[anjuta] manual: First version of project manager documentation
- From: Sebastien Granjoux <sgranjoux src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [anjuta] manual: First version of project manager documentation
- Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 20:00:59 +0000 (UTC)
commit 4c327d04ce64a1d29d43d211d9dd56661957ca6d
Author: Sébastien Granjoux <seb sfo free fr>
Date: Sat Apr 2 18:14:40 2011 +0200
manual: First version of project manager documentation
manuals/anjuta-manual/C/anjuta-project-create.page | 26 ----
manuals/anjuta-manual/C/anjuta-project-files.page | 25 ----
manuals/anjuta-manual/C/anjuta-project-import.page | 30 ----
.../anjuta-manual/C/anjuta-project-libraries.page | 43 ------
.../anjuta-manual/C/anjuta-project-structure.page | 29 ----
.../anjuta-manual/C/autotools-project-backend.page | 47 +++++++
.../anjuta-manual/C/directory-project-backend.page | 40 ++++++
manuals/anjuta-manual/C/figures/anjuta_logo.png | Bin 20259 -> 3634 bytes
manuals/anjuta-manual/C/index.page | 9 +-
manuals/anjuta-manual/C/introduction.page | 58 ++++++++
.../anjuta-manual/C/makefile-project-backend.page | 52 +++++++
manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-import.page | 73 ++++++++++
manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-file.page | 99 ++++++++++++++
.../anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-library.page | 116 ++++++++++++++++
.../anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-module.page | 140 ++++++++++++++++++++
.../anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-package.page | 82 ++++++++++++
.../anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-target.page | 93 +++++++++++++
manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager.page | 33 +++++
manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-wizard-create.page | 87 ++++++++++++
.../anjuta-manual/C/project-wizard-template.page | 33 +++++
20 files changed, 957 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-)
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/autotools-project-backend.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/autotools-project-backend.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcee48b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/autotools-project-backend.page
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="topic"
+ id="autotools-project-backend">
+ <info>
+ <link type="guide" xref="project-manager#backend"/>
+ <desc>
+ Autotools project back end.
+ </desc>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Sébastien Granjoux</name>
+ <email>seb sfo free fr</email>
+ </credit>
+ </info>
+ <title>GNU Autotools Project Back end Plugin</title>
+ <p>
+ This is the most common project format on Linux. It has been designed to
+ distribute source code packages on a wide range of Unix like systems.
+ If you have already install a program using <cmd>configure</cmd>,
+ <cmd>make</cmd> and <cmd>make install</cmd>, you probably have already
+ used it as an user.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ It is typically a bit more difficult to use as a developer.
+ Hopefully, it is the default and the more advanced back end for
+ <app>Anjuta</app>. All features of the project manager are enabled
+ when using it.
+ You should be able to have a project using it without writing a line in
+ <file>configure.ac</file> nor any <file>Makefile.am</file> files.
+ </p>
+ <note style="bug">
+ <p>
+ Autotools files give more information than makefile but the back end
+ does not support every tricks. If you find a project that
+ cannot be read correctly, filling a bug report will be appreciate.
+ In the meantime, as a work around, you can use the directory back end
+ project instead, it much more limited but should find all source files.
+ </p>
+ </note>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/directory-project-backend.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/directory-project-backend.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..658232c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/directory-project-backend.page
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="topic"
+ id="directory-project-backend">
+ <info>
+ <link type="guide" xref="project-manager#backend"/>
+ <desc>
+ Directory project back end.
+ </desc>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Sébastien Granjoux</name>
+ <email>seb sfo free fr</email>
+ </credit>
+ </info>
+ <title>Directory Project Back end Plugin</title>
+ <p>
+ This is the simplest project back end. There is no project file. It
+ works like a file viewer considering as source files, all files matching
+ some typical source extensions by example <file>.c</file>,
+ <file>.py</file>.
+ Directories are kept in order to group source files but there is no
+ target.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This back end is an useful work around if your project has not a
+ corresponding back end in <app>Anjuta</app> or if this back end
+ does not fully support your project.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ It is not possible to add or change anything with such project. But
+ if you create a source file in the project directory with the
+ right extension it will be added automatically.
