[clutter] Updated Japanese translation.

commit cdb91a461ded6ef67139e15f191796fd001a700c
Author: Nishio Futoshi <fut_nis d3 dion ne jp>
Date:   Sun Sep 23 17:50:31 2012 +0900

    Updated Japanese translation.

 po/ja.po | 2775 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 2775 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ee2fea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -0,0 +1,2775 @@
+# Japanese translation for clutter.
+# Copyright (C) 2012 clutter's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the clutter package.
+# Nishio Futoshi <fut_nis d3 dion ne jp>, 2012.
+# Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa gnome org>, 2012.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: clutter master\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-21 19:41+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-16 21:27+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nishio Futoshi <fut_nis d3 dion ne jp>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation gnome gr jp>\n"
+"Language: ja\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# axis ãããããã
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6125
+msgid "X coordinate"
+msgstr "Xåæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6126
+msgid "X coordinate of the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããXåæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6144
+msgid "Y coordinate"
+msgstr "Yåæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6145
+msgid "Y coordinate of the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããYåæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6167
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "äç"
+# origin ãææãããããclutter ããäçæååãããããåæçããããããããããããèçãåèããæãããã
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6168
+msgid "The position of the origin of the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããææãäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6185 ../clutter/clutter-canvas.c:215
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1238
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:481
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "å"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6186
+msgid "Width of the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6204 ../clutter/clutter-canvas.c:231
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1245
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:497
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "éã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6205
+msgid "Height of the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6226
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "åãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6227
+msgid "The size of the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããåãã"
+# Xãåãååããããããæããã
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6245
+msgid "Fixed X"
+msgstr "ååãããX"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6246
+msgid "Forced X position of the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããååãããXèãäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6263
+msgid "Fixed Y"
+msgstr "ååãããY"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6264
+msgid "Forced Y position of the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããååãããYèãäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6279
+msgid "Fixed position set"
+msgstr "ååãããäçããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6280
+msgid "Whether to use fixed positioning for the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããååããäçãäçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6298
+msgid "Min Width"
+msgstr "æåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6299
+msgid "Forced minimum width request for the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããèæããååããæåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6317
+msgid "Min Height"
+msgstr "æåéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6318
+msgid "Forced minimum height request for the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããèæããååããæåéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6336
+msgid "Natural Width"
+msgstr "éåãå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6337
+msgid "Forced natural width request for the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããèæããååããéåãå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6355
+msgid "Natural Height"
+msgstr "éåãéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6356
+msgid "Forced natural height request for the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããèæããååããéåãéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6371
+msgid "Minimum width set"
+msgstr "æååãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6372
+msgid "Whether to use the min-width property"
+msgstr "æååããããããäçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6386
+msgid "Minimum height set"
+msgstr "æåéããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6387
+msgid "Whether to use the min-height property"
+msgstr "æåéããããããããäçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6401
+msgid "Natural width set"
+msgstr "éåãåãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6402
+msgid "Whether to use the natural-width property"
+msgstr "éåãåãããããããäçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6416
+msgid "Natural height set"
+msgstr "éåãéããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6417
+msgid "Whether to use the natural-height property"
+msgstr "éåãéããããããããäçãããããã"
+# Allocation ã"éå"ãèã
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6433
+msgid "Allocation"
+msgstr "éå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6434
+msgid "The actor's allocation"
+msgstr "ãããããéå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6491
+msgid "Request Mode"
+msgstr "èæãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6492
+msgid "The actor's request mode"
+msgstr "ãããããèæããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6516
+msgid "Depth"
+msgstr "æã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6517
+msgid "Position on the Z axis"
+msgstr "Zèãäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6544
+msgid "Z Position"
+msgstr "Zèãäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6545
+msgid "The actor's position on the Z axis"
+msgstr "Zèäã ãããããäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6562
+msgid "Opacity"
+msgstr "äéæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6563
+msgid "Opacity of an actor"
+msgstr "ãããããäéæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6583
+msgid "Offscreen redirect"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6584
+msgid "Flags controlling when to flatten the actor into a single image"
+msgstr "åäããããã ãããããéçããæãååããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6598
+msgid "Visible"
+msgstr "èç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6599
+msgid "Whether the actor is visible or not"
+msgstr "ãããããèçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6613
+msgid "Mapped"
+msgstr "éç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6614
+msgid "Whether the actor will be painted"
+msgstr "ãããããæçãããããã"
+# Realize ã"åäåãã"ãèãã
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6627
+msgid "Realized"
+msgstr "åäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6628
+msgid "Whether the actor has been realized"
+msgstr "ãããããåäåããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6643
+msgid "Reactive"
+msgstr "ããããããåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6644
+msgid "Whether the actor is reactive to events"
+msgstr "ããããããããããååããããããã"
+# Clip ã"åãåã"ãèãããåéãããæåããççåçã Actor ãäæããããããããããããããã
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6655
+msgid "Has Clip"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6656
+msgid "Whether the actor has a clip set"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6669
+msgid "Clip"
+msgstr "ããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6670
+msgid "The clip region for the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããéå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6689
+msgid "Clip Rectangle"
+msgstr "ããããããããéæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6690
+msgid "The visible region of the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããåèåéå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6704 ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:207
+#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:319 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:258
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "åå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6705
+msgid "Name of the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6726
+msgid "Pivot Point"
+msgstr "åèãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6727
+msgid "The point around which the scaling and rotation occur"
+msgstr "æåçåãåèãèç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6745
+msgid "Pivot Point Z"
+msgstr "Zèãåèãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6746
+msgid "Z component of the pivot point"
+msgstr "åèãäåãZæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6764
+msgid "Scale X"
+msgstr "Xèãæåçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6765
+msgid "Scale factor on the X axis"
+msgstr "Xèãæåçåäæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6783
+msgid "Scale Y"
+msgstr "Yèãæåçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6784
+msgid "Scale factor on the Y axis"
+msgstr "Yèãæåçåäæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6802
+msgid "Scale Z"
+msgstr "Zèãæåçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6803
+msgid "Scale factor on the Z axis"
+msgstr "Zèãæåçåäæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6821
+msgid "Scale Center X"
+msgstr "Xèãæåçåãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6822
+msgid "Horizontal scale center"
+msgstr "æåæåãæåçåãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6840
+msgid "Scale Center Y"
+msgstr "Yèãæåçåãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6841
+msgid "Vertical scale center"
+msgstr "åçæåãæåçåãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6859
