[gnome-shell] Punjabi: Translation updated (aalam)

commit 2f0181ac44b57a990381f665875848fa2bab0bad
Author: A S Alam <aalam users sf net>
Date:   Sun Feb 10 23:38:16 2013 +0000

    Punjabi: Translation updated (aalam)

 po/pa.po |  436 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 214 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/pa.po b/po/pa.po
index 8a516ed..d5e4b03 100644
--- a/po/pa.po
+++ b/po/pa.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gnome-shell master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-22 15:41+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-27 09:25+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-02-06 00:15+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-10 23:36+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: A S Alam <aalam users sf net>\n"
 "Language-Team: Punjabi/Panjabi <punjabi-users lists sf net>\n"
 "Language: pa\n"
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ msgid ""
 "user, single-session situations."
 msgstr ""
 "àà ààààà ààààà àààà, ààààà-àààà ààààà àààà 'ààà ààà' àààà-àààà ààà àààà-àà "
-"àààà ààà "
-"ààà ààààààà àààà ààà"
+"àààà ààà ààà "
+"ààààààà àààà ààà"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:15
 msgid ""
@@ -174,10 +174,10 @@ msgid ""
 "state of the checkbox."
 msgstr ""
 "àààà ààà àà àààààà àààààà àààààà, àààà àààààààà àààà àààà ààà ààààà àààà "
-"ààààà ààààà "
-"àààà ààààà ààà àà àà àààààà ààààà àààà àààà ààààààà àà àààà àààà ààà 'àààààà "
-"ààà àààà' àààà ààààà ààààààà àà ààààà ààà-àààà àà ààààà ààà àààààà àà àààà "
-"àààà ààà"
+"ààààà ààààà àààà "
+"ààààà ààà àà àà àààààà ààààà àààà àààà ààààààà àà àààà àààà ààà 'àààààà ààà "
+"àààà' àààà "
+"ààààà ààààààà àà ààààà ààà-àààà àà ààààà ààà àààààà àà àààà àààà ààà"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:17
 msgid "Show the week date in the calendar"
@@ -303,7 +303,6 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:38
-#| msgid "Open the application menu"
 msgid "The application icon mode."
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààà àààà"
@@ -314,10 +313,10 @@ msgid ""
 "only' (shows only the application icon) or 'both'."
 msgstr ""
 "àààààà ààà àà àààààà àààà àààààà ààààà ààààààà àààà àààà ààààà àà àààà àààààà "
-"('thumbnail-only') "
-"(ààààà àà àààààà àààààà àààààà), àààà ààà ààààà ('app-icon-only') (àààà "
-"àààààààà "
-"ààààà àààààà àààààà) ààà ààààà ('both')"
+"only') (ààààà àà àààààà àààààà àààààà), àààà ààà ààààà ('app-icon-only') "
+"(àààà "
+"àààààààà ààààà àààààà àààààà) ààà ààààà ('both')"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:40
 msgid "Attach modal dialog to the parent window"
@@ -339,7 +338,8 @@ msgid ""
 "GNOME Shell."
 msgstr ""
 "àà ààààà àààà àààà àààà àà ààààà  org.gnome.desktop.wm.preference ààààà ààà "
-"ààààààà àààà ààà"
+"ààààààà àààà "
 #: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:44
 msgid "Enable edge tiling when dropping windows on screen edges"
@@ -366,11 +366,11 @@ msgstr "àààààààà"
 msgid "Select an extension to configure using the combobox above."
 msgstr "àààà ààààà àààààààà àà ààààà àààà àààààààà àà àààààà ààà àà ààà àààà"
-#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:566
+#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:569
 msgid "Session..."
 msgstr "àààààà..."
-#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:723
+#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:726
 msgctxt "title"
 msgid "Sign In"
 msgstr "àààà àà"
@@ -378,35 +378,35 @@ msgstr "àààà àà"
 #. translators: this message is shown below the user list on the
 #. login screen. It can be activated to reveal an entry for
 #. manually entering the username.
