[gnome-ostree] Extract TestBase from smoketest, for future tests
- From: Colin Walters <walters src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-ostree] Extract TestBase from smoketest, for future tests
- Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 21:40:05 +0000 (UTC)
commit 311353ea4c0d6519972320aaee15bef211ccc516
Author: Colin Walters <walters verbum org>
Date: Wed Apr 17 13:48:16 2013 -0400
Extract TestBase from smoketest, for future tests
Makefile-ostbuild.am | 1 +
install/ostree.modules | 5 +-
src/js/tasks/task-smoketest.js | 326 +-----------------------------------
src/js/tasks/testbase.js | 365 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 376 insertions(+), 321 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile-ostbuild.am b/Makefile-ostbuild.am
index 948b099..a0bcc08 100644
--- a/Makefile-ostbuild.am
+++ b/Makefile-ostbuild.am
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ jsosttasks_DATA= \
src/js/tasks/task-builddisks.js \
src/js/tasks/task-smoketest.js \
src/js/tasks/task-zdisks.js \
+ src/js/tasks/testbase.js \
diff --git a/install/ostree.modules b/install/ostree.modules
index 9bf301d..8471e99 100644
--- a/install/ostree.modules
+++ b/install/ostree.modules
@@ -42,11 +42,14 @@
<dep package="spidermonkey"/>
+ <autotools id="libxml2">
+ <branch revision="v2.8.0"/>
+ </autotools>
<autotools id="libsoup" autogenargs="--disable-tls-check">
<branch revision="LIBSOUP_2_42_0"/>
- <dep package="glib"/>
<dep package="gobject-introspection"/>
+ <dep package="libxml2"/>
<dep package="glib-networking"/>
diff --git a/src/js/tasks/task-smoketest.js b/src/js/tasks/task-smoketest.js
index b65c43d..d82aff3 100644
--- a/src/js/tasks/task-smoketest.js
+++ b/src/js/tasks/task-smoketest.js
@@ -27,335 +27,21 @@ const Builtin = imports.builtin;
const ArgParse = imports.argparse;
const ProcUtil = imports.procutil;
const Task = imports.task;
+const TestBase = imports.tasks.testbase;
const LibQA = imports.libqa;
const JSUtil = imports.jsutil;
const JSONUtil = imports.jsonutil;
-const TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 10 * 60;
-const RequiredMessageIDs = ["39f53479d3a045ac8e11786248231fbf", // graphical.target
- "f77379a8490b408bbe5f6940505a777b", // systemd-journald
- "0ce153587afa4095832d233c17a88001" // gnome-session startup ok
- ];
-const FailedMessageIDs = ["fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90729ab34a250b1", // coredump
- "10dd2dc188b54a5e98970f56499d1f73" // gnome-session required component failed
- ];
-const SmoketestOne = new Lang.Class({
- Name: 'SmoketestOne',
- _fail: function(message) {
- if (this._failed)
- return;
- this._failed = true;
- this._failedMessage = message;
- this._screenshot(true);
- },
- _onQemuExited: function(proc, result) {
- let [success, status] = ProcUtil.asyncWaitCheckFinish(proc, result);
- this._qemu = null;
- this._loop.quit();
- if (!success) {
- this._fail("Qemu exited with status " + status);
- }
- },
- _onTimeout: function() {
- print("Timeout reached");
- for (let msgid in this._pendingRequiredMessageIds) {
- print("Did not see MESSAGE_ID=" + msgid);
- }
- this._fail("Timed out");
- this._loop.quit();
- },
- _onJournalOpen: function(file, result) {
- try {
- this._journalStream = file.read_finish(result);
- this._journalDataStream = Gio.DataInputStream.new(this._journalStream);
- this._openedJournal = true;
- this._readingJournal = true;
- this._journalDataStream.read_line_async(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._cancellable,
- Lang.bind(this, this._onJournalReadLine));
