[gnome-user-docs] [l10n] Update Japanese translation

commit 5d366926a4f44171bfdaf012198fa1657b54304a
Author: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa src gnome org>
Date:   Mon Apr 2 00:11:23 2012 +0900

    [l10n] Update Japanese translation

 gnome-help/ja/ja.po |  270 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnome-help/ja/ja.po b/gnome-help/ja/ja.po
index 4aa5cf6..4419fcf 100644
--- a/gnome-help/ja/ja.po
+++ b/gnome-help/ja/ja.po
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gnome-user-docs master\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-26 12:12+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-27 02:02+0900\n"
-"Last-Translator: OKANO Takayoshi <kano na rim or jp>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-30 18:19+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-31 15:42+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa src gnome org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation gnome gr jp>\n"
 "Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ msgid "Keyboard use"
 msgstr "ããããããäç"
 msgid "2012"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "2012"
 msgid "Press and hold the left mouse button to right-click."
 msgstr "ããããåããããéæãããããããããåããããåäãèãããã"
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ msgid "Ekaterina Gerasimova"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Julita Inca"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Julita Inca"
 msgid "Create a new account using Online Accounts."
 msgstr ""
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ msgid "To turn on a service that you disabled, just go back to the <gui>Online A
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Michael Hill"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Michael Hill"
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Change the password of one of the online services."
@@ -2017,7 +2017,7 @@ msgid "One primary partition must contain information that your computer uses to
 msgstr ""
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "<link xref=\"disk-capacity\">Disk space</link>, <link xref=\"disk-benchmark\">performance</link>, <link xref=\"disk-check\">problems</link>, <link xref=\"disk-partitions\">volumes and partitions</link>..."
+msgid "<link xref=\"disk-capacity\">Disk space</link>, <link xref=\"disk-check\">problems</link>, <link xref=\"disk-partitions\">volumes and partitions</link>..."
 msgstr "<link xref=\"files-search\">æç</link>ã<link xref=\"files-delete\">ãããããåé</link>ã<link xref=\"files#backup\">ãããããã</link>, <link xref=\"files#removable\">ãããããããããã</link>..."
 #, fuzzy
@@ -2126,7 +2126,7 @@ msgstr "åéãããããããéããããããã"
 msgid "Send a document collection to someone"
 msgstr ""
-msgid "You can share your documents or <link href=\"documents-collections\">collections</link> by email, if you have previously <link href=\"accounts-add.page\">added an online account</link>. To send documents to your family or friends from <app>Documents</app>:"
+msgid "You can share your documents or <link xref=\"documents-collections\">collections</link> by email, if you have previously <link xref=\"accounts-add\">added an online account</link>. To send documents to your family or friends from <app>Documents</app>:"
 msgstr ""
 #, fuzzy
@@ -2238,7 +2238,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "View documents stored/ shared online"
 msgstr ""
-msgid "When you open <app>Documents</app>, all the documents you have in your computer with different <link href=\"documents-list.page\">extensions</link> automatically appears as thumbnails. These <em>local documents</em> are presented as well as <em>online documents</em>. On line documents are uploaded from different sources or providers like <em>GoogleDocs</em>. This is possible if you have previously added an <link href=\"accounts-add.page\">online account</link>."
+msgid "When you open <app>Documents</app>, all the documents you have in your computer with different <link xref=\"documents-list\">extensions</link> automatically appears as thumbnails. These <em>local documents</em> are presented as well as <em>online documents</em>. On line documents are uploaded from different sources or providers like <em>GoogleDocs</em>. This is possible if you have previously added an <link xref=\"accounts-add\">online account</link>."
 msgstr ""
 msgid "To view documents stored/ shared locally or remote/GoogleDocs:"
@@ -2248,7 +2248,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Click the <em>Check</em> button located in the right side."
 msgstr "<gui>èè</gui>ãããéæããã"
-msgid "Documents are ready for you to review, edit, <link href=\"documents-print.page\">print</link> or <link href=\"documents-collection-send.page\">share.</link>"
+msgid "Documents are ready for you to review, edit, <link xref=\"documents-print\">print</link> or <link xref=\"documents-collection-send\">share.</link>"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Organize all the documents you stored locally on your computer and all the documents you created online."
