[gnome-media] Updated Hebrew translation.

commit bbb15cd7363615a2166a01d3a312871389e9b9d6
Author: Yaron Shahrabani <sh yaron gmail com>
Date:   Sun May 30 04:06:51 2010 +0300

    Updated Hebrew translation.

 po/he.po | 1034 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 728 insertions(+), 306 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/he.po b/po/he.po
index 9f223fd..2c7b304 100644
--- a/po/he.po
+++ b/po/he.po
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gnome-media.HEAD.he\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-media&component=general\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-18 12:26+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-21 15:55+0200\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-30 03:58+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 04:06+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Yaron Shahrabani <sh yaron gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Hebrew <he li org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -22,126 +22,132 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../gnome-volume-control/data/gnome-volume-control-applet.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Show desktop volume control"
-msgstr "×?צ×?ת ×?קרת ×¢×?צ×?×? ×¢×? ×?רקע"
+msgstr "×?צ×?ת ×?קרת עצ×?×? ×¢×? ×?רקע"
 #: ../gnome-volume-control/data/gnome-volume-control-applet.desktop.in.h:2
 #: ../gst-mixer/gnome-volume-control.desktop.in.in.h:2
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/window.c:269
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/window.c:270
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/window.c:269 ../gst-mixer/src/window.c:270
 msgid "Volume Control"
-msgstr "×?קרת ×¢×?צ×?×?"
+msgstr "×?קרת עצ×?×?"
 #: ../gnome-volume-control/data/gnome-volume-control.desktop.in.in.h:1
 #: ../gst-mixer/gnome-volume-control.desktop.in.in.h:1
 msgid "Change sound volume and sound events"
-msgstr "ש×?× ×?×? ×¢×?צ×?ת ×?ש×?×¢ ×?×?צ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ש×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×¢×?×?"
+msgstr "ש×?× ×?×? עצ×?ת ×?ש×?×¢ ×?×?צ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ש×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×¢×?×?"
 #: ../gnome-volume-control/data/gnome-volume-control.desktop.in.in.h:2
 msgid "Sound"
 msgstr "ק×?×?"
 #: ../gnome-volume-control/src/applet-main.c:49
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/dialog-main.c:156
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/dialog-main.c:155
 msgid "Enable debugging code"
 msgstr "×?פע×?ת ×?צ×? × ×?פ×?×? ש×?×?×?×?ת"
 #: ../gnome-volume-control/src/applet-main.c:50
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/dialog-main.c:157
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/dialog-main.c:156
 msgid "Version of this application"
 msgstr "×?×?רסת ×?×?ש×?×? ×?×?"
 #: ../gnome-volume-control/src/applet-main.c:62
 msgid " - GNOME Volume Control Applet"
-msgstr " - ×?×?ש×?×?×?×? ×?קרת ×?×¢×?צ×?×? ש×? GNOME"
+msgstr " - ×?×?ש×?×?×?×? ×?קרת ×?עצ×?×? ש×? GNOME"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/dialog-main.c:125
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/dialog-main.c:124
 msgid "Waiting for sound system to respond"
 msgstr "×?×?ת×?×? ×?ת×?×?×?ת ×?ער×?ת ×?ק×?×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/dialog-main.c:155
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/main.c:39
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/dialog-main.c:154 ../gst-mixer/src/main.c:39
 msgid "Startup page"
 msgstr "×¢×?×?×? ×?ת×?×?×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/dialog-main.c:169
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/dialog-main.c:168
 msgid " - GNOME Volume Control"
-msgstr " - ×?קר ×?×¢×?צ×?×? ש×? GNOME"
+msgstr " - ×?קר ×?עצ×?×? ש×? GNOME"
 #: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-applet.c:273
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1762
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1920
 msgid "Output"
 msgstr "פ×?×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-applet.c:277
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1678
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-applet.c:275
+msgid "Sound Output Volume"
+msgstr "עצ×?ת פ×?×? ×?ש×?×¢"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-applet.c:279
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1834
 msgid "Input"
 msgstr "ק×?×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:108
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-applet.c:281
+msgid "Microphone Volume"
+msgstr "עצ×?ת ×?×?×?קר×?פ×?×?"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:109
 msgctxt "balance"
 msgid "Left"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:109
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:110
 msgctxt "balance"
 msgid "Right"
 msgstr "×?×?×?× ×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:112
-msgctxt "balance"
-msgid "Front"
-msgstr "ק×?×?×?"
 #: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:113
 msgctxt "balance"
 msgid "Rear"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:116
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:114
+msgctxt "balance"
+msgid "Front"
+msgstr "ק×?×?×?"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:117
 msgctxt "balance"
 msgid "Minimum"
 msgstr "×?×?× ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:117
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:118
 msgctxt "balance"
 msgid "Maximum"
 msgstr "×?קס×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:291
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:294
 msgid "_Balance:"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:294
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:297
 msgid "_Fade:"
 msgstr "_×¢×?×¢×?×?:"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:297
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-balance-bar.c:300
 msgid "_Subwoofer:"
 msgstr "_ס×?×?×?×?פר"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-channel-bar.c:584
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-channel-bar.c:588
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-channel-bar.c:597
 msgctxt "volume"
 msgid "100%"
 msgstr "100%"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-channel-bar.c:588
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-channel-bar.c:592
 msgctxt "volume"
 msgid "Unamplified"
 msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-channel-bar.c:844
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-channel-bar.c:854
 msgid "Mute"
 msgstr "×?שתק"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-combo-box.c:148
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1433
-#| msgid "_Profiles:"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-combo-box.c:166
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1578
 msgid "_Profile:"
 msgstr "_פר×?פ×?×?:"
 #. translators:
 #. * The device has been disabled
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-control.c:991
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-control.c:1005
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-editor.c:896
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-editor.c:992
 msgid "Disabled"
@@ -149,9 +155,8 @@ msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?"
 #. translators:
 #. * The number of sound outputs on a particular device
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-control.c:998
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-control.c:1012
 #, c-format
-#| msgid "Output"
 msgid "%u Output"
 msgid_plural "%u Outputs"
 msgstr[0] "פ×?×? ×?×?×?"
@@ -159,94 +164,95 @@ msgstr[1] "%u פ×?×?×?×?"
 #. translators:
 #. * The number of sound inputs on a particular device
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-control.c:1008
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-control.c:1022
 #, c-format
-#| msgid "Input"
 msgid "%u Input"
 msgid_plural "%u Inputs"
 msgstr[0] "ק×?×? ×?×?×?"
 msgstr[1] "%u ק×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-control.c:1304
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-control.c:1320
 msgid "System Sounds"
 msgstr "ק×?×?×?ת ×?ער×?ת"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:268
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:524
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:311
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:606
 msgid "Co_nnector:"
 msgstr "×?×?_×?ר:"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:470
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:519
 msgid "Peak detect"
-msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×¢×?צ×?×? ×?ר×?×?ת"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? עצ×?×? ×?ר×?×?ת"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1362
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1515
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1471
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1666
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-chooser.c:865
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "ש×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1367
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1476
 msgid "Device"
 msgstr "×?תק×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1585
-#| msgid "Output Volume: "
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1524
+#, c-format
+msgid "Speaker Testing for %s"
+msgstr "×?×?×?קת ר×?ק×?×? ×¢×?×?ר %s"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1579
+msgid "Test Speakers"
+msgstr "×?×?×?קת ×?ר×?ק×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1740
 msgid "_Output volume: "
-msgstr "×¢×?צ×?ת ×?_פ×?×?:"
+msgstr "עצ×?ת ×?_פ×?×?:"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1615
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1771
 msgid "Sound Effects"
 msgstr "×?פק×?×?×? ק×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1622
-#| msgid "Alert Volume: "
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1778
 msgid "_Alert volume: "
-msgstr "×¢×?צ×?ת צ×?×?×? ×?_×?תר×?×?:"
+msgstr "עצ×?ת צ×?×?×? ×?_×?תר×?×?:"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1635
-#| msgid "Hardcore"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1791
 msgid "Hardware"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1640
-#| msgid "Choose a device for sound input"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1796
 msgid "C_hoose a device to configure:"
 msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?תק×? ×?×?_×?×?×?ר:"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1667
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1794
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1823
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1952
 msgid "Settings for the selected device:"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ×¢×?×?ר ×?×?תק×? ×?× ×?×?ר:"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1685
-#| msgid "Input Volume: "
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1841
 msgid "_Input volume: "
-msgstr "×¢×?צ×?ת ×?_ק×?×?:"
+msgstr "עצ×?ת ×?_ק×?×?:"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1705
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1864
 msgid "Input level:"
 msgstr "ר×?ת ×?ק×?×?:"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1732
-#| msgid "Choose a device for sound input"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1890
 msgid "C_hoose a device for sound input:"
 msgstr "×?_×?×?רת ×?תק×? ×?×?ק×?×?ת ק×?×?:"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1767
-#| msgid "Choose a device for sound output"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1925
 msgid "C_hoose a device for sound output:"
 msgstr "×?_×?×?רת ×?תק×? ×?×?ש×?עת ×?צ×?×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1805
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1963
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "×?×?ש×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1809
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1967
 msgid "No application is currently playing or recording audio."
 msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×£ ×?×?ש×?×? ×?×?× ×?×? ×?×? ×?ק×?×?×? ×?עת צ×?×?×?×?×?."
