[opw-web] Allow passing the fullname when building profile links

commit b6af1f0d8cc82155c8e25a7220f70eea522e4788
Author: Owen W. Taylor <otaylor fishsoup net>
Date:   Fri Apr 4 10:42:55 2014 -0400

    Allow passing the fullname when building profile links
    Instead of necessarily doing a database query, allow the user's
    fullname to be passed in to $user->profile(). Use this to optimize
    lists of mentors/project proposers/participants.

 classes/class_user.php            |   13 ++++++++-----
 modules/mod_approve_mentors.php   |    4 +++-
 modules/mod_manage_projects.php   |    6 ++++--
 modules/mod_view_participants.php |    7 +++++--
 4 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/class_user.php b/classes/class_user.php
index 935b6c5..fb427ee 100644
--- a/classes/class_user.php
+++ b/classes/class_user.php
@@ -491,16 +491,19 @@ class user
     // Gets the profile link for a user
-    function profile($username, $return = false)
+    function profile($username, $return = false, $fullname = null)
         global $core;
         if ($username == '-')
             return $username;
-        $info = $this->lookup_user($username);
-        if ($info === null)
-            return htmlspecialchars($username);
+        if ($fullname === null) {
+            $info = $this->lookup_user($username);
+            if ($info === null)
+                return htmlspecialchars($username);
+            $fullname = $info['fullname'];
+        }
         $username_url = urlencode($username);
         $profile_url = "?q=user_profile&u={$username_url}";
@@ -511,7 +514,7 @@ class user
             $profile_url .= '&r=' . urlencode($redir_url);
-        return '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($profile_url) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($info['fullname']) . 
+        return '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($profile_url) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($fullname) . '</a>';
     // Get the role and organization of the current user
diff --git a/modules/mod_approve_mentors.php b/modules/mod_approve_mentors.php
index e7721f6..6e40b60 100644
--- a/modules/mod_approve_mentors.php
+++ b/modules/mod_approve_mentors.php
@@ -46,8 +46,10 @@ if (!empty($action) && !empty($username))
 // Get the proposed mentors list
 $sql = "SELECT ".
             "r.username as username, " .
+            "pf.fullname as fullname, " .
             "o.title as organization_title " .
        "FROM {$db->prefix}roles r " .
+            "LEFT JOIN {$db->prefix}profiles pf on pf.username = r.username " .
             "LEFT JOIN {$db->prefix}organizations o on o.id = r.organization_id " .
        "WHERE role = 'i'";
 $list_data = $db->query($sql);
@@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ foreach ($list_data as $row)
     // Assign data for each mentor
-        'mentor_name'           => $user->profile($row['username'], true),
+        'mentor_name'           => $user->profile($row['username'], true, $row['fullname']),
         'organization'          => htmlspecialchars($row['organization_title']),
         'approve_url'           => "?q=approve_mentors&amp;a=approve&amp;u={$mentor_url}",
         'reject_url'            => "?q=approve_mentors&amp;a=reject&amp;u={$mentor_url}",
diff --git a/modules/mod_manage_projects.php b/modules/mod_manage_projects.php
index 4656483..834a193 100644
--- a/modules/mod_manage_projects.php
+++ b/modules/mod_manage_projects.php
@@ -58,9 +58,11 @@ $organization_select = build_organization_select($program_id, $organization_id,
 // so we query for all projects submitted by users that have submitted
 // projects to this organization, and sort out the projects to display afterwards.
 if ($organization_id > 0) {
-    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}projects prj " .
+    $sql = "SELECT prj.*, prt.*, pf.fullname FROM {$db->prefix}projects prj " .
                "LEFT JOIN {$db->prefix}participants prt " .
                "ON prj.id = prt.project_id " .
+               "LEFT JOIN {$db->prefix}profiles pf " .
+               "ON prt.username = pf.username " .
            "WHERE prt.program_id = :program_id AND prt.role = 's' AND prt.username IN (" .
                "SELECT prt.username from {$db->prefix}projects prj " .
                    "LEFT JOIN {$db->prefix}participants prt " .
@@ -179,7 +181,7 @@ foreach ($list_data as &$row)
     $username = $row['username'];
     $submit_count = $user_submit_count[$username];
     $accept_count = $user_accept_count[$username];
-    $profile = $user->profile($username);
+    $profile = $user->profile($username, true, $row['fullname']);
     // Trim the title to 60 characters
     if (strlen($project_title) > 60)
diff --git a/modules/mod_view_participants.php b/modules/mod_view_participants.php
index 7352db5..910f85b 100644
--- a/modules/mod_view_participants.php
+++ b/modules/mod_view_participants.php
@@ -12,13 +12,16 @@ $program_id = $core->variable('prg', '');
 // Get the program's participant list
 $sql = "SELECT r.username, r.role AS role, " .
-       "pr.id AS project_id, pr.title AS project_title " .
+       "pr.id AS project_id, pr.title AS project_title, " .
+       "pf.fullname " .
        "FROM {$db->prefix}roles r " .
        "LEFT JOIN {$db->prefix}participants p " .
        "ON r.program_id = p.program_id " .
        "AND r.username = p.username " .
        "LEFT JOIN {$db->prefix}projects pr " .
        "ON p.project_id = pr.id ".
+       "LEFT JOIN {$db->prefix}profiles pf " .
+       "ON p.username = pf.username ".
        "WHERE r.program_id = {$program_id} " .
        "ORDER BY r.role, r.username";
 $list_data = $db->query($sql);
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ foreach ($list_data as $row)
     $list[] = array(
         'username'  => $row['username'],
-        'profile'   => $user->profile($row['username'], true),
+        'profile'   => $user->profile($row['username'], true, $row['fullname']),
         'role'      => $lang->get('role_' . $row['role']),
         'projects'  => $project,

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