[gimp] Updated Japanese translation

commit e47e67c2f0efc4304654a654d878aac003b6a7e2
Author: Kiyotaka NISHIBORI <ml nishibori kiyotaka gmail com>
Date:   Mon Dec 19 21:29:01 2011 +0900

    Updated Japanese translation

 po/ja.po | 8856 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 files changed, 4379 insertions(+), 4477 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index 2fad519..83e704b 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -4,36 +4,33 @@
 # Ryoichi INAGAKI <ryo1 bc wakwak com>, 2003, 2004.
 # Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000 users sourceforge net>, 2005.
 # OKANO Takayoshi <kano na rim or jp>, 2005.
-# NISHIBORI Kiyotaka <ml nishibori kiyotaka gmail com>, 2008-2009
 # Ken Okubo <se5k-ookb asahi-net or jp>, 2009
+# Kiyotaka NISHIBORI <ml nishibori kiyotaka gmail com>, 2008-2011.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gimp trunk\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-28 16:13+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-20 22:00+0900\n"
-"Last-Translator: Nishibori Kiyotaka <ml nishibori kiyotaka gmail com>\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: gimp master\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-12-18 00:25+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-12-10 01:13+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Kiyotaka NISHIBORI <ml nishibori kiyotaka gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation gnome gr jp>\n"
-"Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Poedit-Bookmarks: 625,206,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bits\n"
+"Language: ja\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 #: ../app/about.h:23
 msgid "GIMP"
 msgstr "GIMP"
-# "GIMP ãããã" ãçãçåãããããããããã
-# ããããããèåãããããããããå
 #: ../app/about.h:26 ../desktop/gimp.desktop.in.in.h:2
 msgid "GNU Image Manipulation Program"
-msgstr "GNU çåçéããããã"
+msgstr "GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)"
 # Copyright èèãããåæãããããã
-# (2009-02-01 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #. The year of the last commit (UTC) will be inserted into this string.
 #: ../app/about.h:30
 #, c-format
@@ -61,20 +58,20 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "GIMP ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããèå (Free "
 "Software Foundation, Inc.) ãåãã GNU äèåèåçèèåçæ (GNU General "
-"Public License) ãçïçãããïããããåæãããïããäéãçãçãããæ"
+"Public License) ãçïçããã (ããããåæããã) ããäéãçãçãããæ"
 "GIMP ãããæçæãæåããéåãããããããããååæåãçåãççããéå"
-"æãããããæéãäèããåããäåäèãããããããèçããããã GNU äè"
+"æãããããæéãäèããåãäåäèãããããããèçããããã GNU äèå"
-"ãããããGIMP ãéåãåããæã GNU äèåèåçèèåçæãããã "
+"ãããããGIMP ãéåãåããããã GNU äèåèåçèèåçæãããã "
 "(COPYING ãããåããããã) ãåãåãããããããããããããããããååã"
-#: ../app/app.c:220
+#: ../app/app.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to open a test swap file.\n"
@@ -84,144 +81,146 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"çåèåãããããããããçãããããåæãããããããã (\"%s\") ãæãã"
+"çåèåãããããããããçããããããåæ (\"%s\") ãããããããããæã"
 #: ../app/batch.c:75
 #, c-format
 msgid "No batch interpreter specified, using the default '%s'.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"ããããããããããæåããããããããæåãããããããããã '%s' ãäç"
+"ããããããããããããæåããããããããæåãããããããããããã '%"
+"s' ãäçãããã\n"
 #: ../app/batch.c:93 ../app/batch.c:111
 #, c-format
 msgid "The batch interpreter '%s' is not available. Batch mode disabled."
-msgstr "ããããããããã '%s' ãåçãããããããããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã '%s' ãåçãããããããããããããçåããã"
-#: ../app/main.c:139 ../tools/gimp-remote.c:59
+#: ../app/main.c:148
 msgid "Show version information and exit"
 msgstr "ãããããæåãèçããçäãã"
-#: ../app/main.c:144
+#: ../app/main.c:153
 msgid "Show license information and exit"
 msgstr "ãããããæåãèçããçäãã"
-#: ../app/main.c:149
+#: ../app/main.c:158
 msgid "Be more verbose"
 msgstr "èçãããããããèçãã"
-#: ../app/main.c:154
+#: ../app/main.c:163
 msgid "Start a new GIMP instance"
 msgstr "æãã GIMP ãããããããèåãã"
 # æããçåãçåãããããããããããããããåçæèåããèçãããããããããèèãã
-# (2009-02-01 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/main.c:159
+#: ../app/main.c:168
 msgid "Open images as new"
-msgstr "æåãããããæããçåïåçæèåïãããéã"
+msgstr "æåãããããæããçå (åçæèå) ãããéã"
-#: ../app/main.c:164
+#: ../app/main.c:173
 msgid "Run without a user interface"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããåèãã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããåèãã"
-#: ../app/main.c:169
+#: ../app/main.c:178
 msgid "Do not load brushes, gradients, patterns, ..."
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããèãèããã"
-#: ../app/main.c:174
+#: ../app/main.c:183
 msgid "Do not load any fonts"
 msgstr "ãããããèãèããã"
-#: ../app/main.c:179
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/main.c:188
 msgid "Do not show a splash screen"
 msgstr "èåæããããããããèçããã"
-#: ../app/main.c:184
+#: ../app/main.c:193
 msgid "Do not use shared memory between GIMP and plugins"
 msgstr "GIMP ãããããããéãããããåæããã"
-#: ../app/main.c:189
+#: ../app/main.c:198
 msgid "Do not use special CPU acceleration functions"
-msgstr "çåã CPU ãããããããæèãäçããã"
+msgstr "çåã CPU ããããããããæèãäçããã"
-#: ../app/main.c:194
+#: ../app/main.c:203
 msgid "Use an alternate sessionrc file"
 msgstr "æåãã sessionrc ãããããäçãã"
-#: ../app/main.c:199
+#: ../app/main.c:208
 msgid "Use an alternate user gimprc file"
 msgstr "æåãããããã gimprc ãããããäçãã"
-#: ../app/main.c:204
+#: ../app/main.c:213
 msgid "Use an alternate system gimprc file"
 msgstr "æåãããããã gimprc ãããããäçãã"
-#: ../app/main.c:209
+#: ../app/main.c:218
 msgid "Batch command to run (can be used multiple times)"
-msgstr "ããããããããåèèåïèæåèååèï"
+msgstr "åèãããããããããããæå (èæåèååè)"
-#: ../app/main.c:214
+#: ../app/main.c:223
 msgid "The procedure to process batch commands with"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããèåãããããããããæå"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããèåããããããããããæå"
-#: ../app/main.c:219
+#: ../app/main.c:228
 msgid "Send messages to console instead of using a dialog"
-msgstr "èåãããããããååïããããããèçãããï"
+msgstr "èåãããããããåå (ããããããèçããã)"
 #. don't translate the mode names (off|on|warn)
-#: ../app/main.c:225
+#: ../app/main.c:234
 msgid "PDB compatibility mode (off|on|warn)"
 msgstr "PDB äæããããæå (off|on|warn)"
 #. don't translate the mode names (never|query|always)
-#: ../app/main.c:231
+#: ../app/main.c:240
 msgid "Debug in case of a crash (never|query|always)"
 msgstr "ãããããæãããããååãæå (never|query|always)"
-#: ../app/main.c:236
+#: ../app/main.c:245
 msgid "Enable non-fatal debugging signal handlers"
-msgstr "èåçããããããããããããåãããããããæåããã"
+msgstr "èåçããããããããããããåããããããããæåããã"
-#: ../app/main.c:241
+#: ../app/main.c:250
 msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
 msgstr "ããããèåãèåçãããæã"
-#: ../app/main.c:246
+#: ../app/main.c:255
 msgid "Output a gimprc file with default settings"
 msgstr "æååã gimprc ãããããååãã"
-#: ../app/main.c:374
+#: ../app/main.c:271
+msgid "Output a sorted list of deprecated procedures in the PDB"
+msgstr "PDB ãéæåããããããããããããäèãååãã"
+#: ../app/main.c:389
 msgid "[FILE|URI...]"
 msgstr "[ãããã|URI...]"
-#: ../app/main.c:392
+#: ../app/main.c:407
 msgid ""
 "GIMP could not initialize the graphical user interface.\n"
 "Make sure a proper setup for your display environment exists."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/main.c:411
+#: ../app/main.c:426
 msgid "Another GIMP instance is already running."
 msgstr "åã GIMP ãããããããæãåèããããããã"
-#: ../app/main.c:481
+#: ../app/main.c:496
 msgid "GIMP output. Type any character to close this window."
 msgstr "GIMP: äããããæããããããããããéããã"
-#: ../app/main.c:482
+#: ../app/main.c:497
 #, c-format
 msgid "(Type any character to close this window)\n"
-msgstr "ïäããããæããããããããããéãããï\n"
+msgstr "(äããããæããããããããããéããã)\n"
-#: ../app/main.c:499
+#: ../app/main.c:514
 msgid "GIMP output. You can minimize this window, but don't close it."
-msgstr "GIMP:  ããããããããéãããããããããïæååããããããããï"
+msgstr "GIMP:  ããããããããéããããããããã(æååãããããããã)"
-#: ../app/sanity.c:398
+#: ../app/sanity.c:433
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The configured filename encoding cannot be converted to UTF-8: %s\n"
@@ -233,7 +232,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "çååæ 'G_FILENAME_ENCODING' ãåãçèãããããã"
-#: ../app/sanity.c:417
+#: ../app/sanity.c:452
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The name of the directory holding the GIMP user configuration cannot be "
@@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ msgid ""
 "you didn't tell GLib about this. Please set the environment variable "
 msgstr ""
-"ããããèåãæçããããããããåã UTF-8 ãåæãããããã\n"
+"ããããèåãæçãããããããããåã UTF-8 ãåæãããããã\n"
 "ããããããããã UTF-8 äåãããããããããããããããæçããããããã"
@@ -251,37 +250,37 @@ msgstr ""
 "çååæ G_FILENAME_ENCODING ãéåãåãèåããããããã"
 #. show versions of libraries used by GIMP
-#: ../app/version.c:64
+#: ../app/version.c:63 ../app/version.c:130
 #, c-format
 msgid "using %s version %s (compiled against version %s)"
-msgstr "%s ver.%s ãäç (ver.%s ããããããæ)"
+msgstr "%s ver.%s ãäç (ver.%s äãããããã)"
-#: ../app/version.c:127 ../tools/gimp-remote.c:94
+#: ../app/version.c:138
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s version %s"
 msgstr "%s ver.%s"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:109 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:353
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:89
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:109 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:388
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:88
 msgid "Brush Editor"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
 #. initialize the list of gimp brushes
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:112 ../app/core/gimp.c:953
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:282 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2720
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:112 ../app/core/gimp.c:951
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:317 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2725
 msgid "Brushes"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:115 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:292
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:115 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:327
 msgid "Buffers"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:118 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:311
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:118 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:346
 msgid "Channels"
 msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/actions.c:121 ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:174
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:319
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:354
 msgid "Colormap"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
@@ -290,14 +289,12 @@ msgid "Configuration"
 msgstr "èå"
 # åããããããããã/ãããããæäãéãããããããããçæããããäæããåæãã
-# (2009-12-19 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/actions.c:127
 msgid "Context"
 msgstr "äæ"
-# çèããããããæåããããæèååããããããæãããããããããéããæåãèçããããæèãçæçãèããããããæåãããã
-# (2009-12-19 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:130 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:275
+# çèãããããããæåããããæèååãããããããæãããããããããéããæåãèçããããæèãçæçãèããããããæåãããã
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:130 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:310
 msgid "Pointer Information"
 msgstr "ããããæå"
@@ -318,32 +315,30 @@ msgid "Dockable"
 msgstr "ãããããåè"
 #. Document History
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:145 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:294
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:145 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:329
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1573
 msgid "Document History"
-msgstr "æèéããçåãããã"
+msgstr "æèéãããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/actions.c:148
 msgid "Drawable"
 msgstr "æçåè"
 #. Some things do not have grids, so just list
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:151 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:300
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:151 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:335
 msgid "Paint Dynamics"
-msgstr "ãããæåãèæ"
+msgstr "æçãåççæ"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:154 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:357
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:94
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:154 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:392
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:92
 msgid "Paint Dynamics Editor"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+msgstr "åççæããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/actions.c:157
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "çé"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:160 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:271
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:160 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:306
 msgid "Error Console"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
@@ -351,34 +346,31 @@ msgstr "ãããããããã"
 msgid "File"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:166 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:290
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2740
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:166 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:325
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2745
 msgid "Fonts"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:169 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:361
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:275
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:169 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:396
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:269
 msgid "Gradient Editor"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
 #. initialize the list of gimp gradients
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:172 ../app/core/gimp.c:973
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:286 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2736
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:172 ../app/core/gimp.c:971
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:321 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2741
 msgid "Gradients"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-#. initialize the list of gimp tool presets
 #: ../app/actions/actions.c:175 ../app/core/gimp.c:983
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:302
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:337 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2749
 msgid "Tool Presets"
-msgstr "ããããã(_S): "
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:178 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:369
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:178 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:404
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:75
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Tool Preset Editor"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/actions.c:181
 msgid "Help"
@@ -389,41 +381,41 @@ msgid "Image"
 msgstr "çå"
 #. list & grid views
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:187 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:280
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:187 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:315
 msgid "Images"
 msgstr "çå"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:190 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:307
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:190 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:342
 #: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:287
 msgid "Layers"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:193 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:365
-#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:152
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:193 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:400
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:143
 msgid "Palette Editor"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããã"
 #. initialize the list of gimp palettes
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:196 ../app/core/gimp.c:968
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:288 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2732
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:196 ../app/core/gimp.c:966
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:323 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2737
 msgid "Palettes"
 msgstr "ãããã"
 #. initialize the list of gimp patterns
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:199 ../app/core/gimp.c:963
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:284 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2728
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:199 ../app/core/gimp.c:961
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:319 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2733
 msgid "Patterns"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:202 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2744
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:202 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2753
 msgid "Plug-Ins"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:205 ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:385
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:205 ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:386
 msgid "Quick Mask"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:208 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:335
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:208 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:370
 msgid "Sample Points"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
@@ -432,8 +424,8 @@ msgid "Select"
 msgstr "éæ"
 #. initialize the template list
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:214 ../app/core/gimp.c:988
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:296
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:214 ../app/core/gimp.c:989
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:331
 msgid "Templates"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
@@ -443,19 +435,19 @@ msgstr "ããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/actions.c:220
 msgid "Text Editor"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:223 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:263
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1854 ../app/gui/gui.c:430
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:223 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:298
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1854 ../app/gui/gui.c:424
 msgid "Tool Options"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:226 ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox.c:927
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:226 ../app/widgets/gimptoolpalette.c:385
 msgid "Tools"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/actions.c:229 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:315
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:162
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:229 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:350
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:160
 msgid "Paths"
 msgstr "ãã"
@@ -482,9 +474,8 @@ msgstr "%s: %d"
 #: ../app/actions/brush-editor-actions.c:42
 msgctxt "brush-editor-action"
 msgid "Brush Editor Menu"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
-# ãããããããã
 #: ../app/actions/brush-editor-actions.c:49
 msgctxt "brush-editor-action"
 msgid "Edit Active Brush"
@@ -493,14 +484,13 @@ msgstr "ããããããããããçé"
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:42
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "Brushes Menu"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:46
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "_Open Brush as Image"
 msgstr "ããããçåãããéã(_O)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:47
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "Open brush as image"
@@ -511,7 +501,6 @@ msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "_New Brush"
 msgstr "æããããã(_N)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:53
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "Create a new brush"
@@ -520,9 +509,8 @@ msgstr "æããããããäæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:58
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "D_uplicate Brush"
-msgstr "ããããèè(_U)"
+msgstr "ããããèè(_U)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:59
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "Duplicate this brush"
@@ -533,7 +521,6 @@ msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "Copy Brush _Location"
 msgstr "ããããåæãããã(_L)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:65
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "Copy brush file location to clipboard"
@@ -542,9 +529,8 @@ msgstr "ããããåæããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:70
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "_Delete Brush"
-msgstr "ããããåé(_D)"
+msgstr "ããããåé(_D)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:71
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "Delete this brush"
@@ -553,102 +539,92 @@ msgstr "ããããããåéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:76
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "_Refresh Brushes"
-msgstr "ããããåèãèã(_R)"
+msgstr "ããããææ(_R)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:77
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "Refresh brushes"
-msgstr "ããããããããããååèãèããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããååèãèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:85
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "_Edit Brush..."
-msgstr "ããããçé(_E)..."
+msgstr "ããããçé(_E)..."
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:86
 msgctxt "brushes-action"
 msgid "Edit this brush"
-msgstr "ããããããããçéããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:41
 msgctxt "buffers-action"
 msgid "Buffers Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:45
 msgctxt "buffers-action"
 msgid "_Paste Buffer"
-msgstr "ãããããèãäã(_P)"
+msgstr "ããããããèãäã(_P)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:46
 msgctxt "buffers-action"
 msgid "Paste the selected buffer"
-msgstr "éæãããããããèãäããã"
+msgstr "éæããããããããèãäããã"
 #: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:51
 msgctxt "buffers-action"
 msgid "Paste Buffer _Into"
 msgstr "éæçååãèãäã(_I)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:52
 msgctxt "buffers-action"
 msgid "Paste the selected buffer into the selection"
-msgstr "éæãããããããéæçååãèãäããã"
+msgstr "éæããããããããéæçååãèãäããã"
 #: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:57
 msgctxt "buffers-action"
 msgid "Paste Buffer as _New"
-msgstr "ãããããçåã(_N)"
+msgstr "ããããããçåã(_N)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:58
 msgctxt "buffers-action"
 msgid "Paste the selected buffer as a new image"
-msgstr "éæãããããããçåãçæããã"
+msgstr "éæããããããããçåãçæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:63
 msgctxt "buffers-action"
 msgid "_Delete Buffer"
-msgstr "ãããããåé(_D)"
+msgstr "ããããããåé(_D)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:64
 msgctxt "buffers-action"
 msgid "Delete the selected buffer"
-msgstr "éæãããããããåéããã"
+msgstr "éæããããããããåéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:44
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Channels Menu"
-msgstr "ãããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããã"
 # 'Attributes' ãçèããããåæããããããäèçãããããããéæãããããããããããããããããããäçãã
-# (2009-12-19 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:48
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "_Edit Channel Attributes..."
-msgstr "ããããããããããããçé(_E)..."
+msgstr "ãããããããããããçé(_E)..."
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 # 'Attributes' ãçèããããåæããããããäèçãããããããéæãããããããããããããããããããäçãã
-# (2009-12-19 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:49
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Edit the channel's name, color and opacity"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:54
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "_New Channel..."
-msgstr "ããããããèå(_N)..."
+msgstr "ããããããèå(_N)..."
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:55
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Create a new channel"
@@ -657,9 +633,8 @@ msgstr "æããããããããçåãèåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:60
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "_New Channel"
-msgstr "ããããããèå(_N)"
+msgstr "ããããããèå(_N)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:61
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Create a new channel with last used values"
@@ -670,7 +645,6 @@ msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "D_uplicate Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããèè(_U)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:68
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Create a duplicate of this channel and add it to the image"
@@ -681,7 +655,6 @@ msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "_Delete Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããåé(_D)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:74
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Delete this channel"
@@ -692,62 +665,56 @@ msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "_Raise Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããäæã(_R)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:80
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Raise this channel one step in the channel stack"
-msgstr "ãããããããã 1 æäïåéïãçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã 1 æä (åé) ãçåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:85
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Raise Channel to _Top"
 msgstr "ããããããæäæã(_T)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:87
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Raise this channel to the top of the channel stack"
-msgstr "ããããããããæäæïæåé)ãçåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããæäæ (æåé) ãçåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:92
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "_Lower Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããäæã(_L)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:93
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Lower this channel one step in the channel stack"
-msgstr "ãããããããã 1 æäïèéïãçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã 1 æä (èé) ãçåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:98
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Lower Channel to _Bottom"
 msgstr "ããããããæäæã(_B)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:100
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Lower this channel to the bottom of the channel stack"
-msgstr "ããããããããæäæïæèéïãçåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããæäæ (æèé) ãçåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:108
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Channel to Sele_ction"
 msgstr "ããããããéæçåã(_C)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:109
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Replace the selection with this channel"
-msgstr "ããããããããéæçåãçãæããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããéæçåãäæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:114
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "_Add to Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãåãã(_A)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:115
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Add this channel to the current selection"
@@ -758,7 +725,6 @@ msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "_Subtract from Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåããåã(_S)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:121
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Subtract this channel from the current selection"
@@ -769,27 +735,22 @@ msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "_Intersect with Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåããäãã(_I)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:127
 msgctxt "channels-action"
 msgid "Intersect this channel with the current selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãããããããããçåããäåéåãæããéæçåãããã"
 # 'Attributes' ãçèããããåæããããããäèçãããããããéæãããããããããããããããããããäçãã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:85
 #: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:402
 msgid "Channel Attributes"
 msgstr "ããããããããããã"
 # 'Attributes' ãçèããããåæãããããããäèçãããããããããããããããæãçèãããããèéãã
-# (2009-12-19 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:88
 msgid "Edit Channel Attributes"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããçé"
-# ãèããéãããããçéãããããåæããããããããããã
-# (2009-12-19 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:90
 msgid "Edit Channel Color"
 msgstr "ãããããèçèãåæ"
@@ -797,33 +758,31 @@ msgstr "ãããããèçèãåæ"
 #: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:91
 #: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:123
 msgid "_Fill opacity:"
-msgstr "åãäéæå(_F): "
+msgstr "äéæå(_F):"
-#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:116 ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:271
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpchanneltreeview.c:334
+#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:116 ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:272
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpchanneltreeview.c:331
 msgid "Channel"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-# ããããããããããããããããåãããåçãã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:117
 #: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:159
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpchanneltreeview.c:329
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpchanneltreeview.c:326
 msgid "New Channel"
 msgstr "æèããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:120
 msgid "New Channel Options"
-msgstr "æããããããããèå"
+msgstr "æããããããããèå"
 #: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:122
 msgid "New Channel Color"
 msgstr "ãããããèçè"
-#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:244 ../app/core/gimpimage-new.c:252
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:599
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpchanneltreeview.c:261
-#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:785
+#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:244 ../app/core/gimpimage-new.c:257
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:632
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpchanneltreeview.c:258
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:776
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Channel Copy"
 msgstr "%s ããããããããã"
@@ -831,18 +790,13 @@ msgstr "%s ããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:44
 msgctxt "colormap-action"
 msgid "Colormap Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
-# ãèããååããçéãããããåæããããããããã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:48
 msgctxt "colormap-action"
 msgid "_Edit Color..."
 msgstr "èãåæ(_E)..."
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
-# ãèããååããçéãããããåæããããããããã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:49
 msgctxt "colormap-action"
 msgid "Edit this color"
@@ -853,7 +807,6 @@ msgctxt "colormap-action"
 msgid "_Add Color from FG"
 msgstr "æçèãããããèå(_A)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:58
 msgctxt "colormap-action"
 msgid "Add current foreground color"
@@ -864,7 +817,6 @@ msgctxt "colormap-action"
 msgid "_Add Color from BG"
 msgstr "èæèãããããèå(_A)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:64
 msgctxt "colormap-action"
 msgid "Add current background color"
@@ -873,18 +825,17 @@ msgstr "çåãèæèããããããããèåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/colormap-commands.c:73
 #, c-format
 msgid "Edit colormap entry #%d"
-msgstr "ãããããã #%d ãèãçé"
+msgstr "ãããããã #%d ãèãåæ"
 #: ../app/actions/colormap-commands.c:80
 msgid "Edit Colormap Entry"
-msgstr "ããããããããããçé"
+msgstr "ããããããããããåæ"
 #: ../app/actions/config-actions.c:38
 msgctxt "config-action"
 msgid "Use _GEGL"
-msgstr "GEGL ãäç(_G)"
+msgstr "GEGL ãåç(_G)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/config-actions.c:39
 msgctxt "config-action"
 msgid "If possible, use GEGL for image processing"
@@ -940,29 +891,21 @@ msgctxt "context-action"
 msgid "_Font"
 msgstr "ãããã(_F)"
-# ãããããããããããããããããã
-# (2008-02-08)
 #: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:67
 msgctxt "context-action"
 msgid "_Shape"
 msgstr "åç(_S)"
-# ãããããããããããããããããã
-# (2008-02-08)
 #: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:69
 msgctxt "context-action"
 msgid "_Radius"
 msgstr "åå(_R)"
-# ãããããããããããããããããã
-# (2008-02-08)
 #: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:71
 msgctxt "context-action"
 msgid "S_pikes"
 msgstr "åã(_P)"
-# ãããããããããããããããããã
-# (2008-02-08)
 #: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:73
 msgctxt "context-action"
 msgid "_Hardness"
@@ -981,7 +924,7 @@ msgstr "èå(_N)"
 #: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:80
 msgctxt "context-action"
 msgid "_Default Colors"
-msgstr "æçè/èæèããããã(_D)"
+msgstr "æçèãèæèããããã(_D)"
 #: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:82
 msgctxt "context-action"
@@ -991,30 +934,23 @@ msgstr "æçèãé (#000000)ãèæèãç (#ffffff) ãèåããã
 #: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:87
 msgctxt "context-action"
 msgid "S_wap Colors"
-msgstr "æçèãèæèãäæ(_W)"
+msgstr "æçèãèæèãäæ(_W)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:88
 msgctxt "context-action"
 msgid "Exchange foreground and background colors"
 msgstr "æçèãèæèãäæããã"
-# ãããããã
-# èèãåæè
 #: ../app/actions/context-commands.c:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "Paint Mode: %s"
 msgstr "æçããã: %s"
-# ãããããã
-# èèãåæè
 #: ../app/actions/context-commands.c:552
 #, c-format
 msgid "Brush Shape: %s"
 msgstr "ãããåç: %s"
-# ãããããã
-# èèãåæè
 #: ../app/actions/context-commands.c:612
 #, c-format
 msgid "Brush Radius: %2.2f"
@@ -1025,8 +961,7 @@ msgstr "ãããåå: %2.2f"
 msgid "Brush Angle: %2.2f"
 msgstr "ããããèå: %2.2f"
-# 'pointer information' ãçèããããããããæåããããæèååããããããæãããããããããéããæåãèçããããæèãçæçãèããããããæåãããã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
+# 'pointer information' ãçèãããããããããæåããããæèååãããããããæãããããããããéããæåãèçããããæèãçæçãèããããããæåãããã
 #: ../app/actions/cursor-info-actions.c:40
 msgctxt "cursor-info-action"
 msgid "Pointer Information Menu"
@@ -1037,7 +972,6 @@ msgctxt "cursor-info-action"
 msgid "_Sample Merged"
 msgstr "èããããèãæåãèç(_S)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/cursor-info-actions.c:48
 msgctxt "cursor-info-action"
 msgid "Use the composite color of all visible layers"
@@ -1045,554 +979,439 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../app/actions/data-commands.c:104 ../app/actions/documents-commands.c:343
-#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:194 ../app/dialogs/file-open-dialog.c:233
-#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-dialog.c:278
+#: ../app/actions/data-commands.c:88 ../app/actions/documents-commands.c:344
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:194 ../app/dialogs/file-open-dialog.c:232
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-dialog.c:277
 #: ../app/dialogs/file-open-location-dialog.c:213
 #: ../app/dialogs/file-open-location-dialog.c:225
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:552
-#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:745 ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-dnd.c:178
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox.c:1222
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:578
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:736 ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-dnd.c:170
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Opening '%s' failed:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"'%s' ããããããåæããããã\n"
+"'%s' ãéããããåæããããã\n"
-#: ../app/actions/data-commands.c:133
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:125 ../app/core/gimpimage.c:1624
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-import.c:210 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:223
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette.c:379 ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:771
+#: ../app/actions/data-commands.c:117
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:69
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:125 ../app/core/gimpimage.c:1521
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-import.c:211 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:224
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette.c:399 ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:771
 #: ../app/widgets/gimpdnd-xds.c:94
 msgid "Untitled"
 msgstr "åçæèå"
-#: ../app/actions/data-commands.c:238
-msgid "Delete Object"
-msgstr "ããããããããããåé"
-#: ../app/actions/data-commands.c:261
-#, c-format
-msgid "Delete '%s'?"
-msgstr "'%s' ãåéããããï"
-#: ../app/actions/data-commands.c:264
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to remove '%s' from the list and delete it on disk?"
-msgstr "'%s' ãäèãããããããåéãããããããããããã?"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:44
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:49
 msgctxt "windows-action"
 msgid "Tool_box"
 msgstr "ããããããã(_B)"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:50
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:55
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Tool _Options"
 msgstr "ãããããããã(_O)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:51
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:56
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the tool options dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:56
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:61
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Device Status"
-msgstr "æçããããçæ(_D)"
+msgstr "ãããããçæ(_D)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:57
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:62
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the device status dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[ãããããçæ] ããããããéãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:62
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:67
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Layers"
 msgstr "ãããã(_L)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:63
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:68
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the layers dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããéãããããããããçæãäèèçãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:68
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:73
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Channels"
 msgstr "ããããã(_C)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:69
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:74
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the channels dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããããéããããããããããçæãäèèçãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:74
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:79
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Paths"
 msgstr "ãã(_P)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:75
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:80
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the paths dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããéãããããããçæãäèèçãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:80
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:85
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Color_map"
 msgstr "ãããããã(_M)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:81
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:86
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the colormap dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:86
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:91
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Histogra_m"
 msgstr "ãããããã(_M)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:87
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:92
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the histogram dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:92
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:97
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Selection Editor"
-msgstr "éæçåãããã(_S)"
+msgstr "éæçåããããã(_S)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:93
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:98
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the selection editor"
 msgstr ""
+"éæçåããããã (ããããã) ãéãããããããããäãéæçåããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:98
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:103
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Na_vigation"
 msgstr "ããããããã(_V)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:99
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:104
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the display navigation dialog"
 msgstr ""
-# GIMP 2.6 ãããæäåæã
-# (2009-12-28 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:104
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:109
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Undo _History"
 msgstr "äæåæ(_H)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:105
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:110
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the undo history dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "äæåæããããããéããããããçåãèããäæãäèãèçãããã"
-# ãããããããããã
-# 'pointer' ãçèããããããããããããæèååãããããããããæãããããããããéããæåãèçããããæèãçæçãèããããããæåãããã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:110
+# 'pointer' ãçèãããããããããããããæèååããããããããããæãããããããããéããæåãèçããããæèãçæçãèããããããæåãããã
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:115
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Pointer"
 msgstr "ããããæå"
-# ãããããã
-# 'pointer information' ãçèããããããããæåããããæèååããããããæãããããããããéããæåãèçããããæèãçæçãèããããããæåãããã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:111
+# 'pointer information' ãçèãããããããããæåããããæèååãããããããæãããããããããéããæåãèçããããæèãçæçãèããããããæåãããã
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:116
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the pointer information dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:116
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:121
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Sample Points"
 msgstr "ãããããããã(_S)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:117
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:122
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the sample points dialog"
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããããããæåããããããããããæåãèçãããã (ããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:122
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:127
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Colo_rs"
 msgstr "æçè/èæè(_R)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:123
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:128
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the FG/BG color dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[æçè/èæè] ããããããéããããæçèãèæèãèåãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:128
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:133
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Brushes"
 msgstr "ããã(_B)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:129
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:134
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the brushes dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããéããããåçåèãããããäèãèçãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:134
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:139
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Brush Editor"
-msgstr "ããããçé"
+msgstr "ããããçé"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:135
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:140
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the brush editor"
-msgstr "ããããããããéããããããçéããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããéããããããçéããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:140
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:145
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Paint Dynamics"
-msgstr "ãããæåãèæ"
+msgstr "æçãåççæ"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:141
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:146
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open paint dynamics dialog"
 msgstr ""
+"[æçãåççæ] ããããããéããããåçåèãåççæãäèãèçãã"
+"åççæ (Paint Dynamics ããã Dynamics) ããããããããããæçæãåçå"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:146
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:151
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Paint Dynamics Editor"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+msgstr "åççæããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:147
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:152
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the paint dynamics editor"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããéããããããããããçéããã"
+msgstr "åççæããããããéããåççæãèåããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:152
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:157
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "P_atterns"
 msgstr "ãããã(_A)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:153
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:158
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the patterns dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããéããããåçåèããããããäèãèçãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:158
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:163
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Gradients"
 msgstr "ããããããã(_G)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:159
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:164
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the gradients dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:164
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:169
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Gradient Editor"
-msgstr "ããããããããçé"
+msgstr "ããããããããçé"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:165
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:170
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the gradient editor"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããéããããããããããçéããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããéããããããããããçéããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:170
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:175
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Pal_ettes"
 msgstr "ãããã(_E)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:171
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:176
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the palettes dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããéããããåçåèããããããäèãèçãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:176
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:181
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Palette Editor"
-msgstr "ãããããçé"
+msgstr "ãããããçé"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:177
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:182
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the palette editor"
-msgstr "ããããããããããéãããããããçéããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããéãããããããçéããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:182
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:187
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Tool presets"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:183
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:188
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open tool presets dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:188
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:193
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Fonts"
 msgstr "ãããã(_F)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:189
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:194
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the fonts dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããéããããåçåèããããããäèãèçãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:194
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:199
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "B_uffers"
-msgstr "ãããã(_U)"
+msgstr "ããããã(_U)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:195
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:200
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the named buffers dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:200
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:205
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Images"
 msgstr "çåäè(_I)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:201
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:206
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the images dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[çå] ããããããéããããçåéããããçåãäèãèçãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:206
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:211
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Document Histor_y"
-msgstr "ããããããåæ(_Y)"
+msgstr "ããããåæ(_Y)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:207
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:212
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the document history dialog"
 msgstr ""
+"ããããåæããããããéããããããããã GIMP ãéãããããããåæãè"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:212
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:217
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Templates"
 msgstr "ãããããã(_T)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:213
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:218
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the image templates dialog"
 msgstr ""
-"äçåèãçåãããããã (åãéããèååãããå) ãäèãèçããããã"
+"ããããããããããããéããããåçåèãçåãããããã (åãéããèå"
+"åãããå) ãäèãèçãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:218
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:223
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Error Co_nsole"
 msgstr "ãããããããã(_N)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:219
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:224
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the error console"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:229
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:234
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Preferences"
-msgstr "çåèå(_P)"
+msgstr "èå(_P)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:230
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:235
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "èåããããããéããããGIMP ãåèçåãèåãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:235
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:240
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Input Devices"
-msgstr "ååãããã"
+msgstr "ååãããããèå(_I)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:236
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:241
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the input devices editor"
-msgstr "ããããããããããéãããããããçéããã"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:241
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:246
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããã(_K)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:242
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:247
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the keyboard shortcuts editor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:247
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:252
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Modules"
 msgstr "ããããã(_M)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:248
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:253
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Open the module manager dialog"
 msgstr ""
-"GIMP ãçãèãããããããèåãããã"
+"ãããããããããããããããããéãã GIMP ãçãèãããããããæåãã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:253
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:258
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_Tip of the Day"
 msgstr "äæãæ(_T)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:254
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:259
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "Show some helpful tips on using GIMP"
 msgstr "GIMP ãäæãäãããã Tip éãèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:259
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:264
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "_About"
 msgstr "GIMP ãããã(_A)"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:260
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:265
 msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 msgid "About GIMP"
 msgstr "GIMP ãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:304
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1943 ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox.c:770
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:329
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1943 ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox.c:555
 msgid "Toolbox"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:305
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:330
 msgid "Raise the toolbox"
-msgstr "ããããããããæåéãèçããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããåéãèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:309
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:334
 msgid "New Toolbox"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgstr "æããããããããã"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
-#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:310
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:335
 msgid "Create a new toolbox"
-msgstr "æããããããäæããã"
+msgstr "æããããããããããäæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/dock-actions.c:45
 msgctxt "dock-action"
@@ -1617,7 +1436,7 @@ msgstr "åããããããããæçãã"
 #: ../app/actions/dock-actions.c:63
 msgctxt "dock-action"
 msgid "_Show Image Selection"
-msgstr "éæçåãèç(_S)"
+msgstr "çåéæãããããèç(_S)"
 #: ../app/actions/dock-actions.c:69
 msgctxt "dock-action"
@@ -1627,12 +1446,12 @@ msgstr "ããããããçåãèåçãèè(_F)"
 #: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:48
 msgctxt "dockable-action"
 msgid "Dialogs Menu"
-msgstr "ãããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:53
 msgctxt "dockable-action"
 msgid "_Add Tab"
-msgstr "ãããèå(_A)"
+msgstr "ãããèå(_A)"
 #: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:55
 msgctxt "dockable-action"
@@ -1652,7 +1471,7 @@ msgstr "ãããéãã(_C)"
 #: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:65
 msgctxt "dockable-action"
 msgid "_Detach Tab"
-msgstr "ãããåãæã(_D)"
+msgstr "ãããåãæã(_D)"
 #: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:84
 msgctxt "preview-size"
@@ -1725,7 +1544,6 @@ msgid "St_atus & Text"
 msgstr "çæãæå(_A)"
 #: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:116 ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:224
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tab-style"
 msgid "Automatic"
 msgstr "èå"
@@ -1733,9 +1551,8 @@ msgstr "èå"
 #: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:126
 msgctxt "dockable-action"
 msgid "Loc_k Tab to Dock"
-msgstr "ãããããã(_K)"
+msgstr "ãããããã(_K)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:128
 msgctxt "dockable-action"
 msgid "Protect this tab from being dragged with the mouse pointer"
@@ -1744,7 +1561,7 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããçæãèåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:134
 msgctxt "dockable-action"
 msgid "Show _Button Bar"
-msgstr "ããããããèç(_B)"
+msgstr "ããããããèç(_B)"
 #: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:143
 msgctxt "dockable-action"
@@ -1759,14 +1576,13 @@ msgstr "äããèç(_G)"
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:41
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Documents Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããåæãããã"
+msgstr "ããããåæããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:45
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "_Open Image"
 msgstr "ãããããéã(_O)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:46
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Open the selected entry"
@@ -1777,33 +1593,30 @@ msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "_Raise or Open Image"
 msgstr "ããããããåéã(_R)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:52
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Raise window if already open"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:57
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "File Open _Dialog"
-msgstr "ããããããèç(_D)"
+msgstr "ããããããèç(_D)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:58
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Open image dialog"
 msgstr ""
+"[çåãããããéã] ããããããèçãããéæãããããããæãçåãããã"
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:63
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Copy Image _Location"
 msgstr "çåãåæãããã(_L)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:64
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Copy image location to clipboard"
@@ -1814,7 +1627,6 @@ msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Remove _Entry"
 msgstr "ãããããåé(_E)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:70
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Remove the selected entry"
@@ -1823,20 +1635,18 @@ msgstr "éæãããããããåéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:75
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "_Clear History"
-msgstr "ããããããåæãæå(_C)"
+msgstr "ããããåæãæå(_C)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:76
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Clear the entire document history"
-msgstr "ããããããããããåæãæåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããåæãæåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:81
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Recreate _Preview"
 msgstr "ããããããåèç(_P)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:82
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Recreate preview"
@@ -1845,9 +1655,8 @@ msgstr "éæãããããããããããããåèçããã"
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:87
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Reload _all Previews"
-msgstr "ããããããããããåèç(_A)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããåèç(_A)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:88
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Reload all previews"
@@ -1856,9 +1665,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããåèçããã"
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:93
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Remove Dangling E_ntries"
-msgstr "çåããããããåé(_N)"
+msgstr "çåããããããåé(_N)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:95
 msgctxt "documents-action"
 msgid "Remove entries for which the corresponding file is not available"
@@ -1866,41 +1674,36 @@ msgstr "æãååãããçåãããããæããããããåéã
 #: ../app/actions/documents-commands.c:192
 msgid "Clear Document History"
-msgstr "ããããããåæãæå"
+msgstr "ããããåæãæå"
 #: ../app/actions/documents-commands.c:215
 msgid "Clear the Recent Documents list?"
-msgstr "ãæèéããçåããããããäèãæåããããï"
+msgstr "ããããåæãæåããããï"
 #: ../app/actions/documents-commands.c:218
 msgid ""
 "Clearing the document history will permanently remove all images from the "
 "recent documents list."
 msgstr ""
-"  ãGIMP ããæèéããçåãããããããããããããããã\n"
-"  ãããããããæèéãã...ããèéããããããããããããã"
+"[ããããåæ] ã [æèéãããããã] ãçéãããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:45
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "_Equalize"
 msgstr "åæå(_E)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:46
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Automatic contrast enhancement"
 msgstr "éèãããããããæãåçããããããèæããã"
 # çèããåè(_I)ããããäãããåèããäãããããçæãããããæèãæçãããããããéèãããèèããã(GIMP2.2 æèçææèãããããããã)
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:51
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "In_vert"
-msgstr "éèãåè(_V)"
+msgstr "éèãåè(_V)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:52
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Invert the colors"
@@ -1911,7 +1714,6 @@ msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "_White Balance"
 msgstr "ãããããããã(_W)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:58
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Automatic white balance correction"
@@ -1922,7 +1724,6 @@ msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "_Offset..."
 msgstr "ããããã(_O)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:65
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Shift the pixels, optionally wrapping them at the borders"
@@ -1935,76 +1736,67 @@ msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "_Visible"
 msgstr "åè(_V)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:74
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Toggle visibility"
-msgstr "åè / äåè ãåãæããã"
+msgstr "åè/äåè ãåãæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:80
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "_Linked"
 msgstr "éç(_L)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:81
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Toggle the linked state"
-msgstr "éç / ééç ãåãæããã"
+msgstr "éç/ééç ãåãæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:87
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "L_ock pixels"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgstr "ãããããäè(_O)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:89
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Keep the pixels on this drawable from being modified"
-msgstr "ããããéæéåãåæãããããããäèããã"
+msgstr "ãããããåæãããããããäèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:98
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Flip _Horizontally"
 msgstr "æååè(_H)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:99
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Flip horizontally"
-msgstr "ãããããååãåèããã"
+msgstr "ãããããååãéååèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:104
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Flip _Vertically"
 msgstr "åçåè(_V)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:105
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Flip vertically"
-msgstr "ãããããääãåèããã"
+msgstr "ãããããääãéååèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:113
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Rotate 90Â _clockwise"
 msgstr "æèåãã 90 ååè(_C)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:114
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Rotate 90 degrees to the right"
-msgstr "ãããããæèåãïåïã 90 ååèããã"
+msgstr "ãããããæèåã (å) ã 90 ååèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:119
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Rotate _180Â"
 msgstr "180 ååè(_1)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:120
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Turn upside-down"
@@ -2013,13 +1805,12 @@ msgstr "180 ååèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:125
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Rotate 90Â counter-clock_wise"
-msgstr "åæèåãã 90 ååè(_w)"
+msgstr "åæèåãã 90 ååè(_W)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:126
 msgctxt "drawable-action"
 msgid "Rotate 90 degrees to the left"
-msgstr "ãããããåæèåãïåïã 90 ååèããã"
+msgstr "ãããããåæèåã (å) ã 90 ååèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/drawable-commands.c:63
 msgid "Equalize does not operate on indexed layers."
@@ -2034,99 +1825,79 @@ msgid "White Balance operates only on RGB color layers."
 msgstr "ãããããããããèæã RGB ãããããããæåãã"
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:42
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
 msgid "Paint Dynamics Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããã"
+msgstr "æçãåççæããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:46
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
 msgid "_New Dynamics"
-msgstr "ãããæåãèæ"
+msgstr "æããåççæ(_N)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:47
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
 msgid "Create a new dynamics"
-msgstr "æããããããäæããã"
+msgstr "æããåççæãäæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:52
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
 msgid "D_uplicate Dynamics"
-msgstr "ãããèè(_U)"
+msgstr "åççæãèè(_U)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:53
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
 msgid "Duplicate this dynamics"
-msgstr "ãããããèèããã"
+msgstr "åççæãèèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:58
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
 msgid "Copy Dynamics _Location"
-msgstr "ããããåæãããã(_L)"
+msgstr "åççæãåæãããã(_L)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:59
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
 msgid "Copy dynamics file location to clipboard"
-msgstr "ããããåæããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "åççæãããåæããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:64
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
 msgid "_Delete Dynamics"
-msgstr "ãããããåé"
+msgstr "åççæãåé(_D)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:65
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
 msgid "Delete this dynamics"
-msgstr "ãããããåéããã"
+msgstr "åççæãåéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:70
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
-msgid "_Refresh Dynamicss"
-msgstr "ãããæåãèæ"
+msgid "_Refresh Dynamics"
+msgstr "åççæãææ(_R)"
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:71
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
 msgid "Refresh dynamics"
-msgstr "ãããæåãèæ"
+msgstr "åççæãææããã"
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:79
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
 msgid "_Edit Dynamics..."
-msgstr "ããããããããçé(_E)..."
+msgstr "åççæãèå(_E)..."
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:80
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-action"
 msgid "Edit dynamics"
-msgstr "ãããæåããããããã(_E)"
+msgstr "åççæãèåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-editor-actions.c:42
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-editor-action"
 msgid "Paint Dynamics Editor Menu"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "åççæãããããããããã"
-# ãããããããã
 #: ../app/actions/dynamics-editor-actions.c:50
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dynamics-editor-action"
 msgid "Edit Active Dynamics"
-msgstr "ããããããããããçé"
+msgstr "çåãåççæãèå"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:63
 msgctxt "edit-action"
@@ -2141,7 +1912,7 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããçæ(_A)"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:65
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "_Buffer"
-msgstr "ããããæä(_B)"
+msgstr "ãããããæä(_B)"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:68
 msgctxt "edit-action"
@@ -2153,7 +1924,6 @@ msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "_Undo"
 msgstr "åãæã(_U)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:73
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Undo the last operation"
@@ -2164,20 +1934,17 @@ msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "_Redo"
 msgstr "ããçã(_R)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:79
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Redo the last operation that was undone"
 msgstr "åãæããäæãããçãã 1 æééããã"
 # çåãäæãåãæãã 1 æéæããããçåãäæãèèçãåæãååããããã 1 æéæãããã (ããããããããããããããã)
-# (2009-06-06 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:84
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Strong Undo"
 msgstr "åãæã (ãããããã)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:85
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Undo the last operation, skipping visibility changes"
@@ -2186,13 +1953,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "ã 1 æéæãããã"
 # åãæããäæãããçãã 1 æééããããããçãããäæãèèçãåæãååããããã 1æééãããã (ããããããããããããããã)
-# (2009-06-06 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:90
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Strong Redo"
 msgstr "ããçã (ãããããã)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:92
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Redo the last operation that was undone, skipping visibility changes"
@@ -2203,9 +1968,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:97
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "_Clear Undo History"
-msgstr "äæåæãæå(_C)"
+msgstr "äæåæãæå(_C)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:98
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Remove all operations from the undo history"
@@ -2216,18 +1980,16 @@ msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "_Fade..."
 msgstr "ãããã(_F)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:105
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Modify paint mode and opacity of the last pixel manipulation"
-msgstr "æçããããéæåãåæãããååãäæãããçããã"
+msgstr "æçããããäéæåãåæãããååãäæãããçããã"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:110
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Cu_t"
 msgstr "åãåã(_T)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:111
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Move the selected pixels to the clipboard"
@@ -2238,7 +2000,6 @@ msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "_Copy"
 msgstr "ããã(_C)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:117
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Copy the selected pixels to the clipboard"
@@ -2248,9 +2009,8 @@ msgstr "éæçåãããããããããããããããããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:122
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Copy _Visible"
-msgstr "åèéåãããã(_V)"
+msgstr "åèéåãããã(_V)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:123
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Copy what is visible in the selected region"
@@ -2261,7 +2021,6 @@ msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "_Paste"
 msgstr "èãäã(_P)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:129
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Paste the content of the clipboard"
@@ -2272,7 +2031,6 @@ msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Paste _Into"
 msgstr "éæçååãèãäã(_I)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:136
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Paste the content of the clipboard into the current selection"
@@ -2283,7 +2041,6 @@ msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "From _Clipboard"
 msgstr "ããããããããã(_C)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:142 ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:148
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Create a new image from the content of the clipboard"
@@ -2299,7 +2056,6 @@ msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "New _Layer"
 msgstr "ãããã(_L)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:154
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Create a new layer from the content of the clipboard"
@@ -2310,22 +2066,20 @@ msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Cu_t Named..."
 msgstr "ååäããåãåã(_T)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:160
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Move the selected pixels to a named buffer"
-msgstr "éæçåããããããåãåããååãäãããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "éæçåããããããåãåããååãäããããããããçåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:165
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "_Copy Named..."
 msgstr "ååäããããã(_C)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:166
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Copy the selected pixels to a named buffer"
-msgstr "éæçåäããããããååäãããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "éæçåäããããããååäããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:171
@@ -2333,42 +2087,38 @@ msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Copy _Visible Named..."
 msgstr "åèéåãååäããããã(_V)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:173
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Copy what is visible in the selected region to a named buffer"
-msgstr "éæçåäãèãããããããååäãããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "éæçåäãèãããããããååäããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:178
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "_Paste Named..."
 msgstr "ååãéããèãäã(_P)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:179
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Paste the content of a named buffer"
-msgstr "ååäããããããäããéæããèãäããã"
+msgstr "ååäãããããããäããéæããèãäããã"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:184
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Cl_ear"
 msgstr "æå(_E)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:185
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Clear the selected pixels"
 msgstr ""
+"éæçåããããããæåããã (ããããããããããããããããããããçã"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:193
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Fill with _FG Color"
 msgstr "æçèãåãããã(_F)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:194
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Fill the selection using the foreground color"
@@ -2379,7 +2129,6 @@ msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Fill with B_G Color"
 msgstr "èæèãåãããã(_G)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:200
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Fill the selection using the background color"
@@ -2390,42 +2139,41 @@ msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Fill _with Pattern"
 msgstr "ãããããåãããã(_W)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:206
 msgctxt "edit-action"
 msgid "Fill the selection using the active pattern"
 msgstr "éæçåããããããããããããåãããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:295
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:304
 #, c-format
 msgid "_Undo %s"
 msgstr "%s ãåãæã(_U)"
-#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:302
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "_Redo %s"
 msgstr "%s ãããçã(_R)"
-#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:317
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:326
 #, c-format
 msgid "_Fade %s..."
 msgstr "%s ããããã(_F)..."
