[gnome-devel-docs] Fixed typos in strings

commit 1051501e8464835ddedaf7f37958faa4fca4a88b
Author: Daniel Mustieles <daniel mustieles gmail com>
Date:   Tue Dec 18 12:38:30 2012 +0100

    Fixed typos in strings

 platform-demos/C/button.py.page    |    2 +-
 platform-demos/C/label.py.page     |    2 +-
 platform-demos/C/menubar.py.page   |    2 +-
 platform-demos/C/menubar.vala.page |    2 +-
 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/platform-demos/C/button.py.page b/platform-demos/C/button.py.page
index c317bf2..eec472b 100644
--- a/platform-demos/C/button.py.page
+++ b/platform-demos/C/button.py.page
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
   <section id="methods">
     <title>Useful methods for a Button widget</title>
     <p>For an explanation of signals and callback functions, see <link xref="signals-callbacks.py">this page</link>.</p>
-    <p><code>button = Gtk.Button(label="Click me")</code> could also be used create a button and set the text directly. For a general discussion of this, see <link xref="properties.py">here</link>.</p>
+    <p><code>button = Gtk.Button(label="Click me")</code> could also be used to create a button and set the text directly. For a general discussion of this, see <link xref="properties.py">here</link>.</p>
       <item><p><code>set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE)</code> sets to none the relief style of the edges of the Gtk.Button - as opposed to <code>Gtk.ReliefStyle.NORMAL</code>.</p></item>
       <item><p>If the label of the button is a <link href="http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/unstable/gtk3-Stock-Items.html";>stock icon</link>, <code>set_use_stock(True)</code> sets the label as the name of the corresponding stock icon.</p></item>
diff --git a/platform-demos/C/label.py.page b/platform-demos/C/label.py.page
index 57a0fb8..4fa57ff 100644
--- a/platform-demos/C/label.py.page
+++ b/platform-demos/C/label.py.page
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class MyApplication(Gtk.Application):
   <section id="methods">
   <title>Useful methods for a Label widget</title>
   <p>An explanation of how to deal with strings and Unicode (and a recap of what these things are) can be found <link xref="strings.py.page">here</link>.</p>
-  <p><code>label = Gtk.Label(label="Hello GNOME!")</code> could also be used create a label and set the text directly. For a general discussion of this, see <link xref="properties.py">here</link>.</p>
+  <p><code>label = Gtk.Label(label="Hello GNOME!")</code> could also be used to create a label and set the text directly. For a general discussion of this, see <link xref="properties.py">here</link>.</p>
     <item><p><code>set_line_wrap(True)</code> breaks lines if the text of the label exceeds the size of the widget.</p></item>
     <item><p><code>set_justify(Gtk.Justification.LEFT)</code> (or <code>Gtk.Justification.RIGHT, Gtk.Justification.CENTER, Gtk.Justification.FILL</code>) sets the alignment of the lines in the text of the label relative to each other. The method has no effect on a single-line label.</p></item>
diff --git a/platform-demos/C/menubar.py.page b/platform-demos/C/menubar.py.page
index 6f948f3..f0d3f77 100644
--- a/platform-demos/C/menubar.py.page
+++ b/platform-demos/C/menubar.py.page
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
            <code mime="application/xml"><![CDATA[
 <?xml version="1.0"? encoding="UTF-8"?>]]></code>
-    <item><p>We want to create the interface which will contain our menubar and it's submenus.  Our menubar will contain <gui>File</gui>, <gui>Edit</gui>, <gui>Choices</gui> and <gui>Help</gui> submenus. We add the following XML code to the file:</p>
+    <item><p>We want to create the interface which will contain our menubar and its submenus.  Our menubar will contain <gui>File</gui>, <gui>Edit</gui>, <gui>Choices</gui> and <gui>Help</gui> submenus. We add the following XML code to the file:</p>
     <code mime="application/xml"><xi:include href="samples/menubar_basis.ui" parse="text"><xi:fallback/></xi:include></code>
      <item><p>Now we will create the .py file and use GtkBuilder to import the <file>menubar.ui</file> we just created.</p></item>
diff --git a/platform-demos/C/menubar.vala.page b/platform-demos/C/menubar.vala.page
index 6163d56..a23b4d6 100644
--- a/platform-demos/C/menubar.vala.page
+++ b/platform-demos/C/menubar.vala.page
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
            <code mime="application/xml"><![CDATA[
 <?xml version="1.0"? encoding="UTF-8"?>]]></code>
-    <item><p>We want to create the interface which will contain our menubar and it's submenus.  Our menubar will contain <gui>File</gui>, <gui>Edit</gui>, <gui>Choices</gui> and <gui>Help</gui> submenus. We add the following XML code to the file:</p>
+    <item><p>We want to create the interface which will contain our menubar and its submenus.  Our menubar will contain <gui>File</gui>, <gui>Edit</gui>, <gui>Choices</gui> and <gui>Help</gui> submenus. We add the following XML code to the file:</p>
     <code mime="application/xml"><xi:include href="samples/menubar_basis.ui" parse="text"><xi:fallback/></xi:include></code>
      <item><p>Now we will create the .vala file and use GtkBuilder to import the <file>menubar.ui</file> we just created.</p></item>

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