- } catch (e) {
- this._fail("Journal open failed: " + e);
- this._loop.quit();
- }
- },
- _onJournalReadLine: function(stream, result) {
- this._readingJournal = false;
- let line, len;
- try {
- [line, len] = stream.read_line_finish_utf8(result);
- } catch (e) {
- this._fail(e.toString());
- this._loop.quit();
- throw e;
- }
- if (this._foundAllMessageIds || this._failed)
- return;
- if (line) {
- let data = JSON.parse(line);
- let messageId = data['MESSAGE_ID'];
- if (messageId) {
- let matched = false
- if (this._pendingRequiredMessageIds[messageId]) {
- print("Found required message ID " + messageId);
- delete this._pendingRequiredMessageIds[messageId];
- this._countPendingRequiredMessageIds--;
- matched = true;
- } else {
- for (let i = 0; i < FailedMessageIDs.length; i++) {
- if (messageId == FailedMessageIDs[i]) {
- this._fail("Found failure message ID " + messageId);
- this._loop.quit();
- matched = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (this._countPendingRequiredMessageIds > 0) {
- this._readingJournal = true;
- this._journalDataStream.read_line_async(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._cancellable,
- Lang.bind(this, this._onJournalReadLine));
- } else {
- print("Found all required message IDs");
- this._foundAllMessageIds = true;
- Lang.bind(this, this._onFinalWait));
- }
- }
- },
- _onJournalChanged: function(monitor, file, otherFile, eventType) {
- if (this._foundAllMessageIds || this._failed)
- return;
- if (!this._openedJournal) {
- this._openedJournal = true;
- file.read_async(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
- this._cancellable,
- Lang.bind(this, this._onJournalOpen));
- } else if (!this._readingJournal) {
- this._readingJournal = true;
- this._journalDataStream.read_line_async(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._cancellable,
- Lang.bind(this, this._onJournalReadLine));
- }
- },
- _ensureQemuConnection: function() {
- if (!this._qemuSocketConn) {
- let path =
- let address = Gio.UnixSocketAddress.new_with_type(path, Gio.UnixSocketAddressType.PATH);
- let socketClient = new Gio.SocketClient();
- this._qemuSocketConn = socketClient.connect(address, this._cancellable);
- this._qemuOut = Gio.DataOutputStream.new(this._qemuSocketConn.get_output_stream());
- this._qemuIn = Gio.DataInputStream.new(this._qemuSocketConn.get_input_stream());
- let [response, len] = this._qemuIn.read_line_utf8(this._cancellable);
- this._qemuCommand({ "execute": "qmp_capabilities" });
- }
- },
- _qemuCommand: function(cmd) {
- this._ensureQemuConnection();
- let cmdStr = JSON.stringify(cmd);
- this._qemuOut.put_string(cmdStr, this._cancellable);
- let [response, len] = this._qemuIn.read_line_utf8(this._cancellable);
- print("qemu cmd=" + cmdStr + " response=" + response);
- },
- _screenshot: function(isFinal) {
- let filename;
- let modified = true;
- if (isFinal)
- filename = "screenshot-final.ppm";
- else
- filename = "screenshot-" + this._screenshotSerial + ".ppm";
- this._qemuCommand({"execute": "screendump", "arguments": { "filename": filename }});
- let filePath = this._subworkdir.get_child(filename);
- if (!isFinal) {
- let contentsBytes = GSystem.file_map_readonly(filePath, this._cancellable);
- let csum = GLib.compute_checksum_for_bytes(GLib.ChecksumType.SHA256,
- contentsBytes);
- modified = this._lastScreenshotChecksum != csum;
- if (!modified) {
- GSystem.file_unlink(filePath, this._cancellable);
- } else {
- this._lastScreenshotChecksum = csum;
- }
- this._screenshotSerial++;
- }
- // Convert to PNG if possible