+msgid "Scale Gravity"
+msgstr "éåæåãæåçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6860
+msgid "The center of scaling"
+msgstr "æåçåãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6878
+msgid "Rotation Angle X"
+msgstr "Xèãåèèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6879
+msgid "The rotation angle on the X axis"
+msgstr "Xèãåèèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6897
+msgid "Rotation Angle Y"
+msgstr "Yèãåèèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6898
+msgid "The rotation angle on the Y axis"
+msgstr "Yèãåèèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6916
+msgid "Rotation Angle Z"
+msgstr "Zèãåèèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6917
+msgid "The rotation angle on the Z axis"
+msgstr "Zèãåèèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6935
+msgid "Rotation Center X"
+msgstr "Xèãåèãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6936
+msgid "The rotation center on the X axis"
+msgstr "Xèãåèãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6953
+msgid "Rotation Center Y"
+msgstr "Yèãåèãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6954
+msgid "The rotation center on the Y axis"
+msgstr "Yèãåèãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6971
+msgid "Rotation Center Z"
+msgstr "Zèãåèãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6972
+msgid "The rotation center on the Z axis"
+msgstr "Zèãåèãäå"
+# Gravity ãèèããåãã
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6989
+msgid "Rotation Center Z Gravity"
+msgstr "Zèãåèãäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:6990
+msgid "Center point for rotation around the Z axis"
+msgstr "Zèãåèãäåç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7018
+msgid "Anchor X"
+msgstr "Xèããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7019
+msgid "X coordinate of the anchor point"
+msgstr "Xèãããããç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7047
+msgid "Anchor Y"
+msgstr "Yèããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7048
+msgid "Y coordinate of the anchor point"
+msgstr "Yèãããããç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7075
+msgid "Anchor Gravity"
+msgstr "éåæåããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7076
+msgid "The anchor point as a ClutterGravity"
+msgstr "Clutter ãéåãããããç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7095
+msgid "Translation X"
+msgstr "Xèçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7096
+msgid "Translation along the X axis"
+msgstr "Xèæåãçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7115
+msgid "Translation Y"
+msgstr "Yèçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7116
+msgid "Translation along the Y axis"
+msgstr "Yèæåãçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7135
+msgid "Translation Z"
+msgstr "Zèçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7136
+msgid "Translation along the Z axis"
+msgstr "Zèæåãçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7166
+msgid "Transform"
+msgstr "åå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7167
+msgid "Transformation matrix"
+msgstr "ååèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7182
+msgid "Transform Set"
+msgstr "ååããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7183
+msgid "Whether the transform property is set"
+msgstr "ååããããããèåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7204
+msgid "Child Transform"
+msgstr "åãããããããåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7205
+msgid "Children transformation matrix"
+msgstr "åãããããããååèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7220
+msgid "Child Transform Set"
+msgstr "åãããããããååãèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7221
+msgid "Whether the child-transform property is set"
+msgstr "åãããããããååããããããèåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7238
+msgid "Show on set parent"
+msgstr "èåãããèãããããããèçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7239
+msgid "Whether the actor is shown when parented"
+msgstr "èãããããããããã ãããããèçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7256
+msgid "Clip to Allocation"
+msgstr "éåããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7257
+msgid "Sets the clip region to track the actor's allocation"
+msgstr "ãããããéåãããããããããããéåãèåãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7270
+msgid "Text Direction"
+msgstr "æåãæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7271
+msgid "Direction of the text"
+msgstr "æåãæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7286
+msgid "Has Pointer"
+msgstr "ããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7287
+msgid "Whether the actor contains the pointer of an input device"
+msgstr "ååããããããããããã ãããããåããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7300
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "åä"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7301
+msgid "Adds an action to the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããåäãèåãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7314
+msgid "Constraints"
+msgstr "åçæä"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7315
+msgid "Adds a constraint to the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããåçæäãèåãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7328
+msgid "Effect"
+msgstr "åæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7329
+msgid "Add an effect to be applied on the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããéçããåæãèåãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7343
+msgid "Layout Manager"
+msgstr "ãããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7344
+msgid "The object controlling the layout of an actor's children"
+msgstr "ãããããåãããããããããããããååãããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7358
+msgid "X Expand"
+msgstr "Xèæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7359
+msgid "Whether extra horizontal space should be assigned to the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããæåæåãèåãééãåãåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7374
+msgid "Y Expand"
+msgstr "Yèæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7375
+msgid "Whether extra vertical space should be assigned to the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããåçæåãèåãééãåãåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7391
+msgid "X Alignment"
+msgstr "Xèãæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7392
+msgid "The alignment of the actor on the X axis within its allocation"
+msgstr "ãããããéåãXèãæåãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7407
+msgid "Y Alignment"
+msgstr "Yèãæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7408
+msgid "The alignment of the actor on the Y axis within its allocation"
+msgstr "ãããããéåãXèãæåãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7427
+msgid "Margin Top"
+msgstr "ääç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7428
+msgid "Extra space at the top"
+msgstr "äãèåãäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7449
+msgid "Margin Bottom"
+msgstr "ääç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7450
+msgid "Extra space at the bottom"
+msgstr "äãèåãäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7471
+msgid "Margin Left"
+msgstr "åäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7472
+msgid "Extra space at the left"
+msgstr "åãèåãäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7493
+msgid "Margin Right"
+msgstr "åäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7494
+msgid "Extra space at the right"
+msgstr "åãèåãäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7510
+msgid "Background Color Set"
+msgstr "èæèãèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7511 ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-box.c:275
+msgid "Whether the background color is set"
+msgstr "èæèãèåããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7527
+msgid "Background color"
+msgstr "èæè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7528
+msgid "The actor's background color"
+msgstr "ãããããèæè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7543
+msgid "First Child"
+msgstr "æåãåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7544
+msgid "The actor's first child"
+msgstr "ãããããæåãåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7557
+msgid "Last Child"
+msgstr "æåãåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7558
+msgid "The actor's last child"
+msgstr "ãããããæåãåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7572
+msgid "Content"
+msgstr "äè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7573
+msgid "Delegate object for painting the actor's content"
+msgstr "ãããããäèæçããããããããçèãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7598
+msgid "Content Gravity"
+msgstr "äèãéå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7599
+msgid "Alignment of the actor's content"
+msgstr "ãããããäèãæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7619
+msgid "Content Box"
+msgstr "ããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7620
+msgid "The bounding box of the actor's content"
+msgstr "ãããããäèãåçãçãçæä"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7628
+msgid "Minification Filter"
+msgstr "çåããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7629
+msgid "The filter used when reducing the size of the content"
+msgstr "äèãåãããåããããæãäçããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7636
+msgid "Magnification Filter"
+msgstr "æåããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7637
+msgid "The filter used when increasing the size of the content"
+msgstr "äèãåãããåããããæãäçããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7651
+msgid "Content Repeat"
+msgstr "äèãçãèã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor.c:7652
+msgid "The repeat policy for the actor's content"
+msgstr "ãããããäèãçãèãææ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:193 ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:142
+msgid "Actor"
+msgstr "Actor"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:194
+msgid "The actor attached to the meta"
+msgstr "ãããããéçããããæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:208
+msgid "The name of the meta"
+msgstr "ããæåãåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:221 ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:337