+ </p>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/figures/anjuta_logo.png b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/figures/anjuta_logo.png
index ca765ed..80e3742 100644
Binary files a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/figures/anjuta_logo.png and b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/figures/anjuta_logo.png differ
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/index.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/index.page
index 6a7e72f..067dcab 100644
--- a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/index.page
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/index.page
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
+ <desc>Help for Anjuta DevStudio.</desc>
<title type="link">Anjuta</title>
- <title type="text">Anjuta Integrated Development Environment</title>
+ <title type="text">Anjuta DevStudio</title>
<revision pkgversion="0.1" version="0.1" date="2011-03-20" status="incomplete"/>
<credit type="author">
@@ -19,11 +20,9 @@
- <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/anjuta_logo.png">
- </media>
- Anjuta Integrated Development Environment
+ <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/anjuta_logo.png">Anjuta logo</media>
+ Anjuta DevStudio
- <p>Welcome to the <app>anjuta</app> help guide.</p>
<section id="anjuta-project-management" style="2column" groups="first second third">
<title>Project Management</title>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/introduction.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/introduction.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9bb929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/introduction.page
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="topic"
+ id="introduction">
+ <info>
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <desc>Introduction to <app>Anjuta</app> Integrated Development Environment</desc>
+ <link type="guide" xref="index"/>
+ <title type="sort">aaa</title>
+ </info>
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <p>
+ <app>Anjuta</app> is a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
+ for the GNOME desktop. It features a number of advanced programming
+ facilities includes project management, application wizards, interactive
+ debugging, integrated Glade UI designer, integrated Devhelp API help, class
+ generator, powerful source editor, symbols browsing, Git support,
+ C/C++, python and Vala support and more.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <app>Anjuta</app> has a flexible and advanced docking system
+ that allows you to lay out all views in whatever way you like. You can drag
+ and drop the views using drag bars and rearrange the layout
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <app>Anjuta</app> has been designed to be simple to operate yet powerful
+ enough to fulfill all your programming needs. We have added many new features
+ to <app>Anjuta</app> over the course of its development. Our focus is on
+ delivering power and usability at the same time and making your software
+ development enjoyable without overloading your senses. We intend to
+ continue improving and stabilizing <app>Anjuta</app> to give you the best
+ IDE experience possible.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ We hope you will have a good time using <app>Anjuta</app>. If not, please
+ help us make it better by reporting bugs and suggestions - this will help
+ to improve the software, as well as helping the open source community.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The following screenshot illustrates some of the things you will find in
+ <app>Anjuta</app>.
+ </p>
+ <figure>
+ <title><app>Anjuta</app> in action</title>
+ <desc><app>Anjuta</app> main window</desc>
+ <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/anjuta-in-action.png">
+ <p><app>Anjuta</app> main window</p>
+ </media>
+ </figure>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/makefile-project-backend.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/makefile-project-backend.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99ff070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/makefile-project-backend.page
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="topic"
+ id="makefile-project-backend">
+ <info>
+ <link type="guide" xref="project-manager#backend"/>
+ <desc>
+ Makefile project back end.
+ </desc>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Sébastien Granjoux</name>
+ <email>seb sfo free fr</email>
+ </credit>
+ </info>
+ <title>Makefile Project Back end Plugin</title>
+ <p>
+ A makefile is probably the most common way to build a software on all
+ kind of platforms. A makefile contains a list or rules describing which
+ commands have to be run in order to generate a target from a list of
+ dependencies. When building a program, the target is an object file
+ and the dependencies are the source files. The target of one rule
+ can be a dependency of another one, allowing to carry on several rules
+ to make a final target.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ It is a low level and general tool making it difficult to find all
+ source files and targets of a project.
+ So <app>Anjuta</app> has a limited support of makefile, reading only one
+ makefile in the top project directory and extracting source files
+ and targets.
+ </p>
+ <note style="bug">
+ <p>
+ If the project back end is not able to find all source files you can
+ try to use the directory back end instead. It does not recognize any
+ targets but should get all source files.
+ </p>
+ </note>
+ <p>
+ Changing properties, adding or removing targets and source files are
+ disabled with this back end as writing the makefile is not implemented.
+ It has to be changed by hand using the text editor.
+ When the makefile is saved, it is automatically reloaded though.