@@ -2260,10 +2260,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "<app>Documents</app> is an application of <em>GNOME</em> that lets you read, store and organize information about the documents you have created. Supported formats are PDF, DVI, XPS, PostScript and all the formats supported by Evince, Microsoft Office, Libreoffice files and Google Docs."
 msgstr ""
-msgid "All the documents you have in your computer locally will be automatically presented when you open <app>Documents</app>, as well documents you have been worked remotely by using <em>Google Docs</em>. This is possible if you have configured an <link href=\"accounts.page\">online account</link> before."
+msgid "All the documents you have in your computer locally will be automatically presented when you open <app>Documents</app>, as well documents you have been worked remotely by using <em>Google Docs</em>. This is possible if you have configured an <link xref=\"accounts\">online account</link> before."
 msgstr ""
-msgid "You can manage documents using <app>file browser</app> as well as pictures, videos or music; but <app>Documents</app> can do more than <link href=\"documents-print.page\">printing</link>, <link href=\"documents-collection-send.page\">sharing</link>, <link href=\"documents-search.page\">searching</link>, <link href=\"documents-sort.page\">sorting</link>, <link href=\"documents-favorite.page\">setting favorites</link>. With <app>Documents</app>, you can read your documents full screen, without the distracting of tools or menus other applications have. It also provides you reminders of the documents you have to read, <link href=\"documents-collections.page\">make collections</link> and <link href=\"documents-location.page\">identify</link> your documents so quickly through the previous thumbnail."
+msgid "You can manage documents using <app>file browser</app> as well as pictures, videos or music; but <app>Documents</app> can do more than <link xref=\"documents-print\">printing</link>, <link xref=\"documents-collection-send\">sharing</link>, <link xref=\"documents-search\">searching</link>, <link xref=\"documents-sort\">sorting</link>, <link xref=\"documents-favorite\">setting favorites</link>. With <app>Documents</app>, you can read your documents full screen, without the distracting of tools or menus other applications have. It also provides you reminders of the documents you have to read, <link xref=\"documents-collections\">make collections</link> and <link xref=\"documents-location\">identify</link> your documents so quickly through the previous thumbnail."
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Views and Find"
@@ -2322,7 +2322,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Open the document or documents with the appropriate application."
 msgstr "åãããããããããããããããéã"
-msgid "Print the document as you usually <link href=\"printing.page\">print</link>."
+msgid "Print the document as you usually <link xref=\"printing\">print</link>."
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Find your documents by title, author or contents."
@@ -3478,190 +3478,169 @@ msgid "If you use multiple layouts, the login screen will present the keyboard l
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Use applications and the desktop without a mouse."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããããäãããã"
 msgid "Keyboard navigation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããæä"
 msgid "This page details keyboard navigation for people who cannot use a mouse or other pointing device, or who want to use a keyboard as much as possible. For keyboard shortcuts that are useful to all users, see <link xref=\"shell-keyboard-shortcuts\"/> instead."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããäãããããããããããããäçããããæãããããããããããããæäãããæåãããããããããããæäææãèæãããããããããããããäåããããããããããããããããããã<link xref=\"shell-keyboard-shortcuts\"/> ãåçããããããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "If you cannot use a pointing device like a mouse, you can control the mouse pointer using the numeric keypad on your keyboard. See <link xref=\"mouse-mousekeys\"/> for details."
