[meld: 42/63] Merge branch 'master' into Gio; includes non-trivial binary open merge

commit 4317f44cb2cb1b2c59c0b124cd7e6fbf2dff6212
Merge: e1d183f 5d21364
Author: Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com>
Date:   Mon Sep 28 06:54:00 2015 +1000

    Merge branch 'master' into Gio; includes non-trivial binary open merge

 help/C/keyboard-shortcuts.page |    2 +-
 meld/dirdiff.py                |    4 +-
 meld/filediff.py               |   23 +
 meld/meldapp.py                |    6 +
 po/es.po                       |   82 ++--
 po/fi.po                       | 1232 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 po/hu.po                       |  460 ++++++++--------
 po/pl.po                       |  300 +++++-----
 po/sv.po                       |  403 +++++++------
 setup.py                       |    5 +-
 10 files changed, 1389 insertions(+), 1128 deletions(-)
diff --cc meld/filediff.py
index 46231db,0aabdba..928ec40
--- a/meld/filediff.py
+++ b/meld/filediff.py
@@@ -1051,46 -1043,113 +1051,69 @@@ class FileDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomegl
          files = [b.data.filename for b in self.textbuffer[:self.num_panes]]
          return recent.TYPE_FILE, files
 -    def _load_files(self, files, textbuffers):
 -        self.undosequence.clear()
 -        yield _("[%s] Set num panes") % self.label_text
 -        self.set_num_panes( len(files) )
 -        self._disconnect_buffer_handlers()
 -        self.linediffer.clear()
 -        self.queue_draw()
 -        try_codecs = list(settings.get_value('detect-encodings'))
 -        try_codecs.append('latin1')
 -        yield _("[%s] Opening files") % self.label_text
 -        tasks = []
 +    def file_loaded(self, loader, result, user_data):
 +        gfile = loader.get_location()
 +        pane = user_data[0]
 +        success = False
 +        try:
 +            success = loader.load_finish(result)
 +        except GLib.Error as err:
 +            # TODO: Find sane error domain constants
 +            if err.domain == 'gtk-source-file-loader-error':
 +                # TODO: Add custom reload-with-encoding handling for
 +                # GtkSource.FileLoaderError.CONVERSION_FALLBACK and
 +                # GtkSource.FileLoaderError.ENCODING_AUTO_DETECTION_FAILED
 +                pass
 +            filename = GLib.markup_escape_text(
 +                gfile.get_parse_name()).decode('utf-8')
 +            primary = _(
 +                u"There was a problem opening the file ā€œ%sā€." % filename)
 +            self.msgarea_mgr[pane].add_dismissable_msg(
 +                Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR, primary, err.message)
 +        buf = loader.get_buffer()
 +        if success:
 +            buf.data.encoding = loader.get_encoding()
 +            buf.data.newlines = loader.get_newline_type()
 -        def add_dismissable_msg(pane, icon, primary, secondary):
++        start, end = buf.get_bounds()
++        buffer_text = buf.get_text(start, end, False)
++        if not buf.data.encoding and '\\00' in buffer_text:
++            primary = _("File %s appears to be a binary file.") % filename
++            secondary = _(
++                "Do you want to open the file using the default application?")
+             msgarea = self.msgarea_mgr[pane].new_from_text_and_icon(
 -                            icon, primary, secondary)
++                Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING, primary, secondary)
++            msgarea.add_button(_("Open"), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT)
+             msgarea.add_button(_("Hi_de"), Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE)
 -            msgarea.connect("response",
 -                            lambda *args: self.msgarea_mgr[pane].clear())
++            def make_binary_callback(pane, filename):
++                def on_binary_file_open(msgarea, response_id, *args):
++                    self.msgarea_mgr[pane].clear()
++                    if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT:
++                        self._open_files([filename])
++                    return on_binary_file_open
++                return on_binary_file_open
++            msgarea.connect(
++                "response", make_binary_callback(pane, gfile.get_path()))
+             msgarea.show_all()
 -            return msgarea
 -        for pane, filename in enumerate(files):
 -            buf = textbuffers[pane]
 -            if filename:
 -                try:
 -                    handle = io.open(filename, "r", encoding=try_codecs[0])
 -                    task = TaskEntry(filename, handle, buf, try_codecs[:],
 -                                     pane, False)
 -                    tasks.append(task)
 -                except (IOError, LookupError) as e:
 -                    buf.delete(*buf.get_bounds())
