[gnome-bluetooth] Updated Hebrew translation.
- From: Yaron Shahrabani <yaronsh src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-bluetooth] Updated Hebrew translation.
- Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 11:17:48 +0000 (UTC)
commit 331df5129512904042deed1cc1c70991d704ce52
Author: Yaron Shahrabani <sh yaron gmail com>
Date: Thu Mar 3 13:17:15 2011 +0200
Updated Hebrew translation.
po/he.po | 232 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
1 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/he.po b/po/he.po
index f442fad..223e996 100644
--- a/po/he.po
+++ b/po/he.po
@@ -2,21 +2,23 @@
# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007
# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package.
+# Yaron Shahrabani <sh yaron gmail com>, 2011.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-30 23:06+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-30 23:07+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-03 13:12+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-03 13:16+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Yaron Shahrabani <sh yaron gmail com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Hebrew <he li org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Gezer (Hebrew)\n"
+"Language: he\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.0-beta4\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:37+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
+"X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:128
msgid "All types"
@@ -79,38 +81,38 @@ msgstr "×?ש×?×? ש×?×?×?×?"
msgid "Video device"
msgstr "×?תק×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:159 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:129
+#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:159 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:130
#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:81
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×¢"
-#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:369
+#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75
msgid "Click to select device..."
msgstr "× ×? ×?×?×?×?×¥ ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?רת ×?תק×?..."
-#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:170
+#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:171
msgid "No adapters available"
msgstr "×?×?×? ×?ת×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?×?"
-#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:174 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:868
+#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:175 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:905
msgid "Searching for devices..."
msgstr "×?×?פ×?ש ×?×?ר ×?×ª×§× ×?×?..."
-#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:372
+#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:373
#, c-format
msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?"
msgstr "×?×?ס×?ר ×?ת '%s' ×?רש×?×?ת ×?×?×ª×§× ×?×??"
-#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:374
+#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:375
msgid ""
"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use."
msgstr "×?×? ×?תק×? ×?×? ×?×?×?ק, ×?×?×?×? ×¢×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?ת×? ש×?×? ×?×¤× ×? ×?ש×?×?×?ש ×?×?×?."
-#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:746
+#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:783
msgid "Device"
msgstr "×?תק×?"
-#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:783
+#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:819 ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:8
msgid "Type"
msgstr "ס×?×?"
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ msgstr "ס×?×?"
msgid "All categories"
msgstr "×?×? ×?ק×?×?×?ר×?×?ת"
-#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:73
+#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:73 ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:5
msgid "Paired"
msgstr "צ×?×?×?×?"
@@ -175,92 +177,92 @@ msgstr "ש×?×?×?ש ×?×?תק×? GPS ×?×? ×¢×?×?ר שר×?ת×? ×?×?ת×?ר ×?×?×?×?ר
msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)"
msgstr "×?ת×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?× ×?×¨× ×? ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?×?פ×?×? ×?ס×?×?×?ר×? ש×?×? (ת×?סף ×?×?×?ק×?)"
-#: ../applet/main.c:130
+#: ../applet/main.c:125
msgid "Select Device to Browse"
msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?תק×? ×?×¢×?×?×?"
-#: ../applet/main.c:134
+#: ../applet/main.c:129
msgid "_Browse"
msgstr "_×¢×?×?×?"
-#: ../applet/main.c:143
+#: ../applet/main.c:138
msgid "Select device to browse"
msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?תק×? ×?×¢×?×?×?"
-#: ../applet/main.c:293 ../properties/properties-adapter-off.ui.h:1
+#: ../applet/main.c:288
msgid "Turn On Bluetooth"
msgstr "×?פע×?ת ×?Ö¾Bluetooth"
-#: ../applet/main.c:294
+#: ../applet/main.c:289
msgid "Bluetooth: Off"
msgstr "â??Bluetooth: ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../applet/main.c:297
+#: ../applet/main.c:292
msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth"
msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?Ö¾Bluetooth"
-#: ../applet/main.c:298
+#: ../applet/main.c:293
msgid "Bluetooth: On"
msgstr "â??Bluetooth: פע×?×?"
