
+msgstr "Ši tarnyba leidžia tiekėjams pateikti aparatinę programinę įrangą.."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:01:08.200-->00:01:11.880
+msgid ""
+"..and GNOME Software will allow you to install it with the click of a button."
+msgstr ""
+"..o GNOME Programinė įranga, leis jums ją įdiegti vienu mygtuko nuspaudimu."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:01:14.240-->00:01:16.720
+msgid "Furthermore, the GNOME community.."
+msgstr "Be to, GNOME bendruomenÄ—.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:01:16.720-->00:01:19.280
+msgid "..has improved a large variety of apps.."
+msgstr "..patobulino didelę programų įvairovę.."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:01:19.280-->00:01:20.760
+msgid "..including Calendar.."
+msgstr "..įskaitant Kalendorių,.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:01:20.760-->00:01:23.120
+msgid "..which now comes with a management dialog.."
+msgstr "..kuris pateikiamas su valdymo dialogu, skirtu padÄ—ti jums.."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:01:23.120-->00:01:24.760
+msgid "..to help you manage your calendars."
+msgstr "..tvarkyti savo kalendorius."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:01:25.400-->00:01:26.680
+msgid "Polari.."
+msgstr "Polari.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:01:26.680-->00:01:29.280
+msgid "..with a better initial user experience."
+msgstr "..su geresniu pradiniu naudotojo patyrimu."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:01:30.280-->00:01:31.560
+msgid "GNOME Documents.."
+msgstr "GNOME Dokumentus.."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:01:31.560-->00:01:35.360
+msgid ""
+"..which is sporting a revamped user interface for organizing your documents."
+msgstr ""
+"..kuriuose pristatoma pataisyta, dokumentų valdymui skirta, naudotojo sąsaja."
+#. visible for 0 seconds
+#: 00:01:35.760-->00:01:36.640
+msgid "And Evince.."
+msgstr "Ir Evince.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:01:36.640-->00:01:39.440
+msgid ".. which annotation and video support has improved."
+msgstr ".. kurioje pagerintas anotacijų ir vaizdo palaikymas."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:01:43.080-->00:01:46.200
+msgid "GNOME 3.18 comes with a preview of GNOME To Do.."
+msgstr "GNOME 3.18 pateikiama su programos GNOME Darbai peržiūros versija.."
+#. visible for 4 seconds
+#: 00:01:46.200-->00:01:50.520
+msgid ""
+"..a personal task manager helping you keep track of the tasks ahead of time."
+msgstr ""
+"..asmeninÄ—s darbų tvarkytuvÄ—s, padedanÄios anksÄiau laiko, stebÄ—ti užduotis."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:01:52.040-->00:01:55.120
+msgid "GNOME's development tools have also improved this cycle."
+msgstr "Šiame cikle buvo patobulinti ir GNOME kūrimo įrankiai."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:01:55.440-->00:01:57.040
+msgid "Builder, for example.."
+msgstr "Pavyzdžiui, Builder.."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:01:57.040-->00:01:58.960
+msgid "..now has a source code minimap.."
+msgstr "..dabar turi pirminio kodo mini žemėlapį.."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:01:59.000-->00:02:00.680
+msgid ".. a shortcut overview.."
+msgstr ".. trumpinių apžvalgą.."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:02:00.680-->00:02:02.480
+msgid "..and auto-completion for Python."
+msgstr "..ir automatinį Python užbaigimą."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:02:03.280-->00:02:06.400
+msgid "The human interface guidelines have been restructured.."
+msgstr "Naudotojo sąsajos gairės buvo restruktūrizuotos.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:02:06.400-->00:02:08.400
+msgid "..and include new usage patterns."
+msgstr "..ir įgavo naujų naudojimo šablonų."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:02:09.440-->00:02:12.840
+msgid "GNOME Logs' user interface now gives a better overview.."
+msgstr "GNOME Žurnalų naudotojo sąsaja, dabar suteikia geresnę apžvalgą.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:02:12.920-->00:02:15.400
+msgid "..and can show you logs from the last five boots."
+msgstr "..ir gali rodyti praeitų penkių paleidimų žurnalus."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:02:16.240-->00:02:18.320
+msgid "Boxes has improved its interface.."
+msgstr "Dėžės patobulino savo sąsają.."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:02:18.320-->00:02:19.680
+msgid "..with a new list view.."
+msgstr "..nauju sąrašo rodiniu, skirtu naudotojams,.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:02:19.680-->00:02:21.960
+msgid "..for users with a lot of virtual machines."
+msgstr "..turintiems daugybę virtualių mašinų."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:02:22.280-->00:02:25.960
+msgid "Finally, GTK+ has received new typographic features."
+msgstr "Na ir pagaliau, GTK+ įgavo naujų apipavidalinimo ypatybių."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:02:28.280-->00:02:30.600
+msgid "The new GNOME release is available for you.."
+msgstr "Nauja GNOME laida yra jums prieinama išbandyti.."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:02:30.680-->00:02:32.520
+msgid "..as a live image to try now."
+msgstr "..kaip tiesiogiai paleidžiamas atvaizdis."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:02:33.600-->00:02:37.400
+msgid "Many distributions will also ship GNOME 3.18 in the near future."
+msgstr "Daugelis distribucijų artimu metu taip pat pateiks GNOME 3.18."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:02:39.360-->00:02:41.520
+msgid "GNOME is a friendly community.."
+msgstr "GNOME yra draugiška bendruomenė,.."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:02:41.520-->00:02:43.200
+msgid "..who is making free software for everyone."
+msgstr "kuri kuria laisvą programinę įrangą, skirtą kiekvienam."
+#. visible for 0 seconds
+#: 00:02:43.960-->00:02:44.900
+msgid "Excited?"
+msgstr "Sudomino?"
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:02:45.280-->00:02:48.500
+msgid "Join us in making GNOME the perfect desktop environment."
+msgstr "Prisijunkite prie mūsų, kuriant tobulą GNOME darbalaukio aplinką."
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