- if (modified && imports.gi.GdkPixbuf) {
- let GdkPixbuf = imports.gi.GdkPixbuf;
- let pixbuf;
- try {
- pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(filePath.get_path());
- } catch (e) {
- if (e.domain != GdkPixbuf.PixbufError)
- throw e;
- print("Unable to open screenshot ppm: " + e);
- pixbuf = null;
- }
- if (pixbuf) {
- let outFilename = this._subworkdir.get_child(filename.replace(/ppm$/, 'png'));
- pixbuf.savev(outFilename.get_path(), "png", [], []);
- }
- GSystem.file_unlink(filePath, this._cancellable);
- }
- },
- _idleScreenshot: function() {
- this._screenshot(false);
- return true;
- },
- _onFinalWait: function() {
- print("Final wait complete");
- this._screenshot(true);
- this._loop.quit();
- },
- execute: function(subworkdir, diskPath, cancellable) {
- print("Smoke testing disk " + diskPath.get_path());
- this._subworkdir = subworkdir;
- this._loop = GLib.MainLoop.new(null, true);
- this._foundAllMessageIds = false;
- this._failed = false;
- this._journalStream = null;
- this._journalDataStream = null;
- this._openedJournal = false;
- this._readingJournal = false;
- this._pendingRequiredMessageIds = {};
- this._countPendingRequiredMessageIds = 0;
- this._screenshotSerial = 0;
- this._lastScreenshotChecksum = null;
- this._qemuSocket = null;
- for (let i = 0; i < RequiredMessageIDs.length; i++) {
- this._pendingRequiredMessageIds[RequiredMessageIDs[i]] = true;
- this._countPendingRequiredMessageIds += 1;
- }
- this._cancellable = cancellable;
- let qemuArgs = [LibQA.getQemuPath()];
- qemuArgs.push.apply(qemuArgs, LibQA.DEFAULT_QEMU_OPTS);
- let diskClone = subworkdir.get_child('smoketest-' + diskPath.get_basename());
- GSystem.shutil_rm_rf(diskClone, cancellable);
- LibQA.createDiskSnapshot(diskPath, diskClone, cancellable);
- let [gfmnt, mntdir] = LibQA.newReadWriteMount(diskClone, cancellable);
- try {
- LibQA.modifyBootloaderAppendKernelArgs(mntdir, ["console=ttyS0"], cancellable);
- let [currentDir, currentEtcDir] = LibQA.getDeployDirs(mntdir, 'gnome-ostree');
- LibQA.injectExportJournal(currentDir, currentEtcDir, cancellable);
- LibQA.injectTestUserCreation(currentDir, currentEtcDir, 'smoketest', {}, cancellable);
- LibQA.enableAutologin(currentDir, currentEtcDir, 'smoketest', cancellable);
- } finally {
- gfmnt.umount(cancellable);
- }
- let consoleOutput = subworkdir.get_child('console.out');
- let journalOutput = subworkdir.get_child('journal-json.txt');
- qemuArgs.push.apply(qemuArgs, ['-drive', 'file=' + diskClone.get_path() + ',if=virtio',
- '-vnc', 'none',
- '-serial', 'file:' + consoleOutput.get_path(),
- '-chardev', 'socket,id=charmonitor,path=qemu.monitor,server,nowait',
- '-mon', 'chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control',
- '-device', 'virtio-serial',
- '-chardev', 'file,id=journaljson,path=' + journalOutput.get_path(),
- '-device',
- let qemuContext = new GSystem.SubprocessContext({ argv: qemuArgs });
- qemuContext.set_cwd(subworkdir.get_path());
- let qemu = new GSystem.Subprocess({context: qemuContext});
- this._qemu = qemu;
- print("starting qemu : " + qemuArgs.join(' '));
- qemu.init(cancellable);
- qemu.wait(cancellable, Lang.bind(this, this._onQemuExited));
- let journalMonitor = journalOutput.monitor_file(0, cancellable);
- journalMonitor.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onJournalChanged));
- let timeoutId = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, TIMEOUT_SECONDS,
- Lang.bind(this, this._onTimeout));
- // Let's only do a screenshot every 3 seconds, I think it's slowing things down...