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-shader.c:313
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "åçåè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-actor-meta.c:222
+msgid "Whether the meta is enabled"
+msgstr "ããæåãåçåèããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:279
+#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:358 ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:345
+#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:321
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "åç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:280
+msgid "The source of the alignment"
+msgstr "æåãåç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:293
+msgid "Align Axis"
+msgstr "æåãè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:294
+msgid "The axis to align the position to"
+msgstr "äçãæåãããè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:313
+#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:270
+msgid "Factor"
+msgstr "äæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-align-constraint.c:314
+msgid "The alignment factor, between 0.0 and 1.0"
+msgstr "æåãäæã0.0ãã1.0ãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-backend.c:379
+msgid "Unable to initialize the Clutter backend"
+msgstr "Clutter ããããããããåæåããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-backend.c:453
+#, c-format
+msgid "The backend of type '%s' does not support creating multiple stages"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããåå '%s' ãäæããããèæããããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:359
+msgid "The source of the binding"
+msgstr "ææããåç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:372
+msgid "Coordinate"
+msgstr "åæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:373
+msgid "The coordinate to bind"
+msgstr "ææãããåæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:387
+#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:226
+#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:366
+msgid "Offset"
+msgstr "ããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c:388
+msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the binding"
+msgstr "ææãéçããããããåäãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c:320
+msgid "The unique name of the binding pool"
+msgstr "ææããäåéåãåæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:240 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:655
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:390 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:610
+msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
+msgstr "æåæåãæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:241
+msgid "Horizontal alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
+msgstr "ããããããããããåããããããæåæåãæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:249 ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:675
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:399 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:625
+msgid "Vertical Alignment"
+msgstr "åçæåãæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:250
+msgid "Vertical alignment for the actor inside the layout manager"
+msgstr "ããããããããããåããããããåçæåãæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:656
+msgid "Default horizontal alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
+msgstr "ããããããããããåããããããæåæåãæåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c:676
+msgid "Default vertical alignment for the actors inside the layout manager"
+msgstr "ããããããããããåããããããæåæåãæåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:365
+msgid "Expand"
+msgstr "åå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:366
+msgid "Allocate extra space for the child"
+msgstr "åãããããããèåéå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:372 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:589
+msgid "Horizontal Fill"
+msgstr "æåæåãåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:373 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:590
+msgid ""
+"Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
+"spare space on the horizontal axis"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:381 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:596
+msgid "Vertical Fill"
+msgstr "åçæåãåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:382 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:597
+msgid ""
+"Whether the child should receive priority when the container is allocating "
+"spare space on the vertical axis"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:391 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:611
+msgid "Horizontal alignment of the actor within the cell"
+msgstr "ããåããããããæåæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:400 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:626
+msgid "Vertical alignment of the actor within the cell"
+msgstr "ããåããããããåçæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1365
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "åçæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1366
+msgid "Whether the layout should be vertical, rather than horizontal"
+msgstr "ããããããååéäãæåæåããããåçæåããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1383 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:890
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1547
+msgid "Orientation"
+msgstr "åã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1384 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:891
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1548
+msgid "The orientation of the layout"
+msgstr "ããããããåã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1400 ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:906
+msgid "Homogeneous"
+msgstr "åçéç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1401
+msgid ""
+"Whether the layout should be homogeneous, i.e. all childs get the same size"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1416
+msgid "Pack Start"
+msgstr "ããããéå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1417
+msgid "Whether to pack items at the start of the box"
+msgstr "ãããããéåæããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1430
+msgid "Spacing"
+msgstr "éé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1431
+msgid "Spacing between children"
+msgstr "åããããããéãéé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1448 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1675
+msgid "Use Animations"
+msgstr "ããããããããäçãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1449 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1676
+msgid "Whether layout changes should be animated"
+msgstr "ããããããåæããããããããåãããããã"
+# Easing ãã Tween ãååæçãæåãããTween ãæåããããææããããããèãããããèãããããããã
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1473 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1700
+msgid "Easing Mode"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1474 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1701
+msgid "The easing mode of the animations"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1494 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1721
+msgid "Easing Duration"
+msgstr "ãããããççæé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-box-layout.c:1495 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1722
+msgid "The duration of the animations"
+msgstr "ããããããããççæé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-brightness-contrast-effect.c:321
+msgid "Brightness"
+msgstr "æãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-brightness-contrast-effect.c:322
+msgid "The brightness change to apply"
+msgstr "æãããååãéçãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-brightness-contrast-effect.c:341
+msgid "Contrast"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-brightness-contrast-effect.c:342
+msgid "The contrast change to apply"
+msgstr "ãããããããååãéçãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-canvas.c:216
+msgid "The width of the canvas"
+msgstr "ãããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-canvas.c:232
+msgid "The height of the canvas"
+msgstr "ãããããéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:127
+msgid "Container"
+msgstr "ããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:128
+msgid "The container that created this data"
+msgstr "ããããããäæãããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-child-meta.c:143
+msgid "The actor wrapped by this data"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:559
+msgid "Pressed"
+msgstr "æä"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:560
+msgid "Whether the clickable should be in pressed state"
+msgstr "ããããåèããããæäçæããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:573
+msgid "Held"
+msgstr "äç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:574
+msgid "Whether the clickable has a grab"
+msgstr "ããããåèããããçæãäæãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:591 ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:599
+msgid "Long Press Duration"
+msgstr "éãæäæé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:592
+msgid "The minimum duration of a long press to recognize the gesture"
+msgstr "ãããããããéãæäãããèèãããæåãæäæé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:610
+msgid "Long Press Threshold"
+msgstr "éãæäããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-click-action.c:611
+msgid "The maximum threshold before a long press is cancelled"
+msgstr "éãæäãããããèèããããããæåãããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-clone.c:346
+msgid "Specifies the actor to be cloned"
+msgstr "èèããããããããæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:251
+msgid "Tint"
+msgstr "èåã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-colorize-effect.c:252
+msgid "The tint to apply"
+msgstr "éçããèåã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:588
+msgid "Horizontal Tiles"
+msgstr "æåããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:589
+msgid "The number of horizontal tiles"
+msgstr "æåããããæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:604
+msgid "Vertical Tiles"
+msgstr "åçããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:605
+msgid "The number of vertical tiles"
