[gnome-devel-docs] platform-demos/C: fixed broken xrefs

commit d2a25edf886d7f53bddf695d1a62d315eab5182c
Author: Tiffany Ann Antopolski <tiffany antopolski gmail com>
Date:   Mon Jun 17 00:30:11 2013 -0400

    platform-demos/C: fixed broken xrefs

 platform-demos/C/02_welcome_to_the_grid.js.page |    2 +-
 platform-demos/C/03_getting_the_signal.js.page  |    2 +-
 platform-demos/C/hellognome.js.page             |    2 +-
 platform-demos/C/textview.js.page               |    4 ++--
 4 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/platform-demos/C/02_welcome_to_the_grid.js.page b/platform-demos/C/02_welcome_to_the_grid.js.page
index e77791a..7d03f9a 100644
--- a/platform-demos/C/02_welcome_to_the_grid.js.page
+++ b/platform-demos/C/02_welcome_to_the_grid.js.page
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ app.application.run (ARGV);
         this._grid.attach (this._button, 1, 1, 1, 1);
-    <p>That's right, we turned the Label into a Button just by changing the name! If you run the application 
and click on it, though, you'll find that it doesn't do anything. How do we make our Button do something? 
That's what we'll find out, in <link xref="getting_the_signal.js">our next tutorial</link>.</p>
+    <p>That's right, we turned the Label into a Button just by changing the name! If you run the application 
and click on it, though, you'll find that it doesn't do anything. How do we make our Button do something? 
That's what we'll find out, in <link xref="03_getting_the_signal.js">our next tutorial</link>.</p>
     <p>If you like, feel free to spend some time experimenting with Grids, Labels, and Images, including 
stock images.</p>
     <note style="tip"><p>One trick you can use to make more complex layouts is to nest Grids inside of each 
other. This lets you group together related widgets, and rearrange them easily. Take a look at the <link 
xref="radiobutton.js">RadioButton</link> code sample if you'd like to see how this is done.</p></note>
diff --git a/platform-demos/C/03_getting_the_signal.js.page b/platform-demos/C/03_getting_the_signal.js.page
index eff84e8..60f5ff2 100644
--- a/platform-demos/C/03_getting_the_signal.js.page
+++ b/platform-demos/C/03_getting_the_signal.js.page
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ app.application.run (ARGV);
   <section id="whats_next">
     <title>What's next?</title>
-    <p><link xref="04_popup_dialog_boxes.js">Click here</link> to go on to the next tutorial. Or keep 
reading, if you'd like to see the complete code for each version of our cookie maker application.</p>
+    <p>Keep reading, if you'd like to see the complete code for each version of our cookie maker 
     <note style="tip"><p>The main JavaScript tutorials page has <link xref="beginner.js#buttons">more 
detailed code samples</link> for each input widget, including several not covered here.</p></note>
diff --git a/platform-demos/C/hellognome.js.page b/platform-demos/C/hellognome.js.page
index 5992553..e10f470 100644
--- a/platform-demos/C/hellognome.js.page
+++ b/platform-demos/C/hellognome.js.page
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ app.application.run (ARGV);
     <title>What's next?</title>
     <p><link xref="02_welcome_to_the_grid.js">Continue on to the next tutorial</link> to learn how to build 
"native" GNOME applications that look and feel like the others, instead of a webview with HTML code inside. 
Or take a look at some <link xref="beginner.js#samples">code samples</link>, if you'd like to see example 
code for each Gtk widget.</p>
-    <p>Finally, if you want to just build GNOME applications using JavaScript libraries designed for the 
web, you can basically stop here and go do that! Take a look at the <link 
xref="scrolledwindow.js">ScrolledWindow</link> code sample if you'd like to see how to make a WebView widget 
that can scroll to show parts of a larger web page, and check out <link xref="beginner.js#tutorials">the 
later tutorials</link> if you'd like to see how to create a .desktop file for your application, which will 
let it appear in your desktop's Activities menu with all your other apps.</p>
+    <p>Finally, if you want to just build GNOME applications using JavaScript libraries designed for the 
web, you can basically stop here and go do that! Check out <link xref="beginner.js#tutorials">the later 
tutorials</link> if you'd like to see how to create a .desktop file for your application, which will let it 
appear in your desktop's Activities menu with all your other apps.</p>
   <section id="complete">
diff --git a/platform-demos/C/textview.js.page b/platform-demos/C/textview.js.page
index 2dc6830..70fdcf7 100644
--- a/platform-demos/C/textview.js.page
+++ b/platform-demos/C/textview.js.page
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     <item><p>At the bottom there is a <link 
href="http://www.roojs.org/seed/gir-1.2-gtk-3.0/gjs/Gtk.TextBuffer.html";>TextBuffer</link>. This holds the 
text itself.</p></item>
     <item><p>In the middle there is the <link 
href="http://www.roojs.org/seed/gir-1.2-gtk-3.0/gjs/Gtk.TextView.html";>TextView</link>, which is a widget 
that lets you see and edit the text in the buffer. It automatically resizes itself depending on how much text 
there is.</p></item>
-    <item><p>Since the automatic resizing can make a TextView unwieldy, you normally place it inside of a 
<link xref="scrolledwindow.js">ScrolledWindow</link>. Despite the name, it's not an actual window in terms of 
having a title bar and an X button; it's a widget you put on the application you're making, which acts like a 
window onto a more manageable chunk of a TextView. If the text in the buffer is too big to fit, scrollbars 
will appear.</p></item>
+    <item><p>Since the automatic resizing can make a TextView unwieldy, you normally place it inside of a 
ScrolledWindow. Despite the name, it's not an actual window in terms of having a title bar and an X button; 
it's a widget you put on the application you're making, which acts like a window onto a more manageable chunk 
of a TextView. If the text in the buffer is too big to fit, scrollbars will appear.</p></item>
   <p>If you want to change what text is displayed in the TextView, you act on the TextBuffer, since it's 
what actually holds the text. The same goes for if you want to see what text someone typed in. This sample 
application lets you talk to a (make-believe) penguin, and checks the TextBuffer to see if you typed the word 
"fish" anywhere in it.</p>
   <note><p>Real-life penguin populations are declining fast, because climate change is melting the ice that 
they live on and killing the fish that they eat. If you'd like to play a (somewhat silly) GNOME game based on 
this premise, take a look at <link href="http://pingus.seul.org/";>Pingus</link>.</p></note>
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ const TextViewExample = new Lang.Class ({
         // Put the textview into the scrolled window
         this._scrolled.add_with_viewport (this._textView);
-    <p>Here we create a <link xref="scrolledwindow.js">ScrolledWindow</link>, and set it to automatically 
scroll if it gets to be too big horizontally or vertically. We also give it a nice-looking ETCHED_IN border. 
After that, we put our TextView inside, and tell the ScrolledWindow to give us a viewport onto it.</p>
+    <p>Here we create a ScrolledWindow, and set it to automatically scroll if it gets to be too big 
horizontally or vertically. We also give it a nice-looking ETCHED_IN border. After that, we put our TextView 
inside, and tell the ScrolledWindow to give us a viewport onto it.</p>
     <section id="ui">

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