[damned-lies] Make stats_extras.py more readable

commit 6b5a83a5ecbfd33f63d87b77fc9bc2b9d55d96ff
Author: Gil Forcada <gforcada gnome org>
Date:   Sun Oct 14 13:16:53 2012 +0200

    Make stats_extras.py more readable

 stats/templatetags/stats_extras.py |  169 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)
diff --git a/stats/templatetags/stats_extras.py b/stats/templatetags/stats_extras.py
index a56837a..9913c69 100644
--- a/stats/templatetags/stats_extras.py
+++ b/stats/templatetags/stats_extras.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import re
 from django import template
@@ -5,16 +6,39 @@ from django.conf import settings
 from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
 from django.utils.translation import get_language_bidi
-from stats.models import PoFile, Statistics, FakeLangStatistics, FakeSummaryStatistics
+from stats.models import (PoFile,
+                          Statistics,
+                          FakeLangStatistics,
+                          FakeSummaryStatistics, )
 register = template.Library()
+<pre class="stats">
+<span class="num1">%(translated)6s</span>
+<span class="num2">%(fuzzy)5s</span>
+<span class="num3">%(untranslated)5s</span>
+# <pre> tags and line breaks don't play well, sigh...
+STATISTICS = STATISTICS.replace("\n", "")
+<div class="translated" style="width: %(trans)spx;"></div>
+<div class="fuzzy" style="%(dir)s:%(trans)spx; width:%(fuzzy)spx;"></div>
+<div class="untranslated" style="%(dir)s:%(tr_fu)spx; width: %(untrans)spx;"></div>
 def linked_with(value, arg):
-    """ This filter returns an object (passed in value) enclosed with his absolute url
-        arg is the linked text """
+    """ This filter returns an object (passed in value) enclosed with its
+        absolute url arg is the linked text """
     return "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (value.get_absolute_url(), arg)
 def support_class(value):
     """ Returns a class depending on the coverage of the translation stats.
@@ -25,6 +49,7 @@ def support_class(value):
         return "partially"
     return "not_supported"
 def support_class_total(stats):
     """ Retuns a class depending on the trend. """
@@ -38,33 +63,39 @@ def support_class_total(stats):
             return "not_supported"
 def escapeat(value):
     """Replace '@' with '__', accepted sequence in JS ids."""
     return value.replace('@', '__')
 def domain_type(stat):
     return stat.domain.get_type(stat.branch)
 def browse_bugs(module, content):
     return module.get_bugs_i18n_url(content)
 def num_stats(stat, scope='full'):
     """ Produce stat numbers as in: 85% (1265/162/85) """
-    if isinstance(stat, (Statistics, FakeLangStatistics, FakeSummaryStatistics)):
+    if isinstance(stat, (Statistics,
+                         FakeLangStatistics,
+                         FakeSummaryStatistics)):
         stats = {
-            'prc':          stat.tr_percentage(scope),
-            'translated':   stat.translated(scope),
-            'fuzzy':        stat.fuzzy(scope),
+            'prc': stat.tr_percentage(scope),
+            'translated': stat.translated(scope),
+            'fuzzy': stat.fuzzy(scope),
             'untranslated': stat.untranslated(scope),
     elif isinstance(stat, PoFile):
         stats = {
-            'translated':   stat.translated,
-            'fuzzy':        stat.fuzzy,
+            'translated': stat.translated,
+            'fuzzy': stat.fuzzy,
             'untranslated': stat.untranslated,
         if scope != 'short':
@@ -73,27 +104,32 @@ def num_stats(stat, scope='full'):
         stats = stat
     if 'translated_perc' in stats:
         stats['prc'] = stats['translated_perc']
     if 'prc' in stats:
-        result = '<pre class="stats"><b>%(prc)3s%%</b> <span class="num1">%(translated)6s</span> <span class="num2">%(fuzzy)5s</span> <span class="num3">%(untranslated)5s</span> </pre>' % stats