-#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:329
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:338
 msgid "_Undo"
 msgstr "åãæã(_U)"
-#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:330
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:339
 msgid "_Redo"
 msgstr "ããçã(_R)"
-#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:331
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:340
 msgid "_Fade..."
 msgstr "ãããã(_F)..."
 #: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:136
 msgid "Clear Undo History"
-msgstr "äæåæãæå"
+msgstr "äæåæãæå"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:162
 msgid "Really clear image's undo history?"
@@ -2436,7 +2184,6 @@ msgstr "äæåæãæåããããããããããï"
 msgid "Clearing the undo history of this image will gain %s of memory."
 msgstr "ããçåãäæåæãæåããããäçãããã %s æããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:205
 msgid "Cut pixels to the clipboard"
 msgstr "ãããããåãåããããããããããçåããã"
@@ -2450,8 +2197,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããã"
 msgid "There is no image data in the clipboard to paste."
 msgstr "ãããããããããèãäããããçåãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:347 ../app/core/gimpbrushclipboard.c:180
-#: ../app/core/gimppatternclipboard.c:180 ../app/widgets/gimpclipboard.c:345
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:347 ../app/core/gimpbrushclipboard.c:172
+#: ../app/core/gimppatternclipboard.c:172 ../app/widgets/gimpclipboard.c:345
 msgid "Clipboard"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
@@ -2462,7 +2209,7 @@ msgstr "ååãäããåãåã"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:376 ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:417
 #: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:437
 msgid "Enter a name for this buffer"
-msgstr "ãããããããäããååãååããäãã"
+msgstr "ããããããããäããååãååãããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:414
 msgid "Copy Named"
@@ -2479,7 +2226,7 @@ msgstr "åãåãåãããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:560 ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:592
 #: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:616
 msgid "(Unnamed Buffer)"
-msgstr "(åçæèåããããã)"
+msgstr "(åçæèåãããããã)"
 #: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:587
 msgid "There is no active layer or channel to copy from."
@@ -2488,14 +2235,13 @@ msgstr "ãããåãããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:39
 msgctxt "error-console-action"
 msgid "Error Console Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:43
 msgctxt "error-console-action"
 msgid "_Clear"
 msgstr "æå(_C)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:44
 msgctxt "error-console-action"
 msgid "Clear error console"
@@ -2506,7 +2252,6 @@ msgctxt "error-console-action"
 msgid "Select _All"
 msgstr "ãããéæ(_A)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:50
 msgctxt "error-console-action"
 msgid "Select all error messages"
@@ -2515,9 +2260,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããããéæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:58
 msgctxt "error-console-action"
 msgid "_Save Error Log to File..."
-msgstr "ããããããäå(_S)..."
+msgstr "ããããããäå(_S)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:59
 msgctxt "error-console-action"
 msgid "Write all error messages to a file"
@@ -2526,9 +2270,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããäåã
 #: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:64
 msgctxt "error-console-action"
 msgid "Save S_election to File..."
-msgstr "ããããããéæããäå(_S)..."
+msgstr "ããããããéæããäå(_E)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:65
 msgctxt "error-console-action"
 msgid "Write the selected error messages to a file"
@@ -2540,7 +2283,7 @@ msgstr "äãéæããããããããäåããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/error-console-commands.c:95
 msgid "Save Error Log to File"
-msgstr "ããããããäå"
+msgstr "ããããããäå"
 #: ../app/actions/error-console-commands.c:157
 #, c-format
@@ -2558,43 +2301,35 @@ msgid "_File"
 msgstr "ãããã(_F)"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:72
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Crea_te"
-msgstr "çåãçæ"
+msgstr "çåãçæ(_T)"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:73
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Open _Recent"
-msgstr "æèéããçåãããã(_R)"
+msgstr "æèéãããããã(_R)"
-# ïèæèï
-# ãããããããã
 # xcf ååäåãçåãããããããããããããããäæåæããããããäãããïãããããïããèåããã
-# (2009-06-20 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:76
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "_Open..."
-msgstr "éãïãããããï(_O)..."
+msgstr "éã/ããããã(_O)..."
-# ïèæèï
-# ãããããã
 # äæåæãäããäèãçåããããååãããããããèãããæãæçããã
-# (2009-06-20 Kiyotaka NISHIBORI)
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:77
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Open an image file"
 msgstr ""
-"xcf ååäåããããããéæããååãxcf ååãããããããããæããçåã"
+"xcf ååäåããããããéæããååã xcf ååãããããããããæããçåã"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:82
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Op_en as Layers..."
 msgstr "ãããããããéã(_E)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:83
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Open an image file as layers"
@@ -2605,35 +2340,31 @@ msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Open _Location..."
 msgstr "åæãéã(_L)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:89
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Open an image file from a specified location"
 msgstr "çåãããããåæãæå(ããããããåå)ããéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:94
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Create Template..."
-msgstr "çåãããããããããäæ(_T)..."
+msgstr "ãããããããäæ..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:95
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Create a new template from this image"
-msgstr "ããçåããæããããããããïåãéããèååãããåïãäæããã"
+msgstr "ããçåããæãããããããã (åãéããèååãããå) ãäæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:100
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Re_vert"
 msgstr "åå(_V)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:101
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Reload the image file from disk"
 msgstr ""
+"ããçåãããããããããããåèãèãããçéåãçæ (äåçåãçæ) ã"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:106
@@ -2641,7 +2372,6 @@ msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Close all"
 msgstr "ãããéãã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:107
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Close all opened images"
@@ -2652,7 +2382,6 @@ msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "_Quit"
 msgstr "çä(_Q)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:113
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Quit the GNU Image Manipulation Program"
@@ -2663,32 +2392,27 @@ msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "_Save"
 msgstr "äå(_S)"
-# ïèæèï
-# ãããããã
-# * äæåæãäãçèãæå
-# (2009-06-20 Kiyotaka NISHIBORI)
+# äæåæãäãçèãæå
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:122
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Save this image"
 msgstr ""
-"ããçåã xcf ååãäåããããxcf ååããããããéãããããããäæãä"
+"ããçåã xcf ååãäåããã\n"
+"[éã...] ã xcf ååããããããéãçåçéãããããããããããããããä"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:127
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Save _As..."
 msgstr "ååãäããäå(_A)..."
-# ïèæèï
-# ãããããã
-# * äæåæãäãçèãæå
-# (2009-06-20 Kiyotaka NISHIBORI)
+# äæåæãäãçèãæå
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:128
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Save this image with a different name"
 msgstr ""
-"ããçåããåãååãäãã xcf ååãããããããäåãããã\n"
+"ããçåãååã xcf ååãããããããäåããã\n"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:133
 msgctxt "file-action"
@@ -2701,79 +2425,70 @@ msgid ""
 "Save a copy of this image, without affecting the source file (if any) or the "
 "current state of the image"
 msgstr ""
+"ããçåãèèãååã xcf ååãããããããäåããã\n"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:140
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Save and Close..."
 msgstr "äåããçä..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:141
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Save this image and close its window"
-msgstr "ããçåãäæãäåãããçåããããããéãããã"
+msgstr "ããçåãäåããçåããããããéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:146
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Export to"
-msgstr "åãããããäæãäå"
+msgstr "åãããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:147
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Export the image again"
-msgstr "çåãããããããããã"
+msgstr "çåãåããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:152
 msgctxt "file-action"
-msgid "Overwrite"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Over_write"
+msgstr "äæããããããã(_W)"
-# ïèæèï
-# ãããããã
-# (2009-06-20 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:153
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Export the image back to the imported file in the import format"
 msgstr ""
-"åãããããååãããããååãäåãããã (åãããããäæãããããã)\n"
-"çåçéã xcf ååãããããççããããã"
+"ãããããåãããããããããããããã (ãããããåãããããäæãããã"
+"çåçéã xcf ååãããããããççãããã"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:158
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Export..."
 msgstr "ãããããã..."
-# ïèæèï
-# ãããããã
-# ãåæããäåãããããçæããããããããããããããèããããããããããããããæåãåããããããããæåããããããäåããããçèãçããã
-# (2009-6-20 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:159
 msgctxt "file-action"
 msgid "Export the image to various file formats such as PNG or JPEG"
 msgstr ""
-"xcf ååäåãçåããããåå (JPEG ã PNG ç) ããããããåæããäåãã"
-"çåçéã  xcf ååãããããççããããã"
+"xcf ååäåãçåããããåå (JPEG ã PNG ç) ãããããããããããããã"
+"çåçéã xcf ååãããããççãããã"
-# ãããããããã
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:292
 #, c-format
 msgid "Export to %s"
-msgstr "'%s' ããããããã"
+msgstr "%s ãåãããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:298
 #, c-format
-msgid "Overwrite %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Over_write %s"
+msgstr "%s ãäæããããããã(_W)"
 #: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:306
 msgid "Export to"
 msgstr "åããããããããããã"
-# ãããããããããã
-#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:112 ../app/actions/file-commands.c:475
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:112 ../app/actions/file-commands.c:492
 #: ../app/dialogs/file-open-dialog.c:77
 msgid "Open Image"
 msgstr "çåãããããéã"
@@ -2794,70 +2509,63 @@ msgstr "çåãäå"
 msgid "Save a Copy of the Image"
 msgstr "çåãããããäå"
-#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:338
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:356
 msgid "Create New Template"
 msgstr "æãããããããããäæ"
-#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:342
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:360
 msgid "Enter a name for this template"
-msgstr "ãããããããããäããååãååããäãã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããäããååãååãããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:377
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:394
 msgid "Revert failed. No file name associated with this image."
 msgstr ""
 # ååãããããããããã
 # GTK+ ããã"Revert" ããåãæãããèãããããïããããèèïãããïçåãåãæãïããèèãã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:390
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:407
 msgid "Revert Image"
-msgstr "ååïçåãåãæãï"
+msgstr "åå (çåãåãæã)"
-#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:421
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:438
 #, c-format
 msgid "Revert '%s' to '%s'?"
-msgstr ""
-"' %2$s ' ãåèãèããã\n"
-"çå %1$s ãåãæããããï"
+msgstr "çéäãçå '%s' ãçåãããã '%s' ãçæãæããããï"
-#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:427
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:444
 msgid ""
 "By reverting the image to the state saved on disk, you will lose all "
 "changes, including all undo information."
 msgstr ""
-"[åå] ãåèããããããçåãããããååãæåãäåããããããçæãæã"
-#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:638
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:655
 msgid "(Unnamed Template)"
 msgstr "(åçæèåããããããã)"
-#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:690
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:706
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Reverting to '%s' failed:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"'%s' ãååãåæãããã\n"
+"'%s' ãååãåæããããã\n"
 #: ../app/actions/fonts-actions.c:43
 msgctxt "fonts-action"
 msgid "Fonts Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/fonts-actions.c:47
 msgctxt "fonts-action"
 msgid "_Rescan Font List"
 msgstr "ããããäèãåãããã(_R)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/fonts-actions.c:48
 msgctxt "fonts-action"
 msgid "Rescan the installed fonts"
@@ -2866,47 +2574,47 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããååèãèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:45
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
 msgid "Gradient Editor Menu"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:49
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
 msgid "Left Color Type"
-msgstr "ååãèãããã"
+msgstr "åççèãããã"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:51
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
 msgid "_Load Left Color From"
-msgstr "ååãèãèãèãå(_L)"
+msgstr "åççèãèãèãå(_L)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:53
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
 msgid "_Save Left Color To"
-msgstr "ååãèãäåå(_S)"
+msgstr "åççèãäåå(_S)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:56
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
 msgid "Right Color Type"
-msgstr "ååãèãããã"
+msgstr "åççèãããã"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:58
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
 msgid "Load Right Color Fr_om"
-msgstr "ååãèãèãèãå(_O)"
+msgstr "åççèãèãèãå(_O)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:60
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
 msgid "Sa_ve Right Color To"
-msgstr "ååãèãäåå(_V)"
+msgstr "åççèãäåå(_V)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:66
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
 msgid "L_eft Endpoint's Color..."
-msgstr "åççè(_E)..."
+msgstr "åççèãæå(_E)..."
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:71
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
 msgid "R_ight Endpoint's Color..."
-msgstr "åççè(_I)..."
+msgstr "åççèãæå(_I)..."
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:111
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
@@ -2926,7 +2634,7 @@ msgstr "ããããããããããããããçé"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:155
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
 msgid "_Left Neighbor's Right Endpoint"
-msgstr "åéããããããåçç(_L)"
+msgstr "åéããããããåççè(_L)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:160
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
@@ -2948,7 +2656,7 @@ msgstr "èæè(_B)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:203
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
 msgid "_Right Neighbor's Left Endpoint"
-msgstr "åéããããããåçç(_R)"
+msgstr "åéããããããåççè(_R)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:208
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
@@ -2959,7 +2667,7 @@ msgstr "åççè(_L)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:287
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-color-type"
 msgid "_Fixed"
-msgstr "çåãèãåå(_F)"
+msgstr "æåè(_F)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:262
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:292
@@ -2971,7 +2679,7 @@ msgstr "æçè(_O)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:298
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-color-type"
 msgid "Fo_reground Color (Transparent)"
-msgstr "æçè(éæåãã)(_R)"
+msgstr "æçè (éæåãã)(_R)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:273
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:303
@@ -2983,7 +2691,7 @@ msgstr "èæè(_B)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:309
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-color-type"
 msgid "B_ackground Color (Transparent)"
-msgstr "èæè(éæåãã)(_A)"
+msgstr "èæè (éæåãã)(_A)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:317
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-blending"
@@ -3003,12 +2711,12 @@ msgstr "ãããããã(_S)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:332
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-blending"
 msgid "Spherical (i_ncreasing)"
-msgstr "çéïååï(_N)"
+msgstr "çé (åå)(_N)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:337
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-blending"
 msgid "Spherical (_decreasing)"
-msgstr "çéïæåï(_D)"
+msgstr "çé (æå)(_D)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:342
 msgctxt "gradient-editor-blending"
@@ -3039,7 +2747,6 @@ msgstr "(åæ)"
 msgid "Zoom In"
 msgstr "æåèç"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:374
 #: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:89
 msgid "Zoom in"
@@ -3049,7 +2756,6 @@ msgstr "èçåçãäããæåèçããã"
 msgid "Zoom Out"
 msgstr "çåèç"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:380
 #: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:95
 msgid "Zoom out"
@@ -3057,9 +2763,8 @@ msgstr "èçåçãäããçåèçããã"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:385
 msgid "Zoom All"
-msgstr "Zoom All"
+msgstr "ãããèç"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:386
 #: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:101
 msgid "Zoom all"
@@ -3067,19 +2772,19 @@ msgstr "ãããèçããããããèçåçãèæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:776
 msgid "_Blending Function for Segment"
-msgstr "ããããããåããæèéæ(_B)"
+msgstr "ããããããæèéæ(_B)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:778
 msgid "Coloring _Type for Segment"
-msgstr "ããããããåããèããã(_T)"
+msgstr "ããããããèããã(_T)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:781
 msgid "_Flip Segment"
-msgstr "ããããããåååè(_F)"
+msgstr "ããããããåè(_F)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:783
 msgid "_Replicate Segment..."
-msgstr "ããããããèè(_R)..."
+msgstr "ããããããèè(_R)..."
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:785
 msgid "Split Segment at _Midpoint"
@@ -3087,55 +2792,55 @@ msgstr "ããããããäéçãåå(_M)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:787
 msgid "Split Segment _Uniformly..."
-msgstr "ããããããåçãåå(_U)..."
+msgstr "ããããããåçåå(_U)..."
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:789
 msgid "_Delete Segment"
-msgstr "ããããããåé(_D)"
+msgstr "ããããããåé(_D)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:791
 msgid "Re-_center Segment's Midpoint"
-msgstr "ããããããäéçãäåãçå(_C)"
+msgstr "ããããããäéçãäåã(_C)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:793
 msgid "Re-distribute _Handles in Segment"
-msgstr "ãããããäãååçãååé(_H)"
+msgstr "ãããããäãååçãåéç(_H)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:798
 msgid "_Blending Function for Selection"
-msgstr "éæçåãåããæèéæ(_B)"
+msgstr "éæçåãæèéæ(_B)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:800
 msgid "Coloring _Type for Selection"
-msgstr "éæçåãåããèããã(_T)"
+msgstr "éæçåãèããã(_T)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:803
 msgid "_Flip Selection"
-msgstr "éæçåãåè(_F)"
+msgstr "éæçåãåè(_F)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:805
 msgid "_Replicate Selection..."
-msgstr "éæçåãèè(_R)..."
+msgstr "éæçåãèè(_R)..."
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:807
 msgid "Split Segments at _Midpoints"
-msgstr "ãããããçãäéçãåå(_M)"
+msgstr "åããããããäéçãåå(_M)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:809
 msgid "Split Segments _Uniformly..."
-msgstr "ãããããçãåçãåå(_U)..."
+msgstr "åããããããåçåå(_U)..."
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:811
 msgid "_Delete Selection"
-msgstr "éæçåãåé(_D)"
+msgstr "éæçåãåé(_D)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:813
 msgid "Re-_center Midpoints in Selection"
-msgstr "éæçåãäéçãäåãçå(_C)"
+msgstr "åããããããäéçãäåã(_C)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:815
 msgid "Re-distribute _Handles in Selection"
-msgstr "éæçåãååçãååé(_H)"
+msgstr "éæçåäãååçãåéç(_H)"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:84
 msgid "Left Endpoint Color"
@@ -3143,7 +2848,7 @@ msgstr "åççè"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:86
 msgid "Gradient Segment's Left Endpoint Color"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããåççãè"
+msgstr "ããããããåççè"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:235
 msgid "Right Endpoint Color"
@@ -3151,7 +2856,7 @@ msgstr "åççè"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:237
 msgid "Gradient Segment's Right Endpoint Color"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããåççãè"
+msgstr "ããããããåççè"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:451
 msgid "Replicate Segment"
@@ -3159,7 +2864,7 @@ msgstr "ããããããèè"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:452
 msgid "Replicate Gradient Segment"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããèè"
+msgstr "ããããããèè"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:456
 msgid "Replicate Selection"
@@ -3167,7 +2872,7 @@ msgstr "éæçåãèè"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:457
 msgid "Replicate Gradient Selection"
-msgstr "ãããããããéæçåãèè"
+msgstr "éæçåãèè"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:470
 msgid "Replicate"
@@ -3179,7 +2884,7 @@ msgid ""
 "to replicate the selected segment."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:494
 msgid ""
@@ -3187,11 +2892,11 @@ msgid ""
 "to replicate the selection."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:553
 msgid "Split Segment Uniformly"
-msgstr "ããããããåçãåå"
+msgstr "ããããããåçåå"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:554
 msgid "Split Gradient Segment Uniformly"
@@ -3199,7 +2904,7 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããããåçãåå"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:558
 msgid "Split Segments Uniformly"
-msgstr "ãããããçãåçãåå"
+msgstr "ãããããçãåçåå"
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:559
 msgid "Split Gradient Segments Uniformly"
@@ -3215,7 +2920,7 @@ msgid ""
 "in which to split the selected segment."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:597
 msgid ""
@@ -3223,19 +2928,18 @@ msgid ""
 "in which to split the segments in the selection."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:43
 msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "Gradients Menu"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:47
 msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "_New Gradient"
 msgstr "æããããããããã(_N)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:48
 msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "Create a new gradient"
@@ -3244,9 +2948,8 @@ msgstr "æããããããããããäæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:53
 msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "D_uplicate Gradient"
-msgstr "ããããããããèè(_U)"
+msgstr "ããããããããèè(_U)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:54
 msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "Duplicate this gradient"
@@ -3257,7 +2960,6 @@ msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "Copy Gradient _Location"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããåæãããã(_L)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:60
 msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "Copy gradient file location to clipboard"
@@ -3276,9 +2978,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããããã POV-Ray ååãäåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:71
 msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "_Delete Gradient"
-msgstr "ããããããããåé(_D)"
+msgstr "ããããããããåé(_D)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:72
 msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "Delete this gradient"
@@ -3287,9 +2988,8 @@ msgstr "ããããããããããåéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:77
 msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "_Refresh Gradients"
-msgstr "ããããããããåèãèã(_R)"
+msgstr "ããããããããææ(_R)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:78
 msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "Refresh gradients"
@@ -3300,11 +3000,10 @@ msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "_Edit Gradient..."
 msgstr "ããããããããçé(_E)..."
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:87
 msgctxt "gradients-action"
 msgid "Edit gradient"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããçéããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããçéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/gradients-commands.c:65
 #, c-format
@@ -3316,18 +3015,16 @@ msgctxt "help-action"
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "ããã(_H)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/help-actions.c:41
 msgctxt "help-action"
 msgid "Open the GIMP user manual"
-msgstr "ãããïGIMP ãããããããããïãéããã"
+msgstr "ããã (GIMP äçãæåã) ãéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/help-actions.c:46
 msgctxt "help-action"
 msgid "_Context Help"
 msgstr "çæéåããã(_C)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/help-actions.c:47
 msgctxt "help-action"
 msgid "Show the help for a specific user interface item"
@@ -3343,8 +3040,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "_Image"
 msgstr "çå(_I)"
-# ããããïããããããã [RGB] [ãããããã] [ããããããã] ãéæï
-# (2009-02-01 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:56
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "_Mode"
@@ -3353,7 +3048,7 @@ msgstr "ããã(_M)"
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:57
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "_Transform"
-msgstr "åæ(_T)"
+msgstr "åå(_T)"
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:58
 msgctxt "image-action"
@@ -3390,7 +3085,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "_New..."
 msgstr "æããçå(_N)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:68
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Create a new image"
@@ -3401,7 +3095,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Can_vas Size..."
 msgstr "ãããããããããåæ(_V)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:74
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Adjust the image dimensions"
@@ -3412,7 +3105,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Fit Canvas to L_ayers"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããåããã(_A)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:80
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Resize the image to enclose all layers"
@@ -3423,7 +3115,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "F_it Canvas to Selection"
 msgstr "ããããããéæçåãåããã(_I)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:86
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Resize the image to the extents of the selection"
@@ -3434,7 +3125,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "_Print Size..."
 msgstr "ååããã(_P)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:92
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Adjust the print resolution"
@@ -3445,7 +3135,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "_Scale Image..."
 msgstr "çåãæåãçå(_S)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:98
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Change the size of the image content"
@@ -3456,7 +3145,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "_Crop to Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãåãæã(_C)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:104
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Crop the image to the extents of the selection"
@@ -3467,7 +3155,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "_Duplicate"
 msgstr "èè(_D)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:110
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Create a duplicate of this image"
@@ -3478,7 +3165,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Merge Visible _Layers..."
 msgstr "åèãããããçå(_L)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:116
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Merge all visible layers into one layer"
@@ -3489,7 +3175,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "_Flatten Image"
 msgstr "çåãçå(_F)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:122
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Merge all layers into one and remove transparency"
@@ -3500,7 +3185,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Configure G_rid..."
 msgstr "ãããããèå(_R)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:128
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Configure the grid for this image"
@@ -3511,7 +3195,6 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Image Pr_operties"
 msgstr "çåãæå(_O)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:134
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Display information about this image"
@@ -3522,7 +3205,6 @@ msgctxt "image-convert-action"
 msgid "_RGB"
 msgstr "RGB(_R)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:143
 msgctxt "image-convert-action"
 msgid "Convert the image to the RGB colorspace"
@@ -3533,7 +3215,6 @@ msgctxt "image-convert-action"
 msgid "_Grayscale"
 msgstr "ããããããã(_G)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:148
 msgctxt "image-convert-action"
 msgid "Convert the image to grayscale"
@@ -3544,7 +3225,6 @@ msgctxt "image-convert-action"
 msgid "_Indexed..."
 msgstr "ãããããã(_I)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:153
 msgctxt "image-convert-action"
 msgid "Convert the image to indexed colors"
@@ -3555,40 +3235,36 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Flip _Horizontally"
 msgstr "æååè(_H)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:161
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Flip image horizontally"
-msgstr "çåãååãåèãããïãããããããããåèãããï"
+msgstr "çåãååãåèããã (ãããããããããåèããã)"
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:166
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Flip _Vertically"
 msgstr "åçåè(_V)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:167
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Flip image vertically"
-msgstr "çåãääãåèãããïãããããããããåèãããï"
+msgstr "çåãääãåèããã (ãããããããããåèããã)"
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:175
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Rotate 90Â _clockwise"
 msgstr "æèåãã 90 ååè(_C)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:176
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
-msgstr "çåãåïæèåãïã 90 ååèãããïãããããããããåèãããï"
+msgstr "çåãå (æèåã) ã 90 ååèããã (ãããããããããåèããã)"
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:181
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Rotate _180Â"
 msgstr "180 ååè(_1)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:182
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Turn the image upside-down"
@@ -3599,65 +3275,61 @@ msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Rotate 90Â counter-clock_wise"
 msgstr "åæèåãã 90 ååè(_w)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:188
 msgctxt "image-action"
 msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
-msgstr "çåãåæèåãã 90 ååèãããïãããããããããåèãããï"
+msgstr "çåãåæèåãã 90 ååèããã (ãããããããããåèããã)"
-#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:236
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:237
 msgid "Set Image Canvas Size"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåæ"
-# éæèç
-#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:265 ../app/actions/image-commands.c:289
-#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:581
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:266 ../app/actions/image-commands.c:290
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:583
 msgid "Resizing"
 msgstr "ãããåæããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:316
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:317
 msgid "Set Image Print Resolution"
 msgstr "çåååèååãèå"
-# éæèç
-#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:378
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:153
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:230
-#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:158
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:379
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:159
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:247
+#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:162
 msgid "Flipping"
 msgstr "åèããããã"
-# éæèç
-#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:402
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:547
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:628 ../app/pdb/image-cmds.c:536
-#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:423 ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:224
-#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:122
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:403
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:602
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:694 ../app/pdb/image-cmds.c:533
+#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:433 ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:245
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:125
 msgid "Rotating"
 msgstr "åèããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:428 ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:691
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:429 ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:691
 msgid "Cannot crop because the current selection is empty."
 msgstr "äãéæãããããããåãæããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:628
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:630
 msgid "Change Print Size"
 msgstr "ååããããåæ"
-#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:669
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:671
 msgid "Scale Image"
 msgstr "çåãæåãçå"
 #. Scaling
-#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:680 ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:1145
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:682 ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:1145
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1899
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:708
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:786 ../app/pdb/image-cmds.c:408
-#: ../app/pdb/image-cmds.c:444 ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:512
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:783
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:872 ../app/pdb/image-cmds.c:405
+#: ../app/pdb/image-cmds.c:441 ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:524
 #: ../app/pdb/layer-cmds.c:333 ../app/pdb/layer-cmds.c:378
-#: ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:302 ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:106
+#: ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:334 ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:118
 msgid "Scaling"
-msgstr "æåãçå"
+msgstr "æåãããçå"
 #: ../app/actions/images-actions.c:43
 msgctxt "images-action"
@@ -3669,7 +3341,6 @@ msgctxt "images-action"
 msgid "_Raise Views"
 msgstr "ããçåããããããåéã(_R)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/images-actions.c:48
 msgctxt "images-action"
 msgid "Raise this image's displays"
@@ -3680,7 +3351,6 @@ msgctxt "images-action"
 msgid "_New View"
 msgstr "æããããããããèç(_N)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/images-actions.c:54
 msgctxt "images-action"
 msgid "Create a new display for this image"
@@ -3691,7 +3361,6 @@ msgctxt "images-action"
 msgid "_Delete Image"
 msgstr "çåããããããåé(_D)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/images-actions.c:60
 msgctxt "images-action"
 msgid "Delete this image"
@@ -3700,7 +3369,7 @@ msgstr "ããçåãèçãåéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:49
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Layers Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:53
 msgctxt "layers-action"
@@ -3725,7 +3394,7 @@ msgstr "éæéå(_A)"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:61
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Transform"
-msgstr "åæ(_T)"
+msgstr "åå(_T)"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:63
 msgctxt "layers-action"
@@ -3747,43 +3416,37 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Te_xt Tool"
 msgstr "æåããã(_X)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:71
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Activate the text tool on this text layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããæåçéãèããã"
 # çèããããããããåæãçé(_E)ãããããããçééçãããããåãããããçæçããããããåãåæãããã ïåæ = ååããèèããããããéãæåãããï
-# åæãããããåäåããçééçãåæãååãããããããããããããçé(_E)ããããäå
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:76
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Edit Layer Attributes..."
 msgstr "ããããåãåæ(_E)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:77
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Edit the layer's name"
 msgstr "ãããããããååãåæããã"
-#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:82 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:598
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:82 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:610
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_New Layer..."
-msgstr "æãããããããèå(_N)..."
+msgstr "æãããããããèå(_N)..."
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:83
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Create a new layer and add it to the image"
 msgstr "æãããããããçåãèåããã"
-#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:88 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:599
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:88 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:611
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_New Layer"
-msgstr "æãããããããèå(_N)"
+msgstr "æãããããããèå(_N)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:89
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Create a new layer with last used values"
@@ -3794,31 +3457,26 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "New from _Visible"
 msgstr "åèéåãããããã(_V)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:96
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Create a new layer from what is visible in this image"
 msgstr "ããçåäãèããããããããããããçæããçåãèåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:101
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "New Layer _Group..."
-msgstr "æãããããããèå(_N)..."
+msgstr "æãããããããããã(_G)..."
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:102
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Create a new layer group and add it to the image"
-msgstr "æãããããããçåãèåããã"
+msgstr "æãããããããããããäæãçåãåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:107
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "D_uplicate Layer"
-msgstr "ãããããèè(_U)"
+msgstr "ãããããèè(_U)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:109
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Create a duplicate of the layer and add it to the image"
@@ -3827,9 +3485,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããèèããçåãèåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:114
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Delete Layer"
-msgstr "ãããããåé(_D)"
+msgstr "ãããããåé(_D)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:115
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Delete this layer"
@@ -3840,18 +3497,16 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Raise Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããåéã(_R)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:121
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Raise this layer one step in the layer stack"
-msgstr "ããããããã 1 æäïåéïãçåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããã 1 æä (åé) ãçåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:126
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Layer to _Top"
 msgstr "ãããããæåéã(_T)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:127
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Move this layer to the top of the layer stack"
@@ -3862,18 +3517,16 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Lower Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããèéã(_L)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:133
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Lower this layer one step in the layer stack"
-msgstr "ããããããã 1 æäïèéïãçåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããã 1 æä (èé) ãçåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:138
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Layer to _Bottom"
 msgstr "ãããããæèéã(_B)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:139
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Move this layer to the bottom of the layer stack"
@@ -3882,9 +3535,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããããæäæãçåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:144
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Anchor Layer"
-msgstr "ãããããåå(_A)"
+msgstr "ãããããåå(_A)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:145
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Anchor the floating layer"
@@ -3895,32 +3547,26 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Merge Do_wn"
 msgstr "äããããããçå(_W)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:151
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Merge this layer with the first visible layer below it"
-msgstr "ããããããã 1 æäããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããã çäãåèãããããçåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:156
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Merge Layer Group"
-msgstr "ãããããçå"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçå"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:157
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Merge the layer group's layers into one normal layer"
-msgstr "ããããåèãããããïæããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããäããããããçåããïæãéåãããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:162
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Merge _Visible Layers..."
 msgstr "åèãããããçå(_V)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:163
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Merge all visible layers into one layer"
@@ -3931,7 +3577,6 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Flatten Image"
 msgstr "çåãçå(_F)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:169
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Merge all layers into one and remove transparency"
@@ -3942,7 +3587,6 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Discard Text Information"
 msgstr "æåæåãçæ(_D)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:175
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Turn this text layer into a normal layer"
@@ -3953,18 +3597,16 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Text to _Path"
 msgstr "ãããããããã(_P)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:181
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Create a path from this text layer"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããçæããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããçæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:186
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Text alon_g Path"
 msgstr "ãããæãããããããåå(_G)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:187
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Warp this layer's text along the current path"
@@ -3976,20 +3618,18 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Layer B_oundary Size..."
 msgstr "ããããããããåæ(_O)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:193
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Adjust the layer dimensions"
 msgstr ""
-"ããããããããåæããã ïããåæãããããããæããããããããåããã"
+"ããããããããåæããã (ããåæãããããããæããããããããåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:198
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Layer to _Image Size"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããåããã(_I)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:199
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Resize the layer to the size of the image"
@@ -4000,20 +3640,18 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Scale Layer..."
 msgstr "ãããããæåãçå(_S)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:205
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Change the size of the layer content"
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããæåãããçåããã ïãããããæããããããæåãããçåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:210
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Crop to Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãåãæã(_C)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:211
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Crop the layer to the extents of the selection"
@@ -4022,44 +3660,40 @@ msgstr "éæçåãåããããããããåãæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:216
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Add La_yer Mask..."
-msgstr "ããããããããèå(_Y)..."
+msgstr "ããããããããèå(_Y)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:218
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Add a mask that allows non-destructive editing of transparency"
 msgstr ""
+"ãããããããããããããããæäçãçéããããããèåããã (ããããæ"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:223
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Add Alpha C_hannel"
-msgstr "ããããããããããèå(_H)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããèå(_H)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:224
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Add transparency information to the layer"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããïéæåæåïãèåããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããã (éæåæå) ãèåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:229
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Remove Alpha Channel"
-msgstr "ããããããããããåé(_R)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããåé(_R)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:230
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Remove transparency information from the layer"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããïéæåæåïãåéããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããã (éæåæå) ãåéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:238
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Lock Alph_a Channel"
 msgstr "éæéåãäè(_A)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:240
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Keep transparency information on this layer from being modified"
@@ -4068,25 +3702,23 @@ msgstr "ããããéæéåãåæãããããããäèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:246
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Edit Layer Mask"
-msgstr "ããããããããçé(_E)"
+msgstr "ããããããããçé(_E)"
-# ãããããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:247
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Work on the layer mask"
-msgstr "ããããããããæåå"
+msgstr "ããããããããæåå"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:253
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "S_how Layer Mask"
-msgstr "ããããããããèç(_H)"
+msgstr "ããããããããèç(_H)"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:259
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Disable Layer Mask"
-msgstr "ããããããããçåå(_D)"
+msgstr "ããããããããçåå(_D)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:260
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Dismiss the effect of the layer mask"
@@ -4095,9 +3727,8 @@ msgstr "ããããããããåæãçåãããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:269
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Apply Layer _Mask"
-msgstr "ããããããããéç(_M)"
+msgstr "ããããããããéç(_M)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:270
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Apply the effect of the layer mask and remove it"
@@ -4106,20 +3737,18 @@ msgstr "ããããããããåæãéçããããããããããå
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:275
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Delete Layer Mas_k"
-msgstr "ããããããããåé(_K)"
+msgstr "ããããããããåé(_K)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:276
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Remove the layer mask and its effect"
-msgstr "ããããããããåéãããïåæãéçãããããï"
+msgstr "ããããããããåéããã (åæãéçããããã)"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:284
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Mask to Selection"
 msgstr "ããããéæçåã(_M)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:285
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Replace the selection with the layer mask"
@@ -4130,7 +3759,6 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Add to Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãåãã(_A)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:291
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Add the layer mask to the current selection"
@@ -4141,7 +3769,6 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Subtract from Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåããåã(_S)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:297
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Subtract the layer mask from the current selection"
@@ -4152,7 +3779,6 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "_Intersect with Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåããäãã(_I)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:303
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Intersect the layer mask with the current selection"
@@ -4163,7 +3789,6 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Al_pha to Selection"
 msgstr "äéæéåãéæçåã(_P)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:313
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Replace the selection with the layer's alpha channel"
@@ -4174,19 +3799,16 @@ msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "A_dd to Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãåãã(_D)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:320
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Add the layer's alpha channel to the current selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãããããäéæéåãçåãåããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:327
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Subtract the layer's alpha channel from the current selection"
 msgstr "éæçåããããããäéæéåãçåãåããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:334
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Intersect the layer's alpha channel with the current selection"
@@ -4195,9 +3817,8 @@ msgstr "éæçåãããããäéæéåãçåããäåéåã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:342
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Select _Top Layer"
-msgstr "æåéããããããéæ(_T)"
+msgstr "æåéãããããéæ(_T)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:343
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Select the topmost layer"
@@ -4206,9 +3827,8 @@ msgstr "æåéããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:348
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Select _Bottom Layer"
-msgstr "æèéããããããéæ(_B)"
+msgstr "æèéãããããéæ(_B)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:349
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Select the bottommost layer"
@@ -4217,9 +3837,8 @@ msgstr "æèéããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:354
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Select _Previous Layer"
-msgstr "åããããããéæ(_P)"
+msgstr "åéãããããéæ(_P)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:355
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Select the layer above the current layer"
@@ -4228,9 +3847,8 @@ msgstr "åéããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:360
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Select _Next Layer"
-msgstr "æããããããéæ(_N)"
+msgstr "èéãããããéæ(_N)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:361
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "Select the layer below the current layer"
@@ -4240,24 +3858,22 @@ msgstr "èéããããããããããããããã"
 #. on thumbnail"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:442
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Shortcut: "
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããã: "
 #. Will be prepended with a modifier key
 #. string, e.g. "Shift"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:447
 msgid "-Click on thumbnail in Layers dockable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " - ãããã (ãããããããããããããããäã)"
-#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:593 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:594
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:605 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:606
 msgctxt "layers-action"
 msgid "To _New Layer"
-msgstr "æãããããããèå(_N)"
+msgstr "æãããããããçæ(_N)"
-# ãããããããããã
+# ããããã Attributes ãäãããããããããååããããããããããèèãéãããããããããåãåæããããããã
 #: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:203
 msgid "Layer Attributes"
 msgstr "ããããåãåæ"
@@ -4266,23 +3882,20 @@ msgstr "ããããåãåæ"
 msgid "Edit Layer Attributes"
 msgstr "ããããåãåæ"
-#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:250 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:265
+#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:250 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:267
 msgid "Layer"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-# 1. ãããããããããã
-# 2. æãããããããåçïããããåããããããããããæåãããï
 #: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:252 ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:320
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c:337
-#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:846
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c:326
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:837
 msgid "New Layer"
-msgstr "æèãããã"
+msgstr "æãããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:255
 msgid "Create a New Layer"
-msgstr "æãããããããèå"
+msgstr "æãããããããèå"
-# [åèéåãããããã(_V)] ãéçããæãèåããããããããåå
 #: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:356
 msgid "Visible"
 msgstr "åèéåããã"
@@ -4306,19 +3919,18 @@ msgstr "æåãããããããéæãããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:1088
 #: ../app/dialogs/layer-add-mask-dialog.c:82
 msgid "Add Layer Mask"
-msgstr "ãããããããèå"
+msgstr "ããããããããèå"
 #: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:43
 msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
 msgid "Palette Editor Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:47
 msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
 msgid "_Edit Color..."
 msgstr "èãåæ(_E)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:48
 msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
 msgid "Edit this entry"
@@ -4344,7 +3956,6 @@ msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
 msgid "New Color from _FG"
 msgstr "æçèããããããèå(_F)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:73
 msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
 msgid "Create a new entry from the foreground color"
@@ -4355,7 +3966,6 @@ msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
 msgid "New Color from _BG"
 msgstr "èæèããããããèå(_B)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:80
 msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
 msgid "Create a new entry from the background color"
@@ -4384,14 +3994,13 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããããçé"
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:43
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "Palettes Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:47
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "_New Palette"
 msgstr "æãããããã(_N)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:48
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "Create a new palette"
@@ -4400,7 +4009,7 @@ msgstr "æãããããããäæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:53
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "_Import Palette..."
-msgstr "ãããããããããã(_I)..."
+msgstr "ãããããããããã(_I)..."
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:54
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
@@ -4410,9 +4019,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:59
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "D_uplicate Palette"
-msgstr "ãããããèè(_U)"
+msgstr "ãããããèè(_U)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:60
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "Duplicate this palette"
@@ -4433,7 +4041,6 @@ msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "Copy Palette _Location"
 msgstr "ãããããåæãããã(_L)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:72
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "Copy palette file location to clipboard"
@@ -4442,9 +4049,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããåæããããããããããããã
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:77
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "_Delete Palette"
-msgstr "ãããããåé(_D)"
+msgstr "ãããããåé(_D)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:78
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "Delete this palette"
@@ -4453,9 +4059,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããããåéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:83
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "_Refresh Palettes"
-msgstr "ãããããåèãèã(_R)"
+msgstr "ãããããææ(_R)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:84
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "Refresh palettes"
@@ -4464,13 +4069,12 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããååèãèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:92
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "_Edit Palette..."
-msgstr "ãããããçé(_E)..."
+msgstr "ãããããçé(_E)..."
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:93
 msgctxt "palettes-action"
 msgid "Edit palette"
-msgstr "ãããããããããçéããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããçéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/palettes-commands.c:72
 msgid "Merge Palette"
@@ -4483,14 +4087,13 @@ msgstr "çååãããããåãåå"
 #: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:42
 msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "Patterns Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:46
 msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "_Open Pattern as Image"
 msgstr "ãããããçåãããéã(_O)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:47
 msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "Open this pattern as an image"
@@ -4501,7 +4104,6 @@ msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "_New Pattern"
 msgstr "æãããããã(_N)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:53
 msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "Create a new pattern"
@@ -4510,9 +4112,8 @@ msgstr "æãããããããäæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:58
 msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "D_uplicate Pattern"
-msgstr "ãããããèè(_U)"
+msgstr "ãããããèè(_U)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:59
 msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "Duplicate this pattern"
@@ -4523,7 +4124,6 @@ msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "Copy Pattern _Location"
 msgstr "ãããããåæãããã(_L)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:65
 msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "Copy pattern file location to clipboard"
@@ -4532,9 +4132,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããåæããããããããããããã
 #: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:70
 msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "_Delete Pattern"
-msgstr "ãããããåé(_D)"
+msgstr "ãããããåé(_D)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:71
 msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "Delete this pattern"
@@ -4543,9 +4142,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããããåéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:76
 msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "_Refresh Patterns"
-msgstr "ãããããåèãèã(_R)"
+msgstr "ãããããææ(_R)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
 #: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:77
 msgctxt "patterns-action"
 msgid "Refresh patterns"
@@ -4564,12 +4162,12 @@ msgstr "ãããããçé"
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:84
 msgctxt "plug-in-action"
 msgid "Filte_rs"
-msgstr "ãããã(_R)"
+msgstr "ããããã(_R)"
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:86
 msgctxt "plug-in-action"
 msgid "Recently Used"
-msgstr "æèäãããããã"
+msgstr "æèäããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:88
 msgctxt "plug-in-action"
@@ -4659,82 +4257,78 @@ msgstr "ããããããã(_I)"
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:123
 msgctxt "plug-in-action"
 msgid "Reset all _Filters"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããã(_F)"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããã(_F)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:124
 msgctxt "plug-in-action"
 msgid "Reset all plug-ins to their default settings"
-msgstr "ãããããããããèåãæååãæããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããèåãæååãæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:132
 msgctxt "plug-in-action"
 msgid "Re_peat Last"
-msgstr "ãããããåéç(_P)"
+msgstr "ããããããåéç(_P)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:134
 msgctxt "plug-in-action"
 msgid "Rerun the last used plug-in using the same settings"
-msgstr "ååãåãèåããããããååèããã"
+msgstr "ååãåãèåãããããããååèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:139
 msgctxt "plug-in-action"
 msgid "R_e-Show Last"
-msgstr "ãããããåèç(_E)"
+msgstr "ããããããåèç(_E)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:140
 msgctxt "plug-in-action"
 msgid "Show the last used plug-in dialog again"
-msgstr "ååäãããããããããããããèçããã"
+msgstr "ååäããããããããããããããèçããã"
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "Re_peat \"%s\""
-msgstr "%s ãåéç(_P)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" ãåéç(_P)"
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "R_e-Show \"%s\""
-msgstr "%s ãåèç(_E)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" ãåèç(_E)"
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:548
 msgid "Repeat Last"
-msgstr "ãããããåéç"
+msgstr "ããããããåéç"
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:550
 msgid "Re-Show Last"
-msgstr "ãããããåèç"
+msgstr "ããããããåèç"
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-commands.c:262
 msgid "Reset all Filters"
-msgstr "åãããããããã"
+msgstr "åãããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/plug-in-commands.c:281
 msgid "Do you really want to reset all filters to default values?"
-msgstr "ãããããããããèåãæååãæããããããããã?"
+msgstr "ãããããããããèåãæååãæããããããããã?"
 #: ../app/actions/quick-mask-actions.c:43
 msgctxt "quick-mask-action"
 msgid "Quick Mask Menu"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/quick-mask-actions.c:47
 msgctxt "quick-mask-action"
 msgid "_Configure Color and Opacity..."
-msgstr "èãäéæåãèå(_C)..."
+msgstr "èãäéæåãèå(_C)..."