-#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:787
+#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:790
 msgid "Not listed?"
 msgstr "àààà àààà àààà àà?"
-#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:963 ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:137
+#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:967 ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:137
 #: ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:162 ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:373
 #: ../js/ui/extensionDownloader.js:195 ../js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:399
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:413 ../js/ui/unlockDialog.js:178
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:415 ../js/ui/unlockDialog.js:178
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "ààà ààà"
-#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:979
+#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:983
 msgctxt "button"
 msgid "Sign In"
 msgstr "àààà àà"
-#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:979
+#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:983
 msgid "Next"
 msgstr "àààà"
 #. TTLS and PEAP are actually much more complicated, but this complication
 #. is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
 #. (and don't even care of which one)
-#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:1087 ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:260
+#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:1091 ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:260
 #: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:278
 msgid "Username: "
 msgstr "ààààà ààà: "
-#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:1383
+#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:1387
 msgid "Login Window"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà"
@@ -415,8 +415,8 @@ msgstr "ààààà ààààà"
 msgid "Power"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../js/gdm/powerMenu.js:93 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:677 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:681
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:792
+#: ../js/gdm/powerMenu.js:93 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:679 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:683
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:799
 msgid "Suspend"
 msgstr "àààààà"
@@ -424,8 +424,8 @@ msgstr "àààààà"
 msgid "Restart"
 msgstr "ààà-àààà ààà"
-#: ../js/gdm/powerMenu.js:103 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:679
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:681 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:791
+#: ../js/gdm/powerMenu.js:103 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:681
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:683 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:798
 msgid "Power Off"
 msgstr "ààà ààà"
@@ -460,19 +460,19 @@ msgid "Execution of '%s' failed:"
 msgstr "'%s' ààààà àà ààààà:"
 #. Translators: Filter to display all applications
-#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:258
+#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:259
 msgid "All"
 msgstr "àà"
-#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:666
+#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:667
 msgid "New Window"
 msgstr "àààà ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:669 ../js/ui/dash.js:289
+#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:670 ../js/ui/dash.js:289
 msgid "Remove from Favorites"
 msgstr "àààà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:670
+#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:671
 msgid "Add to Favorites"
 msgstr "àààà 'à ààààà ààà"
@@ -632,15 +632,15 @@ msgstr "àà ààààà"
 msgid "Next week"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/automountManager.js:92
+#: ../js/ui/components/automountManager.js:90
 msgid "External drive connected"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/automountManager.js:103
+#: ../js/ui/components/automountManager.js:101
 msgid "External drive disconnected"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà-àààààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/autorunManager.js:295
+#: ../js/ui/components/autorunManager.js:292
 msgid "Removable Devices"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààà"
@@ -763,66 +763,66 @@ msgstr "%d %t ààà ààààààààà"
 #. FIXME: We don't have a 'chat room' icon (bgo #653737) use
 #. system-users for now as Empathy does.
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:237
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:238
 msgid "Invitation"
 msgstr "àààà"
 #. We got the TpContact
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:297
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:298
 msgid "Call"
 msgstr "ààà ààà"
 #. We got the TpContact
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:313
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:314
 msgid "File Transfer"
 msgstr "àààà ààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:417
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:418
 msgid "Chat"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:477
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:480
 msgid "Unmute"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:477
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:480
 msgid "Mute"
 msgstr "àààà"
 #. Translators: this is the word "Yesterday" followed by a time string. i.e. "Yesterday, 14:30"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:931
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:938
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "<b>Yesterday</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
 msgstr "<b>ààààà</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
 #. Translators: this is the week day name followed by a time string. i.e. "Monday, 14:30
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:937
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:944
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "<b>%A</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
 msgstr "<b>%A</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
 #. Translators: this is the month name and day number followed by a time string. i.e. "May 25, 14:30"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:942
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:949
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "<b>%B</b> <b>%d</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
 msgstr "<b>%d</b> <b>%B</b>,<b>%H:%M</b>"
 #. Translators: this is the month name, day number, year number followed by a time string. i.e. "May 25 2012, 14:30"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:946
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:953
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "<b>%B</b> <b>%d</b> <b>%Y</b>, <b>%H:%M</b> "
 msgstr "<b>%d</b> <b>%B</b> <b>%Y</b>, <b>%H:%M</b> "
 #. Translators: this is the other person changing their old IM name to their new
 #. IM name.