-msgstr "ããããããäãããããããããããããäãããåéãååããããããããããããããããäãããããããããããæäãããããããæèã<em>ããããã</em>ãåããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããäãããããããããããããäãããåéãååããããããããããããããããäãããããããããããæäãããããèçãããããã<link xref=\"mouse-mousekeys\"/> ãåçããããããã"
 msgid "Navigate user interfaces"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããæä"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<key>Tab</key> and <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<key>Tab</key> ããã <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "Move keyboard focus between different controls. <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key> <key>Tab</key></keyseq> moves between groups of controls, such as from a sidebar to the main content. <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> can also break out of a control that uses <key>Tab</key> itself, such as a text area."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããããåããããããããçåãããã<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> ããããããããããããããããããããããçåãããããããããããããããéãçåããããããã<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> ãããããããããããã<key>Tab</key> èäãäçããããããããããæãåããããäçãããã"
 msgid "Hold down <key>Shift</key> to move focus in reverse order."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<key>Shift</key> ãããæãããããããçåéåãéèãããã"
 msgid "Arrow keys"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "çåãã"
 msgid "Move selection between items in a single control, or among a set of related controls. Use the arrow keys to focus buttons in a toolbar, select items in a list or icon view, or select a radio button from a group."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããåãããããéãããããééãããããããéãããããããçåãããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããéæãããããããããããããããããããããéæãããããããçéãçåãããäçãããã"
 msgid "In a tree view, use the left and right arrow keys to collapse and expand items with children."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããååãçåãããããããããããæããããããæãããããåéãèãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key>Arrow keys</keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>A</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key>çåãã</keyseq>"
 msgid "In a list or icon view, move the keyboard focus to another item without changing which item is selected."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããããããéæçæãåæããããåãããããããããããããããããçãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Shift</key>Arrow keys</keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Print</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Shift</key>çåãã</keyseq>"
 msgid "In a list or icon view, select all items from the currently selected item to the newly focused item."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããçåéæäãããããããæèãããããããããããããããããçåãäçããããããããããéæãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<key>Space</key>"
-msgstr "<key>Print</key>"
+msgstr "<key>ãããã</key>"
 msgid "Activate a focused item such as a button, check box, or list item."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããéæãããããããææåãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Space</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>ãããã</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "In a list or icon view, select or deselect the focused item without deselecting other items."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããéæãéæèéãèããããäãããããããåéããããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<key>Alt</key>"
-msgstr "<key>Print</key>"
+msgstr "<key>Alt</key>"
 msgid "Hold down the <key>Alt</key> key to reveal <em>accelerators</em>: underlined letters on menu items, buttons, and other controls. Press <key>Alt</key> plus the underlined letter to activate a control, just as if you had clicked on it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<key>Alt</key> ãããæããçæããããã<em>ãããããããã</em> ãèçãããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããäãããããããããããåãããäçäããæåãã (èæ: ææèãããããæåãæååããããããããããçããããããããåããããã)ã<key>Alt</key> ãããããããããããããäçäãæåããããåæãæãããèåããããããããããããããããããææåãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<key>Esc</key>"
-msgstr "<key>Print</key>"
+msgstr "<key>Esc</key>"
 msgid "Exit a menu, popup, switcher, or dialog window."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããæãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<key>F10</key>"
-msgstr "<key>Print</key>"
+msgstr "<key>F10</key>"
 msgid "Open the first menu on the menubar of a window. Use the arrow keys to navigate the menus."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããæåããããããéããããçåããããããããçåãããã"
+msgid "<keyseq><key xref=\"windows-key\">windows</key><key>F10</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key xref=\"windows-key\">windows</key><key>F10</key></keyseq>"
+msgid "Open the application menu on the top bar."