-#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:1933
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-mixer-dialog.c:2091
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-chooser.c:730
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-chooser.c:742
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-chooser.c:754
@@ -255,6 +261,19 @@ msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×£ ×?×?ש×?×? ×?×?× ×?×? ×?×? ×?ק×?×?×? ×?עת צ×?×?×?×?×?."
 msgid "Sound Preferences"
 msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת ק×?×?"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-speaker-test.c:220
+msgid "Stop"
+msgstr "עצ×?ר"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-speaker-test.c:220
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-speaker-test.c:332
+msgid "Test"
+msgstr "×?×?×?ק×?"
+#: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-speaker-test.c:228
+msgid "Subwoofer"
+msgstr "ס×?×?×?×?פר"
 #: ../gnome-volume-control/src/gvc-stream-status-icon.c:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to start Sound Preferences: %s"
@@ -277,7 +296,7 @@ msgid "Record sound clips"
 msgstr "×?ק×?×? ק×?×¢×? ק×?×?"
 #: ../grecord/gnome-sound-recorder.desktop.in.in.h:2
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1236
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1238
 msgid "Sound Recorder"
 msgstr "רש×?ק×?×?"
@@ -285,14 +304,12 @@ msgstr "רש×?ק×?×?"
 #. * has as effect that the user cannot save to this file. The
 #. * 'save' action will open the save-as dialog instead to give
 #. * a proper filename. See gnome-record.c:94.
-#: ../grecord/src/gnome-recorder.c:144
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1739
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2688
+#: ../grecord/src/gnome-recorder.c:142 ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1741
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2690
 msgid "Untitled"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ש×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gnome-recorder.c:146
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1741
+#: ../grecord/src/gnome-recorder.c:144 ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1743
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untitled-%d"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ש×?Ö¾%d"
@@ -349,8 +366,7 @@ msgstr "â??%s, â??%s ×?Ö¾%s"
 #. Translators: the format is "X hours and X minutes"
 #. Translators: the format is "X minutes and X seconds"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:309
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:317
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:309 ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:317
 #: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s and %s"
@@ -369,10 +385,8 @@ msgstr ""
 "×?×?×? ×?פשר×?ת ×?×?×¢×?×? ק×?×?×¥:\n"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:594
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1538
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1798
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2499
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:594 ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1540
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1800 ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2501
 msgid "Ready"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
@@ -425,103 +439,99 @@ msgstr "ס×?×?ר ×?×?×?×? _×?ש×?×?ר"
 msgid "Continue _without Saving"
 msgstr "×?×?ש×? ×?_×?×?×? ×?ש×?×?ר"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:878
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:880
 msgid "Question"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:985
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:987
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s (Has not been saved)"
 msgstr "%s (×?ר×? נש×?ר)"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1001
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s (%llu byte)"
 msgid_plural "%s (%llu bytes)"
 msgstr[0] "%s (×?×?ת ×?×?×?)"
 msgstr[1] "%s (%llu ×?ת×?×?)"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1005
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1007
 msgid "Unknown size"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢"
 #. Attempts to get length ran out.
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1014
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1024
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1040
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1049
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1406
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.c:303
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1016 ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1026
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1042 ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1051
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1408
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.c:301
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×¢"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1026
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1028
 #, c-format
 msgid "%.1f kHz"
 msgstr "%.1f kHz"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1034
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "%.0f kb/s"
 msgstr "%.0f kb/s"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1037
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "%.0f kb/s (Estimated)"
 msgstr "â??%.0f kb/s (×?ער×?×?)"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1052
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1054
 msgid "1 (mono)"
 msgstr "1 (×?×?× ×?)"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1055
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1057
 msgid "2 (stereo)"
 msgstr "2 (ס×?ר×?×?×?)"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1082
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1084
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Information"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×¢ %s"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1106
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2411
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1108 ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2413
 msgid "File Information"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×¢ ×¢×? ×?ק×?×?×¥"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1121
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1123
 msgid "Folder:"
 msgstr "ת×?ק×?×?×?:"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1127
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2418
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1129 ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2420
 msgid "Filename:"
 msgstr "ש×? ×?ק×?×?×¥:"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1133
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1135
 msgid "File size:"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×? ×?ק×?×?×¥:"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1142
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1144
 msgid "Audio Information"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×¢ ש×?×¢"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1157
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1159
 msgid "File duration:"
 msgstr "×?ש×? ×?ק×?×?×¥:"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1163
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1165
 msgid "Number of channels:"
 msgstr "×?ספר ער×?צ×?×?:"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1169
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1171
 msgid "Sample rate:"
 msgstr "קצ×? ×?×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1175
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1177
 msgid "Bit rate:"
 msgstr "קצ×?:"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1239
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1241
 msgid ""
 "A sound recorder for GNOME\n"
 " gnome-multimedia gnome org"
@@ -529,167 +539,170 @@ msgstr ""
 "רש×?ק×?×? ×?Ö¾GNOME\n"
 " gnome-multimedia gnome org"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1510
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1512
 msgid "Playing..."
 msgstr "×?× ×?×?..."
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1642
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1644
 msgid "GConf audio output"
 msgstr "פ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×? GConf"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1651
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/misc.c:62
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1653 ../gst-mixer/src/misc.c:62
 msgid "Playback"
 msgstr "× ×?×?× ×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1730
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1732
 msgid "Recording..."
 msgstr "×?ק×?×?×?..."
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1820
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1822
 msgid "GConf audio recording"
 msgstr "×?ק×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?×? GConf"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1829
-msgid "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them with the \"Sound Preferences\" under the System-Preferences menu."
-msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?×?ת ×?ש×?×¢ ש×?×? ש×?×?×?×?ת. ×?ש ×?תקנ×? ×?×?×?צע×?ת \"×?×¢×?פ×?ת ש×?×¢\" ת×?ת ×?תפר×?×? '×?ער×?ת-×?×¢×?פ×?ת'."
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:1831
+msgid ""
+"Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them with the "
+"\"Sound Preferences\" under the System-Preferences menu."
+msgstr ""
+"×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?×?ת ×?ש×?×¢ ש×?×? ש×?×?×?×?ת. ×?ש ×?תקנ×? ×?×?×?צע×?ת \"×?×¢×?פ×?ת ש×?×¢\" ת×?ת ×?תפר×?×? "
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2001
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2003
 msgid "file output"
 msgstr "פ×?×? ק×?×?×¥"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2019
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2021
 msgid "level"
 msgstr "ר×?×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2043
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse the '%s' audio profile. "
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?פרק ×?ת פר×?פ×?×? ×?ש×?×¢ %s. "
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2060
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2062
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not capture using the '%s' audio profile. "
 msgstr "×?×?×? ×?פשר×?ת ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?צע×?ת פר×?פ×?×? ×?ש×?×¢ '%s'."
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2069
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2071
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not write to a file using the '%s' audio profile. "
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?ת×?×? ×?ק×?×?×¥ ×?ש×?×?×?ש ×?פר×?פ×?×? ×?ש×?×¢ '%s'."
 #. File menu.
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2123
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2125
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "_ק×?×?×¥"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2125
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2127
 msgid "Create a new sample"
 msgstr "צ×?ר ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ש×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2127
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2129
 msgid "Open a file"
 msgstr "פ×?ת×? ק×?×?×¥"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2129
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2131
 msgid "Save the current file"
 msgstr "ש×?×?ר ×?ת ×?ק×?×?×¥ ×?× ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2131
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2133
 msgid "Save the current file with a different name"
 msgstr "ש×?×?רת ×?ק×?×?×¥ ×?× ×?×?×?×? ×¢×? ש×? ×?×?ר"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2132
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2134
 msgid "Open Volu_me Control"
-msgstr "פת×? _×?קרת ×¢×?צ×?×?"
+msgstr "פת×?×?ת _×?קרת עצ×?×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2133
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2135
 msgid "Open the audio mixer"
 msgstr "×?פע×? ×?ת ×?ער×?×? ×?ש×?×¢"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2135
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2137
 msgid "Show information about the current file"
 msgstr "×?צ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢ ×¢×? ×?ק×?×?×¥ ×?× ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2137
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2139
 msgid "Close the current file"
 msgstr "ס×?×?ר ×?ת ×?ק×?×?×¥ ×?× ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2139
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2141
 msgid "Quit the program"
 msgstr "×?צ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ש×?×?"
 #. Control menu
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2142
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2144
 msgid "_Control"
 msgstr "_×?קר×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2144
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2146
 msgid "Record sound"
 msgstr "×?ק×?×? ק×?×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2146
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2148
 msgid "Play sound"
 msgstr "×?× ×?×? ק×?×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2148
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2150
 msgid "Stop sound"
 msgstr "×?פס×?ק ק×?×?"
