[evolution] tests: add addressbook tests

commit a13f453398b3f71d46c00cfecf331a4db93f0004
Author: Vadim Rutkovsky <vrutkovs redhat com>
Date:   Thu Apr 24 15:19:23 2014 +0200

    tests: add addressbook tests

 Makefile.am                      |    5 +-
 tests/addressbook.feature        |  250 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/environment.py             |    3 +
 tests/steps/addressbook_steps.py |  371 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/steps/steps.py             |   34 ++++-
 5 files changed, 659 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 9977e82..48b7adc 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -150,8 +150,9 @@ DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS =         \
-INSTALLED_TESTS=general_shortcuts mail_shortcuts contacts_shortcuts    \
-       calendar_shortcuts memos_shortcuts view_shortcuts menu_shortcuts
+INSTALLED_TESTS=general_shortcuts mail_shortcuts contacts_shortcuts            \
+       calendar_shortcuts memos_shortcuts view_shortcuts menu_shortcuts        \
+       addressbook_contacts
 -include $(top_srcdir)/git.mk
diff --git a/tests/addressbook.feature b/tests/addressbook.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e318e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/addressbook.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+Feature: Addressbook: File: Create contacts
+  Background:
+    * Open Evolution and setup fake account
+    * Open "Contacts" section
+    * Select "Personal" addressbook
+    * Change categories view to "Any Category"
+    * Delete all contacts containing "Doe"
+    @addressbook_contacts
+    Scenario: Create a simple contact
+      * Create a new contact
+      * Set "Full Name..." in contact editor to "John Doe"
+      * Save the contact
+      * Refresh addressbook
+      * Select "Doe, John" contact
+      * Open contact editor for selected contact
+      Then "Full Name..." property is set to "John Doe"
+    @addressbook_contacts
+    Scenario: Create a contact with full data
+      * Create a new contact
+      * Set "Full Name..." in contact editor to "Jimmy Doe"
+      * Set "Nickname:" in contact editor to "Unknown"
+      * Set emails in contact editor to
+        | Field | Value                    |
+        | Work  | jimmy doe company com    |
+        | Home  | jimmy_doe_72 gmail com   |
+        | Other | jimmydoe72 yahoo com     |
+        | Other | xxjimmyxx free_email com |
+      * Tick "Wants to receive HTML mail" checkbox
+      * Set phones in contact editor to
+        | Field           | Value |
+        | Assistant Phone | 123   |
+        | Business Phone  | 234   |
+        | Business Fax    | 345   |
+        | Callback Phone  | 456   |
+        | Car Phone       | 567   |
+        | Company Phone   | 678   |
+        | Home Phone      | 789   |
+        | Home Fax        | 890   |
+      * Set IMs in contact editor to
+        | Field     | Value |
+        | AIM       | 123   |
+        | Jabber    | 234   |
+        | Yahoo     | 345   |
+        | Gadu-Gadu | 456   |
+      * Switch to "Personal Information" tab in contact editor
+      * Set the following properties in contact editor
+        | Field       | Value                              |
+        | Home Page:  | http://anna-doe.com                |
+        | Blog:       | http://blog.anna-doe.com           |
+        | Calendar:   | caldav://anna-doe.com/calendar.ics |
+        | Free/Busy:  | http://anna-doe.com/free-busy      |
+        | Video Chat: | http://anna-doe.com/video-chat     |
+        | Profession: | QA Engineer                        |
+        | Title:      | Dr.                                |
+        | Company:    | Something Ltd.                     |
+        | Department: | Desktop QA                         |
+        | Manager:    | John Doe                           |
+        | Assistant:  | Anna Doe                           |
+        | Office:     | 221b                               |
+        | Spouse:     | Jack Doe                           |
+      * Switch to "Mailing Address" tab in contact editor
+      * Set the following properties in "Home" section of contact editor
+        | Field            | Value             |
+        | City:            | Brno              |
+        | Zip/Postal Code: | 61245             |
+        | State/Province:  | Brno-Kralovo Pole |
+        | Country:         | Czech Republic    |
+        | PO Box:          | 123456            |
+        | Address:         | Purkynova 99/71   |
+      * Set the following properties in "Work" section of contact editor
+        | Field            | Value             |
+        | City:            | Brno              |
+        | Zip/Postal Code: | 61245             |
+        | State/Province:  | Brno-Kralovo Pole |
+        | Country:         | Czech Republic    |
+        | PO Box:          | 123456            |
+        | Address:         | Purkynova 99/71   |
+      * Set the following properties in "Other" section of contact editor
+        | Field            | Value             |
+        | City:            | Brno              |
+        | Zip/Postal Code: | 61245             |
+        | State/Province:  | Brno-Kralovo Pole |
+        | Country:         | Czech Republic    |
+        | PO Box:          | 123456            |
+        | Address:         | Purkynova 99/71   |
+      * Switch to "Notes" tab in contact editor
+      * Set the following note for the contact:
+      """
+      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dignissim gravida elit, nec facilisis 
augue commodo quis.
