[chronojump] powerBars use inertia instead of mass if some curves are inertial

commit 59e1fe28e179fb8041e3b1fab6dfaa7ab2d6e2c0
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Wed May 13 14:24:49 2015 +0200

    powerBars use inertia instead of mass if some curves are inertial

 encoder/graph.R |   19 ++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index ec29e3a..aebd384 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -1189,11 +1189,19 @@ textBox <- function(x,y,text,frontCol,bgCol,xpad=.1,ypad=1){
-paintPowerPeakPowerBars <- function(singleFile, title, paf, Eccon, height, n, showTTPP, showRange) {
+paintPowerPeakPowerBars <- function(singleFile, title, paf, Eccon, height, n, showTTPP, showRange) 
+       #if there's one or more inertial curves: show inertia instead of mass
+       if(findInertialCurves(paf)) {
+               load = paf[,findPosInPaf("Inertia","")]
+               load = load * 10000
+       } else
+               load = paf[,findPosInPaf("Load","")]
        myNums = rownames(paf)
        height = abs(height/10)
-       load = paf[,findPosInPaf("Load","")]
        laterality = translateVector(as.vector(paf[,findPosInPaf("Laterality","")]))
        if(Eccon=="ecS" || Eccon=="ceS") {
@@ -1241,7 +1249,12 @@ paintPowerPeakPowerBars <- function(singleFile, title, paf, Eccon, height, n, sh
                        ylim=c(lowerY,max(powerData)), xpd=FALSE) #ylim, xpd = F,  makes barplot starts high 
(compare between them)
-       mtext(paste(translate("Repetition")," \n",translate("Mass")," 
+       loadWord = "Mass"
+       if(findInertialCurves(paf))
+               loadWord = "Inertia"
+       mtext(paste(translate("Repetition")," \n",translate(loadWord)," 

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