 #. Help menu
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2151
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2153
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "_×¢×?ר×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2152
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2154
 msgid "Contents"
 msgstr "ת×?× ×?×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2153
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2155
 msgid "Open the manual"
 msgstr "פת×? ×?ת ×?×?×?ר×?×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2155
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2157
 msgid "About this application"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?ש×?×? ×?×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2277
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2279
 msgid "Could not load ui.xml. The program may be not properly installed"
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?×¢×?×? ×?ת ui.xml. ×?נר×?×? ש×?ת×?×?× ×?ת ×?×? ×?×?תקנ×? ×?ר×?×?×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2300
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2302
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr "פת×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2302
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2304
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "ש×?×?ר"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2304
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2306
 msgid "Save As"
 msgstr "ש×?×?ר ×?ש×?"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2360
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2362
 msgid "Record from _input:"
 msgstr "×?ק×?×? _×?ק×?×?:"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2378
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2380
 msgid "_Record as:"
 msgstr "×?ק×?×? ×?_ש×?:"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2425
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2427
 msgid "<none>"
 msgstr "<×?×?×?>"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2439
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2441
 msgid "Length:"
 msgstr "×?×?ר×?:"
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2477
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2479
 msgid "Level:"
 msgstr "ר×?×?:"
 #. Translators: this is the window title, %s is the currently open file's name or Untitled
-#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2572
+#: ../grecord/src/gsr-window.c:2574
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Sound Recorder"
 msgstr "â??%s - רש×?ק×?×?"
@@ -717,11 +730,11 @@ msgstr "ער×?ת צ×?×?×?×?×?"
 #: ../gst-mixer/src/main.c:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown Volume Control %d"
-msgstr "×?קרת ×¢×?צ×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢×?: %d"
+msgstr "×?קרת עצ×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢×? %d"
 #: ../gst-mixer/src/main.c:159
 msgid "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."
-msgstr "×?×? × ×?צ×?×? ת×?ספ×? GStreamer ×?/×?×? ×?תקנ×?×? ×?×?קרת ×¢×?צ×?×?."
+msgstr "×?×? × ×?צ×?×? ת×?ספ×? GStreamer ×?/×?×? ×?תקנ×?×? ×?×?קרת עצ×?×?."
 #: ../gst-mixer/src/misc.c:64
 msgid "Recording"
@@ -738,7 +751,7 @@ msgstr "×?פשר×?×?×?ת"
 #. make window look cute
 #: ../gst-mixer/src/preferences.c:107
 msgid "Volume Control Preferences"
-msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?קרת ×?×¢×?צ×?×?"
+msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?קרת ×?עצ×?×?"
 #: ../gst-mixer/src/preferences.c:120
 msgid "_Select mixers to be visible:"
@@ -776,60 +789,60 @@ msgstr "×?ס×?×?×? %s: ×?ק×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?×?"
 msgid "%s Option Selection"
 msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?פשר×?ת %s"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:108
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:112
 #, c-format
 msgid "Track %s"
 msgstr "רצ×?×¢×? %s"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:111
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:115
 #, c-format
 msgid "Channel %d of track %s"
 msgstr "ער×?×¥ %d ש×? רצ×?×¢×? %s"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:114
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:118
 #, c-format
 msgid "Track %s, channel %d"
 msgstr "רצ×?×¢×? %s, ער×?×¥ %d"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:134
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:138
 #, c-format
 msgid "Lock channels for %s together"
 msgstr "× ×¢×? ×?ת ×?ער×?צ×?×? ×¢×?×?ר %s ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:152
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:156
 #, c-format
 msgid "Track %s: lock channels together"
 msgstr "רצ×?×¢×? %s: × ×¢×? ×?ת ×?ער×?צ×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:197
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:201
 msgid "mono"
 msgstr "×?×?× ×?"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:199
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:203
 msgid "left"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:199
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:203
 msgid "right"
 msgstr "×?×?×?× ×?"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:202
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:206
 msgid "front left"
 msgstr "ק×?×?×?×? ש×?×?×?"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:203
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:207
 msgid "front right"
 msgstr "ק×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:204
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:208
 msgid "rear left"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ר×? ש×?×?×?"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:205
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:209
 msgid "rear right"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ר×? ×?×?×?× ×?"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:206
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:210
 msgid "front center"
 msgstr "ק×?×?×?×? ×?ר×?×?"
@@ -837,37 +850,38 @@ msgstr "ק×?×?×?×? ×?ר×?×?"
 #. * stands for "Low-Frequency Effects". If you're not sure that
 #. * this has an established and different translation in your
 #. * language, leave it unchanged.
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:211
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:215
 msgid "LFE"
 msgstr "LFE"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:212
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:216
 msgid "side left"
 msgstr "צ×? ש×?×?×?"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:213
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:217
 msgid "side right"
 msgstr "צ×? ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:214
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:218
 msgid "unknown"
 msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×¢"
 #. Here, we can actually tell people that this
 #. * is a slider that will change channel X.
-#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:220
+#: ../gst-mixer/src/volume.c:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "Volume of %s channel on %s"
-msgstr "×?×¢×?צ×?×? ש×? ער×?×¥ %s ×?Ö¾%s"
+msgstr "×?עצ×?×? ש×? ער×?×¥ %s ×?Ö¾%s"
 #: ../gst-mixer/src/window.c:133
 msgid "A GNOME/GStreamer-based volume control application"
-msgstr "×?×?ש×?×? ×?קרת ×¢×?צ×?×? ×?Ö¾GNOME ×?×?×?סס GSreamer"
+msgstr "×?×?ש×?×? ×?קרת עצ×?×? ×?Ö¾GNOME ×?×?×?סס GSreamer"
 #: ../gst-mixer/src/window.c:136
 msgid "translator-credits"
 msgstr ""
 "×?×?×? ×?שר <dolfin rpg org il>\n"
+"×?ר×?×? ש×?ר×?× ×? <sh yaron gmail com>\n"
 "פר×?×?×?ק×? תר×?×?×? GNOME ×?×¢×?ר×?ת:\n"
@@ -876,82 +890,153 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../gst-mixer/src/window.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid "Volume Control: %s"
-msgstr "×?קרת ×¢×?צ×?×?: %s"
+msgstr "×?קרת עצ×?×?: %s"
 #: ../gst-mixer/src/window.c:378
 msgid "_Device: "
-msgstr "_×?תק×?:"
+msgstr "×?_תק×?:"
 #. set tooltips
 #: ../gst-mixer/src/window.c:417
 msgid "Control volume on a different device"
-msgstr "ש×?×?×? ×?×¢×?צ×?×? ש×? ×?תק×? ×?×?ר"
+msgstr "ש×?×?×?×? ×?עצ×?×? ש×? ×?תק×? ×?×?ר"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.c:206
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.c:204
 msgid "None"
 msgstr "×?×?×?"
 #. Element does not support setting devices
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.c:248
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.c:246
 msgid "Unsupported"
 msgstr "×?×? נת×?×?"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.c:270
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.c:268
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-chooser.c:841
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-editor.c:892
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-editor.c:996
 msgid "Default"
 msgstr "×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.c:627
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.c:625
 msgid "Failure instantiating main window"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?צ×?רת ×¢×?תק ש×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?ר×?ש×?"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.c:680
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.c:678
 msgid "Failed to load UI file; please check your installation."
 msgstr "Failed to load UI file; please check your installation."
 #: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.desktop.in.in.h:1
 msgid "Configure defaults for GStreamer applications"
-msgstr "×?×?×?ר ×?ר×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?×?×? GStreamer"
+msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?ר×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?×?×? GStreamer"
 #: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.desktop.in.in.h:2
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:6
 msgid "Multimedia Systems Selector"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ר ×?ער×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:1
+msgid "Audio"
+msgstr "ש×?×¢"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:2
+msgid "Click Ok to finish."
+msgstr "×?ש ×?×?×?×?×¥ ×¢×? ×?×?ש×?ר ×?ס×?×?×?."
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:3
+msgid "D_evice:"
+msgstr "×?_תק×?:"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:4
+msgid "Default Input"
+msgstr "ק×?×? ×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:5
+msgid "Default Output"
+msgstr "פ×?×? ×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:7
+msgid "P_ipeline:"
+msgstr "צ×?_× ×?ר:"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:8
+msgid "P_lugin:"
+msgstr "_ת×?סף:"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:9
+msgid "Pipeli_ne:"
+msgstr "צ×?_× ×?ר:"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:10
+msgid "Te_st"
+msgstr "_×?×?×?ק×?"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:11
+msgid "Testing Pipeline"
+msgstr "×?×?×?ק צ×?× ×?ר"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:12
+msgid "Testing..."
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?ק×?..."
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:13
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:14
+msgid "_Device:"
+msgstr "×?_תק×?:"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:15
+msgid "_Plugin:"
+msgstr "_ת×?סף:"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/gstreamer-properties.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Test"
+msgstr "_×?×?×?ק×?"
 #: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:52
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:86
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:90
 msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr "×?×?ר ×?×?×?×?×?×?×?ת"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?×?"
 #: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:54
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:117
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:121
 msgid "ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture"
-msgstr "â??ALSA - ×?ר×?×?×?ק×?×?רת ק×?×? ×?תק×?×?ת ×?×?×?× ×?קס"
+msgstr "â??ALSA - ×?ר×?×?×?ק×?×?רת ש×?×¢ ×?תק×?×?ת ×?×?×?× ×?קס"
 #: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:69
 msgid "Artsd - ART Sound Daemon"
-msgstr "â??Artsd - ×?× ×?×? ×?ק×?×? ART"
+msgstr "â??Artsd - ס×?×?×? ×?ש×?×¢ ART"
 #: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:71
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:119
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:123
 msgid "ESD - Enlightenment Sound Daemon"
-msgstr "â??ESD - ×?× ×?×? ×?ק×?×? Enlightenment"
+msgstr "â??ESD - ס×?×?×? ×?ש×?×¢ Enlightenment"
 #: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:77
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:126
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:130
 msgid "OSS - Open Sound System"
 msgstr "â??OSS - ×?ער×?ת ק×?×? פת×?×?×?"