+      Sed ac metus quis tellus aliquet posuere non quis elit. Quisque non ante congue urna blandit accumsan.
+      In vitae ligula risus. Nunc venenatis leo vel leo facilisis porta. Nam sed magna urna, venenatis.
+      """
+      * Refresh addressbook
+      * Select "Doe, Jimmy" contact
+      * Open contact editor for selected contact
+      Then "Nickname:" property is set to "Unknown"
+       And Emails are set to
+        | Field | Value                    |
+        | Work  | jimmy doe company com    |
+        | Home  | jimmy_doe_72 gmail com   |
+        | Other | jimmydoe72 yahoo com     |
+        | Other | xxjimmyxx free_email com |
+       And "Wants to receive HTML mail" checkbox is ticked
+       And Phones are set to
+        | Field           | Value |
+        | Assistant Phone | 123   |
+        | Business Phone  | 234   |
+        | Business Fax    | 345   |
+        | Callback Phone  | 456   |
+        | Car Phone       | 567   |
+        | Company Phone   | 678   |
+        | Home Phone      | 789   |
+        | Home Fax        | 890   |
+       And IMs are set to
+        | Field     | Value |
+        | AIM       | 123   |
+        | Jabber    | 234   |
+        | Yahoo     | 345   |
+        | Gadu-Gadu | 456   |
+      * Switch to "Personal Information" tab in contact editor
+      Then The following properties in contact editor are set
+        | Field       | Value                              |
+        | Home Page:  | http://anna-doe.com                |
+        | Blog:       | http://blog.anna-doe.com           |
+        | Calendar:   | caldav://anna-doe.com/calendar.ics |
+        | Free/Busy:  | http://anna-doe.com/free-busy      |
+        | Video Chat: | http://anna-doe.com/video-chat     |
+        | Field       | Value                              |
+        | Profession: | QA Engineer                        |
+        | Title:      | Dr.                                |
+        | Company:    | Something Ltd.                     |
+        | Department: | Desktop QA                         |
+        | Manager:    | John Doe                           |
+        | Assistant:  | Anna Doe                           |
+        | Office:     | 221b                               |
+        | Spouse:     | Jack Doe                           |
+      * Switch to "Mailing Address" tab in contact editor
+      Then The following properties in "Home" section of contact editor are set
+        | Field            | Value             |
+        | City:            | Brno              |
+        | Zip/Postal Code: | 61245             |
+        | State/Province:  | Brno-Kralovo Pole |
+        | Country:         | Czech Republic    |
+        | PO Box:          | 123456            |
+        | Address:         | Purkynova 99/71   |
+       And The following properties in "Work" section of contact editor are set
+        | Field            | Value             |
+        | City:            | Brno              |
+        | Zip/Postal Code: | 61245             |
+        | State/Province:  | Brno-Kralovo Pole |
+        | Country:         | Czech Republic    |
+        | PO Box:          | 123456            |
+        | Address:         | Purkynova 99/71   |
+       And The following properties in "Other" section of contact editor are set
+        | Field            | Value             |
+        | City:            | Brno              |
+        | Zip/Postal Code: | 61245             |
+        | State/Province:  | Brno-Kralovo Pole |
+        | Country:         | Czech Republic    |
+        | PO Box:          | 123456            |
+        | Address:         | Purkynova 99/71   |
+      * Switch to "Notes" tab in contact editor
+      Then The following note is set for the contact:
+      """
+      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dignissim gravida elit, nec facilisis 
augue commodo quis.
+      Sed ac metus quis tellus aliquet posuere non quis elit. Quisque non ante congue urna blandit accumsan.
+      In vitae ligula risus. Nunc venenatis leo vel leo facilisis porta. Nam sed magna urna, venenatis.