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããéãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>F10</key></keyseq> or the Menu key"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F2</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>F10</key></keyseq>ããããã Menu ãã"
 msgid "Pop up the context menu for the current selection, as if you had right-clicked."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "çåãéæåèããããããããããããèçããããåããããããããåããããåäãããããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>F10</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>A</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>F10</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "In the file manager, pop up the context menu for the current folder, as if you had right-clicked on the background and not on any item."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããçåããããããããããããããããããèçãããããããããäãããããäåãèæãåããããããããåããããåäãããããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>PageUp</key></keyseq> and <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>PageDown</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>PageUp</key></keyseq> ããã <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>PageDown</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "In a tabbed interface, switch to the tab to the left or right."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããäããããããããããããããããããååãåãæãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Navigate the desktop"
-msgstr "ãããããããæè"
+msgstr "ãããããããæä"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F6</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F2</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F6</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "Cycle through windows in the same application. Hold down the <key>Alt</key> key and press <key>F6</key> until the window you want is highlighted, then release <key>Alt</key>. This is similar to the <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>`</key></keyseq> feature."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "åäããããããããããããããããåãæãããã<key>Alt</key> ãããæããããããèçããããããããããããããããããã <key>F6</key> ãããæãããããã <key>Alt</key> ãããéãããããããã<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>`</key></keyseq> ãæèãäããããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Esc</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>`</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Esc</key></keyseq>"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Cycle through all open windows on a workspace."
-msgstr "ããããããåãããããããããçåãã"
+msgstr "ãããããããåãéããããããããããããããåèããããããããåãæãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Navigate windows"
-msgstr "éçããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããæä"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F4</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F2</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F4</key></keyseq>"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Close the current window."
-msgstr "ããããããéããææãæããããããã"
+msgstr "çåãããããããéãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F5</key></keyseq> or <keyseq><key xref=\"windows-key\">windows</key><key>Down</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F1</key></keyseq> ãããã <link xref=\"windows-key\">Windows ãã</link>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F5</key></keyseq> ããã <keyseq><key xref=\"windows-key\">windows</key><key>Down</key></keyseq>"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Restore a maximized window to its original size. Use <keyseq><key>Alt</key> <key>F10</key></keyseq> to maximize. <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F10</key></keyseq> both maximizes and restores."
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Control</key><key>Shift</key><key>Alt</key><key>R</key></keyseq> ãæãããçéãéçãéåãããã"
+msgstr "æååããããããããåãããããæãããã<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F10</key></keyseq> ãæååãããã<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F10</key></keyseq> ããããããããæååããããããåãããããæããããäæäçããããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F7</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F2</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F7</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "Move the current window. Press <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F7</key></keyseq>, then use the arrow keys to move the window. Press <key>Enter</key> to finish moving the window, or <key>Esc</key> to return it to its original place."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "çåãããããããçåãããã<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F7</key></keyseq> ãæãããããçåãããããããããçåãããã<key>Enter</key> ãããçåãåäããããããããã<key>Esc</key> ããããããããããåããããåæãæãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F8</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F2</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F8</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "Resize the current window. Press <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F8</key></keyseq>, then use the arrow keys to resize the window. Press <key>Enter</key> to finish resizing the window, or <key>Esc</key> to return it to its original size."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "çåãããããããããããåæãããã<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F8</key></keyseq> ãæãããããçåãããããããããããããåæãããã<key>Enter</key> ãããããããåæãåäããããããããã<key>Esc</key> ããããããããããåãããããæãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F10</key></keyseq> or <keyseq><key xref=\"windows-key\">windows</key><key>Up</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F1</key></keyseq> ãããã <link xref=\"windows-key\">Windows ãã</link>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F10</key></keyseq> ããã <keyseq><key xref=\"windows-key\">windows</key><key>Up</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "<link xref=\"shell-windows-maximize\">Maximize</link> a window, or restore a maximized window to its original size."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããã<link xref=\"shell-windows-maximize\">æåå</link>ãããããããããæååããããããããåãããããæãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key xref=\"windows-key\">windows</key><key>Left</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>L</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key xref=\"windows-key\">windows</key><key>Left</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "Maximize a window vertically along the left side of the screen. Press again to restore the window to its previous size."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããéããæåãããçéåååãéçããããããäåæãããåãçæãæãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key xref=\"windows-key\">windows</key><key>Right</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>L</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key xref=\"windows-key\">windows</key><key>Right</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "Maximize a window vertically along the right side of the screen. Press again to restore the window to its previous size."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããéããæåãããçéåååãéçããããããäåæãããåãçæãæãããã"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Space</key></keyseq>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>ãããã</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "Pop up the window menu, as if you had right-clicked on the titlebar."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããèçãããããããããããããããããåããããããããåããããåäãããããã"
 msgid "Jeremy Bicha"
 msgstr "Jeremy Bicha"
@@ -4835,7 +4814,7 @@ msgid "Renaming a bookmark does not rename the folder. If you have bookmarks to
 msgstr "ãããããããååãåæãããããããããåãåæããããããããããããã2 ããçããããããããããããçããåæãããããããåããããããåãããååãããããããããååãåãããããããããååãããããéããããããããããããååãããããããåããåãååããããããããäãããäåããã"
 msgid "View and edit files on another computer over FTP, SSH, Windows shares, or WebDAV."