 #: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:79
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:128
-msgid "PulseAudio Sound Server"
-msgstr "שרת ק×?×? PulseAudio"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:132
+msgid "OSS - Open Sound System Version 4"
+msgstr "â??OSS - ×?ער×?ת ש×?×¢ פת×?×?×? ×?רס×? 4"
 #: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:81
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:112
 #: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:136
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:151
+msgid "PulseAudio Sound Server"
+msgstr "שרת ש×?×¢ PulseAudio"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:83
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:134
+msgid "Sun Audio"
+msgstr "Sun Audio"
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:85
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:116
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:144
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:159
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-chooser.c:620
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-editor.c:706
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-editor.c:760
@@ -959,74 +1044,72 @@ msgstr "שרת ק×?×? PulseAudio"
 msgid "Custom"
 msgstr "×?×?ת×?×? ×?×?ש×?ת"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:104
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:108
 msgid "OpenGL"
 msgstr "â??OpenGL"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:106
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:110
 msgid "SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer"
 msgstr "â??SDL - ש×?×?ת DirectMedia פש×?×?×?"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:108
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:112
 msgid "X Window System (No Xv)"
 msgstr "×?ער×?ת ×?×?×?× ×?ת X (×?×?×? Xv)"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:110
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:114
 msgid "X Window System (X11/XShm/Xv)"
 msgstr "×?ער×?ת ×?×?×?× ×?ת X â??(X11/XShm/Xv)"
 #. Note: using triangle instead of sine for test sound so we
 #. * can test the vorbis encoder as well (otherwise it'd compress too well)
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:132
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:140
 msgid "Test Sound"
-msgstr "×?×?×?ק ק×?×?"
+msgstr "×?×?×?קת ×?ש×?×¢"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:134
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:142
 msgid "Silence"
 msgstr "שק×?"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:141
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:149
 msgid "MJPEG (e.g. Zoran v4l device)"
 msgstr "â??MJPEG (×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?תק×? Zoran v4l)"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:143
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:151
 msgid "QCAM"
 msgstr "â??QCAM"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:145
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:153
 msgid "Test Input"
-msgstr "×?×?×?ק ק×?×?"
+msgstr "×?×?×?קת ×?ק×?×?"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:147
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:155
 msgid "Video for Linux (v4l)"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?קס (v4l)"
-#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:149
+#: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-constants.c:157
 msgid "Video for Linux 2 (v4l2)"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?קס 2 (v4l2)"
 #: ../gstreamer-properties/pipeline-tests.c:176
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to construct test pipeline for '%s'"
-msgstr "× ×?ש×? ×?×?ק×?ת צ×?× ×?ר × ×?ס×?×?×? ×? '%s'"
+msgstr "×?רע ×?ש×? ×?×?ק×?ת צ×?× ×?ר × ×?ס×?×?×? ×? '%s'"
-#: ../profiles/audio-profile-edit.c:122
-#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:538
+#: ../profiles/audio-profile-edit.c:121 ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "There was an error displaying help: %s"
 msgstr "×?רע×? ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?צ×?ת ×?×¢×?ר×?: %s"
-#: ../profiles/audio-profile-edit.c:335
+#: ../profiles/audio-profile-edit.c:341
 #, c-format
 msgid "Editing profile \"%s\""
-msgstr "×¢×?ר×? פר×?פ×?×? \"%s\""
+msgstr "ער×?×?ת פר×?פ×?×? \"%s\""
 #: ../profiles/audio-profile.c:92
 msgid "<no name>"
 msgstr "<×?×?×? ש×?>"
-#: ../profiles/audio-profile.c:93
-#: ../profiles/audio-profile.c:1002
+#: ../profiles/audio-profile.c:93 ../profiles/audio-profile.c:1002
 msgid "<no description>"
 msgstr "<×?×?×? ת×?×?×?ר>"
@@ -1037,57 +1120,64 @@ msgstr "×?רע×? ש×?×?×?×? ×?ק×?×?ת רש×?×?ת פר×?פ×?×?×? gm_audio.â?? (%
 #: ../profiles/audio-profile.c:709
 #, c-format
-msgid "There was an error subscribing to notification of audio profile list changes. (%s)\n"
-msgstr "×?רע×? ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?רש×?×? ×?×?תר×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?ת ×?ש×?× ×?×?×?×? ×?רש×?×?ת פר×?פ×?×?×? ×?ש×?×¢. (%s)â??\n"
+msgid ""
+"There was an error subscribing to notification of audio profile list "
+"changes. (%s)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"×?רע×? ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?רש×?×? ×?×?תרע×?ת ×¢×? ×?×?×?×?ת ×?ש×?× ×?×?×?×? ×?רש×?×?ת פר×?פ×?×?×? ×?ש×?×¢. (%s)â??\n"
 #: ../profiles/audio-profile.c:912
 #, c-format
 msgid "There was an error forgetting profile path %s. (%s)\n"
 msgstr "×?רע×? ש×?×?×?×? ×?עת ×?×?× ×?ת נת×?×? ×?פר×?פ×?×? %s (%s)\n"
-#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:87
+#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:78
 msgid "_Edit"
 msgstr "_ער×?×?×?"
 #. the first argument will never be used since we only run for count > 1
-#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:465
+#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:456
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delete this profile?\n"
 msgid_plural "Delete these %d profiles?\n"
 msgstr[0] "×?×?×?×?ק ×?ת פר×?פ×?×? ×?×??\n"
 msgstr[1] "×?×?×?×?ק ×?ת %d פר×?פ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×??\n"
-#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:484
+#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:475
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delete profile \"%s\"?"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?ק ×?ת ×?פר×?פ×?×? \"%s\"?"
-#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:506
+#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:497
 msgid "Delete Profile"
 msgstr "×?×?ק פר×?פ×?×?"
-#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:599
+#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:590
 msgid "Edit GNOME Audio Profiles"
 msgstr "ער×?×? ×?ת פר×?פ×?×?×? ×?ש×?×¢ ש×? GNOME"
-#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:648
+#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:639
 msgid "_Profiles:"
 msgstr "_פר×?פ×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:832
+#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "You already have a profile called \"%s\""
 msgstr "פר×?פ×?×? ×?ש×? \"%s\" ×?×?ר ק×?×?×?"
-#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:857
+#: ../profiles/audio-profiles-edit.c:848
 #, c-format
 msgid "GConf Error (FIXME): %s\n"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?ת GConf:â?? %s\n"
-#: ../profiles/gmp-util.c:68
+#: ../profiles/gmp-util.c:61
 #, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" is missing. This indicates that the application is installed incorrectly, so the dialog can't be displayed."
-msgstr "×?ק×?×?×¥ \"%s\" ×?סר. ×?×?ר ×?×? ×?×?ר×? ×¢×? ×?×? ש×?ת×?×?× ×? ×?×?× ×? ×?×?תקנת ×?ר×?×?×?. ×?×?×? ×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?צ×?×? ×?ת ת×?×?ת ×?×?×?־ש×?×?."
+msgid ""
+"The file \"%s\" is missing. This indicates that the application is installed "
+"incorrectly, so the dialog can't be displayed."
+msgstr ""
+"×?ק×?×?×¥ \"%s\" ×?סר. ×?×?ר ×?×? ×?×?ר×? ×¢×? ×?×? ש×?ת×?×?× ×? ×?×?× ×? ×?×?תקנת ×?ר×?×?×?. ×?×?×? ×?×? × ×?ת×? "
+"×?×?צ×?×? ×?ת ת×?×?ת ×?×?×?־ש×?×?."
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles-properties.c:54
 #, c-format
@@ -1098,49 +1188,56 @@ msgstr ""
 "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n"
-#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.glade2.h:1
+#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profile-edit.ui.h:1
 msgid "Edit Audio Profile"
 msgstr "ער×?×? פר×?פ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.glade2.h:2
-msgid "New Profile"
-msgstr "פר×?פ×?×? ×?×?ש"
-#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.glade2.h:3
+#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profile-edit.ui.h:2
 msgid "Profile _description:"
 msgstr "ת×?×?×?ר פ_ר×?פ×?×?:"
-#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.glade2.h:4
+#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profile-edit.ui.h:3
 msgid "_Active?"
 msgstr "_פע×?×??"
-#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.glade2.h:5
-msgid "_Create"
-msgstr "_צ×?ר"
-#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.glade2.h:6
+#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profile-edit.ui.h:4
 msgid "_File extension:"
 msgstr "ס×?×?×?ת _×?ק×?×?×¥:"
-#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.glade2.h:7
+#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profile-edit.ui.h:5
 msgid "_GStreamer pipeline:"
 msgstr "_צ×?× ×?ר×?ת GStreamer:"
-#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.glade2.h:8
+#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profile-edit.ui.h:6
+#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profile-new.ui.h:3
 msgid "_Profile name:"
 msgstr "ש×? _פר×?פ×?×?:"
+#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profile-new.ui.h:1
+msgid "New Profile"
+msgstr "פר×?פ×?×? ×?×?ש"
+#: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profile-new.ui.h:2
+msgid "_Create"
+msgstr "_צ×?ר"
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:1
 msgid "A description for the audio profile"
 msgstr "A description for the audio profile"
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:2
-msgid "A description of the profile, containing more information and describing when to use this profile."