 #: ../app/actions/quick-mask-actions.c:55
 msgctxt "quick-mask-action"
 msgid "Toggle _Quick Mask"
 msgstr "ããããããããåãæã(_Q)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/quick-mask-actions.c:56
 msgctxt "quick-mask-action"
 msgid "Toggle Quick Mask on/off"
-msgstr "ãããããããããã / éåããããåãæããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããã/éåããã ãåãæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/quick-mask-actions.c:65
 msgctxt "quick-mask-action"
@@ -4752,7 +4346,7 @@ msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/quick-mask-commands.c:108
 msgid "Edit Quick Mask Attributes"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããçé"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããçé"
 #: ../app/actions/quick-mask-commands.c:110
 msgid "Edit Quick Mask Color"
@@ -4760,19 +4354,18 @@ msgstr "ãããããããèçèãèå"
 #: ../app/actions/quick-mask-commands.c:111
 msgid "_Mask opacity:"
-msgstr "ãããäéæå(_M): "
+msgstr "ãããäéæå(_M):"
 #: ../app/actions/sample-points-actions.c:39
 msgctxt "sample-points-action"
 msgid "Sample Point Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/sample-points-actions.c:46
 msgctxt "sample-points-action"
 msgid "_Sample Merged"
 msgstr "èããããèãæåãèç(_S)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/sample-points-actions.c:48
 msgctxt "sample-points-action"
 msgid "Use the composite color of all visible layers"
@@ -4783,7 +4376,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:44
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Selection Editor Menu"
-msgstr "éæããããããããã"
+msgstr "éæçåãããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:47
 msgctxt "select-action"
@@ -4795,7 +4388,6 @@ msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "_All"
 msgstr "ãããéæ(_A)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:51
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Select everything"
@@ -4806,20 +4398,16 @@ msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "_None"
 msgstr "éæãèé(_N)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:57
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Dismiss the selection"
 msgstr "çåãéæçåãèéããã"
-# çèããåè(_I)ããããäãããåèããäãããããçæãããããæèãæçãããããããéæçåãããèèãã
-# (2008-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:62
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "_Invert"
-msgstr "éæçåãåè(_I)"
+msgstr "éæçåãåè(_I)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:63
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Invert the selection"
@@ -4828,9 +4416,8 @@ msgstr "éæçåãåèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:68
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "_Float"
-msgstr "éæçåãããããå(_F)"
+msgstr "éæçåãããããå(_F)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:69
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Create a floating selection"
@@ -4841,7 +4428,6 @@ msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Fea_ther..."
 msgstr "åçãããã(_T)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:76
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Blur the selection border so that it fades out smoothly"
@@ -4850,20 +4436,18 @@ msgstr "åçãããããéæçåããããããããããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:81
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "_Sharpen"
-msgstr "åçãæçå(_S)"
+msgstr "åçãæçå(_S)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:82
 msgctxt "select-action"
-msgid "Remove fuzzyness from the selection"
+msgid "Remove fuzziness from the selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãåçããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:87
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "S_hrink..."
-msgstr "éæçåãçå(_H)..."
+msgstr "éæçåãçå(_H)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:88
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Contract the selection"
@@ -4872,9 +4456,8 @@ msgstr "éæçåãçåããã"
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:93
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "_Grow..."
-msgstr "éæçåãæå(_G)..."
+msgstr "éæçåãæå(_G)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:94
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Enlarge the selection"
@@ -4885,7 +4468,6 @@ msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Bo_rder..."
 msgstr "çåãéæ(_R)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:100
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Replace the selection by its border"
@@ -4896,7 +4478,6 @@ msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Save to _Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããäå(_C)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:106
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Save the selection to a channel"
@@ -4907,7 +4488,6 @@ msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "_Stroke Selection..."
 msgstr "éæçåãåççãæç(_S)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:112
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Paint along the selection outline"
@@ -4918,7 +4498,6 @@ msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "_Stroke Selection"
 msgstr "ååãèåãåççãæç(_S)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:118
 msgctxt "select-action"
 msgid "Stroke the selection with last used values"
@@ -4972,9 +4551,9 @@ msgstr "çåãåçãéæçåãåçãèãããã(_L)"
 #: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:342 ../app/actions/select-commands.c:375
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:386 ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:420
-#: ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:289
+#: ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:281
 msgid "There is no active layer or channel to stroke to."
-msgstr "åçæçããããããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "åçæçããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:348
 msgid "Stroke Selection"
@@ -4983,18 +4562,17 @@ msgstr "éæçåãåççãæç"
 #: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:41
 msgctxt "templates-action"
 msgid "Templates Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:45
 msgctxt "templates-action"
 msgid "_Create Image from Template"
 msgstr "ãããããããçåãäæ(_C)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:46
 msgctxt "templates-action"
 msgid "Create a new image from the selected template"
-msgstr "éæãããããããããæããçåãäæããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããæããçåãäæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:51
 msgctxt "templates-action"
@@ -5009,18 +4587,17 @@ msgstr "æãããããããããäæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:57
 msgctxt "templates-action"
 msgid "D_uplicate Template..."
-msgstr "ãããããããèè(_U)..."
+msgstr "ãããããããèè(_U)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:58
 msgctxt "templates-action"
 msgid "Duplicate this template"
-msgstr "éæãããããããããèèããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããèèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:63
 msgctxt "templates-action"
 msgid "_Edit Template..."
-msgstr "ãããããããçé(_E)..."
+msgstr "ãããããããçé(_E)..."
 #: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:64
 msgctxt "templates-action"
@@ -5030,31 +4607,31 @@ msgstr "ãããããããçé"
 #: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:69
 msgctxt "templates-action"
 msgid "_Delete Template"
-msgstr "ãããããããåé(_D)"
+msgstr "ãããããããåé(_D)"
 #: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:70
 msgctxt "templates-action"
 msgid "Delete this template"
-msgstr "ãããããããããåé"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåéããã"
-#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:111
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:110
 msgid "New Template"
 msgstr "æèãããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:114
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:113
 msgid "Create a New Template"
 msgstr "æãããããããããäæ"
-#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:174
-#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:177
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:173
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:176
 msgid "Edit Template"
 msgstr "ãããããããçé"
-#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:212
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:211
 msgid "Delete Template"
 msgstr "ãããããããåé"
-#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:238
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:237
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to delete template '%s' from the list and from disk?"
@@ -5065,7 +4642,6 @@ msgctxt "text-editor-action"
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr "ãããããéã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:44
 msgctxt "text-editor-action"
 msgid "Load text from file"
@@ -5076,7 +4652,6 @@ msgctxt "text-editor-action"
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "ãããããæå"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:50
 msgctxt "text-editor-action"
 msgid "Clear all text"
@@ -5109,14 +4684,14 @@ msgstr "ãããããããã (UTF-8) ãéã"
 #: ../app/actions/text-editor-commands.c:143
 #: ../app/actions/text-tool-commands.c:226 ../app/config/gimpconfig-file.c:58
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:140 ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:422
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:140 ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:424
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:73
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushpipe-load.c:81 ../app/core/gimpcurve-load.c:54
-#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:62 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:76
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:273 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:319
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:376 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:466
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:633 ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:76
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:637 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:747
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:63 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:77
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:274 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:320
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:377 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:467
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:634 ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:76
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:649 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:747
 #: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:329
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not open '%s' for reading: %s"
@@ -5124,272 +4699,214 @@ msgstr ""
 "'%s' ãéããèãèãããããããããã\n"
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:49
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:50
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "Text Tool Menu"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:53
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:54
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "Input _Methods"
 msgstr "ååææ(_M)"
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:57
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:58
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "Cu_t"
 msgstr "åãåã(_T)"
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:62
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:63
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "_Copy"
 msgstr "ããã(_C)"
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:67
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:68
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "_Paste"
 msgstr "èãäã(_P)"
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:72
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:73
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "_Delete"
 msgstr "åé(_D)"
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:77
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:78
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "_Open text file..."
 msgstr "ãããããããããéã(_O)..."
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:82
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:83
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "Cl_ear"
 msgstr "æå(_E)"
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:83
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:84
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "Clear all text"
 msgstr "ãããããããããæå"
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:88
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:89
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "_Path from Text"
 msgstr "ãããããããããçæ(_P)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:90
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:91
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "Create a path from the outlines of the current text"
 msgstr "ããããèéããããçæããã"
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:95
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:96
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "Text _along Path"
-msgstr "ãããæãããããããåå(_A)"
+msgstr "ããããããããæããåå(_A)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:97
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:98
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "Bend the text along the currently active path"
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããããããæãããããããååããã ïããããèéããããçæãã"
+"ãããããããããæãããããããååããã (ããããèéããããçæããã)"
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:105
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:106
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "From left to right"
 msgstr "åããåã"
-#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:110
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:111
 msgctxt "text-tool-action"
 msgid "From right to left"
 msgstr "åããåã"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:55
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:54
 msgctxt "tool-options-action"
 msgid "Tool Options Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:59
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:58
 msgctxt "tool-options-action"
-msgid "_Save Options To"
-msgstr "ãããããããããäå(_S)"
+msgid "_Save Tool Preset"
+msgstr "ãããããããããäå(_S)"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:63
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:62
 msgctxt "tool-options-action"
-msgid "_Restore Options From"
-msgstr "ãããããããããèèã(_R)"
+msgid "_Restore Tool Preset"
+msgstr "ãããããããããææ(_R)"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:67
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:66
 msgctxt "tool-options-action"
-msgid "Re_name Saved Options"
-msgstr "äåæãããããåãåæ(_N)"
+msgid "E_dit Tool Preset"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçé(_D)"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:71
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:70
 msgctxt "tool-options-action"
-msgid "_Delete Saved Options"
-msgstr "äåæããããããåé(_D)"
+msgid "_Delete Tool Preset"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåé(_D)"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:75
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:74
 msgctxt "tool-options-action"
-msgid "_New Entry..."
-msgstr "æãããããã(_N)..."
+msgid "_New Tool Preset..."
+msgstr "æãããããããããã(_N)..."
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:80
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:79
 msgctxt "tool-options-action"
 msgid "R_eset Tool Options"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããã(_E)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:81
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:80
 msgctxt "tool-options-action"
 msgid "Reset to default values"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããæååãæããã"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:86
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:85
 msgctxt "tool-options-action"
 msgid "Reset _all Tool Options"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããã(_A)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããã(_A)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:87
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:86
 msgctxt "tool-options-action"
 msgid "Reset all tool options"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããæååãæããã"
-# ãããããããããã
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:70
-msgid "Save Tool Options"
-msgstr "ãããããããããäå"
-# ãããããäãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:74
-msgid "Enter a name for the saved options"
-msgstr "ããããããããäåçãããããåãååããäãã"
-# ããããããããäåæãæåãããããå
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:75
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:245
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:262
-msgid "Saved Options"
-msgstr "Saved Options"
-# ãããããããããã
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:138
-msgid "Rename Saved Tool Options"
-msgstr "äåæãããããããããããããåãåæ"
-# ãããããäãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:142
-msgid "Enter a new name for the saved options"
-msgstr "ããããããããäåçãæããããããåãååããäãã"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:185
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:180
 msgid "Reset All Tool Options"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããã(_A)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:208
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:203
 msgid "Do you really want to reset all tool options to default values?"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããããããã?"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:44
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
-msgid "Tool Preset Menu"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:44
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Tool Presets Menu"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:48
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
 msgid "_New Tool Preset"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "æãããããããããã(_N)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:49
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
 msgid "Create a new tool preset"
-msgstr "æãããããããäæããã"
+msgstr "æãããããããããããäæããã"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:54
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
 msgid "D_uplicate Tool Preset"
-msgstr "ãããèè(_U)"
+msgstr "ãããããããããèè(_U)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:55
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:55
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
 msgid "Duplicate this tool preset"
-msgstr "ãããããèèããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããèèããã"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:60
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
 msgid "Copy Tool Preset _Location"
-msgstr "ãããããåæãããã(_L)"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåæãããã(_L)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:61
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:61
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
 msgid "Copy tool preset file location to clipboard"
-msgstr "ãããããããããåæããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåæããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:66
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
 msgid "_Delete Tool Preset"
-msgstr "èãåé(_D)"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåé(_D)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:67
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:67
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
 msgid "Delete this tool preset"
-msgstr "ãããããåéããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããåéããã"
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:72
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
 msgid "_Refresh Tool Presets"
-msgstr "ããããåèãèã(_R)"
+msgstr "ãããããããããææ(_R)"
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:73
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:73
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
 msgid "Refresh tool presets"
-msgstr "ããããããããããååèãèããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåèãèãããã"
-# ãèããååããçéãããããåæããããããããã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:81
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:81
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
 msgid "_Edit Tool Preset..."
-msgstr "èãåæ(_E)..."
+msgstr "ãããããããããçé(_E)..."
-# ããããããïãããããäãããããããããããããäçãããï
-# ãèããååããçéãããããåæããããããããã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-actions.c:82
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:82
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
 msgid "Edit this tool preset"
-msgstr "ããèãåæããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããããçéããã"
 #: ../app/actions/tool-preset-editor-actions.c:42
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tool-preset-editor-action"
 msgid "Tool Preset Editor Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/tool-preset-editor-actions.c:50
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tool-preset-editor-action"
 msgid "Edit Active Tool Preset"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããçé"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããçé"
 #: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:45
 msgctxt "tools-action"
@@ -5409,7 +4926,7 @@ msgstr "æçããã(_P)"
 #: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:48
 msgctxt "tools-action"
 msgid "_Transform Tools"
-msgstr "åæããã(_T)"
+msgstr "ååããã(_T)"
 #: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:49
 msgctxt "tools-action"
@@ -5421,18 +4938,16 @@ msgctxt "tools-action"
 msgid "_By Color"
 msgstr "èåãéæ(_B)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:56
 msgctxt "tools-action"
 msgid "Select regions with similar colors"
-msgstr "çåèãéåãéæçåãäæããã"
+msgstr "çåèãéåãéæçåãããã"
 #: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:61
 msgctxt "tools-action"
 msgid "_Arbitrary Rotation..."
 msgstr "äæãåè(_A)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:62
 msgctxt "tools-action"
 msgid "Rotate by an arbitrary angle"
@@ -5441,7 +4956,7 @@ msgstr "èåãæåããåèãããã"
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:44
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Paths Menu"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:48
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
@@ -5453,7 +4968,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "_Edit Path Attributes..."
 msgstr "ããåãåæ(_E)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:54
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Edit path attributes"
@@ -5464,7 +4978,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "_New Path..."
 msgstr "æãããã(_N)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:60
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Create a new path..."
@@ -5475,7 +4988,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "_New Path with last values"
 msgstr "ååãèåãæãããã(_N)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:66
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Create a new path with last used values"
@@ -5484,9 +4996,8 @@ msgstr "ååãèååãæãããããäæããã"
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:71
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "D_uplicate Path"
-msgstr "ãããèè(_U)"
+msgstr "ãããèè(_U)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:72
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Duplicate this path"
@@ -5495,9 +5006,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããèèããã"
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:77
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "_Delete Path"
-msgstr "ãããåé(_D)"
+msgstr "ãããåé(_D)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:78
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Delete this path"
@@ -5513,7 +5023,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "_Raise Path"
 msgstr "ãããåéã(_R)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:89
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Raise this path"
@@ -5524,7 +5033,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Raise Path to _Top"
 msgstr "ãããæåéã(_T)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:95
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Raise this path to the top"
@@ -5535,7 +5043,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "_Lower Path"
 msgstr "ãããèéã(_L)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:101
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Lower this path"
@@ -5546,7 +5053,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Lower Path to _Bottom"
 msgstr "ãããæèéã(_B)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:107
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Lower this path to the bottom"
@@ -5557,7 +5063,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Stro_ke Path..."
 msgstr "ãããåççãæç(_K)..."
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:113
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Paint along the path"
@@ -5568,7 +5073,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Stro_ke Path"
 msgstr "ååãèåããããæç(_K)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:119
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Paint along the path with last values"
@@ -5577,12 +5081,12 @@ msgstr "ååãèåããããæããæçããã"
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:124
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Co_py Path"
-msgstr "ãããããã(_P)"
+msgstr "ãããããã(_P)"
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:129
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Paste Pat_h"
-msgstr "ãããèãäã(_H)"
+msgstr "ãããèãäã(_H)"
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:134
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
@@ -5606,17 +5110,15 @@ msgstr "éç(_L)"
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:159
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "L_ock strokes"
-msgstr "ããããããæç"
+msgstr "åççãäè(_O)"
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:168
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Path to Sele_ction"
 msgstr "ãããéæçåã(_C)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:169
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Path to selection"
@@ -5627,7 +5129,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Fr_om Path"
 msgstr "ãããéæçåã(_O)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:175
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Replace selection with path"
@@ -5638,7 +5139,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "_Add to Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãåãã(_A)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:181
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Add path to selection"
@@ -5649,7 +5149,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "_Subtract from Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåããåã(_S)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:187
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Subtract path from selection"
@@ -5660,7 +5159,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "_Intersect with Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåããäãã(_I)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:193
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Intersect path with selection"
@@ -5671,7 +5169,6 @@ msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Selecti_on to Path"
 msgstr "éæçåãããã(_O)"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:202 ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:208
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Selection to path"
@@ -5689,7 +5186,6 @@ msgstr "éæçåãããã (éåãããããã) (_A)"
 # èèæãããããã
 # éåãéåãèåãããïèåéçããåèèããçèãèããããããïãããããããéåããããããããããããã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:214
 msgctxt "vectors-action"
 msgid "Advanced options"
@@ -5701,10 +5197,10 @@ msgstr "ããåãåæ"
 #: ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:140
 msgid "Edit Path Attributes"
-msgstr "ãããããååãåæ"
+msgstr "ããåãåæ"
-#: ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:164 ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:205
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpvectorstreeview.c:252
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:164 ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:207
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpvectorstreeview.c:250
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "ãã"
@@ -5716,575 +5212,568 @@ msgstr "æèãã"
 msgid "New Path Options"
 msgstr "æãããããèå"
-#: ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:392 ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:198
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1990
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:392 ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:199
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1969
 msgid "Stroke Path"
 msgstr "ãããåççãæç"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:69
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:68
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "èç(_V)"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:70
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:69
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "_Zoom"
 msgstr "ããã(_Z)"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:71
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:70
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "_Padding Color"
-msgstr "ãããããåèãè(_P)"
+msgstr "ãããããåããè(_P)"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:73
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:72
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Move to Screen"
 msgstr "ããããããçå"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:77
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:76
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "_New View"
 msgstr "æããããã(_N)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:78
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:77
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Create another view on this image"
 msgstr "ããçåãåããããããèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:83
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:82
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "éãã(_C)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:84
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:83
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Close this image window"
 msgstr ""
-"ããçåãçéãçäãçåãéããã ïéããããçåããããããããçåãã"
+"ããçåãçéãçäãçåãéããã (éããããçåããããããããçåãã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:89
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:88
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "_Fit Image in Window"
-msgstr "ãããããåãåäãèç(_F)"
+msgstr "ãããããåãåäãèç(_F)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:90
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:89
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Adjust the zoom ratio so that the image becomes fully visible"
 msgstr "ãããããåãçåããããèçããããããèçåçãèæããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:95
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:94
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Fi_ll Window"
 msgstr "ãããããåãæåèç(_L)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:96
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:95
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Adjust the zoom ratio so that the entire window is used"
 msgstr "ãããããåãçåãæåéèçããããããèçåçãèæããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:101
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:100
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Re_vert Zoom"
 msgstr "èçåçãæã(_V)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:102
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:101
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Restore the previous zoom level"
 msgstr "ååãèçåçãæããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:107
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:106
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Na_vigation Window"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããã(_V)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:108
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:107
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show an overview window for this image"
 msgstr "ããçåãéçåããããã(ãããããããããããã)ãèçãããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:113
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:112
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Display _Filters..."
-msgstr "ãããããããããã(_F)..."
+msgstr "ããããããããããã(_F)..."
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:114
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:113
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Configure filters applied to this view"
-msgstr "ããããããéçãããããããããããããèåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããéçããããããããããããããèåããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:119
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:118
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Shrink _Wrap"
-msgstr "ãããããããããåããã(_W)"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåããã(_W)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:120
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:119
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Reduce the image window to the size of the image display"
 msgstr "çåãèçããããåããããããããããããåæããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:125
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:124
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "_Open Display..."
 msgstr "ãããããããéã(_O)..."
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:126
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:125
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Connect to another display"
 msgstr "åããããããããæçããã"
 # Photoshop ãèèãåã
-# (2009-03-29 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:134
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:133
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "_Dot for Dot"
 msgstr "ããããçå(_D)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:135
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:134
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "A pixel on the screen represents an image pixel"
 msgstr "çåã ï ãããããçéã ï ãããããèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:141
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:140
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show _Selection"
-msgstr "éæçåãåççãèç(_S)"
+msgstr "éæçååççãèç(_S)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:142
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:141
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Display the selection outline"
 msgstr "éæçåãåççãèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:148
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:147
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show _Layer Boundary"
-msgstr "ãããããåççãèç(_L)"
+msgstr "ããããåççãèç(_L)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:149
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:148
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Draw a border around the active layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããåççãèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:155
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:154
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show _Guides"
-msgstr "ããããèç(_G)"
+msgstr "ããããèç(_G)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:156
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:155
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Display the image's guides"
 msgstr "ããããèåããååããããèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:162
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:161
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "S_how Grid"
-msgstr "ãããããèç(_H)"
+msgstr "ãããããèç(_H)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:163
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:162
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Display the image's grid"
 msgstr "ãããããèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:169
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:168
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show Sample Points"
-msgstr "ãããããããããèç"
+msgstr "ãããããããããèç"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:170
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:169
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Display the image's color sample points"
 msgstr "ãããããããããèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:176
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:175
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Sn_ap to Guides"
 msgstr "ãããããããã(_A)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:177
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:176
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Tool operations snap to guides"
 msgstr "ããããããæäããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:183
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:182
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Sna_p to Grid"
 msgstr "ããããããããã(_P)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:184
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:183
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Tool operations snap to the grid"
 msgstr "ããããããæäãããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:190
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:189
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Snap to _Canvas Edges"
 msgstr "ãããããåçããããã(_C)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:191
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:190
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Tool operations snap to the canvas edges"
 msgstr "ããããããæäããããããåçããããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:197
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:196
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Snap t_o Active Path"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããã(_O)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:198
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:197
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Tool operations snap to the active path"
 msgstr "ããããããæäãããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:204
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:203
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show _Menubar"
-msgstr "ãããããããèç(_M)"
+msgstr "ãããããããèç(_M)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:205
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:204
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show this window's menubar"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:211
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:210
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show R_ulers"
-msgstr "ãããããèç(_U)"
+msgstr "ãããããèç(_U)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:212
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:211
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show this window's rulers"
 msgstr "ãããããèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:218
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:217
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show Scroll_bars"
-msgstr "ããããããããèç(_B)"
+msgstr "ããããããããèç(_B)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:219
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:218
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show this window's scrollbars"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:225
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:224
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show S_tatusbar"
-msgstr "ããããããããèç(_T)"
+msgstr "ããããããããèç(_T)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:226
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:225
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Show this window's statusbar"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:232
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:231
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Fullscr_een"
-msgstr "ãããããããããã(_E)"
+msgstr "ããããããã(_E)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:233
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:232
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Toggle fullscreen view"
-msgstr "éåãããããããããããããããèçåæãèããã"
+msgstr "éåèç/ãããããããèçãåãæããã"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:238
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Use GEGL"
+msgstr "GEGL ãäç"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:264
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:239
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Use GEGL to create this window's projection"
+msgstr "ããããããããæåã GEGL ãäçããã"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:263
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom _Out"
 msgstr "çåèç(_O)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:265 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:277
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:264 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:276
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Zoom out"
 msgstr "èçåçãäããçåèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:270
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:269
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom _In"
 msgstr "æåèç(_I)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:271 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:283
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:270 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:282
 msgctxt "view-action"
 msgid "Zoom in"
 msgstr "èçåçãäããæåèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:276
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:275
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom Out"
 msgstr "çåèç"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:282
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:281
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom In"
 msgstr "æåèç"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:301
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:300
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "1_6:1  (1600%)"
-msgstr "1_6:1  (1600%)"
+msgstr "16:1  (1600%)(_6)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:302
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:301
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom 16:1"
-msgstr "æåç 1600ããããããèçããã"
+msgstr "16åèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:307
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:306
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "_8:1  (800%)"
-msgstr "_8:1  (800%)"
+msgstr "8:1  (800%)(_8)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:308
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:307
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom 8:1"
-msgstr "æåç 800ããããããèçããã"
+msgstr "8åèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:313
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:312
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "_4:1  (400%)"
-msgstr "_4:1  (400%)"
+msgstr "4:1  (400%)(_4)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:314
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:313
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom 4:1"
-msgstr "æåç 400ããããããèçããã"
+msgstr "4åèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:319
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:318
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "_2:1  (200%)"
-msgstr "_2:1  (200%)"
+msgstr "2:1  (200%)(_2)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:320
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:319
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom 2:1"
-msgstr "æåç 200ããããããèçããã"
+msgstr "2åèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:325
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:324
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "_1:1  (100%)"
-msgstr "_1:1  (100%)"
+msgstr "1:1  (100%)(_1)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:326
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:325
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom 1:1"
-msgstr "åå (100ããããã) ãèçããã"
+msgstr "ååãèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:331
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:330
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "1:_2  (50%)"
-msgstr "1:_2  (50%)"
+msgstr "1:2  (50%)(_2)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:332
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:331
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom 1:2"
-msgstr "çåç 50ããããããèçããã"
+msgstr "1/2åãèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:337
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:336
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "1:_4  (25%)"
-msgstr "1:_4  (25%)"
+msgstr "1:4  (25%)(_4)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:338
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:337
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom 1:4"
-msgstr "çåç 25ããããããèçããã"
+msgstr "1/4åãèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:343
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:342
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "1:_8  (12.5%)"
-msgstr "1:_8  (12.5%)"
+msgstr "1:8  (12.5%)(_8)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:344
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:343
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom 1:8"
-msgstr "çåç 12.5ããããããèçããã"
+msgstr "1/8åãèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:349
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:348
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "1:1_6  (6.25%)"
-msgstr "1:1_6  (6.25%)"
+msgstr "1:16  (6.25%)(_6)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:350
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:349
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Zoom 1:16"
-msgstr "çåç 6.25ããããããèçããã"
+msgstr "1/16åãèçããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:355
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:354
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Othe_r..."
 msgstr "äæãåç(_R)..."
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:356
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:355
 msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
 msgid "Set a custom zoom factor"
 msgstr "èçåçãæåããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:364
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:363
 msgctxt "view-padding-color"
 msgid "From _Theme"
 msgstr "ããããã(_T)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:365
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:364
 msgctxt "view-padding-color"
 msgid "Use the current theme's background color"
 msgstr "ããããèæèãäããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:370
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:369
 msgctxt "view-padding-color"
 msgid "_Light Check Color"
 msgstr "æããåæææ(_L)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:371
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:370
 msgctxt "view-padding-color"
 msgid "Use the light check color"
 msgstr "ãããããåããèãæããåæææãäããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:376
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:375
 msgctxt "view-padding-color"
 msgid "_Dark Check Color"
 msgstr "æãåæææ(_D)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:377
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:376
 msgctxt "view-padding-color"
 msgid "Use the dark check color"
 msgstr "ãããããåããèãæãåæææãäããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:382
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:381
 msgctxt "view-padding-color"
 msgid "Select _Custom Color..."
-msgstr "ããããããã(_C)..."
+msgstr "ããäãè(_C)..."
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:383
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:382
 msgctxt "view-padding-color"
 msgid "Use an arbitrary color"
-msgstr "ãããããåèãèãæåããã"
+msgstr "ãããããåããèãæåããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:388
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:387
 msgctxt "view-padding-color"
 msgid "As in _Preferences"
 msgstr "æååãæã(_P)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:390
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:389
 msgctxt "view-padding-color"
 msgid "Reset padding color to what's configured in preferences"
-msgstr "çåèåãæåãããããèãæããã"
+msgstr "èåããããããæåããèãæããã"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:589
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:588
 #, c-format
 msgid "Re_vert Zoom (%d%%)"
-msgstr "èçåçã %dããããããæã(_V)"
+msgstr "èçåçã %dï ãæã(_V)"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:597
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:596
 msgid "Re_vert Zoom"
 msgstr "ããããæã(_V)"
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:733
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:731
 #, c-format
 msgid "Othe_r (%s)..."
-msgstr "ããä (çå %s)(_R)..."
+msgstr "ããä (%s)(_R)..."
-#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:742
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:740
 #, c-format
 msgid "_Zoom (%s)"
-msgstr "èçåç (çå %s)(_Z)"
+msgstr "èçåç (%s)(_Z)"
 #: ../app/actions/view-commands.c:580
 msgid "Set Canvas Padding Color"
-msgstr "ãããããããããèãèå"
+msgstr "ãããããåããèçè"
 #: ../app/actions/view-commands.c:582
 msgid "Set Custom Canvas Padding Color"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããèå"
+msgstr "ãããããåããèçè"
-#: ../app/actions/window-actions.c:168
+#: ../app/actions/window-actions.c:170
 #, c-format
 msgid "Screen %s"
 msgstr "ããããã %s"
-#: ../app/actions/window-actions.c:170
+#: ../app/actions/window-actions.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Move this window to screen %s"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããã %s ãçåããã"
-#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:85
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:96
 msgctxt "windows-action"
 msgid "_Windows"
 msgstr "ããããã(_W)"
-#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:87
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:98
 msgctxt "windows-action"
 msgid "_Recently Closed Docks"
 msgstr "æèéããããã(_R)"
-#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:89
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:100
 msgctxt "windows-action"
 msgid "_Dockable Dialogs"
 msgstr "ãããããåèãããããã(_D)"
-#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:95
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:103
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "Next Image"
+msgstr "æãçå"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:104
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "Switch to the next image"
+msgstr "æãçåãçåããã"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:109
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "Previous Image"
+msgstr "åãçå"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:110
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "Switch to the previous image"
+msgstr "åãçåãçåããã"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:118
 msgctxt "windows-action"
 msgid "Hide Docks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããéã"
-#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:103
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:119
 msgctxt "windows-action"
 msgid ""
 "When enabled docks and other dialogs are hidden, leaving only image windows."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:109
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:125
 msgctxt "windows-action"
 msgid "Single-Window Mode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:110
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:126
 msgctxt "windows-action"
 msgid ""
 "When enabled GIMP is in a single-window mode. Far from completely "
 msgstr ""
+"ããèåãããããããããããããããçã 1 ããããããããçåãããããã"
 #: ../app/base/base-enums.c:23
 msgctxt "curve-type"
 msgid "Smooth"
-msgstr "æãã"
+msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../app/base/base-enums.c:24
 msgctxt "curve-type"
@@ -6329,7 +5818,7 @@ msgstr "ææ"
 #: ../app/base/base-enums.c:114
 msgctxt "layer-mode-effects"
 msgid "Dissolve"
-msgstr "ãããåæ"
+msgstr "ããããåæ"
 #: ../app/base/base-enums.c:115
 msgctxt "layer-mode-effects"
@@ -6449,7 +5938,7 @@ msgstr "çæ"
 #: ../app/base/base-enums.c:138
 msgctxt "layer-mode-effects"
 msgid "Anti erase"
-msgstr "éæãã"
+msgstr "éæããã"
 #: ../app/base/tile-swap.c:710
 msgid ""
@@ -6459,9 +5948,9 @@ msgid ""
 "directory in your Preferences."
 msgstr ""
-"ããããçåãææèçãæããåèæããããããããäæäãçåã [ååãä"
-"ããäå] ãäåã GIMP ãåèåãããããããããå [çåèå] ãããããç"
+"ãååãäæäãçåãäåã GIMP ãåèåãããããããããåãèåãããã"
+"ãã [ããããã] ããããããããããçããããããåæãçèããããããã"
 #: ../app/base/tile-swap.c:725
 #, c-format
@@ -6485,29 +5974,25 @@ msgctxt "cursor-mode"
 msgid "Crosshair only"
 msgstr "ååãã"
-# ãããããåããèãéæéç
 #: ../app/config/config-enums.c:56
 msgctxt "canvas-padding-mode"
 msgid "From theme"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-# ãããããåããèãéæéç
 #: ../app/config/config-enums.c:57
 msgctxt "canvas-padding-mode"
 msgid "Light check color"
 msgstr "æããåæææ"
-# ãããããåããèãéæéç
 #: ../app/config/config-enums.c:58
 msgctxt "canvas-padding-mode"
 msgid "Dark check color"
 msgstr "æãåæææ"
-# ãããããåããèãéæéç
 #: ../app/config/config-enums.c:59
 msgctxt "canvas-padding-mode"
 msgid "Custom color"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgstr "ããäãè"
 #: ../app/config/config-enums.c:88
 msgctxt "space-bar-action"
@@ -6517,7 +6002,7 @@ msgstr "äãããã"
 #: ../app/config/config-enums.c:89
 msgctxt "space-bar-action"
 msgid "Pan view"
-msgstr "ããããçåïããï"
+msgstr "ããããçå (ãã)"
 #: ../app/config/config-enums.c:90
 msgctxt "space-bar-action"
@@ -6537,12 +6022,12 @@ msgstr "éåä"
 #: ../app/config/config-enums.c:147
 msgctxt "help-browser-type"
 msgid "GIMP help browser"
-msgstr "GIMP ããããããã"
+msgstr "GIMP ãããããããã"
 #: ../app/config/config-enums.c:148
 msgctxt "help-browser-type"
 msgid "Web browser"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
 #: ../app/config/config-enums.c:177
 msgctxt "window-hint"
@@ -6569,10 +6054,20 @@ msgctxt "cursor-format"
 msgid "Fancy"
 msgstr "èéç"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:236
+msgctxt "handedness"
+msgid "Left-handed"
+msgstr "åæ"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:237
+msgctxt "handedness"
+msgid "Right-handed"
+msgstr "åæ"
 #: ../app/config/gimpconfig-file.c:67 ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-save.c:62
 #: ../app/core/gimpcurve-save.c:52 ../app/core/gimpgradient-save.c:50
-#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-save.c:144 ../app/core/gimppalette-save.c:55
-#: ../app/gui/themes.c:238 ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:690
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-save.c:144 ../app/core/gimppalette-save.c:56
+#: ../app/gui/themes.c:243 ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:702
 #: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:800 ../app/vectors/gimpvectors-export.c:81
 #: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:422
 #, c-format
@@ -6614,52 +6109,51 @@ msgid ""
 "receives the focus. This is useful for window managers using \"click to focus"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:23 ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:28
 msgid "Sets the dynamics search path."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "åççæãæçãããæåãããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:33
 msgid ""
 "Sets the canvas padding color used if the padding mode is set to custom "
 msgstr ""
+"[ãããããåããèçããã] ã [ããäãè] ããããèçãããèããã(ãã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:37
 msgid "Specifies how the area around the image should be drawn."
 msgstr "ãããããåããèçææãèåããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:43
 msgid "How to handle embedded color profiles when opening a file."
 msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:46
 msgid "Ask for confirmation before closing an image without saving."
 msgstr "ããèåããããããããæäåãçåãéããåãäåãçèãèãããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:49
 msgid "Sets the pixel format to use for mouse pointers."
 msgstr "GIMP ãäããããããããããååãèåããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:52
 msgid "Sets the type of mouse pointers to use."
 msgstr "GIMP ãäãããããããããèåããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:55
+msgid "Sets the handedness for cursor positioning."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:58
 msgid ""
 "Context-dependent mouse pointers are helpful.  They are enabled by default.  "
 "However, they require overhead that you may want to do without."
@@ -6667,21 +6161,18 @@ msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:71
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:74
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, this will ensure that each pixel of an image gets mapped to a "
 "pixel on the screen."
 msgstr ""
 "ããèåããããããããçåã 1 ãããããçéã 1 ãããããèçãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:93
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:96
 msgid "This is the distance in pixels where Guide and Grid snapping activates."
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããæåãããèéãããããæãèåãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:109
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:112
 msgid ""
 "Tools such as fuzzy-select and bucket fill find regions based on a seed-fill "
 "algorithm.  The seed fill starts at the initially selected pixel and "
@@ -6693,107 +6184,76 @@ msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:122
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:125
 msgid ""
 "The window type hint that is set on dock windows and the toolbox window. "
 "This may affect the way your window manager decorates and handles these "
 msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:154
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:157
 msgid "When enabled, the selected brush will be used for all tools."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããèåããããããããéæããããããããããããããäçãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:157
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:160
 msgid "When enabled, the selected dynamics will be used for all tools."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããèåããããããããéæããåççæãããããããããäçãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:163
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:166
 msgid "When enabled, the selected gradient will be used for all tools."
 msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:166
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:169
 msgid "When enabled, the selected pattern will be used for all tools."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããèåããããããããéæãããããããããããããããäçãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:180
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:183
 msgid "Sets the browser used by the help system."
-msgstr "ããããããããäããããããèåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããäãããããããæåããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:191
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:194
 msgid "Sets the text to appear in image window status bars."
 msgstr "çåããããããããããããããèçãããããããèåãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:194
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:197
 msgid "Sets the text to appear in image window titles."
 msgstr "çåãããããããããããèçãããããããèåãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:197
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:200
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, this will ensure that the full image is visible after a file "
 "is opened, otherwise it will be displayed with a scale of 1:1."
 msgstr ""
-"çåçãèæããããããï:ïããããããçå (èçåç 100 ããããã) ãè"
+"[ããããããåããã] ãããããçååäããããããåãèçããããããèç"
+"åçãèæããããã[ï:ï] ãããããçå (èçåç 100ï) ãèçããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:201
-msgid ""
-"Install a private colormap; might be useful on 8-bit (256 colors) displays."
-msgstr ""
-"ãããããããããããããèåãããã 8-ããã (256 è) ããããããããæç"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:204
 msgid ""
 "Sets the level of interpolation used for scaling and other transformations."
 msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:211
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Specifies the language to use for the user interface."
-msgstr "GIMP ãäããããããããããååãèåããã"
+msgstr "èçãäçããèèãæåãããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:214
 msgid "How many recently opened image filenames to keep on the File menu."
-msgstr ""
-"[ãããã] â [æèéããçåãããã] ãèçããããããããæãèåããã"
+msgstr "[ãããã] â [æèéãããããã] ãèçããããããããæãèåããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:217
 msgid ""
 "Speed of marching ants in the selection outline.  This value is in "
 "milliseconds (less time indicates faster marching)."
 msgstr ""
+"éæçåèçããããããããããã (ååãèãèéãã) ãéèéåãããçå"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:221
 msgid ""
 "GIMP will warn the user if an attempt is made to create an image that would "
@@ -6802,65 +6262,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "ãããæåããääããããéåãåèãããçåãäæããããããããGIMP ãè"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:225
-msgid ""
-"Generally only a concern for 8-bit displays, this sets the minimum number of "
-"system colors allocated for GIMP."
-msgstr ""
-"GIMP ãåçãããæåããããããããæãæåãããã (8-bit ãããããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:235
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:231
 msgid ""
 "Sets the monitor's horizontal resolution, in dots per inch.  If set to 0, "
 "forces the X server to be queried for both horizontal and vertical "
 "resolution information."
 msgstr ""
-"ããããæåèååã dpi åäãèåãããã 0 ãèåããããæåãããåçè"
-"ååãæåã X ããããåãåããããã"
+"ãããããæåèååã dpi åäãèåãããã 0 ãèåããããæåãããåç"
+"èååãæåã X ãããããåãåããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:240
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:236
 msgid ""
 "Sets the monitor's vertical resolution, in dots per inch.  If set to 0, "
 "forces the X server to be queried for both horizontal and vertical "
 "resolution information."
 msgstr ""
-"ããããåçèååã dpi åäãèåãããã 0 ãèåããããæåãããåçè"
-"ååãæåã X ããããåãåããããã"
+"ãããããåçèååã dpi åäãèåãããã 0 ãèåããããæåãããåç"
+"èååãæåã X ãããããåãåããããã"
-# ãããããã
 # "This used to be the default behaviour in older versions." ãçæãæãççãããçèããããã
 # - ãããããããã1ãåãããããã (ver.2.6.x) ãããæããçåããããããããããããããããããããããããããæååããããã
 # - äåãããããããæååããããããããçæçãçãããåèæãããããæãããã
-# (2009-06-01 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:245
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:241
 msgid ""
 "If enabled, the move tool sets the edited layer or path as active.  This "
 "used to be the default behaviour in older versions."
 msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:249
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:245
 msgid ""
 "Sets the size of the navigation preview available in the lower right corner "
 "of the image window."
 msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:253
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:249
 msgid "Sets how many processors GIMP should try to use simultaneously."
 msgstr "GIMP ããåçãåæãäããã CPU ãæãæåããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:266
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:262
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the X server is queried for the mouse's current position on "
 "each motion event, rather than relying on the position hint.  This means "
@@ -6869,12 +6312,11 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"ãåããããããçåäçã X ããããååããããããããããåããããããç"
-"ããæçããéãæçãããããããååéãããããã(ãäãã X ãããããã"
+"ãåããããããçåäçã X ãããããååããããããããããåãããããã"
+"çããæçããéãæçãããããããååéãããããã(ãäãã X ããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:282
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:278
 msgid ""
 "Sets whether GIMP should create previews of layers and channels. Previews in "
 "the layers and channels dialog are nice to have but they can slow things "
@@ -6883,17 +6325,15 @@ msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:287
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:283
 msgid ""
 "Sets the preview size used for layers and channel previews in newly created "
 msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:291
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:287
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the image window will automatically resize itself whenever the "
 "physical image size changes."
@@ -6901,8 +6341,7 @@ msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:295
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:291
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the image window will automatically resize itself when zooming "
 "into and out of images."
@@ -6910,45 +6349,38 @@ msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:299
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:295
 msgid "Let GIMP try to restore your last saved session on each startup."
 msgstr "èåæããååãçæãååãèããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:302
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:298
 msgid ""
 "Remember the current tool, pattern, color, and brush across GIMP sessions."
 msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:306
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:302
 msgid ""
 "Keep a permanent record of all opened and saved files in the Recent "
 "Documents list."
 msgstr ""
-"ããèåããããããããGIMP ãéãããäåããããããããããããåæããã"
-"ãããã [æèéãããããã] ããèéãããããããããåæãããããããæ"
+"ããèåããããããããGIMP ãéãããäåããããããããããåæããããã"
 "èåããããããããGIMP ã [æèéãããããã] ããèéãããããããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:310
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:306
 msgid "Save the positions and sizes of the main dialogs when GIMP exits."
 msgstr ""
 "ããèåããããããããGIMP çäæããããããããããäçãåãããäåãã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:313
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:309
 msgid "Save the tool options when GIMP exits."
-msgstr "ããèåããããããããçäæãããããããããèåãäåãããã"
+msgstr "ããèåããããããããçäæããããããããããäåãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:319
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:315
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, all paint tools will show a preview of the current brush's "
@@ -6956,128 +6388,114 @@ msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:323
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:319
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, dialogs will show a help button that gives access to the "
 "related help page.  Without this button, the help page can still be reached "
 "by pressing F1."
 msgstr ""
-"ããèçããããïããããããããååãã F1 ããããããããããåçããã"
+"ããèçãããã(ããããããããååãã F1 ããããããããããåçããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:328
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:324
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the mouse pointer will be shown over the image while using a "
 "paint tool."
 msgstr "ããèåããããããããçåäãæçãããããããããèçããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:332
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:328
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the menubar is visible by default. This can also be toggled "
 "with the \"View->Show Menubar\" command."
 msgstr ""
-"ï[èç] â [ãããããããèç(_M)] ããåãæãåèãããï"
+"([èç] â [ãããããããèç] ãåãæãããããããããã)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:336
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:332
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the rulers are visible by default. This can also be toggled "
 "with the \"View->Show Rulers\" command."
 msgstr ""
-"ï[èç] â [ããããèç(_U)] ããåãæãåèãããï"
+"([èç] â [ãããããèç] ãåãæãããããããããã)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:340
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:336
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the scrollbars are visible by default. This can also be "
 "toggled with the \"View->Show Scrollbars\" command."
 msgstr ""
-"ï[èç] â [ããããããããèç(_B)]ããåãæãåèãããï"
+"([èç] â [ããããããããèç]ãåãæãããããããããã)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:344
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:340
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the statusbar is visible by default. This can also be toggled "
 "with the \"View->Show Statusbar\" command."
 msgstr ""
-"ï[èç] â [ããããããããèç(_T)]ããåãæãåèãããï"
+"([èç] â [ããããããããèç]ãåãæãããããããããã)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:348
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:344
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the selection is visible by default. This can also be toggled "
 "with the \"View->Show Selection\" command."
 msgstr ""
-"ï[èç] â [éæçåãèç(_S)]ããåãæãåèãããï"
+"([èç] â [éæçååççãèç]ãåãæãããããããããã)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:352
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:348
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the layer boundary is visible by default. This can also be "
 "toggled with the \"View->Show Layer Boundary\" command."
 msgstr ""
-"ï[èç] â [ããããåçãèç(_L)]ããåãæãåèãããï"
+"([èç] â [ããããåçãèç]ãåãæãããããããããã)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:356
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:352
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the guides are visible by default. This can also be toggled "
 "with the \"View->Show Guides\" command."
 msgstr ""
-"ï[èç] â [ããããèç(_G)]ããåãæãåèãããï"
+"([èç] â [ããããèç]ãåãæãããããããããã)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:360
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:356
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the grid is visible by default. This can also be toggled with "
 "the \"View->Show Grid\" command."
 msgstr ""
-"ï[èç] â [ãããããèç(_H)]ããåãæãåèãããï"
+"([èç] â [ãããããèç]ãåãæãããããããããã)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:364
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:360
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, the sample points are visible by default. This can also be "
 "toggled with the \"View->Show Sample Points\" command."
 msgstr ""
-"ï[èç] â [ãããããããããèç]ããåãæãåèãããï"
+"([èç] â [ãããããããããèç]ãåãæãããããããããã)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:368
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:364
 msgid "Show a tooltip when the pointer hovers over an item."
 msgstr ""
+"ã (ãããããããããçåãèæ) ãèçãããã"
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:371
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:367
 msgid "Use GIMP in a single-window mode."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããäçãã"
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:374
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:370
 msgid "Hide docks and other windows, leaving only image windows."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããéããçåããããããããèçãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:377
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:373
 msgid "What to do when the space bar is pressed in the image window."
 msgstr "çåãããããããããããããæããããããæåãèåããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:380
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:376
 msgid ""
 "Sets the swap file location. GIMP uses a tile based memory allocation "
 "scheme. The swap file is used to quickly and easily swap tiles out to disk "
@@ -7091,55 +6509,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "GIMP ãåããçåãåãæãããããããããããããããååãããããããã"
 "ãããã NFS ççããããããããããããããäããããããããããäæããå"
-"åãããããããåäãéããããããããããããããã\"/tmp\" ããããããã"
+"åãéåãåäãéããããããããããããããã\"/tmp\" ãããããããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:389
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:385
 msgid "When enabled, menus can be torn off."
 msgstr "ããèåãããããããããããããåãéããåèãããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:392
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:388
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, you can change keyboard shortcuts for menu items by hitting a "
 "key combination while the menu item is highlighted."
 msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:396
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:392
 msgid "Save changed keyboard shortcuts when GIMP exits."
 msgstr ""
 "ããèåããããããããåæãããæèããããããããããããããã GIMP ç"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:399
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:395
 msgid "Restore saved keyboard shortcuts on each GIMP startup."
 msgstr "GIMP èåæãäåããããããããããããããããããèãèãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:402
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:398
 msgid ""
 "Sets the folder for temporary storage. Files will appear here during the "
 "course of running GIMP.  Most files will disappear when GIMP exits, but some "
 "files are likely to remain, so it is best if this folder not be one that is "
 "shared by other users."
 msgstr ""
-"äæãããããæåããããGIMP åèäããããããäæãããããããããããã"
-"ããã GIMP çäæãåéããããããããããããããããæãããããäããã"
+"äæããããããæåããããGIMP åèäããããããäæãããããããããã"
+"ããããã GIMP çäæãåéããããããããããããããããæãããããäã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:414
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:410
 msgid "Sets the size of the thumbnail shown in the Open dialog."
 msgstr "ããããããèçãããããããããåãããèåããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:417
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:413
 msgid ""
 "The thumbnail in the Open dialog will be automatically updated if the file "
 "being previewed is smaller than the size set here."
@@ -7147,8 +6558,7 @@ msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:421
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:417
 msgid ""
 "When the amount of pixel data exceeds this limit, GIMP will start to swap "
 "tiles to disk.  This is a lot slower but it makes it possible to work on "
@@ -7161,40 +6571,33 @@ msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:427
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:423
 msgid "Show the current foreground and background colors in the toolbox."
 msgstr "çåãæçèãèæèãããããããããèçããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:430
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:426
 msgid "Show the currently selected brush, pattern and gradient in the toolbox."
 msgstr "çåããããããããããããããããããããããããããèçããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:433
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:429
 msgid "Show the currently active image in the toolbox."
 msgstr "ããããããçåãããããããããããããããèçããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:439
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:435
 msgid "Sets the manner in which transparency is displayed in images."
 msgstr "çååãéæéåãèçãããããèåãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:442
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:438
 msgid "Sets the size of the checkerboard used to display transparency."
