[yelp] Updated Oriya Translation
- From: Manoj Kumar Giri <mgiri src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [yelp] Updated Oriya Translation
- Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 14:01:01 +0000 (UTC)
commit 86e07d794ddec45b0708edeb45a633957a0cd766
Author: Manoj Kumar Giri <mgiri mgiri csb>
Date: Tue May 11 19:30:50 2010 +0530
Updated Oriya Translation
po/or.po | 845 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
1 files changed, 307 insertions(+), 538 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/or.po b/po/or.po
index 0048677..ae1456e 100644
--- a/po/or.po
+++ b/po/or.po
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# translation of or.po to Oriya
+# translation of yelp.master.or.po to Oriya
# Oriya translation of yelp.HEAD.pot.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the yelp package.
# Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation,Inc.
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
# Manoj Kumar Giri <mgiri redhat com>, 2008, 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: or\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-08-20 04:08+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-23 18:31+0530\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: yelp.master.or\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=yelp&component=general\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-07 16:33+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-11 19:28+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: Manoj Kumar Giri <mgiri redhat com>\n"
"Language-Team: Oriya <Translation-team-or lists sourceforge net>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ msgstr "ସହାà?à¬? ପà?ସà?ତà¬? ପà?ଷà?ଠା"
#: ../data/man.xml.in.h:11
msgid "Network Audio Sound Functions"
-msgstr "ନà?à¬?à¬?à?ବାରà?à¬? ଧà?ବନà? ଶବà?ଦ ଫଳନ"
+msgstr "ନà?à¬?à±à¬°à?à¬? ଧà?ବନà? ଶବà?ଦ ଫଳନ"
#: ../data/man.xml.in.h:12
msgid "OpenSSL Applications"
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ msgstr "à¬?ାଲà¬?à?ଲà?à¬?ର"
#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:20
msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr "à¬?ାଲà?ଣà?ଡର"
+msgstr "à¬?à?ଯାଲà?ଣà?ଡର"
#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:21
msgid "Card Games"
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ msgstr "ତà?ରà?à¬?ି ନିବାରଣà¬?ାରà?"
#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:33
msgid "Desktop"
-msgstr "ଡà?ସà?à¬?à¬?ପà?"
+msgstr "ଡà?ସà?à¬?à¬?ପ"
#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:34
msgid "Desktop Settings"
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ msgstr "à¬à?ବିà¬?à?à¬?ାନ"
#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:62
msgid "Graphics"
-msgstr "à¬?ଲà?à¬?à?"
+msgstr "à¬?ଲà?à¬?à?à¬?"
#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:63
msgid "Guides and manuals for applications that connect to the outside world"
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ msgstr "à¬?ିà¬?ି ମà¬?ା à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:68
msgid "History"
-msgstr "�ତିହାସ"
+msgstr "ପà?ରà?ଣା ତଥà?ଯ"
#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:69
msgid "IDEs"
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ msgstr "à¬?ଣà?à¬?ରନà?à¬?"
#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:74
msgid "Java"
-msgstr "Java"
+msgstr "à¬?ାà¬à¬¾"
#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:75
msgid "KDE Applications"
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ msgstr "à¬?à?ଳାଳà?ମାନà?"
msgid "Presentation Tools"
msgstr "à¬?ପସà?ଥାପନ à¬?ପà¬?ରଣà¬?à?ଡ଼ିà¬?"
-#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:104 ../src/yelp-print.c:337 ../src/yelp-print.c:364
+#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:104
msgid "Printing"
msgstr "ମà?ଦà?ରଣ à¬?ରà?à¬?à¬?ି"
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ msgstr "à¬?ନà?à¬?à?ରମିà¬?ା"
#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:120
msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "ବିନà?à?ାସ"
+msgstr "ବିନà?ଯାସ"
#: ../data/toc.xml.in.h:121
msgid "Settings users can manipulate to make their environment more pleasant"
@@ -873,192 +873,45 @@ msgstr "ନà?ମ ସହାà?ତା ବà?ରାà¬?à¬?ରà¬?à? ସà?ବାà¬?