-msgstr "A description of the profile, containing more information and describing when to use this profile."
+msgid ""
+"A description of the profile, containing more information and describing "
+"when to use this profile."
+msgstr ""
+"A description of the profile, containing more information and describing "
+"when to use this profile."
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:3
-msgid "A filename extension to be used when storing files encoded with this profile."
-msgstr "A filename extension to be used when storing files encoded with this profile."
+msgid ""
+"A filename extension to be used when storing files encoded with this profile."
+msgstr ""
+"A filename extension to be used when storing files encoded with this profile."
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:4
 msgid "A partial GStreamer pipeline to use for this profile."
@@ -1151,8 +1248,12 @@ msgid "A short name for the audio profile"
 msgstr "A short name for the audio profile"
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:6
-msgid "A short name for the audio profile, to be used in selections and uniquely identifying the profile."
-msgstr "A short name for the audio profile, to be used in selections and uniquely identifying the profile."
+msgid ""
+"A short name for the audio profile, to be used in selections and uniquely "
+"identifying the profile."
+msgstr ""
+"A short name for the audio profile, to be used in selections and uniquely "
+"identifying the profile."
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:7
 msgid "CD Quality, AAC"
@@ -1175,8 +1276,12 @@ msgid "CD Quality, MP3"
 msgstr "CD Quality, MP3"
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:12
-msgid "List of audio recording profiles. The list contains strings naming subdirectories relative to /system/gstreamer/@GST_MAJORMINOR@/audio/profiles."
-msgstr "List of audio recording profiles. The list contains strings naming subdirectories relative to /system/gstreamer/@GST_MAJORMINOR@/audio/profiles."
+msgid ""
+"List of audio recording profiles. The list contains strings naming "
+"subdirectories relative to /system/gstreamer/@GST_MAJORMINOR@/audio/profiles."
+msgstr ""
+"List of audio recording profiles. The list contains strings naming "
+"subdirectories relative to /system/gstreamer/@GST_MAJORMINOR@/audio/profiles."
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:13
 msgid "List of profiles"
@@ -1191,32 +1296,72 @@ msgid "The partial GStreamer pipeline used"
 msgstr "The partial GStreamer pipeline used"
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:16
-msgid "Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with a lossless compression codec. Use this if you later want to edit the file or burn it to CD."
-msgstr "Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with a lossless compression codec. Use this if you later want to edit the file or burn it to CD."
+msgid ""
+"Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with a lossless compression "
+"codec. Use this if you later want to edit the file or burn it to CD."
+msgstr ""
+"Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with a lossless compression "
+"codec. Use this if you later want to edit the file or burn it to CD."
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:17
-msgid "Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with a lossy compression codec. Use this for CD extraction and radio recordings."
-msgstr "Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with a lossy compression codec. Use this for CD extraction and radio recordings."
+msgid ""
+"Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with a lossy compression codec. "
+"Use this for CD extraction and radio recordings."
+msgstr ""
+"Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with a lossy compression codec. "
+"Use this for CD extraction and radio recordings."
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:18
-msgid "Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with the lossy AAC codec. Use this for preparing files for copying to devices that only support the AAC codec. Note that using this format may be illegal in your jurisdiction; contact your lawyer for advice."
-msgstr "Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with the lossy AAC codec. Use this for preparing files for copying to devices that only support the AAC codec. Note that using this format may be illegal in your jurisdiction; contact your lawyer for advice."
+msgid ""
+"Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with the lossy AAC codec. Use "
+"this for preparing files for copying to devices that only support the AAC "
+"codec. Note that using this format may be illegal in your jurisdiction; "
+"contact your lawyer for advice."
+msgstr ""
+"Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with the lossy AAC codec. Use "
+"this for preparing files for copying to devices that only support the AAC "
+"codec. Note that using this format may be illegal in your jurisdiction; "
+"contact your lawyer for advice."
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:19
-msgid "Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with the lossy MP2 codec. Use this for preparing files for copying to devices that only support the MP2 codec. Note that using this format may be illegal in your jurisdiction; contact your lawyer for advice."
-msgstr "Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with the lossy MP2 codec. Use this for preparing files for copying to devices that only support the MP2 codec. Note that using this format may be illegal in your jurisdiction; contact your lawyer for advice."
+msgid ""
+"Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with the lossy MP2 codec. Use "
+"this for preparing files for copying to devices that only support the MP2 "
+"codec. Note that using this format may be illegal in your jurisdiction; "
+"contact your lawyer for advice."
+msgstr ""
+"Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with the lossy MP2 codec. Use "
+"this for preparing files for copying to devices that only support the MP2 "
+"codec. Note that using this format may be illegal in your jurisdiction; "
+"contact your lawyer for advice."
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:20
-msgid "Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with the lossy MP3 codec. Use this for preparing files for copying to devices that only support the MP3 codec. Note that using this format may be illegal in your jurisdiction; contact your lawyer for advice."
-msgstr "Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with the lossy MP3 codec. Use this for preparing files for copying to devices that only support the MP3 codec. Note that using this format may be illegal in your jurisdiction; contact your lawyer for advice."
+msgid ""
+"Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with the lossy MP3 codec. Use "
+"this for preparing files for copying to devices that only support the MP3 "
+"codec. Note that using this format may be illegal in your jurisdiction; "
+"contact your lawyer for advice."
+msgstr ""
+"Used for converting to CD-quality audio, but with the lossy MP3 codec. Use "
+"this for preparing files for copying to devices that only support the MP3 "
+"codec. Note that using this format may be illegal in your jurisdiction; "
+"contact your lawyer for advice."
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:21
-msgid "Used for converting to lossless voice-quality audio. Use this for recording and editing speech."
-msgstr "Used for converting to lossless voice-quality audio. Use this for recording and editing speech."
+msgid ""
+"Used for converting to lossless voice-quality audio. Use this for recording "
+"and editing speech."
+msgstr ""
+"Used for converting to lossless voice-quality audio. Use this for recording "
+"and editing speech."
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:22
-msgid "Used for converting to lossy voice-quality audio. Use this for recording speech that doesn't need to be edited."
-msgstr "Used for converting to lossy voice-quality audio. Use this for recording speech that doesn't need to be edited."
+msgid ""
+"Used for converting to lossy voice-quality audio. Use this for recording "
+"speech that doesn't need to be edited."
+msgstr ""
+"Used for converting to lossy voice-quality audio. Use this for recording "
+"speech that doesn't need to be edited."
 #: ../profiles/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas.in.in.h:23
 msgid "Voice, Lossless"
@@ -1260,17 +1405,14 @@ msgid "Type"
 msgstr "ס×?×?"
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-chooser.c:1085
-#| msgid "Sound Theme:"
 msgid "Sound _theme:"
 msgstr "_ער×?ת צ×?×?×?×?×?:"
 #: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-chooser.c:1093
-#| msgid "Choose an alert sound:"
 msgid "C_hoose an alert sound:"
 msgstr "×?_×?×?רת צ×?×?×? ×?תר×?×?:"
-#: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-chooser.c:1121
-#| msgid "Enable window and button sounds"
+#: ../sound-theme/gvc-sound-theme-chooser.c:1124
 msgid "Enable _window and button sounds"
 msgstr "×?פע×? צ×?×?×?×?×? ×¢×?×?ר _×?×?×?× ×?ת ×?×?×?צנ×?×?"
@@ -1414,28 +1556,38 @@ msgstr "ס×?× ×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Address of the server to contact for CD queries"
 #~ msgstr "Address of the server to contact for CD queries"
 #~ msgid "Information to send to server"
 #~ msgstr "Information to send to server"
 #~ msgid "Port"
 #~ msgstr "שער"
 #~ msgid "Server name"
 #~ msgstr "Server name"
 #~ msgid "Server type"
 #~ msgstr "Server type"
 #~ msgid "The hostname that will be sent with all queries"
 #~ msgstr "The hostname that will be sent with all queries"
 #~ msgid "The port that the server is running the database on"
 #~ msgstr "The port that the server is running the database on"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "The type of the server to contact for CD queries. Possible values are 0 "
 #~ "(FreeDB round robin server), 1 (other freedb server) and 2 (other server)."
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "The type of the server to contact for CD queries. Possible values are 0 "
 #~ "(FreeDB round robin server), 1 (other freedb server) and 2 (other server)."
 #~ msgid "The username"
 #~ msgstr "The username"
 #~ msgid "The username that will be sent with all queries"
 #~ msgstr "The username that will be sent with all queries"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "This key specifies which user information will be sent to the server to "
 #~ "contact for CD queries. Possible values are 0 (no information), 1 (real "
@@ -1444,474 +1596,698 @@ msgstr "ס×?× ×?ר"
 #~ "This key specifies which user information will be sent to the server to "
 #~ "contact for CD queries. Possible values are 0 (no information), 1 (real "
 #~ "information) and 3 (other information)."