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:974
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is now known as %s"
 msgstr "%s ààà ààà %s àààà ààààà àààààà"
 #. translators: argument is a room name like
 #. * room jabber org for example.
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1073
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1084
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invitation to %s"
 msgstr "%s àà àààà"
@@ -830,38 +830,38 @@ msgstr "%s àà àààà"
 #. translators: first argument is the name of a contact and the second
 #. * one the name of a room. "Alice is inviting you to join room jabber org
 #. * for example.
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1081
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1092
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s"
 msgstr "%s ààààààà %s àààààà ààà àà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1083
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1122
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1162
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1225
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1094
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1133
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1173
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1236
 msgid "Decline"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1084
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1163
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1226
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1095
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1174
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1237
 msgid "Accept"
 msgstr "àààààà"
 #. translators: argument is a contact name like Alice for example.
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1114
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1125
 #, c-format
 msgid "Video call from %s"
 msgstr "%s àààà ààààà ààà"
 #. translators: argument is a contact name like Alice for example.
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1117
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1128
 #, c-format
 msgid "Call from %s"
 msgstr "%s àààà ààà"
 #. translators: this is a button label (verb), not a noun
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1124
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1135
 msgid "Answer"
 msgstr "àààà ààà"
@@ -870,110 +870,110 @@ msgstr "àààà ààà"
 #. * file name. The string will be something
 #. * like: "Alice is sending you test.ogg"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1156
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1167
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is sending you %s"
 msgstr "%s ààààààà %s ààà àààà/ààà àà"
 #. To translators: The parameter is the contact's alias
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1191
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1202
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online"
 msgstr ""
 "%s ààààààà àààà àà àààààà ààààààà/ààààààà àà, àààà àà ààààà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1283
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1294
 msgid "Network error"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1285
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1296
 msgid "Authentication failed"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1287
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1298
 msgid "Encryption error"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1289
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1300
 msgid "Certificate not provided"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1291
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1302
 msgid "Certificate untrusted"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1293
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1304
 msgid "Certificate expired"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1295
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1306
 msgid "Certificate not activated"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1297
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1308
 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààà-ààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1299
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1310
 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààà-ààààà ààààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1301
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1312
 msgid "Certificate self-signed"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààà-àààààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1303
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1314
 msgid "Status is set to offline"
 msgstr "àààà àààààà àààà àààà àà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1305
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1316
 msgid "Encryption is not available"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1307
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1318
 msgid "Certificate is invalid"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1309
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1320
 msgid "Connection has been refused"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà ààààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1311
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1322
 msgid "Connection can't be established"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààà àààà àà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1313
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1324
 msgid "Connection has been lost"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà àà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1315
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1326
 msgid "This account is already connected to the server"
 msgstr "àà àààààà àààààà àà àààà ààà àààààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1317
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1328
 msgid ""
 "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource"
 msgstr "ààà àààà àà ààààà àààà àààààààà ààà àààà àààààààà ààà ààà ààààà ààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1319
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1330
 msgid "The account already exists on the server"
 msgstr "àààààà àààà àààà àààààà àà ààààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1321
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1332
 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection"
 msgstr "àààà àà àààà ààà àààààà àààà àà àà àààààààà ààààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1323
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1334
 msgid "Certificate has been revoked"
 msgstr "ààààààààà ààààà àààà àà ààààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1325
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1336
 msgid ""
 "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak"
 msgstr ""
 "ààààààààà ààààààààà ààààà àààààààà ààààà àà ààà àààààà àààààààààààààà ààààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1327
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1338
 msgid ""
 "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate "
 "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library"
@@ -982,26 +982,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "àààààààà àààà àààà "
 "àà àààà ààà ààà àà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1329
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1340
 msgid "Internal error"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààà"
 #. translators: argument is the account name, like
 #. * name jabber org for example.
