[gnome-contacts] Fixing indentation issues.

commit a7297ab141edcd913647f41a238dd70a494f6389
Author: Erick PÃrez Castellanos <erick red gmail com>
Date:   Mon Feb 18 13:28:57 2013 -0500

    Fixing indentation issues.

 src/contacts-app.vala |  246 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/contacts-app.vala b/src/contacts-app.vala
index c04c689..0551c75 100644
--- a/src/contacts-app.vala
+++ b/src/contacts-app.vala
@@ -48,21 +48,21 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
   private bool window_key_press_event (Gdk.EventKey event) {
     if ((event.keyval == Gdk.keyval_from_name ("q")) &&
-       ((event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) != 0)) {
+        ((event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) != 0)) {
       // Clear the contacts so any changed information is stored
       contacts_pane.show_contact (null);
       window.destroy ();
     } else if (((event.keyval == Gdk.Key.s) ||
-               (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.f)) &&
-              ((event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) != 0)) {
+                (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.f)) &&
+               ((event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) != 0)) {
       Utils.grab_entry_focus_no_select (list_pane.filter_entry);
     } else if (event.length >= 1 &&
-              Gdk.keyval_to_unicode (event.keyval) != 0 &&
-              (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) == 0 &&
-              (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK) == 0 &&
-              (event.keyval != Gdk.Key.Escape) &&
-              (event.keyval != Gdk.Key.Tab) &&
-              (event.keyval != Gdk.Key.BackSpace) ) {
+               Gdk.keyval_to_unicode (event.keyval) != 0 &&
+               (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) == 0 &&
+               (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK) == 0 &&
+               (event.keyval != Gdk.Key.Escape) &&
+               (event.keyval != Gdk.Key.Tab) &&
+               (event.keyval != Gdk.Key.BackSpace) ) {
       Utils.grab_entry_focus_no_select (list_pane.filter_entry);
       window.propagate_key_event (event);
@@ -98,29 +98,29 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
   public async void show_individual (string id) {
     var contact = yield contacts_store.find_contact ( (c) => {
-       return c.individual.id == id;
+        return c.individual.id == id;
     if (contact != null) {
       list_pane.select_contact (contact);
       contacts_pane.show_contact (contact);
     } else {
       var dialog = new MessageDialog (App.app.window, DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, MessageType.ERROR, 
-                                     _("No contact with id %s found"), id);
+                                      _("No contact with id %s found"), id);
       dialog.set_title(_("Contact not found"));
       dialog.show ();
       dialog.response.connect ( (id) => {
-         dialog.destroy ();
-       });
+          dialog.destroy ();
+        });
   public void change_address_book () {
     var title = _("Change Address Book");
     var dialog = new Dialog.with_buttons ("",
-                                         (Window) window,
-                                         DialogFlags.MODAL | DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
-                                         Stock.CANCEL, ResponseType.CANCEL,
-                                         _("Select"), ResponseType.OK);
+                                          (Window) window,
+                                          DialogFlags.MODAL | DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
+                                          Stock.CANCEL, ResponseType.CANCEL,
+                                          _("Select"), ResponseType.OK);
     dialog.set_resizable (false);
     dialog.set_default_response (ResponseType.OK);
@@ -167,27 +167,27 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
       store.append (out iter);
       store.set (iter, 0, name, 1, persona_store);
       if (persona_store == contacts_store.aggregator.primary_store) {
-       tree_view.get_selection ().select_iter (iter);
+        tree_view.get_selection ().select_iter (iter);
     dialog.show_all ();
     dialog.response.connect ( (response) => {
-       if (response == ResponseType.OK) {
-         PersonaStore selected_store;
-         TreeIter iter2;
+        if (response == ResponseType.OK) {
+          PersonaStore selected_store;
+          TreeIter iter2;
-         if (tree_view.get_selection() .get_selected (null, out iter2)) {
-           store.get (iter2, 1, out selected_store);
+          if (tree_view.get_selection() .get_selected (null, out iter2)) {
+            store.get (iter2, 1, out selected_store);
-           var e_store = selected_store as Edsf.PersonaStore;
+            var e_store = selected_store as Edsf.PersonaStore;
-           eds_source_registry.set_default_address_book (e_store.source);