 #~ msgid "Your hostname"
 #~ msgstr "Your hostname"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "There was an error displaying help: \n"
 #~ "%s"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "×?רע×? ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?צ×?ת ×?×¢×?ר×?: \n"
 #~ "%s"
 #~ msgid "Sen_d no information"
 #~ msgstr "×?×? תש×?_×? ×?×?×?×¢"
 #~ msgid "Send real _information"
 #~ msgstr "ש×?×? _×?×?×?×¢ ×?×?×?ת×?"
 #~ msgid "Send _other information:"
 #~ msgstr "ש×?×? ×?×?×?×¢ ×?_×?ר:"
 #~ msgid "_Name:"
 #~ msgstr "_ש×?:"
 #~ msgid "Hostna_me:"
 #~ msgstr "ש×? ×?×?_ר×?:"
 #~ msgid "Login Information"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×¢ ×?ת×?×?ר×?ת"
 #~ msgid "FreeDB _round robin server"
 #~ msgstr "שרת FreeDB _round robin"
 #~ msgid "Other _FreeDB server:"
 #~ msgstr "שרת _FreeDB ×?×?ר:"
 #~ msgid "Server"
 #~ msgstr "שרת"
 #~ msgid "Location"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ק×?×?"
 #~ msgid "_Update Server List"
 #~ msgstr "_×¢×?×?×? רש×?×?ת שרת×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Other _server:"
 #~ msgstr "_שרת ×?×?ר:"
 #~ msgid "Hos_tname:"
 #~ msgstr "ש×? ×?_×?ר×?:"
 #~ msgid "_Port:"
 #~ msgstr "_שער:"
 #~ msgid "CD Database Preferences"
 #~ msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?ס×? נת×?× ×? תק×?×?×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Unknown / Unknown"
 #~ msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×¢ / ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢"
 #~ msgid "Multiple matches..."
 #~ msgstr "×?ספר ×?ת×?×?×?ת..."
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "There were multiple matches found in the database.\n"
 #~ "Below is a list of possible matches, please choose the best match"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "× ×?צ×?×? ×?ספר ×?ת×?×?×?ת ×?×?ס×? ×?נת×?× ×?×?.\n"
 #~ "×?×?×?×? ×?×?פ×?×¢×? ×?רש×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?ת×?×?×?ת ×?×?פשר×?×?ת, ×?× ×? ×?×?ר ×?ת ×?×?ת×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?תר"
 #~ msgid "Category"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×?×?ר×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Disc ID"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?סק"
 #~ msgid "Artist and Title"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?×?תרת"
 #~ msgid "Unknown track"
 #~ msgstr "×?ס×?×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢×?"
 #~ msgid "CD Database Server"
 #~ msgstr "שרת ×?ס×? נת×?× ×? תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Modify your CD database server preferences"
 #~ msgstr "ער×?×? ×?ת ×?×¢×?פ×?ת שרת ×?ס×? נת×?× ×? ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Blues"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Classical Rock"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק ק×?×?ס×?"
 #~ msgid "Country"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?× ×?ר×?"
 #~ msgid "Dance"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?נס"
 #~ msgid "Disco"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?סק×?"
 #~ msgid "Funk"
 #~ msgstr "F×?נק"
 #~ msgid "Grunge"
 #~ msgstr "×?ר×?× ×?'"
 #~ msgid "Hip-Hop"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?פ-×?×?פ"
 #~ msgid "Jazz"
 #~ msgstr "×?'×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Metal"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "New Age"
 #~ msgstr "× ×?×?-×?×?×?×?'"
 #~ msgid "Oldies"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Other"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Pop"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?פ"
 #~ msgid "R&B"
 #~ msgstr "R&B"
 #~ msgid "Rap"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?פ"
 #~ msgid "Reggae"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Rock"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק"
 #~ msgid "Techno"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?× ×?"
 #~ msgid "Industrial"
 #~ msgstr "תעש×?×?ת×?"
 #~ msgid "Alternative"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?רנ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Ska"
 #~ msgstr "סק×?"
 #~ msgid "Death Metal"
 #~ msgstr "×?ת' ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Pranks"
 #~ msgstr "פר×?נקס"
 #~ msgid "Soundtrack"
 #~ msgstr "פס-ק×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Euro-Techno"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ר×?-×?×?× ×?"
 #~ msgid "Ambient"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?× ×?"
 #~ msgid "Trip-Hop"
 #~ msgstr "×?ר×?פ-×?×?פ"
 #~ msgid "Vocal"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ק×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Jazz+Funk"
 #~ msgstr "×?'×?×?+F×?נק"
 #~ msgid "Fusion"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?×?×?'×?"
 #~ msgid "Trance"
 #~ msgstr "×?ר×?נס"
 #~ msgid "Classical"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×?ס×?"
 #~ msgid "Instrumental"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?נס×?ר×?×?× ×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Acid"
 #~ msgstr "×?ס×?×?"
 #~ msgid "House"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?ס"
 #~ msgid "Game"
 #~ msgstr "×?ש×?ק"
 #~ msgid "Sound Clip"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×¢ ק×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Gospel"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ספ×?"
 #~ msgid "Noise"
 #~ msgstr "רעש"
 #~ msgid "Alt"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Bass"
 #~ msgstr "×?ס"
 #~ msgid "Soul"
 #~ msgstr "נש×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Punk"
 #~ msgstr "P×?נק"
 #~ msgid "Space"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Meditative"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Instrumental Pop"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?פ ×?×?נס×?ר×?×?× ×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Instrumental Rock"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק ×?×?נס×?ר×?×?× ×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Ethnic"
 #~ msgstr "×?תנ×?"
 #~ msgid "Gothic"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ת×?"
 #~ msgid "Darkwave"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?רק ×?×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Techno-Industrial"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?× ×? תעש×?×?ת×?"
 #~ msgid "Electronic"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ק×?ר×?× ×?"
 #~ msgid "Pop-Folk"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?פ-פ×?×?ק"
 #~ msgid "Eurodance"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ר×?-×?×?נס"
 #~ msgid "Dream"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Southern Rock"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק-×?ר×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Comedy"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Cult"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Gangsta Rap"
 #~ msgstr "×?× ×?ס×?ר ר×?פ"
 #~ msgid "Top 40"
 #~ msgstr "40 ×?×?×?×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Christian Rap"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?פ × ×?צר×?"
 #~ msgid "Pop/Funk"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?פ/F×?נק"
 #~ msgid "Jungle"
 #~ msgstr "×?'×?× ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Native American"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?× ×?×?×?× ×?"
 #~ msgid "Cabaret"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×?ר×?"
 #~ msgid "New Wave"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?×?ש"
 #~ msgid "Psychedelic"
 #~ msgstr "פס×?×?×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Rave"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Showtunes"
 #~ msgstr "×?× ×?×?× ×?ת ×?×?פע×?"
 #~ msgid "Trailer"
 #~ msgstr "×?ר×?×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Lo-Fi"
 #~ msgstr "Lo-Fi"
 #~ msgid "Tribal"
 #~ msgstr "ש×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Acid Punk"
 #~ msgstr "×?ס×?×? פ×?נק"
 #~ msgid "Acid Jazz"
 #~ msgstr "×?ס×?×? ×?'×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Polka"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?×?ק×?"
 #~ msgid "Retro"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ר×?"
 #~ msgid "Musical"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ס×?ק×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Rock & Roll"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק ×?× ×? ר×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Hard Rock"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק ×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Folk"
 #~ msgstr "×¢×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Folk/Rock"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק/×¢×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "National Folk"
 #~ msgstr "×¢×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Swing"
 #~ msgstr "ס×?×?×?× ×?"
 #~ msgid "Fast-Fusion"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?×?×?'×? ×?×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Bebop"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?פ"
 #~ msgid "Latin"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?× ×?"
 #~ msgid "Revival"
 #~ msgstr "ת×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Celtic"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Bluegrass"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?ר×?ס"
 #~ msgid "Avantgarde"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?× ×?×?ר×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Gothic Rock"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק ×?×?ת×?"
 #~ msgid "Progressive Rock"
 #~ msgstr "פר×?×?רס×?×? ר×?ק"
 #~ msgid "Psychedelic Rock"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק פס×?×?×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Symphonic Rock"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק ס×?×?פ×?× ×?"
 #~ msgid "Slow Rock"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Big Band"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?× ×?"
 #~ msgid "Chorus"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Easy Listening"
 #~ msgstr "ש×?×?×¢×?-ק×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Acoustic"
 #~ msgstr "×?ק×?ס×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Humour"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?ר×?ס×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Speech"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Chanson"
 #~ msgstr "שנס×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Opera"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?פר×?"
 #~ msgid "Chamber Music"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ס×?קת ×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Sonata"
 #~ msgstr "ס×?× ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Symphony"
 #~ msgstr "ס×?×?פ×?× ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Booty Bass"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×? ×?ס"
 #~ msgid "Primus"
 #~ msgstr "פר×?×?×?ס"
 #~ msgid "Porn Groove"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?ר×? ×?ר×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Satire"
 #~ msgstr "ס×?×?×?ר×?"
 #~ msgid "Slow Jam"
 #~ msgstr "×?'×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Club"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×¢×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Tango"
 #~ msgstr "×?× ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Samba"
 #~ msgstr "ס×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Folklore"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?×?ק×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Ballad"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Power Ballad"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×? ×?×?ק×?"