+msgstr "åçããããæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:622
+msgid "Back Material"
+msgstr "èæãèæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c:623
+msgid "The material to be used when painting the back of the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããèææçæãèæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-desaturate-effect.c:271
+msgid "The desaturation factor"
+msgstr "èéåäæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:131
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:366
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:316
+msgid "Backend"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-device-manager.c:132
+msgid "The ClutterBackend of the device manager"
+msgstr "ããããããããããClutterBackend"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:742
+msgid "Horizontal Drag Threshold"
+msgstr "æåããããããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:743
+msgid "The horizontal amount of pixels required to start dragging"
+msgstr "ããããéåãåèãããããããåäãæåæåçåé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:770
+msgid "Vertical Drag Threshold"
+msgstr "åçããããããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:771
+msgid "The vertical amount of pixels required to start dragging"
+msgstr "ããããéåãåèãããããããåäãæååççåé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:792
+msgid "Drag Handle"
+msgstr "ããããåç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:793
+msgid "The actor that is being dragged"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:806
+msgid "Drag Axis"
+msgstr "ããããæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:807
+msgid "Constraints the dragging to an axis"
+msgstr "ãããããåéãããè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:823
+msgid "Drag Area"
+msgstr "ããããéå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:824
+msgid "Constrains the dragging to a rectangle"
+msgstr "ããããåèãéæåãåé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:837
+msgid "Drag Area Set"
+msgstr "ããããéåãèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-drag-action.c:838
+msgid "Whether the drag area is set"
+msgstr "ããããéåãèåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:907
+msgid "Whether each item should receive the same allocation"
+msgstr "åãèçãåãéåãåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:922 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1637
+msgid "Column Spacing"
+msgstr "åãéé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:923
+msgid "The spacing between columns"
+msgstr "åãéé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:939 ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1651
+msgid "Row Spacing"
+msgstr "èãéé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:940
+msgid "The spacing between rows"
+msgstr "èãéé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:954
+msgid "Minimum Column Width"
+msgstr "åãæåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:955
+msgid "Minimum width for each column"
+msgstr "ãããããåãæåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:970
+msgid "Maximum Column Width"
+msgstr "åãæåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:971
+msgid "Maximum width for each column"
+msgstr "ãããããåãæåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:985
+msgid "Minimum Row Height"
+msgstr "èãæåéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:986
+msgid "Minimum height for each row"
+msgstr "ãããããèãæåéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:1001
+msgid "Maximum Row Height"
+msgstr "èãæåéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c:1002
+msgid "Maximum height for each row"
+msgstr "ãããããèãæåéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1222
+msgid "Left attachment"
+msgstr "åãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1223
+msgid "The column number to attach the left side of the child to"
+msgstr "åãããããããååãããããããåçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1230
+msgid "Top attachment"
+msgstr "äãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1231
+msgid "The row number to attach the top side of a child widget to"
+msgstr "åãããããããäåãããããããèçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1239
+msgid "The number of columns that a child spans"
+msgstr "åãããããããåéããåæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1246
+msgid "The number of rows that a child spans"
+msgstr "åãããããããåéããèæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1562
+msgid "Row spacing"
+msgstr "èãåé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1563
+msgid "The amount of space between two consecutive rows"
+msgstr "éæãã2èéãéé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1576
+msgid "Column spacing"
+msgstr "åãåé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1577
+msgid "The amount of space between two consecutive columns"
+msgstr "éæãã2åéãéé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1591
+msgid "Row Homogeneous"
+msgstr "èãåçéç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1592
+msgid "If TRUE, the rows are all the same height"
+msgstr "çãååãåèãåãéãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1605
+msgid "Column Homogeneous"
+msgstr "åãåçéç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-grid-layout.c:1606
+msgid "If TRUE, the columns are all the same width"
+msgstr "çãååãååãåãéãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-image.c:248 ../clutter/clutter-image.c:311
+#: ../clutter/clutter-image.c:399
+msgid "Unable to load image data"
+msgstr "çåããããèãèãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:242
+msgid "Id"
+msgstr "ID"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:243
+msgid "Unique identifier of the device"
+msgstr "ãããããåæèåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:259
+msgid "The name of the device"
+msgstr "ããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:273
+msgid "Device Type"
+msgstr "ãããããåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:274
+msgid "The type of the device"
+msgstr "ãããããåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:289
+msgid "Device Manager"
+msgstr "ããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:290
+msgid "The device manager instance"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:303
+msgid "Device Mode"
+msgstr "ããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:304
+msgid "The mode of the device"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:318
+msgid "Has Cursor"
+msgstr "ãããããæç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:319
+msgid "Whether the device has a cursor"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:338
+msgid "Whether the device is enabled"
+msgstr "ãããããåçåèãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:351
+msgid "Number of Axes"
+msgstr "èãæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:352
+msgid "The number of axes on the device"
+msgstr "ãããããèãæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-input-device.c:367
+msgid "The backend instance"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:506
+msgid "Value Type"
+msgstr "åãåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:507
+msgid "The type of the values in the interval"
+msgstr "ãããããããåãåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:522
+msgid "Initial Value"
+msgstr "åæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:523
+msgid "Initial value of the interval"
+msgstr "ãããããããåæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:537
+msgid "Final Value"
+msgstr "çäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-interval.c:538
+msgid "Final value of the interval"
+msgstr "ãããããããçäå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:117
+msgid "Manager"
+msgstr "ããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-layout-meta.c:118
+msgid "The manager that created this data"
+msgstr "ããããããäæãããããããã"
+#. Translators: Leave this UNTRANSLATED if your language is
+#. * left-to-right.  If your language is right-to-left
+#. * (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic), translate it to "default:RTL".
+#. *
+#. * Do NOT translate it to non-English e.g. "predefinito:LTR"! If
+#. * it isn't default:LTR or default:RTL it will not work.
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:762
+msgid "default:LTR"
+msgstr "ããããããæåæå:åããåã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1636
+msgid "Show frames per second"
+msgstr "1çãèçãããããããæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1638
+msgid "Default frame rate"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1640
+msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
+msgstr "ããããèåãèåçãããæã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1643
+msgid "Direction for the text"
+msgstr "æåãæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1646
+msgid "Disable mipmapping on text"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããåçäåããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1649
+msgid "Use 'fuzzy' picking"
+msgstr "fuzzy éæãäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1652
+msgid "Clutter debugging flags to set"
+msgstr "Clutter ãããããããããèåãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1654
+msgid "Clutter debugging flags to unset"
+msgstr "Clutter ãããããããããèéãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1658
+msgid "Clutter profiling flags to set"
+msgstr "Clutter ãããããããããããèåãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1660
+msgid "Clutter profiling flags to unset"
+msgstr "Clutter ãããããããããããèéãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1663
+msgid "Enable accessibility"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåçåèããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1855
+msgid "Clutter Options"
+msgstr "Clutter ãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-main.c:1856
+msgid "Show Clutter Options"
+msgstr "Clutter ãããããããèçãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:451
+msgid "Pan Axis"
+msgstr "ããæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:452
+msgid "Constraints the panning to an axis"
+msgstr "ããããèãåéãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:466
+msgid "Interpolate"
+msgstr "èå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:467
+msgid "Whether interpolated events emission is enabled."