 -                    add_dismissable_msg(pane, Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR,
 -                                        _("Could not read file"), str(e))
 -        yield _("[%s] Reading files") % self.label_text
 -        while len(tasks):
 -            for t in tasks[:]:
 -                try:
 -                    nextbit = t.file.read(4096)
 -                    if nextbit.find("\x00") != -1:
 -                        t.buf.delete(*t.buf.get_bounds())
 -                        filename = GObject.markup_escape_text(t.filename)
 -                        primary = _("File %s appears to be a binary file.") % filename
 -                        secondary = _("Do you want to open the file using the default application?")
 -                        msgarea = self.msgarea_mgr[t.pane].new_from_text_and_icon(
 -                                        Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING, primary, secondary)
 -                        msgarea.add_button(_("Open"), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT)
 -                        msgarea.add_button(_("Hi_de"), Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE)
 -                        def make_binary_callback(pane, filename):
 -                            def on_binary_file_open(msgarea, response_id, *args):
 -                                self.msgarea_mgr[pane].clear()
 -                                if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT:
 -                                    self._open_files([filename])
 -                                return on_binary_file_open
 -                            return on_binary_file_open
 -                        msgarea.connect("response", make_binary_callback(t.pane, t.filename))
 -                        msgarea.show_all()
 -                        tasks.remove(t)
 -                        continue
 -                except ValueError as err:
 -                    t.codec.pop(0)
 -                    if len(t.codec):
 -                        t.buf.delete(*t.buf.get_bounds())
 -                        t.file = io.open(t.filename, "r", encoding=t.codec[0])
 -                    else:
 -                        t.buf.delete(*t.buf.get_bounds())
 -                        filename = GObject.markup_escape_text(t.filename)
 -                        add_dismissable_msg(t.pane, Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR,
 -                                        _("Could not read file"),
 -                                        _("%s is not in encodings: %s") %
 -                                            (filename, try_codecs))
 -                        tasks.remove(t)
 -                except IOError as ioerr:
 -                    add_dismissable_msg(t.pane, Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR,
 -                                    _("Could not read file"), str(ioerr))
 -                    tasks.remove(t)
 -                else:
 -                    # The handling here avoids inserting split CR/LF pairs into
 -                    # GtkTextBuffers; this is relevant only when universal
 -                    # newline support is unavailable or broken.
 -                    if t.was_cr:
 -                        nextbit = "\r" + nextbit
 -                        t.was_cr = False
 -                    if len(nextbit):
 -                        if nextbit[-1] == "\r" and len(nextbit) > 1:
 -                            t.was_cr = True
 -                            nextbit = nextbit[0:-1]
 -                        t.buf.insert(t.buf.get_end_iter(), nextbit)
 -                    else:
 -                        if t.buf.data.savefile:
 -                            writable = True
 -                            if os.path.exists(t.buf.data.savefile):
 -                                writable = os.access(
 -                                    t.buf.data.savefile, os.W_OK)
 -                        else:
 -                            writable = os.access(t.filename, os.W_OK)
 -                        self.set_buffer_writable(t.buf, writable)
 -                        t.buf.data.encoding = t.codec[0]
 -                        if hasattr(t.file, "newlines"):
 -                            t.buf.data.newlines = t.file.newlines
 -                        tasks.remove(t)
 -            yield 1
 -        for b in self.textbuffer:
 -            self.undosequence.checkpoint(b)
 -            b.data.update_mtime()
 +        self.update_buffer_writable(buf)
 +        self.undosequence.checkpoint(buf)
 +        buf.data.update_mtime()
 +        buf.data.loaded = True
 +        if all(b.data.loaded for b in self.textbuffer[:self.num_panes]):
 +            self.scheduler.add_task(self._compare_files_internal())
 +    def _merge_files(self):
 +        yield 1
      def _diff_files(self, refresh=False):
          yield _("[%s] Computing differences") % self.label_text

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