-msgstr "ããããããåæææããååãæãåãããèåãããã"
+msgstr "ããããã [åæææ] ãååãæãåãããèåãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:445
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:441
 msgid ""
 "When enabled, GIMP will not save an image if it has not been changed since "
 "it was opened."
-msgstr "ããèåããããããããçåãåæãããååãäåããããã"
+msgstr "ããèåããããããããçåãåæãããååãäåãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:449
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:445
 msgid ""
 "Sets the minimal number of operations that can be undone. More undo levels "
 "are kept available until the undo-size limit is reached."
@@ -7202,8 +6605,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "äæåæãæåããããåæãæåãããããããæåããåæåã [äæåæãã"
 "ããããã] ãååããããäæåæãããããããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:453
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:449
 msgid ""
 "Sets an upper limit to the memory that is used per image to keep operations "
 "on the undo stack. Regardless of this setting, at least as many undo-levels "
@@ -7214,23 +6616,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "ããèåãéãããã[äæåæãæåããããæ] ãèåãããåæããããäæå"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:458
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:454
 msgid "Sets the size of the previews in the Undo History."
 msgstr "äæåæãããããããåãããèåãããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:461
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:457
 msgid "When enabled, pressing F1 will open the help browser."
-msgstr "ããèåããããããããF1 ãããæããããããããããéãããã"
+msgstr "ããèåããããããããF1 ãããæãããããããããããéãããã"
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-deserialize.c:134 ../app/core/gimp-modules.c:133
-#: ../app/core/gimp-units.c:163 ../app/gui/session.c:243
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-deserialize.c:135 ../app/core/gimp-modules.c:133
+#: ../app/core/gimp-units.c:167 ../app/gui/session.c:279
 #: ../app/plug-in/plug-in-rc.c:212
 msgid "fatal parse error"
 msgstr "èåçãèæããã"
-#: ../app/config/gimprc-deserialize.c:162
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-deserialize.c:163
 #, c-format
 msgid "value for token %s is not a valid UTF-8 string"
 msgstr "ãããã %s ãåãéåã UTF-8 æååããããããã"
@@ -7268,7 +6668,7 @@ msgstr "ãããçæéåãããããäç"
 #: ../app/core/core-enums.c:89
 msgctxt "convert-palette-type"
 msgid "Use black and white (1-bit) palette"
-msgstr "ãããã 2 éè ( 1-bit) ãããããäç"
+msgstr "ãããã 2 éè (1-bit) ãããããäç"
 #: ../app/core/core-enums.c:90
 msgctxt "convert-palette-type"
@@ -7370,22 +6770,16 @@ msgctxt "join-style"
 msgid "Bevel"
 msgstr "éåã"
-# <ãããåççãæç>, <éæçåãåççãæç> ãããããäã [çãçé: ] â [çããããã: ] ãããããããã
-# (2009-06-06 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/core/core-enums.c:376
 msgctxt "cap-style"
 msgid "Butt"
 msgstr "çãæãã"
-# <ãããåççãæç>, <éæçåãåççãæç> ãããããäã [çãçé: ] â [çããããã: ] ãããããããã
-# (2009-06-06 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/core/core-enums.c:377
 msgctxt "cap-style"
 msgid "Round"
 msgstr "çãäåãããäã"
-# <ãããåççãæç>, <éæçåãåççãæç> ãããããäã [çãçé: ] â [çããããã: ] ãããããããã
-# (2009-06-06 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/core/core-enums.c:378
 msgctxt "cap-style"
 msgid "Square"
@@ -7449,17 +6843,17 @@ msgstr "äçéç"
 #: ../app/core/core-enums.c:454
 msgctxt "brush-generated-shape"
 msgid "Circle"
-msgstr "ä"
+msgstr "äããåããåç"
 #: ../app/core/core-enums.c:455
 msgctxt "brush-generated-shape"
 msgid "Square"
-msgstr "åèå"
+msgstr "ãããããåç"
 #: ../app/core/core-enums.c:456
 msgctxt "brush-generated-shape"
 msgid "Diamond"
-msgstr "ããå"
+msgstr "åããåç"
 #: ../app/core/core-enums.c:485
 msgctxt "orientation-type"
@@ -7556,529 +6950,512 @@ msgctxt "view-type"
 msgid "View as grid"
 msgstr "ãããããèç"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:691
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:654
 msgctxt "thumbnail-size"
 msgid "No thumbnails"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:692
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:655
 msgctxt "thumbnail-size"
 msgid "Normal (128x128)"
 msgstr "ææ (128x128)"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:693
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:656
 msgctxt "thumbnail-size"
 msgid "Large (256x256)"
 msgstr "å (256x256)"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:870
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:833
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "<<invalid>>"
 msgstr "<<äæ>>"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:871
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:834
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Scale image"
 msgstr "çåãæåãçå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:872
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:835
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Resize image"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:873
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:836
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Flip image"
 msgstr "çåãåè"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:874
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:837
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rotate image"
 msgstr "çåãåè"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:875
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:838
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Crop image"
 msgstr "çåãåãæã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:876
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:839
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Convert image"
 msgstr "çåãåæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:877
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:840
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Remove item"
 msgstr "ãããããåé"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:878
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:841
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Merge layers"
 msgstr "ãããããçå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:879
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:842
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Merge paths"
 msgstr "ãããçå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:880
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:843
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Quick Mask"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:881 ../app/core/core-enums.c:911
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:844 ../app/core/core-enums.c:874
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-grid.c:63
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Grid"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:882 ../app/core/core-enums.c:913
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:845 ../app/core/core-enums.c:876
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Guide"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:883 ../app/core/core-enums.c:914
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:846 ../app/core/core-enums.c:877
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Sample Point"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:884 ../app/core/core-enums.c:915
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:847 ../app/core/core-enums.c:878
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Layer/Channel"
 msgstr "ãããã/ããããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:885 ../app/core/core-enums.c:916
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:848 ../app/core/core-enums.c:879
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Layer/Channel modification"
 msgstr "ãããã /ããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:886 ../app/core/core-enums.c:917
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:849 ../app/core/core-enums.c:880
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Selection mask"
 msgstr "éæããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:887 ../app/core/core-enums.c:921
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:850 ../app/core/core-enums.c:884
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Item visibility"
 msgstr "ãããããèç"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:888 ../app/core/core-enums.c:922
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:851 ../app/core/core-enums.c:885
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Link/Unlink item"
 msgstr "ãããããéç/éçèé"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:889
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:852
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Item properties"
 msgstr "ãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:890 ../app/core/core-enums.c:920
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:853 ../app/core/core-enums.c:883
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Move item"
 msgstr "ãããããçå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:891
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:854
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Scale item"
 msgstr "ãããããæåãçå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:892
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:855
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Resize item"
 msgstr "ããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:893
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:856
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Add layer"
 msgstr "ãããããèå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:894 ../app/core/core-enums.c:933
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:857 ../app/core/core-enums.c:896
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Add layer mask"
 msgstr "ããããããããèå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:895 ../app/core/core-enums.c:935
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:858 ../app/core/core-enums.c:898
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Apply layer mask"
 msgstr "ããããããããéç"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:896 ../app/core/core-enums.c:943
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:859 ../app/core/core-enums.c:906
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Floating selection to layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããéæçåãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:897
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:860
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Float selection"
 msgstr "ãããããããéæçå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:898
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:861
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Anchor floating selection"
 msgstr "ãããããããéæçåãåå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:899 ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:262
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:862 ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:261
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Paste"
 msgstr "èãäã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:900 ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:501
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:863 ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:502
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Cut"
 msgstr "åãåã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:901
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:864
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:902 ../app/core/core-enums.c:944
-#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:567
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:865 ../app/core/core-enums.c:907
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:589
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Transform"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:903 ../app/core/core-enums.c:945
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:866 ../app/core/core-enums.c:908
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Paint"
 msgstr "æç"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:904 ../app/core/core-enums.c:948
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:867 ../app/core/core-enums.c:911
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Attach parasite"
 msgstr "ããããããäå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:905 ../app/core/core-enums.c:949
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:868 ../app/core/core-enums.c:912
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Remove parasite"
 msgstr "ããããããåé"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:906
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:869
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Import paths"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:907
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:870
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Plug-In"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:908
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:871
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Image type"
 msgstr "çåãçé"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:909
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:872
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Image size"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:910
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:873
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Image resolution change"
 msgstr "èååãåæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:912
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:875
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Change indexed palette"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:918
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:881
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Reorder item"
-msgstr "ãããããåé"
+msgstr "ãããããäãæã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:919
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:882
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rename item"
 msgstr "ããããåãåæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:923
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:886
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "New layer"
 msgstr "æãããããããèå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:924
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:887
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Delete layer"
 msgstr "ãããããåé"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:925
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:888
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Set layer mode"
 msgstr "ããããããããèå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:926
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:889
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Set layer opacity"
-msgstr "ããããéæåãèå"
+msgstr "ããããäéæåãèå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:927
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:890
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Lock/Unlock alpha channel"
 msgstr "éæäè/äèèé"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:928
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:891
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Suspend group layer resize"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããããåæãäæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:929
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:892
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Resume group layer resize"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããããåæãåé"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:930
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:893
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Convert group layer"
-msgstr "èãåæ"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:931
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:894
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Text layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:932
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:895
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Text layer modification"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:934
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:897
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Delete layer mask"
 msgstr "ããããããããåé"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:936
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:899
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Show layer mask"
 msgstr "ããããããããèç"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:937
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:900
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "New channel"
-msgstr "ããããããèå"
+msgstr "æããããããããèå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:938
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:901
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Delete channel"
 msgstr "ããããããåé"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:939
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:902
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Channel color"
 msgstr "ãããããèçè"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:940
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:903
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "New path"
 msgstr "æãããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:941
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:904
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Delete path"
 msgstr "ãããåé"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:942
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:905
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Path modification"
 msgstr "ãããäæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:946
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:909
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Ink"
 msgstr "ããããæç"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:947
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:910
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Select foreground"
 msgstr "åææåéæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:950
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:913
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Not undoable"
 msgstr "åãæãããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1222
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1185
 msgctxt "select-criterion"
 msgid "Composite"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1223
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1186
 msgctxt "select-criterion"
 msgid "Red"
 msgstr "è"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1224
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1187
 msgctxt "select-criterion"
 msgid "Green"
 msgstr "ç"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1225
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1188
 msgctxt "select-criterion"
 msgid "Blue"
 msgstr "é"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1226
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1189
 msgctxt "select-criterion"
 msgid "Hue"
 msgstr "èç"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1227
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1190
 msgctxt "select-criterion"
 msgid "Saturation"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1228
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1191
 msgctxt "select-criterion"
 msgid "Value"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1257
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1220
 msgctxt "message-severity"
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1258
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1221
 msgctxt "message-severity"
 msgid "Warning"
 msgstr "èå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1259
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1222
 msgctxt "message-severity"
 msgid "Error"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1288
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1251
 msgctxt "color-profile-policy"
 msgid "Ask what to do"
 msgstr "ãããããçè"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1289
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1252
 msgctxt "color-profile-policy"
 msgid "Keep embedded profile"
 msgstr "åãèããããããããããããäã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1290
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1253
 msgctxt "color-profile-policy"
 msgid "Convert to RGB workspace"
 msgstr "RGB äæçãããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1327
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1290
 msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "äéæå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1328
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1291
 msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
 msgid "Size"
-msgstr "åãã"
+msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1329
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1292
 msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
 msgid "Angle"
 msgstr "èå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1330
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1293
 msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
 msgid "Color"
 msgstr "è"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1331
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1294
 msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
 msgid "Hardness"
-msgstr "åå"
+msgstr "çã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1332
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1295
 msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
 msgid "Force"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "åã"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1333
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1296
 msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
 msgid "Aspect ratio"
 msgstr "çææ"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1334
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1297
 msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
 msgid "Spacing"
-msgstr "éé: "
+msgstr "éé"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1335
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1298
 msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
 msgid "Rate"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1336
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1299
 msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
 msgid "Flow"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "æé"
-#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1337
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1300
 msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
 msgid "Jitter"
-msgstr "æãã"
+msgstr "æå"
-#: ../app/core/gimp-contexts.c:154 ../app/core/gimptooloptions.c:344
-#: ../app/gui/session.c:349 ../app/menus/menus.c:464
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdevices.c:269
+#: ../app/core/gimp-contexts.c:154 ../app/core/gimptooloptions.c:366
+#: ../app/gui/session.c:392 ../app/menus/menus.c:464
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdevices.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleting \"%s\" failed: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "'%s' ãåéãåæããããã\n"
-#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:190 ../app/core/gimpimage-new.c:304
+#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:189 ../app/core/gimpimage-new.c:309
 msgid "Pasted Layer"
 msgstr "èãäãããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:389
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:388
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:408
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:407
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Fill with Foreground Color"
 msgstr "æçèãåãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:412
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:411
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Fill with Background Color"
 msgstr "èæèãåãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:416
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:415
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Fill with White"
 msgstr "çèãåãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:420
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:419
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Fill with Transparency"
 msgstr "éæèãåãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:424
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:423
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Fill with Pattern"
 msgstr "ãããããåãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:513
+#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:515
 msgid "Global Buffer"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
@@ -8087,9 +7464,8 @@ msgid "FG to BG (RGB)"
 msgstr "æçèããèæè (RGB)"
 #: ../app/core/gimp-gradients.c:70
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "FG to BG (Hardedge)"
-msgstr "æçèããèæè (RGB)"
+msgstr "æçèããèæè (ãããããã)"
 #: ../app/core/gimp-gradients.c:87
 msgid "FG to BG (HSV counter-clockwise)"
@@ -8113,7 +7489,7 @@ msgstr "æçèããéæ"
 msgid "tags-locale:C"
 msgstr "tags-locale:ja"
-#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:154
+#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:159
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It seems you have used GIMP %s before.  GIMP will now migrate your user "
@@ -8122,159 +7498,158 @@ msgstr ""
 "çåãããããããGIMP %s ãäãããããããããããããããããããã '%s' "
-#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:159
+#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It appears that you are using GIMP for the first time.  GIMP will now create "
 "a folder named '%s' and copy some files to it."
 msgstr ""
-"çåããããããåãã GIMP ãäçãããã'%s' ãããåããããããäæããã"
+"çåããããããåãã GIMP ãäçãããã'%s' ãããåãããããããäæãã"
-#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:311
+#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:316
 #, c-format
 msgid "Copying file '%s' from '%s'..."
 msgstr "'%2$s' ãã '%1$s' ãããããããããä..."
-#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:326 ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:352
+#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:331 ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:357
 #, c-format
 msgid "Creating folder '%s'..."
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãäæä..."
+msgstr "ããããã '%s' ãäæä..."
-#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:337 ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:363
+#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:342 ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:368
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot create folder '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
-"ãããã '%s' ãäæãããããã\n"
+"ããããã '%s' ãäæãããããã\n"
-#: ../app/core/gimp.c:597
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:595
 msgid "Initialization"
 msgstr "åæåä"
 #. register all internal procedures
-#: ../app/core/gimp.c:698
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:696
 msgid "Internal Procedures"
-msgstr "åéãããããã"
+msgstr "åéããããããã"
 #. initialize  the global parasite table
-#: ../app/core/gimp.c:949
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:947
 msgid "Looking for data files"
 msgstr "ããããããããæçä"
-#: ../app/core/gimp.c:949
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:947
 msgid "Parasites"
 msgstr "ããããã"
 #. initialize the list of gimp dynamics
-#: ../app/core/gimp.c:958 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2724
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:956 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2729
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:203
 msgid "Dynamics"
-msgstr "ãããæåãèæ"
+msgstr "åççæ"
 #. initialize the list of fonts
-#: ../app/core/gimp.c:978
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:976
 msgid "Fonts (this may take a while)"
-msgstr "ãããã (ãããããåãäãã)"
+msgstr "ãããã (ãããããåããããã)"
 #. initialize the module list
-#: ../app/core/gimp.c:992 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2752
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:993 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2761
 msgid "Modules"
 msgstr "ããããã"
 #. update tag cache
-#: ../app/core/gimp.c:996
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:997
 msgid "Updating tag cache"
 msgstr "ããããããããææ"
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:178
 #, c-format
-msgid "Could not read %d bytes from '%s': %s"
-msgstr ""
-"'%2$s' ãã %1$d ãããèãèããããã\n"
+msgid "Could not read %d byte from '%s': %s"
+msgid_plural "Could not read %d bytes from '%s': %s"
+msgstr[0] "'%2$s' ãã %1$d ãããèãèããããã%3$s"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:198
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:200
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': Width = 0."
-msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï åã 0 ããã"
+msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: åã 0 ããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:207
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:209
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': Height = 0."
-msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï éãã 0 ããã"
+msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: éãã 0 ããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:216
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:218
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': Bytes = 0."
-msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï ãããã 0 ãããããã"
+msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: ãããã 0 ãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:240
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:242
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': Unknown depth %d."
-msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï %d ãäæãæåããã"
+msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: %d ãäæãæåããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:253
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': Unknown version %d."
-msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï %d ãäæããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: %d ãäæããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:269 ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:389
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:722
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:271 ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:391
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:725
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': File appears truncated."
-msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï ãããããåãèãããããããã"
+msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: ãããããåãèãããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:277 ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:128
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:279 ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:128
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushpipe-load.c:97
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid UTF-8 string in brush file '%s'."
 msgstr "ããããããã '%s' äãäéåã UTF-8 æååãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:284 ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:146
-#: ../app/dialogs/template-options-dialog.c:82
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:319
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:286 ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:146
+#: ../app/dialogs/template-options-dialog.c:83
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:317
 msgid "Unnamed"
 msgstr "ååãã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:378
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': Unsupported brush depth %d\n"
 "GIMP brushes must be GRAY or RGBA."
 msgstr ""
-"ããããããã '%s' äãèåçãèæãããï éããããããããæå %d ã"
+"ããããããã '%s' äãèåçãèæããã: éããããããããæå %d ã"
 "GIMP ãããã ãããããããããRGBA ããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:450
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:452
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': unable to decode abr format version %d."
 msgstr ""
-"ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï abr ããããããããããã %d ãããããã"
+"ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: abr ããããããããããã %d ãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:617
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:619
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': Wide brushes are not supported."
-msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï ããããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: ããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrush.c:136
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush.c:148
 msgid "Brush Spacing"
 msgstr "ããããéé"
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:87
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': Not a GIMP brush file."
-msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï GIMP ããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: GIMP ããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:104
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': Unknown GIMP brush version in line %d."
 msgstr ""
-"ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï äæã GIMP ããããããããããããããã"
+"ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: äæã GIMP ããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:150
@@ -8282,12 +7657,12 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': Unknown GIMP brush shape in line %d."
 msgstr ""
-"ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï äæã GIMP ããããåçããã(%dèç)"
+"ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: äæã GIMP ããããåçããã(%dèç)"
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "Line %d: %s"
-msgstr "%dèçï %s"
+msgstr "%dèç: %s"
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:228
 #, c-format
@@ -8301,257 +7676,220 @@ msgstr ""
 "ããããããã '%s' èãèãäãããããççããããã\n"
-# ãããããã
-# èèãåæè
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:129
 msgid "Brush Shape"
 msgstr "ãããåç"
-# ãããããã
-# èèãåæè
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:137
 msgid "Brush Radius"
 msgstr "ãããåå"
-# ãããããã
-# èèãåæè
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:144
 msgid "Brush Spikes"
 msgstr "ããããåãæ"
-# ãããããã
-# èèãåæè
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:151
 msgid "Brush Hardness"
 msgstr "ãããåå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:159 ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:143
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:159 ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:150
 msgid "Brush Aspect Ratio"
-msgstr "ããããçææ"
+msgstr "ããããçææãæåããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:166 ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:147
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:166 ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:154
 msgid "Brush Angle"
-msgstr "ããããèå"
+msgstr "ããããèåãæåããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushpipe-load.c:113 ../app/core/gimpbrushpipe-load.c:133
 #: ../app/core/gimpbrushpipe-load.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': File is corrupt."
-msgstr "ããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï ãããããåãããããã"
+msgstr ""
+"ããããããã '%s' ãèæäãèåçãããããççããããããããããããå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:59
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:60
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rectangle Select"
 msgstr "çåéæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:110
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:111
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Ellipse Select"
 msgstr "æåéæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:164
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:165
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rounded Rectangle Select"
 msgstr "èãäãã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:433 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:273
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:407 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:275
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Alpha to Selection"
 msgstr "äéæéåãéæçåã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:471
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:445
+#, c-format
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "%s Channel to Selection"
 msgstr "%s ããããããéæçåã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:519
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:493
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Fuzzy Select"
 msgstr "ããããéæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:566
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:540
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Select by Color"
 msgstr "èåãéæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:272
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:273
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rename Channel"
 msgstr "ãããããåãåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:273
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:274
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Move Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:274
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:275
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Scale Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããæåãçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:275
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:276
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Resize Channel"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:276
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:277
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Flip Channel"
-msgstr "ããããããåè"
+msgstr "ããããããéååè"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:277
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:278
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rotate Channel"
-msgstr "ããããããåè"
+msgstr "ããããããåè"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:278 ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:845
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:279 ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:904
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Transform Channel"
-msgstr "ããããããåæ"
+msgstr "ããããããåå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:279
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:280
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Stroke Channel"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:280 ../app/core/gimpselection.c:584
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:281 ../app/core/gimpselection.c:582
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Channel to Selection"
 msgstr "ããããããéæçåã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:281
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:282
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Reorder Channel"
-msgstr "ããããããäãæã"
+msgstr "ããããããäãæã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:282
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:283
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Raise Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããåéã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:283
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:284
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Raise Channel to Top"
 msgstr "ããããããæåéã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:284
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:285
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Lower Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããèéã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:285
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:286
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Lower Channel to Bottom"
 msgstr "ããããããæèéã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:286
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:287
 msgid "Channel cannot be raised higher."
 msgstr "ããääããããããåéãçåããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:287
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:288
 msgid "Channel cannot be lowered more."
 msgstr "ããääããããããèéãçåããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:309
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:310
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Feather Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:310
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:311
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Sharpen Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:311
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:312
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Clear Channel"
-msgstr "ããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:312
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:313
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Fill Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããåãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:313
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:314
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Invert Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããåè"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:314
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:315
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Border Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããçåã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:315
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:316
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Grow Channel"
-msgstr "ãããããæå"
+msgstr "ããããããæå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:316
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:317
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Shrink Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:728
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:731
 msgid "Cannot stroke empty channel."
 msgstr "çãããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:1752
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:1758
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Set Channel Color"
-msgstr "ãããããããããèå"
+msgstr "ãããããèçèãèå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:1818
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:1824
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Set Channel Opacity"
-msgstr "ããããããéæåãèå"
+msgstr "ãããããäéæåãèå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:1926 ../app/core/gimpselection.c:154
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:1932 ../app/core/gimpselection.c:154
 msgid "Selection Mask"
 msgstr "éæããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:640
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:639 ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:113
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrushselect.c:177 ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:284
 msgid "Opacity"
 msgstr "äéæå"
-# ãããããã
-# èèãåæè
-#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:648
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:647
 msgid "Paint Mode"
-msgstr "æçããã"
+msgstr "æçããããæåããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpdata.c:679 ../app/core/gimptoolpresets.c:277
+#: ../app/core/gimpdata.c:670
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not delete '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -8570,15 +7908,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:536 ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:539
-#: ../app/core/gimpitem.c:425 ../app/core/gimpitem.c:428
+#: ../app/core/gimpitem.c:493 ../app/core/gimpitem.c:496
 msgid "copy"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:548 ../app/core/gimpitem.c:437
+#: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:548 ../app/core/gimpitem.c:505
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s copy"
 msgstr "%s ããã"
+# '%s' ããããããåãæã
 #: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:741
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -8586,6 +7925,9 @@ msgid ""
 "exist. Please create the folder or fix your configuation in the Preferences "
 "dialog's 'Folders' section."
 msgstr ""
+"æãèãåèããããããããããããèåããããã '%s' ããããããããã"
+"ããããããäæããããèåãããããã [ããããã] ããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:762
 #, c-format
@@ -8594,11 +7936,14 @@ msgid ""
 "your data search path. You probably edited the gimprc file manually, please "
 "fix it in the Preferences dialog's 'Folders' section."
 msgstr ""
+"æãèãåèããããããããããæåãããäããããããã(gimprc ãæåãå"
+"æããååãããçèãèããåããã) èåãããããã [ããããã] ãããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:772
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "You don't have any writable data folder configured."
-msgstr "ãããçããããããèãèãåçããèåãããããã"
+msgstr "æãèãåèããããããããããèåãããããããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:889
 #, c-format
@@ -8610,53 +7955,46 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-blend.c:244
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-blend.c:245
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Blend"
 msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-brightness-contrast.c:70
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Brightness_Contrast"
 msgstr "æãã-ãããããã(_C)"
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-brightness-contrast.c:81
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Brightness-Contrast"
 msgstr "æãã-ãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-bucket-fill.c:91
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-bucket-fill.c:89
 msgid "No patterns available for this operation."
 msgstr "æåãããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-bucket-fill.c:286
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-bucket-fill.c:284
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Bucket Fill"
 msgstr "åãããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-color-balance.c:79
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-color-balance.c:89
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Color Balance"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-colorize.c:72
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-colorize.c:84
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Colorize"
 msgstr "çè"
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-curves.c:162 ../app/core/gimpdrawable-curves.c:179
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Curves"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-desaturate.c:70
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-desaturate.c:76
@@ -8665,7 +8003,6 @@ msgid "Desaturate"
 msgstr "èè"
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-equalize.c:52
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Equalize"
 msgstr "åæå"
@@ -8692,386 +8029,357 @@ msgstr "åè"
 msgid "Levels"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-offset.c:315
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-offset.c:316
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Offset Drawable"
-msgstr "æçåèããããã"
+msgstr "æçåèãããããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-posterize.c:69
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-posterize.c:79 ../app/tools/gimpposterizetool.c:84
 msgid "Posterize"
 msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.c:435
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.c:272
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.c:333 ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:556
+msgid "Not enough points to stroke"
+msgstr "ãããã (çç) ãäèããããããæçããããã"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.c:273
+msgid "Not enough points to fill"
+msgstr "ãããã (çç) ãäèããããããåãããããããããã"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.c:404
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Render Stroke"
 msgstr "ãããããæç"
 # ãéïãããïããæåãèãããããããããããããäãèåããããäãããåèæããããããããããåãããã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-threshold.c:70
-#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-threshold.c:81 ../app/tools/gimpthresholdtool.c:90
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-threshold.c:81 ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:275
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:285
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:215
+#: ../app/tools/gimpthresholdtool.c:90
 msgid "Threshold"
 msgstr "ãããå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:644
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:677
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Flip"
 msgstr "éååè"
-#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:718
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:762
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rotate"
 msgstr "åè"
-#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:843 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:272
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:902 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:274
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Transform Layer"
-msgstr "åæãããã"
+msgstr "ãããããåå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:858
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:915
 msgid "Transformation"
-msgstr "åæ"
+msgstr "åå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable.c:486
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable.c:494
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Scale"
 msgstr "æåãçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpdynamicsoutput.c:106
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpdynamicsoutput.c:135
 msgid "Output type"
-msgstr "ååããã"
+msgstr "ååããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:71 ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:96
-#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:117 ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:168
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:72 ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:97
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:118 ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:169
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in gradient file '%s': Read error in line %d."
-msgstr "ããããããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï %d èçãèãèãããã"
+msgstr "ããããããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: %d èçãèãèãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:81
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in gradient file '%s': Not a GIMP gradient file."
 msgstr ""
-"ããããããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï GIMP ãããããããããããããã"
+"ããããããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: GIMP ããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:109
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:110
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid UTF-8 string in gradient file '%s'."
 msgstr "ããããããã '%s' åãéåããã UTF-8 æååãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:136
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in gradient file '%s': File is corrupt in line %d."
 msgstr ""
-"ããããããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï %dèçããããããåãããããã"
+"ããããããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: %dèçããããããåãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:218 ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:229
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:219 ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:230
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in gradient file '%s': Corrupt segment %d in line %d."
 msgstr ""
-"ããããããã '%1$s' ãèåçãèæãããï %3$d èçãããããã%2$d ãåã"
+"ããããããã '%1$s' ãèåçãèæããã: %3$d èçãããããã%2$d ãåã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:241 ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:255
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:242 ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "Gradient file '%s' is corrupt: Segments do not span the range 0-1."
-msgstr "ããããããã '%s' ãåãããããï 0-1 ãçåãããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããã '%s' ãåããããã: 0-1 ãçåãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:335
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:336
 #, c-format
 msgid "No linear gradients found in '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' ããçåãããããããããèãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:345
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to import gradients from '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
 "'%s' ãããããããããããããããããåæããããã\n"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:83
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:84
 msgid "Line style used for the grid."
 msgstr "ãããããçããççããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:89
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:90
 msgid "The foreground color of the grid."
 msgstr "ãããããæçèããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:94
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:95
 msgid ""
 "The background color of the grid; only used in double dashed line style."
 msgstr "ãããããèæè; äéççãããããããçãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:100
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:101
 msgid "Horizontal spacing of grid lines."
 msgstr "ããããçãæåéé"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:105
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:106
 msgid "Vertical spacing of grid lines."
 msgstr "ããããçãåçéé"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:114
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:115
 msgid ""
 "Horizontal offset of the first grid line; this may be a negative number."
 msgstr "æåãããããçãæåããããã; èãå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:121
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:122
 msgid "Vertical offset of the first grid line; this may be a negative number."
 msgstr "æåãããããçãåçããããã; èãå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:178
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:219
 msgid "Layer Group"
-msgstr "ãããããæåéã(_T)"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:179
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:220
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rename Layer Group"
-msgstr "ããããååæ"
+msgstr "ããããããããåãåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:180
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:221
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Move Layer Group"
-msgstr "ãããããçå"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:181
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:222
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Scale Layer Group"
-msgstr "ãããããæåãçå"
+msgstr "ãããããããããæåãçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:182
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:223
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Resize Layer Group"
-msgstr "ããããããããåæ"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:183
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:224
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Flip Layer Group"
-msgstr "ãããããåè"
+msgstr "ãããããããããéååè"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:184
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:225
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rotate Layer Group"
-msgstr "ãããããåè"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåè"
-#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:185
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:226
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Transform Layer Group"
-msgstr "åæãããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåå"
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-arrange.c:142
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Arrange Objects"
 msgstr "ãããããããäãã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-colormap.c:67
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-colormap.c:64
+#, c-format
+msgid "Colormap of Image #%d (%s)"
+msgstr "çå #%d (%s) ããããããã"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-colormap.c:162
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Set Colormap"
 msgstr "ãããããããèå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-colormap.c:132
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-colormap.c:243
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Change Colormap entry"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-colormap.c:157
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-colormap.c:271
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Add Color to Colormap"
-msgstr "èããããããããèå"
+msgstr "ãããããããèãèå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert.c:791
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert.c:793
 msgid "Cannot convert image: palette is empty."
-msgstr "çåãåæãããããï ãããããçããã"
+msgstr "ãããããçãããçåãåæãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert.c:807
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert.c:809
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Convert Image to RGB"
 msgstr "çåãRGBãåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert.c:811
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert.c:813
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Convert Image to Grayscale"
 msgstr "çåãããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert.c:815
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert.c:817
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Convert Image to Indexed"
 msgstr "ããããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert.c:894
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert.c:896
 msgid "Converting to indexed colors (stage 2)"
 msgstr "ããããããããããåæ (ãããã 2)..."
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert.c:939
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert.c:941
 msgid "Converting to indexed colors (stage 3)"
 msgstr "ããããããããããåæ (ãããã 3)..."
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-crop.c:129
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Crop Image"
 msgstr "çåãåãæã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-crop.c:132 ../app/core/gimpimage-resize.c:86
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Resize Image"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåæ"
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-guides.c:52
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Add Horizontal Guide"
 msgstr "æåããããèå"
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-guides.c:76
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Add Vertical Guide"
 msgstr "åçããããèå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-guides.c:119
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-guides.c:117
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Remove Guide"
 msgstr "ããããåé"
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-guides.c:144
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Move Guide"
 msgstr "ããããçå"
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-item-list.c:51
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Translate Items"
 msgstr "ãããããåæåå"
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-item-list.c:78
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Flip Items"
-msgstr "ãããããåè"
+msgstr "ãããããéååè"
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-item-list.c:105
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rotate Items"
 msgstr "ãããããåè"
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-item-list.c:135
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Transform Items"
 msgstr "ãããããåå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:108 ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:122
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:132
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Merge Visible Layers"
 msgstr "åèãããããçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:176
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:178
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Flatten Image"
 msgstr "çåãçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:225
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:248
 msgid "Cannot merge down to a layer group."
-msgstr "ãããããããåãåæããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçåãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:232
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:255
 msgid "The layer to merge down to is locked."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "çååèããããããäèããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:244
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:267
 msgid "There is no visible layer to merge down to."
-msgstr "åæããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "çåãããåèããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:255
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:277
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Merge Down"
 msgstr "äããããããçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:277
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:305
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Merge Layer Group"
-msgstr "ãããããçå"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:330
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:358
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Merge Visible Paths"
 msgstr "åèãããçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:366
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:394
 msgid "Not enough visible paths for a merge. There must be at least two."
 msgstr "çåãããããåèãããèãããããåããããäããåèããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-new.c:135
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-new.c:140
 msgid "Background"
 msgstr "èæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-quick-mask.c:85
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-quick-mask.c:86
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Enable Quick Mask"
 msgstr "ãããããããæå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-quick-mask.c:135
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-quick-mask.c:136
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Disable Quick Mask"
 msgstr "ãããããããçå"
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-sample-points.c:53
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Add Sample Point"
 msgstr "ãããããããããèå "
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-sample-points.c:101
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-sample-points.c:98
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Remove Sample Point"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåé"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage-sample-points.c:138
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-sample-points.c:126
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Move Sample Point"
 msgstr "ãããããããããçå"
 #: ../app/core/gimpimage-scale.c:87
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Scale Image"
 msgstr "çåãæåãçå"
@@ -9081,152 +8389,139 @@ msgstr "çåãæåãçå"
 msgid "Can't undo %s"
 msgstr "%s ãåãæãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:1734
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:1806
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Change Image Resolution"
 msgstr "çåèååãåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:1786
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:1858
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Change Image Unit"
 msgstr "çååäãåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2767
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2850
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Attach Parasite to Image"
 msgstr "çåãããããããäå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2808
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2891
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Remove Parasite from Image"
 msgstr "çåããããããããåé"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3517
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3600
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Add Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããèå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3567 ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3587
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3650 ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3670
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Remove Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããåé"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3580
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3664
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Remove Floating Selection"
 msgstr "ãããããããéæçåãåé"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3746
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3832
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Add Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããèå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3784 ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3796
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3870 ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3883
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Remove Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããåé"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3843
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3937
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Add Path"
 msgstr "ãããèå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3874
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3968
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Remove Path"
 msgstr "ãããåé"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:534 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1711
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:697 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1711
 msgid "Folder"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:539
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:702
 msgid "Special File"
 msgstr "çæãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:555
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:718
 msgid "Remote File"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:574
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:737
 msgid "Click to create preview"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããäæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:580
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:743
 msgid "Loading preview..."
 msgstr "ããããããèãèãä..."
-#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:586
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:749
 msgid "Preview is out of date"
 msgstr "ããããããåãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:592
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:755
 msgid "Cannot create preview"
 msgstr "ããããããäæããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:602
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:765
 msgid "(Preview may be out of date)"
 msgstr "(ããããããåãããã)"
 #. pixel size
-#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:611 ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:446
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:434 ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:565
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:774 ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:437
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:427 ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:565
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d à %d pixel"
 msgid_plural "%d à %d pixels"
 msgstr[0] "%d à %d ãããã"
-msgstr[1] "%d à %d ãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:634 ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:335
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:797 ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:336
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d layer"
 msgid_plural "%d layers"
 msgstr[0] "%dæããããã"
-msgstr[1] "%dæããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:681
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:845
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not open thumbnail '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
 "ããããããããã '%s' ãéããããã\n"
-#: ../app/core/gimpitem.c:1564
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpitem.c:1815
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Attach Parasite"
-msgstr "ãããããäå"
+msgstr "ããããããäå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpitem.c:1574
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpitem.c:1825
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Attach Parasite to Item"
-msgstr "ããããããããããäå"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããäå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpitem.c:1616 ../app/core/gimpitem.c:1623
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpitem.c:1876 ../app/core/gimpitem.c:1883
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Remove Parasite from Item"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããåé"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããåé"
+#: ../app/core/gimpitem-exclusive.c:81
+msgid "Set Item Exclusive Visible"
+msgstr "ãããããæäèçããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.c:95
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Anchor Floating Selection"
 msgstr "ãããããããéæçåãåå"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.c:126 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:595
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.c:126 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:620
 msgid ""
 "Cannot create a new layer from the floating selection because it belongs to "
 "a layer mask or channel."
@@ -9235,92 +8530,80 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.c:133
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Floating Selection to Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããéæçåãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:266
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:268
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rename Layer"
-msgstr "ããããååæ"
+msgstr "ããããåãåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:267
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:269
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Move Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:268
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:270
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Scale Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããæåãçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:269
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:271
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Resize Layer"
 msgstr "ããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:270
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:272
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Flip Layer"
-msgstr "ãããããåè"
+msgstr "ãããããéååè"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:271
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:273
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rotate Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããåè"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:274
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:276
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Reorder Layer"
-msgstr "ãããããäãæã"
+msgstr "ãããããäãæã"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:275
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:277
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Raise Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããåéã"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:276
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:278
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Raise Layer to Top"
 msgstr "ãããããæåéã"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:277
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:279
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Lower Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããèéã"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:278
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:280
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Lower Layer to Bottom"
 msgstr "ãããããæèéã"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:279
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:281
 msgid "Layer cannot be raised higher."
 msgstr "ããääãããããåéãçåããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:280
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:282
 msgid "Layer cannot be lowered more."
 msgstr "ããääãããããèéãçåããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:437 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1491
-#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:235
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:450 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1528
+#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:236
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s mask"
 msgstr "%s ããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:476
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:489
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Floating Selection\n"
@@ -9329,144 +8612,144 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1415
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1448
 msgid "Unable to add a layer mask since the layer already has one."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1426
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1459
 msgid "Cannot add layer mask of different dimensions than specified layer."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1432
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1465
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Add Layer Mask"
-msgstr "ãããããããèå"
+msgstr "ããããããããèå"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1546
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1583
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Transfer Alpha to Mask"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1716 ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:261
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1753
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Apply Layer Mask"
 msgstr "ããããããããéç"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1717
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1754
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Delete Layer Mask"
 msgstr "ããããããããåé"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1836
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1873
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Add Alpha Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããããããèå"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1890
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1927
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Remove Alpha Channel"
 msgstr "ããããããããããåé"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1910
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1947
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Layer to Image Size"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããåããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:110
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:108
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Move Layer Mask"
 msgstr "ããããããããçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:111
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:109
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Layer Mask to Selection"
 msgstr "ããããããããéæçåã"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:185
+#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:183
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot rename layer masks."
 msgstr "ãããããããåãåæããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:329
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:264
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Enable Layer Mask"
+msgstr "ããããããããæåå"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:265
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Disable Layer Mask"
+msgstr "ããããããããçåå"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:327
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Show Layer Mask"
 msgstr "ããããããããèç"
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-import.c:438
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-import.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid "Index %d"
 msgstr "ãããããã %d"
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-import.c:548
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-import.c:549
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown type of palette file: %s"
 msgstr "'%s' ããããããããããçéãäæããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:85 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:111
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:132 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:161
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:237
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:86 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:112
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:133 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:162
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:238
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in palette file '%s': Read error in line %d."
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï %d èçãèãèããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: %d èçãèãèããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:95
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:96
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in palette file '%s': Missing magic header."
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï ããããèããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: ãããããèããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:124
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:125
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid UTF-8 string in palette file '%s'"
 msgstr "ãããã '%s' äãéåããã UTF-8 æååããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:148
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:149
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Reading palette file '%s': Invalid number of columns in line %d. Using "
 "default value."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããã '%s' (%d èç) èãèãäï çåãåæããããããããåãäçãã"
+"ãããã '%s' (%d èç) èãèãä: çåãåæããããããããåãäçãã"
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:184
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reading palette file '%s': Missing RED component in line %d."
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' èãèãäï %d èçãèãèçãèããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' èãèãä: %d èçãèãèçãèããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:192
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reading palette file '%s': Missing GREEN component in line %d."
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' èãèãäï %d èçãçãèçãèããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' èãèãä: %d èçãçãèçãèããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:200
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:201
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reading palette file '%s': Missing BLUE component in line %d."
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' èãèãäï %d èçãéãèçãèããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' èãèãä: %d èçãéãèçãèããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:210
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reading palette file '%s': RGB value out of range in line %d."
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d èç) èãèãäï RGB åãçååããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d èç) èãèãä: RGB åãçååããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:477
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read header from palette file '%s'"
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãã ããããèãèãããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãã ãããããèãèãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:500 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:588
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:501 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:589
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in palette file '%s'"
 msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããããççãããã"
@@ -9475,13 +8758,13 @@ msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããããççãããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fatal parse error in pattern file '%s': File appears truncated."
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï ãããããåãèãããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: ãããããåãèãããããããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:104
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Fatal parse error in pattern file '%s': Unknown pattern format version %d."
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï äæãããããååããããã %d."
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: äæãããããååããããã %d."
 #: ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:114
 #, c-format
@@ -9489,7 +8772,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Fatal parse error in pattern file '%s: Unsupported pattern depth %d.\n"
 "GIMP Patterns must be GRAY or RGB."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããã '%s' ãèåçãèæãããï éãããããæå %d ããã\n"
+"ãããã '%s' ãèåçãèæããã: éãããããæå %d ããã\n"
 "GIMP ããããã GRAY ãããã RGB ããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:139
@@ -9497,7 +8780,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Invalid UTF-8 string in pattern file '%s'."
 msgstr "GIMP ãããããããã '%s' äãéåããã UTF-8 æååãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimppdbprogress.c:287 ../app/widgets/gimppdbdialog.c:339
+#: ../app/core/gimppdbprogress.c:279 ../app/widgets/gimppdbdialog.c:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to run %s callback. The corresponding plug-in may have crashed."
 msgstr ""
@@ -9506,64 +8789,54 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../app/core/gimpprogress.c:106 ../app/core/gimpprogress.c:153
 msgid "Please wait"
-msgstr "ãåãäãã"
+msgstr "ãåããããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:155
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Move Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãçå"
 #: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:156
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Stroke Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãåççãæç"
 #: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:172
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Feather Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãåçãããã"
 #: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:173
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Sharpen Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãåçãæçå"
 #: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:174
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Select None"
 msgstr "éæãèé"
 #: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:175
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Select All"
 msgstr "ãããéæ"
 #: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:176
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Invert Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãåè"
 #: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:177
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Border Selection"
 msgstr "çåãéæ"
 #: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:178
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Grow Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãæå"
 #: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:179
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Shrink Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãçå"
@@ -9576,21 +8849,20 @@ msgstr "ãããããæçããéæçåãããããã"
 msgid "Unable to cut or copy because the selected region is empty."
 msgstr "éæçåãçãããåãåãããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:845
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:847
 msgid "Cannot float selection because the selected region is empty."
 msgstr "éæçåãçãããããããåããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:852
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:854
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Float Selection"
 msgstr "ãããããããéæçå"
-#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:868
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:870
 msgid "Floated Layer"
 msgstr "ããããåããããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpstrokeoptions.c:151
+#: ../app/core/gimpstrokeoptions.c:181
 msgid ""
 "Convert a mitered join to a bevelled join if the miter would extend to a "
 "distance of more than miter-limit * line-width from the actual join point."
@@ -9598,113 +8870,116 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:100
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:129
 msgid "The unit used for coordinate display when not in dot-for-dot mode."
 msgstr ""
+"çåããããããäèèåã [ããããçåãèç] ãããããããèåããåãå"
-#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:107
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:136
 msgid "The horizontal image resolution."
 msgstr "æåæåãåäããããããããæãèåããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:113
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:142
 msgid "The vertical image resolution."
 msgstr "åçæåãåäããããããããæãèåããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:56
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:60
 msgctxt "unit-singular"
 msgid "pixel"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:56
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:60
 msgctxt "unit-plural"
 msgid "pixels"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:60
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:64
 msgctxt "unit-singular"
 msgid "inch"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:60
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:64
 msgctxt "unit-plural"
 msgid "inches"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:63
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:67
 msgctxt "unit-singular"
 msgid "millimeter"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:63
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:67
 msgctxt "unit-plural"
 msgid "millimeters"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:67
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:71
 msgctxt "unit-singular"
 msgid "point"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:67
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:71
 msgctxt "unit-plural"
 msgid "points"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:70
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:74
 msgctxt "unit-singular"
 msgid "pica"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:70
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:74
 msgctxt "unit-plural"
 msgid "picas"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:78
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:82
 msgctxt "singular"
 msgid "percent"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:78
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:82
 msgctxt "plural"
 msgid "percent"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:106 ../app/gui/gui.c:484
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:113 ../app/gui/gui.c:493
 msgid "About GIMP"
 msgstr "GIMP ãããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:115
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:122
 msgid "Visit the GIMP website"
 msgstr "GIMP ããããããã"
-#. Translators: insert your names here, separated by newline
-#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:120
+#. Translators: insert your names here,
+#. separated by newline
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:128
 msgid "translator-credits"
 msgstr ""
 "SHIRASAKI Yasuhiro\n"
+"Takashi Kido\n"
+"KAMAGASAKO Masatoshi\n"
 "Ryoichi INAGAKI\n"
 "Tadashi Jokagi\n"
 "OKANO Takayoshi\n"
 "Ken Okubo\n"
 "NISHIBORI Kiyotaka"
-#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:515
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:518
 msgid "GIMP is brought to you by"
 msgstr "GIMP ãæäã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:589
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:592
 msgid "This is an unstable development release."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../app/dialogs/channel-options-dialog.c:146
 msgid "Channel _name:"
-msgstr "ãããããå(_N): "
+msgstr "ãããããå(_N):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/channel-options-dialog.c:175
 msgid "Initialize from _selection"
@@ -9724,118 +8999,132 @@ msgstr "åæ(_O)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:190
 msgid "_Maximum number of colors:"
-msgstr "æåèæ(_M): "
+msgstr "æåèæ(_M):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:217
 msgid "_Remove unused colors from colormap"
 msgstr "æäçãèãããããããããåé(_R)"
 #. dithering
-#: ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:233 ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:246
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:234 ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:254
 msgid "Dithering"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:245
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:246
 msgid "Color _dithering:"
-msgstr "èãããããã(_D): "
+msgstr "èãããããã(_D):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:260
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:261
 msgid "Enable dithering of _transparency"
 msgstr "éæéåããããããããèã(_T)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:287
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:288
 msgid "Converting to indexed colors"
 msgstr "ããããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:414 ../app/pdb/convert-cmds.c:152
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-dialog.c:416 ../app/pdb/convert-cmds.c:152
 msgid "Cannot convert to a palette with more than 256 colors."
 msgstr "256 èããåããããããåæããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs-constructors.c:212 ../app/gui/gui.c:164
+#: ../app/dialogs/data-delete-dialog.c:81
+msgid "Delete Object"
+msgstr "ããããããããããåé"
+#: ../app/dialogs/data-delete-dialog.c:104
+#, c-format
+msgid "Delete '%s'?"
+msgstr "'%s' ãåéããããï"
+#: ../app/dialogs/data-delete-dialog.c:107
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to remove '%s' from the list and delete it on disk?"
