[gnome-break-timer] Created tag 1.1

The unsigned tag '1.1' was created.

Tagger: Dylan McCall <dylanmccall ubuntu com>
Date: Sun Sep 22 14:23:53 2013 -0700

    Release 1.1


Daniel Mustieles (2):
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation

Dylan McCall (261):
      Initial commit.
      Ignore build files.
      Styled popups for pauses (and eventually all breaks).     Initial separation of schedulers from user 
      Fixed error with missing return types in (unimplemented) BreakOverlay setters.
      Adding license text!
      Pause break counts seconds in variable itervals.     Pause break ends at 0 seconds instead of -1 
seconds; last time shown in overlay is 1 second.     Style improvements.     Larger overlay window.
      Refactoring Schedulers / Breaks / BreakViews to clarify roles. BrainBreak remains a slightly 
unfortunate class name.     Added BreakManager, to prioritize breaks that happen at (or eventually near) the 
same time.
      nitial implementation of pausing during rest break, a first effort to clean noise from using idle time 
      Extensive refactoring around break schedulers.
      Class name timer_label changed to brainbreak-timer-label to avoid name collisions.     Removed 
redundant request.stop in BreakManager.
      New Focusable interface, replacing FocusRequest object.     BreakManager now tracks stores requests in 
a Gee.Set, dealing with redundant entries.
      Ugly, mostly broken implementation of holding for BreakManager, so a large break can prevent smaller 
breaks from appearing for a time.
      BreakManager is now FocusManager.
      Better version of the ugly manual testing in place for FocusManager.     Seems broken (likely because 
interval_timeout only runs once per TimerBreak.duration seconds), but additional tweaking will come later 
based on how this feels in practice.
      Simplified countdown in TimerString. Now counts in minutes, then 10 second intervals, switching to 1 
second intervals when 10 seconds remain.
      First steps for settings panel.     Application class merged into main.vala to make the list of source 
files easier to understand.
      Robust, i18n-friednly autocomplete for TimeEntryDialog to guide the user toward entering the correct 
      Convert from localized time format to seconds.     TimeEntryDialog sends accurate data from the 
time_entered callback, now.     TimeChooser uses that data.     TimeBreakPanel is done! (For now :b)
      Removed nonsense test value from NaturalTime
      Stronger validation for TimeEntryDialog. OK button is disabled until an understandable value has been 
      Cleanups for TimeEntryDialog.
      Renamed TimeInterval to TimeUnit in NaturalTime, and added the word "input" to refer to a less 
predictable string, where "label" is known to be properly formatted.
      Proper labels for TimeEntryDialog.     Fixed size for SettingsDialog.
      Saving, retrieving and reverting value for TimeChooser.
      Wired settings panel to gsettings. Break types can be enabled and disabled, durations and intervals can 
be set.     Terrible MVC-lacking BreakPanel class hierarchy now slightly less terrible from the perspective 
of main.vala. Still terrible.
      Break setting labels in TimerBreakPanel are right-aligned.
      Some reorganizing. break_settings is now settings, src is now main.     Added data files to 
      Early (ugly) Application Panel for settings dialog.     Added master switch to turn break helper on and 
      Split BreakPanel and BreakType in a way that mirrors the break helper.
      Switched to org.brainbreak namespace.     Application panel kind of, sort of responds to 
org.brainbreak.Helper appearing and disappearing.
      Raise settings window when application is activated.
      Cleaned up toggle_switch creation in BreakPanel.     New name for brainbreak-settings-break-title style 
      Added Quiet Mode panel to Settings dialog.
      Finished merging get_countdown_for_seconds with NaturalTime.
      NaturalTime is now a singleton instead of a giant static class. Fixes segfault in 
      Some (slightly pointless) refactoring of the break helper.     Built UI manager, separate from 
individual BreakViews, which respects quiet mode.     Proper interval and duration for breaks, pending 
integration with GSettings.
      Break base class resets interval timeout to be sure breaks start at the right point instead of the 
timeout gradually moving off center.     Removed some unneeded testing messages.
      Added the ability to stop a break, which must be done before removing it. (Starting is done 
automatically on object creation).     Renamed some timeouts and signals in Break to improve readability; 