+ </p>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-import.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-import.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de35c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-import.page
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="topic" style="task"
+ id="project-import">
+ <info>
+ <link type="guide" xref="index#anjuta-project-management" group="first"/>
+ <link type="seealso" xref="anjuta-project-create"/>
+ <link type="seealso" xref="project-manager"/>
+ <revision pkgversion="3.0" version="0.1" date="2011-03-27" status="incomplete"/>
+ <desc>
+ Import an existing project.
+ </desc>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Sébastien Granjoux</name>
+ <email>seb sfo free fr</email>
+ </credit>
+ </info>
+ <title>Import a project</title>
+ <p>
+ <app>Anjuta</app> does not have his own project format. It load projects
+ using already existing format, like makefile or autotools, and does not
+ require that others developers use it.
+ Its own settings are stored in a file with <file>.anjuta</file> extension
+ and a hidden directory created in the project directory.
+ You need to import a project to create these files and use it in
+ <app>Anjuta</app>, this will not modify any project files.
+ </p>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ From the <gui>main menu</gui>, select <guiseq><gui>File</gui>
+ <gui>New</gui><gui>Project from Existing Sources</gui></guiseq>
+ or <gui>Project from Existing Sources</gui> from the drop-down
+ list of the <gui>New</gui> button in the <gui>top tool bar</gui>
+ to start the project wizard.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select <gui>Import from folder</gui> if the project is already
+ present on your computer, then select the project directory.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Or Select <gui>Import from version control system</gui> if the
+ project need to be checkout from a server. Then select the
+ version control system, the server address and the directory
+ on your computer.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ After selecting the existing project, the <gui>Project name</gui>
+ text box should be filled with project name but you can change it.
+ When it's done right click on <gui>Import</gui> button to download the
+ project if needed and create the files needed by <app>Anjuta</app>.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ <app>Anjuta</app> try to automatically find the project back end
+ used by your project. But if several back ends are possible,
+ you will get a dialog asking you to choose a project back end
+ plugin. Read the project back end page to know which one is more
+ suitable.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-file.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-file.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e122af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-file.page
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="topic" style="task"
+ id="anjuta-project-files">
+ <info>
+ <link type="guide" xref="index#anjuta-project-management" group="second"/>
+ <link type="seealso" xref="project-manager"/>
+ <link type="seealso" xref="project-manager-target"/>
+ <revision pkgversion="3.0" version="0.1" date="2011-03-27" status="incomplete"/>
+ <desc>
+ Add or remove files to a project.
+ </desc>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Sébastien Granjoux</name>
+ <email>seb sfo free fr</email>
+ </credit>
+ </info>
+ <title>Add or remove files</title>
+ <p>
+ If the project back end supports it you can add or remove files in your
+ project without editing the project file.
+ </p>
+ <section>
+ <title>Add files</title>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the target where you want to add the new source file in
+ the <gui>project view</gui>, click on the right mouse button to
+ make the <gui>project context menu</gui> appear and select
+ <gui>Add Source File</gui>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Or from the <gui>main menu</gui>, select <guiseq><gui>Project</gui>
+ <gui>Add Source File</gui></guiseq>
+ </p>
+ <note style="tip">
+ <p>
+ The target allows you to group file and has a type defining the
+ use of the files inside. A program target contains source file
+ those will be compiled to create the target. While a data target
+ only group data files those will be installed in a common place.
+ </p>
+ </note>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ You can select another target in the top <gui>target tree view</gui>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Click on <gui>Select file to add</gui> button to get a file
+ chooser dialog where you can select several files.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ When the target and the files are chosen click on <gui>Add</gui>
+ button to add those files in your project.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ <note style="tip">
+ <p>
+ Some project format requires that the file is under the project
+ directory. Added source files outside the project directory are
+ automatically copied inside to fulfill this requirement.
+ </p>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Remove a file</title>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the file you want to remove in the
+ <gui>project view</gui>, click on the right mouse button to
+ make the <gui>project context menu</gui> appear and select
+ <gui>Remove</gui>.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Confirm the removal. The file will only be removed from the project
+ not from your disk.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ </section>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-library.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-library.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ebaa98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-library.page
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="topic" style="task"
+ id="project-manager-library">
+ <info>
+ <revision pkgversion="3.0" version="0.1" date="2011-03-27" status="incomplete"/>
+ <desc>
+ Add or remove a non packaged libraries to a project.