-#: ../applet/main.c:303 ../applet/notify.c:159
+#: ../applet/main.c:298 ../applet/notify.c:159
msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled"
msgstr "â??Bluetooth: ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../applet/main.c:452
+#: ../applet/main.c:445
msgid "Disconnecting..."
msgstr "×?× ×?ת×?ק..."
-#: ../applet/main.c:455 ../sendto/main.c:217 ../sendto/main.c:314
+#: ../applet/main.c:448 ../sendto/main.c:217 ../sendto/main.c:314
msgid "Connecting..."
msgstr "×?×?ת×?×?ר×?ת..."
-#: ../applet/main.c:458 ../applet/main.c:741
+#: ../applet/main.c:451 ../applet/main.c:734
msgid "Connected"
msgstr "×?×?×?×?ר פע×?×?"
-#: ../applet/main.c:461 ../applet/main.c:741
+#: ../applet/main.c:454 ../applet/main.c:734
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../applet/main.c:759 ../applet/main.c:823
+#: ../applet/main.c:752 ../applet/main.c:816
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "×?×?× ×ª×§×?ת"
-#: ../applet/main.c:759 ../applet/main.c:823 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1001
+#: ../applet/main.c:752 ../applet/main.c:816 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1001
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "×?ת×?×?ר×?ת"
-#: ../applet/main.c:772
+#: ../applet/main.c:765
msgid "Send files..."
msgstr "ש×?×?×?ת ק×?צ×?×?..."
-#: ../applet/main.c:782
+#: ../applet/main.c:775
msgid "Browse files..."
msgstr "×¢×?×?×? ×?ק×?צ×?×?..."
-#: ../applet/main.c:793
+#: ../applet/main.c:786
msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..."
msgstr "פת×?×?ת ×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?×?ק×?×?ת..."
-#: ../applet/main.c:801
+#: ../applet/main.c:794
msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..."
msgstr "פת×?×?ת ×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?×?ק×?×?ת..."
-#: ../applet/main.c:811
+#: ../applet/main.c:804
msgid "Open Sound Preferences..."
msgstr "פת×?×?ת ×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?ש×?×¢..."
-#: ../applet/main.c:873
+#: ../applet/main.c:857
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "× ×?פ×?×? ש×?×?×?×?ת"
#. Parse command-line options
-#: ../applet/main.c:892
+#: ../applet/main.c:876
msgid "- Bluetooth applet"
msgstr "- ×?×?ש×?×?×?×? Bluetooth"
-#: ../applet/main.c:897
+#: ../applet/main.c:881
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -269,7 +271,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n"
-#: ../applet/main.c:923
+#: ../applet/main.c:907
msgid "Bluetooth Applet"
msgstr "×?×?ש×?×?×?×? Bluetooth"
@@ -363,8 +365,8 @@ msgstr "â??Bluetooth: ×?×?×?×?ק×?"
msgid "Browse files on device..."
msgstr "×¢×?×?×? ×?ק×?צ×?×? ש×?×?תק×?..."
-#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 ../properties/properties-adapter.ui.h:1
-#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1403 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1513
+#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1403
+#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1513
msgid "Devices"
msgstr "×?×ª×§× ×?×?"
@@ -412,59 +414,54 @@ msgstr "_ת×?×?×?"
msgid "_Show input"
msgstr "×?_צ×?ת ק×?×?"
-#: ../properties/adapter.c:630
+#: ../properties/adapter.c:646
msgid "Bluetooth is disabled"
msgstr "×?Ö¾Bluetooth ×?×?×?×?."