lots of language is left-over from how things used to work :(
      Some futile attempts at tidying in Break.vala.
      Breaks must be manually started after instantiating.
      NaturalTime counts down by the minute in every case. Softer formatting could only be done well with 
more complex strings like "1 hour 5 minutes," and that is way out of our scope.
      Attached settings to helper. Settings for breaks are now reflected in the application.
      Cleaned up code to keep track of breaks by name.     Added status label to TogglePanel in Settings, in 
same line as switch and header.     Moved Quiet Mode status to the new status label.     Added dbus service 
in Helper to output the status of each break, but it behaves incorrectly in some cases so this is not being 
exposed in the settings panel as was planned.
      Moved interval property into TimerBreakType in Settings.     Timer Break status message says "Starts 
soon" in some cases to filter errors caused by the regular update only happening once every 10 seconds.
      Smoother "starts soon" message, back to not wasting space.     Still no break status in SettingsDialog. 
It's noisy and it exposes strange implementation details, too :b
      Tweaked About text.     Removed unused interval_options and duration_options properties in 
      Moved data/style.css directly into Helper's program, as a literal. Should help performance, and this 
way we don't need to create a data directory (yet).     Increased pause time when user becomes active during 
rest break.     Break Helper .desktop file.
      Data file installation no longer handled by waf. (Doesn't seem buildj has figured this one out yet).    
 Fixed syntax errors in debian control file.
      Added Break Settings .desktop file.
      Fixed broken package dependencies.
      Moved main to helper, to solidify the name I have been using for that part of the project.
      Separate .desktop file for autostart and helper application.     Launch application from 
ApplicationPanel in Settings.
      Fixed error in description for quiet-mode key in gshema.
      Renamed BreakStatus interface to simply BreakHelper.     Added trigger_break to Break helper server.    
 BreakHelperServer is created in main, now, instead of inside BreakManager.
      Attached screen compositing check to the appropriate signals.
      If break can be satisfied in 45 seconds or less, break overlay waits until then to appear. This 
prevents the microbreak overlay from appearing if the user is already idle.
      Tweaked numbers for TimerBreak lead-in.
      Added support for bonus and penalty time in TimerBreak.     TimerBreak detects system sleep and allows 
missing time to satisfy the break. Assumes system was in sleep mode if active_timeout has not been run for 10 
seconds.     Clarified waiting_update and active_update. Update methods refer to associated state.
      Apply style only to brainbreak-screen-overlay, not to every GtkWindow.
      update_interval renamed to waiting_update_interval.
      Cleaned up time difference in RestBreak.active_timeout. Delta is now calculated from active_timeout_cb 
and passed to active_timeout.     Renamed waiting_update to waiting_timeout, in line with active_timeout. 
(Okay, I promise I'll stop renaming stuff when I release this!).     Added time_delta fun to waiting_timeout. 
    waiting_timeout detects system sleep and considers it idle time.     Moved system sleep stuff to 
RestBreak and MicroBreak, since it is designed around user interaction — a concept outside of TimerBreak's 
      Added penalty when rest break is running for longer than interval/2.     Added shaking effect to 
BreakOverlay, triggered when a break is being ignored and emits the active_reminder signal. (Currently only 
RestBreak does this).     accurate_update_interval in TimerBreak constructor is now smallest of interval  
_and_ duration to a maximum of 10 seconds, fixing the handling of short breaks with the new time_delta stuff. 
    Break.waiting_timeout and TimerBreak.active_timeout only run when status is Waiting and Active, 
respectively.     Swapped current_duration for a penalty value that defaults to 0. (This supports change to 
the duration property a little better).     Still needs testing :)
      Fixed TimerBreak.duration_penalty surviving with an incorrect value for TimerBreak.waiting_timeout. 
Penalty is now reset to 0 whenever a break has been satisfied.
      Penalty time / reminder during restbreak works more frequently: interval/4 instead of interval/2.
      Smoother shaking for BreakOverlay.
      RestBreak counts time paused instead of time active to decide when to add penalty time. This deals with 
