[caribou] Updated Hebrew translation.
- From: Yaron Shahrabani <yaronsh src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [caribou] Updated Hebrew translation.
- Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 10:59:06 +0000 (UTC)
commit 53e0186beb7ed4762c270fa01996f06021b68ff0
Author: Yaron Shahrabani <sh yaron gmail com>
Date: Sat Oct 1 13:58:41 2011 +0300
Updated Hebrew translation.
po/he.po | 394 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
1 files changed, 255 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/he.po b/po/he.po
index 9a647b9..206a442 100644
--- a/po/he.po
+++ b/po/he.po
@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: caribou\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-26 00:05+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-26 00:12+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-30 14:10+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-01 13:57+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Yaron Shahrabani <sh yaron gmail com>\n"
"Language-Team: Gezer <sh yaron gmail com>\n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -19,221 +20,336 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-Country: ISRAEL\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
-#: ../caribou/ui/main.py:149
-msgid "WARNING - Caribou: unhandled editable widget:"
-msgstr "WARNING - Caribou: unhandled editable widget:"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:33 ../caribou/common/settings.py:90
-msgid "Keyboard"
-msgstr "×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:34 ../caribou/common/settings.py:72
-msgid "General"
-msgstr "××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:36
-msgid "Keyboard layout"
-msgstr "××××× ××××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:37
-msgid "The layout Caribou should use."
-msgstr "×××××× ×× Caribou ×××× ×××××."
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:38
-msgid ""
-"The layout should be in the data directory of Caribou (usually /usr/share/"
-"caribou/keyboards) and should be a .xml or .json file."
-msgstr ""
-"××××× ×× ××××× ××××× ××××××× ××××××× ×× Caribou (×× ×× ××× ××× â/usr/share/"
-"caribou/keyboards) ××××× ××××× ×××× â.xml ×× â.json."
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:42 ../caribou/common/settings.py:112
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "×××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:44
-msgid "Use system theme"
-msgstr "××××× ×××××× ××××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:45
-msgid "Use the default theme colors"
-msgstr "××××× ××××× ×××× ×××× ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:49
-msgid "Normal state"
-msgstr "××× ××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:50
-msgid "Color of the keys when there is no event on them"
-msgstr "××× ×××××× ×××× ×××× ××× ××××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:53
-msgid "Mouse over"
-msgstr "×××× ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:54
-msgid "Color of the keys when the mouse goes over the key"
-msgstr "××× ×××××× ×××× ××××× ×××× ××××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:56
-msgid "Font and size"
-msgstr "×××× ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:58
-msgid "Use system fonts"
-msgstr "××××× ××××××× ××××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:59
-msgid "Use the default system font for keyboard"
-msgstr "××××× ××××× ×××× ××××× ××××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:61
-msgid "Key font"
-msgstr "×××× ××××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:62
-msgid "Custom font for keyboard"
-msgstr "×××× ××××× ××××× ××××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:5
+msgid "Caribou Preferences"
+msgstr "×××××× Cairbou"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:65
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:6
msgid "Scanning"
msgstr "×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:67
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:8
msgid "Enable scanning"
msgstr "××××× ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:68
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:9
msgid "Enable switch scanning"
msgstr "××××× ××××× ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:73
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:13
msgid "Scanning mode"
msgstr "××× ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:75
-msgid "Scanning type, block or row"
-msgstr "××× ××××××, ×××××× ×× ××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:15
+msgid "Scanning type, subgroups, rows or linear"
+msgstr "××× ××××××, ××Ö××××××, ×××××× ×× ××××× ××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:76
-msgid "Block"
-msgstr "××××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:16
+msgid "Subgroups"
+msgstr "××Ö××××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:77
-msgid "Row"
-msgstr "××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:17
+msgid "Rows"
+msgstr "×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:78
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:18
+msgid "Linear"
+msgstr "××××× ××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:20
msgid "Step time"
msgstr "××× ××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:79
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:21
msgid "Time between key transitions"
msgstr "×××× ××× ××××××× ××××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:82
-msgid "Reverse scanning"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:24
+msgid "Inverse scanning"
msgstr "××××× ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:83
-msgid "Scan in reverse order"
-msgstr "××××× ×××× ××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:25
+msgid "Step with the switch, activate by dwelling"