msgid "Word Processors"
msgstr "ଶବà?ଦ ସà¬?ସାଧà¬?"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Accessibility</b>"
-msgstr "<b>à¬?à¬à¬¿à¬?ମà?ଯତା</b>"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:2
-msgid "<b>Fonts</b>"
-msgstr "<b>à¬?à¬?à?ଷରରà?ପ</b>"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:3
-msgid "Add Bookmark"
-msgstr "à¬?ିହà?ନିତ ସà?ଥାନ ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:4
-msgid "Bookmarks"
-msgstr "à¬?ିହà?ନିତ ସà?ଥାନ"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:5
-msgid "C_ase sensitive"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?à?ଷର ନିରà?ଦà?ଦିଷà?à¬? (_a)"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:6
-msgid "Find"
-msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà?"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:7
-msgid "Open Location"
-msgstr "à¬?ବସà?ଥାନ à¬?à?ଲନà?ତà?"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:8
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "ପସନà?ଦ"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:9
-msgid "Re_name"
-msgstr "ନାମ ବଦଳାନà?ତà? (_n)"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:10
-msgid "_Bookmarks:"
-msgstr "à¬?ିହà?ନିତ ସà?ଥାନ (_B)"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:11
-msgid "_Browse with caret"
-msgstr "à¬?ାରà?à¬? ସହିତ à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà? (_B)"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:12
-msgid "_Find:"
-msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà?: (_F)"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:13
-msgid "_Fixed width:"
-msgstr "ସà?ଥିର à¬?ସାର: (_F)"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:14
-msgid "_Location:"
-msgstr "à¬?ବସà?ଥାନ: (_L)"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:15
-msgid "_Next"
-msgstr "ପରବରà?ତà?ତà? (_N)"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:16
-msgid "_Previous"
-msgstr "ପà?ରà?ବବରà?ତà?ତà? (_P)"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:17
-msgid "_Title:"
-msgstr "ଶà?ରà?ଷà¬? (_T)"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:18
-msgid "_Use system fonts"
-msgstr "ତନà?ତà?ର à¬?à¬?à?ଷରରà?ପ ବà?ଯବହାର à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_U)"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:19
-msgid "_Variable width:"
-msgstr "à¬?ସà?ଥିର à¬?ସାର: (_V)"
-#: ../data/ui/yelp.glade.h:20
-msgid "_Wrap around"
-msgstr "ପରିବà?ଷà?à¬?ନ (_W)"
-#: ../data/yelp.schemas.in.h:1
-msgid "Font for fixed text"
-msgstr "ସà?ଥିର ପାଠà?ଯ ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à¬?à?ଷରରà?ପ"
-#: ../data/yelp.schemas.in.h:2
-msgid "Font for text"
-msgstr "ପାଠà?ଯ ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à¬?à?ଷରରà?ପ"
-#: ../data/yelp.schemas.in.h:3
-msgid "Font for text with fixed width."
-msgstr "ପାଠà?ଯ ପାà¬?à¬? ସà?ଥିର à¬?ସାରର à¬?à¬?à?ଷରରà?ପ"
-#: ../data/yelp.schemas.in.h:4
-msgid "Font for text with variable width."
-msgstr "ପାଠà?ଯ ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ସà?ଥିର à¬?ସାରର à¬?à¬?à?ଷରରà?ପ"
-#: ../data/yelp.schemas.in.h:5
-msgid "Use a keyboard-controllable caret when viewing pages."
-msgstr "ପà?ଷà?ଠା ଦà?à¬?ିଲାବà?ଳà? à¬?ାବି ପà¬?ି ଦà?ବାରା ନିà?ନà?ତà?ରଣଯà?à¬?à?ଯ à¬?ାରà?à¬? ବà?ଯବହାର à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../data/yelp.schemas.in.h:6
-msgid "Use caret"
-msgstr "à¬?ାରà?à¬? ବà?ଯବହାର à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../data/yelp.schemas.in.h:7
-msgid "Use system fonts"
-msgstr "ତନà?ତà?ର à¬?à¬?à?ଷରରà?ପ ବà?ଯବହାର à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#: ../data/yelp.schemas.in.h:8
-msgid "Use the default fonts set for the system."