frustrating cases where time increases when the user isn't looking.     Added active_reminder to MicroBreak, 
based on total time.     Attempted to fix package build issue on Launchpad.
      Removed remaining trace messages that were printed to stdout.
      Properly fixed implicit pointer conversion error. (Sorry, Launchpad!).
      Removed unneeded libdbus-1-dev build dependency, which, of course, had nothing to do with that build 
      Only do MicroBreak active_reminder signal when countdown is reset. (Keeps the break from drawing 
attention after the user stops using the computer).
      Some rough documentation  for the various Break classes.
      BreakOverlay emits beep sound when it tries to get attention shakes.
      Added NaturalTime.get_countdown_for_seconds_with_start, which outputs the usual countdown time but 
without softening the start time.     Changed back to 60 ... 10 ... 1 second interval for countdown.     Some 
documentation for NaturalTime.
      Renamed adjusted_duration in TimerBreak to current_duration.
      Fixed misbehaving NaturalTime.soften_seconds_for_countdown.
      Added NaturalTime.get_simplest_label_for_seconds. Chooses a unit favouring simplicity  instead of 
precision. Using this in get_countdown_for_seconds_with_start to fix countdown suddenly jumping to numbers 
like "435 seconds."
      Changed TogglePanel to pull from a Panel base class.     Redesigned TogglePanel: switch is in the 
content area, with additional content aligned to its right.     Redesigned QuietModePanel: removed switch, 
replaced with a checkbox containing a label that should make people feel appropriately guilty (or, 
occasionally, justified) turning the feature on.     Panel status text is now italicized.
      Fixed cut off quiet mode panel status text by setting label to fill horizontally instead of using only 
the (apparently wrongly calculated) required space.
      Fiddled with the Settings dialog, again, to match with Canonical's proposed switch layout and to look 
fancier.     Added descriptions for break panels.     Quiet Mode status text is now italic and right aligned, 
matching with switch widgets for the other panels.     Killed TogglePanel and PanelHeader stuff. We'll just 
put all the widgets in one place and repeat ourselves accordingly :)
      Added example text to TimeEntryDialog.
      Cleaned up confusing Break start and stop functions and signal in helper. Changed to "enabled" and 
"disabled" and removed the otherwise unused "enabled" property in Break.     Removed strange looking call to 
finish() in stop() and start() functions, as it was being called for a reason unrelated to that function's 
      Added Countdown and CleverTimeout to simplify and improve break timing.     First (deeply flawed) stab 
at quiet mode break overlay.     Chain up to base class in Application subclasses.
      Breaks no longer lose state when disabled or enabled, or when settings change.     CleverTimeout stores 
timeout frequency as a member variable, and it can be changed at any time.     Cleaned up logic around 
starting and finishing breaks and gaining focus. Focus is added or removed after a break starts or ends, 
instead of before.     Switched paused_countdown back to a Timer: monotonic time makes more sense in this 
case, since the break should logically unpause when the system suspends.
      Reverted accidental change to Xlib (from XCB) for magic_core.     Rearranged build requirements without 
actually changing anything.
      Shiny fade-in animation for BreakOverlay.
      Changed RestBreak and MicroBreak waiting behaviour. Interval countdown pauses while idle, like 
Workrave: break interval is more strictly about 'active time'     Changed MicroBreak interval options and 
defaults to fit new behaviour.     New TimerBreakView.get_status_message, better suited to testing.     
Removed a bunch of redundant code from MicroBreak and RestBreak by inheriting from a common 
ActivityTimerBreak class.     This class feels rather poorly structured (and this is a _very_ deep class 
hierarchy), but it's a start.
      Added inactivity timeout to break helper application. Deals with exploit where user can disable all 
breaks to kill break helper, causing it to lose its previous state.     Changed default micro break duration 
to 25 seconds.     Interval countdown is paused when TimerBreak is activated.
      Changed "1 hour remaining" for Quiet Mode to "Turns off in 1 hour"
      Removed the horrible ActivityTimerBreak thing: replaced with ActivityMonitor: a singleton that controls 
a timeout which polls the X server for idle times.     Added start_from and continue_from to Countdown, which 
allows us to offset break start by a time ("should have started 10 seconds ago") without touching penalty 