-msgstr "FTPãSSHãWindows åæãããããWebDAV ãäãã äããããããããããããããèçãçéããã"
+msgstr "FTPãSSHãWindows åæããããã WebDAV ãäãã äããããããããããããããèçãçéããã"
 msgid "Browse files on a server or network share"
 msgstr "ãããããåæããããããããããéèãã"
@@ -7454,35 +7433,60 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Take a picture or record a video of what's happening on your screen."
 msgstr "çéäãèããããããããçåãããååããããæåãããèéãããã"
+msgid "2011"
+msgstr ""
 msgid "Screenshots and screencasts"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããã"
-msgid "You can take a picture of your screen (a <em>screenshot</em>) or record a video of what's happening on the screen (a <em>screencast</em>). This is useful if you want to show someone how to do something on the computer, for example. Screenshots and screencasts are just normal picture/video files, so you can email them and share them on the web."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You can take a picture of your screen (a <em>screenshot</em>) or record a video of what's happening on the screen (a <em>screencast</em>). This is useful if you want to show someone how to do something on the computer, for example. Screenshots and screencasts are just normal picture and video files, so you can email them and share them on the web."
 msgstr "çéãéæç(<em>ããããããããã</em>)ãååããããçéäãèãããããããæå(<em>ããããããããã</em>)ãèéãããããããããããããããããããäããäããäæææãäãèããååãåçããããããããããããããããããããããããããéåãçå/æåããããããããããããéäããããweb äãåæãããããããã"
-msgid "To take a picture of what's on your screen:"
-msgstr "çéãååãçåãããååãããã:"
-msgid "Go to the <gui>Activities</gui> overview and open the <app>Screenshot</app> tool."
-msgstr "<gui>ããããããã</gui>çéãèçãã<app>ããããããããã</app>ãéãããã"
-msgid "In the window that appears, choose what to capture."
-msgstr "èçããããããããããæãåèãéæãããã"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open <app>Screenshot</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview."
+msgstr "<gui>ããããããã</gui>çéãã<app>ãããã</app>ãããããããããéãããã"
-msgid "You can take a picture of the whole of the screen (<gui>Grab the whole desktop</gui>), the window that you're currently using (<gui>Grab the current window</gui>), or an area of the screen you can select by dragging a box around it (<gui>Select the area to grab</gui>)."
-msgstr "æãçåãååãããããçéåä(<gui>ããããããåä</gui>)ãçåäçäãããããã(<gui>çåãããããã</gui>)ãããããããããããæåããçåéå(<gui>ååããéåãéæ</gui>)ã"
+msgid "In the <app>Take Screenshot</app> window, select whether to grab the entire desktop, a single window, or an area of the screen. Set a delay if you need to select a window or otherwise set up your desktop for the screenshot. Then choose any effects you want."