- let screenshotTimeoutId = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 3,
- Lang.bind(this, this._idleScreenshot));
- this._loop.run();
- if (this._qemu)
- this._qemu.force_exit();
- GLib.source_remove(timeoutId);
- if (this._failed) {
- throw new Error(this._failedMessage);
- }
- print("Completed smoke testing of " + diskPath.get_basename());
- }
const TaskSmoketest = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'TaskSmoketest',
- Extends: Task.TaskDef,
+ Extends: TestBase.TaskTestBase,
TaskName: "smoketest",
TaskAfter: ['builddisks'],
- execute: function(cancellable) {
- let imageDir = this.workdir.get_child('images');
- let currentImages = imageDir.get_child('current');
+ RequiredMessageIDs: ["0ce153587afa4095832d233c17a88001" // gnome-session startup ok
+ ],
- let e = currentImages.enumerate_children('standard::*', Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS,
- cancellable);
- let info;
- let buildJson;
- while ((info = e.next_file(cancellable)) != null) {
- let name = info.get_name();
- if (name.indexOf('build-') == 0 && JSUtil.stringEndswith(name, '.json')) {
- buildJson = e.get_child(info);
- continue;
- }
- if (!JSUtil.stringEndswith(name, '.qcow2'))
- continue;
- let workdirName = 'work-' + name.replace(/\.qcow2$/, '');
- let subworkdir = Gio.File.new_for_path(workdirName);
- GSystem.file_ensure_directory(subworkdir, true, cancellable);
- let smokeTest = new SmoketestOne();
- smokeTest.execute(subworkdir, currentImages.get_child(name), cancellable);
- }
- if (buildJson != null) {
- let buildData = JSONUtil.loadJson(buildJson, cancellable);
- let refData = '';
- let snapshot = buildData['snapshot'];
- for (let targetName in buildData['targets']) {
- let targetRev = buildData['targets'][targetName];
- let lastSlash = targetName.lastIndexOf('/');
- let smoketestedRef = snapshot['osname'] + '/smoketested' + targetName.substr(lastSlash);
- refData += smoketestedRef + ' ' + targetRev + '\n';
- }
- ProcUtil.runProcWithInputSyncGetLines(['ostree', '--repo=' + this.repo.get_path(),
- 'write-refs'], cancellable, refData);
- print("Wrote refs: " + refData);
- } else {
- print("No build json found, not tagging");
- }
- }
+ FailedMessageIDs: ["10dd2dc188b54a5e98970f56499d1f73" // gnome-session required component failed
+ ]
diff --git a/src/js/tasks/testbase.js b/src/js/tasks/testbase.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33a31c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/js/tasks/testbase.js
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; -*-
+// Copyright (C) 2013 Colin Walters <walters verbum org>
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the
+// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+// Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
+const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
+const Lang = imports.lang;
+const Format = imports.format;
+const GSystem = imports.gi.GSystem;
+const Builtin = imports.builtin;
+const ArgParse = imports.argparse;
+const ProcUtil = imports.procutil;
+const Task = imports.task;
+const LibQA = imports.libqa;
+const JSUtil = imports.jsutil;
+const TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 10 * 60;
+const TestOneDisk = new Lang.Class({
+ Name: 'TestOneDisk',
+ _init: function(testRequiredMessageIds, testFailedMessageIds) {
+ this._testRequiredMessageIds = testRequiredMessageIds;
+ this._testFailedMessageIds = testFailedMessageIds;
+ },
+ _fail: function(message) {
+ if (this._failed)
+ return;
+ this._failed = true;
+ this._failedMessage = message;
+ this._screenshot(true);
+ },
+ _onQemuExited: function(proc, result) {
+ let [success, status] = ProcUtil.asyncWaitCheckFinish(proc, result);
+ this._qemu = null;
+ this._loop.quit();
+ if (!success) {
+ this._fail("Qemu exited with status " + status);
+ }
+ },
+ _onTimeout: function() {
+ print("Timeout reached");
+ for (let msgid in this._pendingRequiredMessageIds) {
+ print("Did not see MESSAGE_ID=" + msgid);