time.     CleverTimeout time_delta parameter is now in milliseconds.
      Update a single notification instead of spawning additional ones. Should fix "Time for a break" 
notification appearing at the same time as "Break finished" in some cases.     Quicker fade in for 
BreakOverlay. Only fade in if not already visible.
      Bumped valac build-depend version: Glib.get_monotonic_time was added in 0.14.1, development is 
happening with 0.15.1.
      Fixed silly mistake in valac build-depend version: no, I am not using valac 0.15!
      Fixed unit conversion error that caused ActivityMonitor to miss sleep time.     Changed ActivityMonitor 
from a weird singleton thingy to an even weirder (but also more predictable) overly stateful object that is 
instantiated by all of its users.
      Trying to separate breaks from core application.     Added BreakType class to keep track of a distinct 
break type, its id, its model and its view.     Rewrote FocusManager: now a generic interface implemented by 
BreakFocusManager.     Removed break focus logic from BreakView and Break: only the UI really cares about 
this.     Attempted to separate breaks into different build stages (and eventually shared libraries). Cried 
blood. This might be outgrowing BuilDj :)
      Renamed all *Break classes to *BreakModel.
      Standardizing on I prefix for interfaces.
      Changed UIManager to roughly support the new order of things.     Moved FocusManager instance 
completely to UIManager.     Added temporary tracing messages to identify weird points in focus / activation 
      Fixed IFocusManager always returning false for is_focusing.     More tracing code. Tracing code is fun.
      BreakView focus request connected after BreakModel activate / finish events, so focus changes always 
happen in the same order.     TimerBreakModel continues interval countdown after being re-enabled. Fixes 
problem where both timers would stop counting.
      New documentation for IFocusManager and BreakFocusManager.     Added is_active method to dbus 
interface, to be used by settings.
      Switched to XRecord to track user idle time, instead of XScreensaver (Fixes bug #935968).     Slightly 
better split between ActivityMonitor and its platform-specific back-end.     Added some exception handling to 
cover compiler warnings.     BreakModel.disabled signal is fired only if break was previously enabled. Fixes 
problem where helper would never start with MicroBreak disabled.
      Fixed package dependencies forgotten with last commit.
      Removed magic number activity filtering from ActivityMonitor, and replaced it with a (cleverer) "pause 
then reset" filtering mechanism with the waiting countdown in MicroBreak and RestBreak.     We still use 
magic numbers, but they are localized to the two break types, which is considerably easier to deal with.     
This should solve the issue with an unreasonably easy deadline (~12 seconds in the worst case) for postponing 
the default micro break.
      More aggressive behaviour if the user remains active during a rest break: countdown is reset, as well 
as the existing time penalty.
      Prettier, white coloured break overlay with bigger text and a fade out animation.     Got rid of the 
unfinished mini overlay. "Quiet Mode" just hides the break overlay for an hour, again.
      Switched to GLib's built in logging mechanism instead of blindly writing to stdout.
      UIManager now disables Quiet Mode when it has reached its set expire time.     BreakOverlay now works 
correctly if the application starts with quiet mode already enabled.
      Fiddled with autostart and launcher files for the break timer and settings tool.     Added autostart 
delay, which will hopefully deal with the application sometimes not starting correctly.
      Removed packaging files. They live in lp:brainbreak/debian, now.
      Switching to the Automake build system.     This is a little messier than the waf + buildj setup we had 
before, but it's also much more common and it's easier to find support for the usual build tools. For 
example, localization (including for .desktop files) should be working right now!
      Added some extra files that are needed for localization.
      Fixed some build system issues that were causing glitches with package building.
      Removing obsolete script for doing a debug build.
      Do not run desktop-file-validate for autostart files.
      Renaming and documenting the BreakModel and CleverTimeout classes so they make more sense.     We don't 
have a separate controller for breaks, any more, so BreakModel (and its subclasses) is now BreakController. 
That's nicer to read, anyway.