+msgstr ""
 msgid "Click <gui>Take Screenshot</gui>."
 msgstr "<gui>ããããããããããåå</gui>ããããããããã"
-msgid "If you selected <gui>Select area to grab</gui>, the cursor will change into a cross. Click and drag the area you want for the screenshot."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "If you selected <gui>Select area to grab</gui>, the pointer changes into a crosshair. Click and drag the area you want for the screenshot."
 msgstr "<gui>ååããéåãéæ</gui>ãéæããååãããããããããååãåãããããããããããããããæãããéåããããããæåãããã"
-msgid "The <gui>Save Screenshot</gui> window will now appear. Choose where to save the screenshot and click <gui>Save</gui>."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "In the <gui>Save Screenshot</gui> window, enter a file name and choose a folder, then click <gui>Save</gui>."
 msgstr "ããã<gui>ããããããããããäå</gui>ãããããããããèçãããããããããããããããäååæãéæããã<gui>äå</gui>ããããããããã"
-msgid "You can also drag and drop the screenshot image into another application, to paste it there, or to <app>files</app> to save it in a folder."
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããçåããäãããããããããããããããããããããããããèãäãããã<app>ãããã</app>ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããäæãããããããäåãããããããã"
+msgid "Alternatively, import the screenshot directly into an image-editing application without saving it first. Click <gui>Copy to Clipboard</gui> then paste the image in the other application, or drag the screenshot thumbnail to the application."
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
+msgstr "äåããããããããããããã"
+msgid "Quickly take a screenshot of the desktop, a window, or an area at any time using these global keyboard shortcuts:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<key>Prt Scrn</key> to take a screenshot of the desktop."
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Prt Scrn</key></keyseq> to take a screenshot of a window."
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Print</key></keyseq>"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Prt Scrn</key></keyseq> to take a screenshot of an area you select."
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F2</key></keyseq>"
+msgid "When you use a keyboard shortcut, the image is automatically saved in your Pictures folder with a file name that begins with \"Screenshot\" and includes the date and time it was taken."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "You can also hold down <key>Ctrl</key> with any of the above shortcuts to copy the screenshot image to the clipboard instead of saving it."
+msgstr ""
 msgid "Make a screencast"
 msgstr "ããããããããããäæ"
@@ -7493,17 +7497,15 @@ msgstr "çéäãèãããããããèéããæåãäæããã
 msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq> to start recording what's on your screen."
 msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq> ãæãããçéãéçãéåãããã"
-msgid "A red circle is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen when the recording is in progress."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "A red circle is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen when the recording is in progress. This indicator does not show up in the video."
 msgstr "éçäããçéãåäèãèãåãèçããããã"
 msgid "Once you've finished, press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq> again to stop the recording."
 msgstr "éçãåæããããã<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>R</key></keyseq> ãããäåæãããã"
-msgid "In your Home folder, a file named <file>shell-%d%u-%c.webm</file> will be saved, where %d is the date, %u is a string of letters that makes the file name unique, and %c is a counter that is incremented each time a recording is made within a single session."
-msgstr "ããããããããã <file>shell-%d%u-%c.webm</file> ãããååããããããäåããããã%d ãæäã%u ãããããåãäæããããããæååã%c ãåäãããããåãæåãäæããããããååãããããããããæåãããã"
-msgid "You can <link xref=\"files-rename\">rename</link> the file as you wish."
-msgstr "ãæããããããããã<link xref=\"files-rename\">ååãåæ</link>ããããã"
+msgid "The video is automatically saved in your Videos folder with a file name that starts with \"Screencast\" and includes the date and time it was taken."