 #~ msgid "Rhythmic Soul"
 #~ msgstr "נש×?×? קצ×?×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Freestyle"
 #~ msgstr "ס×?× ×?×? ×?×?פש×?"
 #~ msgid "Duet"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Punk Rock"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?נק ר×?ק"
 #~ msgid "Drum Solo"
 #~ msgstr "ס×?×?×? ת×?פ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "A Cappella"
 #~ msgstr "×?קפ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Euro-House"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ר×?-×?×?×?ס"
 #~ msgid "Dance Hall"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×? ר×?ק×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Goa"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Drum & Bass"
 #~ msgstr "ת×?פ×?×? ×?×?ס"
 #~ msgid "Club-House"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?ס ×?×?×¢×?×?× ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Terror"
 #~ msgstr "×?ר×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Indie"
 #~ msgstr "עצ×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "BritPop"
 #~ msgstr "×?ר×?×?פ×?פ"
 #~ msgid "Negerpunk"
 #~ msgstr "× ×?×?רפ×?נק"
 #~ msgid "Polsk Punk"
 #~ msgstr "פ×?×?סק פ×?נק"
 #~ msgid "Beat"
 #~ msgstr "קצ×?"
 #~ msgid "Christian Gangsta Rap"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?× ×?ס×?ר×?פ × ×?צר×?"
 #~ msgid "Heavy Metal"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Black Metal"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?ק ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Crossover"
 #~ msgstr "קר×?ס×?×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Contemporary Christian"
 #~ msgstr "× ×?צר×? ×?×?×?רנ×?"
 #~ msgid "Christian Rock"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק × ×?צר×?"
 #~ msgid "Merengue"
 #~ msgstr "×?רנ×?"
 #~ msgid "Salsa"
 #~ msgstr "ס×?ס×?"
 #~ msgid "Thrash Metal"
 #~ msgstr "×?ר×?ש ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Anime"
 #~ msgstr "×?× ×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "JPop"
 #~ msgstr "×?'×? פ×?פ"
 #~ msgid "Synthpop"
 #~ msgstr "ס×?נת' פ×?פ"
 #~ msgid "Nu-Metal"
 #~ msgstr "× ×?×?-×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Art Rock"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק ×?×?×?× ×?ת×?"
 #~ msgid "Unknown Artist"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢"
 #~ msgid "Unknown Album"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢"
 #~ msgid "Editing Disc ID: %s"
 #~ msgstr "×¢×?ר×? ×?×?×?×?×? תק×?×?×?×?ר: %s"
 #~ msgid "Hide advanced disc options"
 #~ msgstr "×?סתר ×?פשר×?×?×?ת ×?×?סק ×?תק×?×?×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Show advanced disc options"
 #~ msgstr "×?צ×? ×?פשר×?×?×?ת ×?×?סק ×?תק×?×?×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Hide advanced track options"
 #~ msgstr "×?סתר ×?פשר×?×?×?ת ×?ס×?×?×? ×?תק×?×?×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Show advanced track options"
 #~ msgstr "×?צ×? ×?פשר×?×?×?ת ×?ס×?×?×? ×?תק×?×?×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Editing Disc ID: "
 #~ msgstr "×¢×?ר×? ×?×?×?×?×? תק×?×?×?×?ר: "
 #~ msgid "_Artist:"
 #~ msgstr "_×?×?×?:"
 #~ msgid "Disc _Title:"
 #~ msgstr "_×?×?תרת ×?×?×?סק:"
 #~ msgid "_Disc comments:"
 #~ msgstr "×?ער×?ת _×?×?סק:"
 #~ msgid "_Genre:"
 #~ msgstr "_ס×?×?:"
 #~ msgid "_Year:"
 #~ msgstr "_שנ×?:"
 #~ msgid "Title"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?תרת"
 #~ msgid "Length"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ר×?"
 #~ msgid "_Extra track data:"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×¢ ×?ס×?×?×? _× ×?סף:"
 #~ msgid "CDDB Track Editor"
 #~ msgstr "×¢×?ר×? ×?×?ס×?×?×? CDDB"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Cannot create CDDBTrackEditor factory.\n"
 #~ "This may be caused by another copy of cddb-track-editor already running.\n"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?צ×?ר ×?צר×? CDDBTrackEditor\n"
 #~ "×?×? עש×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר×? ×¢×?Ö¾×?×?×? ×¢×?תק ×?×?ר ש×? cddb-track-editor ש×?×?ר פ×?×¢×?.\n"
 #~ msgid "CD Display"
 #~ msgstr "תצ×?×?ת תק×?×?×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Displays information about the currently playing album, artist and time "
 #~ "elapsed"
 #~ msgstr "×?צ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢ ×¢×? ×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?× ×?×?×?×? ש×?× ×?×?, ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×? × ×?תר"
 #~ msgid "Time Line"
 #~ msgstr "ק×? ×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Line for displaying the time elapsed for the current track"
 #~ msgstr "ק×? ×?תצ×?×?ת ×?×?×?×? שנ×?תר ×?×?ס×?×?×? ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Info Line"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×¢ ק×?"
 #~ msgid "Line for displaying information"
 #~ msgstr "ק×? ×?×?צ×?ת ×?×?×?×¢"
 #~ msgid "Artist Line"
 #~ msgstr "ק×? ×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Line for displaying the name of the artist"
 #~ msgstr "ק×? ×?×?צ×?ת ש×? ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Album Line"
 #~ msgstr "ק×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Line for displaying the name of the album"
 #~ msgstr "ק×? ×?×?צ×?ת ש×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Play"
 #~ msgstr "× ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Pause"
 #~ msgstr "×?פסק"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Playing %s - %s\n"
 #~ "%s"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "×?× ×?×? â??%s - â??%s\n"
 #~ "â??%s"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Playing\n"
 #~ ": %s"
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "×?× ×?×?\n"
 #~ "â??: %s"
 #~ msgid "Paused"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?פסק"
 #~ msgid "CD Player"
 #~ msgstr "× ×?×? תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Stopped"
 #~ msgstr "נעצר"
 #~ msgid "Disc error"
 #~ msgstr "ש×?×?×?ת ×?×?סק"
 #~ msgid "No disc"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?סק"
 #~ msgid "Empty disc"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?סק ר×?ק"
 #~ msgid "Drive open"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?× ×? פת×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Data CD"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×¢ תק×?×?×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "No Cdrom"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×? תק×?×?×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Drive Error"
 #~ msgstr "ש×?×?×?ת ×?×?× ×?"
 #~ msgid "A CD player for GNOME"
 #~ msgstr "× ×?×? תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×? ×? GNOME"
 #~ msgid "Contents in the CDDB have changed"
 #~ msgstr "ת×?×?×? ×?Ö¾CDDB ×?שתנ×?"
 #~ msgid "Choosing 'Yes' will delete the previous contents in CDDB."
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?ר×? ×?Ö¾'×?×?' ת×?×?ק ×?ת ×?ת×?×?×? ×?ק×?×?×? ×?Ö¾CDDB"
 #~ msgid "Do you wish to continue?"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×? ×?רצ×?× ×? ×?×?×?ש×?×??"
 #~ msgid "Volume %d%%"
 #~ msgstr "×¢×?צ×?×? %d%%"
 #~ msgid "You do not seem to have permission to access %s."
 #~ msgstr "×?×? נר×?×? ש×?ש ×?×? רש×?ת ×?×?שת ×? %s."
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "%s does not appear to point to a valid CD device. This may be because:\n"
 #~ "a) CD support is not present in your machine\n"
@@ -1922,22 +2298,31 @@ msgstr "ס×?× ×?ר"
 #~ "×?) ת×?×?×?ת תק×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?× × ×? ק×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?× ×? ש×?×?\n"
 #~ "×?) ×?×?×? ×?×? ×?ת ×?×?רש×?×?ת ×?× ×?×?× ×?ת ×?×?×? ×?×?שת ×?×?×?× ×? ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×?\n"
 #~ "×?) %s ×?×?× × ×? ×?×?× ×? ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×?.\n"
 #~ msgid "%d - Unknown"
 #~ msgstr "%d - ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢"
 #~ msgid "_Play / Pause"
 #~ msgstr "_× ×?×? / ×?פסק"
 #~ msgid "_Stop"
 #~ msgstr "_עצ×?ר"
 #~ msgid "P_revious"
 #~ msgstr "×?_ק×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "_Next"
 #~ msgstr "×?_×?×?"
 #~ msgid "_Eject disc"
 #~ msgstr "×?_×?צ×? ×?×?סק"
 #~ msgid "_About"
 #~ msgstr "_×?×?×?×?ת"
 #~ msgid "_Quit"
 #~ msgstr "_×?צ×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "There is no CD device set. This means that the CD player\n"
 #~ "will be unable to run. Click 'Set device' to go to a dialog\n"
@@ -1946,10 +2331,13 @@ msgstr "ס×?× ×?ר"
 #~ "×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר ×?תק×? תק×?×?×?×?ר. ×?×? ×?×?×?ר שנ×?×? ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×?\n"
 #~ "×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?פע×?×?. ×?×?×¥ ×¢×? 'ק×?×¢ ×?תק×?' ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×¢ ×?ת×?×?ת ×?×?־ש×?×?\n"
 #~ "×?×? ת×?×?×? ×?ק×?×?×¢ ×?ת ×?×?תק×?, ×?×? ×?×?×¥ '×?צ×?×?×?' ×?×?×? ×?צ×?ת ×?× ×?×? ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×?."