      Changed error message on showing a notification to a warning message - this issue is not fatal.
      Moving highly specific UI code into BreakView implementations in an effort to kill off feature envy.    
 The next step here is to get rid of BreakView.NotificationContent and the "TimerBreakView is a 
IBreakOverlaySource" thing.     Break settings are no longer accessed by BreakManager. BreakType enables and 
disables itself.     Improved code for auto-expiring quiet mode in UIManager.     Added run_once to 
      Pulled duplicated code from MicroBreakController and RestBreakController up to TimerBreakController.    
 Simplified the update functions for "active" and "waiting" countdowns (with user activity) so they could be 
nicely generalized for either break type.     This also means better documentation. Yay!
      Fixed breaks not appearing unless they were activated explicitly through the dbus interface.     (The 
BreakView code was failing to account for breaks that were already focused before activating).
      IBreakOverlaySource is dead!     Pulled some of its functionality into ScreenOverlay, and other bits 
are driven directly by RestBreakView and MicroBreakView.     TimerBreakStatusWidget now updates itself.
      Fixed penalty for ignoring rest breaks: due to a recent change, it was only ever changing to 
duration/4.     Also changed it to be slightly less mean: the maximum penalty is duration/2.
      Reimplemented system sleep detection, and tweaked logic for continuing paused breaks in 
TimerBreakController.update_active_countdowns_for_activity and 
      Merging useful fixes from the gnome-break-timer branch.
      Updated files with translatable strings.
      Merging fix to build errors involving POTFILES.in and POTFILES.skip.
      Reset duration countdown as soon as activity is detected for micro breaks.     Adjust 
TimerBreakController.get_waiting_update_frequency so activity is polled at least eight times before starting 
a break.     Previously, it was very easy to delay a micro break without actually taking a 25 second break. 
The change to waiting update frequency could solve the problem on its own, but we should really be stricter 
about micro breaks anyway.
      Merging fixes for micro break timing.
      Fixed ScreenOverlay still holding on to old content after fading out.
      Fix CSS issues with GTK 3.6 and below.     Don't crash when CSS style data fails to load.
      Fixed ScreenOverlay never removing old content.     Clean up unused signal handlers in 
TimerBreakStatusWidget, and update view immediately before ScreenOverlay fades in or out.     Improved 
animation for fading ScreenOverlay: it now uses a proper easing function, which should fix the uncomfortable 
jitter it exhibited before.     ScreenOverlay is now slightly more transparent.
      Merge bug fixes from lp:brainbreak.
      More UIManager / BreakView refactoring. (This should be the last bit).     Killed generic FocusManager 
stuff - it's just a single, simpler class, now. Slight sense of deja vu, but this definitely makes more sense 
      Fixed ScreenOverlay not reappearing after quiet mode was enabled and disabled (yes, again...)
      Lock screen notifications for finished breaks. They are designed to only appear in the lock screen, and 
disappear when the screen is unlocked.     Ignore activity that is detected while the screen is locked.     
Added some actions to break notifications. (Some of these are placeholders for now).     Minor adjustments to 
our use of the singleton pattern. Switched to an "instance" property, instead of a get_instance() function. 
It's still nasty, of course, as singletons are, but at least it reads better.
      Pulled ActivityMonitor code into TimerBreakController, and split out RestBreak- and MicroBreak- 
specific delay and continuation functions.     This seems like a lot of flailing around (and it is), but 
there's method to the madness now: this change will make it easier to delay a break on a signal (such as when 
the screen is unlocked), and to implement notifications that are aware of whether or not the user is taking 
the break.     Some FIXMEs remain where features have been pulled out pending further work. I'm committing 
this early because that other work might be trickier than expected.
      Keep track of how long a break has been delayed.     Added back resetting rest breaks after a delay.    
 Added resetting rest break reminder countdown after a delay, so the time penalty (and shaking window) 
requires a period of somewhat continuous activity.     Added the ability to skip a break, which works just 
like finishing a break normally but without a notification about it.     Cleaner implementation of "Thank 
