[video-subtitles] Updated Slovenian translation

commit 5ca1bb5356a48e6aefdac23fcfd2fe1c34d9f0f4
Author: SaÅ¡a BatistiÄ? <sasa batistic gmail com>
Date:   Mon Jan 24 20:46:21 2011 +0100

    Updated Slovenian translation

 guadec2010/neelie_kroes_on_open_source/po/sl.po |   77 ++++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
diff --git a/guadec2010/neelie_kroes_on_open_source/po/sl.po b/guadec2010/neelie_kroes_on_open_source/po/sl.po
index 9b72cb6..1a99730 100644
--- a/guadec2010/neelie_kroes_on_open_source/po/sl.po
+++ b/guadec2010/neelie_kroes_on_open_source/po/sl.po
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
 # Slovenian translations for video-subtitles.
 # Copyright (C) 2010 video-subtitles's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the video-subtitles package.
-# IME <elektronski naslov>, 2010.
+# SaÅ¡a BatistiÄ? <sasa batistic gmail com>, 2011.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: video-subtitles master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-17 16:08+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-23 09:56+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-24 08:49+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Matej UrbanÄ?iÄ? <mateju svn gnome org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Slovenian GNOME Translation Team <gnome-si googlegroups com>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "V e-vladnih programih in javni upravi je bila odprta koda nekaj,"
 #. visible for 6 seconds
 #: 00:00:16.260-->00:00:22.380
 msgid "something to be used at home, as a hobby. Nobody would dare to push for an open source"
-msgstr "kar se uporablja doma, kar je hobi. NihÄ?e si ni drznil predlagati odprto kodnih"
+msgstr "kar se uporablja doma, kar je hobi. NihÄ?e si ni drznil predlagati odprtokodnih"
 #. visible for 5 seconds
 #: 00:00:22.379-->00:00:27.549
@@ -48,175 +49,175 @@ msgstr "in kaj bo, Ä?e nas tožijo zaradi krÅ¡enja patentiranih programskih reÅ¡
 #. visible for 6 seconds
 #: 00:00:32.689-->00:00:38.980
 msgid "Those were the sort of issues that discouraged officials from selecting software on merit."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "To sta razloga, ki sta najpogosteje odvraÄ?ala uradnike od izbire te vrste programske opreme."
 #. visible for 6 seconds
 #: 00:00:38.979-->00:00:45.808
 msgid "We do not yet have a true level playing field, but thankfully attitudes are changing."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nimamo Å¡e izenaÄ?enih pogojev, a na sreÄ?o se odnosi spreminjajo."
 #. visible for 6 seconds
 #: 00:00:45.808-->00:00:52.308
 msgid "One example is the European Commission's OSOR project. This project raises awareness and"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tak primer je projekt Evropske komisije z imenom OSOR. Projekt ozaveÅ¡Ä?a in "
 #. visible for 6 seconds
 #: 00:00:52.308-->00:00:59.250
 msgid "stimulates reuse of successful open source solutions, across European public administrations."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "spodbuja ponovno uporabo uspešnih odprtokodnih rešitev v evropskih javnih upravah."
 #. visible for 7 seconds
 #: 00:00:59.250-->00:01:06.250
 msgid "And another example is EUPL, the EU open source license, which, under an EU legal framework,"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Å e en primer je EUPL (EU open source license), odprtokodno dovoljenje EU, ki pod pravnim okvirjem EU."
 #. visible for 8 seconds
 #: 00:01:07.500-->00:01:15.650
 msgid "allows for easy licensing of open source software. Today many large organisations across Europe,"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "OmogoÄ?a enostavno odobritev odprtokodne programske opreme. Danes Å¡tevilne velike organizacije po Evropi,"
 #. visible for 6 seconds
 #: 00:01:15.650-->00:01:22.300
 msgid "such as the Munich City Council, use solutions like Linux. And the UK government has been"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "kot na primer mestni svet v Münchnu, uporabljajo rešitve kot je Linux. Tudi vlada Združenega kraljestva"
 #. visible for 6 seconds
 #: 00:01:22.299-->00:01:28.769
 msgid "pushing open source solutions since 2009, with many government departments now using"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "spodbuja odprtokodne rešitve od leta 2009, saj jih mnoga ministrstva sedaj uporabljajo"
 #. visible for 5 seconds
 #: 00:01:28.769-->00:01:33.989
 msgid "it as a component. And from what I hear, such bodies are pleased"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "kot sestavni del. Kot slišim, so vladna telesa zadovoljna"
 #. visible for 5 seconds
 #: 00:01:33.989-->00:01:39.799
 msgid "with the results. The reason is not only good value for money, which is critical in today's"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "z rezultati. Razlog ni le v prid denarju, ki je kritiÄ?ena postavka v danaÅ¡nji"
 #. visible for 7 seconds
 #: 00:01:39.799-->00:01:46.799
 msgid "financial situation, but also more choice. There is lower dependency on certain vendors,"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "finanÄ?ni situaciji, ampak tudi v veÄ?ji izbiri. Obstaja manjÅ¡a odvisnost od nekaterih prodajalcev"
 #. visible for 5 seconds
 #: 00:01:47.480-->00:01:53.340
 msgid "and lower switching costs. Things are changing, also in the private sector."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "in nižji stroški zamenjave. Stvari se spreminjajo tudi v zasebnem sektorju."
 #. visible for 6 seconds
 #: 00:01:53.340-->00:01:59.520
 msgid "Now large companies declare, proudly, that they are not only using open source software,"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Velike družbe sedaj izjavljajo, ne le, da uporabljajo odprtokodno programsko opremo,"
 #. visible for 6 seconds
 #: 00:01:59.519-->00:02:06.259
 msgid "but contributing to it. And that means that many important open source projects are in"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ampak tudi prispevajo k njej. To pomeni, da je veliko pomembnih odprtokodnih projektov v "