+msgstr "'%s' ããããããäèããåéããããããããããã?"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs-constructors.c:203 ../app/gui/gui.c:161
 #: ../app/gui/gui-message.c:145
 msgid "GIMP Message"
 msgstr "GIMP ããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:267
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:302
 msgid "Devices"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgstr "ãããããçæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:267
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:302
 msgid "Device Status"
 msgstr "ãããããçæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:271
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:306
 msgid "Errors"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:275
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:310
 msgid "Pointer"
 msgstr "ããããæå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:294
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:329
 msgid "History"
-msgstr "ããããããåæ"
+msgstr "ããããåæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:296
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:331
 msgid "Image Templates"
 msgstr "çåãããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:323
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:358
 msgid "Histogram"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:327
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:362
 msgid "Selection"
 msgstr "éæçå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:327
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:362
 msgid "Selection Editor"
-msgstr "éæãããã "
+msgstr "éæçåããããã"
 # äæåæãããããããããã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:331
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:366
 msgid "Undo"
 msgstr "äæåæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:331
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:366
 msgid "Undo History"
 msgstr "äæåæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:341
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:376
 msgid "Navigation"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:341
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:376
 msgid "Display Navigation"
 msgstr "ããããããããèç"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:347
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:382
 msgid "FG/BG"
-msgstr "æç/èæ"
+msgstr "æçè/èæè"
-#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:347
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:382
 msgid "FG/BG Color"
 msgstr "æçè/èæè"
-#: ../app/dialogs/fade-dialog.c:110
+#: ../app/dialogs/fade-dialog.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fade %s"
 msgstr "%s ããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/fade-dialog.c:122
+#: ../app/dialogs/fade-dialog.c:121
 msgid "_Fade"
 msgstr "ãããã(_F)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/fade-dialog.c:157 ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:346
+#: ../app/dialogs/fade-dialog.c:156 ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:344
 msgid "_Mode:"
-msgstr "ããã(_M): "
+msgstr "ããã(_M):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/fade-dialog.c:163
+#: ../app/dialogs/fade-dialog.c:162
 msgid "_Opacity:"
-msgstr "äéæå(_O): "
+msgstr "äéæå(_O):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-dialog.c:267
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-dialog.c:266
 msgid "Open layers"
 msgstr "ãããããããéã"
@@ -9845,19 +9134,17 @@ msgstr "åæãéã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/file-open-location-dialog.c:109
 msgid "Enter location (URI):"
-msgstr "åæãåå (URI): "
+msgstr "åæãåå (URI):"
-# ãããããããããã
 #: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:105
 msgid "Export Image"
 msgstr "çåããããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:106
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "_Export"
-msgstr "åããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããã(_E)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:468
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:430
 msgid ""
 "Saving remote files needs to determine the file format from the file "
 "extension. Please enter a file extension that matches the selected file "
@@ -9867,35 +9154,26 @@ msgstr ""
-# ïèæèï
-# ããããããããããã
-# (2009-06-20 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:595
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:557
 msgid ""
 "You can use this dialog to export to various file formats. If you want to "
 "save the image to the GIMP XCF format, use FileâSave instead."
 msgstr ""
-"ããäåããããããã xcf ååäåãããããååãçåãåæããäåãã"
-"xcf ååãçåãäåãããããã ãããããããã [ãããã] â [äå] ãéæ"
+"ããäåããããããã xcf ååãçåãäåãããããã\n"
+"xcf ååãçåãäåãããããããããããã [ãããã] â [äå] ãåèããã"
-# ïèæèï
-# ããããããããããã
-# (2009-06-20 NIHSIBORI Kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:602
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:564
 msgid ""
 "You can use this dialog to save to the GIMP XCF format. Use FileâExport to "
 "export to other file formats."
 msgstr ""
-"ããäåããããããã xcf ååãããããããããããååãçåãäåãã"
-"xcf ååäåãçåããããååãäåããããããããããããããã [ããã"
-"ã] â [ãããããã] ãéæããããããã"
+"ããäåããããããã xcf ååããããããããäåãããããååãçåãäå"
+"xcf ååäåãçåããããååãäåãããããããããããã [ãããã] â [ã"
+"ããããã] ãåèããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:608
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:570
 msgid ""
 "The given filename does not have any known file extension. Please enter a "
 "known file extension or select a file format from the file format list."
@@ -9903,23 +9181,23 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:622
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:584
 msgid "Extension Mismatch"
 msgstr "æååãäèãããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:638
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:600
 msgid "The given file extension does not match the chosen file type."
-msgstr "æåãããããæååãéæããããããååãåèããããã"
+msgstr "æåãããããæååãéæããããããååãäèããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:642
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:604
 msgid "Do you want to save the image using this name anyway?"
 msgstr "çåãããååãäåããããããããããï"
-#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:697
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:659
 msgid "Saving canceled"
-msgstr "äåãããããã"
+msgstr "äåãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:705 ../app/widgets/gimpdnd-xds.c:185
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:667 ../app/widgets/gimpdnd-xds.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Saving '%s' failed:\n"
@@ -9942,37 +9220,41 @@ msgstr "çåããããããèæ"
 msgid "Grid"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:64
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:68
 msgid "Merge Layers"
 msgstr "ãããããçå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:66
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:70
 msgid "Layers Merge Options"
 msgstr "ããããçåãèå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:72
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:76
 msgid "_Merge"
 msgstr "çå(_M)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:92
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:96
 msgid "Final, Merged Layer should be:"
 msgstr "çåããããããããåãã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:96
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:100
 msgid "Expanded as necessary"
 msgstr "åèãããããååããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:99
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:103
 msgid "Clipped to image"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:102
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:106
 msgid "Clipped to bottom layer"
 msgstr "åèãæèéããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:110
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:114
+msgid "Merge within active _group only"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããåãããçå(_G)"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:127
 msgid "_Discard invisible layers"
-msgstr "äåèãããããåé(_D)"
+msgstr "äåèãããããåé(_D)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:96
 msgid "Create a New Image"
@@ -9981,26 +9263,26 @@ msgstr "æããçåãäæ"
 #: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:144
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2008
 msgid "_Template:"
-msgstr "ãããããã(_T): "
+msgstr "ãããããã(_T):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:299
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:303
 msgid "Confirm Image Size"
-msgstr "çåããããçè"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçè"
-#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:321
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:325
 #: ../app/dialogs/image-scale-dialog.c:239
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are trying to create an image with a size of %s."
 msgstr "åããã %s ãçåãäæãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:328
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:332
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "An image of the chosen size will use more memory than what is configured as "
 "\"Maximum Image Size\" in the Preferences dialog (currently %s)."
 msgstr ""
-"æåãããããããçåããçåèåããæããçåãæåãããã( %s ) ããåã"
+"æåãããããããçåããèåããããã [æããçåãæåããã] ( %s ) ãã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/image-properties-dialog.c:60
 #: ../app/dialogs/image-properties-dialog.c:63
@@ -10026,7 +9308,7 @@ msgstr "çåãæåãçå"
 #: ../app/dialogs/image-scale-dialog.c:205
 msgid "Confirm Scaling"
-msgstr "æåçåãçè"
+msgstr "æåãããçåãçè"
 #: ../app/dialogs/image-scale-dialog.c:245
 #, c-format
@@ -10035,8 +9317,8 @@ msgid ""
 "is configured as \"Maximum Image Size\" in the Preferences dialog (currently "
 msgstr ""
-"çåãæåããããæåããããçåèåããæããçåãæåãããã( %s ) ãã"
+"çåãæåããããæåããããèåããããã [æããçåãæåããã] ( %s ) "
 #: ../app/dialogs/image-scale-dialog.c:260
 msgid ""
@@ -10064,20 +9346,20 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
+"ããããããããããèåèéããèéãããããããããããããã Backspace "
 #: ../app/dialogs/keyboard-shortcuts-dialog.c:81
 msgid "S_ave keyboard shortcuts on exit"
-msgstr "çäæããããããããããããããäå(_A)"
+msgstr "çäæããããããããããããããäåãã(_A)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/layer-add-mask-dialog.c:84
 msgid "Add a Mask to the Layer"
-msgstr "ãããããããããèå"
+msgstr "ããããããããèå"
 #: ../app/dialogs/layer-add-mask-dialog.c:112
 msgid "Initialize Layer Mask to:"
-msgstr "ããããããããåæåææ: "
+msgstr "ããããããããåæåææ:"
 #: ../app/dialogs/layer-add-mask-dialog.c:143
 msgid "In_vert mask"
@@ -10085,18 +9367,18 @@ msgstr "ãããåè(_V)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:125
 msgid "Layer _name:"
-msgstr "ããããå(_N): "
+msgstr "ããããå(_N):"
 #. The size labels
 #: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:139
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1088
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1129
 msgid "Width:"
-msgstr "å: "
+msgstr "å:"
 #: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:145
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1116
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1157
 msgid "Height:"
-msgstr "éã: "
+msgstr "éã:"
 #: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:202
 msgid "Layer Fill Type"
@@ -10108,7 +9390,7 @@ msgstr "ããããããååãèå(_T)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:126
 msgid "Module Manager"
-msgstr "ãããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:150
 msgid "You will have to restart GIMP for the changes to take effect."
@@ -10128,23 +9410,23 @@ msgstr "åçåèããããããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:494
 msgid "Author:"
-msgstr "äèï"
+msgstr "äè:"
 #: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:495
 msgid "Version:"
-msgstr "ãããããï"
+msgstr "ããããã:"
 #: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:496
 msgid "Date:"
-msgstr "æäï"
+msgstr "æä:"
 #: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:497
 msgid "Copyright:"
-msgstr "èäæï"
+msgstr "èäæ:"
 #: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:498
 msgid "Location:"
-msgstr "åæï"
+msgstr "åæ:"
 #: ../app/dialogs/offset-dialog.c:108
 msgid "Offset Layer"
@@ -10160,7 +9442,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããã"
 #. The offset frame
 #: ../app/dialogs/offset-dialog.c:118 ../app/dialogs/offset-dialog.c:152
-#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:198 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:275
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:198 ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:247
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:206
 msgid "Offset"
 msgstr "ããããã"
@@ -10171,11 +9454,11 @@ msgstr "ããããã(_O)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/offset-dialog.c:184 ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:227
 msgid "_X:"
-msgstr "_X: "
+msgstr "X(_X):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/offset-dialog.c:186 ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:228
 msgid "_Y:"
-msgstr "_Y: "
+msgstr "Y(_Y):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/offset-dialog.c:213
 msgid "Offset by  x/_2, y/2"
@@ -10222,7 +9505,7 @@ msgstr "çå(_M)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:239
 msgid "Sample _Merged"
-msgstr "ããããçåè(_S)"
+msgstr "èããããèã(_M)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:251
 msgid "_Selected Pixels only"
@@ -10248,19 +9531,19 @@ msgstr "æèããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:319
 msgid "Palette _name:"
-msgstr "ããããå(_N): "
+msgstr "ããããå(_N):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:325
 msgid "N_umber of colors:"
-msgstr "èæ(_U): "
+msgstr "èæ(_U):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:338
 msgid "C_olumns:"
-msgstr "åæ(_O): "
+msgstr "åæ(_O):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:350
 msgid "I_nterval:"
-msgstr "éé(_N): "
+msgstr "éé(_N):"
 #. The "Preview" frame
 #: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:361
@@ -10273,17 +9556,17 @@ msgstr "éæãããããããèãããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:266
 msgid "Reset All Preferences"
-msgstr "çåèåãããããçè"
+msgstr "èåãããããçè"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:284
 msgid "Do you really want to reset all preferences to default values?"
-msgstr "çåèåãããããããããããèåãåæåãæããããããããããï"
+msgstr "ããããèåãåæåãæããããããããããï"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:354
 msgid "You will have to restart GIMP for the following changes to take effect:"
 msgstr "æãçãåæããGIMP åèååãæåãããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:538
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:536
 msgid ""
 "Your keyboard shortcuts will be reset to default values the next time you "
 "start GIMP."
@@ -10291,27 +9574,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "åãåããããããããããããããããããããæå GIMP èåæããããããå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:549
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:547
 msgid "Remove all Keyboard Shortcuts"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããæå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:571
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:569
 msgid "Do you really want to remove all keyboard shortcuts from all menus?"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããæåããããããããããï"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:612
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:610
 msgid ""
 "Your window setup will be reset to default values the next time you start "
 msgstr "ããããããèåããæå GIMP èåæããããããåãæãããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:647
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:645
 msgid ""
 "Your input device settings will be reset to default values the next time you "
 "start GIMP."
 msgstr "ååãããããèåããæå GIMP èåæããããããåãæãããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:682
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:680
 msgid ""
 "Your tool options will be reset to default values the next time you start "
@@ -10351,22 +9634,22 @@ msgstr "ãããã(_D)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1299
 msgid "Canvas _padding mode:"
-msgstr "ãããããåèãèçããã(_P): "
+msgstr "ãããããåããèçããã(_P):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1304
 msgid "Custom p_adding color:"
-msgstr "ããããããã(_A): "
+msgstr "ãããããåããèçè(_A):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1305
 msgid "Select Custom Canvas Padding Color"
-msgstr "ãããããåèãããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããåããèçè"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1394
 msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "çåèå"
+msgstr "GIMP ãèå"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1507
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2760
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2769
 msgid "Environment"
 msgstr "çå"
@@ -10376,23 +9659,23 @@ msgstr "ãããããäãæ"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1531
 msgid "Minimal number of _undo levels:"
-msgstr "äæåæãæåããããæ(_U): "
+msgstr "äæåæãæåããããæ(_U):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1534
 msgid "Maximum undo _memory:"
-msgstr "äæåæããããããã(_M): "
+msgstr "äæåæããããããã(_M):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1537
 msgid "Tile cache _size:"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã(_S): "
+msgstr "ããããããããããã(_S):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1540
 msgid "Maximum _new image size:"
-msgstr "æããçåãæåããã(_N): "
+msgstr "æããçåãæåããã(_N):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1545
 msgid "Number of _processors to use:"
-msgstr "äçããããããããæ(_P): "
+msgstr "äçãããããããããæ(_P):"
 #. Image Thumbnails
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1550
@@ -10401,11 +9684,11 @@ msgstr "çåããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1555
 msgid "Size of _thumbnails:"
-msgstr "ããããããããã(_T): "
+msgstr "ããããããããã(_T):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1559
 msgid "Maximum _filesize for thumbnailing:"
-msgstr "ããããããæåããããããã(_F): "
+msgstr "ããããããæåããããããã(_F):"
 #. File Saving
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1563
@@ -10414,24 +9697,23 @@ msgstr "çåãäå"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1566
 msgid "Confirm closing of unsa_ved images"
-msgstr "æäåãçåãéãããããçè(_V)"
+msgstr "æäåãçåãéãããããçèãã(_V)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1576
 msgid "Keep record of used files in the Recent Documents list"
-msgstr "ããããããæèéãããããããããèéãåæ"
+msgstr "ããããã [æèéãããããã] ããèéãåæãã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1585
 msgid "User Interface"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1588
 msgid "Interface"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1598
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Language"
-msgstr "èè(_L): "
+msgstr "èèãèå"
 #. Previews
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1604
@@ -10440,25 +9722,24 @@ msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1607
 msgid "_Enable layer & channel previews"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããèç(_E)"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããèçãã(_E)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1613
 msgid "_Default layer & channel preview size:"
-msgstr "ãããããããããæåå(_D): "
+msgstr "ãããããããããæåå(_D):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1616
 msgid "Na_vigation preview size:"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã(_V): "
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã(_V):"
 #. Keyboard Shortcuts
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1620
 msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
-# ãããããããããããã
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1624
 msgid "_Use dynamic keyboard shortcuts"
-msgstr "åçãããããããããããããäç(_U)"
+msgstr "åçãããããããããããããäçãã(_U)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1628
 msgid "Configure _Keyboard Shortcuts..."
@@ -10466,15 +9747,15 @@ msgstr "ããããããããããããèå(_K)..."
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1635
 msgid "_Save keyboard shortcuts on exit"
-msgstr "çäæããããããããããããããäå(_S)"
+msgstr "çäæããããããããããããããäåãã(_S)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1639
 msgid "Save Keyboard Shortcuts _Now"
-msgstr "çåããããããããããããããäå(_N)"
+msgstr "äãããããããããããããããäå(_N)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1646
 msgid "_Reset Keyboard Shortcuts to Default Values"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããã(_R)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããã(_R)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1655
 msgid "Remove _All Keyboard Shortcuts"
@@ -10500,18 +9781,18 @@ msgstr "ããã"
 #. General
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1782
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1866
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2066
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:188
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2065
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:185
 msgid "General"
-msgstr "äè"
+msgstr "åè"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1785
 msgid "Show _tooltips"
-msgstr "ãããããããèç(_T)"
+msgstr "ãããããããèçãã(_T)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1788
 msgid "Show help _buttons"
-msgstr "ãããããããèç(_B)"
+msgstr "ãããããããèçãã(_B)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1801
 msgid "Use the online version"
@@ -10523,7 +9804,7 @@ msgstr "ããããããç"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1803
 msgid "User manual:"
-msgstr "äçããããããããããã: "
+msgstr "äçããããããããããã:"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1810
 msgid "There's a local installation of the user manual."
@@ -10536,23 +9817,23 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããããã
 #. Help Browser
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1838
 msgid "Help Browser"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1842
 msgid "H_elp browser to use:"
-msgstr "äçããããããããã(_E): "
+msgstr "äçãããããããããã(_E):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1869
 msgid "_Save tool options on exit"
-msgstr "çäæãããããããããèåãäå(_S)"
+msgstr "çäæããããããããããäåãã(_S)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1873
 msgid "Save Tool Options _Now"
-msgstr "çåãããããããããèåãäå(_N)"
+msgstr "äãããããããããããäå(_N)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1880
 msgid "_Reset Saved Tool Options to Default Values"
-msgstr "ããããããããèåããããã(_R)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã(_R)"
 #. Snapping Distance
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1890
@@ -10561,11 +9842,11 @@ msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1895
 msgid "_Snap distance:"
-msgstr "ããããèé(_S): "
+msgstr "ããããèé(_S):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1903
 msgid "Default _interpolation:"
-msgstr "æåãèéææ(_I): "
+msgstr "æåãèéææ(_I):"
 #. Global Brush, Pattern, ...
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1910
@@ -10577,9 +9858,8 @@ msgid "_Brush"
 msgstr "ããã(_B)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1917
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "_Dynamics"
-msgstr "ãããæåãèæ"
+msgstr "åççæ(_D)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1920
 msgid "_Pattern"
@@ -10591,12 +9871,12 @@ msgstr "çåããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1930
 msgid "Set layer or path as active"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããã"
 #. Appearance
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1955
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2139
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:203
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2141
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:134
 msgid "Appearance"
 msgstr "èçãããã"
@@ -10614,9 +9894,8 @@ msgstr "ããããããçå(_I)"
 #. Tool Editor
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1975
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Tools configuration"
-msgstr "èå"
+msgstr "ããããããããèå"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1990
 msgid "Default New Image"
@@ -10634,475 +9913,473 @@ msgstr "ãããããèå"
 msgid "Default Grid"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2054
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2053
 msgid "Image Windows"
 msgstr "çåããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2069
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2068
 msgid "Use \"_Dot for dot\" by default"
 msgstr "ããããçåãèç(_D)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2075
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2074
 msgid "Marching _ants speed:"
-msgstr "èãèééå(_A): "
+msgstr "èãèééå(_A):"
 #. Zoom & Resize Behavior
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2079
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2078
 msgid "Zoom & Resize Behavior"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2083
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2082
 msgid "Resize window on _zoom"
-msgstr "ãããæããããããããããåæ(_Z)"
+msgstr "ãããæããããããããããåæãã(_Z)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2086
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2085
 msgid "Resize window on image _size change"
-msgstr "ããããããããåææããããããããããåæ(_S)"
+msgstr "ããããããããåææããããããããããåæãã(_S)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2092
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2091
 msgid "Fit to window"
 msgstr "ããããããåããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2094
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2093
 msgid "Initial zoom _ratio:"
-msgstr "æåãèçåç(_R): "
+msgstr "æåãèçåç(_R):"
 #. Space Bar
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2098
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2097
 msgid "Space Bar"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2104
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2103
 msgid "_While space bar is pressed:"
-msgstr "ãããããããæããããããã(_W): "
+msgstr "ãããããããæããããããã(_W):"
 #. Mouse Pointers
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2108
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2107
 msgid "Mouse Pointers"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2112
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2111
 msgid "Show _brush outline"
-msgstr "ããããèéãèç(_B)"
+msgstr "ããããèéãèçãã(_B)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2115
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2114
 msgid "Show pointer for paint _tools"
-msgstr "æçãããããããããèç(_T)"
+msgstr "æçããããããããããèçãã(_T)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2121
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2120
 msgid "Pointer _mode:"
-msgstr "ãããããããã(_M): "
+msgstr "ããããããããã(_M):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2124
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2123
 msgid "Pointer re_ndering:"
-msgstr "ãããããèçææ(_N): "
+msgstr "ããããããèçææ(_N):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2136
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2126
+msgid "Pointer _handedness:"
+msgstr "ããããããèçäç(_H):"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2138
 msgid "Image Window Appearance"
 msgstr "çåããããããèçãããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2147
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2149
 msgid "Default Appearance in Normal Mode"
 msgstr "ãããããããæãèçãããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2152
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2154
 msgid "Default Appearance in Fullscreen Mode"
 msgstr "ããããããããããæãèçãããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2161
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2163
 msgid "Image Title & Statusbar Format"
 msgstr "çåãããããããããããããæå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2164
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2166
 msgid "Title & Status"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2182
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2184
 msgid "Current format"
 msgstr "çåãæå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2183
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2185
 msgid "Default format"
 msgstr "æåãæå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2184
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2186
 msgid "Show zoom percentage"
-msgstr "èçåç(ããããã)ãèç"
+msgstr "èçåç (ããããã) ãèç"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2185
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2187
 msgid "Show zoom ratio"
-msgstr "èçåç(æç)ãèç"
+msgstr "èçåç (æç) ãèç"
-# çåãããããããããããããããçä
-# (2008-10-21 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2186
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2188
 msgid "Show image size"
 msgstr "ãããããããããèç"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2199
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2201
 msgid "Image Title Format"
 msgstr "çåãããããæå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2201
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2203
 msgid "Image Statusbar Format"
 msgstr "çåããããããããæå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2286
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2288
 msgid "Display"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-# åæïçåèåãããããããããããããããããã
 #. Transparency
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2298
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2300
 msgid "Transparency"
 msgstr "éæéåãèçææ"
 # åæææãããããçåïçãéããããïãéæããããããããããããããããã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2302
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2304
 msgid "_Check style:"
-msgstr "ãããã(_C): "
+msgstr "ãããã(_C):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2305
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2307
 msgid "Check _size:"
-msgstr "åæææãããã(_S): "
+msgstr "åæææãããã(_S):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2308
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2310
 msgid "Monitor Resolution"
-msgstr "ãããèåå"
+msgstr "ããããèåå"
 #. Pixels
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2312
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:200 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:268
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:300
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2314
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:206 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:199
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:231
 msgid "Pixels"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2330
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2332
 msgid "Horizontal"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2332
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2334
 msgid "Vertical"
 msgstr "åç"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2334
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:475
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2336
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:466
 msgid "ppi"
 msgstr "dpi"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2350
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2352
 #, c-format
 msgid "_Detect automatically (currently %d à %d ppi)"
 msgstr "èåæå(_D) (çå %d à %d dpi)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2370
 msgid "_Enter manually"
-msgstr "æåèå(_M)"
+msgstr "æåèå(_E)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2385
 msgid "C_alibrate..."
 msgstr "æå(_A)..."
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2408
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2413
 msgid "Color Management"
 msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2428
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2433
 msgid "_RGB profile:"
-msgstr "RGB ãããããã(_R): "
+msgstr "RGB ãããããã(_R):"
-# çåèåããããããããããããããããã [RGB ãããããã: ] ãããããããããã [ããããããããããããããããéæ...] ãããããããéãåçãããããããããããã
-# (2009-06-06 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2429
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2434
 msgid "Select RGB Color Profile"
 msgstr "RGB ãããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2430
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2435
 msgid "_CMYK profile:"
-msgstr "CMYK ãããããã(_C): "
+msgstr "CMYK ãããããã(_C):"
-# çåèåããããããããããããããããã [CMYK ãããããã: ] ãããããããããã [ããããããããããããããããéæ...] ãããããããéãåçãããããããããããã
-# (2009-06-06 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2431
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2436
 msgid "Select CMYK Color Profile"
 msgstr "CMYK ãããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2432
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2437
 msgid "_Monitor profile:"
-msgstr "ããããããããã(_M): "
+msgstr "ãããããããããã(_M):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2433
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2438
 msgid "Select Monitor Color Profile"
-msgstr "ããããããããããéæ"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2434
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2439
 msgid "_Print simulation profile:"
-msgstr "ãããããããããã(_P): "
+msgstr "ããããããããåèããããããã(_P):"
-# çåèåããããããããããããããããã [ãããããããããã: ] ãããããããããã [ããããããããããããããããéæ...] ãããããããéãåçãããããããããããã
-# (2009-06-06 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2435
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2440
 msgid "Select Printer Color Profile"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããéæ"
+msgstr "ããããããããåèããããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2446
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2451
 msgid "_Mode of operation:"
-msgstr "æäããã(_M): "
+msgstr "èçããã(_M):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2476
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2481
 msgid "_Try to use the system monitor profile"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããäçãåå(_T)"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããäçãååãã(_T)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2486
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2491
 msgid "_Display rendering intent:"
-msgstr "ãããèçãããããããããããã(_D): "
+msgstr "ããããèçãããããããããããã(_D):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2495
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2500
 msgid "_Softproof rendering intent:"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããã(_S): "
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããã(_S):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2508
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2513
 msgid "Mark out of gamut colors"
-msgstr "åçäåèãèåãããããã"
+msgstr "èååãèãããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2513
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2518
 msgid "Select Warning Color"
 msgstr "ãããããèãéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2526
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2531
 msgid "File Open behaviour:"
-msgstr "ãããããéãæãæå: "
+msgstr "ãããããéãæãæå:"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2538
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2543
 msgid "Input Devices"
 msgstr "ååãããã"
 #. Extended Input Devices
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2548
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2553
 msgid "Extended Input Devices"
 msgstr "èåååãããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2552
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2557
 msgid "Configure E_xtended Input Devices..."
 msgstr "èåãããååãããããèå(_X)..."
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2559
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2564
 msgid "_Save input device settings on exit"
-msgstr "ååãããããèåãçäæãäå(_S)"
+msgstr "ååãããããèåãçäæãäåãã(_S)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2563
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2568
 msgid "Save Input Device Settings _Now"
-msgstr "çåãååãããããèåãäå(_N)"
+msgstr "äããååããããèåãäå(_N)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2570
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2575
 msgid "_Reset Saved Input Device Settings to Default Values"
-msgstr "ååãããããèåããããã(_R)"
+msgstr "ååããããèåããããã(_R)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2585
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2590
 msgid "Additional Input Controllers"
-msgstr "ååãããããããèå"
+msgstr "ååããããããããèå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2588
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2593
 msgid "Input Controllers"
-msgstr "ååãããããã"
+msgstr "ååããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2604
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2609
 msgid "Window Management"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããèå"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2613
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2618
 msgid "Window Manager Hints"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2619
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2624
 msgid "Hint for _docks and toolbox:"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã(_T): "
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããã(_D):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2622
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2627
 msgid "Focus"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2626
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2631
 msgid "Activate the _focused image"
-msgstr "ããããããããçåããããããã(_F)"
+msgstr "ããããããããçåããããããããã(_F)"
 #. Window Positions
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2630
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2635
 msgid "Window Positions"
 msgstr "ãããããäç"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2633
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2638
 msgid "_Save window positions on exit"
-msgstr "çäæãããããããäçãäå(_S)"
+msgstr "çäæãããããããäçãäåãã(_S)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2637
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2642
 msgid "Save Window Positions _Now"
-msgstr "çåããããããäçãäå(_N)"
+msgstr "äãããããããäçãäå(_N)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2644
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2649
 msgid "_Reset Saved Window Positions to Default Values"
-msgstr "äåããããããããããäçããããã(_R)"
+msgstr "äåæãããããäçããããã(_R)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2659
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2664
 msgid "Folders"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2679
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2684
 msgid "Temporary folder:"
-msgstr "äæãããã: "
+msgstr "äæããããã:"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2680
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2685
 msgid "Select Folder for Temporary Files"
-msgstr "äæããããçãããããéæããã"
+msgstr "äæããããçããããããéæããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2684
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2689
 msgid "Swap folder:"
-msgstr "ããããçãããã: "
+msgstr "ããããçããããã:"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2685
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2690
 msgid "Select Swap Folder"
-msgstr "ããããçãããããéæ"
+msgstr "ããããçããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2720
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2725
 msgid "Brush Folders"
-msgstr "ãããçãããã"
+msgstr "ãããçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2722
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2727
 msgid "Select Brush Folders"
-msgstr "ãããçãããããéæ"
+msgstr "ãããçããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2724
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2729
 msgid "Dynamics Folders"
-msgstr "ããããçãããã"
+msgstr "åççæçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2726
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2731
 msgid "Select Dynamics Folders"
-msgstr "ããããçãããããéæ"
+msgstr "åççæçããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2728
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2733
 msgid "Pattern Folders"
-msgstr "ããããçãããã"
+msgstr "ããããçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2730
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2735
 msgid "Select Pattern Folders"
-msgstr "ããããçãããããéæ"
+msgstr "ããããçããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2732
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2737
 msgid "Palette Folders"
-msgstr "ããããçãããã"
+msgstr "ããããçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2734
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2739
 msgid "Select Palette Folders"
-msgstr "ããããçãããããéæ"
+msgstr "ããããçããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2736
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2741
 msgid "Gradient Folders"
-msgstr "ãããããããçãããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2738
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2743
 msgid "Select Gradient Folders"
-msgstr "ãããããããçãããããéæ"
+msgstr "ãããããããçããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2740
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2745
 msgid "Font Folders"
-msgstr "ããããçãããã"
+msgstr "ããããçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2742
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2747
 msgid "Select Font Folders"
-msgstr "ããããçãããããéæ"
+msgstr "ããããçããããããéæ"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2749
+msgid "Tool Preset Folders"
+msgstr "ããããããããçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2744
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2751
+msgid "Select Tool Preset Folders"
+msgstr "ããããããããçããããããéæ"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2753
 msgid "Plug-In Folders"
-msgstr "ãããããçãããã"
+msgstr "ãããããçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2746
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2755
 msgid "Select Plug-In Folders"
-msgstr "ãããããçãããããéæ"
+msgstr "ãããããçããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2748
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2757
 msgid "Scripts"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2748
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2757
 msgid "Script-Fu Folders"
-msgstr "ãããããçãããã"
+msgstr "ãããããçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2750
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2759
 msgid "Select Script-Fu Folders"
-msgstr "ãããããçãããããéæ"
+msgstr "ãããããçããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2752
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2761
 msgid "Module Folders"
-msgstr "ãããããçãããã"
+msgstr "ãããããçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2754
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2763
 msgid "Select Module Folders"
-msgstr "ãããããçãããããéæ"
+msgstr "ãããããçããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2756
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2765
 msgid "Interpreters"
-msgstr "ãããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2756
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2765
 msgid "Interpreter Folders"
-msgstr "ããããããçãããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2758
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2767
 msgid "Select Interpreter Folders"
-msgstr "ããããããçãããããéæ"
+msgstr "ããããããããçããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2760
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2769
 msgid "Environment Folders"
-msgstr "çåèåäåãããã"
+msgstr "èåäåçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2762
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2771
 msgid "Select Environment Folders"
-msgstr "çåèåãäåãããããããéæ"
+msgstr "èåãäåããããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2764
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2773
 msgid "Themes"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2764
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2773
 msgid "Theme Folders"
-msgstr "ãããçãããã"
+msgstr "ãããçããããã"
-#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2766
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2775
 msgid "Select Theme Folders"
-msgstr "ãããçãããããéæ"
+msgstr "ãããçããããããéæ"
 #: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:138
 msgid "Print Size"
 msgstr "ååããã"
 #. the image size labels
-#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:165 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:198
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:160
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:165 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:193
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:180
 msgid "_Width:"
-msgstr "å(_W): "
+msgstr "å(_W):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:172 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:202
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:167
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:172 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:197
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:187
 msgid "H_eight:"
-msgstr "éã(_E): "
+msgstr "éã(_E):"
 #. the resolution labels
-#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:222 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:260
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:287
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:222 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:255
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:309
 msgid "_X resolution:"
-msgstr "æåèåå(_X): "
+msgstr "æåèåå(_X):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:229 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:263
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:294
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:229 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:258
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:316
 msgid "_Y resolution:"
-msgstr "åçèåå(_Y): "
+msgstr "åçèåå(_Y):"
-#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:240 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:256
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:307
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:240 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:251
 #, c-format
 msgid "pixels/%a"
 msgstr "ãããã/%a"
@@ -11121,14 +10398,13 @@ msgstr "ããããGIMPãçäããããçåããåæãçæãã
 #: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:166
 msgid "If you close these images now, changes will be lost."
-msgstr "ããããçåãéããããåæãçæããããã"
+msgstr "ããããéããããçåãåããåæãçæããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "There is one image with unsaved changes:"
 msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes:"
-msgstr[0] "äåããããããçåãããããã"
-msgstr[1] "%d åãäåããããããçåãããããã"
+msgstr[0] "ääã %d åãçåãäåãããããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:235
 msgid "_Discard Changes"
@@ -11144,11 +10420,11 @@ msgstr "ããããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:295
 msgid "Resize _layers:"
-msgstr "ããããããåããã(_L): "
+msgstr "ãããåæãããããã(_L):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/resolution-calibrate-dialog.c:69
 msgid "Calibrate Monitor Resolution"
-msgstr "ãããèååæå"
+msgstr "ããããèååæå"
 #: ../app/dialogs/resolution-calibrate-dialog.c:128
 msgid "Measure the rulers and enter their lengths:"
@@ -11158,44 +10434,44 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../app/dialogs/resolution-calibrate-dialog.c:153
 msgid "_Horizontal:"
-msgstr "æå(_H): "
+msgstr "æå(_H):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/resolution-calibrate-dialog.c:158
 msgid "_Vertical:"
-msgstr "åç(_V): "
+msgstr "åç(_V):"
 #. Image size frame
-#: ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:98 ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:138
+#: ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:98 ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:158
 msgid "Image Size"
-msgstr "çåãããïããããããããï"
+msgstr "ãããããããã (çåããã)"
-#: ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:176
+#: ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:176 ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:386
 msgid "Quality"
 msgstr "åè"
 #: ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:188
 msgid "I_nterpolation:"
-msgstr "èéææ(_N): "
+msgstr "èéææ(_N):"
 #: ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:207
 msgid ""
 "Indexed color layers are always scaled without interpolation. The chosen "
 "interpolation type will affect channels and layer masks only."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:97
 msgid "Choose Stroke Style"
 msgstr "ããããããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:222
+#: ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:214
 msgid "Paint tool:"
-msgstr "æçããã: "
+msgstr "æçããã:"
-#: ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:236
+#: ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:228
 msgid "_Emulate brush dynamics"
-msgstr "ãããæåããããããã(_E)"
+msgstr "æçãåççæããããããããã(_E)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/tips-dialog.c:88
 msgid "The GIMP tips file is empty!"
@@ -11231,7 +10507,7 @@ msgstr "æãæ(_N)"
 #. a link to the related section in the user manual
 #: ../app/dialogs/tips-dialog.c:193
 msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr "èãããããã(èè)"
+msgstr "èãããããã"
 #. This is a special string to specify the language identifier to
 #. look for in the gimp-tips.xml file. Please translate the C in it
@@ -11253,11 +10529,12 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããåæ"
 #: ../app/dialogs/user-install-dialog.c:95
 msgid "The GIMP user installation failed; see the log for details."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../app/dialogs/user-install-dialog.c:98
 msgid "Installation Log"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/vectors-export-dialog.c:55
 msgid "Export Path to SVG"
@@ -11276,7 +10553,7 @@ msgid "Import Paths from SVG"
 msgstr "SVG ãããããããããã"
 #: ../app/dialogs/vectors-import-dialog.c:92
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpprofilechooserdialog.c:131
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpprofilechooserdialog.c:122
 msgid "All files (*.*)"
 msgstr "ãããããããã (*.*)"
@@ -11286,91 +10563,128 @@ msgstr "æåçååèã SVG çå (*.svg)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/vectors-import-dialog.c:108
 msgid "_Merge imported paths"
-msgstr "ããããããããããçå(_M)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããçåãã(_M)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/vectors-import-dialog.c:118
 msgid "_Scale imported paths to fit image"
-msgstr "ããããããããããçåãåãããæåãçå(_S)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããçåãåãããæåãããçåãã(_S)"
 #: ../app/dialogs/vectors-options-dialog.c:122
 msgid "Path name:"
-msgstr "ããå: "
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:210 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:216
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:235 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:241
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:260 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:266
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:282 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:289
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:664 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:665
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:666 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:667
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:780 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:781
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:782 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:783
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:630
+msgstr "ããå:"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:60
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "No guides"
+msgstr "èçããã"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:61
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Center lines"
+msgstr "ããããããã"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:62
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Rule of thirds"
+msgstr "äååæ"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:63
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Rule of fifths"
+msgstr "äååæ"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:64
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Golden sections"
+msgstr "ééåå"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:65
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Diagonal lines"
+msgstr "åèçæå"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:66
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Number of lines"
+msgstr "ããããçãæãæå"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:67
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Line spacing"
+msgstr "ããããééãæå"
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:216 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:222
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:241 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:247
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:266 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:272
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:288 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:295
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:672 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:673
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:674 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:675
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:788 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:789
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:790 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:791
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:634
 msgid "n/a"
 msgstr "n/a"
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:213 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:238
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:263
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:140
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:219 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:244
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:269
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:138
 msgid "X"
 msgstr "X"
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:219 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:244
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:269
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:141
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:225 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:250
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:275
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:139
 msgid "Y"
 msgstr "Y"
 #. Units
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:225
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:231
 msgid "Units"
 msgstr "åä"
-# ãããããæåããããããäãããã
-# äãéåãèãããã
 #. Selection Bounding Box
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:250
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:256
 msgid "Selection Bounding Box"
-msgstr "éæçåãéå"
+msgstr "éæçåãåç"
 #. Width
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:286
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:292
 msgid "W"
 msgstr "å"
 #. Height
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:293
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:299
 msgid "H"
 msgstr "é"
-#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:320
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:328
 msgid "_Sample Merged"
 msgstr "èããããèãæåãèç(_S)"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:499
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:508
 msgid "Access the image menu"
 msgstr "çåããããããããã"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:613
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:622
 msgid "Zoom image when window size changes"
 msgstr "ããããããããåææãçåãããã"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:642
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:651
 msgid "Toggle Quick Mask"
 msgstr "ããããããããåãæã"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:665
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:674
 msgid "Navigate the image display"
 msgstr "ããçåããããããããããããããèçããã"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:733
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:1311 ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox.c:315
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:742
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:1320 ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox.c:256
 msgid "Drop image files here to open them"
 msgstr ""
+"ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããçåãããéãããã "
 #: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:153
 #: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:223
@@ -11392,8 +10706,9 @@ msgstr "çå '%s' ãåæãäåãããã?"
 msgid "If you don't save the image, changes from the last hour will be lost."
 msgid_plural ""
 "If you don't save the image, changes from the last %d hours will be lost."
-msgstr[0] "äåãããååã 1 æéåãããåæãçæããããã"
-msgstr[1] "äåãããååã %d æéåãããåæãçæããããã"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"äåãããååã %d æéåãããåæãçæããããã\n"
+"(ããããããããçåãåæã xcf ååãäåãããããååãèçããããã)"
 #: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:264
 #, c-format
@@ -11403,20 +10718,22 @@ msgid ""
 msgid_plural ""
 "If you don't save the image, changes from the last hour and %d minutes will "
 "be lost."
-msgstr[0] "äåãããååã 1 æé %d ååãããåæãçæããããã"
-msgstr[1] "äåãããååã 1 æé %d ååãããåæãçæããããã"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"äåãããååã 1 æé %d ååãããåæãçæããããã\n"
+"(ããããããããçåãåæã xcf ååãäåãããããååãèçããããã)"
 #: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:275
 #, c-format
 msgid "If you don't save the image, changes from the last minute will be lost."
 msgid_plural ""
 "If you don't save the image, changes from the last %d minutes will be lost."
-msgstr[0] "äåãããååã 1 ååãããåæãçæããããã"
-msgstr[1] "äåãããååã %d ååãããåæãçæããããã"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"äåãããååã %d ååãããåæãçæããããã\n"
+"(ããããããããçåãåæã xcf ååãäåãããããååãèçããããã)"
 #: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:232
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:602
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:667
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:635
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:695
 msgid "Drop New Layer"
 msgstr "æããããããããããã"
@@ -11425,50 +10742,49 @@ msgid "Drop New Path"
 msgstr "æããããããããã"
 #: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:347
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:442 ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:174
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:135 ../app/tools/gimpimagemaptool.c:279
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:449 ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:173
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:136 ../app/tools/gimpimagemaptool.c:279
 msgid "Cannot modify the pixels of layer groups."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããåæãããããã"
 #: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:355
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:450 ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:181
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:142 ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:335
-#: ../app/tools/gimpimagemaptool.c:286 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:286
-#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:350 ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:1178
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:457 ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:180
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:143 ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:325
+#: ../app/tools/gimpimagemaptool.c:286 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:266
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:246 ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:1062
 msgid "The active layer's pixels are locked."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããäããããããããããäèããããããã"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:512
-#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:734
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:535
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:725
 msgid "Drop layers"
 msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:635
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:657
-#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:811 ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-dnd.c:274
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:668
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:685
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:802 ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-dnd.c:266
 msgid "Dropped Buffer"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-filter-dialog.c:78
 msgid "Color Display Filters"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-filter-dialog.c:81
 msgid "Configure Color Display Filters"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããèå"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããèå"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-handlers.c:561
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-handlers.c:796
 #, c-format
 msgid "Image saved to '%s'"
 msgstr "çåãããããã '%s' ãäåããããã"
-# ããããããããèçãããããããã
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-handlers.c:575
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-handlers.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "Image exported to '%s'"
 msgstr "çåã '%s' ãããäåããããã"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-layer-select.c:120
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-layer-select.c:122
 msgid "Layer Select"
 msgstr "ããããéæ"
@@ -11482,40 +10798,42 @@ msgstr "èçåçãæå"
 #: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-scale-dialog.c:161
 msgid "Zoom ratio:"
-msgstr "ãããæ: "
+msgstr "èçæ:"
 #: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-scale-dialog.c:186
 msgid "Zoom:"
-msgstr "èçåç: "
+msgstr "èçåç:"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:303
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:301
 msgid "(modified)"
-msgstr "(äææ)"
+msgstr "(äææã)"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:308
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:306
 msgid "(clean)"
 msgstr "(æå)"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:356
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:369
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpactiongroup.c:870
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:357
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:370
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactiongroup.c:860
 msgid "(none)"
 msgstr "(ãã)"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:500
+# çéçåãããããããããåãçåããããããèçããã
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:499
 msgid " (exported)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " (ããããããæã)"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:502
+# çéçåãäæãããããããããåãçåããããããèçããã
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:501
 msgid " (overwritten)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " (äæãæã)"
-#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:508
-#, fuzzy
+# çåãããããéãïãããããïäåã [äå]ã[ååãäããäå] ããããããéããããããããããããããèèãäçãããã
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:507
 msgid " (imported)"
-msgstr "%s (åãããã: %s )"
+msgstr " (ããããããããçå)"
-#: ../app/display/gimpstatusbar.c:358
+#: ../app/display/gimpstatusbar.c:356
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cancel <i>%s</i>"
 msgstr "<i>%s</i> ãããããã"
@@ -11534,31 +10852,30 @@ msgstr "%s ãããããã SUCCESS ãèããããããçåãèãã
 msgid "%s plug-In could not open image"
 msgstr "%s ããããããçåãéãããããã"
-#: ../app/file/file-open.c:518
+#: ../app/file/file-open.c:526
 msgid "Image doesn't contain any layers"
 msgstr "çåããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/file/file-open.c:571
+#: ../app/file/file-open.c:579
 #, c-format
 msgid "Opening '%s' failed: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "'%s' ããããããåæããããã\n"
-#: ../app/file/file-open.c:678
+#: ../app/file/file-open.c:686
 msgid ""
 "Color management has been disabled. It can be enabled again in the "
 "Preferences dialog."
 msgstr ""
-# ãããããããã
-#: ../app/file/file-procedure.c:198
+#: ../app/file/file-procedure.c:195
 msgid "Unknown file type"
 msgstr "ããããååãäæããããçåãããéããããããããååããã"
-#: ../app/file/file-save.c:189
+#: ../app/file/file-save.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s plug-in could not save image"
 msgstr "%s ããããããçåãäåããããã"
@@ -11570,41 +10887,71 @@ msgstr "'%s:' ããäæã URI ãããããã"
 #: ../app/file/file-utils.c:90 ../app/file/file-utils.c:126
 msgid "Invalid character sequence in URI"
-msgstr "URIäãäéåãæååãåãããã"
+msgstr "URI äãäéåãæååãåãããã"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-gegl-enums.c:24
+msgctxt "cage-mode"
+msgid "Create or adjust the cage"
+msgstr "ããããäæãããèæ"
-#: ../app/gegl/gimpcurvesconfig.c:384
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-gegl-enums.c:25
+msgctxt "cage-mode"
+msgid "Deform the cage to deform the image"
+msgstr "ããããçåãããããããããåå"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimpcurvesconfig.c:385
 msgid "not a GIMP Curves file"
 msgstr "GIMP ãããããããèåããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/gegl/gimpcurvesconfig.c:399 ../app/gegl/gimplevelsconfig.c:710
+#: ../app/gegl/gimpcurvesconfig.c:400 ../app/gegl/gimplevelsconfig.c:786
 msgid "parse error"
 msgstr "èæããã"
-#: ../app/gegl/gimplevelsconfig.c:663
+#: ../app/gegl/gimplevelsconfig.c:739
 msgid "not a GIMP Levels file"
 msgstr "GIMP ãèãããèåãããããããããããã"
+# operation_class->description
+#: ../app/gegl/gimpoperationcagecoefcalc.c:65
+msgid "Compute a set of coefficient buffer for the GIMP cage tool"
+msgstr "GIMP ãããååãããçãäæããããããèçããã"
+# operation_class->description
+#: ../app/gegl/gimpoperationcagetransform.c:104
+msgid ""
+"Convert a set of coefficient buffer to a coordinate buffer for the GIMP cage "
+msgstr "ãããååãããçããäæããããããåæçããããããåæããã"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimpoperationcagetransform.c:125
+msgid "Fill with plain color"
+msgstr "åèãåãããã"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimpoperationcagetransform.c:126
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcageoptions.c:144
+msgid "Fill the original position of the cage with a plain color"
+msgstr "åæãããåãåèãåãããã"
 #. initialize the document history
-#: ../app/gui/gui.c:427
+#: ../app/gui/gui.c:421
 msgid "Documents"
-msgstr "ãããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/gui/splash.c:114
+#: ../app/gui/splash.c:115
 msgid "GIMP Startup"
 msgstr "GIMP èåä"
-#: ../app/paint/gimpairbrush.c:72 ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:53
+#: ../app/paint/gimpairbrush.c:73 ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:54
 msgid "Airbrush"
 msgstr "ããããããæç"
-#: ../app/paint/gimpbrushcore.c:435
+#: ../app/paint/gimpbrushcore.c:387
 msgid "No brushes available for use with this tool."
 msgstr "æåããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/paint/gimpbrushcore.c:442
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/paint/gimpbrushcore.c:394
 msgid "No paint dynamics available for use with this tool."
-msgstr "ããããããäçããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããæçãåççæãåçãããããã"
 #: ../app/paint/gimpclone.c:102 ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:60
 msgid "Clone"
@@ -11612,7 +10959,7 @@ msgstr "ãããããæç"
 #: ../app/paint/gimpclone.c:143
 msgid "No patterns available for use with this tool."