you" message in TimerBreakStatusWidget.
      Tweaked behind-the-scenes timer stuff with TimerBreak. Duration countdown stops counting if interval 
countdown is at the top, instead of counting down repeatedly.     TimerBreak update frequency should never be 
smaller than 1.
      Pulled some more of the activity monitoring work into ActivityMonitor itself.     Removed strange 
assortment of timeouts with different frequencies from TimerBreakController. We now have a single timeout to 
check the countdowns, and another timeout in ActivityMonitor to poll activity. Both timeouts run every 
second.     Connected shell unlock signal all the way through to a (placeholderish) "Break interrupted" 
notification for rest breaks.     Switched to new GLib.Thread API.     Share a single ActivityMonitor 
instance between break controllers. (This makes sense now, because it's turned into a much more complex 
object than originally planned).
      Fixed TimerBreak.duration_countdown retaining previous time penalty after finishing a break.
      Improved logic for when we show the "Break Interrupted" notification for a rest break. The notification 
only appears if the break has been comfortably counting down for 20 seconds.
      Replaced stderr.printf with GLib.warning in NaturalTime.vala.
      Implemented Postpone action for rest breaks.
      Disabling the full screen overlay for breaks. (We'll leave all the necessary code where it as is for 
now, just to be sure).
      Build "helper" subdirectories in the right order. Don't use a sibling as a "subdirectory" of 
      Changed style class names so we aren't needlessly repeating the application ID.     Renamed 
brainbreak-helper.desktop to just brainbreak.desktop.
      BreakController fires the "finished" signal before disabling. This makes it a little easier for a 
watcher to clean up when a break finishes, because it can trust that one signal to be called in any case.     
Only show the "Break over" notification if the "Time for a break" notification has appeared at some point. 
(Fixes notifications which appeared after a break requested focus but before it started counting down).
      Added sounds for break start and finish.     The break finish sound uses libcanberra directly, instead 
of the notification sound hint, because we want the sound to play immediately instead of waiting for the 
notification to appear (which could be a very long time if the screen is blank).
      Changed the commented out ScreenOverlay code so it can be enabled or disabled at runtime. We'll 
probably just get rid of it in the future.
      Consider a rest break no longer postponed as long as proceeding_happily is true.     Lowered minimum 
version for libcanberra.
      Adding libgd.
      Ruthlessly cutting things from the Settings dialog, and adding a Gd.HeaderBar. Most of these changes 
are superficial.
      Prettier dbus interface for the break helper daemon, with a specific object path for each break type 
and a handy GetStatusMessages method for easier testing.
      Added Break Status panels to the settings application.     Moved some frequently-used dbus names and 
object paths to constants defined in IBreakHelper.vala.
      Hooked up master switch in break helper. When the master switch is off, breaks are disabled.     This 
is useful to keep track of which specific break types should be enabled when the master switch is toggled 
back on.     Fixed a race condition where TimerBreakStatusPanel would attempt to access objects that were not 
yet registered on dbus. To solve this, I'm using a different dbus name for the application 
(org.brainbreak.Monitor.Application), then owning the usual name (org.brainbreak.Monitor) once everything we 
expect to be associated with that name is up and running. Existing code that watches for the name on dbus can 
remain as it is.
      Added a screen to the settings panel that explains the currently active break.     Communicate which 
break is currently active and in focus over dbus.     Minor cleanups for the break status panels.
      Added a central list of enabled breaks, instead of keeping track of state in each break's own settings. 
    Tweaked break settings dialog to use a combo box to choose the configuration, instead of an on/off switch 
beside each break. (Fixes multiple ways to disable all breaks).     Added a message in the main window if the 
break helper application is not running when it should be. (This currently appears more often than it should 
because the settings application is not autostarting the helper application).
      Updated POTFILES.in to fix package build errors.
      Added a rudimentary welcome tour to the settings application, using GtkBuilder and GResource for some 
