[gnome-backgrounds] updated Tamil translation
- From: Thirumurthi Vasudeven <vasudeven src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-backgrounds] updated Tamil translation
- Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 11:53:19 +0000 (UTC)
commit 4f7251db22a158fa01f741ff547eabfe95b645f9
Author: Dr.T.Vasudevan <agnihot3 gmail com>
Date: Wed Sep 19 17:18:43 2012 +0530
updated Tamil translation
po/ta.po | 135 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
1 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/ta.po b/po/ta.po
index ebb7b13..206c83d 100644
--- a/po/ta.po
+++ b/po/ta.po
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@
# Felix <ifelix redhat com>, 2006.
# I. Felix <ifelix redhat com>, 2008, 2011.
# Dr.T.Vasudevan <agnihot3 gmail com>, 2012.
+# Shantha kumar <shkumar redhat com>, 2012
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-backgrounds.HEAD.ta\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-29 17:27+0530\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-29 17:29+0530\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-19 17:14+0530\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-19 17:17+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: Dr.T.Vasudevan <agnihot3 gmail com>\n"
"Language-Team: American English <kde-i18n-doc kde org>\n"
"Language: \n"
@@ -22,65 +23,65 @@ msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Aqua.jpg -
-#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
-#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:3
-msgid "Aqua"
-msgstr "ààààà"
#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Blinds.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
-#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:6
+#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:3
msgid "Blinds"
msgstr "àààààààààà"
#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/BlueMarbleWest.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
-#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:9
+#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:6
msgid "Blue Marble"
msgstr "ààà ààààààààà"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/FootFall.png -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Chmiri.jpg -
+#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
+#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:9
+msgid "Dandelion"
+msgstr "àààààààààààà"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/ZvonecKonec.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:12
-msgid "Foot Fall"
-msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
+msgid "End Bell"
+msgstr "ààààà àààà"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/FreshFlower.jpg -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/FootFall.png -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:15
-msgid "Fresh Flower"
-msgstr "ààààà àààà"
+msgid "Foot Fall"
+msgstr "ààà ààààààà"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Garden.jpg -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Mirror.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:18
-msgid "Garden"
-msgstr "ààààààà"
+msgid "Mirror"
+msgstr "ààààààà"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/GreenMeadow.jpg -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Fabric.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:21
-msgid "Green Meadow"
-msgstr "ààààà àààààààà"
+msgid "Pink Fabric"
+msgstr "àààààà ààààààààà"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Spaceflare.jpg -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Road.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:24
-msgid "Spaceflare"
-msgstr "ààààààà"
+msgid "Road"
+msgstr "àààà"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Spaceflare-nova.jpg -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Sandstone.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:27
-msgid "Spaceflare Nova"
-msgstr "ààààààà àààà"
+msgid "Sandstone"
+msgstr "àààààààààààà"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Spaceflare-supernova.jpg -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Spaceflare.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:30
-msgid "Spaceflare Supernova"
-msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààà"
+msgid "Spaceflare"
+msgstr "ààààààà"
#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Stripes.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
@@ -88,17 +89,17 @@ msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààà"
msgid "Stripes"
msgstr "àààààààà"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/SundownDunes.jpg -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Stripes34.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:36
-msgid "Sundown Dunes"
-msgstr "ààààà àààààààààà"
+msgid "Stripes 3.4"
+msgstr "àààààààààà 3.4"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Terraform-blue.jpg -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Sunset.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:39
-msgid "Terraform Blue"
-msgstr "àààà ààààà"
+msgid "Sunset"
+msgstr "ààààà àààààààà"
#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Terraform-green.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
@@ -106,29 +107,62 @@ msgstr "àààà ààààà"
msgid "Terraform Green"
msgstr "àààà ààààà"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Terraform-orange.jpg -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Tulip.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:45
-msgid "Terraform Orange"
-msgstr "àààà àààààà"
+msgid "Tulip"
+msgstr "àààààààà"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/TwoWings.jpg -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/UnderLit.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:48
-msgid "Two Wings"
-msgstr "àààààà àààààààà"
+msgid "Underlit"
+msgstr "àààààààààà"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Wood.jpg -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Waves.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:51
-msgid "Wood"
-msgstr "àààà"
+msgid "Waves"
+msgstr "àààààà"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/YellowFlower.jpg -
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the name of this background picture: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-backgrounds/plain/backgrounds/Wood.jpg -
#. You might want to translate it into the equivalent words of your language
#: ../backgrounds/gnome-backgrounds.xml.in.in.h:54
-msgid "Yellow Flower"
-msgstr "àààààà àààà"
+msgid "Wood"
+msgstr "àààà"
+#~ msgid "Aqua"
+#~ msgstr "ààààà"
+#~ msgid "Fresh Flower"
+#~ msgstr "ààààà àààà"
+#~ msgid "Garden"
+#~ msgstr "ààààààà"
+#~ msgid "Green Meadow"
+#~ msgstr "ààààà àààààààà"
+#~ msgid "Spaceflare Nova"
+#~ msgstr "ààààààà àààà"
+#~ msgid "Spaceflare Supernova"
+#~ msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààà"
+#~ msgid "Sundown Dunes"
+#~ msgstr "ààààà àààààààààà"
+#~ msgid "Terraform Blue"
+#~ msgstr "àààà ààààà"
+#~ msgid "Terraform Orange"
+#~ msgstr "àààà àààààà"
+#~ msgid "Two Wings"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà àààààààà"
+#~ msgid "Yellow Flower"
+#~ msgstr "àààààà àààà"
#~ msgid "Flow"
#~ msgstr "àààààà"
@@ -142,9 +176,6 @@ msgstr "àààààà àààà"
#~ msgid "Spring"
#~ msgstr "àààààààà"
-#~ msgid "Waves"
-#~ msgstr "àààààà"
#~ msgid "Dune"
#~ msgstr "àààààà"
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