+ }
+ this._fail("Timed out");
+ this._loop.quit();
+ },
+ _onJournalOpen: function(file, result) {
+ try {
+ this._journalStream = file.read_finish(result);
+ this._journalDataStream = Gio.DataInputStream.new(this._journalStream);
+ this._openedJournal = true;
+ this._readingJournal = true;
+ this._journalDataStream.read_line_async(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._cancellable,
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onJournalReadLine));
+ } catch (e) {
+ this._fail("Journal open failed: " + e);
+ this._loop.quit();
+ }
+ },
+ _onJournalReadLine: function(stream, result) {
+ this._readingJournal = false;
+ let line, len;
+ try {
+ [line, len] = stream.read_line_finish_utf8(result);
+ } catch (e) {
+ this._fail(e.toString());
+ this._loop.quit();
+ throw e;
+ }
+ if (this._foundAllMessageIds || this._failed)
+ return;
+ if (line) {
+ let data = JSON.parse(line);
+ let messageId = data['MESSAGE_ID'];
+ if (messageId) {
+ if (this._pendingRequiredMessageIds[messageId]) {
+ print("Found required message ID " + messageId);
+ delete this._pendingRequiredMessageIds[messageId];
+ this._countPendingRequiredMessageIds--;
+ } else if (this._failMessageIds[messageId]) {
+ this._fail("Found failure message ID " + messageId);
+ this._loop.quit();
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._countPendingRequiredMessageIds > 0) {
+ this._readingJournal = true;
+ this._journalDataStream.read_line_async(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._cancellable,
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onJournalReadLine));
+ } else {
+ print("Found all required message IDs");
+ this._foundAllMessageIds = true;
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onFinalWait));
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _onJournalChanged: function(monitor, file, otherFile, eventType) {
+ if (this._foundAllMessageIds || this._failed)
+ return;
+ if (!this._openedJournal) {
+ this._openedJournal = true;
+ file.read_async(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
+ this._cancellable,
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onJournalOpen));
+ } else if (!this._readingJournal) {
+ this._readingJournal = true;
+ this._journalDataStream.read_line_async(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._cancellable,
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onJournalReadLine));
+ }
+ },
+ _ensureQemuConnection: function() {
+ if (!this._qemuSocketConn) {
+ let path =
+ let address = Gio.UnixSocketAddress.new_with_type(path, Gio.UnixSocketAddressType.PATH);
+ let socketClient = new Gio.SocketClient();
+ this._qemuSocketConn = socketClient.connect(address, this._cancellable);
+ this._qemuOut = Gio.DataOutputStream.new(this._qemuSocketConn.get_output_stream());
+ this._qemuIn = Gio.DataInputStream.new(this._qemuSocketConn.get_input_stream());
+ let [response, len] = this._qemuIn.read_line_utf8(this._cancellable);
+ this._qemuCommand({ "execute": "qmp_capabilities" });
+ }
+ },
+ _qemuCommand: function(cmd) {
+ this._ensureQemuConnection();
+ let cmdStr = JSON.stringify(cmd);
+ this._qemuOut.put_string(cmdStr, this._cancellable);
+ let [response, len] = this._qemuIn.read_line_utf8(this._cancellable);
+ print("qemu cmd=" + cmdStr + " response=" + response);
+ },
+ _screenshot: function(isFinal) {
+ let filename;
+ let modified = true;
+ if (isFinal)
+ filename = "screenshot-final.ppm";
+ else
+ filename = "screenshot-" + this._screenshotSerial + ".ppm";
+ this._qemuCommand({"execute": "screendump", "arguments": { "filename": filename }});
+ let filePath = this._subworkdir.get_child(filename);
+ if (!isFinal) {
+ let contentsBytes = GSystem.file_map_readonly(filePath, this._cancellable);
+ let csum = GLib.compute_checksum_for_bytes(GLib.ChecksumType.SHA256,
+ contentsBytes);
+ modified = this._lastScreenshotChecksum != csum;
+ if (!modified) {
+ GSystem.file_unlink(filePath, this._cancellable);
+ } else {