-msgstr "ããããããäçããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããåçãããããã"
 #: ../app/paint/gimpconvolve.c:80
 msgid "Convolve"
@@ -11622,72 +10969,102 @@ msgstr "èæã"
 msgid "Dodge/Burn"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../app/paint/gimperaser.c:65 ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:65
+#: ../app/paint/gimperaser.c:63 ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:65
 msgid "Eraser"
 msgstr "æããã"
-#: ../app/paint/gimpheal.c:118 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:52
+#: ../app/paint/gimpheal.c:128 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:52
 msgid "Heal"
 msgstr "äåããã"
-#: ../app/paint/gimpheal.c:157
+#: ../app/paint/gimpheal.c:167
 msgid "Healing does not operate on indexed layers."
-msgstr "ããããããããããããäåããããäãããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããäåããããäããããã"
 #: ../app/paint/gimpink.c:97 ../app/tools/gimpinktool.c:54
 msgid "Ink"
 msgstr "ããããæç"
-# ããããããïãããããæçãããããããããï
-# èèåæè
 #: ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:72
 msgid "Ink Blob Size"
 msgstr "åãã"
-# ããããããïïãããããæçãããããããããï
-# èèåæè
 #: ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:99
 msgid "Ink Blob Aspect Ratio"
 msgstr "çææ"
-# ããããããïïãããããæçãããããããããï
-# èèåæè
 #: ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:103
 msgid "Ink Blob Angle"
 msgstr "èå"
-#: ../app/paint/gimppaintbrush.c:65 ../app/tools/gimppaintbrushtool.c:50
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintbrush.c:66 ../app/tools/gimppaintbrushtool.c:50
 msgid "Paintbrush"
 msgstr "ããããæç"
-#: ../app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.c:335
-msgid "Not enough points to stroke"
-msgstr "ãããã (çç) ãäèããããããæçããããã"
-#: ../app/paint/gimppaintcore.c:140
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintcore.c:141
 msgid "Paint"
 msgstr "æç"
-# ãããããã
-# èèãåæè
-#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:138
-msgid "Brush Scale"
-msgstr "ããããæåãçå"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:145
+msgid "Brush Size"
+msgstr "ãããããããæåããã"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:159
+msgid "Every stamp has its own opacity"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:165
+msgid "Ignore fuzziness of the current brush"
+msgstr "ãããããããååããçèããæçããã"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:170
+msgid "Scatter brush as you paint"
+msgstr "ãããããäããããããããæäãããã"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:174
+msgid "Distance of scattering"
+msgstr "æåãããèé (çå) ãèåããã"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:184
+msgid "Distance over which strokes fade out"
+msgstr "ããããããããããéããèåããã"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:192
+msgid "Reverse direction of fading"
+msgstr "ãããããæåãåèããã"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:196
+msgid "How fade is repeated as you paint"
+msgstr "ãããããååãããããæåããã"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:255
+msgid "Paint smoother strokes"
+msgstr "ãããããããæçããéãæãããèæããã"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:259
+msgid "Depth of smoothing"
+msgstr "èæãæå (ããããæ) ãæåããã"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:263
+msgid "Gravity of the pen"
+msgstr "èæãéçååãæåããã"
 #: ../app/paint/gimppencil.c:41 ../app/tools/gimppenciltool.c:50
 msgid "Pencil"
 msgstr "éçãæç"
-#: ../app/paint/gimpperspectiveclone.c:98
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:128
+#: ../app/paint/gimpperspectiveclone.c:95
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:133
 msgid "Perspective Clone"
 msgstr "éèãããããæç"
-#: ../app/paint/gimpperspectiveclone.c:163
+#: ../app/paint/gimpperspectiveclone.c:160
 msgid "Perspective Clone does not operate on indexed layers."
 msgstr "ããããããããããããéèãããããäãããã"
-#: ../app/paint/gimpsmudge.c:83 ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:52
+#: ../app/paint/gimpsmudge.c:83 ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:53
 msgid "Smudge"
 msgstr "ããã"
@@ -11735,7 +11112,7 @@ msgctxt "convolve-type"
 msgid "Sharpen"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/channel-cmds.c:182
+#: ../app/pdb/channel-cmds.c:184
 msgid "Combine Masks"
 msgstr "ããããéç"
@@ -11743,33 +11120,33 @@ msgstr "ããããéç"
 msgid "Plug-In"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:319
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:406
-#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:256 ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:153
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:69
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:345
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:443
+#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:262 ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:163
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:82
 msgid "Perspective"
 msgstr "éèæ"
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:862
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:936
-#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:597 ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:375
-#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:110
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:957
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1042
+#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:611 ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:418
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:112
 msgid "Shearing"
 msgstr "åæååããããã..."
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1023
-#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:693 ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:453
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1138
+#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:709 ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:507
 msgid "2D Transform"
-msgstr "2D åæããããã"
+msgstr "2D åæ"
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1108
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1203
-#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1296
-#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:797
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1234
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1338
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1442
+#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:815
 msgid "2D Transforming"
 msgstr "2D åæããããã..."
-#: ../app/pdb/edit-cmds.c:725 ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:243
+#: ../app/pdb/edit-cmds.c:725 ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:249
 msgid "Blending"
 msgstr "ããããããããã..."
@@ -11779,25 +11156,25 @@ msgstr "ãããããããåéãããããã(ãããããããé
 #: ../app/pdb/floating-sel-cmds.c:96
 msgid "Cannot anchor this layer because it is not a floating selection."
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããéæããããããååãããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããååãããããã(ãããããããéæçåãããããããã)"
 #: ../app/pdb/floating-sel-cmds.c:128
 msgid ""
 "Cannot convert this layer to a normal layer because it is not a floating "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-query.c:299 ../app/pdb/gimppdb.c:306
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb.c:376
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-query.c:299 ../app/pdb/gimppdb.c:305
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb.c:375
 #, c-format
 msgid "Procedure '%s' not found"
-msgstr "ãããããã '%s' ãèããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããã '%s' ãèããããããã"
 #: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:73
 msgid "Invalid empty brush name"
-msgstr "ãããåãäéåãããçããã"
+msgstr "ãããåãçãçåããã"
 #: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:82
 #, c-format
@@ -11814,328 +11191,344 @@ msgstr "'%s' ãçéåèãããããããããããã"
 msgid "Brush '%s' is not a generated brush"
 msgstr "'%s' ãçæãããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:133
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:134
+msgid "Invalid empty paint dynamics name"
+msgstr "æçãåççæãååãçãçåãã"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Paint dynamics '%s' not found"
+msgstr "æçãåççæ '%s' ãèãããããã"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:148
+#, c-format
+msgid "Paint dynamics '%s' is not editable"
+msgstr "æçãåççæ '%s' ãèååæãããããã"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:168
 msgid "Invalid empty pattern name"
-msgstr "ããããåãäéåãããçããã"
+msgstr "ããããåãçãçåããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:142
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Pattern '%s' not found"
 msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèãããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:162
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:197
 msgid "Invalid empty gradient name"
-msgstr "ãããããããåãäéåãããçããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããåãçãçåããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:171
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "Gradient '%s' not found"
 msgstr "ããããããã '%s' ãèãããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:176
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "Gradient '%s' is not editable"
 msgstr "'%s' ãçéåèãããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:197
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:232
 msgid "Invalid empty palette name"
-msgstr "ããããåãäéåãããçããã"
+msgstr "ããããåãçãçåããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:206
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:241
 #, c-format
 msgid "Palette '%s' not found"
 msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèãããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:211
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:246
 #, c-format
 msgid "Palette '%s' is not editable"
 msgstr "'%s' ãçéåèããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:231
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:266
 msgid "Invalid empty font name"
-msgstr "ããããåãäéåãããçããã"
+msgstr "ããããåãçãçåããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:241
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:276
 #, c-format
 msgid "Font '%s' not found"
 msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãèãããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:260
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:295
 msgid "Invalid empty buffer name"
-msgstr "(ååäãããããã)ããããåãäéåãããçããã"
+msgstr "(ååäããããããã) ãããããåãçãçåããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:270
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:305
 #, c-format
 msgid "Named buffer '%s' not found"
-msgstr "ååäããããã '%s' ãèãããããã"
+msgstr "ååäãããããã '%s' ãèããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:289
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:324
 msgid "Invalid empty paint method name"
-msgstr "(ååäãæçããããã)ããããåãäéåãããçããã"
+msgstr "(ååäãæçããããã) ããããåãçãçåããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:299
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:334
 #, c-format
 msgid "Paint method '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "æçãããã '%s' ãååããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:318
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:353
+#, c-format
 msgid "Item '%s' (%d) cannot be used because it has not been added to an image"
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d) ããçåãåãããããããããããäçãããããã"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããã '%s' (ID: %d) ããçåãåãããããããããããäçãããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:328
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:363
+#, c-format
 msgid "Item '%s' (%d) cannot be used because it is attached to another image"
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d) ããçåãåãããããããããããäçãããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' (ID: %d) ããäãçåãäåããããããäçãããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:357
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:392
+#, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Item '%s' (%d) cannot be used because it is not a direct child of an item "
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d) ããçåãåãããããããããããäçãããããã"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããã '%s' (ID: %d) ããããããããããçæãåãããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:385
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:420
+#, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Items '%s' (%d) and '%s' (%d) cannot be used because they are not part of "
 "the same item tree"
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d) ããçåãåãããããããããããäçãããããã"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããã '%s' (ID: %d) ããããã '%s' (ID: %d) ãåãããããããããåãã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:410
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:445
 #, c-format
 msgid "Item '%s' (%d) must not be an ancestor of '%s' (%d)"
 msgstr ""
+"ãããã '%s' (ID: %d) ãããããã '%s' (ID: %d) ãååãããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:434
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:469
 #, c-format
 msgid "Item '%s' (%d) has already been added to an image"
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d) ãæãçåãåãããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' (ID: %d) ãæãçåãåãããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:442
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:477
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying to add item '%s' (%d) to wrong image"
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d) ãèããçåãåããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' (ID: %d) ãèããçåãåãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:461
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:496
+#, c-format
 msgid "Item '%s' (%d) cannot be modified because its contents are locked"
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d) ããçåãåãããããããããããäçãããããã"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããã '%s' (ID: %d) ãäèããããããããåæããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:481
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:516
+#, c-format
 msgid "Item '%s' (%d) cannot be used because it is not a group item"
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d) ããããããããããããããããäçãããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' (ID: %d) ããããããããããããäçãããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:501
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:536
+#, c-format
 msgid "Item '%s' (%d) cannot be modified because it is a group item"
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d) ããçåãåãããããããããããäçãããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' (ID: %d) ããããããããããããåæãããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:522
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:557
+#, c-format
 msgid "Layer '%s' (%d) cannot be used because it is not a text layer"
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d) ããããããããããããããããäçãããããã"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããã '%s' (ID: %d) ããããããããããããããããäçãããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:563
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:598
 #, c-format
 msgid "Image '%s' (%d) is of type '%s', but an image of type '%s' is expected"
 msgstr ""
-"èæãããçåã '%4$s' ååãããããããçå '%1$s' (%2$d) ã '%3$s' ååã"
+"èæãããçåã '%4$s' ååãããããããçå '%1$s' (ID: %2$d) ã '%3$s' å"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:586
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "Image '%s' (%d) is already of type '%s'"
-msgstr "çå '%s' (%d) ããæã '%s' ååããã"
+msgstr "çå '%s' (ID: %d) ããæã '%s' ååããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:614
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:649
 #, c-format
 msgid "Vectors object %d does not contain stroke with ID %d"
 msgstr "ãããããããããã %d ã ID %d ãããããããããåãããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb.c:410
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb.c:409
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Procedure '%s' has been called with a wrong type for argument #%d. Expected "
-"%s, got %s."
+"Procedure '%s' has been called with a wrong type for argument #%d. Expected %"
+"s, got %s."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããã '%s' ãã%d ççãåæãèãããããåï %s ãããããããããã"
-"ããã %s ïãçããåãåãããããã"
+"ããããããã '%s' ãã%d ççãåæãèãããããå (%s ããããããããã"
+"ãããã %s) ãçããåãåãããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:78
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:78
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:88
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:79
 #: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:78
 msgid "Smooth edges"
-msgstr "åçããããããã"
+msgstr "åçããããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:371 ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocframe.c:208
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:370 ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocframe.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "Procedure '%s' returned no return values"
-msgstr "ãããããã '%s' ããæãåãããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããã '%s' ããæãåãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:634
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:639
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Procedure '%s' returned a wrong value type for return value '%s' (#%d). "
 "Expected %s, got %s."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããã '%s' ãæãå '%s'(%d çç)ããããåãèããããã ã(%s ããã"
-"ã %s ãæãããããã)"
+"ããããããã '%s' ãæãå '%s'(%d çç)ããããåãèããããã ã(%s ãã"
+"ãã %s ãæãããããã)"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:646
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Procedure '%s' has been called with a wrong value type for argument '%s' (#"
-"%d). Expected %s, got %s."
+"Procedure '%s' has been called with a wrong value type for argument '%s' (#%"
+"d). Expected %s, got %s."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããã '%s' åãåãæãåæ '%s'(%d ççãåæ) ãããããåãèããã"
-"ãããï%s ãããã %s ãããã)"
+"ããããããã '%s' åãåãæãåæ '%s'(%d ççãåæ) ãããããåãèãã"
+"ãããã(%s ãããã %s ãããã)"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:678
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:683
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Procedure '%s' returned an invalid ID for argument '%s'. Most likely a plug-"
 "in is trying to work on a layer that doesn't exist any longer."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããã '%s' ããåæ '%s' ãåããçåã ID ãèããããããããååã"
+"ããããããã '%s' ããåæ '%s' ãåããçåã ID ãèããããããããåå"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:690
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:695
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Procedure '%s' has been called with an invalid ID for argument '%s'. Most "
 "likely a plug-in is trying to work on a layer that doesn't exist any longer."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããã '%s' åãåãæãåæ '%s' ãåããçåã ID ãããããããã"
+"ããããããã '%s' åãåãæãåæ '%s' ãåããçåã ID ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:706
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Procedure '%s' returned an invalid ID for argument '%s'. Most likely a plug-"
 "in is trying to work on an image that doesn't exist any longer."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããã '%s' ããåæ '%s' ãåããçåã ID ãèãããããããããã"
+"ããããããã '%s' ããåæ '%s' ãåããçåã ID ãèãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:718
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:723
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Procedure '%s' has been called with an invalid ID for argument '%s'. Most "
 "likely a plug-in is trying to work on an image that doesn't exist any longer."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããã '%s' åãåãæãåæ '%s' ãåããçåã ID ãããããããã"
+"ããããããã '%s' åãåãæãåæ '%s' ãåããçåã ID ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:738
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:743
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Procedure '%s' returned '%s' as return value '%s' (#%d, type %s). This value "
 "is out of range."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããã '%1$s' ãæãå '%3$s' (%4$d ççã%5$s å)ãããå '%2$s' ãè"
+"ããããããã '%1$s' ãæãå '%3$s' (%4$d ççã%5$s å)ãããå '%2$s' ã"
-#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:751
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:756
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Procedure '%s' has been called with value '%s' for argument '%s' (#%d, type "
-"%s). This value is out of range."
+"Procedure '%s' has been called with value '%s' for argument '%s' (#%d, type %"
+"s). This value is out of range."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããã %1$s åãåãæãåæ '%3$s' (%4$d ççãåæã%5$s å) ãå "
+"ããããããã %1$s åãåãæãåæ '%3$s' (%4$d ççãåæã%5$s å) ãå "
 "'%2$s' ããéæåãçååããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/image-cmds.c:2650
+#: ../app/pdb/image-cmds.c:2359
 msgid ""
 "Image resolution is out of bounds, using the default resolution instead."
 msgstr "çåãèååãåéãèãããããããææèååãäãããäçãããã"
+#: ../app/pdb/image-select-cmds.c:297 ../app/pdb/selection-tools-cmds.c:219
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:196
+msgid "Free Select"
+msgstr "èçéæ"
 #: ../app/pdb/layer-cmds.c:478 ../app/pdb/layer-cmds.c:516
 msgid "Move Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããçå"
-#: ../app/pdb/selection-tools-cmds.c:217 ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:199
-msgid "Free Select"
-msgstr "èçéæ"
-#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:89
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to create text layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããããäæãåæããããã"
-#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:162 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:272
-#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:351 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:424
-#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:496 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:568
-#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:640 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:712
-#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:784 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:854
-#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:926 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:998
-#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:1070 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:1106
-#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:1185
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:164 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:274
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:353 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:426
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:498 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:570
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:642 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:714
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:786 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:856
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:928 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:1000
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:1072 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:1114
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:1196
 msgid "Set text layer attribute"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããèå"
 #: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:323
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Remove path stroke"
-msgstr "ããããããåé"
+msgstr "ããããããããåé"
 #: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:359
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Close path stroke"
-msgstr "ããããããæç"
+msgstr "ããããããããéãã"
 #: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:399
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Translate path stroke"
-msgstr "ãããããåæåå"
+msgstr "ããããããããåæåå"
 #: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:439
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Scale path stroke"
-msgstr "ãããæåãçå"
+msgstr "ããããããããæåãçå"
 #: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:481
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Rotate path stroke"
-msgstr "ãããåè"
+msgstr "ããããããããåè"
 #: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:521 ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:565
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Flip path stroke"
-msgstr "ãããåè"
+msgstr "ããããããããåè"
 #: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:694 ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:816
 #: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:1035
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Add path stroke"
-msgstr "ããããããèå"
+msgstr "ããããããããèå"
 #: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:868 ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:921
 #: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:982
 msgid "Extend path stroke"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããæå"
 #: ../app/plug-in/gimpenvirontable.c:281
 #, c-format
 msgid "Empty variable name in environment file %s"
-msgstr "çåèåãããã %s åãçãåæå"
+msgstr "èåãããã %s åãçãåæåãããããã"
 #: ../app/plug-in/gimpenvirontable.c:299
 #, c-format
 msgid "Illegal variable name in environment file %s: %s"
-msgstr "çåèåãããã %s åãåæå %s ãçåããã"
+msgstr "èåãããã %s åãåæå %s ãçåããã"
 #: ../app/plug-in/gimpinterpreterdb.c:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad interpreter referenced in interpreter file %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããããããã '%s' åãåçãããããããããã '%s' ãçåããã"
+"ãããããããããããã '%s' åãåçãããããããããããã '%s' ãçåã"
 #: ../app/plug-in/gimpinterpreterdb.c:322
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad binary format string in interpreter file %s"
-msgstr "ãããããããããã %s ãäéåãååãããããåããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããã %s ãäéåãååãããããåãããããã"
 #: ../app/plug-in/gimpplugin-message.c:450
 #, c-format
@@ -12143,7 +11536,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Calling error for procedure '%s':\n"
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããã '%s' ãååãæãããããççããããã\n"
+"ããããããã '%s' ãååãæãããããççããããã\n"
 #: ../app/plug-in/gimpplugin-message.c:459
@@ -12152,7 +11545,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Execution error for procedure '%s':\n"
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããã '%s' ãåèæãããããççããããã\n"
+"ããããããã '%s' ãåèæãããããççããããã\n"
 #: ../app/plug-in/gimpplugin-progress.c:331
@@ -12181,35 +11574,35 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Failed to run plug-in \"%s\""
 msgstr "'%s' ããããããåèãåæãããã"
-#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:230
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:229
 msgid "Searching Plug-Ins"
 msgstr "ããããããæçããããã"
-#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:279
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:284
 msgid "Resource configuration"
 msgstr "ããããèå"
-#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:315
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:320
 msgid "Querying new Plug-ins"
 msgstr "æèãããããåãåããä"
-#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:365
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:370
 msgid "Initializing Plug-ins"
 msgstr "ãããããåæåä"
-#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:437
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:442
 msgid "Starting Extensions"
 msgstr "æåæèèåä"
-#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager.c:297
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager.c:296
 msgid "Plug-In Interpreters"
-msgstr "ããããã ãããããã"
+msgstr "ããããã ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager.c:304
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager.c:303
 msgid "Plug-In Environment"
 msgstr "ããããããçå"
-#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:995
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:980
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Calling error for '%s':\n"
@@ -12218,7 +11611,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "'%s' ãååãæãããããççããããã\n"
-#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1007
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:992
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Execution error for '%s':\n"
@@ -12244,14 +11637,14 @@ msgstr "ããããããèãããããã (%s)"
 #: ../app/plug-in/plug-in-rc.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping '%s': wrong GIMP protocol version."
-msgstr "'%s' ãããããï äæã GIMP ããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "'%s' ããããã: äæã GIMP ããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/plug-in/plug-in-rc.c:478
+#: ../app/plug-in/plug-in-rc.c:477
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value '%s' for icon type"
 msgstr "ããããåãããäéåãå '%s'"
-#: ../app/plug-in/plug-in-rc.c:493
+#: ../app/plug-in/plug-in-rc.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value '%ld' for icon type"
 msgstr "ããããåãããäéåãå '%ld'"
@@ -12266,51 +11659,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "Pack my box with\n"
 "five dozen liquor jugs."
-#: ../app/text/gimptext-compat.c:107 ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1386
+#: ../app/text/gimptext-compat.c:105 ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1367
 msgid "Add Text Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããããèå"
-#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:141
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:143
 msgid "Text Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:142
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:144
 msgid "Rename Text Layer"
 msgstr "ããããããããåãåæ"
-#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:143
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:145
 msgid "Move Text Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããããçå"
-#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:144
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:146
 msgid "Scale Text Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããããæåãçå"
-#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:145
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:147
 msgid "Resize Text Layer"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:146
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:148
 msgid "Flip Text Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåè"
-#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:147
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:149
 msgid "Rotate Text Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåè"
-#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:148
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:150
 msgid "Transform Text Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåå"
-#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:509
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:523
 msgid "Discard Text Information"
-msgstr "ããããæåãçæãã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããæåæåãçæãã"
-#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:562
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:581
 msgid "Due to lack of any fonts, text functionality is not available."
-msgstr "ãããããèããããããæåæèãåçãããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããæåæèãåçãããããã"
-#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:613
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:634
 msgid "Empty Text Layer"
 msgstr "çããããããããã"
@@ -12323,25 +11716,23 @@ msgid ""
 "Some text properties may be wrong. Unless you want to edit the text layer, "
 "you don't need to worry about this."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããã '%s' ãããããããããããèæäãåéï\n"
+"ãããã '%s' ããããããããããèæäãåé:\n"
 #: ../app/text/text-enums.c:23
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "text-box-mode"
 msgid "Dynamic"
-msgstr "ãããæåãèæ"
+msgstr "æåç"
 #: ../app/text/text-enums.c:24
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "text-box-mode"
 msgid "Fixed"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimp-tools.c:352
+#: ../app/tools/gimp-tools.c:351
 msgid ""
 "This tool has\n"
 "no options."
@@ -12349,160 +11740,164 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:54
+#: ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:55
 msgid "Airbrush Tool: Paint using a brush, with variable pressure"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:55
+#: ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:56
 msgid "_Airbrush"
 msgstr "ããããããæç(_A)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:88
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:86
 msgid "Motion only"
-msgstr "æè(æ)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:97 ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:216
-#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:96
-msgid "Rate:"
-msgstr "åå: "
-#: ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:103
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Flow:"
-msgstr "ãããã: "
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:135 ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:764
-msgid "Align"
-msgstr "æå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:136
-msgid "Alignment Tool: Align or arrange layers and other objects"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:137
-msgid "_Align"
-msgstr "æå(_A)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:599
-msgid "Click on a layer, path or guide, or Click-Drag to pick several layers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããçåæããääãéç"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:608
-msgid "Click to pick this layer as first item"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããæåãããããããããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:91 ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:228
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:91
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "åå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:616
-msgid "Click to add this layer to the list"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããåèãåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:97
+msgid "Flow"
+msgstr "æé"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:620
-msgid "Click to pick this guide as first item"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããæåãããããããããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:91
+msgid "Reference image object a layer will be aligned on"
+msgstr "åæãããçåãããããããæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:628
-msgid "Click to add this guide to the list"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããåèãåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:98
+msgid "Horizontal offset for distribution"
+msgstr "[äãã] ãéãæåæåãããããããæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:632
-msgid "Click to pick this path as first item"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããæåãããããããããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:104
+msgid "Vertical offset for distribution"
+msgstr "[äãã] ãéãåçæåãããããããæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:640
-msgid "Click to add this path to the list"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããåèãåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:272 ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:124
+msgid "Align"
+msgstr "æå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:776
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:284
 msgid "Relative to:"
-msgstr "åæ: "
+msgstr "åæ:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:794
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:298
 msgid "Align left edge of target"
 msgstr "åæã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:800
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:302
 msgid "Align center of target"
 msgstr "äåæã(æåæåã)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:806
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:306
 msgid "Align right edge of target"
 msgstr "åæã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:816
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:314
 msgid "Align top edge of target"
 msgstr "äæã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:822
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:318
 msgid "Align middle of target"
 msgstr "äåæã(åçæåã)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:828
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:322
 msgid "Align bottom of target"
 msgstr "äæã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:832
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:324
 msgid "Distribute"
 msgstr "äãã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:846
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:338
 msgid "Distribute left edges of targets"
 msgstr "åçãåæãäãã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:853
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:342
 msgid "Distribute horizontal centers of targets"
 msgstr "äå(æåæå)ãåæãäãã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:860
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:346
 msgid "Distribute right edges of targets"
 msgstr "åçãåæãäãã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:870
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:354
 msgid "Distribute top edges of targets"
 msgstr "äçãåæãäãã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:877
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:358
 msgid "Distribute vertical centers of targets"
 msgstr "äå(åçæå)ãåæãäãã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:883
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:362
 msgid "Distribute bottoms of targets"
 msgstr "äçãåæãäãã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:891 ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:221
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:368
 msgid "Offset:"
-msgstr "ããããã: "
+msgstr "ããããã:"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:125
+msgid "Alignment Tool: Align or arrange layers and other objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:126
+msgid "_Align"
+msgstr "æå(_A)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:549
+msgid "Click on a layer, path or guide, or Click-Drag to pick several layers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:557
+msgid "Click to pick this layer as first item"
+msgstr "ãããã: ããããããã [æåããããã] ãããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:564
+msgid "Click to add this layer to the list"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããããããåèãåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:568
+msgid "Click to pick this guide as first item"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããããã [æåããããã] ãããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:575
+msgid "Click to add this guide to the list"
+msgstr "ãããã: ããããããåèãåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:215 ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:305
-msgid "Gradient:"
-msgstr "ããããããã: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:579
+msgid "Click to pick this path as first item"
+msgstr "ãããã: ããããã [æåããããã] ãããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:586
+msgid "Click to add this path to the list"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããããããåèãåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:211 ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:339
+msgid "Gradient"
+msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:231 ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:145
+#: ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:231 ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:139
 msgid "Shape:"
-msgstr "åç: "
+msgstr "åç:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:238 ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:236
+#: ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:238 ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:323
 msgid "Repeat:"
-msgstr "åå: "
+msgstr "åå:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:256
+#: ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:261
 msgid "Adaptive supersampling"
 msgstr "éååãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:264
-msgid "Max depth:"
-msgstr "æåæå: "
-#: ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:271
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:287
-#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:219
-msgid "Threshold:"
-msgstr "ãããå: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpblendoptions.c:268
+msgid "Max depth"
+msgstr "æåæå"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:109
 msgid "Blend"
@@ -12518,21 +11913,25 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Blen_d"
 msgstr "ãããã(_D)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:167
+#: ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:166
 msgid "Blend does not operate on indexed layers."
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããäãããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããäãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:420 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:634
+#: ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:187
+msgid "No gradient available for use with this tool."
+msgstr "ããããããåçãããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:452 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:623
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s for constrained angles"
-msgstr "%sãã15 åæãèåããããã"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: 15 åæãèåããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:421
+#: ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s to move the whole line"
-msgstr "%s ãæããããããããããããããçå"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: ãããããçå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:425
+#: ../app/tools/gimpblendtool.c:457
 msgid "Blend: "
 msgstr "ãããã: "
@@ -12566,81 +11965,93 @@ msgstr "æãã-ããããããèåããããããã"
 msgid "Brightness-Contrast does not operate on indexed layers."
 msgstr "ãããããããããããåãããæãã-ãããããããæäãããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:320
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:314
 msgid "_Brightness:"
-msgstr "æãã(_B): "
+msgstr "æãã(_B):"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:335
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:327
 msgid "Con_trast:"
-msgstr "ãããããã(_T): "
+msgstr "ãããããã(_T):"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:349
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:339
 msgid "Edit these Settings as Levels"
 msgstr "ããèåãããããèæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:99
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:93
+msgid "Which area will be filled"
+msgstr "ããéåãåãããããããæåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:98
 msgid "Allow completely transparent regions to be filled"
 msgstr "ååãéæãéåãåãããããèåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:105
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:104
 msgid "Base filled area on all visible layers"
-msgstr "ããããåèãããããåæãããåããããéåãæåããã"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:111
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:110
 #: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:95
 msgid "Maximum color difference"
 msgstr "æåãèãå"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:115
+msgid "Criterion used for determining color similarity"
+msgstr "éäèéåååæãåæãããèçãæåããã"
 #. fill type
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:225
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fill Type  (%s)"
-msgstr "åããããææ  (%s)"
+msgstr "åããããè  (%s)"
 #. fill selection
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:239
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:244
 #, c-format
 msgid "Affected Area  (%s)"
-msgstr "åããããçå (%s)"
+msgstr "åããããçå (%s)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:243
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:248
 msgid "Fill whole selection"
-msgstr "éæçåãåãããã"
+msgstr "éæçå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:244
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:249
 msgid "Fill similar colors"
-msgstr "éäèéåãåãããã"
+msgstr "éäèéå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:253
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:258
 msgid "Finding Similar Colors"
 msgstr "éäèãèå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:269
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:273
 msgid "Fill transparent areas"
 msgstr "éæéåãåãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:275 ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:113
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:150 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:98
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:963
-#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:207
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:279 ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:114
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:158 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:99
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:904
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:209
 msgid "Sample merged"
 msgstr "èããããèã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:294
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:298
 msgid "Fill by:"
-msgstr "åããããææ: "
+msgstr "åååæ:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:85
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:86
 msgid "Bucket Fill"
 msgstr "åãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:86
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:87
 msgid "Bucket Fill Tool: Fill selected area with a color or pattern"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:87
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:88
 msgid "_Bucket Fill"
 msgstr "åãããã(_B)"
@@ -12652,19 +12063,43 @@ msgstr "èåãéæ"
 msgid "Select by Color Tool: Select regions with similar colors"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../app/tools/gimpbycolorselecttool.c:69
 msgid "_By Color Select"
 msgstr "èåãéæ(_B)"
-# Photoshop ããéäæèãèåæåããèãèèãæçãã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/tools/gimpbycolorselecttool.c:82
 msgctxt "command"
 msgid "Select by Color"
 msgstr "èåãéæ"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:152 ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:1154
+msgid "Cage Transform"
+msgstr "ãããåå"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:153
+msgid "Cage Transform: Deform a selection with a cage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:154
+msgid "_Cage Transform"
+msgstr "ãããåå(_C)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:351
+msgid "Press ENTER to commit the transform"
+msgstr "Enter/Return: ååãçåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:1095
+msgid "Computing Cage Coefficients"
+msgstr "ãããäæãèçä"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:1272
+msgid "Cage transform"
+msgstr "ãããåå"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:61
 msgid "Clone Tool: Selectively copy from an image or pattern, using a brush"
 msgstr ""
@@ -12672,33 +12107,33 @@ msgstr ""
 # çèããããããããããããããããããæããããããããããããããæçããããããããããããããããåããããããPhotoshop ããéäæèãããããããããæçããããããããããããããããããããããããèèãã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:62
 msgid "_Clone"
 msgstr "ãããããæç(_C)"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:85 ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:88
 msgid "Click to clone"
-msgstr "ãããããããããæçããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ããããæçããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:86 ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:90
+#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:86 ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s to set a new clone source"
-msgstr "%s ãæããããããããããæããããããããããèå"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: æããããããããããèå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:89
+#. Translators: the translation of "Click" must be the first word
+#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:90
 msgid "Click to set a new clone source"
-msgstr "ãããããæããããããããããèåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: æããããããããããèåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:108
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:958
+#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:109
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:899
 msgid "Source"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:129 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:110
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:979
+#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:131 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:111
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:921
 msgid "Alignment:"
-msgstr "äçåãã: "
+msgstr "äçåãã:"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:94
 msgid "Color Balance"
@@ -12730,51 +12165,51 @@ msgstr "ãããããããèåããããããã"
 msgid "Color Balance operates only on RGB color layers."
 msgstr "ããããããããèæã RGB ãããããããæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:267
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:266
 msgid "Select Range to Adjust"
 msgstr "èæããçåãéæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:276 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:172
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:275 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:172
 msgid "Adjust Color Levels"
 msgstr "èããããèæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:293
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:252
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:292
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:251
 msgid "Cyan"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:293
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:249
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:292
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:248
 msgid "Red"
 msgstr "è"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:302
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:254
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:301
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:253
 msgid "Magenta"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:302
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:251
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:301
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:250
 msgid "Green"
 msgstr "ç"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:311
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:250
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:310
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:249
 msgid "Yellow"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:311
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:253
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:310
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:252
 msgid "Blue"
 msgstr "é"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:322
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:321
 msgid "R_eset Range"
 msgstr "çåããããã(_E)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:331
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c:330
 msgid "Preserve _luminosity"
-msgstr "èåãäæ(_L)"
+msgstr "èåãäæ(_L)"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpcolorizetool.c:90
 msgid "Colorize"
@@ -12806,257 +12241,278 @@ msgstr "çèèåããããããã"
 msgid "Colorize operates only on RGB color layers."
 msgstr "çèæäã RGB ãããããããæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorizetool.c:225
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorizetool.c:224
 msgid "Select Color"
 msgstr "èãéæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorizetool.c:242
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:385
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorizetool.c:241
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:381
 msgid "_Hue:"
-msgstr "èç(_H): "
+msgstr "èç(_H):"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorizetool.c:257
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:423
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorizetool.c:254
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:413
 msgid "_Saturation:"
-msgstr "åå(_S): "
+msgstr "åå(_S):"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorizetool.c:272
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:404
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorizetool.c:267
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:397
 msgid "_Lightness:"
-msgstr "èå(_L): "
+msgstr "èå(_L):"
-# ãããããã
-# ãããããããããããããããããã[åå: ]ããããããããããããã
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcoloroptions.c:75
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcoloroptions.c:77
 msgid "Color Picker Average Radius"
 msgstr "èãååãåãçåãååãèåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcoloroptions.c:161
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcoloroptions.c:157
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:163
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:277
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:155
+msgid "Radius"
+msgstr "åå"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcoloroptions.c:163
 msgid "Sample average"
 msgstr "èãååãåã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcoloroptions.c:171
-#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:175
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:280
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:153
-msgid "Radius:"
-msgstr "åå: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:68
+msgid "Use accumulated color value from all composited visible layers"
+msgstr "æåãããããããããåèãèãååãåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:74
+msgid "Choose what color picker will do"
+msgstr "ååããèããããããåçãããæåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:80
+msgid ""
+"Open a floating dialog to view picked color values in various color models"
+msgstr "ããããããéããååããèãåãããããããåãèçããã"
 #. the pick FG/BG frame
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:155
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Pick Mode  (%s)"
 msgstr "ããããããã  (%s)"
 #. the use_info_window toggle button
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:164
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Use info window  (%s)"
 msgstr "æåããããããäç  (%s)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:96
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:93
 msgid "Color Picker"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:97
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:94
 msgid "Color Picker Tool: Set colors from image pixels"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:98
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:95
 msgid "C_olor Picker"
 msgstr "ãããã(_O)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:242
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:231
 msgid "Click in any image to view its color"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããèæåãèçããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:249 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:493
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:238 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:477
 msgid "Click in any image to pick the foreground color"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããèãæçèãèåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:257 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:499
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:246 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:483
 msgid "Click in any image to pick the background color"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããèãèæèãèåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:265
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:254
 msgid "Click in any image to add the color to the palette"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããèããããããèåããã"
-#. tool->display->shell
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:318
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:309
 msgid "Color Picker Information"
 msgstr "ããããæå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolortool.c:268 ../app/tools/gimpcolortool.c:446
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolortool.c:229 ../app/tools/gimpcolortool.c:402
 msgid "Move Sample Point: "
-msgstr "ãããããããããçå:  "
+msgstr "ãããããããããçå: "
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolortool.c:438
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolortool.c:394
 msgid "Remove Sample Point"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåé"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolortool.c:439
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolortool.c:395
 msgid "Cancel Sample Point"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåãæã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcolortool.c:447
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolortool.c:403
 msgid "Add Sample Point: "
-msgstr "ãããããããããèå:  "
+msgstr "ãããããããããèå: "
-#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:72
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:73
 msgid "Blur / Sharpen"
 msgstr "ããã/ãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:73
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:74
 msgid "Blur / Sharpen Tool: Selective blurring or unblurring using a brush"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:74
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:75
 msgid "Bl_ur / Sharpen"
 msgstr "ããã/ãããã(_U)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:169
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:184
 msgid "Click to blur"
-msgstr "ãããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:170
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:185
 msgid "Click to blur the line"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:171
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s to sharpen"
-msgstr "%s ãæãããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:175
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:190
 msgid "Click to sharpen"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:176
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:191
 msgid "Click to sharpen the line"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:177
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s to blur"
-msgstr "%s ãæãããããããããããã"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: ããããã"
 #. the type radio box
-#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:198
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:216
 #, c-format
 msgid "Convolve Type  (%s)"
 msgstr "èæããçé  (%s)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:160
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:76
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:77
+msgid "Dim everything outside selection"
+msgstr "éæçåãååãæãèçããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:82
+msgid "Crop only currently selected layer"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããåãæããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:88
+msgid "Allow resizing canvas by dragging cropping frame beyond image boundary"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:164
 msgid "Current layer only"
 msgstr "çåããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:166
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:170
 msgid "Allow growing"
 msgstr "æåãèå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:127
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:117
 msgid "Crop"
 msgstr "åãæã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:128
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:118
 msgid "Crop Tool: Remove edge areas from image or layer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:129
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:119
 msgid "_Crop"
 msgstr "åãæã(_C)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:271
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:253
 msgid "Click or press Enter to crop"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããåãæã"
+msgstr "ããããããã Enter/Return: åãæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:328
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:318
 msgid "There is no active layer to crop."
-msgstr "åãåãåãããããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "åãåãåããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:140
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:150
 msgid "Curves"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:141
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:151
 msgid "Curves Tool: Adjust color curves"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:142
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:152
 msgid "_Curves..."
 msgstr "ãããããã(_C)..."
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:168
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:178
 msgid "Adjust Color Curves"
 msgstr "ãããããããèæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:170
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:180
 msgid "Import Curves"
 msgstr "ãããèåãããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:171
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:181
 msgid "Export Curves"
 msgstr "ãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:222
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:232
 msgid "Curves does not operate on indexed layers."
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããäçããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:330
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:340
 msgid "Click to add a control point"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããèåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããããããããããèåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:335
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:345
 msgid "Click to add control points to all channels"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããããããããèåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããããããããããããããããããããèåããã"
-# ïèæèï
-# ããããããããããããã
-# (2009-06-20 NISHIBORI Kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:340
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:350
 msgid "Click to locate on curve (try Shift, Ctrl)"
 msgstr ""
 "ããããããåæããããããããããäãçããã (Shift-ãããããCtrl-ããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:453 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:384
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:463 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:384
 msgid "Cha_nnel:"
-msgstr "ããããã(_N): "
+msgstr "ããããã(_N):"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:479 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:408
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:489 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:408
 msgid "R_eset Channel"
 msgstr "ãããããããããã(_E)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:571 ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:460
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:583 ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:458
 msgid "Curve _type:"
 msgstr "ããããçé(_T)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:646 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:756
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:658 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:756
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read header from '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
-"'%s' ããããããèãèããããã\n"
+"'%s' ãããããããèãèããããã\n"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:719
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:731
 msgid "Use _old curves file format"
-msgstr "æããããããããããããããäç(_O)"
+msgstr "æããããããããããããããäçãã(_O)"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpdesaturatetool.c:78
 msgid "Desaturate Tool: Turn colors into shades of gray"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../app/tools/gimpdesaturatetool.c:79
 msgid "_Desaturate..."
@@ -13067,94 +12523,93 @@ msgid "Desaturate (Remove Colors)"
 msgstr "èè(èåé)"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpdesaturatetool.c:124
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Desaturate only operates on RGB layers."
 msgstr "RGB ããããäåããèèããããã"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpdesaturatetool.c:193
 msgid "Choose shade of gray based on:"
-msgstr "æãéèãèèãåæããã: "
+msgstr "èèãåæãããèç:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:72
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:73
 msgid "Dodge / Burn"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:73
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:74
 msgid "Dodge / Burn Tool: Selectively lighten or darken using a brush"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:74
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:75
 msgid "Dod_ge / Burn"
 msgstr "æå(_G)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:172
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:187
 msgid "Click to dodge"
-msgstr "ãããããèãçã(æå)ããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: èãçãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:173
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:188
 msgid "Click to dodge the line"
-msgstr "ãããããããããèãçã(æå)ããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ççãèãçãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:174
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:189
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s to burn"
-msgstr "%s ãæãããããããããçãèã"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: çãèã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:178
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:193
 msgid "Click to burn"
-msgstr "ãããããçãèããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: çãèããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:179
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:194
 msgid "Click to burn the line"
-msgstr "ãããããçãèã(æå)ããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ççãçãèããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:180
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:195
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s to dodge"
-msgstr "%s ãæãããããããããèãçã"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: èãçã"
 #. the type (dodge or burn)
-#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:201
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:219
 #, c-format
 msgid "Type  (%s)"
 msgstr "çé  (%s)"
 #. mode (highlights, midtones, or shadows)
-#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:212
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:230
 msgid "Range"
 msgstr "çå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:224
-msgid "Exposure:"
-msgstr "éå: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:236
+msgid "Exposure"
+msgstr "éå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:240
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:242
 msgid "Move Selection"
 msgstr "éæçåãçå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:244
-#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:1233
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:246
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:1241
 msgid "Move Floating Selection"
 msgstr "ãããããããéæçåãçå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:453
-#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:728
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:455
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:732
 msgid "Move: "
 msgstr "çå: "
-#: ../app/tools/gimpellipseselecttool.c:68
+#: ../app/tools/gimpellipseselecttool.c:66
 msgid "Ellipse Select"
 msgstr "æåéæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpellipseselecttool.c:69
+#: ../app/tools/gimpellipseselecttool.c:67
 msgid "Ellipse Select Tool: Select an elliptical region"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpellipseselecttool.c:70
+#: ../app/tools/gimpellipseselecttool.c:68
 msgid "_Ellipse Select"
 msgstr "æåéæ(_E)"
@@ -13170,62 +12625,87 @@ msgstr "æããã(_E)"
 #: ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:96
 msgid "Click to erase"
-msgstr "ãããããæããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: æããã"
 #: ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:97
 msgid "Click to erase the line"
-msgstr "ãããããããããæããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ççãæããã"
 #: ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s to pick a background color"
-msgstr "%s ãæãããããããããããããããããèãèæèãèå"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: ãããããèãèæèãèå"
 #. the anti_erase toggle
 #: ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:145
 #, c-format
 msgid "Anti erase  (%s)"
-msgstr "éæãã  (%s)"
+msgstr "éæããã  (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpflipoptions.c:66
+msgid "Direction of flipping"
+msgstr "éååèãæåãæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpflipoptions.c:129
+#: ../app/tools/gimpflipoptions.c:133
 msgid "Affect:"
-msgstr "åè: "
+msgstr "åè:"
 #. tool toggle
-#: ../app/tools/gimpflipoptions.c:138
+#: ../app/tools/gimpflipoptions.c:142
 #, c-format
 msgid "Flip Type  (%s)"
 msgstr "åèãåã  (%s)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:79
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:84
 msgid "Flip"
 msgstr "éååè"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:80
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:85
 msgid ""
 "Flip Tool: Reverse the layer, selection or path horizontally or vertically"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:82
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:87
 msgid "_Flip"
 msgstr "éååè(_F)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:116
-msgctxt "command"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:187
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flip horizontally"
+msgstr "æååè"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:190
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flip vertically"
+msgstr "åçåè"
+#. probably this is not actually reached today, but
+#. * could be if someone defined FLIP_DIAGONAL, say...
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:196
+msgctxt "undo-desc"
 msgid "Flip"
 msgstr "éååè"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:84
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:85
 msgid "Select a single contiguous area"
 msgstr "ãããããããéåãæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:95
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:91
+msgid ""
+"Paint over areas to mark color values for inclusion or exclusion from "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:98
 msgid "Size of the brush used for refinements"
-msgstr "æåéåãäæãäããããããããèåããã"
+msgstr "æåéåãäæãäçãããããããããæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:101
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:104
 msgid ""
 "Smaller values give a more accurate selection border but may introduce holes "
 "in the selection"
@@ -13234,90 +12714,95 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:120
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:112
+msgid "Color of selection preview mask"
+msgstr "éæçååèãèçèãæåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:124
 msgid "Sensitivity for brightness component"
 msgstr "æåããæå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:126
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:130
 msgid "Sensitivity for red/green component"
 msgstr "è/çããæå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:132
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:136
 msgid "Sensitivity for yellow/blue component"
 msgstr "é/éããæå"
 #. single / multiple objects
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:275
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:281
 msgid "Contiguous"
 msgstr "åäéåãæå"
 #. foreground / background
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:280
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:286
 #, c-format
 msgid "Interactive refinement  (%s)"
 msgstr "æåéåãäæ(%s)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:284
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:290
 msgid "Mark background"
 msgstr "èæéåãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:285
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:291
 msgid "Mark foreground"
 msgstr "åæéåãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:301
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:307
 msgid "Small brush"
 msgstr "åããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:309
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:315
 msgid "Large brush"
 msgstr "åããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:333
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:338
 msgid "Smoothing:"
-msgstr "ãããããã: "
+msgstr "ãããããã:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:339
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:344
 msgid "Preview color:"
-msgstr "ãããããè: "
+msgstr "ãããããè:"
 #. granularity
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:342
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:347
 msgid "Color Sensitivity"
 msgstr "èæå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:146
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:144
 msgid "Foreground Select"
 msgstr "åææåéæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:147
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:145
 msgid "Foreground Select Tool: Select a region containing foreground objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:148
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:146
 msgid "F_oreground Select"
 msgstr "åææåéæ(_O)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:315
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:302
 msgid "Add more strokes or press Enter to accept the selection"
-msgstr "ãããããããæåéåãäæãããã Enter ãããéæçåãçåããã"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããæåéåãäæãããã Enter/Return ãããéæçåãçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:317
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:304
 msgid "Mark foreground by painting on the object to extract"
 msgstr "æåãããéåãåããåæéåãæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:328
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:309
 msgid "Roughly outline the object to extract"
 msgstr "æåãããéåãèéããããããæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:774
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:751
 msgctxt "command"
 msgid "Foreground Select"
 msgstr "åææåéæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:200
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:197
 msgid ""
 "Free Select Tool: Select a hand-drawn region with free and polygonal segments"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13325,29 +12810,30 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:201
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:198
 msgid "_Free Select"
 msgstr "èçéæ(_F)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:1120
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:1030
 msgid "Click to complete selection"
-msgstr "ãããããéæçåãçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: éæçåãçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:1124
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:1034
 msgid "Click-Drag to move segment vertex"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããéçãçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: éçãçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:1129
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:1039
 msgid "Return commits, Escape cancels, Backspace removes last segment"
 msgstr ""
+"Enter/Return: éæçåãçå, Esc: ããããã, Backspace: æåãæããåçç"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:1133
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:1043
 msgid "Click-Drag adds a free segment, Click adds a polygonal segment"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããææããåççããããããççãåççãèåããã"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããã-ãããã: ãããããããåççãèå, ãããã: ççãåççãèå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:1643
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:1562
 msgctxt "command"
 msgid "Free Select"
 msgstr "èçéæ"
@@ -13384,26 +12870,24 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:95
 msgid "_GEGL Operation..."