+            eds_source_registry.set_default_address_book (e_store.source);
-           contacts_store.refresh ();
-         }
-       }
-       dialog.destroy ();
+            contacts_store.refresh ();
+          }
+        }
+        dialog.destroy ();
@@ -206,35 +206,35 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
       "Allan Day <allanpday gmail com>"
     Gtk.show_about_dialog (window,
-                          "artists", artists,
-                          "authors", authors,
-                          "translator-credits", _("translator-credits"),
-                          "program-name", _("GNOME Contacts"),
-                          "title", _("About GNOME Contacts"),
-                          "comments", _("Contact Management Application"),
-                          "copyright", "Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc.",
-                          "license-type", Gtk.License.GPL_2_0,
-                          "logo-icon-name", "x-office-address-book",
-                          "version", Config.PACKAGE_VERSION,
-                          "website", "https://live.gnome.org/Contacts";,
-                          "wrap-license", true);
+                           "artists", artists,
+                           "authors", authors,
+                           "translator-credits", _("translator-credits"),
+                           "program-name", _("GNOME Contacts"),
+                           "title", _("About GNOME Contacts"),
+                           "comments", _("Contact Management Application"),
+                           "copyright", "Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc.",
+                           "license-type", Gtk.License.GPL_2_0,
+                           "logo-icon-name", "x-office-address-book",
+                           "version", Config.PACKAGE_VERSION,
+                           "website", "https://live.gnome.org/Contacts";,
+                           "wrap-license", true);
   public async void show_by_email (string email_address) {
     var contact = yield contacts_store.find_contact ( (c) => {
-       return c.has_email (email_address);
+        return c.has_email (email_address);
     if (contact != null) {
       list_pane.select_contact (contact);
       contacts_pane.show_contact (contact);
     } else {
       var dialog = new MessageDialog (App.app.window, DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, MessageType.ERROR, 
-                                     _("No contact with email address %s found"), email_address);
+                                      _("No contact with email address %s found"), email_address);
       dialog.set_title(_("Contact not found"));
       dialog.show ();
       dialog.response.connect ( (id) => {
-         dialog.destroy ();
-       });
+          dialog.destroy ();
+        });
@@ -264,11 +264,11 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
     var view_action = new GLib.SimpleAction.stateful ("view_subset", VariantType.STRING, settings.get_value 
     this.add_action (view_action);
     settings.changed["view-subset"].connect (() => {
-       view_action.set_state (settings.get_value ("view-subset"));
-       list_pane.refilter ();
+        view_action.set_state (settings.get_value ("view-subset"));
+        list_pane.refilter ();
     view_action.activate.connect ((act, parameter) => {
-       settings.set_value ("view-subset", parameter);
+        settings.set_value ("view-subset", parameter);
     var builder = new Builder ();
@@ -368,32 +368,32 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
     grid.show_all ();
     select_button.toggled.connect (() => {
-       if (select_button.active)
-         list_pane.show_selection ();
-       else
-         list_pane.hide_selection ();
+        if (select_button.active)
+          list_pane.show_selection ();
+        else
+          list_pane.hide_selection ();
     edit_button.clicked.connect (() => {
-       if (select_button.active)
-         select_button.set_active (false);
-       var name = _("Editing");
-       if (contacts_pane.contact != null) {
-         name += " %s".printf (contacts_pane.contact.display_name);
-       }
-       contact_name.set_markup (Markup.printf_escaped ("<b>%s</b>", name));
-       edit_button.hide ();
-       done_button.show ();
-       contacts_pane.set_edit_mode (true);
+        if (select_button.active)
+          select_button.set_active (false);
+        var name = _("Editing");
+        if (contacts_pane.contact != null) {
+          name += " %s".printf (contacts_pane.contact.display_name);
+        }
+        contact_name.set_markup (Markup.printf_escaped ("<b>%s</b>", name));
+        edit_button.hide ();
+        done_button.show ();
+        contacts_pane.set_edit_mode (true);
     done_button.clicked.connect (() => {
-       contact_name.set_text (null);
-       done_button.hide ();
-       edit_button.show ();
-       contacts_pane.set_edit_mode (false);
+        contact_name.set_text (null);
+        done_button.hide ();
+        edit_button.show ();
+        contacts_pane.set_edit_mode (false);
