[gnome-system-monitor] Created tag GNOME_SYSTEM_MONITOR_3_15_4

The signed tag 'GNOME_SYSTEM_MONITOR_3_15_4' was created.

Tagger: Robert Roth <robert roth off gmail com>
Date: Mon Jan 19 19:22:35 2015 +0200

    Tagged release 3.15.4

Changes since the last tag 'GNOME_SYSTEM_MONITOR_3_15_3':

BenoƮt Dejean (10):
      Test & fix for pid=0
      Define a helper NonCopyable base class.
      Make LoadGraph non-copyable.
      Make SmoothRefresh non-copyable.
      Initialize all SmoothRefresh members.
      Initialize all ProcInfo members.
      Initialize all members of ProcConfig, MutableProcInfo and GsmApplication. And make them NonCopyable.
      Initialize all LoadGraph and OptionGroup members.
      Initialize all members of GUI and make it NonCopyable.
      Initialize all MemMapsData members.

Robert Roth (3):
      Removed dummy process with 0 PID
      Removed iconthemewrapper
      Release 3.15.4

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