-msgstr "GEGL æä(_G)"
+msgstr "GEGL æä(_G)..."
 #: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:160
 msgid "GEGL operations do not operate on indexed layers."
 msgstr "ãããããããããããã GEGL ãæäãããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:371
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:377
 msgid "_Operation:"
-msgstr "æä(_O): "
+msgstr "æä(_O):"
 #. The options vbox
-#: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:430
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:436
 msgid "Operation Settings"
 msgstr "æäèå"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:435
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:441
 msgid "Select an operation from the list above"
-msgstr "ããããäæåæãæåããã"
+msgstr "äãäèããããããããããéæãããããã"
 #: ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:53
 msgid "Healing Tool: Heal image irregularities"
@@ -13417,16 +12901,17 @@ msgstr "äåããã(_H)"
 #: ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:76 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:79
 msgid "Click to heal"
-msgstr "ãããããäåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: äåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:77 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:81
+#: ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:77 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s to set a new heal source"
-msgstr "%s ãæããããããããããæããäåããããèå"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: æããäåããããèå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:80
+#. Translators: the translation of "Click" must be the first word
+#: ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:81
 msgid "Click to set a new heal source"
-msgstr "ãããããæããäåããããèåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: æããäåããããèåããã"
 #: ../app/tools/gimphistogramoptions.c:126
 msgid "Histogram Scale"
@@ -13444,7 +12929,7 @@ msgstr "èç-åå(_S)..."
 #: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:121
 msgid "Adjust Hue / Lightness / Saturation"
-msgstr "èç / èå / åå ãèæ"
+msgstr "èçãèåãååãèæ"
 #: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:123
 msgid "Import Hue-Saturation Settings"
@@ -13458,102 +12943,100 @@ msgstr "èç-åå...èåããããããã"
 msgid "Hue-Saturation operates only on RGB color layers."
 msgstr "èç-ååãæäã RGB ãããããããæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:248
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:247
 msgid "M_aster"
 msgstr "ãããã(_A)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:248
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:247
 msgid "Adjust all colors"
-msgstr "åããèãèæ"
+msgstr "ããããèãèæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:249
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:248
 msgid "_R"
 msgstr "_R"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:250
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:249
 msgid "_Y"
 msgstr "_Y"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:251
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:250
 msgid "_G"
 msgstr "_G"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:252
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:251
 msgid "_C"
 msgstr "_C"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:253
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:252
 msgid "_B"
 msgstr "_B"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:254
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:253
 msgid "_M"
 msgstr "_M"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:259
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:258
 msgid "Select Primary Color to Adjust"
 msgstr "èæããåæèãéæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:349
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:348
 msgid "_Overlap:"
-msgstr "ããããããã(_O): "
+msgstr "ããããããã(_O):"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:368
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:364
 msgid "Adjust Selected Color"
 msgstr "éæããèãèæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:444
+#: ../app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c:431
 msgid "R_eset Color"
 msgstr "èããããã(_E)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpimagemaptool-settings.c:80
+#: ../app/tools/gimpimagemaptool-settings.c:81
 msgid "Pre_sets:"
-msgstr "ããããã(_S): "
+msgstr "ããããã(_S):"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpimagemaptool-settings.c:222
+#: ../app/tools/gimpimagemaptool-settings.c:223
 #, c-format
 msgid "Settings saved to '%s'"
 msgstr "èåã '%s' ãäåããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpimagemaptool.c:367
+#: ../app/tools/gimpimagemaptool.c:362
 msgid "_Preview"
 msgstr "ããããã(_P)"
 #. adjust sliders
-#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:55
+#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:54
 msgid "Adjustment"
 msgstr "èæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:67 ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:92
-#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:972 ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:489
-msgid "Size:"
-msgstr "åãã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:64 ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:87
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:134
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:75 ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1060
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:137
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:207
-msgid "Angle:"
-msgstr "èå: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:71
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:183
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:199
+msgid "Angle"
+msgstr "èå"
 #. sens sliders
-#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:80
+#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:77
 msgid "Sensitivity"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:99
-msgid "Tilt:"
-msgstr "åã: "
-#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:106
-msgid "Speed:"
-msgstr "ãããã: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:94
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:144
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:71
+msgid "Tilt"
+msgstr "åã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:117
-msgid "Type"
-msgstr "çé"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:101
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "ãããã"
-#. Blob shape widget
-#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:148
+#. Blob shape widgets
+#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:107
 msgid "Shape"
 msgstr "åç"
@@ -13567,52 +13050,58 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "In_k"
 msgstr "ããããæç(_K)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorsoptions.c:125
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorsoptions.c:68
+msgid "Display future selection segment as you drag a control node"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorsoptions.c:127
 msgid "Interactive boundary"
-msgstr "ãããããããããåçãèç"
+msgstr "æèãããèåæãåçãèç"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:279
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:275
 msgid "Scissors"
 msgstr "éèããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:280
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:276
 msgid "Scissors Select Tool: Select shapes using intelligent edge-fitting"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:281
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:277
 msgid "Intelligent _Scissors"
 msgstr "éèããã(_S)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:931 ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:617
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:900 ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:605
 msgid "Click-Drag to move this point"
-msgstr "ãããã-ããããããããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: ãããããããçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:933 ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:997
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:902 ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:967
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: disable auto-snap"
-msgstr "%s ãæãããããããããèåãããããçåã"
+msgstr "%s: èåãããããçåã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:949
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:919
 msgid "Click to close the curve"
-msgstr "ãããããããããéããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ããããéããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:955
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:925
 msgid "Click to add a point on this segment"
-msgstr "ããããããããçåäãæãããããããèåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ããçåäãæãããããããèåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:969
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:939
 msgid "Click or press Enter to convert to a selection"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããéæçåãåæ"
+msgstr "ããããããã Enter/Return: éæçåãåæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:979
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:949
 msgid "Press Enter to convert to a selection"
-msgstr "ããããããããéæçåãåæ"
+msgstr "Enter/Return: éæçåãåæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:994
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:964
 msgid "Click or Click-Drag to add a point"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããã-ãããããæãããããããèåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã-ãããã: æãããããããèåããã"
 #: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:151
 msgid "Levels Tool: Adjust color levels"
@@ -13681,90 +13170,108 @@ msgstr "ããèåããããããããèæ"
 #: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:829
 msgid "Use _old levels file format"
-msgstr "æããããããããããããããäç(_O)"
+msgstr "æããããããããããããããäçãã(_O)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifyoptions.c:79
+msgid "Resize image window to accommodate new zoom level"
+msgstr "åæãããèçåçãåããçåããããããåãããèæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifyoptions.c:166
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifyoptions.c:86
+msgid "Direction of magnification"
+msgstr "çåäããããããããããèçåçãããåæããããæåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifyoptions.c:172
 msgid "Auto-resize window"
 msgstr "ããããããèåãããã"
 #. tool toggle
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifyoptions.c:171 ../app/tools/gimpmoveoptions.c:187
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifyoptions.c:177
 #, c-format
-msgid "Tool Toggle  (%s)"
-msgstr "æèãåãæã  (%s)"
+msgid "Direction  (%s)"
+msgstr "æå (%s)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifytool.c:87
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifytool.c:91
 msgid "Zoom"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifytool.c:88
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifytool.c:92
 msgid "Zoom Tool: Adjust the zoom level"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifytool.c:89
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifytool.c:93
 msgctxt "tool"
 msgid "_Zoom"
 msgstr "ããã(_Z)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasureoptions.c:123
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasureoptions.c:67
+msgid "Open a floating dialog to view details about measurements"
+msgstr "ããããããéããèæçæãèçããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasureoptions.c:125
 msgid "Use info window"
 msgstr "æåããããããäç"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:125
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:127
 msgid "Measure"
 msgstr "åè"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:126
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:128
 msgid "Measure Tool: Measure distances and angles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:127
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:129
 msgid "_Measure"
 msgstr "åè(_M)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:246
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:247
 msgid "Add Guides"
 msgstr "ããããèå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:568
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:313
+msgid "Drag to create a line"
+msgstr "ãããã: ççãåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:560
 msgid "Click to place vertical and horizontal guides"
-msgstr "ãããããåçæåãæåæåãããããéçããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: åçæåãæåæåãããããéçããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:577
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:568
 msgid "Click to place a horizontal guide"
-msgstr "ãããããããäçãæåããããçããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ããäçãæåããããçããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:592
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:582
 msgid "Click to place a vertical guide"
-msgstr "ãããããããäçãåçããããçããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ããäçãåçããããçããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:606
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:595
 msgid "Click-Drag to add a new point"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããæãããããããèåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: æãããããããèåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:637
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:624
 msgid "Click-Drag to move all points"
-msgstr "ãããã-ããããããããããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: ãããããããããçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:898 ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1043
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1099 ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1127
-#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:643
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:939 ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1084
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1140 ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1168
+#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:632
 msgid "pixels"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#. tool->display->shell
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1011
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1052
 msgid "Measure Distances and Angles"
-msgstr "èéãèåãæããã"
+msgstr "èéãèåãèæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1032
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1073
 msgid "Distance:"
-msgstr "èé: "
+msgstr "èé:"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:1101
+msgid "Angle:"
+msgstr "èå:"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpmoveoptions.c:139
 msgid "Pick a layer or guide"
@@ -13788,36 +13295,42 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããçå"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpmoveoptions.c:178
 msgid "Move:"
-msgstr "çååè: "
+msgstr "çååè:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:129
+#. tool toggle
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmoveoptions.c:187
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tool Toggle  (%s)"
+msgstr "æèãåãæã  (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:127
 msgctxt "tool"
 msgid "Move"
 msgstr "çå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:130
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:128
 msgid "Move Tool: Move layers, selections, and other objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:131
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:129
 msgid "_Move"
 msgstr "çå(_M)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:285 ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:580
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:249 ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:554
 msgid "Move Guide: "
 msgstr "ããããçå: "
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:574
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:548
 msgid "Remove Guide"
 msgstr "ããããåé"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:574
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:548
 msgid "Cancel Guide"
-msgstr "ãããåæ"
+msgstr "ãããèåãåãæã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:580
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:554
 msgid "Add Guide: "
 msgstr "ããããèå: "
@@ -13831,88 +13344,98 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "_Paintbrush"
 msgstr "ããããæç(_P)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:90
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:210
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrushselect.c:193 ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:266
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:99
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:217
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrushselect.c:190 ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:268
 msgid "Mode:"
-msgstr "ããã: "
+msgstr "ããã:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:105
-#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:347
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrushselect.c:180 ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:289
-msgid "Opacity:"
-msgstr "äéæå: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:123
+msgid "Brush"
+msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:118
-msgid "Brush:"
-msgstr "ããã: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:152
+msgid "Reset size to brush's native size"
+msgstr "ããããææãããããæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:123
-msgid "Scale:"
-msgstr "æåãçå: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:159
+msgid "Aspect Ratio"
+msgstr "çææ"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:176
+msgid "Reset aspect ratio to brush's native"
+msgstr "ããããææãçææãæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:130
-msgid "Aspect Ratio:"
-msgstr "çææ: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:200
+msgid "Reset angle to zero"
+msgstr "èåã 0 åãæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:162
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:235
 msgid "Incremental"
-msgstr "éãåã"
+msgstr "ãããããäãéãåã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:178
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:251
 msgid "Hard edge"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:212
-msgid "Fade out"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:280
+msgid "Dynamics Options"
+msgstr "åççæãããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:221
-msgid "Length:"
-msgstr "éã: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:286
+msgid "Fade Options"
+msgstr "ãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:241
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:223
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:300
+msgid "Fade length"
+msgstr "ãããããéã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:327
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:310
 msgid "Reverse"
 msgstr "åè"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:261
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:334
+msgid "Color Options"
+msgstr "èãããããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:360
+msgid "Amount"
+msgstr "æåé"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:364
 msgid "Apply Jitter"
-msgstr "æãã"
+msgstr "æå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:266
-msgid "Amount:"
-msgstr "é: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:382
+msgid "Smooth stroke"
+msgstr "æããèæ"
-# ãããããããããæçãããåæ
-# ãããåã "hoge ãæç" ãèèãããããããäèèçããèèãæããããããã
-# (2009-02-10 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
-#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:288
-msgid "Use color from gradient"
-msgstr "æçèãããããããããäç"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:392
+msgid "Weight"
+msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:142
+#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:138
 msgid "Click to paint"
-msgstr "ãããããæçããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: æçããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:143
+#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:139
 msgid "Click to draw the line"
-msgstr "ãããããçãåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ççãåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:144
+#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s to pick a color"
-msgstr "%s ãæããããããããããããããããèãæçèãèå"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: ãããããèãæçèãèå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:279
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:259
 msgid "Cannot paint on layer groups."
-msgstr "ãããããããåãåæããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçææçããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:689
+#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:678
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s for a straight line"
-msgstr "%s ãæãããããããããççãåã"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: ççãåã"
 #: ../app/tools/gimppenciltool.c:51
 msgid "Pencil Tool: Hard edge painting using a brush"
@@ -13924,44 +13447,44 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Pe_ncil"
 msgstr "éçãæç(_N)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:129
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:134
 msgid ""
 "Perspective Clone Tool: Clone from an image source after applying a "
 "perspective transformation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:131
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:136
 msgid "_Perspective Clone"
 msgstr "éèãããããæç(_P)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:704
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:675
 msgid "Ctrl-Click to set a clone source"
-msgstr "Ctrl ãæãããããããããããããããããèå"
+msgstr "Ctrl-ãããã: ããããããããèåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:70
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:83
 msgid "Perspective Tool: Change perspective of the layer, selection or path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:72
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:85
 msgid "_Perspective"
 msgstr "éèæ(_P)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:99
-msgctxt "command"
-msgid "Perspective"
-msgstr "éèæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:100
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:113
 msgid "Perspective transformation"
-msgstr "éèæåæ"
+msgstr "éèæåå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:115
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:131
 msgid "Transformation Matrix"
-msgstr "åææåèå"
+msgstr "ååæåèå"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:256
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Perspective"
+msgstr "éèæ"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpposterizetool.c:85
 msgid "Posterize Tool: Reduce to a limited set of colors"
@@ -13981,48 +13504,121 @@ msgstr "ããããããããã (èæãæãã)"
 msgid "Posterize does not operate on indexed layers."
 msgstr "ãããããããããããåãããããããåãæäããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpposterizetool.c:230
+#: ../app/tools/gimpposterizetool.c:229
 msgid "Posterize _levels:"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããã(_L): "
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã(_L):"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:104
+msgid "Automatically shrink to the nearest rectangular shape in a layer"
+msgstr "éæçåãçãçåãããããäãæçãããããããåãããçåãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:111
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:113
 msgid "Use all visible layers when shrinking the selection"
-msgstr "éæçåãçåããæãããããåèãããããåç"
+msgstr ""
+"[éæçåãèåçå] ãåèãããããæåãããããããããããããããããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:122
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:127
+msgid "Composition guides such as rule of thirds"
+msgstr "éæçåäææã [äååæ] ãããæåããããèçããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:131
+msgid "X coordinate of top left corner"
+msgstr "éæçåãçãçåãåäèã x åæãã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:141
+msgid "Y coordinate of top left corner"
+msgstr "éæçåãçãçåãåäèã y åæãã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:151
+msgid "Width of selection"
+msgstr "éæçåãçãçåãåãã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:160
+msgid "Height of selection"
+msgstr "éæçåãçãçåãéããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:169
+msgid "Unit of top left corner coordinate"
+msgstr "åæçãåäãæåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:178
+msgid "Unit of selection size"
+msgstr "éæçåãããããåäãæåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:187
+msgid "Enable lock of aspect ratio, width, height or size"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:196
+msgid "Choose what has to be locked"
+msgstr "åãååããéçãæåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:205
+msgid "Custom fixed width"
+msgstr "åãåååãèåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:214
+msgid "Custom fixed height"
+msgstr "éããåååãèåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:308
+msgid "Unit of fixed width, height or size"
+msgstr "éæçåãåãéãããããããããçãåäãæåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:317
+msgid "Expand selection from center outwards"
+msgstr "éæçåãããäåããåãåãããæããã"
 # çåéæãæåéæããããããããããããããã[åãåå] ãåãååãããããããããããæååããããæããããããããããããåããçææãããããèçããã
-# (2009-12-20 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #. Current, as in what is currently in use.
-#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:728
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:761
 msgid "Current"
 msgstr "çåãçææ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:806
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:839
 msgid "Expand from center"
 msgstr "äåããæãã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:829
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:862
 msgid "Fixed:"
 msgstr "åãåå"
 # ãããããããããããããããçåéæãããåäåæãçãïãããååïãããããããããããããã
-#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:962
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:1010
 msgid "Position:"
-msgstr "éåäç: "
+msgstr "åäèãåæ:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:980
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:1020 ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:525
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "ããã:"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:1028
 msgid "Highlight"
-msgstr "éæçåããããããèç"
+msgstr "ãããããèç"
 #. Auto Shrink
-#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:990
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:1040
 msgid "Auto Shrink"
 msgstr "éæçåãèåçå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:997
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:1050
 msgid "Shrink merged"
-msgstr "åèéåãåæãçå"
+msgstr "ããããåèãããããåèããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:163
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:83
+msgid "Round corners of selection"
+msgstr "ããèåããããããããéæçåãèãäããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:89
+msgid "Radius of rounding in pixels"
+msgstr "èäããååãããããåäãèåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:167
 msgid "Rounded corners"
 msgstr "èãäãã"
@@ -14040,7 +13636,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "_Rectangle Select"
 msgstr "çåéæ(_R)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprectangletool.c:1158 ../app/tools/gimprectangletool.c:2220
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangletool.c:1146 ../app/tools/gimprectangletool.c:2015
 msgid "Rectangle: "
 msgstr "çå: "
@@ -14049,258 +13645,298 @@ msgid "Allow completely transparent regions to be selected"
 msgstr "ååãéæãéåãéæãèåããã"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:89
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Base selection on all visible layers"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:101
+msgid "Selection criterion"
+msgstr "éæçåååæãåæãããèçãæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:201
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:203
 msgid "Select transparent areas"
 msgstr "éæéåãéæå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:226
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:229
 msgid "Select by:"
-msgstr "éæåæ: "
+msgstr "åååæ:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.c:162
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.c:165
 msgid "Move the mouse to change threshold"
-msgstr "ãããããããåãååãããã"
+msgstr "ããããçåããããããããåãååããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:90
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:93
 msgid "Rotate"
 msgstr "åè"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:91
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:94
 msgid "Rotate Tool: Rotate the layer, selection or path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:92
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:95
 msgid "_Rotate"
 msgstr "åè(_R)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:121
-msgctxt "command"
-msgid "Rotate"
-msgstr "åè"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:188
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:191
 msgid "_Angle:"
-msgstr "èå(_A): "
+msgstr "èå(_A):"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:204
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:207
 msgid "Center _X:"
-msgstr "äååæ _X: "
+msgstr "äåã x åæ (_X):"
-#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:213
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:216
 msgid "Center _Y:"
-msgstr "äååæ _Y: "
+msgstr "äåã y åæ (_Y):"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:373
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rotate by %-3.3g around (%g, %g)"
+msgstr "åè (èå: %-3.3gÂäååæ: %g, %g)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:77
+#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:89
 msgid "Scale"
 msgstr "æåãçå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:78
+#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:90
 msgid "Scale Tool: Scale the layer, selection or path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:79
+#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:91
 msgid "_Scale"
 msgstr "æåãçå(_S)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:105
-msgctxt "command"
-msgid "Scale"
-msgstr "æåãçå"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:338
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Scale to %d x %d"
+msgstr "%d x %d ãæåãçå"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:84
+msgid "Enable feathering of selection edges"
+msgstr "ããèåããããããããéæçåãåçãããããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:90
+msgid "Radius of feathering"
+msgstr "ãããååãèåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:257 ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:502
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:264 ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:538
 msgid "Antialiasing"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:272
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:281
 msgid "Feather edges"
 msgstr "åçãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:253
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:250
 msgid "Click-Drag to replace the current selection"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããéæçåãçãæããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: éæçåãçãæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:261
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:258
 msgid "Click-Drag to create a new selection"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããéæçåãäæããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: éæçåãäæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:266
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:263
 msgid "Click-Drag to add to the current selection"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããäæããçåãéæçåãåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: äæããçåãéæçåãåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:275
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:272
 msgid "Click-Drag to subtract from the current selection"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããäæããçåãéæçåããåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: äæããçåãéæçåããåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:284
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:281
 msgid "Click-Drag to intersect with the current selection"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: æåãéæçåããäåéåãæããéæçåãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:294
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:291
 msgid "Click-Drag to move the selection mask"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããéæããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: éæããããçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:302
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:299
 msgid "Click-Drag to move the selected pixels"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããéæçåäããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: éæçåäããããããçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:306
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:303
 msgid "Click-Drag to move a copy of the selected pixels"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããéæçåäããããããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: éæçåäããããããããããçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:310
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:307
 msgid "Click to anchor the floating selection"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããéæçåãååããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããããããéæçåãååããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:81
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:83
 msgid "Shear"
 msgstr "åæåå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:82
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:84
 msgid "Shear Tool: Shear the layer, selection or path"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:83
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:85
 msgid "S_hear"
 msgstr "åæåå(_H)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:109
-msgctxt "command"
-msgid "Shear"
-msgstr "åæåå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:133
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:135
 msgid "Shear magnitude _X:"
-msgstr "ååç(_X): "
+msgstr "ååç(_X):"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:143
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:145
 msgid "Shear magnitude _Y:"
-msgstr "ååç(_Y): "
+msgstr "ååç(_Y):"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:255
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Shear horizontally by %-3.3g"
+msgstr "åæåå (æåæåãååç: %-3.3g)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:53
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:259
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Shear vertically by %-3.3g"
+msgstr "åæåå (åçæåãååç: %-3.3g)"
+#. e.g. user entered numbers but no notification callback
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:264
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Shear horizontally by %-3.3g, vertically by %-3.3g"
+msgstr "åæåå (ååç: æåæå %-3.3g, åçæå %-3.3g)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:54
 msgid "Smudge Tool: Smudge selectively using a brush"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:54
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:55
 msgid "_Smudge"
 msgstr "ããã(_S)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:73
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:74
 msgid "Click to smudge"
-msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:74
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:75
 msgid "Click to smudge the line"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ççããããããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:131
+msgid "Font size unit"
+msgstr "ããããããããåäãæåããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:137
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:136
+msgid "Font size"
+msgstr "ããããããããèåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:145
 msgid ""
 "Hinting alters the font outline to produce a crisp bitmap at small sizes"
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããããååããèåããã ïããããããããããããããããåããåå"
+"ãããããããååããèåããã (ããããããããããããããããåããåå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:145
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:153
 msgid "The text language may have an effect on the way the text is rendered."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããèåãããèèãããããæçæãåéãäããããããããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:164
+msgid "Text alignment"
+msgstr "ãããããæãäçãæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:161
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:170
 msgid "Indentation of the first line"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:167
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:176
 msgid "Adjust line spacing"
 msgstr "èéé"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:173
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:182
 msgid "Adjust letter spacing"
 msgstr "æåéé"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:179
-msgid "Text box resize mode"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:188
+msgid ""
+"Whether text flows into rectangular shape or moves into a new line when you "
+"press Enter"
 msgstr ""
+"[æåç] ãæåããããããååãããããããåããããããããããããããã"
+"[åå] ãæåããããããäæãããããããããããããããããããæãèãã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:186
-msgid ""
-"Use an external editor window for text entry, instead of direct-on-canvas "
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:196
+msgid "Use an external editor window for text entry"
 msgstr "åããããããããããååãçéãèããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:482
-msgid "Font:"
-msgstr "ãããã: "
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:510
+msgid "Font"
+msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:498
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:534
 msgid "Use editor"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããçé"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããçé"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:518
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:554
 msgid "Hinting:"
-msgstr "ãããããã: "
+msgstr "ãããããã:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:522
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:558
 msgid "Text Color"
 msgstr "æåè"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:527
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:563
 msgid "Color:"
-msgstr "è: "
+msgstr "è:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:533
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:569
 msgid "Justify:"
-msgstr "æãäç: "
+msgstr "æãäç:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:556
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:592
 msgid "Box:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããã:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:570
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:609
 msgid "Language:"
-msgstr "èè(_L): "
+msgstr "èè:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:194
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:189
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:195
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:190
 msgid "Text Tool: Create or edit text layers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:196
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:191
 msgid "Te_xt"
 msgstr "ãããã(_X)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:959
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:943
 msgid "Reshape Text Layer"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1497 ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1500
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1478 ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1481
 msgid "Confirm Text Editing"
 msgstr "æåçéçè"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1504
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1485
 msgid "Create _New Layer"
-msgstr "æãããããããããããèå(_N)"
+msgstr "æãããããããããããèå(_N)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1528
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1509
 msgid ""
 "The layer you selected is a text layer but it has been modified using other "
 "tools. Editing the layer with the text tool will discard these "
@@ -14314,9 +13950,9 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool-editor.c:1118
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool-editor.c:1159
 msgid "GIMP Text Editor"
-msgstr "GIMP ãããããããã"
+msgstr "GIMP ããããããããã"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpthresholdtool.c:91
 msgid "Threshold Tool: Reduce image to two colors using a threshold"
@@ -14348,58 +13984,101 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããåæäãããããã
 msgid "Automatically adjust to optimal binarization threshold"
 msgstr "çåããæéããããåãèçããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptool.c:886
+#: ../app/tools/gimptool.c:978
 msgid "Can't work on an empty image, add a layer first"
 msgstr "çãçåããäæãããããããããããããèåããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:272
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:99
+msgid "Direction of transformation"
+msgstr "ååãæåãæåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:105
+msgid "Interpolation method"
+msgstr "èéãããããããæåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:111
+msgid "How to clip"
+msgstr "ããããããææãæåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:117
+msgid "Show a preview of the transformed image"
+msgstr "ååçåãããããããèçããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:122
+msgid "Opacity of the preview image"
+msgstr "ãããããçåãäéæåãæåããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:133
+msgid "Size of a grid cell for variable number of composition guides"
+msgstr ""
+"[ããã] ã [ããããçãæãæå] ããã [ããããééãæå] ãèåãããã"
+"[ããããçãæãæå] ãããããåãæåãããããããçãææãæåããã\n"
+"[ããããééãæå] ãããããåãããããåäãããããééãæåããããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:138
+msgid "Limit rotation steps to 15 degrees"
+msgstr "åèèåã 15 ååããããã"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:276
 msgid "Transform:"
-msgstr "åæåè: "
+msgstr "åååè:"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:281
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:150
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:227
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:285
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:143
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:70
 msgid "Direction"
-msgstr "åææå"
+msgstr "æå"
 #. the interpolation menu
-#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:286
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:290
 msgid "Interpolation:"
-msgstr "èéãããããã: "
+msgstr "èéãããããã:"
+#. the clipping menu
 #: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:299
 msgid "Clipping:"
-msgstr "ãããããã: "
+msgstr "ãããããã:"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:309
+msgid "Image opacity"
+msgstr "ããããããäéæå"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:311
+msgid "Show image preview"
+msgstr "ããããããèç"
+#. the guides frame
 #: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:317
-msgid "Preview:"
-msgstr "ããããã: "
+msgid "Guides"
+msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:388
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:345
 #, c-format
 msgid "15 degrees  (%s)"
 msgstr "15 åããåè (%s)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:392
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "Keep aspect  (%s)"
 msgstr "çææãçæ  (%s)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:240
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:212
 msgid "Transforming"
-msgstr "åæããããã"
+msgstr "ååããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:1177
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:1061
 msgid "There is no layer to transform."
-msgstr "åæããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ååãããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:1190
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:1074
 msgid "There is no path to transform."
-msgstr "åæããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ååãããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:1191
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:1075
 msgid "The active path's strokes are locked."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããåççãäèããããããã"
 #: ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:76
 msgid "Restrict editing to polygons"
@@ -14409,11 +14088,11 @@ msgstr "çéãåèåãåé"
 msgid "Edit Mode"
 msgstr "çéããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:173
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:174
 msgid "Polygonal"
 msgstr "åèå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:177
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:178
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path to Selection\n"
@@ -14427,370 +14106,293 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s  éæçåããäããããã"
 #. Create a selection from the current path
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:188
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:189
 msgid "Selection from Path"
 msgstr "ãããéæçåã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:163
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:161
 msgid "Paths Tool: Create and edit paths"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:164
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:162
 msgid "Pat_hs"
 msgstr "ãã(_H)"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:254
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:250
 msgid "The active path is locked."
-msgstr "ãããããããããçå"
+msgstr "ãããããããããäèããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:342
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:340
 msgid "Add Stroke"
 msgstr "ããããããèå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:366
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:364
 msgid "Add Anchor"
 msgstr "ãããããèå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:392
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:390
 msgid "Insert Anchor"
 msgstr "ãããããæå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:423
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:421
 msgid "Drag Handle"
 msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:453
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:452
 msgid "Drag Anchor"
 msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:471
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:470
 msgid "Drag Anchors"
 msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:494
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:493
 msgid "Drag Curve"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:523
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:522
 msgid "Connect Strokes"
 msgstr "ããããããæç"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:555
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:554
 msgid "Drag Path"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:566
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:565
 msgid "Convert Edge"
 msgstr "èãåæ"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:597
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:596
 msgid "Delete Anchor"
 msgstr "ãããããåé"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:620
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:619
 msgid "Delete Segment"
 msgstr "ããããããåé"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:839
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:838
 msgid "Move Anchors"
 msgstr "ãããããçå"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1199
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1201
 msgid "Click to pick path to edit"
-msgstr "ãããããããããçéããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããçéããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1203
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1205
 msgid "Click to create a new path"
-msgstr "ããããããæãããããäæããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: æãããããäæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1207
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1209
 msgid "Click to create a new component of the path"
-msgstr "ãããããããããæããããããããããäæããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããæããããããããããäæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1211
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1213
 msgid "Click or Click-Drag to create a new anchor"
-msgstr "ãããã-ããããããæãããããããäæããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: æãããããããäæããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1221 ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1228
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1225 ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1232
 msgid "Click-Drag to move the anchor around"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: ãããããçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1232 ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1255
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1236 ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1259
 msgid "Click-Drag to move the anchors around"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: ãããããçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1238
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1242
 msgid "Click-Drag to move the handle around"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: ãããããçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1245
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1249
 msgid "Click-Drag to move the handles around symmetrically"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: äãããããåççãçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1260
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1264
 msgid "Click-Drag to change the shape of the curve"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããããããåçãåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: ããããåçãåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1263
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1267
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: symmetrical"
-msgstr "%s ãæãããããããããåçã"
+msgstr "%s: åçã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1268
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1272
 msgid "Click-Drag to move the component around"
-msgstr "ãããã-ããããããããããããããçåããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: ããããããããçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1276
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1280
 msgid "Click-Drag to move the path around"
-msgstr "ãããã-ãããããããããçåãããã"
+msgstr "ãããã-ãããã: ãããçåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1280
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1284
 msgid "Click-Drag to insert an anchor on the path"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããäãæåããã(SHIFT ãèãããããã)"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããããããäãæåããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1288
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1292
 msgid "Click to delete this anchor"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããåéããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããããããåéããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1292
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1296
 msgid "Click to connect this anchor with the selected endpoint"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããéæããççãæçããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããããããéæããççãæçããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1297
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1301
 msgid "Click to open up the path"
-msgstr "ããããããããéããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ãããéããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1301
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1305
 msgid "Click to make this node angular"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããèãããã"
+msgstr "ãããã: ããããããèãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1813
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1805
 msgid "Delete Anchors"
 msgstr "ãããããåé"
-#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1984
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:1963
 msgid "There is no active layer or channel to stroke to"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:92
-msgctxt "rectangle-guide"
-msgid "No guides"
-msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:93
-msgctxt "rectangle-guide"
-msgid "Center lines"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:94
-msgctxt "rectangle-guide"
-msgid "Rule of thirds"
-msgstr "ïååæ"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:95
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt "rectangle-guide"
-msgid "Rule of fifths"
-msgstr "ïååæ"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:96
-msgctxt "rectangle-guide"
-msgid "Golden sections"
-msgstr "ééåå"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:97
-msgctxt "rectangle-guide"
-msgid "Diagonal lines"
-msgstr "æç"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:187
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:150
 msgctxt "rectangle-tool-fixed-rule"
 msgid "Aspect ratio"
 msgstr "çææ"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:188
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:151
 msgctxt "rectangle-tool-fixed-rule"
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "å"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:189
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:152
 msgctxt "rectangle-tool-fixed-rule"
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "éã"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:190
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:153
 msgctxt "rectangle-tool-fixed-rule"
 msgid "Size"
-msgstr "åãã"
+msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:219
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:182
 msgctxt "rect-select-mode"
 msgid "Free select"
 msgstr "èçéæ"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:220
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:183
 msgctxt "rect-select-mode"
 msgid "Fixed size"
 msgstr "ããããåå"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:221
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:184
 msgctxt "rect-select-mode"
 msgid "Fixed aspect ratio"
 msgstr "çææãåå"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:250
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:213
 msgctxt "transform-type"
 msgid "Layer"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:251
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:214
 msgctxt "transform-type"
 msgid "Selection"
 msgstr "éæçå"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:252
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:215
 msgctxt "transform-type"
 msgid "Path"
 msgstr "ãã"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:282
-msgctxt "transform-preview-type"
-msgid "Outline"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:283
-msgctxt "transform-preview-type"
-msgid "Grid"
-msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:284
-msgctxt "transform-preview-type"
-msgid "Image"
-msgstr "çåãã"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:285
-msgctxt "transform-preview-type"
-msgid "Image + Grid"
-msgstr "çåããããã"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:313
-msgctxt "transform-grid-type"
-msgid "Number of grid lines"
-msgstr "ãããããçæ"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:314
-msgctxt "transform-grid-type"
-msgid "Grid line spacing"
-msgstr "ããããçãéé"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:343
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:244
 msgctxt "vector-mode"
 msgid "Design"
 msgstr "äæ"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:344
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:245
 msgctxt "vector-mode"
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "çé"
-#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:345
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:246
 msgctxt "vector-mode"
 msgid "Move"
 msgstr "çå"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:206
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:208
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rename Path"
-msgstr "ããååæ"
+msgstr "ããåãåæ"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:207
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:209
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Move Path"
 msgstr "ãããçå"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:208
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:210
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Scale Path"
 msgstr "ãããæåãçå"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:209
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:211
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Resize Path"
 msgstr "ããããããåæ"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:210
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:212
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Flip Path"
-msgstr "ãããåè"
+msgstr "ãããéååè"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:211
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:213
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Rotate Path"
 msgstr "ãããåè"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:212
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:214
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Transform Path"
-msgstr "ãããåæ"
+msgstr "ãããåå"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:213
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:215
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Stroke Path"
 msgstr "ãããåççãæç"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:214
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:216
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Path to Selection"
 msgstr "ãããéæçåã"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:215
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:217
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Reorder Path"
-msgstr "ãããäãæã"
+msgstr "ãããäãæã"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:216
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:218
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Raise Path"
 msgstr "ãããåéã"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:217
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:219
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Raise Path to Top"
 msgstr "ãããæåéã"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:218
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:220
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Lower Path"
 msgstr "ãããèéã"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:219
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:221
 msgctxt "undo-type"
 msgid "Lower Path to Bottom"
 msgstr "ãããæèéã"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:220
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:222
 msgid "Path cannot be raised higher."
 msgstr "ãããããääåéãçåãããããããã"
-#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:221
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:223
 msgid "Path cannot be lowered more."
 msgstr "ãããããääèéãçåãããããããã"
@@ -14808,7 +14410,7 @@ msgstr "ãããåè"
 #: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:524
 msgid "Transform Path"
-msgstr "ãããåæ"
+msgstr "ãããåå"
 #: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors-export.c:95
 #, c-format
@@ -14832,7 +14434,7 @@ msgstr "'%s' ãããããèãããããã"
 #: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors-import.c:376
 msgid "No paths found in the buffer"
-msgstr "ãããããããããèãããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããèãããããã"
 #: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors-import.c:386
 #, c-format
@@ -14841,17 +14443,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "'%s' ãããããèãèããåæããããã\n"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpactioneditor.c:66
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactioneditor.c:69
 msgid "_Search:"
-msgstr "æç(_S): "
+msgstr "æç(_S):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpactiongroup.c:867
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactiongroup.c:857
 #, c-format
 msgid "RGBA (%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f)"
 msgstr "RGBA (%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f)"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:337
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:344
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:341
 msgid "Action"
 msgstr "æä"
@@ -14897,30 +14499,31 @@ msgstr "äæãããããããããã"
 msgid "Removing shortcut failed."
 msgstr "ããããããããåéãåæãããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:168
-msgid "Spikes:"
-msgstr "åã: "
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:166
+msgid "Spikes"
+msgstr "åããæ"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:181
-msgid "Hardness:"
-msgstr "åå: "
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:177
+msgid "Hardness"
+msgstr "çã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:194
-msgid "Aspect ratio:"
-msgstr "çææ: "
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:188
+msgid "Aspect ratio"
+msgstr "åããçææ"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:220
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrushfactoryview.c:81
-msgid "Spacing:"
-msgstr "éé: "
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:210
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrushfactoryview.c:80
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:174
+msgid "Spacing"
+msgstr "éé"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:223
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:215
 #: ../app/widgets/gimpbrushfactoryview.c:84
 msgid "Percentage of width of brush"
 msgstr "ããããçåééãããããåãããããããããæåããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpbufferview.c:173 ../app/widgets/gimpbufferview.c:257
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpeditor.c:735
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbufferview.c:179 ../app/widgets/gimpbufferview.c:264
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpeditor.c:748
 msgid "(None)"
 msgstr "(ãã)"
@@ -14928,41 +14531,41 @@ msgstr "(ãã)"
 msgid "Add the current color to the color history"
 msgstr "çåãèãèåæãèåããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:151
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:154
 msgid "Available Filters"
-msgstr "åçåèããããã"
+msgstr "åçåèãããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:212
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:216
 msgid "Move the selected filter up"
-msgstr "éæãããããããäãçå"
+msgstr "éæããããããããäãçå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:221
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:225
 msgid "Move the selected filter down"
-msgstr "éæãããããããäãçå"
+msgstr "éæããããããããäãçå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:267
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:271
 msgid "Active Filters"
-msgstr "ãããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:318
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:322
 msgid "Reset the selected filter to default values"
-msgstr "éæãããããããããããåãåæå"
+msgstr "éæããããããããèåãæååãæããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:492
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:496
 #, c-format
 msgid "Add '%s' to the list of active filters"
-msgstr "'%s' ããããããããããããäèãåããã"
+msgstr "'%s' ãããããããããããããäèãåããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:529
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:533
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of active filters"
-msgstr "'%s' ããããããããããããäèããåéããã"
+msgstr "'%s' ãããããããããããããäèããåéããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:560
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:564
 msgid "No filter selected"
-msgstr "ãããããéæããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããéæããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcoloreditor.c:259
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcoloreditor.c:260
 msgid ""
 "Hexadecimal color notation as used in HTML and CSS.  This entry also accepts "
 "CSS color names."
@@ -14970,67 +14573,67 @@ msgstr ""
 "HTML ã CSS ããèèçãäããã 16 éæãååããããCSS ãèèãäãããè"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:508
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:512
 msgid "Index:"
-msgstr "ãããããã: "
+msgstr "ãããããã:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:521 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:547
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:525 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:551
 msgid "Red:"
-msgstr "è: "
+msgstr "R (è):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:522 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:548
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:526 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:552
 msgid "Green:"
-msgstr "ç: "
+msgstr "G (ç):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:523 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:549
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:527 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:553
 msgid "Blue:"
-msgstr "é: "
+msgstr "B (é):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:536 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:569
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:540 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:573
 msgid "Value:"
-msgstr "æå: "
+msgstr "V (æå):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:560
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:564
 msgid "Hex:"
-msgstr "16 éæ: "
+msgstr "16 éæ:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:567
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:571
 msgid "Hue:"
-msgstr "èç: "
+msgstr "H (èç):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:568
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:572
 msgid "Sat.:"
-msgstr "åå: "
+msgstr "S (åå):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:586
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:590
 msgid "Cyan:"
-msgstr "ããã: "
+msgstr "C (ããã):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:587
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:591
 msgid "Magenta:"
-msgstr "ãããã: "
+msgstr "M (ãããã):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:588
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:592
 msgid "Yellow:"
-msgstr "ãããã: "
+msgstr "Y (ãããã):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:589
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:593
 msgid "Black:"
-msgstr "ãããã: "
+msgstr "K (ãããã):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:609
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:613
 msgid "Alpha:"
-msgstr "ãããã: "
+msgstr "A (äéæå):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolormapeditor.c:208
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolormapeditor.c:200
 msgid "Color index:"
-msgstr "ããããããããã: "
+msgstr "ããããããããã:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolormapeditor.c:218
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolormapeditor.c:210
 msgid "HTML notation:"
-msgstr "HTML èè: "
+msgstr "HTML èè:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolormapeditor.c:472
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolormapeditor.c:466
 msgid "Only indexed images have a colormap."
 msgstr "ãããããããæãããããããããçåããããã"
@@ -15038,186 +14641,199 @@ msgstr "ãããããããæãããããããããçåããããã
 msgid "Palette"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontainerpopup.c:578
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontainerpopup.c:590
 msgid "Smaller Previews"
 msgstr "åããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontainerpopup.c:583
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontainerpopup.c:595
 msgid "Larger Previews"
 msgstr "åããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:201
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:198
 msgid "_Dump events from this controller"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããã(_D)"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããã(_D)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:206
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:203
 msgid "_Enable this controller"
-msgstr "ãããããããããæåããã(_E)"
+msgstr "ããããããããããæåããã(_E)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:227
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:224
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "åå: "
+msgstr "åå:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:233
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:230
 msgid "State:"
-msgstr "çæ: "
+msgstr "çæ:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:338
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:335
 msgid "Event"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:363
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:360
 msgid "_Grab event"
 msgstr "ãããããæåã(_G)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:372
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:369
 msgid "Select the next event arriving from the controller"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããæããããããéæ"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããæããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:530
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:525
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove the action assigned to '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' ãåãåããããããããããåé"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:535
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:530
 #, c-format
 msgid "Assign an action to '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' ãããããããåãåã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:656
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid "Select Action for Event '%s'"
 msgstr "ãããã '%s' çãããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:661
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:656
 msgid "Select Controller Event Action"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããéæ"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:69
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:72
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:75
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:78
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:81
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:84
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:87
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:90
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããéæ"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:67
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:70
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:73
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:76
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:79
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:82
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:85
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:88
 msgid "Cursor Up"
 msgstr "äãããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:94
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:97
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:100
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:103
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:106
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:109
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:112
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:115
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:92
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:95
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:98
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:101
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:104
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:107
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:110
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:113
 msgid "Cursor Down"
 msgstr "äãããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:119
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:122
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:125
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:128
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:131
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:134
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:137
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:140
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:117
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:120
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:123
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:126
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:129
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:132
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:135
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:138
 msgid "Cursor Left"
 msgstr "åãããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:144
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:147
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:150
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:153
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:156
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:159
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:162
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:165
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:142
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:145
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:148
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:151
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:154
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:157
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:160
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:163
 msgid "Cursor Right"
 msgstr "åãããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:177
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:175
 msgid "Keyboard"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:221
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:216
 msgid "Keyboard Events"
 msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:222
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:224
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:217
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:245
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:219
 msgid "Ready"
 msgstr "æåæã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:181
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:182
 msgid "Available Controllers"
-msgstr "åçåèããããããã"
+msgstr "åçåèãããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:273
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:275
 msgid "Active Controllers"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:289
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:291
 msgid "Configure the selected controller"
-msgstr "éæãããããããããèå"
+msgstr "éæããããããããããèå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:297
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:299
 msgid "Move the selected controller up"
-msgstr "éæãããããããããäãçå"
+msgstr "éæããããããããããäãçå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:305
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:307
 msgid "Move the selected controller down"
-msgstr "éæãããããããããäãçå"
+msgstr "éæããããããããããäãçå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:429
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:425
 #, c-format
 msgid "Add '%s' to the list of active controllers"
 msgstr "'%s' ãããããããããããããããäèãèåããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:480
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of active controllers"
-msgstr "'%s' ããããããããããããããäèããåéããã"
+msgstr "'%s' ãããããããããããããããäèããåéããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:514
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:510
 msgid ""
 "There can only be one active keyboard controller.\n"
 "You already have a keyboard controller in your list of active controllers."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããããããããããããããã 1 åãããããããã\n"
+"ãããããããããããããããããããããã 1 ãããããã\n"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:525
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:521
 msgid ""
 "There can only be one active wheel controller.\n"
 "You already have a wheel controller in your list of active controllers."
 msgstr ""
-"ããããããããããããããããã 1 åãããããããã\n"
+"ããããããããããããããããããããã 1 ãããããã\n"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:532
+msgid ""
+"There can only be one active mouse controller.\n"
+"You already have a mouse controller in your list of active controllers."
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããããããããããããããã 1 ãããããã\n"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:551
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:558
 msgid "Remove Controller?"
-msgstr "ãããããããåéãããã?"
+msgstr "ããããããããåéãããã?"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:556
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:563
 msgid "Disable Controller"
-msgstr "ãããããããçåå"
+msgstr "ããããããããçåå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:558
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:565
 msgid "Remove Controller"
-msgstr "ãããããããåé"
+msgstr "ããããããããåé"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:570
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:577
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove Controller '%s'?"
-msgstr "ãããããã '%s' ãåéãããã?"
+msgstr "ããããããã '%s' ãåéãããã?"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:574
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:581
 msgid ""
 "Removing this controller from the list of active controllers will "
 "permanently delete all event mappings you have configured.\n"
@@ -15225,169 +14841,229 @@ msgid ""
 "Selecting \"Disable Controller\" will disable the controller without "
 "removing it."
 msgstr ""
+"[ããããããããçåå] ãéãããããããåãåããåéãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:626
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:633
 msgid "Configure Input Controller"
-msgstr "ååãããããããèå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:71
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:74
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:77
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:80
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:83
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:86
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:89
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:92
+msgstr "ååããããããããèå"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:70
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:73
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:76
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:79
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:82
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:85
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:88
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:91
+msgid "Button 8"
+msgstr "ããã 8"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:95
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:98
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:101
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:104
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:107
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:110
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:113
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:116
+msgid "Button 9"
+msgstr "ããã 9"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:120
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:123
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:126
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:129
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:132
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:135
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:138
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:141
+msgid "Button 10"
+msgstr "ããã 10"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:145
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:148
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:151
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:154
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:157
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:160
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:163
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:166
+msgid "Button 11"
+msgstr "ããã 11"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:170
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:173
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:176
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:179
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:182
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:185
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:188
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:191
+msgid "Button 12"
+msgstr "ããã 12"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:203
+msgid "Mouse Buttons"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:244
+msgid "Mouse Button Events"
+msgstr "ããããããããããã"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:69
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:72
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:75
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:78
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:81
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:84
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:87
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:90
 msgid "Scroll Up"
 msgstr "äãããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:96
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:99
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:102
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:105
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:108
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:111
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:114
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:117
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:94
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:97
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:100
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:103
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:106
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:109
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:112
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:115
 msgid "Scroll Down"
 msgstr "äãããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:121
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:124
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:127
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:130
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:133
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:136
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:139
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:142
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:119
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:122
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:125
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:128
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:131
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:134
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:137
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:140
 msgid "Scroll Left"
 msgstr "åãããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:146
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:149
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:152
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:155
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:158
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:161
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:164
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:167
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:144
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:147
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:150
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:153
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:156
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:159
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:162
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:165
 msgid "Scroll Right"
 msgstr "åãããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:179
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:177
 msgid "Mouse Wheel"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:223
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:218
 msgid "Mouse Wheel Events"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdataeditor.c:221
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdataeditor.c:215
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "äå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdataeditor.c:229
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdataeditor.c:223
 msgid "Revert"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdataeditor.c:445
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdataeditor.c:435
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s (read only)"
 msgstr "%s (èãèãåç)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:161
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:165
 msgid "Delete the selected device"
-msgstr "éæãããããããããããåéããã"
+msgstr "éæãããããããåéããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:469
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:502
 msgid "Delete Device Settings"
-msgstr "éæãããããããããããåéããã"
+msgstr "éæããããããèåãåéããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:490
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:523
+#, c-format
 msgid "Delete \"%s\"?"