 #. visible for 6 seconds
 #: 00:02:06.260-->00:02:13.079
 msgid "fact backed by businesses who are investing in it. They make good returns. And that is"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "bistvu podprtih s strani poslovnežev, ki vlagajo v njih. Prinašajo dobre donose. To se "
 #. visible for 4 seconds
 #: 00:02:13.079-->00:02:17.790
 msgid "going to continue as a major boost for the open source movement."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nadaljuje kot velik vzpon gibanja za odprto kodo."
 #. visible for 7 seconds
 #: 00:02:17.789-->00:02:24.789
 msgid "According to data from open source providers, like RedHat, the top three countries for open"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Glede na podatke ponudnikov odprte kode, kot je na primer RedHat, so na vrhu EU tri države v odprtokodni"
 #. visible for 7 seconds
 #: 00:02:24.818-->00:02:31.818
 msgid "source activity in the EU are France, Spain and Germany. And with such big countries in"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "dejavnosti, to so Francija, Å panija in NemÄ?ija. S tako velikimi državami v "
 #. visible for 4 seconds
 #: 00:02:32.049-->00:02:36.248
 msgid "the lead, the momentum for open source is set to keep on growing."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ospredju, se zagon za odprto kodo vse bolj veÄ?a."
 #. visible for 7 seconds
 #: 00:02:36.248-->00:02:43.900
 msgid "Indeed, open source is appearing everywhere: in consumer products, in databases, in business"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vsekakor se odprta koda pojavlja povsod: v potrošniških izdelkih, podatkovnih zbirkah, v poslovni"
 #. visible for 6 seconds
 #: 00:02:43.900-->00:02:49.930
 msgid "software, in games and as a component of services delivered across the internet."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "programski opremi, pri igrah in kot sestavni deli storitev preko medmrežnih povezav."
 #. visible for 4 seconds
 #: 00:02:49.930-->00:02:54.519
 msgid "And large initiatives like NOiV, the 'Nederland Open in Verbinding' (the Netherlands Openly"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Veliki pobudniki kot NoiV, 'Nederland Open in Verbinding' (Nizozemska odprto"
 #. visible for 5 seconds
 #: 00:02:54.519-->00:02:59.980
 msgid "in Connection\"), from my own country, the Netherlands, are helping to make it mainstream"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "v povezavi\"), iz moje države Nizozemske, pomagajo odprto kodo razširjati"
 #. visible for 5 seconds
 #: 00:02:59.979-->00:03:05.878
 msgid "also in public administration. The European Commission has done a lot to"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tudi v javni upravi. Evropska komisija je veliko postorila za"
 #. visible for 7 seconds
 #: 00:03:05.878-->00:03:13.840
 msgid "encourage this trend. One example is the European Interoperability Framework, which aims at"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "opogumljanje te težnje. Tak primer je Evropski okvir za medobratovalnost, ki teži k "
 #. visible for 7 seconds
 #: 00:03:13.840-->00:03:20.840
 msgid "interoperability in and between public administrations. And now the digital agenda for Europe, is"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "medobratovalnosti v in med javnimi upravami. Sedaj je digitalno poslovanje v Evropi"
 #. visible for 7 seconds
 #: 00:03:20.989-->00:03:27.989
 msgid "raising the stakes. Here we are aiming at a more strategic approach to interoperability"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "dviguje delež. Tukaj merimo na bolj strateški pristop k medobratovalnosti"
 #. visible for 5 seconds
 #: 00:03:28.528-->00:03:33.919
 msgid "and standards, and emphasising the important link to public procurement."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "in standardom, ter poudarjanjem pomembnih povezav z javnimi naroÄ?ili."
 #. visible for 5 seconds
 #: 00:03:33.919-->00:03:39.619
 msgid "That can really change the way open source is seen in public administrations and offer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "To lahko resniÄ?no spremeni naÄ?in dojemanja odprte kode v javnih upravah in ponuja"
 #. visible for 4 seconds
 #: 00:03:39.620-->00:03:44.459
 msgid "a lot of potential to small and medium sized providers."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "veliko možnost malim in srednje velikim ponudnikom."
 #. visible for 5 seconds
 #: 00:03:44.459-->00:03:50.438
 msgid "You have an important role in shaping Europe's digital future. Governments cannot simply"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vsi imamo pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju evropske digitalne prihodnosti. Vlade ne morejo preprosto"
 #. visible for 7 seconds
 #: 00:03:50.438-->00:03:57.438
 msgid "announce and deliver the digital future. It must come out of an organic and shared responsibility."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "napovedati in ponuditi digitalne prihodnosti. To mora priti iz organske in skupne odgovornosti."
 #. visible for 7 seconds
 #: 00:03:57.979-->00:04:05.598
 msgid "And I want to build a broad movement for digital action. At the EU we can bring people together,"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Želim graditi temelje splošnega gibanja za digitalno delovanje. V EU lahko združimo ljudi,"
 #. visible for 5 seconds
 #: 00:04:05.598-->00:04:11.278
 msgid "help get rid of obstacles, and occasionally give funding to help in research and development."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "jim pomagamo odstraniti ovire in jim ob priložnosti nuditi pomoÄ? za raziskovanje in razvoj."
 #. visible for 7 seconds
 #: 00:04:11.278-->00:04:18.278
 msgid "But the real difference is made by people and communities, like the open source movement."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A dejansko razliko delajo ljudje in skupnosti, kot je gibanje za odprto kodo."

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