+ this._lastScreenshotChecksum = csum;
+ }
+ this._screenshotSerial++;
+ }
+ // Convert to PNG if possible
+ if (modified && imports.gi.GdkPixbuf) {
+ let GdkPixbuf = imports.gi.GdkPixbuf;
+ let pixbuf = null;
+ try {
+ pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(filePath.get_path());
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e.domain != GdkPixbuf.PixbufError)
+ throw e;
+ print(e);
+ }
+ if (pixbuf != null) {
+ let outFilename = this._subworkdir.get_child(filename.replace(/ppm$/, 'png'));
+ pixbuf.savev(outFilename.get_path(), "png", [], []);
+ }
+ GSystem.file_unlink(filePath, this._cancellable);
+ }
+ },
+ _idleScreenshot: function() {
+ this._screenshot(false);
+ return true;
+ },
+ _onFinalWait: function() {
+ print("Final wait complete");
+ this._screenshot(true);
+ this._loop.quit();
+ },
+ execute: function(subworkdir, diskPath, cancellable) {
+ print("Testing disk " + diskPath.get_path());
+ this._subworkdir = subworkdir;
+ this._loop = GLib.MainLoop.new(null, true);
+ this._foundAllMessageIds = false;
+ this._failed = false;
+ this._journalStream = null;
+ this._journalDataStream = null;
+ this._openedJournal = false;
+ this._readingJournal = false;
+ this._pendingRequiredMessageIds = {};
+ this._failMessageIds = {};
+ this._countPendingRequiredMessageIds = 0;
+ this._screenshotSerial = 0;
+ this._lastScreenshotChecksum = null;
+ this._qemuSocket = null;
+ print("Will wait for message IDs: " + JSON.stringify(this._testRequiredMessageIds));
+ for (let i = 0; i < this._testRequiredMessageIds.length; i++) {
+ this._pendingRequiredMessageIds[this._testRequiredMessageIds[i]] = true;
+ this._countPendingRequiredMessageIds += 1;
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < this._testFailedMessageIds.length; i++) {
+ this._failMessageIds[this._testFailedMessageIds[i]] = true;
+ }
+ this._cancellable = cancellable;
+ let qemuArgs = [LibQA.getQemuPath()];
+ qemuArgs.push.apply(qemuArgs, LibQA.DEFAULT_QEMU_OPTS);
+ let diskClone = subworkdir.get_child('testoverlay-' + diskPath.get_basename());
+ GSystem.shutil_rm_rf(diskClone, cancellable);
+ LibQA.createDiskSnapshot(diskPath, diskClone, cancellable);
+ let [gfmnt, mntdir] = LibQA.newReadWriteMount(diskClone, cancellable);
+ try {
+ LibQA.modifyBootloaderAppendKernelArgs(mntdir, ["console=ttyS0"], cancellable);
+ let [currentDir, currentEtcDir] = LibQA.getDeployDirs(mntdir, 'gnome-ostree');
+ LibQA.injectExportJournal(currentDir, currentEtcDir, cancellable);
+ LibQA.injectTestUserCreation(currentDir, currentEtcDir, 'testuser', {}, cancellable);
+ LibQA.enableAutologin(currentDir, currentEtcDir, 'testuser', cancellable);
+ } finally {
+ gfmnt.umount(cancellable);
+ }
+ let consoleOutput = subworkdir.get_child('console.out');
+ let journalOutput = subworkdir.get_child('journal-json.txt');
+ qemuArgs.push.apply(qemuArgs, ['-drive', 'file=' + diskClone.get_path() + ',if=virtio',
+ '-vnc', 'none',
+ '-serial', 'file:' + consoleOutput.get_path(),
+ '-chardev', 'socket,id=charmonitor,path=qemu.monitor,server,nowait',
+ '-mon', 'chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control',
+ '-device', 'virtio-serial',
+ '-chardev', 'file,id=journaljson,path=' + journalOutput.get_path(),
+ '-device',
+ let qemuContext = new GSystem.SubprocessContext({ argv: qemuArgs });
+ qemuContext.set_cwd(subworkdir.get_path());
+ let qemu = new GSystem.Subprocess({context: qemuContext});
+ this._qemu = qemu;
+ print("starting qemu : " + qemuArgs.join(' '));
+ qemu.init(cancellable);
+ qemu.wait(cancellable, Lang.bind(this, this._onQemuExited));
+ let journalMonitor = journalOutput.monitor_file(0, cancellable);
+ journalMonitor.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onJournalChanged));
+ let timeoutId = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, TIMEOUT_SECONDS,
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onTimeout));
+ // Let's only do a screenshot every 3 seconds, I think it's slowing things down...