of the less mechanical UI elements.     Moved the special messages in StatusPanel to settings-panels.ui.
      Disable the application by default.
      Hooked up the "What should I do?" buttons in the break notifications.     Right now, we just open the 
settings panel with no specific instruction. We assume it will figure out the current context on its own.     
Automatically launch the helper application from the settings application. (gnome-session tries to launch it, 
as well, but only when the master-enabled settings is explicitly changed).     Removed the unused 
ApplicationPanel from the settings application.     Added a sliding pages transition to the tour in the 
settings application.
      Tweaked break info panels to be slightly closer to the mockup.
      Added config.vapi, and two constants with the names of our .desktop files.
      Set the desktop-entry hint with break notifications, so the user's notification preferences might be 
applied.     Added a (placeholder) icon to break notifications.
      Adding config.vapi. (Oops!).
      Fixed .desktop files not being built correctly.
      Maintain a single notification object that is updated with Notification.update, instead of creating 
extra ones.     Lock screen notifications remain visible in the session before disappearing.     Fixed 
play_sound_from_id so it actually plays a sound.
      Fixed error screen not appearing under the correct conditions.
      As well as the immediate time that a break has been counting down or delayed (since the event started), 
keep track of the total time that the break has been delayed or counting for.     Use resident, normal 
priority notifications wherever appropriate. Break Timer should be in the message tray whenever a break is 
      Hooking up lap_time and total_time to TimerBreak's signals.     This will make it easy to show an 
"overdue break" notification at the appropriate time.
      Fixed ActivityMonitor incorrectly skipping sleep detection when the screen is locked.     (This 
effectively broke sleep detection, because the screen is locked by default after resuming from suspend).
      Finished implementing "Overdue break" notifications for rest breaks, and for micro breaks.     Cleaned 
up BreakView code to keep notification contents close together.
      Updated POTFILES.in for new strings in BreakView.vala.
      Fixed a corner case where a break would still have focus (from calling "warned") after its duration was 
changed.     Added a focus indicator to TimerBreakView.get_status_message output.
      Removing the notification for a micro break should also skip the break, like with a rest break.     
build_common_notification belongs to BreakView, now, instead of delegating to UIManager.
      We're GNOME Break Timer, now. GNOME Break Timer is cool.     Also, tweaked the settings schema to get 
rid of the redundant /breaks node. Main settings go under /org/gnome/break-timer/, now.
      Fixed "break overdue" notification for micro breaks being shown continually.     Differentiated copy 
for micro break notifications.
      Changed DBus object path and name to use UpperCamelCase instead of dashes.     Changed master-enabled 
gsettings key to simply "enabled".     The settings panel will now autostart the break timer service when it 
is enabled, as well, just in case gnome-session isn't doing that itself.
      Added some files to extra_dist, so archives produced by make dist are buildable.
      Smarter names for our dbus interface.
      Moved postponing breaks over to TimerBreakController.     Got rid of ugly break postponing code in 
RestBreakView - we can leave scheduling to the break controller, now.     When a rest break is removed from 
the message tray, we postpone it for interval / 4.
      Added support for Gtk.Window.set_titlebar in Gtk 3.9, as well as Gtk.HeaderBar and Gtk.Stack.     Added 
a close button to the header bar if it is acting as the main window's titlebar.     Fixed duplicate window 
title with header bar.     Tweaked the build system to avoid repetition.
      Pushed stuff around in configure.ac to make things tidier.
      Fixed reference cycles between BreakController, BreakType and BreakView.     Removed redundant calls to 
      Changed WindowHeaderBar's behaviour for set_title. It displays the owner window's title .
      Added missing base object initializer to WelcomePanel.
      Added .gitignore, and libgd as a git submodule
      Changed autogen.sh to update git submodules the right way
      Removed the "Other" option from the time chooser widget.     Tweaked duration and interval options for 
micro breaks and rest breaks.
      Keep track of MainWindow.settings_button