+        result = STATISTICS % stats
         result = result.replace(' 0</span>', ' &nbsp;</span>')
         result = "%(translated)s/%(fuzzy)s/%(untranslated)s" % stats
     return mark_safe(result)
 def num_word_stats(stat, scope='full'):
     """ Produce stat numbers as in: 85% (1265/162/85) """
-    if isinstance(stat, (Statistics, FakeLangStatistics, FakeSummaryStatistics)):
+    if isinstance(stat, (Statistics,
+                         FakeLangStatistics,
+                         FakeSummaryStatistics)):
         stats = {
-            'prc':          stat.tr_word_percentage(scope),
-            'translated':   stat.translated_words(scope),
-            'fuzzy':        stat.fuzzy_words(scope),
+            'prc': stat.tr_word_percentage(scope),
+            'translated': stat.translated_words(scope),
+            'fuzzy': stat.fuzzy_words(scope),
             'untranslated': stat.untranslated_words(scope),
     elif isinstance(stat, PoFile):
         stats = {
-            'translated':   stat.translated_words,
-            'fuzzy':        stat.fuzzy_words,
+            'translated': stat.translated_words,
+            'fuzzy': stat.fuzzy_words,
             'untranslated': stat.untranslated_words,
         if scope != 'short':
@@ -103,62 +139,77 @@ def num_word_stats(stat, scope='full'):
     if 'translated_perc' in stats:
         stats['prc'] = stats['translated_perc']
     if 'prc' in stats:
-        result = '<pre class="stats"><b>%(prc)3s%%</b> <span class="num1">%(translated)6s</span> <span class="num2">%(fuzzy)5s</span> <span class="num3">%(untranslated)5s</span> </pre>' % stats
+        result = STATISTICS % stats
         result = result.replace(' 0</span>', ' &nbsp;</span>')
         result = "%(translated)s/%(fuzzy)s/%(untranslated)s" % stats
     return mark_safe(result)
 def vis_stats(stat, scope='full'):
     """ Produce visual stats with green/red bar """
-    if isinstance(stat, (Statistics, FakeLangStatistics, FakeSummaryStatistics)):
-        trans, fuzzy, untrans = stat.tr_percentage(scope), stat.fu_percentage(scope), stat.un_percentage(scope)
+    if isinstance(stat, (Statistics,
+                         FakeLangStatistics,
+                         FakeSummaryStatistics)):
+        trans = stat.tr_percentage(scope)
+        fuzzy = stat.fu_percentage(scope)
+        untrans = stat.un_percentage(scope)
     elif isinstance(stat, PoFile):
-        trans, fuzzy, untrans = stat.tr_percentage(), stat.fu_percentage(), stat.un_percentage()
+        trans = stat.tr_percentage()
+        fuzzy = stat.fu_percentage()
+        untrans = stat.un_percentage()
     elif isinstance(stat, dict):
-        trans, fuzzy, untrans = stat['translated_perc'], stat['fuzzy_perc'], stat['untranslated_perc']
+        trans = stat['translated_perc']
+        fuzzy = stat['fuzzy_perc']
+        untrans = stat['untranslated_perc']
-        return mark_safe("""<div class="untranslated" style="%(dir)s:0px; width: 100px;"></div>""" % {
-            'dir'  : get_language_bidi() and "right" or "left"
-        })
-    return mark_safe("""
-        <div class="translated" style="width: %(trans)spx;"></div>
-        <div class="fuzzy" style="%(dir)s:%(trans)spx; width:%(fuzzy)spx;"></div>
-        <div class="untranslated" style="%(dir)s:%(tr_fu)spx; width: %(untrans)spx;"></div>
-        """ % {
-          'dir'  : get_language_bidi() and "right" or "left",
-          'trans': trans,
-          'fuzzy': fuzzy,
-          'tr_fu': trans + fuzzy,
-          'untrans': untrans,
-        })
+        text = '<div class="untranslated" style="%(dir)s:0px; width: 100px;">'
+        text += '</div>'
+        bidi = get_language_bidi() and "right" or "left"
+        return mark_safe(text % {'dir': bidi, })
+    return mark_safe(PROGRESS_BAR % {
+                     'dir': get_language_bidi() and "right" or "left",