+      """
+    @addressbook_contacts
+    Scenario: Create a contact with different "file under" field
+      * Create a new contact
+      * Set "Full Name..." in contact editor to "Jackie Doe"
+      * Set "File under:" in contact editor to "Jackie Doe"
+      * Save the contact
+      * Refresh addressbook
+      * Select "Jackie Doe" contact
+      * Open contact editor for selected contact
+      Then "Full Name..." property is set to "Jackie Doe"
+    @addressbook_contacts
+    Scenario: Create a contact with all phones and IM set (part 2)
+      * Create a new contact
+      * Set "Full Name..." in contact editor to "Kevin Doe"
+      * Set IMs in contact editor to
+        | Field     | Value |
+        | MSN       | 123   |
+        | ICQ       | 234   |
+        | GroupWise | 345   |
+        | Skype     | 456   |
+      * Set phones in contact editor to
+        | Field         | Value |
+        | ISDN          | 123   |
+        | Mobile Phone  | 234   |
+        | Other Phone   | 345   |
+        | Other Fax     | 456   |
+        | Pager         | 567   |
+        | Primary Phone | 678   |
+        | Radio         | 789   |
+        | Telex         | 890   |
+      * Save the contact
+      * Refresh addressbook
+      * Select "Doe, Kevin" contact
+      * Open contact editor for selected contact
+      Then Phones are set to
+        | Field         | Value |
+        | ISDN          | 123   |
+        | Mobile Phone  | 234   |
+        | Other Phone   | 345   |
+        | Other Fax     | 456   |
+        | Pager         | 567   |
+        | Primary Phone | 678   |
+        | Radio         | 789   |
+        | Telex         | 890   |
+      And IMs are set to
+        | Field     | Value |
+        | MSN       | 123   |
+        | ICQ       | 234   |
+        | GroupWise | 345   |
+        | Skype     | 456   |
+    @addressbook_contacts
+    Scenario: Create a contact with all IM set (part 2)
+      * Create a new contact
+      * Set "Full Name..." in contact editor to "Mary Doe"
+      * Set IMs in contact editor to
+        | Field   | Value |
+        | Twitter | 123   |
+        | ICQ     | 234   |
+        | Jabber  | 345   |
+        | Skype   | 456   |
+      * Save the contact
+      * Refresh addressbook
+      * Select "Doe, Mary" contact
+      * Open contact editor for selected contact
+      Then IMs are set to
+        | Field   | Value |
+        | Twitter | 123   |
+        | ICQ     | 234   |
+        | Jabber  | 345   |
+        | Skype   | 456   |
diff --git a/tests/environment.py b/tests/environment.py
index 76fe686..a9098e6 100644
--- a/tests/environment.py
+++ b/tests/environment.py
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ def before_all(context):
+        # Close running evo instances
+        os.system("evolution --force-shutdown > /dev/null")
         # Skip dogtail actions to print to stdout
         config.logDebugToStdOut = False
         config.typingDelay = 0.2
diff --git a/tests/steps/addressbook_steps.py b/tests/steps/addressbook_steps.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3249d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/steps/addressbook_steps.py
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+from behave import step, then
+from common_steps import wait_until
+from dogtail.predicate import GenericPredicate
+from dogtail.rawinput import keyCombo
+from time import time, sleep
+from gi.repository import GLib
+import pyatspi
+ step(u'Select "{name}" addressbook')
+def select_addressbook(context, name, password=None):
+    cells = context.app.findChildren(
+        GenericPredicate(name=name, roleName='table cell'))
+    visible_cells = filter(lambda x: x.showing, cells)
+    if visible_cells == []:
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot find addressbook '%s'" % name)
+    visible_cells[0].click()
+    # Wait for addressbook to load
+    try:
+        spinner = context.app.findChild(
+            GenericPredicate(name='Spinner'), retry=False, requireResult=False)
+        if spinner:
+            start_time = time()
+            while spinner.showing:
+                sleep(1)
+                if (time() - start_time) > 180:
+                    raise RuntimeError("Contacts take too long to synchronize")
+    except (GLib.GError, TypeError):
+        pass
+ step(u'Change categories view to "{category}"')
+def change_categories_view(context, category):
+    labels = context.app.findChildren(
