[release-notes/gnome-3-6] [l10n] Update Japanese translation

commit c892a71dd76b5f66515576d957f78d4b791b9f20
Author: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa gnome org>
Date:   Wed Sep 26 14:32:27 2012 +0900

    [l10n] Update Japanese translation
    translate a11y*.page

 help/ja/ja.po |   40 ++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
diff --git a/help/ja/ja.po b/help/ja/ja.po
index 50949fd..21e43a2 100644
--- a/help/ja/ja.po
+++ b/help/ja/ja.po
@@ -1228,30 +1228,28 @@ msgid "As usual there are lots of additional features and bug fixes, too numerou
 msgstr ""
 msgid "No more worries to activate accessibility!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããæååããéãåéããããããããã"
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Accessibility Changes"
 msgid "Accessibility Always On"
-msgstr "ãããããããããåæ"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåãæåã"
 msgid "So far, users that needed any assistive technology had to activate accessibility support. This was cumbersome, because they had to figure out how to do that without the help of any assistive technology that they may need."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããæææèãåèããããããããããããããããããããããæååããåèãããããããææåèãããæææèãéãããæååããææãèããããããããããããããããåéããããããããã"
 msgid "Starting with GNOME 3.6, the accessibility stack has been highly integrated into the core, so users that need any assistive technology can use GNOME right from the start."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GNOME 3.6 ãããåçããããããããæèãããéåãéåãçåããããããæææèãåèãããããããããããããããã GNOME ãäçããããã"
 msgid "This feature is an important milestone in GNOME's mission to deliver a free and open desktop to everyone. More than ever, it can be stated that GNOME accessibility is built-in and not bolted-on."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããäãããããããããããããããããæäããããã GNOME ãçæããããéèããããããããããããããããäããääããGNOME ãããããããããããåãäã (ããããã) ãããããçãèã (ããããã) ãæèããããèãããã"
 msgid "To summarize:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããã"
 msgid "Built-in and always ready accessibility support."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããçãèããåãåçããããã"
 msgid "Users don't notice any difference unless they use any Assistive Technology."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "æææèãäãããååãããéããæèãããããããããã"
 #. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
 #. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
@@ -1262,36 +1260,34 @@ msgid "external ref='figures/a11y-magnifier-brightness-contrast-inversion.png' m
 msgstr "external ref='figures/a11y-magnifier-brightness-contrast-inversion.png' md5='ffcf0099573be96b4070007d09884830'"
 msgid "New powerful visual options."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "æèãåæçãèèææãããããã"
 msgid "Brightness, Contrast, Inversion and Grayscale"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "æããããããããããåèããããããããããã"
 msgid "GNOME 3.6 brings inverse video, brightness, contrast, and grayscale options to the GNOME magnifier. The combination of these options is very powerful and is particularly useful for people with low-vision, any degree of photophobia, or just for using the computer under adverse lighting conditions."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GNOME 3.6 ãæåé (ããã) ããæåãåèãæãããããããããããããããããããããéããããããããèãããããããããããããããçãåããããéåãåæçãããçãããããããããäããããããçåãçæãäããåãçãããã"
 msgid "Braille support revamped."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "çåãããããæèããããã"
 msgid "Improved Braille Support in Orca"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Orca ãæèãããçåãããã"
 msgid "<app>Orca</app>, the GNOME screen reader, presents the information from the screen via synthesized speech or via refreshable braille display. For this release, the owners of a braille output device will notice a remarkably better user experience accessing documents and web pages than in previous releases."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GNOME ããããããããããã <app>Orca</app> ãäãããåæéåããããçåãããããããéããçéæåãååãããããäåããããããããçåååãããããäçããããäããããããããã Web ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããäåãæããéåãåäãããããããæããããããã"
 msgid "Web navigation more accessible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Web ãéèãããããããããããããããã"
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Accessibility Changes"
 msgid "Web Accessibility Improvements"
-msgstr "ãããããããããåæ"
+msgstr "Web ãããããããããæè"
 msgid "WebKitGTK+ received a lot of attention and many bug fixes that have resulted in a better accessibility support. We are quite pleased with the progress thus far towards making content viewed in Web compellingly accessible for Orca users."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "WebKitGTK+ ããåããæçãéããåãããããäæãããããããããããããããããããããããããæèãããããããããéåãåãããããããWeb ããããããã Orca ãããããããããããæãããããããããããããããåäãèããããã"
 msgid "A <link xref=\"users-web\"> detailed explanation of the new features of <app>Web</app> is available</link>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<link xref=\"users-web\"><app>Web</app> ãææèãèçãèæãåç</link>ããããããã"
 #~ msgid "@@image: 'figures/rnusers.boxes.png'; md5=4d909e9cac05a8074f99cb47e406d7f3"
 #~ msgstr "@@image: 'figures/rnusers.boxes.png'; md5=4d909e9cac05a8074f99cb47e406d7f3"

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