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1339
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1350
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to connect to %s"
 msgstr "%s ààà àààààà ààà àà àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1344
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1355
 msgid "View account"
 msgstr "àààààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1383
+#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1394
 msgid "Unknown reason"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/ctrlAltTab.js:29 ../js/ui/viewSelector.js:82
+#: ../js/ui/ctrlAltTab.js:29 ../js/ui/viewSelector.js:81
 msgid "Windows"
 msgstr "ààààà"
@@ -1018,7 +1018,8 @@ msgid "Open Clocks"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà"
 #: ../js/ui/dateMenu.js:105
-msgid "Date and Time Settings"
+#| msgid "Date and Time Settings"
+msgid "Date & Time Settings"
 msgstr "àààà àà àààà àààààà"
 #. Translators: This is the date format to use when the calendar popup is
@@ -1127,12 +1128,12 @@ msgstr "àààààà ààà"
 msgid "Download and install '%s' from extensions.gnome.org?"
 msgstr "àà extensions.gnome.org ààà '%s' ààààààà ààà àààààà àààà àà?"
-#: ../js/ui/keyboard.js:291
+#: ../js/ui/keyboard.js:289
 msgid "tray"
 msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/keyboard.js:636 ../js/ui/status/keyboard.js:309
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:206
+#: ../js/ui/keyboard.js:634 ../js/ui/status/keyboard.js:314
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:211
 msgid "Keyboard"
 msgstr "àààààà"
@@ -1184,27 +1185,27 @@ msgstr "àààà àààà"
 msgid "Web Page"
 msgstr "àààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1118
+#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1151
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1125
+#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1158
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1581
+#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1629
 msgid "No Messages"
 msgstr "ààà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1599
+#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1648
 msgid "Message Tray"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:2672
+#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:2759
 msgid "System Information"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/notificationDaemon.js:504 ../src/shell-app.c:374
+#: ../js/ui/notificationDaemon.js:627 ../src/shell-app.c:374
 msgctxt "program"
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "ààààà"
@@ -1241,7 +1242,7 @@ msgstr "àààà"
 msgid "Activities"
 msgstr "àààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/panel.js:976
+#: ../js/ui/panel.js:983
 msgid "Top Bar"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà"
@@ -1264,33 +1265,37 @@ msgstr "ààà ààà"
 #. Translators: This is a time format for a date in
 #. long format
-#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:113
+#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:115
 msgid "%A, %B %d"
 msgstr "%A, %d %B"
-#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:177
+#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:178
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d new message"
 msgid_plural "%d new messages"
 msgstr[0] "%d àààà àààààà"
 msgstr[1] "%d àààà àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:179
+#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:180
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d new notification"
 msgid_plural "%d new notifications"
 msgstr[0] "%d àààà ààààà"
 msgstr[1] "%d ààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:403 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:783
+#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:464 ../js/ui/userMenu.js:790
 msgid "Lock"
 msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/searchDisplay.js:403
+#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:615
+msgid "GNOME needs to lock the screen"
+msgstr "àààà ààà ààààà ààà ààà àà ààà àà"
+#: ../js/ui/searchDisplay.js:430
 msgid "Searching..."
 msgstr "ààà àààà àà..."