 #~ msgid "Set device"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×¢ ×?תק×?"
 #~ msgid "No CD device"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×? ×?תק×? תק×?×?×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "The CD player is unable to run correctly.\n"
 #~ "\n"
@@ -1964,172 +2352,206 @@ msgstr "ס×?× ×?ר"
 #~ "\n"
 #~ "×?×?×¥ 'ק×?×¢ ×?תק×?' ×?×?×? ×?×?×?ת ×?ת×?×?ת ×?×?־ש×?×? ×?×? ת×?×?×? ×?ק×?×?×¢ ×?ת ×?×?תק×?, ×?×? ×?×?×¥ "
 #~ "'×?צ×?×?×?' ×?×?×? ×?צ×?ת ×?× ×?×? ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×?"
 #~ msgid "_Details"
 #~ msgstr "_פר×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "_Set device"
 #~ msgstr "_ק×?×¢ ×?תק×?"
 #~ msgid "Invalid CD device"
 #~ msgstr "×?תק×? תק×?×?×?×?ר ×?×? תקנ×?"
 #~ msgid "Position"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ק×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Open preferences"
 #~ msgstr "פת×? ×?×¢×?פ×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Preferences"
 #~ msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Track List"
 #~ msgstr "רש×?×?ת ×?רצ×?×¢×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Open track editor"
 #~ msgstr "פת×? ×¢×?ר×? רצ×?×¢×?"
 #~ msgid "Track editor"
 #~ msgstr "×¢×?ר×? רצ×?×¢×?"
 #~ msgid "Play / Pause"
 #~ msgstr "× ×?×? / ×?פסק"
-#~ msgid "Stop"
-#~ msgstr "עצ×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Previous track"
 #~ msgstr "×?רצ×?×¢×? ק×?×?×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Previous"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Rewind"
 #~ msgstr "×?רץ ×?×?×?ר×?"
 #~ msgid "Fast forward"
 #~ msgstr "×?רץ ק×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Next track"
 #~ msgstr "×?רצ×?×¢×? ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Eject CD"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?צ×? תק×?×?×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Eject"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?צ×?"
 #~ msgid "CD device to use"
 #~ msgstr "×?תק×? תק×?×?×?×?ר ×?ש×?×?×?ש"
 #~ msgid "Only start if there isn't already a CD player application running"
 #~ msgstr "×?ת×?×? רק ×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?ש×?×? × ×?×? תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×? ש×?×?ר פ×?×¢×?"
 #~ msgid "Play the CD on startup"
 #~ msgstr "× ×?×? ×?ת ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?פע×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Start iconified in notification area"
 #~ msgstr "×?ת×?×? ×?×?×?×?ער ×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?תרע×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Cannot create player"
 #~ msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?צ×?ר × ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Play audio CDs"
 #~ msgstr "× ×?×? תק×?×?×?×?ר×? ש×?×¢"
 #~ msgid "CD player Volume"
 #~ msgstr "CD player Volume"
 #~ msgid "CD player theme"
 #~ msgstr "CD player theme"
 #~ msgid "Device path"
 #~ msgstr "Device path"
 #~ msgid "Display the Remaining time?"
 #~ msgstr "Display the Remaining time?"
 #~ msgid "Eject the CD when CD player quits?"
 #~ msgstr "Eject the CD when CD player quits?"
 #~ msgid "How the time should be displayed while CD Player is playing?"
 #~ msgstr "How the time should be displayed while CD Player is playing?"
 #~ msgid "Play when the CD player starts?"
 #~ msgstr "Play when the CD player starts?"
 #~ msgid "Should the CD be ejected when the CD player quits?"
 #~ msgstr "Should the CD be ejected when the CD player quits?"
 #~ msgid "The path to the CD drive that the CD player should use to play CDs"
 #~ msgstr "The path to the CD drive that the CD player should use to play CDs"
 #~ msgid "What theme should the CD player use for its appearance"
 #~ msgstr "What theme should the CD player use for its appearance"
 #~ msgid "What volume should the CD player use when it is started?"
 #~ msgstr "What volume should the CD player use when it is started?"
 #~ msgid "When the CD player is started, should it start playing the CD?"
 #~ msgstr "When the CD player is started, should it start playing the CD?"
 #~ msgid "Failed to eject CD: %s"
 #~ msgstr "× ×?ש×? ×?×?×?צ×?ת תק×?×?×?×?ר: %s"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "%s\n"
 #~ "This means that the CD player will not be able to run."
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "%s\n"
 #~ "×?×? ×?×?×?ר שנ×?×? ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?פע×?×?."
 #~ msgid "Error setting device"
 #~ msgstr "ש×?×?×?×? ×?ק×?×?עת ×?×?תק×?"
 #~ msgid "CD Player Preferences"
 #~ msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת × ×?×? ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×?"
-#~ msgid "_Device:"
-#~ msgstr "_×?תק×?:"
 #~ msgid "Behavior"
 #~ msgstr "×?תנ×?×?×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Start _playback when CD Player starts"
 #~ msgstr "×?ת×?×? ×?_× ×?×? ×?ת ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?שר × ×?×? ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?ת×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Start playback when CD Player starts"
 #~ msgstr "×?ת×?×? ×?× ×?×? ×?ת ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?שר × ×?×? ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?ת×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Attempt to _eject CD when CD Player exits"
 #~ msgstr "נס×? ×?×?×?_צ×?×? ×?ת ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?שר × ×?×? ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?סת×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Attempt to eject CD when CD Player exits"
 #~ msgstr "נס×? ×?×?×?צ×?×? ×?ת ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?שר × ×?×? ×?תק×?×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?סת×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Themes"
 #~ msgstr "ער×?×?ת × ×?ש×?"
 #~ msgid "_Select a theme:"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ר ער×?ת × ×?ש×?:"
 #~ msgid "GNOME Volume Control"
 #~ msgstr "×?קרת ×?×¢×?צ×?×? ש×? GNOME"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Cannot connect to sound daemon.\n"
 #~ "Please run 'esd' at a command prompt."
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?ת×?×?ר ×?ש×?ר×?ת ×?ק×?×?.\n"
 #~ "×?× ×? ×?פע×? 'esd' ×?ש×?רת ×?פק×?×?×?."
 #~ msgid "Specify the X position of the meter."
 #~ msgstr "Specify the X position of the meter."
 #~ msgid "X"
 #~ msgstr "X"
 #~ msgid "Specify the Y position of the meter."
 #~ msgstr "Specify the Y position of the meter."
 #~ msgid "Y"
 #~ msgstr "Y"
 #~ msgid "Connect to the esd server on this host."
 #~ msgstr "Connect to the esd server on this host."
 #~ msgid "HOST"
 #~ msgstr "HOST"
 #~ msgid "Open a vertical version of the meter."
 #~ msgstr "Open a vertical version of the meter."
 #~ msgid "Act as recording level meter."
 #~ msgstr "Act as recording level meter."
 #~ msgid "Host is %s\n"
 #~ msgstr "Host is %s\n"
 #~ msgid "Recording level"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ת ×?ק×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Volume Meter"
 #~ msgstr "×?×? ×¢×?צ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Monitor the recording input volume"
 #~ msgstr "×?צ×?×? ×?ת ×¢×?צ×?ת ×?× ×?סת ×?×?ק×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Recording Level Monitor"
 #~ msgstr "צ×? ר×?ת ×?×?ק×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Monitor the sound output volume"
 #~ msgstr "×?צ×?×? ×?ת ×¢×?צ×?ת ×?צ×?×?ת ×?ק×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Volume Monitor"
 #~ msgstr "צ×? ×¢×?צ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Adjust the volume level"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×¢ ×?ת ר×?ת ×?×¢×?צ×?×?"
-#~ msgid "<b>Default Input</b>"
-#~ msgstr "<b>ק×?×? ×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#~ msgid "<b>Default Output</b>"
-#~ msgstr "<b>ק×?×? ×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?</b>"
 #~ msgid "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"x-large\">Testing...</span>"
 #~ msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"x-large\">×?×?×?ק...</span>"
-#~ msgid "Audio"
-#~ msgstr "ש×?×¢"
-#~ msgid "Click Ok to finish."
-#~ msgstr "×?×?×¥ ×?×?ש×?ר ×?ס×?×?×?."
-#~ msgid "D_evice:"
-#~ msgstr "_×?תק×?:"
-#~ msgid "P_ipeline:"
-#~ msgstr "צ×?_× ×?ר:"
-#~ msgid "P_lugin:"
-#~ msgstr "_ת×?סף:"
-#~ msgid "Pipeli_ne:"
-#~ msgstr "צ×?_× ×?ר:"
-#~ msgid "Te_st"
-#~ msgstr "_×?×?×?ק"
-#~ msgid "Testing Pipeline"
-#~ msgstr "×?×?×?ק צ×?× ×?ר"
-#~ msgid "Video"
-#~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?"
-#~ msgid "_Plugin:"
-#~ msgstr "_ת×?סף:"
-#~ msgid "_Test"
-#~ msgstr "_×?×?×?ק"

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