[gimp] (55 commits) ...app: remove GIMP_TOOL_CURSOR_UNIFIED_TRANSFORM from GimpToolCursorType

Summary of changes:

  7baaaa4... app: remove useless function call in gimp_tool_motion (*)
  e324913... app: fix drawing of the GIMP_HANDLE_CROSS canvas item (*)
  c883c76... transformtool: calculate center handle position correctly,  (*)
  f5b08f3... transformtool: Infinite undo (*)
  99f9d4d... transformtool: add old "new" unified transformation tool (*)
  2967e4f... transformtool: remove unused function shearvector() (*)
  362afb1... transformtool: Try to straighten out modifiers (*)
  c4143ff... transformtool: Remove shift-clicking to accept transform si (*)
  9e330e4... transformtool: temp hack to fiddle with drawing interface (*)
  a8a8450... transformtool: Add temporary new handles (*)
  003ccf2... transformtool: Enable hit detection for new handles (*)
  dd470c9... transformtool: Make move op behave as spec (*)
  81cb334... transformtool: Make rotate op behave as spec (*)
  a532c77... transformtool: Make rotation axis behave as spec (*)
  ce2c959... transformtool: Make perspective op behave as spec (*)
  5ed30ef... transformtool: remove unneeded old stuff, cleanup (*)
  9a58e87... transformtool: Make shear op behave as spec, no frompivot (*)
  948cf18... transformtool: implement fromcenter constraint for shearing (*)
  c5b4bef... transformtool: Make corner scale op behave as spec, no from (*)
  d5220e7... transformtool: nonworking naive frompivot for corner scale (*)
  3367a41... transformtool: corner scale: use full transform machinery t (*)
  e762764... transformtool: Make basic scale op via side handle behave a (*)
  be3f42c... transformtool: implement aspect constraint for scaling via  (*)
  b0dbaaa... transformtool: Add todo about pivot point (*)
  5cfa57a... transformtool: how to draw in screen coords (*)
  6dac9e8... transformtool: Show an incredibly helpful message in the st (*)
  615b5fa... transformtool: Add the five options instead of just two (*)
  051775e... transformtool: Fix frompivot for cornerscale, only problem  (*)
  76f23aa... transformtool: Use better method for keepaspect side scalin (*)
  52dd46f... transformtool: Copy the corner scale non-aspect frompivot c (*)
  9be0d2b... transformtool: Add option for locking pivot to canvas, add  (*)
  bad3c0d... transformtool: Add frompivot for perspective handles too (*)
  70671f2... transformtool: Factor out getpivotdelta() function (*)
  ed29503... transformtool: Deduplicate code, use more vector representa (*)
  eb65b09... transformtool: move assignment of coords to after the logic (*)
  03d9a75... transformtool: Rename p to d because p is a weird name for  (*)
  01142f2... transformtool: some more cleanup + comments (*)
  293600c... transformtool: Add a draw_gui method to the TransformTool c (*)
  501c15f... transformtool: Add a pick_function method to the TransformT (*)
  f2099fb... transformtool: Check if new transform is convex and don't i (*)
  03117bd... transformtool: Update modifier keys for options, solves pro (*)
  f84987d... transformtool: Add the bunch of 8 separate options for 3 th (*)
  62525e0... transformtool: use GimpFrame + GtkBox to group the options  (*)
  a0d7963... transformtool: Add one more rotation handle, in case the po (*)
  c37619a... transformtool: Pick move operation anywhere inside polygon (*)
  b27c33f... transformtool: Add back statusbar code (but more helpful) t (*)
  4e57571... transformtool: Remove some annoying duplication and draw pe (*)
  574df2b... transformtool: We show corrective preview for selections an (*)
  0f6709d... transformtool: Be a bit more strict about the pivot being i (*)
  3f72695... transformtool: kill rotate and move handle, instead rotate  (*)
  4c22ed8... transformtool: Use the same method for frompivot for sheari (*)
  6af6218... transformtool: Remove now unused variables (*)
  d789cbf... transformtool: Fix indent of switch statement (*)
  08cd798... transformtool: Set the cursor and tool cursor properly on e (*)
  3e4f66c... app: remove GIMP_TOOL_CURSOR_UNIFIED_TRANSFORM from GimpToo (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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