-msgstr "'%s' ãåéããããï"
+msgstr "\"%s\" ãåéããããï"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:493
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:526
 msgid ""
 "You are about to delete this device's stored settings.\n"
 "The next time this device is plugged, default settings will be used."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:142
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:148
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:213
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:140
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:141
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:68
 msgid "Pressure"
-msgstr "çåæç: "
+msgstr "çå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:143
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:141
 msgid "X tilt"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Xæåãåã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:144
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:142
 msgid "Y tilt"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Yæåãåã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:145
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:152
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:241
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:143
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:145
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:72
 msgid "Wheel"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã"
 #. the axes
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:192
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:193
 msgid "Axes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããè"
 #. the keys
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:266
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:267
 msgid "Keys"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:366
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:584
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:364
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:580
+#, c-format
 msgid "none"
-msgstr "(ãã)"
+msgstr "ãã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:414
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:412
+#, c-format
 msgid "%s Curve"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgstr "'%s' ãããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:473
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:196
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:471
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:195
 msgid "_Reset Curve"
-msgstr "èããããã(_E)"
+msgstr "ãããããããã(_R)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:486
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:484
 #, c-format
 msgid "The axis '%s' has no curve"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'%s' ããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdevicestatus.c:139
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdevicestatus.c:136
 msgid "Save device status"
 msgstr "ãããããçæãäå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdevicestatus.c:448
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdevicestatus.c:432
 #, c-format
 msgid "Foreground: %d, %d, %d"
-msgstr "æçèï %d, %d, %d"
+msgstr "æçè: %d, %d, %d"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdevicestatus.c:453
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdevicestatus.c:437
 #, c-format
 msgid "Background: %d, %d, %d"
-msgstr "èæèï %d, %d, %d"
+msgstr "èæè: %d, %d, %d"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimpdnd-xds.c:203
 msgid "The given filename does not have any known file extension."
@@ -15412,10 +15088,9 @@ msgstr "äåããããããããçåãçãæãããã?"
 #. String used to separate dockables, e.g. "Tool Options, Layers"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimpdock.h:34
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "dock"
 msgid ", "
-msgstr ","
+msgstr ", "
 #. String used to separate books (GtkNotebooks) within a dock,
 #. e.g. "Tool Options, Layers - Brushes"
@@ -15423,7 +15098,7 @@ msgstr ","
 #: ../app/widgets/gimpdock.h:39
 msgctxt "dock"
 msgid " - "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " - "
 #. String used to separate dock columns,
 #. e.g. "Tool Options, Layers - Brushes | Gradients"
@@ -15431,55 +15106,44 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../app/widgets/gimpdock.h:44
 msgctxt "dock"
 msgid " | "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " | "
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdockbook.c:290
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdockbook.c:295
 msgid "Configure this tab"
-msgstr "ãããããèå"
+msgstr "ãããããèå"
 #. Auto button
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdockwindow.c:353
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdockwindow.c:382
 msgid "Auto"
 msgstr "èå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdockwindow.c:364
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdockwindow.c:393
 msgid ""
 "When enabled the dialog automatically follows the image you are working on."
 msgstr "æåãããããçåäæäãçåãããããããèåçãèåãããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c:124
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c:122
 msgid "Lock pixels"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããäè"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:133
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:139
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:135
 msgid "Mapping matrix"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ååçæãäè"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:149
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:220
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:142
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:69
 msgid "Velocity"
-msgstr "çéæç: "
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:151
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:234
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Tilt"
-msgstr "åã: "
+msgstr "çé"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:153
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:248
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:146
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:73
 msgid "Random"
-msgstr "äèååå: "
+msgstr "äèå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:154
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:255
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:147
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:74
 msgid "Fade"
-msgstr "ãããã(_F)"
+msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimperrordialog.c:150
 msgid "Too many error messages!"
@@ -15494,189 +15158,180 @@ msgstr "ããããããææãããååãååããããã"
 msgid "%s Message"
 msgstr "%s ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:326
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:327
 msgid "Automatically Detected"
 msgstr "èååå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:343
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:344
 msgid "By Extension"
 msgstr "æååãåå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:799
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:790
 msgid "All files"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:804
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:795
 msgid "All images"
 msgstr "ããããçå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:980
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:971
 #, c-format
 msgid "Select File _Type (%s)"
-msgstr "ããããååãéæ(_T)  ïçåãèåï %sï"
+msgstr "ããããååãéæ(_T) (çåãèå: %s)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpfileprocview.c:186
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfileprocview.c:185
 msgid "File Type"
 msgstr "ããããåå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpfileprocview.c:198
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfileprocview.c:197
 msgid "Extensions"
 msgstr "æåå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpfilleditor.c:127
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfilleditor.c:124
 msgid "Fill Color"
-msgstr "æçèãåãããã(_F)"
+msgstr "æçèãåãããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpfilleditor.c:145
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfilleditor.c:143
 msgid "_Antialiasing"
 msgstr "ãããããããã(_A)"
-#. Instant update toggle
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:413
-msgid "Instant update"
-msgstr "åæææ"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:775
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:753
 #, c-format
 msgid "Zoom factor: %d:1"
-msgstr "åçï %d:1"
+msgstr "åç: %d:1"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:778
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:756
 #, c-format
 msgid "Displaying [%0.4f, %0.4f]"
 msgstr "èç [%0.4f, %0.4f]"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:997
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:953
 #, c-format
 msgid "Position: %0.4f"
-msgstr "äçï %0.4f"
+msgstr "äç: %0.4f"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:998
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:954
 #, c-format
 msgid "RGB (%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f)"
 msgstr "RGB (%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1000
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:956
 #, c-format
 msgid "HSV (%0.1f, %0.1f, %0.1f)"
 msgstr "HSV (%0.1f, %0.1f, %0.1f)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1002
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:958
 #, c-format
 msgid "Luminance: %0.1f    Opacity: %0.1f"
-msgstr "èåï %0.1f    äéæåï %0.1f"
+msgstr "èå: %0.1f    äéæå: %0.1f"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1033
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:989
 #, c-format
 msgid "RGB (%d, %d, %d)"
 msgstr "RGB (%d, %d, %d)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1044
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1000
 msgid "Foreground color set to:"
-msgstr "æçèãääãèå: "
+msgstr "æçèãääãèå:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1051
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1007
 msgid "Background color set to:"
-msgstr "èæèãääãèå: "
+msgstr "èæèãääãèå:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1285
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1351
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1235
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1296
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s%sDrag: move & compress"
-msgstr "%s%sããããï çå & åç"
+msgid "%s-Drag: move & compress"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: çåãäç"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1291
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1240
 msgid "Drag: move"
-msgstr "ããããï çå"
+msgstr "ãããã: çå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1298
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1312
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1326
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1348
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1247
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1260
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1273
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1294
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s%sClick: extend selection"
-msgstr "%s%sããããï éæçåãæå"
+msgid "%s-Click: extend selection"
+msgstr "%s-ãããã: çåéæ"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1304
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1318
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1252
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1265
 msgid "Click: select"
-msgstr "ããããï éæ"
+msgstr "ãããã: éæ"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1332
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1356
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1278
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1300
 msgid "Click: select    Drag: move"
-msgstr "ããããï éæ    ããããï çå"
+msgstr "ãããã: éæ    ãããã: çå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1571
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1579
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1515
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1523
 #, c-format
 msgid "Handle position: %0.4f"
-msgstr "ãããããããããï %0.4f"
+msgstr "ååçãçå: %0.4f"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1596
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1540
 #, c-format
 msgid "Distance: %0.4f"
-msgstr "èéï %0.4f"
+msgstr "ããããããçå: %0.4f"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:216
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:147
 msgid "Line _style:"
-msgstr "çç(_S): "
+msgstr "çç(_S):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:220
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:151
 msgid "Change grid foreground color"
 msgstr "ãããããæçèãåæ"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:227
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:158
 msgid "_Foreground color:"
-msgstr "æçè(_F): "
+msgstr "æçè(_F):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:231
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:162
 msgid "Change grid background color"
 msgstr "ãããããèæèãåæ"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:238
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:169
 msgid "_Background color:"
-msgstr "èæè(_B): "
+msgstr "èæè(_B):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:243
-msgid "Spacing"
-msgstr "éé: "
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:264 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:296
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:195 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:227
 msgid "Width"
 msgstr "å"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:266 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:298
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:197 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:229
 msgid "Height"
 msgstr "éã"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:293
 msgid "Help browser is missing"
-msgstr "ããããããããèãããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããèãããããã"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:294
 msgid "The GIMP help browser is not available."
-msgstr "ããããããããçååçãããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçååçãããããã"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:295
 msgid ""
 "The GIMP help browser plug-in appears to be missing from your installation. "
 "You may instead use the web browser for reading the help pages."
 msgstr ""
-"GIMP ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
+"GIMP ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:336
 msgid "Help browser doesn't start"
-msgstr "ããããããããèåãããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããèåãããã"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:337
 msgid "Could not start the GIMP help browser plug-in."
-msgstr "GIMP ããããããããããããããèåããããã"
+msgstr "GIMP ããããããããããããããèåããããã"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:364
 msgid "Use _Web Browser"
-msgstr "ããããããããäç(_W)"
+msgstr "ãããããããããäç(_W)"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:610
 msgid "GIMP user manual is missing"
@@ -15697,166 +15352,155 @@ msgid ""
 "You may either install the additional help package or change your "
 "preferences to use the online version."
 msgstr ""
-"GIMP ãããããããããèåããããããããããçåèåãããããããããã"
+"GIMP ãããããããããèåããããããããããèåãããããã [ããã] ãã"
+"ãããã [äçããããããããããã] ã [ãããããç] ãåæãããåçåè"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:99
 msgid "Mean:"
-msgstr "åå: "
+msgstr "åå:"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:100
 msgid "Std dev:"
-msgstr "ææåå: "
+msgstr "ææåå:"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:101
 msgid "Median:"
-msgstr "äåå: "
+msgstr "äåå:"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:102
 msgid "Pixels:"
-msgstr "çããããæ: "
+msgstr "çããããæ:"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:103
 msgid "Count:"
-msgstr "åèããããæ: "
+msgstr "åèããããæ:"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:104
 msgid "Percentile:"
-msgstr "ããããã: "
+msgstr "ããããããã:"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:122
 msgid "Channel:"
-msgstr "ããããã: "
+msgstr "ããããã:"
 #. Button
 #: ../app/widgets/gimpimagecommenteditor.c:107
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Use default comment"
-msgstr "æåãæå"
+msgstr "æåããããããäç"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimpimagecommenteditor.c:109
 msgid ""
 "Replace the current image comment with the default comment set in "
 "EditâPreferencesâDefault Image."
 msgstr ""
+"çåããããããèåãããããã [æããçåãèå] ããããããæåãããã"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimpimageprofileview.c:200
 msgid "Querying..."
 msgstr "åãåãããããã..."
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:122
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:120
 msgid "Size in pixels:"
-msgstr "ãããäãããã: "
+msgstr "ããããããã:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:125
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:123
 msgid "Print size:"
-msgstr "ååããã: "
+msgstr "ååããã:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:128
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:126
 msgid "Resolution:"
-msgstr "èåå: "
+msgstr "èåå:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:131
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:129
 msgid "Color space:"
-msgstr "èçé: "
+msgstr "èçé:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:136
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:134
 msgid "File Name:"
-msgstr "ããããå: "
+msgstr "ããããå:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:142
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:140
 msgid "File Size:"
-msgstr "ããããããã: "
+msgstr "ããããããã:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:145
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:143
 msgid "File Type:"
-msgstr "ããããåå: "
+msgstr "ããããåå:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:150
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:148
 msgid "Size in memory:"
-msgstr "ãããäãããã: "
+msgstr "ãããäãããã:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:153
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:151
 msgid "Undo steps:"
-msgstr "ããããåæ: "
+msgstr "åãæãããããã:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:156
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:154
 msgid "Redo steps:"
-msgstr "ãããåæ: "
+msgstr "ããçãããããã:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:161
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:159
 msgid "Number of pixels:"
-msgstr "ããããæ: "
+msgstr "ããããæ:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:164
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:162
 msgid "Number of layers:"
-msgstr "ããããæ: "
+msgstr "ããããæ:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:167
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:165
 msgid "Number of channels:"
-msgstr "ãããããæ: "
+msgstr "ãããããæ:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:170
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:168
 msgid "Number of paths:"
-msgstr "ããæ: "
+msgstr "ããæ:"
 #. no undo (or redo) steps available
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:416
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:407
 msgid "None"
 msgstr "ãã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:470
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:461
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "pixels/%s"
 msgstr "ãããã/%s"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:472
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:463
 #, c-format
 msgid "%g à %g %s"
 msgstr "%g à %g %s"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:493
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:484
 msgid "colors"
 msgstr "è"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpitemtreeview.c:708
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpitemtreeview.c:716
 msgid "Lock:"
-msgstr "éæäè"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpitemtreeview.c:1481
-msgid "Set Item Exclusive Visible"
-msgstr "ãããããæäèçããã"
+msgstr "äè:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpitemtreeview.c:1489
-msgid "Set Item Exclusive Linked"
-msgstr "ãããããæäãããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:309
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:307
 msgid "Lock alpha channel"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "éæéåãäè"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpmessagebox.c:439
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpmessagebox.c:433
 #, c-format
-msgid "Message repeated %d times."
-msgstr "%d ååãããããããçãèããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpmessagebox.c:441
 msgid "Message repeated once."
-msgstr "åãããããããçãèããããã"
+msgid_plural "Message repeated %d times."
+msgstr[0] "åããããããã %d åçãèãããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:252
-#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:743
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:226
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:682
 msgid "Undefined"
 msgstr "ååãã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:260
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:234
 msgid "Columns:"
-msgstr "å: "
+msgstr "å:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpprofilechooserdialog.c:136
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpprofilechooserdialog.c:127
 msgid "ICC color profile (*.icc, *.icm)"
 msgstr "ICC ããããããããã (*.icc, *.icm)"
@@ -15879,97 +15523,97 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Invalid UTF-8"
 msgstr "äéåã UTF-8 æåå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:241
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:269
 msgid "Pick a setting from the list"
-msgstr "ãããããèåãããããããããäèããéããäåããã"
+msgstr "ãããããèåããããããããããäèããéããäåããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:262
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:291
 msgid "Add settings to favorites"
 msgstr "ããèåãããããããèåããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:290
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:319
 msgid "_Import Settings from File..."
-msgstr "èåãããããã(_I)"
+msgstr "èåãããããã(_I)..."
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:296
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:325
 msgid "_Export Settings to File..."
-msgstr "èåããããããã(_E)"
+msgstr "èåããããããã(_E)..."
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:303
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:332
 msgid "_Manage Settings..."
-msgstr "ãããããããããçé...(_M)"
+msgstr "ãããããããããçé(_M)..."
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:590
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:625
 msgid "Add Settings to Favorites"
 msgstr "èåãããããããèå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:593
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:628
 msgid "Enter a name for the settings"
-msgstr "ããèåããããããå: "
+msgstr "ããèåããããããå:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:594
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:629
 msgid "Saved Settings"
 msgstr "äåæèå"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:630
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:670
 msgid "Manage Saved Settings"
 msgstr "ãããããããããçé"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingseditor.c:174
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingseditor.c:194
 msgid "Import settings from a file"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingseditor.c:183
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingseditor.c:203
 msgid "Export the selected settings to a file"
 msgstr "éæããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingseditor.c:192
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingseditor.c:212
 msgid "Delete the selected settings"
 msgstr "éæãããããããããããåéããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:460
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d à %d ppi"
 msgstr "%d x %d dpi"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:462
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d ppi"
 msgstr "%d dpi"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:187
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:129
 msgid "Line width:"
-msgstr "çãå: "
+msgstr "çãå:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:199
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:141
 msgid "_Line Style"
-msgstr "çãçé(_L): "
+msgstr "çãçé(_L):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:218
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:160
 msgid "_Cap style:"
-msgstr "çããããã(_C): "
+msgstr "çããããã(_C):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:224
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:166
 msgid "_Join style:"
-msgstr "çåãããã(_J): "
+msgstr "çåãããã(_J):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:229
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:171
 msgid "_Miter limit:"
-msgstr "æãçãéç(_M): "
+msgstr "æãçãéç(_M):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:236
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:178
 msgid "Dash pattern:"
-msgstr "ççãããã: "
+msgstr "ççãããã:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:299
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:241
 msgid "Dash _preset:"
-msgstr "æåãçç(_P): "
+msgstr "æåãçç(_P):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptagentry.c:43
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptagentry.c:45
 msgid "filter"
 msgstr "ãããæç"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptagentry.c:44
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptagentry.c:46
 msgid "enter tags"
 msgstr "ãããäãã"
@@ -15977,45 +15621,45 @@ msgstr "ãããäãã"
 #. * IMPORTANT: use only one of Unicode terminal punctuation chars.
 #. * http://unicode.org/review/pr-23.html
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptagentry.c:1716
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptagentry.c:1732
 msgid ","
 msgstr ","
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:179
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:201
 #, c-format
 msgid "%p"
 msgstr "%p"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:254
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:276
 msgid "_Advanced Options"
 msgstr "èçèå(_A)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:361
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:387
 msgid "Color _space:"
-msgstr "èçé(_S): "
+msgstr "èçé(_S):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:369
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:395
 msgid "_Fill with:"
-msgstr "åããããè(_F): "
+msgstr "åããããè(_F):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:379
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:405
 msgid "Comme_nt:"
-msgstr "ãããã(_N): "
+msgstr "ãããã(_N):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:529
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:512
 msgid "_Name:"
-msgstr "åå(_N): "
+msgstr "åå(_N):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:542
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:519
 msgid "_Icon:"
-msgstr "ãããã(_I): "
+msgstr "ãããã(_I):"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:670
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:683
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d à %d ppi, %s"
 msgstr "%d x %d dpi, %s"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:672
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:685
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d ppi, %s"
 msgstr "%d dpi, %s"
@@ -16023,77 +15667,86 @@ msgstr "%d dpi, %s"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptextbuffer-serialize.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããäãäããããã <%2$s> èçã \"%1$s\" åæãçåããã"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptextbuffer-serialize.c:410
 #, c-format
 msgid "Outermost element in text must be <markup> not <%s>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "æãååãèçã <%s> ãããã <markup> ãããããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptextbuffer.c:1456
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextbuffer.c:1454
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid UTF-8 data in file '%s'."
-msgstr "ãããã '%s' äãçåã UTF-8 ããããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãçåã UTF-8 ããããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptexteditor.c:205
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptexteditor.c:222
 msgid "_Use selected font"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããèç(_U)"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:199
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change size of selected text"
-msgstr ""
-"ãããããæåãããçåããã ïãããããæããããããæåãããçåããã"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:206
-msgid "Change color of selected text"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Change font of selected text"
+msgstr "éæããããããããããããåæããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:231
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:217
+msgid "Change size of selected text"
+msgstr "éæãããããããããããããããåæããã"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:236
 msgid "Clear style of selected text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "éæããããããããããããæåããã"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:247
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:256
+msgid "Change color of selected text"
+msgstr "éæãããããããè"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:251
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:272
 msgid "Change kerning of selected text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "éæãããããããããããããåæããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:267
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:288
 msgid "Change baseline of selected text"
-msgstr ""
-"ãããããæåãããçåããã ïãããããæããããããæåãããçåããã"
+msgstr "éæããããããããããããããåæããã"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:328
+msgid "Bold"
+msgstr "åå"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:331
+msgid "Italic"
+msgstr "æä"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:334
+msgid "Underline"
+msgstr "äç"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:337
+msgid "Strikethrough"
+msgstr "åãæãç"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:330
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Click to update preview\n"
-"%s%sClick to force update even if preview is up-to-date"
+"%s-Click to force update even if preview is up-to-date"
 msgstr ""
+"ãããã: ããããããææããã\n"
+"%s-ãããã: ããããããææããåããååçãææããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:348
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:347
 msgid "Pr_eview"
 msgstr "ããããã(_E)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:403 ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:467
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:404 ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:468
 msgid "No selection"
 msgstr "éæãã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:595 ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:616
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:596 ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:617
 #, c-format
 msgid "Thumbnail %d of %d"
-msgstr "ããããã %d / %d"
+msgstr "ããããã %d/%d"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:729 ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:739
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:730 ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:740
 msgid "Creating preview..."
 msgstr "ããããããäæä..."
@@ -16111,22 +15764,23 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-color-area.c:140
 msgid "Change Foreground Color"
-msgstr "æçèãåæ"
+msgstr "æçèãåæ"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-color-area.c:145
 msgid "Change Background Color"
-msgstr "èæèãåæ"
+msgstr "èæèãåæ"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-image-area.c:112
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-image-area.c:117
 msgid ""
 "The active image.\n"
 "Click to open the Image Dialog."
-msgstr "ãããããããããããçåããããããããçåããããããéãããã"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããããããããããçåãããããããã [çå] ããããããéãããã"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-image-area.c:114
 msgid "Drag to an XDS enabled file-manager to save the image."
-msgstr "çåãäåãããã XDS ãæåããããããããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "çåãäåãããã XDS ãæåãããããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-indicator-area.c:149
 msgid ""
@@ -16152,160 +15806,148 @@ msgstr ""
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptooleditor.c:294
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Raise this tool"
 msgstr "ããããããããããäãçåããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptooleditor.c:295
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Raise this tool to the top"
-msgstr "ããããããããããäçäãçåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããæäæãçåããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptooleditor.c:302
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Lower this tool"
 msgstr "ããããããããããäãçåããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptooleditor.c:303
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Lower this tool to the bottom"
-msgstr "ããããããããããäçäãçåããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããæäæãçåããã"
-# ãããããã
 #: ../app/widgets/gimptooleditor.c:310
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Reset tool order and visibility"
-msgstr "ãããããããã èç / éèç ãäãéãããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããã èç/éèç ãäãéãããããããã"
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptooloptionseditor.c:218
-msgid "Save options to..."
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããäåããã"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooloptionseditor.c:202
+msgid "Save Tool Preset..."
+msgstr "ãããããããããäå..."
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptooloptionseditor.c:226
-msgid "Restore options from..."
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããèãèããã"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooloptionseditor.c:210
+msgid "Restore Tool Preset..."
+msgstr "ãããããããããåèãèã..."
-# ãããããã
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptooloptionseditor.c:234
-msgid "Delete saved options..."
-msgstr "äåæãããããããããåéããã"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooloptionseditor.c:218
+msgid "Delete Tool Preset..."
+msgstr "ãããããããããåé..."
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptooloptionseditor.c:592
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error saving tool options presets: %s"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:126
+msgid "Icon:"
+msgstr "ãããã:"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:109
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:136
 msgid "Apply stored FG/BG"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "æçèãèæèãéç"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:115
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:141
 msgid "Apply stored brush"
-msgstr "ãããåãéç"
+msgstr "ããããéç"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:121
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:146
 msgid "Apply stored dynamics"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "åççæãéç"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:127
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:151
 msgid "Apply stored gradient"
-msgstr "æããããããããããäæããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããéç"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:133
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:156
 msgid "Apply stored pattern"
-msgstr "æãã"
+msgstr "ãããããéç"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:139
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Apply stored pallete"
-msgstr "ãããããèå"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:161
+msgid "Apply stored palette"
+msgstr "ãããããéç"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:145
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:166
 msgid "Apply stored font"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããéç"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptranslationstore.c:105
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:258
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Preset"
+msgstr "%s ãããããã"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptranslationstore.c:100
 msgid "System Language"
-msgstr "èè(_L): "
+msgstr "ããããèåãèè"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimptranslationstore.c:107
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptranslationstore.c:102
 msgid "English"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "èè"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpuimanager.c:750
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpuimanager.c:742
 msgid "Your GIMP installation is incomplete:"
-msgstr "GIMP ããããããããäååãã: "
+msgstr "GIMP ãæåããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpuimanager.c:752
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpuimanager.c:744
 msgid "Please make sure the menu XML files are correctly installed."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããã XML ãããããæããããããããããããããçèããããããã"
+"ãããããåçãã XML ãããããæããããããããããããããçèããããã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpuimanager.c:758
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpuimanager.c:750
 #, c-format
 msgid "There was an error parsing the menu definition from %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-"'%s' ãããããããåçèæäãããããççããããã\n"
+"ããããåçãããã '%s' ãèæãããããããããççãããã\n"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpundoeditor.c:270
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpundoeditor.c:262
 msgid "[ Base Image ]"
 msgstr "[åçå]"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpvectorstreeview.c:112
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpvectorstreeview.c:111
 msgid "Lock path strokes"
-msgstr "ããããããæç"
+msgstr "ãããäè"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:80
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:86
 msgid "Open the brush selection dialog"
-msgstr "ãããéæããããããéã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããéã"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:150
+msgid "Open the dynamics selection dialog"
+msgstr "[æçãåççæ] ããããããéã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:137
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:215
 msgid "Open the pattern selection dialog"
-msgstr "ããããéæããããããéã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããéã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:203
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:283
 msgid "Open the gradient selection dialog"
-msgstr "ãããããããéæããããããéã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããéã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:305
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:400
 msgid "Open the palette selection dialog"
-msgstr "ããããéæããããããéã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããéã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:363
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:465
 msgid "Open the font selection dialog"
-msgstr "ããããéæããããããéã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããéã"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:670
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:595
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s (try %s)"
 msgstr "%s (%s ããããã)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:670
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:595
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s (%s)"
 msgstr "%s (%s)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:674
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:599
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s (try %s, %s)"
 msgstr "%s (%s, %s ããããã)"
-#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:678
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:603
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s (try %s, %s, %s)"
 msgstr "%s (%s, %s, %s ããããã)"
@@ -16411,12 +16053,11 @@ msgid "Status & desc"
 msgstr "çæãèç"
 #: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:223
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tab-style"
 msgid "Undefined"
-msgstr "ååãã"
+msgstr "äå"
-#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:332
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:334
 msgid ""
 "This XCF file is corrupt!  I have loaded as much of it as I can, but it is "
@@ -16424,7 +16065,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "ãã XCF ãããããåãããããããããéãèãèããããããååãèãèãã"
-#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:343
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:345
 msgid ""
 "This XCF file is corrupt!  I could not even salvage any partial image data "
 "from it."
@@ -16432,17 +16073,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "ãã XCF ãããããåãããããããããããããããçåããããéåçãããè"
-#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:407
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:418
 msgid ""
 "XCF warning: version 0 of XCF file format\n"
 "did not save indexed colormaps correctly.\n"
 "Substituting grayscale map."
 msgstr ""
-"XCF èåï ããããã 0 ã XCF ããããååãã\n"
+"XCF èå: XCF ååããããã 0 ãããããããã\n"
-#: ../app/xcf/xcf-read.c:108
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-read.c:115
 msgid "Invalid UTF-8 string in XCF file"
 msgstr "XCF ããããåãäéåã UTF-8 æååããããã"
@@ -16472,7 +16113,8 @@ msgstr "'%s' ãéããããã"
 #: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:313
 #, c-format
 msgid "XCF error: unsupported XCF file version %d encountered"
-msgstr "XCF ãããï XCF ããããã %d ãããããããããããã"
+msgstr ""
+"XCF ååãããããããéåãããããããããã %d ããããããããããããã"
 #: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:383
 #, c-format
@@ -16483,17 +16125,18 @@ msgstr "'%s' ãäåããããã"
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error saving XCF file: %s"
 msgstr ""
-"XCF ããããäåäãããããççããããã\n"
+"XCF ãããããäåäãããããççããããã\n"
+# ãã
 #: ../data/tags/gimp-tags-default.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "fuzzy"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fuzzy"
+# ãã
 #: ../data/tags/gimp-tags-default.xml.in.h:2
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "round"
-msgstr "äã"
+msgstr "round"
 #: ../desktop/gimp.desktop.in.in.h:1
 msgid "Create images and edit photographs"
@@ -16501,45 +16144,248 @@ msgstr "çåãäæãåçãçéãèããã"
 #: ../desktop/gimp.desktop.in.in.h:3
 msgid "Image Editor"
-msgstr "çåãããã"
+msgstr "çåããããã"
-#: ../tools/gimp-remote.c:64
-msgid "Use a running GIMP only, never start a new one"
-msgstr "åèäãGIMPãããäçããæããããããããããèåããã"
+#~ msgid "Opacity:"
+#~ msgstr "äéæå:"
-#: ../tools/gimp-remote.c:69
-msgid "Only check if GIMP is running, then quit"
-msgstr "GIMP ãåèããããããçèããçä"
+#~ msgid "Set Item Exclusive Linked"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããæäãããããã"
-#: ../tools/gimp-remote.c:75
-msgid "Print X window ID of GIMP toolbox window, then quit"
-msgstr "ãããããããã X window ID ãèçããçäãã"
+#~ msgctxt "tool-preset-action"
+#~ msgid "_Delete Tool Preset"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããåé(_D)"
-#: ../tools/gimp-remote.c:81
-msgid "Start GIMP without showing the startup window"
-msgstr "èåæããããããããããããã(ãããããã)ãèçããã"
+#~ msgid "Message repeated %d times."
+#~ msgstr "%d ååãããããããçãèããããã"
-#: ../tools/gimp-remote-x11.c:66
-msgid "Could not connect to GIMP."
-msgstr "GIMPãæçãããããã"
+#~ msgctxt "command"
+#~ msgid "Flip"
+#~ msgstr "éååè"
-#: ../tools/gimp-remote-x11.c:67
-msgid "Make sure that the Toolbox is visible!"
-msgstr "ããããããããèããããããããçèããããããã"
+#~ msgctxt "command"
+#~ msgid "Perspective"
+#~ msgstr "éèæ"
-#. if execv and execvp return, there was an error
-#: ../tools/gimp-remote-x11.c:247
-#, c-format
-msgid "Couldn't start '%s': %s"
-msgstr ""
-"'%s' ãéåããããã\n"
+#~ msgctxt "command"
+#~ msgid "Rotate"
+#~ msgstr "åè"
+#~ msgctxt "command"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "æåãçå"
+#~ msgctxt "command"
+#~ msgid "Shear"
+#~ msgstr "åæåå"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Config"
+#~ msgstr "èå"
+#~ msgid "What to fill a selection or a layer with"
+#~ msgstr "ããèãåãããããããæåããã"
+#~ msgid "What to use for calculating an area to fill"
+#~ msgstr "åããããéåãæåããéãåååèãããèçãæåããã"
+#~ msgid "Fill from first point"
+#~ msgstr "åæãããåãåãããã"
+#~ msgid "How to render preview"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããèçææãæåããã"
+#~ msgid "Preview opacity"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããäéæåãèåããã"
+#~ msgid "How to define grid settings"
+#~ msgstr "ããããèåãææãæåããã"
+#~ msgid "Size of a grid cell"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "[ããããçãææ] ãæåãããããããã1èãèçããããããææãçãã"
+#~ "ã\n"
+#~ "[ããããçãéé] ãæåããããããããããããåäããããããééãç"
+#~ "ããã"
+#~ msgid "Preview:"
+#~ msgstr "ããããã:"
+#~ msgctxt "transform-preview-type"
+#~ msgid "Outline"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããã"
+#~ msgctxt "transform-preview-type"
+#~ msgid "Grid"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããã"
+#~ msgctxt "transform-preview-type"
+#~ msgid "Image"
+#~ msgstr "çåãã"
+#~ msgctxt "transform-preview-type"
+#~ msgid "Image + Grid"
+#~ msgstr "çåããããã"
+#~ msgid "Use a running GIMP only, never start a new one"
+#~ msgstr "åèäãGIMPãããäçããæããããããããããèåããã"
+#~ msgid "Only check if GIMP is running, then quit"
+#~ msgstr "GIMP ãåèäããããçèããçäãã"
+#~ msgid "Print X window ID of GIMP toolbox window, then quit"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããã X window ID ãèçããçäãã"
+#~ msgid "Start GIMP without showing the startup window"
+#~ msgstr "èåæããããããããããããã(ãããããã)ãèçããã"
+#~ msgid "Could not connect to GIMP."
+#~ msgstr "GIMPãæçãããããã"
+#~ msgid "Make sure that the Toolbox is visible!"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããèããããããããçèããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't start '%s': %s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "'%s' ãéåãããããã\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Factor"
+#~ msgstr "èæãåã"
+#~ msgid "Text box resize mode"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããååããããæåããã"
+#~ msgid "Radius:"
+#~ msgstr "åå:"
+#~ msgid "Hardness:"
+#~ msgstr "åå:"
+#~ msgid "Aspect ratio:"
+#~ msgstr "çææ:"
+#~ msgid "Spacing:"
+#~ msgstr "éé:"
+#~ msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+#~ msgid "_Save Options To"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããäå(_S)"
+#~ msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+#~ msgid "_Restore Options From"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããèèã(_R)"
+#~ msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+#~ msgid "Re_name Saved Options"
+#~ msgstr "äåæãããããåãåæ(_N)"
+#~ msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+#~ msgid "_Delete Saved Options"
+#~ msgstr "äåæããããããåé(_D)"
+#~ msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+#~ msgid "_New Entry..."
+#~ msgstr "æãããããã(_N)..."
+#~ msgid "Save Tool Options"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããäå"
+#~ msgid "Enter a name for the saved options"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããäåçãããããåãååãããããã"
+#~ msgid "Saved Options"
+#~ msgstr "Saved Options"
+#~ msgid "Rename Saved Tool Options"
+#~ msgstr "äåæãããããããããããããåãåæ"
+#~ msgid "Enter a new name for the saved options"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããäåçãæããããããåãååãããããã"
+#~ msgid "Coefficient computation"
+#~ msgstr "äæèçããããã"
+#~ msgid "Save options to..."
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããããããããäåããã"
+#~ msgid "Restore options from..."
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããèãèããã"
+#~ msgid "Delete saved options..."
+#~ msgstr "äåæãããããããããåéããã"
+#~ msgid "Error saving tool options presets: %s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ããããããããèåãäåäãããããççããããã\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Instant update"
+#~ msgstr "åæææ"
+#~ msgid "Length"
+#~ msgstr "éã"
+#~ msgid "Use color from gradient"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããæã"
+#~ msgid "Type"
+#~ msgstr "çé"
+#~ msgid "Gradient:"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããã:"
+#~ msgid "Tilt:"
+#~ msgstr "åã:"
+#~ msgid "Brush:"
+#~ msgstr "ããããåç:"
+#~ msgid "Dynamics:"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããã(2599):"
+#~ msgid "Reset size"
+#~ msgstr "åããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Aspect:"
+#~ msgstr "çææ:"
+#~ msgid "Font:"
+#~ msgstr "ãããã:"
+#~ msgid "Rate:"
+#~ msgstr "åå:"
+#~ msgid "Flow:"
+#~ msgstr "æé:"
+#~ msgid "Threshold:"
+#~ msgstr "ãããå:"
+#~ msgid "Brush Scale"
+#~ msgstr "ããããæåãçå"
+#~ msgid "Scale:"
+#~ msgstr "æåãçå:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Install a private colormap; might be useful on 8-bit (256 colors) "
+#~ "displays."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ãããããããããããããèåãããã 8-ããã (256 è) ãããããããã"
+#~ "æçããããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Generally only a concern for 8-bit displays, this sets the minimum number "
+#~ "of system colors allocated for GIMP."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GIMP ãåçãããæåããããããããæãæåãããã (8-bit ãããããã"
+#~ "ãããéäããã)"
 #~ msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 #~ msgid "T_ools"
 #~ msgstr "ããããããã(_O)"
-# ãããããã
 #~ msgctxt "dialogs-action"
 #~ msgid "Open the tools dialog"
 #~ msgstr ""
@@ -16547,7 +16393,6 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ "äçåèãããããäèãèçããããããããããããããéæããããããã"
 #~ "ãããããããããããããããäãåããããããããããéæãåèãããã"
-# ãããããã
 #~ msgctxt "file-action"
 #~ msgid "Save this image with a different name, but keep its current name"
 #~ msgstr ""
@@ -16562,27 +16407,22 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgid "_Text to Selection"
 #~ msgstr "ãããããéæçåã(_T)"
-# ãããããã
 #~ msgctxt "layers-action"
 #~ msgid "Replace the selection with the text layer's outline"
 #~ msgstr "ããããããéæçåãäæããã"
-# ãããããã
 #~ msgctxt "layers-action"
 #~ msgid "Add the text layer's outline to the current selection"
 #~ msgstr "éæçåããããããçåãåããã"
-# ãããããã
 #~ msgctxt "layers-action"
 #~ msgid "Subtract the text layer's outline from the current selection"
 #~ msgstr "éæçåãããããããçåãåããã"
-# ãããããã
 #~ msgctxt "layers-action"
 #~ msgid "Intersect the text layer's outline with the current selection"
 #~ msgstr "éæçåããããããçåããäåéåãæããéæçåãããã"
-# ãããããããããã
 #~ msgid "Reset Tool Options"
 #~ msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
@@ -16610,12 +16450,10 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgid "_Show in Toolbox"
 #~ msgstr "ããããããããèç(_S)"
-# ãããããã
 #~ msgid "When enabled, GIMP will show mnemonics in menus."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ããèåãããããããããããããããããããããããèçããããã"
+#~ "ããèåããããããããããããããããããããããããèçããããã"
-# ãããããã
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "When enabled, dock windows (the toolbox and palettes) are set to be "
 #~ "transient to the active image window. Most window managers will keep the "
@@ -16627,7 +16465,6 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ "ããããããããããããããããçãããããããããããããåäçãããã"
 #~ "ããããããã)"
-# ãããããã
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "The window type hint that is set on the toolbox. This may affect how your "
 #~ "window manager decorates and handles the toolbox window."
@@ -16637,16 +16474,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ "ããã(ããèåãããçæããäçãããããããããããããããããããç"
 #~ "ããããã)"
-# ãããããã
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Sets the external web browser to be used.  This can be an absolute path "
 #~ "or the name of an executable to search for in the user's PATH. If the "
 #~ "command contains '%s' it will be replaced with the URL, else the URL will "
 #~ "be appended to the command with a space separating the two."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "åçããåéãããããæåããããçåãããåçèã PATH äãããåèãã"
-#~ "ããåãããããããã '%s' ãåãååãããURL ãçæãããåãããååã"
-#~ "ããããããåããããããååãã URL ãæåããããã"
+#~ "åçããåéããããããæåããããçåãããåçèã PATH äãããåè"
+#~ "ããããåãããããããã '%s' ãåãååãããURL ãçæãããåãããå"
+#~ "åãããããããåããããããååãã URL ãæåããããã"
 #~ msgctxt "undo-type"
 #~ msgid "Reposition layer"
@@ -16678,20 +16514,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgid "Bucket Fill"
 #~ msgstr "åãããã"
-#~ msgid "Transform"
-#~ msgstr "åå"
 #~ msgid "Show menu _mnemonics (access keys)"
-#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããèç(_M)"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããããããããããèç(_M)"
 #~ msgid "Web Browser"
-#~ msgstr "ããããããã"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããã"
 #~ msgid "_Web browser to use:"
-#~ msgstr "äçããããããããã(_W): "
+#~ msgstr "äçãããããããããã(_W):"
 #~ msgid "Hint for other _docks:"
-#~ msgstr "ããããããã(_D): "
+#~ msgstr "ããããããã(_D):"
 #~ msgid "Toolbox and other docks are transient to the active image window"
 #~ msgstr ""
@@ -16702,10 +16535,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgstr "ããã(_Z)"
 #~ msgid "Direction:"
-#~ msgstr "æå: "
-#~ msgid "Path to selection"
-#~ msgstr "ããããéæçåãäæããã"
+#~ msgstr "æå:"
 #~ msgid "Empty Channel"
 #~ msgstr "çããããã"
@@ -16714,7 +16544,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgstr "ããããããããåèããããããããããããããã"
 #~ msgid "Pixel dimensions:"
-#~ msgstr "ããããåæ: "
+#~ msgstr "ããããåæ:"
 #~ msgid "Empty Layer"
 #~ msgstr "çããããã"
@@ -16722,15 +16552,93 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgid "Empty Path"
 #~ msgstr "çããã"
-# ãããããã
+#~ msgid "git commit %s"
+#~ msgstr "git commit %s"
+#~ msgid "Channel to Selection"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããéæçåã"
+#~ msgid "Pressure:"
+#~ msgstr "çåæç:"
+#~ msgctxt "undo-type"
+#~ msgid "Reorder layer"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããäãæã"
+#~ msgctxt "undo-type"
+#~ msgid "Reorder channel"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããäãæã"
+#~ msgctxt "undo-type"
+#~ msgid "Reorder path"
+#~ msgstr "ãããäãæã"
+#~ msgid "Cannot merge down a layer group."
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããåãåæããããã"
+#~ msgid "Group Layer"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Raise this tool Raise this tool to the top"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ãããããããããã 1 æäãããã(SHIFT) ããããããããããæäæãç"
+#~ "åãããã"
+#~ msgid "Lower this tool Lower this tool to the bottom"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ãããããããããã 1 æäãããã(SHIFT) ããããããããããæäæãç"
+#~ "åãããã"
+#~ msgctxt "layers-action"
+#~ msgid "_New Group Layer..."
+#~ msgstr "æãããããããããããèå(_N)..."
+#~ msgctxt "layers-action"
+#~ msgid "Create a new group layer and add it to the image"
+#~ msgstr "æãããããããããããäæãçåãèåããã"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Scale Group Layer"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããæåãçå"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Resize Group Layer"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããåæ"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Flip Group Layer"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããåè"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Rotate Group Layer"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããåè"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Transform Group Layer"
+#~ msgstr "åæãããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Sets the external web browser to be used.  This can be an absolute path "
+#~ "or the name of an executable to search for in the user's PATH. If the "
+#~ "command contains '%s' it will be replaced with the URL, otherwise the URL "
+#~ "will be appended to the command with a space separating the two."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "åçããåéããããããæåããããçåãããåçèã PATH äãããåè"
+#~ "ããããåãããããããã '%s' ãåãååãããURL ãçæãããåãããå"
+#~ "åãããããããåããããããååãã URL ãæåããããã"
+#~ msgctxt "tools-action"
+#~ msgid "Tools Menu"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããã"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "circle"
+#~ msgstr "ä"
 #~ msgctxt "edit-action"
 #~ msgid "Copy the selected region to a named buffer"
-#~ msgstr "éæçåäãèãããããããååäãããããããããããããã"
+#~ msgstr "éæçåäãèãããããããååäããããããããããããããã"
-# "ãããããããããäå(_T)" ããåæ
-# GIMP ãããããããããåãéããèååçãèååãããæçãããããããããããããåããããã
-# ãäåããããåèãçããããããããæããããããããäåããããããåèãäããããäèããããåæãã
-# (2009-02-01 NISHIBORI kiyotaka)
 #~ msgctxt "file-action"
 #~ msgid "Save as _Template..."
 #~ msgstr "çåãããããããããäæ(_T)..."
@@ -16739,12 +16647,6 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgid "Fill with P_attern"
 #~ msgstr "ãããããåãããã(_A)"
-# ãããããããããããããããããã
-# (2008-02-08)
-#~ msgctxt "context-action"
-#~ msgid "_Aspect"
-#~ msgstr "çææ(_A)"
 #~ msgid "Do_n't Save"
 #~ msgstr "äåããã(_N)"
@@ -16770,10 +16672,10 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgstr "æããããããäæãããã"
 #~ msgid "Sample Merged"
-#~ msgstr "ããããçåè"
+#~ msgstr "èããããèã"
 #~ msgid "Remove dangling entries"
-#~ msgstr "æãååãããçåãããããããæããããããåéããã"
+#~ msgstr "æãååãããçåãããããæããããããåéããã"
 #~ msgid "Save error log"
 #~ msgstr "ããããããäå"
@@ -16845,11 +16747,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgid "Cannot rigor this layer because it is not a floating selection."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ãããããã rigor ããããããïãããããããéæçåãããããããã)"
+#~ "ãããããã rigor ãããããã(ãããããããéæçåãããããããã)"
 #~ msgid "Cannot relax this layer because it is not a floating selection."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ããããããã relax ããããããïãããããããéæçåãããããããã)"
+#~ "ããããããã relax ãããããã(ãããããããéæçåãããããããã)"
 #~ msgid "quality|Low"
 #~ msgstr "äåä"
@@ -16883,27 +16785,27 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgstr "ãããæãæèéããããã"
 #~ msgid "Reading palette '%s': Missing GREEN component in line %d."
-#~ msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d èç) èãèãäï çãèçãèããããããã"
+#~ msgstr "ãããã '%s' (%d èç) èãèãä: çãèçãèããããããã"
 #~ msgid "Cannot add layer mask to layer which is not part of an image."
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "çåãäéåããããããããããããããããäåããäããããããã"
 #~ msgid "_Filter:"
-#~ msgstr "ãããã(_F)ï"
+#~ msgstr "ããããã(_F):"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "PDB calling error:\n"
 #~ "Procedure '%s' not found"
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "PDB åãåããããï\n"
-#~ "ãããããã '%s' ãèããããããã"
+#~ "PDB åãåãããã:\n"
+#~ "ããããããã '%s' ãèããããããã"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "PDB calling error for procedure '%s':\n"
 #~ "Argument #%d type mismatch (expected %s, got %s)"
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ãããããã '%s' ãåãã PDB åãåããããï\n"
+#~ "ããããããã '%s' ãåãã PDB åãåãããã:\n"
 #~ "%d ççãåæãçéãçãããããã (%s ãããã %s ãããã)"
 #~ msgid "Copy the selected region to the clipboard"
@@ -16913,13 +16815,13 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgstr "çåæçãçéæç"
 #~ msgid "Help browser not found"
-#~ msgstr "ããããããããèãããããã"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããèãããããã"
 #~ msgid "Could not find GIMP help browser."
-#~ msgstr "GIMP ããããããããèäããããã"
+#~ msgstr "GIMP ãããããããããèäããããã"
 #~ msgid "Use _web browser instead"
-#~ msgstr "ããããããããäçãã(_W)"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããäçãã(_W)"
 #~ msgid "Show the tip of the day"
 #~ msgstr "GIMP ã Tipéãäæãæããèçããã"
@@ -16960,13 +16862,13 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgstr "ããããã"
 #~ msgid "Purpose:"
-#~ msgstr "ççï"
+#~ msgstr "çç:"
 #~ msgid "Last error:"
-#~ msgstr "æåããããï"
+#~ msgstr "æåãããã:"
 #~ msgid "Available types:"
-#~ msgstr "åçåèãçéï"
+#~ msgstr "åçåèãçé:"
 #~ msgid "Polygon Select"
 #~ msgstr "åèåéæ"
@@ -17097,7 +16999,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgstr "èç-ååèåããããããäåããã"
 #~ msgid "Recent Settings:"
-#~ msgstr "æèãèåï "
+#~ msgstr "æèãèå:"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Save to _Favorites"
@@ -17234,7 +17136,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgstr "çäæãããããåæãäå(_H)"
 #~ msgid "Remove all entries from the document history?"
-#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããåæããåéããããï"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããããåæããåéããããï"
 #~ msgid "Toolbox Menu"
 #~ msgstr "ããããããããããã"
@@ -17255,7 +17157,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgstr "ããããéæéåãäæãã"
 #~ msgid "_Try to obtain the monitor profile from the windowing system"
-#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããååãèè(_T)"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããããååãèè(_T)"
 #~ msgid "keyboard label|Space"
 #~ msgstr "ãããã"

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