-msgstr "ତନà?ତà?ର ପାà¬?à¬? ପà?ରà?ବନିରà?ଦà?ଧାରିତ à¬?à¬?à?ଷରରà?ପ ବà?ଯବହାର à¬?ରନà?ତà?."
-#: ../src/yelp-bookmarks.c:150
-msgid "Open Bookmark in New Window"
-msgstr "à¬?ିହà?ନିତ ସà?ଥାନ ନà?à¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ରà? à¬?à?ଲନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/yelp-bookmarks.c:154
-msgid "Rename Bookmark"
-msgstr "à¬?ିହà?ନିତ ସà?ଥାନର ନାମ ବଦଳାନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/yelp-bookmarks.c:158
-msgid "Remove Bookmark"
-msgstr "à¬?ିହà?ନିତ ସà?ଥାନ à¬?ାଢ଼ନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/yelp-bookmarks.c:315
-#, c-format
-msgid "A bookmark titled %s already exists for this page."
-msgstr "à¬?ହି ପà?ଷà?ଠା ପାà¬?à¬? %s ନାମà¬? à¬?ିହà?ନିତ ସà?ଥାନ ପà?ରà?ବରà? à¬?à¬?ି."
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-bz2-decompressor.c:146
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-lzma-decompressor.c:155
+msgid "Invalid compressed data"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-bookmarks.c:392
-#, c-format
-msgid "A bookmark titled <b>%s</b> already exists for this page."
-msgstr "à¬?ହି ପà?ଷà?ଠା ପାà¬?à¬? <b>%s</b> ନାମà¬? à¬?ିହà?ନିତ ସà?ଥାନ ପà?ରà?ବରà? à¬?à¬?ି."
-#: ../src/yelp-bookmarks.c:405
-msgid "Help Topics"
-msgstr "ସାହାଯà?ଯ ବିଷà?"
-#: ../src/yelp-bookmarks.c:420
-msgid "Document Sections"
-msgstr "ଦଲିଲ ��ଶ"
-#: ../src/yelp-db-print.c:258 ../src/yelp-db-print.c:350
-#: ../src/yelp-docbook.c:275 ../src/yelp-docbook.c:367 ../src/yelp-info.c:243
-#: ../src/yelp-info.c:338 ../src/yelp-man.c:292 ../src/yelp-man.c:385
-#: ../src/yelp-toc.c:266 ../src/yelp-toc.c:365
-msgid "Page not found"
-msgstr "ପà?ଷà?ଠା ମିଳà?ନାହିà¬?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-bz2-decompressor.c:152
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-lzma-decompressor.c:161
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Out of memory"
+msgid "Not enough memory"
+msgstr "ଯଥà?ଷà?à¬? ସà?ମà?ରà?ତି ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/yelp-db-print.c:259 ../src/yelp-docbook.c:276 ../src/yelp-info.c:244
-#: ../src/yelp-man.c:293
-#, c-format
-msgid "The page %s was not found in the document %s."
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-docbook-document.c:264 ../libyelp/yelp-info-document.c:233
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-mallard-document.c:254
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-mallard-document.c:391
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "The page %s was not found in the document %s."
+msgid "The page â??%sâ?? was not found in the document â??%sâ??."
msgstr "ଦଲିଲ %s ରà? ପà?ଷà?ଠା %s ମିଳà?ନାହିà¬?."
-#: ../src/yelp-db-print.c:351 ../src/yelp-docbook.c:368 ../src/yelp-info.c:339
-#: ../src/yelp-man.c:386
-#, c-format
-msgid "The requested page was not found in the document %s."
-msgstr "ଦଲିଲ %s ରà? à¬?ନà?ରà?ଧିତ ପà?ଷà?ଠାà¬?ି ମିଳିଲା ନାହିà¬?."
-#: ../src/yelp-db-print.c:392 ../src/yelp-docbook.c:410 ../src/yelp-info.c:380
-#: ../src/yelp-man.c:429
-msgid "File not found"
-msgstr "ଫାà¬?ଲ ମିଳà?ନାହିà¬?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-docbook-document.c:298 ../libyelp/yelp-info-document.c:366
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "The file â??%sâ?? does not exist."