-#: ../properties/adapter.c:670
+#: ../properties/adapter.c:686
msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present"
msgstr "×?×? ק×?×?×?×?×? ×?ת×?×?×? Bluetooth"
-#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:60
-msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences"
-msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?פע×?×? ×?ת ×?×?×¢×?פ×?ת ש×? \"ש×?ת×?×£ ק×?צ×?×? ×?×?ש×?\""
-#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:65
-msgid ""
-"Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly "
-msgstr "× ×? ×?×?×?ת ×?×? ×?ת×?× ×?ת \"ש×?ת×?×£ ק×?צ×?×? ×?×?ש×?\" ×?×?×ª×§× ×ª ×?ר×?×?×?."
+#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:239
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "×?×?"
-#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:92
-msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon"
-msgstr "×?_צ×?ת ×?ס×?×? ש×? Bluetooth"
+#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:239
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "×?×?"
-#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:104
-msgid "Sharing Settings..."
-msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ש×?ת×?×£..."
+#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:327
+msgid "Visibility"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../properties/properties-adapter.ui.h:2
-msgid "Friendly name"
-msgstr "ש×? ×?×?×?×?×?ת×?"
+#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Visibility of â??%sâ??"
+msgstr "×?×?פשר×?ת ×?×?×?×?×?×? â??%sâ??"
-#: ../properties/properties-adapter.ui.h:3
-msgid "Make computer _visible"
-msgstr "×?פ×?×?ת ×?×?×?ש×? ×?_×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:1
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "×?ת×?×?ת"
-#: ../properties/properties-adapter.ui.h:4
-msgid "Set up _new device..."
-msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?תק×? _×?×?ש..."
+#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:2
+msgid "Connection"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?ר"
-#: ../properties/properties-adapter.ui.h:5
-msgid "_Disconnect"
-msgstr "_× ×?ת×?ק"
+#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:3
+msgid "Keyboard Settings"
+msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?ק×?×?ת"
-#: ../properties/properties-adapter.ui.h:6
-msgid "_Remove"
-msgstr "×?_סר×?"
+#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:4
+msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings"
+msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?×¢×?×?ר ×?×?ש×?×? ×?×?×?×¢"
-#: ../properties/properties-no-adapter.ui.h:1
-msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in."
-msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×? ×?ת×?×?×? Bluetooth ×?×?×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?×?."
+#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:6
+msgid "Power"
+msgstr "צר×?×?ת ×?ש×?×?"
-#: ../properties/properties-killed-adapter.ui.h:1
-msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer."
-msgstr "ק×?ש×?ר×?ת ×?Ö¾Blutooth ×?×?×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?×?×? ×?פסק ×?×?×?ש×? ש×?×?."
+#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:7
+msgid "Sound Settings"
+msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ש×?×¢"
#: ../properties/bluetooth-properties.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings"
@@ -647,25 +644,33 @@ msgstr "ס_×?×?ר×?"
msgid "_Restart Setup"
msgstr "×?×?×?ר×? _×?×?×?ש"
+#: ../wizard/bluetooth-wizard.desktop.in.in.h:1
+msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup"
+msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?תק×? Bluetooth"
+#: ../wizard/bluetooth-wizard.desktop.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices"
+msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?×ª×§× ×? Bluetooth"
#: ../sendto/main.c:162
#, c-format
msgid "%'d second"
msgid_plural "%'d seconds"
-msgstr[0] "%'d ×©× ×?×?ת"
+msgstr[0] "×©× ×?×?×? ×?×?ת"
msgstr[1] "%'d ×©× ×?×?ת"
#: ../sendto/main.c:167 ../sendto/main.c:180
#, c-format
msgid "%'d minute"
msgid_plural "%'d minutes"
-msgstr[0] "%'d ×?ק×?ת"
+msgstr[0] "×?ק×? ×?×?ת"
msgstr[1] "%'d ×?ק×?ת"
#: ../sendto/main.c:178
#, c-format
msgid "%'d hour"
msgid_plural "%'d hours"
-msgstr[0] "%'d שע×?ת"
+msgstr[0] "שע×? ×?×?ת"
msgstr[1] "%'d שע×?ת"
#: ../sendto/main.c:188
@@ -726,23 +731,27 @@ msgstr "%d ק״×?/ש׳"
msgid "%d B/s"
msgstr "%d ×?׳/ש׳"
-#: ../sendto/main.c:641
-msgid "Select Device to Send To"
-msgstr "×?×?ר ×?תק×? ×?ש×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../sendto/main.c:651
+msgid "Select device to send to"
+msgstr "× ×? ×?×?×?×?ר ×?תק×? ×?ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../sendto/main.c:645
-msgid "Send _To"
-msgstr "ש×?×? _×?×?"