+msgstr "××××××× ×× ××××, ×× ×××××× ×××××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:28
+msgid "Auto-restart scanning"
+msgstr "××××× ×××××× ×××× ××××× ×××××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:85
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:29
+msgid "Automatically restart scanning after item activation"
+msgstr "××××× ×××××× ×××× ×××××××× ×××× ××××× ××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:30
+msgid "Scan cycles"
+msgstr "×××××× ×××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:31
+msgid "One"
+msgstr "×××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:32
+msgid "Two"
+msgstr "×××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:33
+msgid "Three"
+msgstr "×××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:34
+msgid "Four"
+msgstr "×××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:35
+msgid "Five"
+msgstr "×××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:38
msgid "Input"
msgstr "×××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:86
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:39
msgid "Switch device"
msgstr "×××× ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:88
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:41
msgid "Switch device, keyboard or mouse"
msgstr "×××× ×××××, ××××× ×× ××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:91
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:43
+msgid "Keyboard"
+msgstr "×××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:44
msgid "Mouse"
msgstr "××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:93
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:46
msgid "Switch key"
msgstr "××× ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:96
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:48
msgid "Key to use with scanning mode"
msgstr "××× ×××××× ×× ××× ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:98
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:50
msgid "Right shift"
msgstr "Shift ××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:99
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:51
msgid "Left shift"
msgstr "Shift ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:100
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:52
+msgid "Space"
+msgstr "××××"
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:53
msgid "Alt Gr"
msgstr "Alt Gr"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:101
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:54
msgid "Num lock"
msgstr "Num lock"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:102
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:55
msgid "Switch button"
msgstr "×××× ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:105
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:58
msgid "Mouse button to use in the scanning mode"
msgstr "×××× ××××× ×××××× ×××× ×××××"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:107
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:60
msgid "Button 1"
msgstr "×××× 1"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:108
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:61
msgid "Button 2"
msgstr "×××× 2"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:109
+#: ../caribou/settings/caribou_settings.py:62
msgid "Button 3"
msgstr "×××× 3"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:113
-msgid "Block color"
-msgstr "××× ×××××"
+#: ../caribou/__init__.py:2
+msgid "Caribou"
+msgstr "Caribou"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:114
-msgid "Color of block scans"
-msgstr "××× ×××××× ×××××××"
+#: ../caribou/daemon/main.py:34
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error starting %s"
+msgstr "××××× ×××××× %s"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:115
-msgid "Row color"
-msgstr "××× ××××××"
+#: ../caribou/daemon/main.py:45
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"In order to use %s, accessibility needs to be enabled. Do you want to enable "
+"it now?"
+msgstr ""
+"××× ×××××× ×Ö%s, ×× ×××××× ×× ×××××× ×××××××. ××× ×××××× ×××××× ×××× ×××?"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:116
-msgid "Color of row scans"
-msgstr "××× ×××××× ×××××"
+#: ../caribou/daemon/main.py:59
+#, python-format
+msgid "Accessibility has been enabled. Log out and back in again to use %s."
+msgstr "×××××× ××××××× ××××××. ×× ×××× ××××××× ××× ××× ×××××× ×Ö%s."
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:117
-msgid "Key color"
-msgstr "××× ×××××"
+#: ../caribou/daemon/main.py:156
+msgid "WARNING - Caribou: unhandled editable widget:"
+msgstr "WARNING - Caribou: unhandled editable widget:"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:118
-msgid "Color of key scans"
-msgstr "××× ×××××× ×××××"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:5
+msgid "Antler Preferences"
+msgstr "×××××× Antler"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:120
-msgid "Cancel color"
-msgstr "××× ×××××"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:6
+msgid "Antler"
+msgstr "Antler"
-#: ../caribou/common/settings.py:121
-msgid "Color of cancel scan"
-msgstr "××× ××××× ×××××"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:7
+msgid "Appearance"
+msgstr "××××"
-#: ../caribou/ui/preferences_window.py:51
-msgid "Caribou Preferences"
-msgstr "×××××× Cairbou"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:9
+msgid "Keyboard Type"
+msgstr "××× ××××××"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:10
+msgid "The keyboard geometry Caribou should use"
+msgstr "×××× ×××××× ×× Caribou ×××× ×××××"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:11
+msgid ""
+"The keyboard geometry determines the shape and complexity of the keyboard, "
+"it could range from a 'natural' look and feel good for composing simple "
+"text, to a fullscale keyboard."
