[libgdata] Updated Telugu Translations
- From: Krishnababu Krothapalli <kkrothap src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [libgdata] Updated Telugu Translations
- Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 10:44:28 +0000 (UTC)
commit 0e9f55d8204641ceb883eaf65b4750fda49959ac
Author: Krishnababu Krothapalli <kkrothap redhat com>
Date: Thu Sep 20 16:18:19 2012 +0530
Updated Telugu Translations
po/te.po | 85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
1 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/te.po b/po/te.po
index d62340d..a5a7ae3 100644
--- a/po/te.po
+++ b/po/te.po
@@ -2,20 +2,23 @@
# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Swecha Localisation Team <localization swecha net>
# This file is distributed under the same license as the libgdata package.
# Hari krishna <hari swecha net>, 2011.
-# Sasi Bhushan Boddepalli <sasi swecha net>, 2012
+# Sasi Bhushan Boddepalli <sasi swecha net>, 2012.
+# Krishnababu Krothapalli <kkrothap redhat com>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgdata master\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-02 14:33+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-17 15:52+0530\n"
-"Last-Translator: Sasi Bhushan Boddepalli <sasi swecha net>\n"
-"Language-Team: Telugu <indlinux-telugu lists sourceforge net>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-15 10:02+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-19 01:06+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Krishnababu Krothapalli <kkrothap redhat com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Telugu <Fedora-trans-te redhat com>\n"
+"Language: te\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.4\n"
#: ../gdata/gdata-client-login-authorizer.c:597
#: ../gdata/gdata-oauth1-authorizer.c:804
@@ -37,7 +40,9 @@ msgstr "àààààààà ààààààààà àààààà
#: ../gdata/gdata-client-login-authorizer.c:628 ../gdata/gdata-service.c:331
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid request URI or header, or unsupported nonstandard parameter: %s"
-msgstr "àààààààààà àààààààààààà URI àààà ààààààà, àààà ààààààààà àààààààààààà ààààààààà: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"àààààààààà àààààààààààà URI àààà ààààààà, àààà ààààààààà àààààààààààà "
+"ààààààààà: %s"
#. Translators: the parameter is an error message returned by the server.
#: ../gdata/gdata-client-login-authorizer.c:634 ../gdata/gdata-service.c:337
@@ -97,8 +102,9 @@ msgid ""
"This account has been migrated. Please log in online to receive your new "
"username and password. (%s)"
msgstr ""
-"à àààààà àààààààààààà. àà ààààà ààààààààà ààààà ààààààààà àààààààà àààààà àààààà àààààà ààààààà.(%"
+"à àààààà àààààààààààà. àà ààààà ààààààààà ààààà ààààààààà àààààààà àààààà "
+"àààààà àààààà ààààààà."
#. Translators: the parameter is a URI for further information.
#: ../gdata/gdata-client-login-authorizer.c:834
@@ -171,7 +177,7 @@ msgstr "àààà àààààà."
#. *
#. * For example:
#. * A <title> element was missing required content.
-#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:66
+#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:67
#, c-format
msgid "A %s element was missing required content."
msgstr " %s àààààààà ààààààà ààààà àààààààà."
@@ -181,7 +187,7 @@ msgstr " %s àààààààà ààààààà ààààà à
#. *
#. * For example:
#. * The content of a <media:group/media:uploaded> element ("2009-05-06 26:30Z") was not in ISO 8601 format.
-#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:82
+#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:83
#, c-format
msgid "The content of a %s element (\"%s\") was not in ISO 8601 format."
msgstr "%s àààààààààà ààààà(\"%s\") ISO 8601 àààààààà àààà."
@@ -191,7 +197,7 @@ msgstr "%s àààààààààà ààààà(\"%s\") ISO 8601 à
#. *
#. * For example:
#. * The value of the @time property of a <media:group/media:thumbnail> element ("00:01:42.500") was unknown.
-#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:102
+#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:103
#, c-format
msgid "The value of the %s property of a %s element (\"%s\") was unknown."
msgstr "%s àààààààà ààààà %s àààà ààààà ààààà (\"%s\") ààààààààà."
@@ -201,7 +207,7 @@ msgstr "%s àààààààà ààààà %s àààà àààà
#. *
#. * For example:
#. * The content of a <gphoto:access> element ("protected") was unknown.
-#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:120
+#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:121
#, c-format
msgid "The content of a %s element (\"%s\") was unknown."
msgstr "%s àààààà ààààà ààààà (\"%s\") ààààààà."
@@ -211,7 +217,7 @@ msgstr "%s àààààà ààààà ààààà (\"%s\") àà
#. *
#. * For example:
#. * A required property of a <entry/gAcl:role> element (@value) was not present.
-#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:140
+#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:141
#, c-format
msgid "A required property of a %s element (%s) was not present."
msgstr "%s àààààààà ààààà àààà (%s) àààà."
@@ -222,19 +228,20 @@ msgstr "%s àààààààà ààààà àààà (%s) ààà
#. * For example:
#. * Values were present for properties @rel and @label of a <entry/gContact:relation> element when only one of the
#. * two is allowed.