+                     'trans': trans,
+                     'fuzzy': fuzzy,
+                     'tr_fu': trans + fuzzy,
+                     'untrans': untrans,
+                     })
 def vis_word_stats(stat, scope='full'):
     """ Produce visual stats with green/red bar """
-    if isinstance(stat, (Statistics, FakeLangStatistics, FakeSummaryStatistics)):
-        trans, fuzzy, untrans = stat.tr_word_percentage(scope), stat.fu_word_percentage(scope), stat.un_word_percentage(scope)
+    if isinstance(stat, (Statistics,
+                         FakeLangStatistics,
+                         FakeSummaryStatistics)):
+        trans = stat.tr_word_percentage(scope)
+        fuzzy = stat.fu_word_percentage(scope)
+        untrans = stat.un_word_percentage(scope)
     elif isinstance(stat, PoFile):
-        trans, fuzzy, untrans = stat.tr_word_percentage(), stat.fu_word_percentage(), stat.un_word_percentage()
+        trans = stat.tr_word_percentage()
+        fuzzy = stat.fu_word_percentage()
+        untrans = stat.un_word_percentage()
-        trans, fuzzy, untrans = stat['translated_perc'], stat['fuzzy_perc'], stat['untranslated_perc']
-    return mark_safe("""
-        <div class="translated" style="width: %(trans)spx;"></div>
-        <div class="fuzzy" style="%(dir)s:%(trans)spx; width:%(fuzzy)spx;"></div>
-        <div class="untranslated" style="%(dir)s:%(tr_fu)spx; width: %(untrans)spx;"></div>
-        """ % {
-          'dir'  : get_language_bidi() and "right" or "left",
-          'trans': trans,
-          'fuzzy': fuzzy,
-          'tr_fu': trans + fuzzy,
-          'untrans': untrans,
-        })
+        trans = stat['translated_perc']
+        fuzzy = stat['fuzzy_perc']
+        untrans = stat['untranslated_perc']
+    return mark_safe(PROGRESS_BAR % {
+                     'dir': get_language_bidi() and "right" or "left",
+                     'trans': trans,
+                     'fuzzy': fuzzy,
+                     'tr_fu': trans + fuzzy,
+                     'untrans': untrans,
+                     })
 def is_video(fig):
     return fig['path'].endswith('.ogv')
 def as_tr(field):
     help_html = u''
@@ -167,19 +218,25 @@ def as_tr(field):
     help_link = u''
     # This is a custom attribute possibly set in forms.py
     if hasattr(field.field, 'help_link'):
-        help_link = '<span class="help_link"><a class="show-overlay" href="%s"><img src="%simg/help.png" alt="help icon"></a></span>' % (
-            field.field.help_link, settings.STATIC_URL)
+        help_link = '<span class="help_link">'
+        help_link += '<a class="show-overlay" href="%s">'
+        help_link += '<img src="%simg/help.png" alt="help icon">'
+        help_link += '</a></span>'
+        help_link = help_link % (field.field.help_link, settings.STATIC_URL)
     errors_html = u''
     if field.errors:
-        errors_html = u'<ul class="errorlist">%s</ul>' % u''.join(["<li>%s</li>" % err for err in field.errors])
+        errors = u''.join(["<li>%s</li>" % err for err in field.errors])
+        errors_html = u'<ul class="errorlist">%s</ul>' % errors
     return mark_safe(u'<tr><th>%s:</th><td>%s%s%s%s</td></tr>' % (
-        field.label_tag(), errors_html, field.as_widget(), help_link, help_html)
+        field.label_tag(), errors_html, field.as_widget(), link, help_html)
 def bugzilla_linkify(text):
-    """Searches within the given text if a text matching a bugzilla bug reference
-    is found and transforms it to a link to that bug"""
+    """Searches within the given text if a text matching a bugzilla bug
+    reference is found and transforms it to a link to that bug"""
     # Should not catch encoded entities (&#39;)
     bug_id = re.compile('(?<!&)(?P<id>#[0-9]+)')
     repl = u'<a rel="nofollow" href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=\g<id>">\g<id></a>'

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