+msgstr "èåãããããççãåçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:483
+msgid "Deceleration"
+msgstr "æé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:484
+msgid "Rate at which the interpolated panning will decelerate in"
+msgstr "ãããèåæçãæéãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:501
+msgid "Initial acceleration factor"
+msgstr "åéåéäæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-pan-action.c:502
+msgid "Factor applied to the momentum when starting the interpolated phase"
+msgstr "èåããããéåæãéåéãäæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:212
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-path.c:225
+msgid "Path"
+msgstr "ãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:213
+msgid "The path used to constrain an actor"
+msgstr "ãããããçåãåéãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-path-constraint.c:227
+msgid "The offset along the path, between -1.0 and 2.0"
+msgstr "ããããããããã-1.0ãã2.0ãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-property-transition.c:271
+msgid "Property Name"
+msgstr "ãããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-property-transition.c:272
+msgid "The name of the property to animate"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:466
+msgid "Filename Set"
+msgstr "ããããåãèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:467
+msgid "Whether the :filename property is set"
+msgstr "ããããåããããããèåããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:481
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1082
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "ããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:482
+msgid "The path of the currently parsed file"
+msgstr "çåèæããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:499
+msgid "Translation Domain"
+msgstr "çèããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-script.c:500
+msgid "The translation domain used to localize string"
+msgstr "ãããããããããæåãçèãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-scroll-actor.c:263
+msgid "Scroll Mode"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-scroll-actor.c:264
+msgid "The scrolling direction"
+msgstr "ããããããæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:440
+msgid "Double Click Time"
+msgstr "ãããããããæé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:441
+msgid "The time between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
+msgstr "èæåãããããããããæåããããåèãããããéãæé"
+# Distance ãèéãããããããã"çåé"ãèã
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:456
+msgid "Double Click Distance"
+msgstr "ããããããããçåé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:457
+msgid "The distance between clicks necessary to detect a multiple click"
+msgstr "èæåãããããããããæåããããåèãããããéãçåé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:472
+msgid "Drag Threshold"
+msgstr "ããããããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:473
+msgid "The distance the cursor should travel before starting to drag"
+msgstr "ããããéåãããããããçåé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:488 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3368
+msgid "Font Name"
+msgstr "ããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:489
+msgid ""
+"The description of the default font, as one that could be parsed by Pango"
+msgstr "Pango ãèæåèããããããããããããèæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:504
+msgid "Font Antialias"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:505
+msgid ""
+"Whether to use antialiasing (1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 to use the "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:521
+msgid "Font DPI"
+msgstr "ãããããDPI"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:522
+msgid ""
+"The resolution of the font, in 1024 * dots/inch, or -1 to use the default"
+msgstr "ãããããèååã1024 * dot/inch ããã ããããããäçãã -1"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:538
+msgid "Font Hinting"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:539
+msgid ""
+"Whether to use hinting (1 to enable, 0 to disable and -1 to use the default)"
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããããããããäçãããããã (1ãäçã0ãäçãããã-1ãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:560
+msgid "Font Hint Style"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:561
+msgid "The style of hinting (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, hintfull)"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:582
+msgid "Font Subpixel Order"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:583
+msgid "The type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããåå (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr)"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:600
+msgid "The minimum duration for a long press gesture to be recognized"
+msgstr "éæããããããããèèãããæåæé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:607
+msgid "Fontconfig configuration timestamp"
+msgstr "Fontconfig ãèåããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:608
+msgid "Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration"
+msgstr "çåäçãããã fontconfig èåãããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:625
+msgid "Password Hint Time"
+msgstr "ããããããããããèçããæé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-settings.c:626
+msgid "How long to show the last input character in hidden entries"
+msgstr "éãæåååãæåãååããæåãèçããæé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:486
+msgid "Shader Type"
+msgstr "ããããããåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c:487
+msgid "The type of shader used"
+msgstr "äçããããããããããåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:322
+msgid "The source of the constraint"
+msgstr "åéãåç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:335
+msgid "From Edge"
+msgstr "ããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:336
+msgid "The edge of the actor that should be snapped"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:350
+msgid "To Edge"
+msgstr "ããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:351
+msgid "The edge of the source that should be snapped"
+msgstr "ããããããåçãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-snap-constraint.c:367
+msgid "The offset in pixels to apply to the constraint"
+msgstr "åéãéçããããããåäãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1895
+msgid "Fullscreen Set"
+msgstr "ãããããããèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1896
+msgid "Whether the main stage is fullscreen"
+msgstr "äåãããããããããããããããèçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1910
+msgid "Offscreen"
+msgstr "ããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1911
+msgid "Whether the main stage should be rendered offscreen"
+msgstr "äåãããããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1923 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3482
+msgid "Cursor Visible"
+msgstr "ããããèç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1924
+msgid "Whether the mouse pointer is visible on the main stage"
+msgstr "äåãããããããããããããããããèçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1938
+msgid "User Resizable"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããåæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1939
+msgid "Whether the stage is able to be resized via user interaction"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããåæããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1954 ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-box.c:260
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-rectangle.c:273
+msgid "Color"
+msgstr "è"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1955
+msgid "The color of the stage"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1970
+msgid "Perspective"
+msgstr "éèæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1971
+msgid "Perspective projection parameters"
+msgstr "éèæãæåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1986
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "ãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:1987
+msgid "Stage Title"
+msgstr "ããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:2004
+msgid "Use Fog"
+msgstr "Fog(éåæ)ãäçãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:2005
+msgid "Whether to enable depth cueing"
+msgstr "éåããæããåçåèããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:2021
+msgid "Fog"
+msgstr "Fog(éåæ)"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:2022
+msgid "Settings for the depth cueing"
+msgstr "æããåéãèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:2038
+msgid "Use Alpha"
+msgstr "ãããããäçãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:2039
+msgid "Whether to honour the alpha component of the stage color"
+msgstr "ããããèãããããåãåéãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:2055
+msgid "Key Focus"
+msgstr "ããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:2056
+msgid "The currently key focused actor"
+msgstr "çåãããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:2072
+msgid "No Clear Hint"
+msgstr "äéæããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:2073
+msgid "Whether the stage should clear its contents"
+msgstr "ãããããäèãéæããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:2086
+msgid "Accept Focus"
+msgstr "ããããããèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-stage.c:2087
+msgid "Whether the stage should accept focus on show"
+msgstr "ãããããèçæãããããããèåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:543
+msgid "Column Number"
+msgstr "åçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:544
+msgid "The column the widget resides in"
+msgstr "ãããããããéæããåçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:551
+msgid "Row Number"
+msgstr "èçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:552
+msgid "The row the widget resides in"
+msgstr "ãããããããéæããèçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:559
+msgid "Column Span"
+msgstr "åãåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:560
+msgid "The number of columns the widget should span"
+msgstr "ãããããããååããåæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:567
+msgid "Row Span"
+msgstr "èãåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:568
+msgid "The number of rows the widget should span"
+msgstr "ãããããããååããèæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:575
+msgid "Horizontal Expand"
+msgstr "æåæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:576
+msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in horizontal axis"
+msgstr "åããããããçãæåæåãèåéå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:582