-#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:163
+#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:164
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Values were present for properties %s and %s of a %s element when only one "
"of the two is allowed."
msgstr ""
-"%s àààààààà ààààà %s ààààà %s ààààààààà ààààààààà àààà àààààààààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààààà."
+"%s àààààààà ààààà %s ààààà %s ààààààààà ààààààààà àààà àààààààààààààà àààààà "
+"ààààààà àààààà."
#. Translators: the parameter is the name of an XML element, including the angle brackets ("<" and ">").
#. *
#. * For example:
#. * A required element (<entry/title>) was not present.
-#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:182
+#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:183
#, c-format
msgid "A required element (%s) was not present."
msgstr "àà ààààààà àààààà (%s) àààààààà."
@@ -243,7 +250,7 @@ msgstr "àà ààààààà àààààà (%s) àààààà
#. *
#. * For example:
#. * A singleton element (<feed/title>) was duplicated.
-#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:197
+#: ../gdata/gdata-parser.c:198
#, c-format
msgid "A singleton element (%s) was duplicated."
msgstr "àààààà ààà àààààààà (%s) àààà ààààààààà."
@@ -365,41 +372,48 @@ msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààààààààààààà
msgid "You must be authenticated to insert a group."
msgstr "àà ààààààà ààààààààààààààà àààà àààààààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-document.c:274
+#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-document.c:300
msgid "You must be authenticated to download documents."
msgstr "ààààààààà ààààààà ààààààààààà àààà àààààààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:461
-#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:511
+#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:460
+#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:510
msgid "You must be authenticated to query documents."
msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà àààààààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:556
+#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:555
msgid "You must be authenticated to upload documents."
msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà àààààààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:562
+#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:561
msgid "The document has already been uploaded."
msgstr "àààààà ààààà àààààà ààààààààà."
-#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:699
+#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:705
msgid "You must be authenticated to update documents."
msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà àààààààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:872
+#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:885
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The content type of the supplied document ('%s') could not be recognized."
msgstr "('%s')àààààà ààààà àààààà àààà àààààààààààààà."
-#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:921
-#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:1104
+#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:925
+#| msgid "You must be authenticated to query documents."
+msgid "You must be authenticated to copy documents."
+msgstr "ààààààààà ààààààààààà àààà ààààà àààààààààààààà."
+#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:1087
+#: ../gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c:1270
msgid "You must be authenticated to move documents and folders."
msgstr "àààààààà ààààà ààààààààà àààààààà àààà àààààààààààààà àààààà"
#: ../gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-service.c:244
msgid "You must specify a username or be authenticated to query a user."
-msgstr "àà ààààààààààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà àààààààààààààààààà ààààààààààà àààà àààààààààààààà àààààà "
+msgstr ""
+"àà ààààààààààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà àààààààààààààààààà ààààààààààà àààà "
+"àààààààààààààà àààààà "
#: ../gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-service.c:387
#: ../gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-service.c:444
@@ -409,7 +423,9 @@ msgstr "ààààààààà àààààà àààààààà
#: ../gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-service.c:394
#: ../gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-service.c:455
msgid "You must specify a username or be authenticated to query all albums."
-msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà àààààààààààààààààà ààààààààààà àààà àààààààààààààà àààààà."
+msgstr ""
+"ààààà ààààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà àààààààààààààààààà ààààààààààà àààà "
+"àààààààààààààà àààààà."
#: ../gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-service.c:476
msgid "The album did not have a feed link."
@@ -442,13 +458,17 @@ msgstr "àààà ààà ààààààà ààààààààà
msgid ""
"You have made too many API calls recently. Please wait a few minutes and try "
-msgstr "àààà ààààà ààààààà API àà àààà àààààà àààààà àààààà.àààààà ààààà àààà ààà ààààààààààààà."
+msgstr ""
+"àààà ààààà ààààààà API àà àààà àààààà àààààà àààààà.àààààà ààààà àààà ààà "
#: ../gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-service.c:468
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have exceeded your entry quota. Please delete some entries and try again."
-msgstr "àà ààààà àààààà ààààààààààààààà. àààààà àààààà àààààààà àààààààà ààà ààààààààààààà."
+msgstr ""
+"àà ààààà àààààà ààààààààààààààà. àààààà àààààà àààààààà àààààààà ààà "
#. Translators: the first parameter is an error code, which is a coded string.
#. * The second parameter is an error domain, which is another coded string.
@@ -458,7 +478,9 @@ msgstr "àà ààààà àààààà àààààààààà
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unknown error code \"%s\" in domain \"%s\" received with location \"%s\"."
-msgstr "\"%s\" ààààààààààààààà ààààà \"%s\" àààààààà ààààààà ààà ààààààà \"%s\" ààààààààà."
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\" ààààààààààààààà ààààà \"%s\" àààààààà ààààààà ààà ààààààà \"%s\" "
#: ../gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-service.c:499
#, c-format
@@ -473,3 +495,4 @@ msgstr "àààààààààà àààààààà à àààà
#: ../gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-service.c:882
msgid "You must be authenticated to upload a video."
msgstr "àà àààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà àààààààààààààà àààààà."
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