[chronojump] Initial code for findCurves on graph.R same than on capture

commit ec84e14b674d832de444a5d7b1436e59d7b16dc4
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Mon May 4 19:44:51 2015 +0200

    Initial code for findCurves on graph.R same than on capture

 encoder/graph.R |  159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index 5e52bb5..2a27159 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -146,8 +146,160 @@ translateVector <- function(englishVector) {
 #      return(displacement)
+#this is equal to runEncoderCaptureCsharp()
+#but note getDisplacement hapens before this function, so no need getDisplacement here
+#also don't need byteReadedRaw, and encoderReadedRaw. encoderReaded is 'displacement' here
+findCurvesNew <- function(displacement, eccon, min_height, draw, title) 
+       #---- 1) declare variables ----
+       byteReaded = NULL
+       position = cumsum(displacement)
+       sum = 0
+       directionChangePeriod = 25
+       directionChangeCount = 0
+       directionNow = 1
+       directionLastMSecond = 1
+       directionCompleted = -1
+       previousFrameChange = 0
+       previousEnd = 0
+       lastNonZero = 0
+       heightAtCurveStart = 0
+       heightAccumulated = 0
+       inertialCaptureDirectionChecked = FALSE
+       inertialCaptureDirectionInverted = FALSE
+       capturingFirstPhase = TRUE
+       startCurrent = NULL
+       endCurrent = NULL
+       startStored = NULL
+       endStored= NULL
+       startHStored = NULL
+       row = 1
+       count = 1
+       #---- 2) start ----
+       while(count <= length(displacement)) {
+             byteReaded = displacement[count]
+             #TODO: need this? 
+             #if(inertialCaptureDirectionInverted)
+             # byteReadedRaw = -1 * byteReadedRaw
+             sum = sum + byteReaded
+             #the inertial change of direction is not needed here because runEncoderCaptureCsharp() stores 
data already 'changed'
+             #so no change here is needed
+             #if string goes up or down, store the direction
+             if(byteReaded != 0)
+                     directionNow = byteReaded / ( 1.0 * abs(byteReaded) ) #1 (up) or -1 (down)
+             #if we don't have changed the direction, store the last non-zero that we can find
+             if(directionChangeCount == 0 && directionNow == directionLastMSecond) {
+                     if(byteReaded != 0)
+                             lastNonZero = count
+             }
+             #if it's different than the last direction, mark the start of change
+             if(directionNow != directionLastMSecond) {
+                     directionLastMSecond = directionNow
+                     directionChangeCount = 0
+             } 
+             else if(directionNow != directionCompleted) {
+                     #we are in a different direction than the last completed
+                     directionChangeCount = directionChangeCount +1
+                     if(directionChangeCount > directionChangePeriod)
+                     {
+                             startFrame = previousEnd
+                             if(startFrame < 0)
+                                     startFrame = 0
+                             #previousWasUp = ! Util.IntToBool(directionNow); #if we go now UP, then record 
previous DOWN phase
+                             previousWasUp = TRUE
+                             if(directionNow == 1)
+                                     previousWasUp = FALSE
+                             startCurrent = startFrame
+                             endCurrent = ( count - directionChangeCount + lastNonZero) / 2
+                             if(endCurrent > startCurrent)
+                             {
+                                     heightAtCurveStart = heightAccumulated
+                                     heightCurve = max(position[startCurrent:endCurrent]) - 
+                                     previousEnd = endCurrent
-findCurves <- function(displacement, eccon, min_height, draw, title) {
+                                     heightAccumulated = heightAccumulated + heightCurve
+                                     heightCurve = abs(heightCurve) #mm -> cm
+                                     sendCurve = TRUE
+                                     if(heightCurve >= min_height) {
+                                             #TODO: add the inertia stuff here?
+                                             if( eccon == "c" && ! previousWasUp )
+                                                     sendCurve = FALSE
+                                             if( (eccon == "ec" || eccon == "ecS") && previousWasUp && 
capturingFirstPhase )
+                                                     sendCurve = FALSE
+                                     } else {
+                                             sendCurve = FALSE
+                                     }
+                                     #store the curve
+                                     if(sendCurve) {
+                                             startStored[row] = startCurrent
+                                             endStored[row] = endCurrent
+                                             startHStored[row] = position[startCurrent]
+                                             row = row + 1
+                                     }
+                             }
+                             previousFrameChange = count - directionChangeCount
+                             directionChangeCount = 0
+                             directionCompleted = directionNow
+                     }
+             }
+             count = count +1
+       }
+       if(draw) {
+               lty=1
+               col="black"
+               plot((1:length(position))/1000                  #ms -> s
+                    ,position/10,                              #mm -> cm
+                    type="l",
+                    xlim=c(1,length(position))/1000,           #ms -> s
+                    xlab="",ylab="",axes=T,
+                    lty=lty,col=col) 
+               title(title, cex.main=1, font.main=1)
+               mtext(paste(translate("time"),"(s)"),side=1,adj=1,line=-1)
+               mtext(paste(translate("displacement"),"(cm)"),side=2,adj=1,line=-1)
+       }
+       return(as.data.frame(cbind(startStored,endStored,startHStored)))
+#extrema method
+#there are problems when small changes of direction are found
+#unused now, use the new findCurves (above) that is equal to runEncoderCaptureCsharp()
+findCurvesOld <- function(displacement, eccon, min_height, draw, title) {
        print("at findCurves")
@@ -1998,8 +2150,9 @@ doProcess <- function(options)
-               curves=findCurves(displacement, op$Eccon, op$MinHeight, curvesPlot, op$Title)
+               curves=findCurvesOld(displacement, op$Eccon, op$MinHeight, curvesPlot, op$Title)
+               #curves=findCurvesNew(displacement, op$Eccon, op$MinHeight, curvesPlot, op$Title)
                if(op$Analysis == "curves")
                        curvesPlot = TRUE

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