-#: ../js/ui/searchDisplay.js:451
+#: ../js/ui/searchDisplay.js:478
 msgid "No results."
 msgstr "ààà ààààà ààààà"
@@ -1370,246 +1375,248 @@ msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
 msgid "Large Text"
 msgstr "àààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:27 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:31
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:288 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:319
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:355 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:386
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:813
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:28 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:32
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:289 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:321
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:357 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:388
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:826
 msgid "Bluetooth"
 msgstr "àààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:44
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:45
 msgid "Visibility"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:58
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:59
 msgid "Send Files to Device..."
 msgstr "...àààà ààà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:59
-msgid "Set up a New Device..."
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:60
+#| msgid "Set up a New Device..."
+msgid "Set Up a New Device..."
 msgstr "...àààà àààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:83
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:84
 msgid "Bluetooth Settings"
 msgstr "àààààààà àààààà"
 #. TRANSLATORS: this means that bluetooth was disabled by hardware rfkill
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:103 ../js/ui/status/network.js:177
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:104 ../js/ui/status/network.js:178
 msgid "hardware disabled"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:196
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:197
 msgid "Connection"
 msgstr "àààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:207 ../js/ui/status/network.js:459
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:208 ../js/ui/status/network.js:460
 msgid "disconnecting..."
 msgstr "ààà-àààààà àààà àà àààà àà..."
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:220 ../js/ui/status/network.js:465
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1533
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:221 ../js/ui/status/network.js:466
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1546
 msgid "connecting..."
 msgstr "àààààà àààà àà àààà àà..."
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:238
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:239
 msgid "Send Files..."
 msgstr "...àààààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:245
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:246
 msgid "Keyboard Settings"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:248
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:249
 msgid "Mouse Settings"
 msgstr "àààà àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:253 ../js/ui/status/volume.js:317
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:254 ../js/ui/status/volume.js:316
 msgid "Sound Settings"
 msgstr "ààààà àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:320
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:322
 #, c-format
 msgid "Authorization request from %s"
 msgstr "'%s' ààà ààààààààà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:326
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'"
 msgstr "àààà %s ààààà '%s' ààà ààààà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:328
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:330
 msgid "Always grant access"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:329
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:331
 msgid "Grant this time only"
 msgstr "àààà àà àààà àà àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:330
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:332
 msgid "Reject"
 msgstr "àà-àààààà"
 #. Translators: argument is the device short name
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:357
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:359
 #, c-format
 msgid "Pairing confirmation for %s"
 msgstr "%s àà àààà ààà àà àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:363 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:394
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:365 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:396
 #, c-format
 msgid "Device %s wants to pair with this computer"
 msgstr "àààà %s àà ààààààà ààà àààà àààà ààààààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:364
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:366
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%06d' matches the one on the device."
 msgstr "àààààà ààà àà àà àààà '%06d' àààà àààà ààààà àààà ààà ààààà ààà"
 #. Translators: this is the verb, not the noun
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:367
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:369
 msgid "Matches"
 msgstr "ààààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:368
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:370
 msgid "Does not match"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:387
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:389
 #, c-format
 msgid "Pairing request for %s"
 msgstr "%s àà àààà ààà àà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:395
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:397
 msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on the device."