     edit_button.hide ();
@@ -410,9 +410,9 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
     var setup = new SetupWindow ();
     setup.set_application (this);
     setup.destroy.connect ( () => {
-       setup.destroy ();
-       if (setup.succeeded)
-         this.activate ();
+        setup.destroy ();
+        if (setup.succeeded)
+          this.activate ();
     setup.show ();
@@ -420,41 +420,41 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
   public override void activate () {
     if (window == null) {
       if (!settings.get_boolean ("did-initial-setup")) {
-       if (contacts_store.is_prepared)
-         show_setup ();
-       else {
-         hold ();
-         ulong id = 0;
-         uint id2 = 0;
-         id = contacts_store.prepared.connect (() => {
-             show_setup ();
-             contacts_store.disconnect (id);
-             Source.remove (id2);
-             release ();
-           });
-         // Wait at most 0.5 seconds to show the window
-         id2 = Timeout.add (500, () => {
-             show_setup ();
-             contacts_store.disconnect (id);
-             release ();
-             return false;
-       });
-       }
-       return;
+        if (contacts_store.is_prepared)
+          show_setup ();
+        else {
+          hold ();
+          ulong id = 0;
+          uint id2 = 0;
+          id = contacts_store.prepared.connect (() => {
+              show_setup ();
+              contacts_store.disconnect (id);
+              Source.remove (id2);
+              release ();
+            });
+          // Wait at most 0.5 seconds to show the window
+          id2 = Timeout.add (500, () => {
+              show_setup ();
+              contacts_store.disconnect (id);
+              release ();
+              return false;
+        });
+        }
+        return;
       create_window ();
       // We delay the initial show a tiny bit so most contacts are loaded when we show
       contacts_store.quiescent.connect (() => {
-         app.window.show ();
-       });
+          app.window.show ();
+        });
       // Wait at most 0.5 seconds to show the window
       Timeout.add (500, () => {
-         app.window.show ();
-         return false;
-       });
+          app.window.show ();
+          return false;
+        });
     } else {
       window.present ();
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
     LinkOperation2 operation = null;
     link_contacts_list.begin (contact_list, (obj, result) => {
-       operation = link_contacts_list.end (result);
+        operation = link_contacts_list.end (result);
     var notification = new Gd.Notification ();
@@ -510,10 +510,10 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
     /* signal handlers */
     b.clicked.connect ( () => {
-       /* here, we will unlink the thing in question */
-       operation.undo.begin ();
+        /* here, we will unlink the thing in question */
+        operation.undo.begin ();
-       notification.dismiss ();
+        notification.dismiss ();
@@ -543,18 +543,18 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
     /* signal handlers */
     bool really_delete = true;
     notification.dismissed.connect ( () => {
-       if (really_delete) {
-         foreach (var c in contact_list) {
-           c.remove_personas.begin ();
-         }
-       }
+        if (really_delete) {
+          foreach (var c in contact_list) {
+            c.remove_personas.begin ();
+          }
+        }
     b.clicked.connect ( () => {
-       really_delete = false;
-       notification.dismiss ();
-         foreach (var c in contact_list) {
-           c.show ();
-         }
+        really_delete = false;
+        notification.dismiss ();
+          foreach (var c in contact_list) {
+            c.show ();
+          }
@@ -578,16 +578,16 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
     bool really_delete = true;
     notification.show_all ();
     notification.dismissed.connect ( () => {
-       if (really_delete)
-         contact.remove_personas.begin ( () => {
-             contact.show ();
-           });
+        if (really_delete)
+          contact.remove_personas.begin ( () => {
+              contact.show ();
+            });
     b.clicked.connect ( () => {
-       really_delete = false;
-       notification.dismiss ();
-       contact.show ();
-       show_contact (contact);
+        really_delete = false;
+        notification.dismiss ();
+        contact.show ();
+        show_contact (contact);
     overlay.add_overlay (notification);
@@ -659,9 +659,9 @@ public class Contacts.App : Gtk.Application {
     PersonaStore[] stores = {};
     foreach (var backend in app.contacts_store.backend_store.enabled_backends.values) {
       foreach (var persona_store in backend.persona_stores.values) {
-       if (persona_store.type_id == "eds") {
-         stores += persona_store;
-       }
+        if (persona_store.type_id == "eds") {
+          stores += persona_store;
+        }
     return stores;

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