+ </desc>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Sébastien Granjoux</name>
+ <email>seb sfo free fr</email>
+ </credit>
+ </info>
+ <title>Add or remove non packaged libraries</title>
+ <section>
+ <title>Add a non packaged library in a target</title>
+ <p>
+ In order to use a library in C, you need to tell to the compiler
+ where are the header files and to the linker where are the
+ needed libraries. The issue is that your program will not compile
+ on another computer if the header and the libraries are elsewhere.
+ </p>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the directory containing the program where you want to
+ add the library in the <gui>project view</gui>, click on the
+ right mouse button to make the <gui>project context menu</gui>
+ appear and select <gui>Properties</gui>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Or from the <gui>main menu</gui>, select <guiseq><gui>Project</gui>
+ <gui>Properties</gui></guiseq>. By default, It edits the
+ properties of the currently selected item in the project view.
+ You can select a different node, by expanding
+ <gui>Browse other nodes</gui> and select another one.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ If the header files are installed in a standard location
+ (<file>/usr/include</file>) you don't have to set this. Else
+ you need to add <input>-I<var>include_path</var></input> in
+ the <gui>C preprocessor flags</gui> property when using
+ <app>gcc</app>. You can add several paths separated with
+ space. These options will be used for all targets inside this
+ directory.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ You could have to expand the <gui>More options</gui> to see this.
+ Click on <gui>Apply</gui> button when it's done.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the target where you want to
+ add the library in the <gui>project view</gui>, click on the
+ right mouse button to make the <gui>project context menu</gui>
+ appear and select <gui>Properties</gui>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Or from the <gui>main menu</gui>, select <guiseq><gui>Project</gui>
+ <gui>Properties</gui></guiseq>. By default, It edits the
+ properties of the currently selected item in the project view.
+ You can select a different node, by expanding
+ <gui>Browse other nodes</gui> and select another one.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ You need to set the <gui>Linker flags</gui> properties adding
+ <input>-l<var>library_name</var></input> for <app>gcc</app>.
+ <var>library_name</var> is the name of the library file without the
+ <file>lib</file> prefix and without the <file>.a</file> or
+ <file>.so</file> extension.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If the library is in not in a standard directory, <app>gcc</app>
+ can look in additional directories with the option
+ <input>-L<var>library_path</var></input>.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Remove a non packaged library from a target</title>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the target having the library you want to remove in the
+ <gui>project view</gui> , click on the right mouse button to
+ make the <gui>project context menu</gui> appear and select
+ <gui>Properties</gui>.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Remove the properties the library from the
+ <gui>C preprocessor flags</gui> and <gui>Linker flags</gui>
+ properties. Click on <gui>Apply</gui> button to write the
+ changes in the project files.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ </section>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-module.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-module.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbcc936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-module.page
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="topic" style="task"
+ id="project-manager-module">
+ <info>
+ <link type="guide" xref="index#anjuta-project-management" groups="third"/>
+ <link type="next" xref="project-manager-package"/>
+ <link type="seealso" xref="project-manager-library"/>
+ <revision pkgversion="3.0" version="0.1" date="2011-03-27" status="incomplete"/>
+ <desc>
+ Add or remove libraries to a project.
+ </desc>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Sébastien Granjoux</name>
+ <email>seb sfo free fr</email>
+ </credit>
+ </info>
+ <title>Add or remove new libraries</title>
+ <p>
+ On Linux, most libraries are packaged to be easily used.
+ When you need such library, <app>Anjuta</app> provides
+ a easy interface to add it. If not check the Add not
+ packaged libraries page.
+ </p>
+ <section>
+ <title>Add packaged libraries in a new Module</title>
+ <p>
+ Such library cannot be added directly to your program you need to first
+ create a module for it which is just a group of libraries.
+ </p>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the program where you want to add the new library in
+ the <gui>project view</gui>, click on the right mouse button to
+ make the <gui>project context menu</gui> appear and select
+ <gui>Add Library</gui>. Then click on the <gui>New Library</gui>
+ button on this dialog.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Or from the <gui>main menu</gui>, select <guiseq><gui>Project</gui>
+ <gui>New Library</gui></guiseq>
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ You will get a list of all packaged libraries installed on your
+ system. You can check one or more libraries.
+ </p>
+ <note style="tip">
+ <p>
+ If the library you want does not appear here, perhaps it
+ is because it is not installed on your system.
+ Launch the application you
+ use to install new programs and search for the library name.
