[evince] libview: Allow printing to all formats supported by backend

commit b050d1d596df2b3ef49a61d894fc89666288af2a
Author: Marek Kasik <mkasik redhat com>
Date:   Thu Mar 27 15:40:52 2014 +0100

    libview: Allow printing to all formats supported by backend
    Set output format of EvPrintOperationExport according to the format
    requested by user or by capabilities of used backend if there
    is only 1 choice.

 libview/ev-print-operation.c |   61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libview/ev-print-operation.c b/libview/ev-print-operation.c
index cfa0dd8..8957eec 100644
--- a/libview/ev-print-operation.c
+++ b/libview/ev-print-operation.c
@@ -1141,24 +1141,46 @@ ev_print_operation_export_begin (EvPrintOperationExport *export)
+static EvFileExporterFormat
+get_file_exporter_format (EvFileExporter   *exporter,
+                          GtkPrintSettings *print_settings)
+       const gchar *file_format;
+       EvFileExporterFormat format = EV_FILE_FORMAT_PS;
+       file_format = gtk_print_settings_get (print_settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_FILE_FORMAT);
+       if (file_format != NULL) {
+               format = g_ascii_strcasecmp (file_format, "pdf") == 0 ?
+                        EV_FILE_FORMAT_PDF : EV_FILE_FORMAT_PS;
+       } else {
+               if (ev_file_exporter_get_capabilities (exporter) &
+                       format = EV_FILE_FORMAT_PDF;
+               else
+                       format = EV_FILE_FORMAT_PS;
+       }
+       return format;
 static void
 ev_print_operation_export_print_dialog_response_cb (GtkDialog              *dialog,
                                                    gint                    response,
                                                    EvPrintOperationExport *export)
-       GtkPrintPages     print_pages;
-       GtkPrintSettings *print_settings;
-       GtkPageSetup     *page_setup;
-       GtkPrinter       *printer;
-       gdouble           scale;
-       gdouble           width;
-       gdouble           height;
-       gint              first_page;
-       gint              last_page;
-       const gchar      *file_format;
-       gchar            *filename;
-       GError           *error = NULL;
-       EvPrintOperation *op = EV_PRINT_OPERATION (export);
+       GtkPrintPages         print_pages;
+       GtkPrintSettings     *print_settings;
+       GtkPageSetup         *page_setup;
+       GtkPrinter           *printer;
+       gdouble               scale;
+       gdouble               width;
+       gdouble               height;
+       gint                  first_page;
+       gint                  last_page;
+       gchar                *filename;
+       GError               *error = NULL;
+       EvPrintOperation     *op = EV_PRINT_OPERATION (export);
+       EvFileExporterFormat  format;
        if (response != GTK_RESPONSE_OK &&
            response != GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY) {
@@ -1179,7 +1201,11 @@ ev_print_operation_export_print_dialog_response_cb (GtkDialog              *dial
        page_setup = gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_page_setup (GTK_PRINT_UNIX_DIALOG (dialog));
        ev_print_operation_export_set_default_page_setup (op, page_setup);
-       if (!gtk_printer_accepts_ps (export->printer)) {
+       format = get_file_exporter_format (EV_FILE_EXPORTER (op->document),
+                                          print_settings);
+       if ((format == EV_FILE_FORMAT_PS && !gtk_printer_accepts_ps (export->printer)) ||
+           (format == EV_FILE_FORMAT_PDF && !gtk_printer_accepts_pdf (export->printer))) {
                gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog));
                g_set_error_literal (&export->error,
@@ -1191,9 +1217,7 @@ ev_print_operation_export_print_dialog_response_cb (GtkDialog              *dial
-       file_format = gtk_print_settings_get (print_settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_FILE_FORMAT);
-       filename = g_strdup_printf ("evince_print.%s.XXXXXX", file_format != NULL ? file_format : "");
+       filename = g_strdup_printf ("evince_print.%s.XXXXXX", format == EV_FILE_FORMAT_PDF ? "pdf" : "ps");
        export->fd = g_file_open_tmp (filename, &export->temp_file, &error);
        g_free (filename);
        if (export->fd <= -1) {
@@ -1298,8 +1322,7 @@ ev_print_operation_export_print_dialog_response_cb (GtkDialog              *dial
        get_first_and_last_page (export, &first_page, &last_page);
-       export->fc.format = file_format && g_ascii_strcasecmp (file_format, "pdf") == 0 ?
+       export->fc.format = format;
        export->fc.filename = export->temp_file;
        export->fc.first_page = MIN (first_page, last_page);
        export->fc.last_page = MAX (first_page, last_page);

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