+        lambda x: x.labeller.name == 'Show:' and x.showing)
+    if labels == []:
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot find category switcher")
+    labels[0].combovalue = category
+ step(u'Delete selected contact')
+def delete_selected_contact(context):
+    context.app.menu('Edit').click()
+    mnu = context.app.menu('Edit').menuItem("Delete Contact")
+    if pyatspi.STATE_ENABLED in mnu.getState().getStates():
+        context.app.menu('Edit').menuItem("Delete Contact").click()
+        alert = context.app.child(roleName='alert', name='Question')
+        alert.button('Delete').click()
+    context.execute_steps(u"* Wait for email to synchronize")
+ step(u'Delete all contacts containing "{part}"')
+def delete_all_contacts_containing(context, part):
+    context.app.search_bar.grab_focus()
+    for attempts in range(0, 10):
+        try:
+            context.app.search_bar.text = part
+            break
+        except (GLib.GError, AttributeError):
+            sleep(0.1)
+            continue
+    keyCombo("<Enter>")
+    context.execute_steps(u"* Wait for email to synchronize")
+    context.app.search_bar.grab_focus()
+    keyCombo("<Tab>")
+    sleep(3)
+    heading = context.app.findChild(
+        GenericPredicate(roleName='heading'),
+        retry=False, requireResult=False)
+    if heading:
+        keyCombo("<Control>a")
+        context.execute_steps(u"* Delete selected contact")
+        sleep(3)
+ step(u'Create a new contact')
+def create_a_new_contact(context):
+    context.app.menu('File').click()
+    context.app.menu('File').menu('New').point()
+    context.app.menu('File').menu('New').menuItem("Contact").click()
+    context.execute_steps(u"Then Contact editor window is opened")
+def get_element_by_name(contact_editor, name, section=None):
+    """Get a field object by name in section (if specified)"""
+    element = None
+    if section:
+        panel = contact_editor.findChild(
+            GenericPredicate(roleName='panel', name=section), retry=False, requireResult=False)
+        if not panel:
+            # Other section is not a panel, but a toggle button
+            panel = contact_editor.child(roleName='toggle button', name=section)
+        element = panel.childLabelled(name)
+    else:
+        label = contact_editor.findChild(
+            GenericPredicate(label=name), retry=False, requireResult=False)
+        if not label:
+            # In case childLabelled is missing
+            # Find a filler with this name and get its text child
+            element = contact_editor.child(
+                roleName='filler', name=name).child(roleName='text')
+        else:
+            element = contact_editor.childLabelled(name)
+    if element:
+        return element
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot find element named '%s' in section '%s'" % (
+            name, section))
+ step(u'Set "{field_name}" in contact editor to "{field_value}"')
+def set_field_to_value(context, field_name, field_value):
+    element = get_element_by_name(context.app.contact_editor, field_name)
+    if element.roleName == "text":
+        element.text = field_value
+    elif element.roleName == "combo box":
+        if element.combovalue != field_value:
+            element.combovalue = field_value
+ step(u'Save the contact')
+def save_contact(context):
+    context.app.contact_editor.button('Save').click()
+    assert wait_until(lambda x: x.dead, context.app.contact_editor),\
+        "Contact Editor was not closed"
+    context.app.contact_editor = None
+ step(u'Refresh addressbook')
+def refresh_addressbook(context):
+    #Clear the search
+    icons = context.app.search_bar.findChildren(lambda x: x.roleName == 'icon')
+    if icons != []:
+        icons[-1].click()
+    else:
+        for attempts in range(0, 10):
+            try:
+                context.app.search_bar.text = ''
+                break
+            except (GLib.GError, AttributeError):
+                sleep(0.1)
+                continue
+        context.app.search_bar.grab_focus()
+        keyCombo('<Enter>')
+    context.execute_steps(u"* Wait for email to synchronize")
+ step(u'Select "{contact_name}" contact list')
+ step(u'Select "{contact_name}" contact')
+def select_contact_with_name(context, contact_name):
+    # heading shows the name of currently selected contact
+    # We have to keep on pressing Tab to select the next contact
+    # Until we meet the first contact
+    # WARNING - what if we will have two identical contacts?
