[chronojump] On recalcule, curves deleted if eccon changed, but updated if changed exerciseId, laterality or extr

commit c599b857dd515de2dea9cd59bf42c2dbe8e6a8ab
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Tue Mar 17 13:29:40 2015 +0100

    On recalcule, curves deleted if eccon changed, but updated if changed exerciseId, laterality or 

 src/gui/encoder.cs |   71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 src/sqlite/main.cs |    4 ++-
 2 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gui/encoder.cs b/src/gui/encoder.cs
index 06878c0..e57869a 100644
--- a/src/gui/encoder.cs
+++ b/src/gui/encoder.cs
@@ -328,6 +328,8 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                        //it crashes on Raspberry, Banana
+               capturingCsharp = encoderCaptureProcess.STOPPED;
                //done here because in Glade we cannot use the TextBuffer.Changed
                textview_encoder_signal_comment.Buffer.Changed += new 
@@ -5566,40 +5568,71 @@ LogB.Debug("D");
                                        string eccon = findEccon(true);
+                                        * (0) open Sqlite
                                         * (1) if found curves of this signal
-                                        * (2) and this curves are with 
-                                        *      different eccon OR
-                                        *      different exercise
-                                        * (3) delete the curves (files)
-                                        * (4) delete the curves (encoder table)
-                                        * (5) and also delete from (encoderSignalCurves table)
-                                        * (6) update analyze labels and combos
+                                        *      (1a) this curves are with different eccon
+                                        *              (1a1) delete the curves (files)
+                                        *              (1a2) delete the curves (encoder table)
+                                        *              (1a3) and also delete from (encoderSignalCurves table)
+                                        *      (1b) or different exercise, or different laterality or 
different extraWeight
+                                        *              (1b1) update curves with new data
+                                        *                      but delete the future1 (power) because maybe 
has changed (in exerciseID or extraWeight change)
+                                        * (2) update analyze labels and combos
+                                        * (3) close Sqlite
+                                       Sqlite.Open(); // (0)
                                        bool deletedUserCurves = false;
                                        EncoderSQL currentSignalSQL = (EncoderSQL) SqliteEncoder.Select(
-                                                       false, Convert.ToInt32(encoderSignalUniqueID), 0, 0, 
+                                                       true, Convert.ToInt32(encoderSignalUniqueID), 0, 0, 
                                                        "", EncoderSQL.Eccons.ALL, 
                                                        false, true)[0];
                                        ArrayList data = SqliteEncoder.Select(
-                                                       false, -1, currentPerson.UniqueID, 
currentSession.UniqueID, -1,
+                                                       true, -1, currentPerson.UniqueID, 
currentSession.UniqueID, -1,
                                                        "curve", EncoderSQL.Eccons.ALL,  
                                                        false, true);
-                                       foreach(EncoderSQL eSQL in data) {
-                                               if(
-                                                               currentSignalSQL.GetDate(false) == 
eSQL.GetDate(false) &&               // (1)
-                                                               (findEccon(true) != eSQL.eccon || 
currentSignalSQL.exerciseID != eSQL.exerciseID) // (2)
-                                                               ) {
-                                                       Util.FileDelete(eSQL.GetFullURL(false));              
                          // (3)
-                                                       Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.EncoderTable, 
Convert.ToInt32(eSQL.uniqueID));   // (4)
-                                                       SqliteEncoder.DeleteSignalCurveWithCurveID(false, 
Convert.ToInt32(eSQL.uniqueID)); // (5)
-                                                       deletedUserCurves = true;
+                                       foreach(EncoderSQL eSQL in data) 
+                                       {
+                                               if(currentSignalSQL.GetDate(false) == eSQL.GetDate(false))    
          // (1)
+                                               {
+                                                       if(findEccon(true) != eSQL.eccon) {                   
          // (1a)
+                                                               Util.FileDelete(eSQL.GetFullURL(false));      
                                  // (1a1)
+                                                               Sqlite.Delete(true, Constants.EncoderTable, 
Convert.ToInt32(eSQL.uniqueID));    // (1a2)
SqliteEncoder.DeleteSignalCurveWithCurveID(true, Convert.ToInt32(eSQL.uniqueID)); // (1a3)
+                                                               deletedUserCurves = true;
+                                                       } else {                                              
          // (1b)
+                                                               if(
+                                                                               currentSignalSQL.exerciseID 
!= eSQL.exerciseID ||
+                                                                               currentSignalSQL.extraWeight 
!= eSQL.extraWeight ) 
+                                                               {
+                                                                       if(currentSignalSQL.exerciseID != 
+                                                                               Sqlite.Update(true, 
Constants.EncoderTable, "exerciseID",
+                                                                                               "", 
+                                                                                               "uniqueID", 
+                                                                       if(currentSignalSQL.extraWeight != 
+                                                                               Sqlite.Update(true, 
Constants.EncoderTable, "extraWeight",
+                                                                                               "", 
+                                                                                               "uniqueID", 
+                                                                       Sqlite.Update(true, 
Constants.EncoderTable, "future1",
+                                                                                       "", "0",
+                                                                                       "uniqueID", 
+                                                               }
+                                                               if(currentSignalSQL.laterality != 
+                                                                       Sqlite.Update(true, 
Constants.EncoderTable, "laterality",
+                                                                                       "", 
+                                                                                       "uniqueID", 
+                                                       }
-                                               updateUserCurvesLabelsAndCombo(false);          // (6)
+                                               updateUserCurvesLabelsAndCombo(true);   // (2)
+                                       Sqlite.Close();                                         // (3)
diff --git a/src/sqlite/main.cs b/src/sqlite/main.cs
index c957968..da9cac4 100644
--- a/src/sqlite/main.cs
+++ b/src/sqlite/main.cs
@@ -2765,7 +2765,9 @@ LogB.SQL("5" + tableName);
        //if we want to use the condition2 but not the searchValue, leave this as ""
-       public static void Update(bool dbconOpened, string tableName, string columnName, string searchValue, 
string newValue, 
+       public static void Update(
+                       bool dbconOpened, string tableName, string columnName, 
+                       string searchValue, string newValue, 
                        string columnNameCondition2, string searchValueCondition2)
                if( ! dbconOpened)

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