+msgstr ""
+"×××× ×××××× ×××××× ×× ××××× ×××××××× ××××××, ××××× ××××× ×××× ××× ×××× "
+"×××××× '××××××' ×××××× ×××× ×××× ×××××× ×× ×××××× ××××."
+#. Translators: Keyboard type (similar to touch/tactile device)
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:16
+msgid "Touch"
+msgstr "×××"
+#. Translators: Keyboard type (conventional keyboard)
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:18
+msgid "Full scale"
+msgstr "××××× ×××"
+#. Translators: Keyboard type (scanned grid by rows/columns)
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:20
+msgid "Scan"
+msgstr "×××××"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:21
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:22
+msgid "Use System Theme"
+msgstr "××××× ×××××× ××××××"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:23
+msgid "Minimum Alpha"
+msgstr "×××××× ××××××"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:24
+msgid "Minimal opacity of keyboard"
+msgstr "××××××× ××××××× ×× ××××××"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:26
+msgid "Maximum Alpha"
+msgstr "×××××× ×××××"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:27
+msgid "Maximal opacity of keyboard"
+msgstr "××××××× ×××××× ×× ××××××"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:29
+msgid "Maximum Distance"
+msgstr "××××× ×××××"
+#: ../caribou/antler/antler_settings.py:30
+msgid "Maximum distance when keyboard is hidden"
+msgstr "××××× ××××× ×××× ×××××× ××××××"
+#~ msgid "Keyboard layout"
+#~ msgstr "××××× ××××××"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The layout should be in the data directory of Caribou (usually /usr/share/"
+#~ "caribou/keyboards) and should be a .xml or .json file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "××××× ×× ××××× ××××× ××××××× ××××××× ×× Caribou (×× ×× ××× ××× â/usr/share/"
+#~ "caribou/keyboards) ××××× ××××× ×××× â.xml ×× â.json."
+#~ msgid "Color"
+#~ msgstr "×××"
+#~ msgid "Use the default theme colors"
+#~ msgstr "××××× ××××× ×××× ×××× ×××××"
+#~ msgid "Normal state"
+#~ msgstr "××× ××××"
+#~ msgid "Color of the keys when there is no event on them"
+#~ msgstr "××× ×××××× ×××× ×××× ××× ××××××"
+#~ msgid "Mouse over"
+#~ msgstr "×××× ×××××"
+#~ msgid "Color of the keys when the mouse goes over the key"
+#~ msgstr "××× ×××××× ×××× ××××× ×××× ××××××"
+#~ msgid "Font and size"
+#~ msgstr "×××× ×××××"
+#~ msgid "Use system fonts"
+#~ msgstr "××××× ××××××× ××××××"
+#~ msgid "Use the default system font for keyboard"
+#~ msgstr "××××× ××××× ×××× ××××× ××××××"
+#~ msgid "Key font"
+#~ msgstr "×××× ××××××"
+#~ msgid "Custom font for keyboard"
+#~ msgstr "×××× ××××× ××××× ××××××"
+#~ msgid "Block"
+#~ msgstr "××××××"
+#~ msgid "Row"
+#~ msgstr "××××"
+#~ msgid "Scan in reverse order"
+#~ msgstr "××××× ×××× ××××"
+#~ msgid "Block color"
+#~ msgstr "××× ×××××"
+#~ msgid "Color of block scans"
+#~ msgstr "××× ×××××× ×××××××"
+#~ msgid "Row color"
+#~ msgstr "××× ××××××"
+#~ msgid "Color of row scans"
+#~ msgstr "××× ×××××× ×××××"
+#~ msgid "Key color"
+#~ msgstr "××× ×××××"
+#~ msgid "Color of key scans"
+#~ msgstr "××× ×××××× ×××××"
+#~ msgid "Cancel color"
+#~ msgstr "××× ×××××"
+#~ msgid "Color of cancel scan"
+#~ msgstr "××× ××××× ×××××"
#~ msgid "Keys"
#~ msgstr "×××××"
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