[jhbuild] sanitycheck: Do not check for old automake versions (GNOME bug 643864)

commit d8b93621377cd53596bf182bce0dfb905f0e5459
Author: Craig Keogh <cskeogh adam com au>
Date:   Fri Mar 4 12:37:13 2011 +0000

    sanitycheck: Do not check for old automake versions (GNOME bug 643864)
    Based on patch by Javier Jardón

 jhbuild/commands/sanitycheck.py |   35 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/jhbuild/commands/sanitycheck.py b/jhbuild/commands/sanitycheck.py
index cf40f8b..ee9c272 100644
--- a/jhbuild/commands/sanitycheck.py
+++ b/jhbuild/commands/sanitycheck.py
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ import re
 from jhbuild.commands import Command, register_command
 from jhbuild.utils.cmds import get_output, check_version
-from jhbuild.errors import UsageError, FatalError
+from jhbuild.errors import UsageError, CommandError
-def get_aclocal_path(version):
-    data = get_output(['aclocal-%s' % version, '--print-ac-dir'])
+def get_aclocal_path():
+    data = get_output(['aclocal', '--print-ac-dir'])
     path = [data[:-1]]
     env = os.environ.get('ACLOCAL_FLAGS', '').split()
     i = 0
@@ -79,30 +79,27 @@ class cmd_sanitycheck(Command):
         if not check_version(['autoconf', '--version'],
                              r'autoconf \([^)]*\) ([\d.]+)', '2.53'):
             uprint(_('%s not found') % 'autoconf >= 2.53')
-        if not check_version(['automake-1.8', '--version'],
-                             r'automake \([^)]*\) ([\d.]+)', '1.8'):
-            uprint(_('%s not found') % 'automake-1.8')
-        if not check_version(['automake-1.9', '--version'],
-                             r'automake \([^)]*\) ([\d.]+)', '1.9'):
-            uprint(_('%s not found') % 'automake-1.9')
-        not_in_path = []
-        for amver in ('1.8', '1.9'):
-            try:
-                path = get_aclocal_path(amver)
-            except:
-                continue # exception raised if aclocal-ver not runnable
+        if not check_version(['automake', '--version'],
+                             r'automake \([^)]*\) ([\d.]+)', '1.10'):
+            uprint(_('%s not found') % 'automake >= 1.10')
+        try:
+            not_in_path = []
+            path = get_aclocal_path()
             macros = ['libtool.m4', 'gettext.m4', 'pkg.m4']
             for macro in macros:
                 if not inpath (macro, path):
-                    uprint(_("aclocal-%s can't see %s macros") % (amver, macro.split('.m4')[0]))
+                    uprint(_("aclocal can't see %s macros") % (macro.split('.m4')[0]))
                     if not_in_path.count(macro) == 0:
-        if len(not_in_path) > 0:
-            uprint(_("Please copy the lacking macros (%s) in one of the following paths: %s" 
-                     % (', '.join(not_in_path), ', '.join(path))))
+            if len(not_in_path) > 0:
+                uprint(_("Please copy the lacking macros (%s) in one of the following paths: %s"
+                         % (', '.join(not_in_path), ', '.join(path))))
+        except CommandError, exc:
+            uprint(str(exc))
         # XML catalog sanity checks
         if not os.access('/etc/xml/catalog', os.R_OK):

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