+ The needed package often have a "dev" or "devel" suffix and
+ should include header files and a pkg-config file with a
+ <file>.pc</file> extension.
+ </p>
+ </note>
+ <p>
+ After selecting a first library, a module name will be
+ automatically generated but you can change it. When it is
+ done, click on <gui>Add</gui> button to create the new module
+ with the selected libraries.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Look at the next page to know how to add this new module
+ to your target.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Add packaged libraries in an existing Module</title>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the module where you want to add the new library in
+ the <gui>project view</gui>, click on the right mouse button to
+ make the <gui>project context menu</gui> appear and select
+ <gui>New Library</gui>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Or from the <gui>main menu</gui>, select <guiseq><gui>Project</gui>
+ <gui>New Library</gui></guiseq>
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ In the list of all packaged libraries, check the additional
+ libraries wanted. Check that expected module name is selected
+ is the bottom text box.
+ Then click on <gui>Add</gui> button to update the module.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Look at the next page to know how to add the module
+ to your target.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Remove a packaged library from a Module</title>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the library you want to remove in the
+ <gui>project view</gui> , click on the right mouse button to
+ make the <gui>project context menu</gui> appear and select
+ <gui>Remove</gui>.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Confirm the removal. This library will be removed from the project
+ files.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ </section>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-package.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-package.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6b6f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-package.page
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="topic" style="task"
+ id="project-manager-package">
+ <info>
+ <revision pkgversion="3.0" version="0.1" date="2011-03-27" status="incomplete"/>
+ <link type="seealso" xref="project-manager-library"/>
+ <desc>
+ Add or remove packaged libraries to a target.
+ </desc>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Sébastien Granjoux</name>
+ <email>seb sfo free fr</email>
+ </credit>
+ </info>
+ <title>Add or remove packaged libraries</title>
+ <p>
+ When you have created a module containing one or more libraries you can
+ add it to a target.
+ </p>
+ <section>
+ <title>Add a packaged library in a target</title>
+ <p>
+ Libraries cannot be added directly in target, you need to put them
+ first in a module and add this module to the target.
+ </p>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the program where you want to add the new library in
+ the <gui>project view</gui>, click on the right mouse button to
+ make the <gui>project context menu</gui> appear and select
+ <gui>Add Library</gui>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Or from the <gui>main menu</gui>, select <guiseq><gui>Project</gui>
+ <gui>Add Library</gui></guiseq>
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ You need to select the target where you want to add the module
+ in the <gui>target view</gui> above and select the module that
+ you want to add in the <gui>module view</gui> below. If you
+ select a library inside a module, the parent module will be added.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ When it is done, click on <gui>Add</gui> button to add the module.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Remove a packaged library from a target</title>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the library you want to remove in the
+ <gui>project view</gui> , click on the right mouse button to
+ make the <gui>project context menu</gui> appear and select
+ <gui>Remove</gui>.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Confirm the removal. This library will be removed from the target.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ </section>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-target.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-target.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf921de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager-target.page
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="topic" style="task"
+ id="project-manager-target">
+ <info>
+ <link type="guide" xref="index#anjuta-project-management" group="second"/>
+ <link type="seealso" xref="project-manager"/>
+ <revision pkgversion="3.0" version="0.1" date="2011-03-27" status="incomplete"/>
+ <desc>
+ Add or remove target to a project.
+ </desc>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Sébastien Granjoux</name>
+ <email>seb sfo free fr</email>
+ </credit>
+ </info>
+ <title>Add or remove targets</title>
+ <p>
+ If the project back end supports it you can add or remove targets in your
+ project without editing the project file. A target groups
+ files, it is typically used to represent a program, having as children
+ all its source files.
+ </p>
+ <section>
+ <title>Add a target</title>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the directory where you want to add the new target in
+ the <gui>project view</gui>, click on the right mouse button to
+ make the <gui>project context menu</gui> appear and select
+ <gui>New Target</gui>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Or from the <gui>main menu</gui>, select <guiseq><gui>Project</gui>
+ <gui>New Target</gui></guiseq>
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ You can select another directory in the bottom <gui>directory tree view</gui>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Enter a target name and select the type of the target in the
+ drop-down list below. Depending on your project back end, various
+ type of target are possible.
+ </p>
+ <note style="tip">
+ <p>
+ Target name could are typically restricted to letters, digits and
+ underscore, so it's safer to avoid other characters.