 msgstr "àààà àààà ààààà ààà àààà ààà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:412
+#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:414
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "ààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/keyboard.js:363
+#: ../js/ui/status/keyboard.js:368
 msgid "Show Keyboard Layout"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/keyboard.js:368
-msgid "Region and Language Settings"
-msgstr "àààà ààà ààààà àààààà"
+#: ../js/ui/status/keyboard.js:373
+#| msgid "Region and Language Settings"
+msgid "Region & Language Settings"
+msgstr "àààà àà ààààà àààààà"
 #: ../js/ui/status/lockScreenMenu.js:43
 msgid "Volume, network, battery"
 msgstr "àààààà, ààààààà, ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:103
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:104
 msgid "<unknown>"
 msgstr "<ààààà>"
 #. Translators: this indicates that wireless or wwan is disabled by hardware killswitch
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:199
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:200
 msgid "disabled"
 msgstr "ààà àà"
 #. Translators: this is for network devices that are physically present but are not
 #. under NetworkManager's control (and thus cannot be used in the menu)
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:457
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:458
 msgid "unmanaged"
 msgstr "ààà-ààààà"
 #. Translators: this is for network connections that require some kind of key or password
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:468 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1536
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:469 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1549
 msgid "authentication required"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà àà"
 #. Translators: this is for devices that require some kind of firmware or kernel
 #. module, which is missing
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:478
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:479
 msgid "firmware missing"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààà àààà àà"
 #. Translators: this is for wired network devices that are physically disconnected
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:485
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:486
 msgid "cable unplugged"
 msgstr "àààà àààà ààà àà"
 #. Translators: this is for a network device that cannot be activated (for example it
 #. is disabled by rfkill, or it has no coverage
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:490
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:491
 msgid "unavailable"
 msgstr "àà-àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:492 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1538
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:493 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1551
 msgid "connection failed"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:551 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1422
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1614
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:552 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1435
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1627
 msgid "More..."
 msgstr "ààà..."
 #. TRANSLATORS: this is the indication that a connection for another logged in user is active,
 #. and we cannot access its settings (including the name)
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:587 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1352
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:588 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1365
 msgid "Connected (private)"
 msgstr "àààààà àà (àààààààà)"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:666
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:667
 msgid "Wired"
 msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:667
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:668
 msgid "Auto Ethernet"
 msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:694
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:695
 msgid "Mobile broadband"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:715
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:728
 msgid "Auto broadband"
 msgstr "ààà àààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:718
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:731
 msgid "Auto dial-up"
 msgstr "ààà àààà-ààà"
 #. TRANSLATORS: this the automatic wireless connection name (including the network name)
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:848 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1369
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:861 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1382
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto %s"
 msgstr "ààà %s"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:850
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:863
 msgid "Auto bluetooth"
 msgstr "ààà àààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1371
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1384
 msgid "Auto wireless"
 msgstr "ààà ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1664
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1677
 msgid "Enable networking"
 msgstr "àààààààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1706
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1719
 msgid "Wi-Fi"
 msgstr "ààà-ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1725
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1738
 msgid "Network Settings"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1784
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1797
 msgid "Network Manager"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1873
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1887
 msgid "Connection failed"
 msgstr "àààààààà ààààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1874
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1888
 msgid "Activation of network connection failed"
 msgstr "ààààààà àààààààà àà ààààààààà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:2252
+#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:2266
 msgid "Networking is disabled"
 msgstr "àààààààààà ààà àà"
@@ -1617,17 +1624,17 @@ msgstr "àààààààààà ààà àà"
 msgid "Battery"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:72
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:81
 msgid "Power Settings"
 msgstr "àààà àààààà"
 #. 0 is reported when UPower does not have enough data
 #. to estimate battery life
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:94
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:99
 msgid "Estimating..."