+msgstr ""
 msgid "You can log in to your system using a supported fingerprint scanner."
 msgstr ""
@@ -7957,7 +7959,7 @@ msgid "Getting around the desktop"
 msgstr "ãããããããäãããã"
 msgid "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F1</key></keyseq> or the <link xref=\"windows-key\">windows key</link>"
-msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F1</key></keyseq> ãããã <link xref=\"windows-key\">Windows ãã</link>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>F1</key></keyseq> ãããã <link xref=\"windows-key\">Windows ãã</link>"
 msgid "Switch between the <gui>Activities</gui> overview and desktop. In the overview, start typing to instantly search your applications, contacts, and documents."
 msgstr "<gui>ããããããã</gui>çéããããããããåãæãããããããããããçéãããããååãåããããããããããããããããéçåããããããããæçãèããããã"
@@ -8037,12 +8039,24 @@ msgstr "æåãåèããæäãåãæãããã"
 msgid "Capturing from the screen"
 msgstr "çéããããããã"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<key>Prt Scrn</key>"
+msgstr "<key>Print</key>"
 msgid "<link xref=\"screen-shot-record#screenshot\">Take a screenshot.</link>"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"screen-shot-record#screenshot\">ããããããããããæãããã</link>"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Prt Scrn</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Print</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "<link xref=\"screen-shot-record#screenshot\">Take a screenshot of a window.</link>"
 msgstr "<link xref=\"screen-shot-record#screenshot\">ããããããããããããããããæãããã</link>"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Prt Scrn</key></keyseq>"
+msgstr "<keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Print</key></keyseq>"
 msgid "<link xref=\"screen-shot-record#screenshot\">Take a screenshot of an area of the screen.</link> The pointer changes to a crosshair. Click and drag to select an area."
 msgstr "<link xref=\"screen-shot-record#screenshot\">éæéåãããããããããããæãããã</link> ãããããããããåååãåãããããããããããããããããããéåãéæãããã"
@@ -8747,9 +8761,6 @@ msgstr "ãããããã"
 msgid "How and where to help translate these topics."
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããåéãååææã"
-msgid "2011"
-msgstr ""
 msgid "Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0"
 msgstr "Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0"
@@ -9179,6 +9190,27 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Hold down the desired key combination."
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "To take a picture of what's on your screen:"
+#~ msgstr "çéãååãçåãããååãããã:"
+#~ msgid "Go to the <gui>Activities</gui> overview and open the <app>Screenshot</app> tool."
+#~ msgstr "<gui>ããããããã</gui>çéãèçãã<app>ããããããããã</app>ãéãããã"
+#~ msgid "In the window that appears, choose what to capture."
+#~ msgstr "èçããããããããããæãåèãéæãããã"
+#~ msgid "You can take a picture of the whole of the screen (<gui>Grab the whole desktop</gui>), the window that you're currently using (<gui>Grab the current window</gui>), or an area of the screen you can select by dragging a box around it (<gui>Select the area to grab</gui>)."
+#~ msgstr "æãçåãååãããããçéåä(<gui>ããããããåä</gui>)ãçåäçäãããããã(<gui>çåãããããã</gui>)ãããããããããããæåããçåéå(<gui>ååããéåãéæ</gui>)ã"
+#~ msgid "You can also drag and drop the screenshot image into another application, to paste it there, or to <app>files</app> to save it in a folder."
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããçåããäãããããããããããããããããããããããããèãäãããã<app>ãããã</app>ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããäæãããããããäåãããããããã"
+#~ msgid "In your Home folder, a file named <file>shell-%d%u-%c.webm</file> will be saved, where %d is the date, %u is a string of letters that makes the file name unique, and %c is a counter that is incremented each time a recording is made within a single session."
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããã <file>shell-%d%u-%c.webm</file> ãããååããããããäåããããã%d ãæäã%u ãããããåãäæããããããæååã%c ãåäãããããåãæåãäæããããããååãããããããããæåãããã"
+#~ msgid "You can <link xref=\"files-rename\">rename</link> the file as you wish."
+#~ msgstr "ãæããããããããã<link xref=\"files-rename\">ååãåæ</link>ããããã"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Open the <app>Disk Utility</app> application from the activities overview."
 #~ msgstr "<gui>ããããããã</gui>çéã:"

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