+ </p>
+ </note>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ When the target name, type and parent are chosen click on
+ <gui>Add</gui> button to create this new target.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Remove a target</title>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the target you want to remove in the
+ <gui>project view</gui>, click on the right mouse button to
+ make the <gui>project context menu</gui> appear and select
+ <gui>Remove</gui>.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Confirm the removal. The target and all its properties will be
+ remove from the project file. All files stay untouched on your
+ hard disk.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ </section>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f6df2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-manager.page
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="guide"
+ id="project-manager">
+ <info>
+ <desc>
+ Project manager.
+ </desc>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Sébastien Granjoux</name>
+ <email>seb sfo free fr</email>
+ </credit>
+ </info>
+ <title>Project manager plugin</title>
+ <p>
+ <app>Anjuta</app> supports several already existing project format
+ through plugin back ends. The main one is the autotools format commonly
+ used on Linux.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Whatever is the underline back end, the graphical interface is the same
+ but some functions can be disabled.
+ </p>
+ <section id="backend" >
+ <title>Project Back end Plugin</title>
+ </section>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-wizard-create.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-wizard-create.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f00d36d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-wizard-create.page
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="topic" style="task"
+ id="project-wizard-create">
+ <info>
+ <link type="guide" xref="index#anjuta-project-management" group="first"/>
+ <link type="seealso" xref="project-manager"/>
+ <revision pkgversion="3.0" version="0.1" date="2011-03-27" status="incomplete"/>
+ <desc>
+ Create a new project from scratch.
+ </desc>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Sébastien Granjoux</name>
+ <email>seb sfo free fr</email>
+ </credit>
+ </info>
+ <title>Create a project</title>
+ <p>
+ New projects are created from templates. <app>Anjuta</app> will ask you
+ several informations like the type of the project, its name and more.
+ </p>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ From the <gui>main menu</gui>, select <guiseq><gui>File</gui>
+ <gui>New</gui><gui>Project</gui></guiseq>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Or from <gui>Project</gui> from the drop-down list of the
+ <gui>New</gui> button in the <gui>top tool bar</gui>, select
+ <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>New</gui><gui>Project</gui></guiseq>
+ to start the project wizard.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Select the icon representing the type of the project who want to
+ create and click on <gui>Forward</gui>.
+ </p>
+ <note style="tip">
+ <p>
+ Let the mouse over a project icon for a second and a small pop-up
+ message will appear showing more information about this project.
+ </p>
+ </note>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ Depending on the selected project type, you will have to enter
+ different informations. When it is done click on <gui>Forward</gui>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ All informations are grouped in pages, typically you will have
+ to fill two or three pages. You can go back at any time using
+ the button <gui>Backward</gui>.
+ </p>
+ <note style="tip">
+ <p>
+ Keep the mouse over the editable widget for a second to get a
+ small pop-up message with more details about the corresponding
+ setting.
+ </p>
+ </note>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>
+ After filling all information pages, you will get a summary page listing
+ the main information about your project. Nothing is written on your disk
+ at this point. Click on <gui>Apply</gui> to write the project and open
+ it in <app>Anjuta</app>.
+ </p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ <note style="advanced">
+ <p>
+ Each project type corresponds to a template. <app>Anjuta</app> already
+ includes several templates but you can add custom ones and even write
+ your own one.
+ </p>
+ </note>
diff --git a/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-wizard-template.page b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-wizard-template.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e320705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuals/anjuta-manual/C/project-wizard-template.page
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ type="topic"
+ id="project-wizard-template">
+ <info>
+ <link type="seealso" xref="project-wizard-create"/>
+ <revision pkgversion="3.0" version="0.1" date="2011-03-27" status="incomplete"/>
+ <desc>
+ Project wizard template.
+ </desc>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Sébastien Granjoux</name>
+ <email>seb sfo free fr</email>
+ </credit>
+ </info>
+ <title>Project wizard template</title>
+ <p>
+ A project template is composed of a bunch of files which can be processed
+ by a powerful template processing engine called <app>autogen</app>. One
+ of this file with a <file>.wiz</file> extension described all project
+ properties and needed files.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This <file>.wiz</file> file is looking like a XML file and is documented
+ <link href="http://library.gnome.org/devel/libanjuta/stable/project-wizard-format.html">here</link>.
+ </p>
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