+msgid "Vertical Expand"
+msgstr "åçæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:583
+msgid "Allocate extra space for the child in vertical axis"
+msgstr "åããããããçãåçæåãèåéå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1638
+msgid "Spacing between columns"
+msgstr "åãéé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-table-layout.c:1652
+msgid "Spacing between rows"
+msgstr "èãéé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text-buffer.c:351 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3403
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr "ãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text-buffer.c:352
+msgid "The contents of the buffer"
+msgstr "ããããããåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text-buffer.c:365
+msgid "Text length"
+msgstr "ãããããéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text-buffer.c:366
+msgid "Length of the text currently in the buffer"
+msgstr "ãããããåãçåããããããéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text-buffer.c:379
+msgid "Maximum length"
+msgstr "æåé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text-buffer.c:380
+msgid "Maximum number of characters for this entry. Zero if no maximum"
+msgstr "ããååæãæåæåæãæååãçãååã 0"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3350
+msgid "Buffer"
+msgstr "ããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3351
+msgid "The buffer for the text"
+msgstr "ãããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3369
+msgid "The font to be used by the text"
+msgstr "ãããããäçãããããã"
+# description ã"éç"ãèå
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3386
+msgid "Font Description"
+msgstr "ãããããéç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3387
+msgid "The font description to be used"
+msgstr "äçãããããããéç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3404
+msgid "The text to render"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3418
+msgid "Font Color"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3419
+msgid "Color of the font used by the text"
+msgstr "ãããããäçãããããããè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3434
+msgid "Editable"
+msgstr "çéåè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3435
+msgid "Whether the text is editable"
+msgstr "ãããããçéåèããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3450
+msgid "Selectable"
+msgstr "éæåè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3451
+msgid "Whether the text is selectable"
+msgstr "ãããããéæåèããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3465
+msgid "Activatable"
+msgstr "åçåè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3466
+msgid "Whether pressing return causes the activate signal to be emitted"
+msgstr "ããããããã activate ãããããéäãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3483
+msgid "Whether the input cursor is visible"
+msgstr "ååãããããèçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3497 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3498
+msgid "Cursor Color"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3513
+msgid "Cursor Color Set"
+msgstr "ãããããèãèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3514
+msgid "Whether the cursor color has been set"
+msgstr "ãããããèãèåããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3529
+msgid "Cursor Size"
+msgstr "ãããããåãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3530
+msgid "The width of the cursor, in pixels"
+msgstr "ããããåäããããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3546 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3564
+msgid "Cursor Position"
+msgstr "ãããããäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3547 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3565
+msgid "The cursor position"
+msgstr "ãããããäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3580
+msgid "Selection-bound"
+msgstr "éæãçå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3581
+msgid "The cursor position of the other end of the selection"
+msgstr "éæãããäæããããããäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3596 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3597
+msgid "Selection Color"
+msgstr "éæè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3612
+msgid "Selection Color Set"
+msgstr "éæèãèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3613
+msgid "Whether the selection color has been set"
+msgstr "éæèãèåããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3628
+msgid "Attributes"
+msgstr "åæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3629
+msgid "A list of style attributes to apply to the contents of the actor"
+msgstr "ãããããäèãéçããããããåæãäè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3651
+msgid "Use markup"
+msgstr "ããããããäç"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3652
+msgid "Whether or not the text includes Pango markup"
+msgstr "ããããã Pango ãããããããåãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3668
+msgid "Line wrap"
+msgstr "èãæãèã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3669
+msgid "If set, wrap the lines if the text becomes too wide"
+msgstr "èåãããããååãããããããéãããããããæãèã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3684
+msgid "Line wrap mode"
+msgstr "èãæãèãããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3685
+msgid "Control how line-wrapping is done"
+msgstr "æãæãèãææãåå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3700
+msgid "Ellipsize"
+msgstr "ççèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3701
+msgid "The preferred place to ellipsize the string"
+msgstr "æååãççãæãããåæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3717
+msgid "Line Alignment"
+msgstr "èæã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3718
+msgid "The preferred alignment for the string, for multi-line text"
+msgstr "èæèããããããæãããæååãèæã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3734
+msgid "Justify"
+msgstr "äçæã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3735
+msgid "Whether the text should be justified"
+msgstr "ãããããäçæããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3750
+msgid "Password Character"
+msgstr "ãããããæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3751
+msgid "If non-zero, use this character to display the actor's contents"
+msgstr "ãããããååããããããäèãããæåãäããèçãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3765
+msgid "Max Length"
+msgstr "æåé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3766
+msgid "Maximum length of the text inside the actor"
+msgstr "ããããåããããããæåé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3789
+msgid "Single Line Mode"
+msgstr "äèããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3790
+msgid "Whether the text should be a single line"
+msgstr "ãããããäèãããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3804 ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3805
+msgid "Selected Text Color"
+msgstr "éæããããããããè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3820
+msgid "Selected Text Color Set"
+msgstr "éæããããããããèãèå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-text.c:3821
+msgid "Whether the selected text color has been set"
+msgstr "éæããããããããèãèåããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:561
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animation.c:560
+msgid "Loop"
+msgstr "ããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:562
+msgid "Should the timeline automatically restart"
+msgstr "ãããããããèåçãåéãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:576
+msgid "Delay"
+msgstr "éå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:577
+msgid "Delay before start"
+msgstr "éåãããéå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:592
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animation.c:544
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animator.c:1803
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:224
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-state.c:1522
+msgid "Duration"
+msgstr "ççæé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:593
+msgid "Duration of the timeline in milliseconds"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçåäãççæé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:608
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:528
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:337
+msgid "Direction"
+msgstr "æå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:609
+msgid "Direction of the timeline"
+msgstr "Timeline ãæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:624
+msgid "Auto Reverse"
+msgstr "èååè"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:625
+msgid "Whether the direction should be reversed when reaching the end"
+msgstr "çäæãæåãèååèãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:643
+msgid "Repeat Count"
+msgstr "çãèãåæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:644
+msgid "How many times the timeline should repeat"
+msgstr "Timeline ãçãèãåæ"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:658
+msgid "Progress Mode"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
+# tween ãæçããã
+#: ../clutter/clutter-timeline.c:659
+msgid "How the timeline should compute the progress"
+msgstr "Timeline ããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-transition.c:246
+msgid "Interval"
+msgstr "éé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-transition.c:247
+msgid "The interval of values to transition"
+msgstr "åæãæééé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-transition.c:261
+msgid "Animatable"
+msgstr "ãããããããå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-transition.c:262
+msgid "The animatable object"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããåãã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-transition.c:283
+msgid "Remove on Complete"
+msgstr "åäæãåé"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-transition.c:284
+msgid "Detach the transition when completed"
+msgstr "åäæãåæãåãéã"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-zoom-action.c:353
+msgid "Zoom Axis"
+msgstr "ããããèæå"
+#: ../clutter/clutter-zoom-action.c:354
+msgid "Constraints the zoom to an axis"
+msgstr "ããããèæåãåéãã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-alpha.c:355
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animation.c:575
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animator.c:1820
+msgid "Timeline"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-alpha.c:356
+msgid "Timeline used by the alpha"
+msgstr "ãããããäçãããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-alpha.c:372
+msgid "Alpha value"
+msgstr "ããããå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-alpha.c:373