+ let screenshotTimeoutId = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 3,
+ Lang.bind(this, this._idleScreenshot));
+ this._loop.run();
+ if (this._qemu)
+ this._qemu.force_exit();
+ GLib.source_remove(timeoutId);
+ if (this._failed) {
+ throw new Error(this._failedMessage);
+ }
+ print("Completed testing of " + diskPath.get_basename());
+ }
+const TaskTestBase = new Lang.Class({
+ Name: 'TestBase',
+ Extends: Task.TaskDef,
+ TaskName: "testbase",
+ TaskAfter: ['builddisks'],
+ BaseRequiredMessageIDs: ["39f53479d3a045ac8e11786248231fbf", // graphical.target
+ "f77379a8490b408bbe5f6940505a777b", // systemd-journald
+ ],
+ BaseFailedMessageIDs: ["fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90729ab34a250b1", // coredump
+ ],
+ RequiredMessageIDs: [],
+ FailedMessageIDs: [],
+ execute: function(cancellable) {
+ let imageDir = this.workdir.get_child('images');
+ let currentImages = imageDir.get_child('current');
+ let e = currentImages.enumerate_children('standard::*', Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS,
+ cancellable);
+ let info;
+ let buildJson;
+ while ((info = e.next_file(cancellable)) != null) {
+ let name = info.get_name();
+ if (name.indexOf('build-') == 0 && JSUtil.stringEndswith(name, '.json')) {
+ buildJson = e.get_child(info);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!JSUtil.stringEndswith(name, '.qcow2'))
+ continue;
+ let workdirName = 'work-' + name.replace(/\.qcow2$/, '');
+ let subworkdir = Gio.File.new_for_path(workdirName);
+ GSystem.file_ensure_directory(subworkdir, true, cancellable);
+ let test = new TestOneDisk(this.BaseRequiredMessageIDs.concat(this.RequiredMessageIDs),
+ this.BaseFailedMessageIDs.concat(this.FailedMessageIDs));
+ test.execute(subworkdir, currentImages.get_child(name), cancellable);
+ }
+ if (buildJson != null) {
+ let buildData = JSONUtil.loadJson(buildJson, cancellable);
+ let refData = '';
+ let snapshot = buildData['snapshot'];
+ for (let targetName in buildData['targets']) {
+ let targetRev = buildData['targets'][targetName];
+ let lastSlash = targetName.lastIndexOf('/');
+ let smoketestedRef = snapshot['osname'] + '/smoketested' + targetName.substr(lastSlash);
+ refData += smoketestedRef + ' ' + targetRev + '\n';
+ }
+ ProcUtil.runProcWithInputSyncGetLines(['ostree', '--repo=' + this.repo.get_path(),
+ 'write-refs'], cancellable, refData);
+ print("Wrote refs: " + refData);
+ } else {
+ print("No build json found, not tagging");
+ }
+ }
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