+    fail = False
+    selected_contact = None
+    # HACK
+    # To make the contact table appear
+    # we need to focus on search window
+    # and send Tabs to have the first contact focused
+    context.app.search_bar.grab_focus()
+    sleep(0.1)
+    # Switch to 'Any field contains' (not reachable in 3.6)
+    icons = context.app.search_bar.findChildren(GenericPredicate(roleName='icon'))
+    if icons != []:
+        icons[0].click()
+        wait_until(lambda x: x.findChildren(
+            GenericPredicate(roleName='check menu item', name='Any field contains')) != [],
+            context.app)
+        context.app.menuItem('Any field contains').click()
+        for attempts in range(0, 10):
+            try:
+                context.app.search_bar.text = contact_name
+                break
+            except (GLib.GError, AttributeError):
+                sleep(0.1)
+                continue
+        keyCombo("<Enter>")
+        context.app.search_bar.grab_focus()
+    keyCombo("<Tab>")
+    first_contact_name = context.app.child(roleName='heading').text
+    while True:
+        selected_contact = context.app.child(roleName='heading')
+        if selected_contact.text == contact_name:
+            fail = False
+            break
+        keyCombo("<Tab>")
+        # Wait until contact data is being rendered
+        sleep(1)
+        if first_contact_name == selected_contact.text:
+            fail = True
+            break
+    context.assertion.assertFalse(
+        fail, "Can't find contact named '%s'" % contact_name)
+    context.selected_contact_text = selected_contact.text
+ step(u'Open contact editor for selected contact')
+def open_contact_editor_for_selected_contact(context):
+    context.app.menu('File').click()
+    context.app.menu('File').menuItem('Open Contact').click()
+    context.execute_steps(u"""
+        Then Contact editor window with title "Contact Editor - %s" is opened
+        """ % context.selected_contact_text)
+ then(u'"{field}" property is set to "{expected}"')
+def property_in_contact_window_is_set_to(context, field, expected):
+    element = get_element_by_name(context.app.contact_editor, field)
+    actual = None
+    if element.roleName == "text":
+        actual = element.text
+    elif element.roleName == "combo box":
+        actual = element.combovalue
+        if actual == '':
+            actual = element.textentry('').text
+    assert unicode(actual) == expected, "Incorrect value"
+def get_combobox_textbox_object(contact_editor, section):
+    """Get a list of paired 'combobox-textbox' objects in contact editor"""
+    section_names = {
+        'Ims': 'Instant Messaging',
+        'Phones': 'Telephone',
+        'Emails': 'Email'}
+    section = section_names[section.capitalize()]
+    lbl = contact_editor.child(roleName='label', name=section)
+    panel = lbl.findAncestor(GenericPredicate(roleName='panel'))
+    textboxes = panel.findChildren(GenericPredicate(roleName='text'))
+    # Expand section if button exists
+    button = panel.findChild(
+        GenericPredicate(roleName='push button', name=section),
+        retry=False, requireResult=False)
+    # Expand button if any of textboxes is not visible
+    if button and (False in [x.showing for x in textboxes]):
+        button.click()
+    comboboxes = panel.findChildren(GenericPredicate(roleName='combo box'))
+    # Rearrange comboboxes and textboxes according to their position
+    result = []
+    for combo in comboboxes:
+        combo_row = combo.position[1]
+        matching_textboxes = [
+            x for x in textboxes
+            if (x.position[1] == combo_row) and (x.position[0] > combo.position[0])]
+        correct_textbox = min(matching_textboxes, key=lambda x: x.position[0])
+        result.append((combo, correct_textbox))
+    comboboxes = [x[0] for x in result]
+    textboxes = [x[1] for x in result]
+    return (textboxes, comboboxes)
+ step(u'Set {section} in contact editor to')
+def set_contact_emails_to_value(context, section):
+    (textboxes, comboboxes) = get_combobox_textbox_object(
+        context.app.contact_editor, section)
+    # clear existing data
+    for textbox in textboxes:
+        textbox.text = ""
+    for index, row in enumerate(context.table.rows):
+        textboxes[index].text = row['Value']
+        if comboboxes[index].combovalue != row['Field']:
+            comboboxes[index].combovalue = row['Field']
+ then(u'{section} are set to')
+def emails_are_set_to(context, section):
+    (textboxes, comboboxes) = get_combobox_textbox_object(
+        context.app.contact_editor, section)
+    actual = []
+    for index, textbox in enumerate(textboxes):
+        combo_value = textbox.text
+        if combo_value.strip() != '':
+            type_value = comboboxes[index].combovalue
+            actual.append({'Field': unicode(type_value), 'Value': unicode(combo_value)})
+    actual = sorted(actual)
+    expected = []
+    for row in context.table:
+        expected.append({'Field': row['Field'], 'Value': row['Value']})
+    expected = sorted(expected)