+msgid "Alpha value as computed by the alpha"
+msgstr "ãããããããèçããããããå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-alpha.c:394
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animation.c:528
+msgid "Mode"
+msgstr "ããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-alpha.c:395
+msgid "Progress mode"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animation.c:511
+msgid "Object"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animation.c:512
+msgid "Object to which the animation applies"
+msgstr "ããããããããéçãããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animation.c:529
+msgid "The mode of the animation"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animation.c:545
+msgid "Duration of the animation, in milliseconds"
+msgstr "ããçåäãããããããããççæé"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animation.c:561
+msgid "Whether the animation should loop"
+msgstr "ããããããããçãèããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animation.c:576
+msgid "The timeline used by the animation"
+msgstr "ããããããããäçãããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animation.c:592
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour.c:241
+msgid "Alpha"
+msgstr "ãããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animation.c:593
+msgid "The alpha used by the animation"
+msgstr "ããããããããäçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animator.c:1804
+msgid "The duration of the animation"
+msgstr "ããããããããççæé"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-animator.c:1821
+msgid "The timeline of the animation"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour.c:242
+msgid "Alpha Object to drive the behaviour"
+msgstr "åäãææãããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:182
+msgid "Start Depth"
+msgstr "æããåæå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:183
+msgid "Initial depth to apply"
+msgstr "éçããåæãæã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:198
+msgid "End Depth"
+msgstr "æããæçå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-depth.c:199
+msgid "Final depth to apply"
+msgstr "éçããæçãæã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:401
+msgid "Start Angle"
+msgstr "éåèå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:402
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:284
+msgid "Initial angle"
+msgstr "åæèå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:417
+msgid "End Angle"
+msgstr "çäèå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:418
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:302
+msgid "Final angle"
+msgstr "æçèå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:433
+msgid "Angle x tilt"
+msgstr "Xèãåãèå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:434
+msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around x axis"
+msgstr "Xèåããæåãåãè"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:449
+msgid "Angle y tilt"
+msgstr "Yèãåãèå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:450
+msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around y axis"
+msgstr "Yèåããæåãåãè"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:465
+msgid "Angle z tilt"
+msgstr "Zèãåãèå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:466
+msgid "Tilt of the ellipse around z axis"
+msgstr "Zèåããæåãåãè"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:482
+msgid "Width of the ellipse"
+msgstr "æåãå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:498
+msgid "Height of ellipse"
+msgstr "æåãéã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:513
+msgid "Center"
+msgstr "äå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:514
+msgid "Center of ellipse"
+msgstr "æåãäå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-ellipse.c:529
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:338
+msgid "Direction of rotation"
+msgstr "åèæå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:184
+msgid "Opacity Start"
+msgstr "äéæåãéåå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:185
+msgid "Initial opacity level"
+msgstr "æåãäéæåããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:202
+msgid "Opacity End"
+msgstr "äéæåãçäå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-opacity.c:203
+msgid "Final opacity level"
+msgstr "æçãäéæåããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-path.c:226
+msgid "The ClutterPath object representing the path to animate along"
+msgstr "åããèçãããããæãããããããã ClutterPath ãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:283
+msgid "Angle Begin"
+msgstr "éåèå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:301
+msgid "Angle End"
+msgstr "çäèå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:319
+msgid "Axis"
+msgstr "è"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:320
+msgid "Axis of rotation"
+msgstr "åèè"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:355
+msgid "Center X"
+msgstr "Xèãäå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:356
+msgid "X coordinate of the center of rotation"
+msgstr "åèãäåãããXåæ"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:373
+msgid "Center Y"
+msgstr "Yèãäå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:374
+msgid "Y coordinate of the center of rotation"
+msgstr "åèãäåãããYåæ"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:391
+msgid "Center Z"
+msgstr "Zèãäå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-rotate.c:392
+msgid "Z coordinate of the center of rotation"
+msgstr "åèãäåãããZåæ"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:226
+msgid "X Start Scale"
+msgstr "Xèãæåçåãèç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:227
+msgid "Initial scale on the X axis"
+msgstr "Xèäãæåçåãåææåç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:245
+msgid "X End Scale"
+msgstr "Xèãæåçåãçç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:246
+msgid "Final scale on the X axis"
+msgstr "Xèäãæåçåãæçæåç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:264
+msgid "Y Start Scale"
+msgstr "Yèãæåçåãèç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:265
+msgid "Initial scale on the Y axis"
+msgstr "Yèäãæåçåãåææåç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:283
+msgid "Y End Scale"
+msgstr "Yèãæåçåãçç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-behaviour-scale.c:284
+msgid "Final scale on the Y axis"
+msgstr "Yèäãæåçåãæçæåç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-box.c:261
+msgid "The background color of the box"
+msgstr "ãããããèæè"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-box.c:274
+msgid "Color Set"
+msgstr "èãèå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-cairo-texture.c:597
+msgid "Surface Width"
+msgstr "èéãå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-cairo-texture.c:598
+msgid "The width of the Cairo surface"
+msgstr "Cairo èéãå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-cairo-texture.c:615
+msgid "Surface Height"
+msgstr "èéãéã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-cairo-texture.c:616
+msgid "The height of the Cairo surface"
+msgstr "Cairo èéãéã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-cairo-texture.c:636
+msgid "Auto Resize"
+msgstr "èåãããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-cairo-texture.c:637
+msgid "Whether the surface should match the allocation"
+msgstr "èéãéåãäèããããããããããã"
+# èåããã
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:83
+msgid "URI"
+msgstr "URI"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:84
+msgid "URI of a media file"
+msgstr "ããããããããã URI"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:100
+msgid "Playing"
+msgstr "åçä"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:101
+msgid "Whether the actor is playing"
+msgstr "ãããããåçäãããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:118
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "éå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:119
+msgid "Current progress of the playback"
+msgstr "ãããããããçåãéãåå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:135
+msgid "Subtitle URI"
+msgstr "ããããããã URI"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:136
+msgid "URI of a subtitle file"
+msgstr "ããããããã URI"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:154
+msgid "Subtitle Font Name"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:155
+msgid "The font used to display subtitles"
+msgstr "ãããããããèçãäçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:172
+msgid "Audio Volume"
+msgstr "ããããããéé"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:173
+msgid "The volume of the audio"
+msgstr "ããããããéé"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:189
+msgid "Can Seek"
+msgstr "ãããåè"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:190
+msgid "Whether the current stream is seekable"
+msgstr "çåãéæããããåèãããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:207
+msgid "Buffer Fill"
+msgstr "ããããããèå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:208
+msgid "The fill level of the buffer"
+msgstr "ããããããèåããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-media.c:225
+msgid "The duration of the stream, in seconds"
+msgstr "ããããããçåäãæåæé"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-rectangle.c:274
+msgid "The color of the rectangle"
+msgstr "éæåãè"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-rectangle.c:287
+msgid "Border Color"
+msgstr "åçãè"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-rectangle.c:288
+msgid "The color of the border of the rectangle"
+msgstr "éæåãåçãè"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-rectangle.c:303
+msgid "Border Width"
+msgstr "åçãå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-rectangle.c:304
+msgid "The width of the border of the rectangle"
+msgstr "éæåãåçãå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-rectangle.c:318
+msgid "Has Border"
+msgstr "åçãã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-rectangle.c:319
+msgid "Whether the rectangle should have a border"
+msgstr "éæåãåçããããããããã"
+# Vertex ã"éç"ããããããããããããããããããããããéçããããããããèèããããhttp://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E3%83%86%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9%E3%82%B7%E3%82%A7%E3%83%BC%E3%83%80
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-shader.c:261
+msgid "Vertex Source"
+msgstr "éçãåç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-shader.c:262
+msgid "Source of vertex shader"
+msgstr "éçãããããããåç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-shader.c:278
+msgid "Fragment Source"
+msgstr "ãããããããåç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-shader.c:279