      Added a check if "idle" is inhibited before automatically locking the screen.     This fixes an issue 
where rest breaks would rudely interrupt videos :)     SessionStatus is no longer a singleton.
      Added SessionStatus.vala forgotten in last commit.     (Sorry, still getting used to git)
      Base code and build system changes for our new test suite.
      Added some helper functions to tests_common.vala.
      Added unit tests for NaturalTime (in common)
      Moved build sources and flags into target-specific includes.
      Merging changes to tests.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:DylanMcCall/gnome-break-timer
      Separated main functions into their own source files.
      Fixed failing tests with POTFILES.
      Fixed unwanted trailing slash in tests/Makefile.am.
      Break notifications honour server capabilities.
      Made notifications_can_do actually do what it says
      Ignore l10n and clean junk files in tests.
      Added long-needed tests for the ActivityMonitor class.
      Unset globals in ActivityMonitor test teardown
      Made BreakController & BreakView easier to create
      Added simple tests for TimerBreakController.
      Improved coverage for test_TimerBreakController.
      Fixed Vala compiler warnings in tests.
      Fixed broken timer code in main application.
      Fixed warning in tests_TimerBreakController.vala.
      Reset activate_timestamp when skipping MicroBreak.
      Added initial support for serializing break state
      Store state in a cache file, and restore on start.
      Added tests for serialization / deserialization.
      Immediately finish a break after time correction.
      Fixed missing json library for activity-monitor
      Save state on SIGTERM, in addition to SIGINT.
      Also connect to the SIGHUP signal.
      Fixed break deserialize overriding disabled state.
      Fixed noisy break notifications after deserialize.
      Changed default microbreak duration to 30 seconds.
      Break Schedule dialog no longer changes in size.
      Register HelperApplication with gnome-session.
      Fixed panels sometimes not allocating space
      Communicate break duration in BreakInfo panels.
      Arrows for the welcome slideshow.
      Fixed arrow overlaping text in welcome slides.
      Moved TutorialArrow into its own file.
      Lowered version requirement for libcairo
      Added some padding above and below settings dialog
      Correct widget class for close button.
      Changed to a more conventional coding style.
      Removed special font for break-info in settings
      Fixed typo in rest break info.
      Fixed oversized switch and settings button.
      Added a simple appdata file.
      Added appdata file to POTFILES
      Use ngettext (properly) for NaturalTime units.
      Add a custom countdown widget to the status dialog
      Documentation for CircleCounter.
      Set colours for CircleCounter in CSS.
      Add translator comments and remove unused strings.
      Run tests with the C locale by default
      Use ngettext for time values nested inside strings
      Updated po files
      Test NaturalTime's output_value.
      Fixed OverlayArrow blocking buttons in some cases.
      Fix colours and alignment for break status panels
      Fixed valac warnings.
      Updated code style for tests.
      Documentation for Countdown.
      Added tests for helper/util Countdown class
      Added some basic tests for StatefulTimer.
      Put test cases in their test suites' namespaces.
      Changed website URL to Break Timer's wiki page.
      Fix spurious failure in test_deserialize_hardcoded
      Added placeholder application icon.
      Tweaked size and position of placeholder icon.
      Tweaked README, AUTHORS and About dialog
      Releasing version 1.1

Enrico Nicoletto (1):
      Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation

Georges Basile Stavracas Neto (1):
      Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation proofread by Enrico Nicoletto

Jasper St. Pierre (3):
      Update .gitignore
      Add a DOAP
      Add Dylan to maintainers

Kenneth Nielsen (1):
      Added da to list of languages

Kris Thomsen (1):
      Updated Danish translation

Marek Černocký (4):
      Added Czech language
      Czech translation
      Updated Czech translation
      Updated Czech translation

Martin Srebotnjak (1):
      Updated Slovenian translation

Matej Urbančič (3):
      Added Slovenian translation
      Added sl for Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation

Piotr Drąg (1):
      Updated POTFILES.in

Yosef Or Boczko (1):
      Make the settings button as center vertically

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