+    assert actual == expected, "Incorrect %s value:\nexpected:%s\n but was:%s" % (
+        row['Field'], expected, actual)
+ step(u'Tick "Wants to receive HTML mail" checkbox')
+def tick_checkbox(context):
+    context.app.contact_editor.childNamed("Wants to receive HTML mail").click()
+ step(u'"Wants to receive HTML mail" checkbox is ticked')
+def checkbox_is_ticked(context):
+    check_state = context.app.childNamed("Wants to receive HTML mail").checked
+    assert check_state, "Incorrect checkbox state"
+ step(u'Switch to "{name}" tab in contact editor')
+def switch_to_tab(context, name):
+    context.app.contact_editor.tab(name).click()
+ step(u'Set the following properties in contact editor')
+def set_properties(context):
+    for row in context.table.rows:
+        context.execute_steps(u"""
+            * Set "%s" in contact editor to "%s"
+        """ % (row['Field'], row['Value']))
+ step(u'The following properties in contact editor are set')
+def verify_properties(context):
+    for row in context.table.rows:
+        context.execute_steps(u"""
+            Then "%s" property is set to "%s"
+        """ % (row['Field'], row['Value']))
+ step(u'Set the following properties in "{section}" section of contact editor')
+def set_properties_in_section(context, section):
+    for row in context.table.rows:
+        context.execute_steps(u"""
+            * Set "%s" in "%s" section of contact editor to "%s"
+        """ % (row['Field'], section, row['Value']))
+ step(u'The following properties in "{section}" section of contact editor are set')
+def verify_properties_in_section(context, section):
+    for row in context.table.rows:
+        context.execute_steps(u"""
+            Then "%s" property in "%s" section is set to "%s"
+        """ % (row['Field'], section, row['Value']))
+ step(u'Set the following note for the contact')
+def set_note_for_contact(context):
+    context.app.contact_editor.child(
+        roleName='page tab', name='Notes').textentry('').text = context.text
+ then(u'The following note is set for the contact')
+def verify_note_set_for_contact(context):
+    actual = context.app.contact_editor.child(
+        roleName='page tab', name='Notes').textentry('').text
+    expected = context.text
+    assert actual == expected,\
+        "Incorrect note value:\nexpected:%s\n but was:%s" % (expected, actual)
+ step(u'Set "{field_name}" in "{section}" section of contact editor to "{field_value}"')
+def set_field_in_section_to_value(context, field_name, section, field_value):
+    element = get_element_by_name(
+        context.app.contact_editor, field_name, section=section)
+    if element.roleName == "text":
+        element.text = field_value
+    elif element.roleName == "combo box":
+        element.combovalue = field_value
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/steps/steps.py b/tests/steps/steps.py
index 78b19d2..2b36709 100644
--- a/tests/steps/steps.py
+++ b/tests/steps/steps.py
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ from behave import step, then
 from common_steps import wait_until
 from dogtail.tree import root
 from dogtail.rawinput import keyCombo
-from time import sleep
+from time import sleep, time
 from os import system
-from gi.repository import Gio
+from gi.repository import Gio, GLib
 @step(u'Help section "{name}" is displayed')
@@ -42,12 +42,23 @@ def view_is_opened(context, name):
+def get_visible_searchbar(context):
+    """Wait for searchbar to become visible"""
+    searchbars = context.app.findChildren(lambda x: x.labeller.name == 'Search:' and x.showing)
+    assert wait_until(lambda x: len(x) > 0, searchbars), "No visible searchbars found"
+    return searchbars[0]
 @step(u'Open "{section_name}" section')
 def open_section_by_name(context, section_name):
+    wait_until(lambda x: x.showing, context.app.menu('View'))
+    # Find a search bar
+    context.app.search_bar = get_visible_searchbar(context)
     # Check that service required for this sections is running
     required_services = {
         'Mail': 'org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources',
@@ -143,3 +154,22 @@ def task_editor_with_title_is_opened(context, title):
 @step(u'Event editor with title "{name}" is displayed')
 def event_editor_with_name_displayed(context, name):
     context.app.event_editor = context.app.window(name)
+ step(u'Wait for email to synchronize')
+def wait_for_mail_folder_to_synchronize(context):
+    # Wait until Google calendar is loaded
+    for attempt in range(0, 10):
+        start_time = time()
+        try:
+            spinners = context.app.findChildren(lambda x: x.name == 'Spinner')
+            for spinner in spinners:
+                try:
+                    while spinner.showing:
+                        sleep(0.1)
+                        if (time() - start_time) > 180:
+                            raise RuntimeError("Mail takes too long to synchronize")
+                except GLib.GError:
+                    continue
+        except (GLib.GError, TypeError):
+            continue

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