 msgstr "...ààààààà àààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:101
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:106
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d hour remaining"
 msgid_plural "%d hours remaining"
@@ -1635,92 +1642,95 @@ msgstr[0] "%d àààà àààà"
 msgstr[1] "%d àààà àààà"
 #. TRANSLATORS: this is a time string, as in "%d hours %d minutes remaining"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:104
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d %s %d %s remaining"
 msgstr "%d %s %d %s àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:106
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:111
 msgid "hour"
 msgid_plural "hours"
 msgstr[0] "àààà"
 msgstr[1] "àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:106
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:111
 msgid "minute"
 msgid_plural "minutes"
 msgstr[0] "àààà"
 msgstr[1] "àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:109
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:114
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d minute remaining"
 msgid_plural "%d minutes remaining"
 msgstr[0] "%d àààà àààà"
 msgstr[1] "%d àààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:112 ../js/ui/status/power.js:186
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:117 ../js/ui/status/power.js:191
 #, c-format
 msgctxt "percent of battery remaining"
 msgid "%d%%"
 msgstr "%d%%"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:196
-msgid "AC adapter"
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:201
+#| msgid "AC adapter"
+msgid "AC Adapter"
 msgstr "AC ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:198
-msgid "Laptop battery"
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:203
+#| msgid "Laptop battery"
+msgid "Laptop Battery"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:200
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:205
 msgid "UPS"
 msgstr "UPS"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:202
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:207
 msgid "Monitor"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:204
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:209
 msgid "Mouse"
 msgstr "àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:208
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:213
 msgid "PDA"
 msgstr "PDA"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:210
-msgid "Cell phone"
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:215
+#| msgid "Cell phone"
+msgid "Cell Phone"
 msgstr "àààà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:212
-msgid "Media player"
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:217
+#| msgid "Media player"
+msgid "Media Player"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:214
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:219
 msgid "Tablet"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:216
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:221
 msgid "Computer"
 msgstr "ààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:218
+#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:223
 msgctxt "device"
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "ààààà"
 #: ../js/ui/status/volume.js:124
-#| msgid "Volume"
 msgid "Volume changed"
 msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààà"
 #. Translators: This is the label for audio volume
-#: ../js/ui/status/volume.js:250 ../js/ui/status/volume.js:298
+#: ../js/ui/status/volume.js:249 ../js/ui/status/volume.js:297
 msgid "Volume"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/status/volume.js:259
+#: ../js/ui/status/volume.js:258
 msgid "Microphone"
 msgstr "ààààààààà"
@@ -1732,55 +1742,55 @@ msgstr "ààà àààà àààà ààààà"
 msgid "Unlock Window"
 msgstr "ààààà ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:178
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:177
 msgid "Available"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:181
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:180
 msgid "Busy"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:184
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:183
 msgid "Invisible"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:187
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:186
 msgid "Away"
 msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:190
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:189
 msgid "Idle"
 msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:193
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:192
 msgid "Offline"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:757
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:764
 msgid "Notifications"
 msgstr "ààààààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:765
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:772
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:773
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:780
 msgid "Switch User"
 msgstr "ààààà àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:778
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:785
 msgid "Log Out"
 msgstr "ààà ààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:798
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:805
 msgid "Install Updates & Restart"
 msgstr "àààààà àààààà ààà ààà ààà-àààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:816
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:823
 msgid "Your chat status will be set to busy"
 msgstr "àààààà ààà àààà ààààà àààà àààà àààà àààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:817
+#: ../js/ui/userMenu.js:824
 msgid ""
 "Notifications are now disabled, including chat messages. Your online status "
 "has been adjusted to let others know that you might not see their messages."
@@ -1790,11 +1800,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "àà àààààà àààà àààààà ààà àà ààààà ààà àà ààà ààà ààà àà ààààà ààààà àà "
 "àààààà ààààà àà ààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/viewSelector.js:86
+#: ../js/ui/viewSelector.js:85
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "ààààààààà"
-#: ../js/ui/viewSelector.js:90
+#: ../js/ui/viewSelector.js:89
 msgid "Search"
 msgstr "ààà"
@@ -1872,18 +1882,16 @@ msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààà ààà"
 msgid "Password cannot be blank"
 msgstr "àààààà àààà àààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../src/shell-mobile-providers.c:85
-msgid "United Kingdom"
-msgstr "ààààààà"
-#: ../src/shell-mobile-providers.c:619
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "àààààà"
 #: ../src/shell-polkit-authentication-agent.c:343
 msgid "Authentication dialog was dismissed by the user"
 msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà ààààà àààà ààà àààà"
+#~ msgid "United Kingdom"
+#~ msgstr "ààààààà"
+#~ msgid "Default"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà"
 #~ msgid "Show full name in the user menu"
 #~ msgstr "àààà àààà àààà àààà ààà ààààà"

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