+msgid "Source of fragment shader"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããåç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-shader.c:296
+msgid "Compiled"
+msgstr "ãããããæã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-shader.c:297
+msgid "Whether the shader is compiled and linked"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-shader.c:314
+msgid "Whether the shader is enabled"
+msgstr "ããããããåçåèãããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-shader.c:525
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s compilation failed: %s"
+msgstr "%s ãããããããåæãããã: %s"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-shader.c:526
+msgid "Vertex shader"
+msgstr "éçããããã"
+# DirectXããããããããããããåããããã
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-shader.c:527
+msgid "Fragment shader"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-state.c:1504
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "çæ"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-state.c:1505
+msgid "Currently set state, (transition to this state might not be complete)"
+msgstr "çåãçæ (åæãããçæããããåäããã)"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-state.c:1523
+msgid "Default transition duration"
+msgstr "ããããããåææé"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:994
+msgid "Sync size of actor"
+msgstr "ãããããåãããåæ"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:995
+msgid "Auto sync size of actor to underlying pixbuf dimensions"
+msgstr "æåããã pixbuf ãæåããèåçããããããåãããåæãã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1002
+msgid "Disable Slicing"
+msgstr "ãããããããçåå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1003
+msgid ""
+"Forces the underlying texture to be singular and not made of smaller space "
+"saving individual textures"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1012
+msgid "Tile Waste"
+msgstr "äåãããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1013
+msgid "Maximum waste area of a sliced texture"
+msgstr "ååããããããããããæåçééå"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1021
+msgid "Horizontal repeat"
+msgstr "æåæåãçãèã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1022
+msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them horizontally"
+msgstr "æåæåãæåãããäèãçãèã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1029
+msgid "Vertical repeat"
+msgstr "åçæåãçãèã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1030
+msgid "Repeat the contents rather than scaling them vertically"
+msgstr "åçæåãæåãããäèãçãèã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1037
+msgid "Filter Quality"
+msgstr "ããããããåè"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1038
+msgid "Rendering quality used when drawing the texture"
+msgstr "ãããããããæçæãäçããããããããåè"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1046
+msgid "Pixel Format"
+msgstr "ãããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1047
+msgid "The Cogl pixel format to use"
+msgstr "äçãã Cogl ãããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1055
+#: ../clutter/wayland/clutter-wayland-surface.c:449
+msgid "Cogl Texture"
+msgstr "Cogl ãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1056
+#: ../clutter/wayland/clutter-wayland-surface.c:450
+msgid "The underlying Cogl texture handle used to draw this actor"
+msgstr "ãããããããæçããéãäçãããæåããã Cogl ãããããããåç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1063
+msgid "Cogl Material"
+msgstr "Cogl èæ"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1064
+msgid "The underlying Cogl material handle used to draw this actor"
+msgstr "ãããããããæçããéãäçãããæåããã Cogl èæãåç"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1083
+msgid "The path of the file containing the image data"
+msgstr "çåããããåãããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1090
+msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio"
+msgstr "çææãçæãã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1091
+msgid ""
+"Keep the aspect ratio of the texture when requesting the preferred width or "
+msgstr "åãéããèææãããããããçææãçæãã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1119
+msgid "Load asynchronously"
+msgstr "éåæãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1120
+msgid ""
+"Load files inside a thread to avoid blocking when loading images from disk"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1138
+msgid "Load data asynchronously"
+msgstr "ããããéåæãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1139
+msgid ""
+"Decode image data files inside a thread to reduce blocking when loading "
+"images from disk"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1165
+msgid "Pick With Alpha"
+msgstr "ãããããéæãã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1166
+msgid "Shape actor with alpha channel when picking"
+msgstr "éææãããããããããããããããåãäã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1599
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1994
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:2090
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:2388
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to load the image data"
+msgstr "çåããããããããåæãããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1758
+#, c-format
+msgid "YUV textures are not supported"
+msgstr "YUVååãããããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/deprecated/clutter-texture.c:1767
+#, c-format
+msgid "YUV2 textues are not supported"
+msgstr "YUV2ååãããããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:159
+msgid "sysfs Path"
+msgstr "sysfgããã"
+#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:160
+msgid "Path of the device in sysfs"
+msgstr "sysfsãããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:175
+msgid "Device Path"
+msgstr "ããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/evdev/clutter-input-device-evdev.c:176
+msgid "Path of the device node"
+msgstr "ãããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/gdk/clutter-backend-gdk.c:296
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not find a suitable CoglWinsys for a GdkDisplay of type %s"
+msgstr "%s ååã GdkDisplay ãåããéåã CoglWinsys ãèãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/wayland/clutter-wayland-surface.c:423
+msgid "Surface"
+msgstr "èé"
+#: ../clutter/wayland/clutter-wayland-surface.c:424
+msgid "The underlying wayland surface"
+msgstr "æåããã wayland ãèé"
+#: ../clutter/wayland/clutter-wayland-surface.c:431
+msgid "Surface width"
+msgstr "èéãå"
+#: ../clutter/wayland/clutter-wayland-surface.c:432
+msgid "The width of the underlying wayland surface"
+msgstr "æåããã wayland èéãå"
+#: ../clutter/wayland/clutter-wayland-surface.c:440
+msgid "Surface height"
+msgstr "èéãéã"
+#: ../clutter/wayland/clutter-wayland-surface.c:441
+msgid "The height of the underlying wayland surface"
+msgstr "æåããã wayland èéãéã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:516
+msgid "X display to use"
+msgstr "äçãã X ãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:522
+msgid "X screen to use"
+msgstr "äçãã X ããããã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:527
+msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
+msgstr "X ãåãåããåæãã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-backend-x11.c:534
+msgid "Enable XInput support"
+msgstr "XInput ãããããåçåèããã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-keymap-x11.c:317
+msgid "The Clutter backend"
+msgstr "Clutter ãããããã"
+# èããã
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:539
+msgid "Pixmap"
+msgstr "Pixmap"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:540
+msgid "The X11 Pixmap to be bound"
+msgstr "X11 Pixmap ãçãããã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:548
+msgid "Pixmap width"
+msgstr "Pixmap ãå"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:549
+msgid "The width of the pixmap bound to this texture"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçãäãããã Pixmap ãå"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:557
+msgid "Pixmap height"
+msgstr "Pixmap ãéã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:558
+msgid "The height of the pixmap bound to this texture"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçãäãããããã Pixmap ãéã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:566
+msgid "Pixmap Depth"
+msgstr "Pixmap ãæã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:567
+msgid "The depth (in number of bits) of the pixmap bound to this texture"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçãäãããããã Pixmap ãæã(ãããæ)"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:575
+msgid "Automatic Updates"
+msgstr "èåææ"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:576
+msgid "If the texture should be kept in sync with any pixmap changes."
+msgstr "Pixmap ãåæããããããããåæããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:584
+msgid "Window"
+msgstr "ããããã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:585
+msgid "The X11 Window to be bound"
+msgstr "çãäãããããã X11 ããããã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:593
+msgid "Window Redirect Automatic"
+msgstr "ããããããèååãåã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:594
+msgid "If composite window redirects are set to Automatic (or Manual if false)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããèåçãåãåãããããã(false ãååãæå)"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:604
+msgid "Window Mapped"
+msgstr "ããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:605
+msgid "If window is mapped"
+msgstr "ããããããéçãããããã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:614
+msgid "Destroyed"
+msgstr "çæããã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:615
+msgid "If window has been destroyed"
+msgstr "ããããããçæããããããããã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:623
+msgid "Window X"
+msgstr "ããããããXäç"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:624
+msgid "X position of window on screen according to X11"
+msgstr "X11ããããããéåäãããããããXãäç"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:632
+msgid "Window Y"
+msgstr "ããããããYäç"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:633
+msgid "Y position of window on screen according to X11"
+msgstr "X11ããããããéåäãããããããYãäç"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:640
+msgid "Window Override Redirect"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããåãåã"
+#: ../clutter/x11/clutter-x11-texture-pixmap.c:641
+msgid "If this is an override-redirect window"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããåãåããèããããã"

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