+#: ../sendto/main.c:656
+msgid "_Send"
+msgstr "_ש×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../sendto/main.c:687
+#: ../sendto/main.c:700
msgid "Choose files to send"
msgstr "×?×?×?רת ק×?צ×?×? ×?ש×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../sendto/main.c:716
+#: ../sendto/main.c:703
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?"
+#: ../sendto/main.c:729
msgid "Remote device to use"
msgstr "×?תק×? ×?ר×?×?ק ×?ש×?×?×?ש"
-#: ../sendto/main.c:718
+#: ../sendto/main.c:731
msgid "Remote device's name"
msgstr "ש×? ×?×?תק×? ×?×?ר×?×?ק"
@@ -759,6 +768,14 @@ msgstr "×?×¢×?רת ק×?צ×?×? ×?×?×?×?פת OBEX ×?×?× ×? × ×ª×?×?ת"
msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)"
msgstr "Bluetooth (×?×?×?פת OBEX)"
+#: ../sendto/bluetooth-sendto.desktop.in.in.h:1
+msgid "Bluetooth Transfer"
+msgstr "×?×¢×?ר×? ×?ר×? Bluetooth"
+#: ../sendto/bluetooth-sendto.desktop.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Send files via Bluetooth"
+msgstr "ש×?×?×?ת ק×?צ×?×? ×?ר×? Bluetooth"
#: ../moblin/main.c:93
msgid "Run in standalone mode"
msgstr "Run in standalone mode"
@@ -888,6 +905,41 @@ msgstr "ש×?×?×?ת ק×?×?×¥ ×?×?×?ש×?×?"
msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel"
msgstr "×?×?×? × ×?×?×?×? ×?Ö¾Bluetooth"
+#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?פע×?×? ×?ת ×?×?×¢×?פ×?ת ש×? \"ש×?ת×?×£ ק×?צ×?×? ×?×?ש×?\""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly "
+#~ "installed."
+#~ msgstr "× ×? ×?×?×?ת ×?×? ×?ת×?× ×?ת \"ש×?ת×?×£ ק×?צ×?×? ×?×?ש×?\" ×?×?×ª×§× ×ª ×?ר×?×?×?."
+#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon"
+#~ msgstr "×?_צ×?ת ×?ס×?×? ש×? Bluetooth"
+#~ msgid "Sharing Settings..."
+#~ msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ש×?ת×?×£..."
+#~ msgid "Friendly name"
+#~ msgstr "ש×? ×?×?×?×?×?ת×?"
+#~ msgid "Make computer _visible"
+#~ msgstr "×?פ×?×?ת ×?×?×?ש×? ×?_×?×?×?×?"
+#~ msgid "Set up _new device..."
+#~ msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?תק×? _×?×?ש..."
+#~ msgid "_Disconnect"
+#~ msgstr "_× ×?ת×?ק"
+#~ msgid "_Remove"
+#~ msgstr "×?_סר×?"
+#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in."
+#~ msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×? ×?ת×?×?×? Bluetooth ×?×?×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?×?."
+#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer."
+#~ msgstr "ק×?ש×?ר×?ת ×?Ö¾Blutooth ×?×?×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?×?×? ×?פסק ×?×?×?ש×? ש×?×?."
#~ msgid "Receive Files"
#~ msgstr "ק×?×?ת ק×?צ×?×?"
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