+msgid "The file does not exist."
+msgstr "ଫାà¬?ଲ '%s' à¬?ବସà?ଥିତ ନାହିà¬?."
-#: ../src/yelp-db-print.c:393 ../src/yelp-docbook.c:411 ../src/yelp-info.c:381
-#: ../src/yelp-man.c:430
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-docbook-document.c:308 ../libyelp/yelp-info-document.c:376
#, c-format
msgid "The file â??%sâ?? does not exist."
msgstr "ଫାà¬?ଲ '%s' à¬?ବସà?ଥିତ ନାହିà¬?."
-#: ../src/yelp-db-print.c:406 ../src/yelp-db-print.c:418
-#: ../src/yelp-docbook.c:424 ../src/yelp-docbook.c:436 ../src/yelp-info.c:395
-#: ../src/yelp-man.c:458 ../src/yelp-toc.c:437
-msgid "Could not parse file"
-msgstr "ଫାà¬?ଲ ବିଶà?ଲà?ଷଣ à¬?ରିପାରà? ନାହିà¬?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/yelp-db-print.c:407 ../src/yelp-docbook.c:425
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-docbook-document.c:323
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The file â??%sâ?? could not be parsed because it is not a well-formed XML "
msgstr "â??%sâ?? ଫାà¬?ଲà¬?à? ବିଶà?ଳà?ଷଣ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬? à¬?ାରଣ à¬?ହା ସà?ନିରà?ମିତ XML ଦଲିଲ ନà?ହà¬?."
-#: ../src/yelp-db-print.c:419 ../src/yelp-docbook.c:437
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-docbook-document.c:336
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The file â??%sâ?? could not be parsed because one or more of its included files "
@@ -1067,449 +920,365 @@ msgstr ""
"â??%sâ?? ଫାà¬?ଲà¬?à? ବିଶà?ଳà?ଷଣ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬? à¬?ାରଣ à¬?ଥିରà? à¬?ନà?ତରà?à¬à?à¬?à?ତ ଥିବା à¬?à¬? à¬?ଧିà¬? ଫାà¬?ଲ ସà?ନିରà?ମିତ XML ଦଲିଲ "
-#: ../src/yelp-db-print.c:765 ../src/yelp-docbook.c:786
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-docbook-document.c:720
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "��ଣା"
-#: ../src/yelp-error.c:132 ../src/yelp-error.c:139
-msgid "Unknown Error"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?ଣା ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
-#: ../src/yelp-error.c:136 ../src/yelp-window.c:1643
-msgid "Could Not Read File"
-msgstr "ଫାà¬?ଲ ପଢ଼ିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-docbook-document.c:781 ../libyelp/yelp-info-document.c:309
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "The requested page was not found in the document %s."
+msgid "The requested page was not found in the document â??%sâ??."
+msgstr "ଦଲିଲ %s ରà? à¬?ନà?ରà?ଧିତ ପà?ଷà?ଠାà¬?ି ମିଳିଲା ନାହିà¬?."
-#: ../src/yelp-error.c:146
-msgid "No information is available about this error."
-msgstr "à¬?ହି ତà?ରà?à¬?ି ବିଷà?ରà? à¬?à?ଣସି ସà?à¬?ନା à¬?ପଲବà?ଧ ନାହିà¬?।"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-error.c:33
+#, c-format
+msgid "An unknown error occurred."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-info.c:396
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-info-document.c:391
#, c-format
msgid "The file â??%sâ?? could not be parsed because it is not a well-formed info page."
msgstr "â??%sâ?? ଫାà¬?ଲà¬?à? ବିଶà?ଳà?ଷଣ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬? à¬?ାରଣ à¬?ହା ସà?ନିରà?ମିତ ସà?à¬?ନା ପà?ଷà?ଠା ନà?ହà¬?."
-#: ../src/yelp-io-channel.c:132
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The file â??%sâ?? could not be read and decoded. The file may be compressed in "
-"an unsupported format."
-msgstr "â??%sâ?? ଫାà¬?ଲ ପଢ଼ି à¬?ବସà¬?à?à¬?à?ତିତ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?। ସମà?à¬à¬¬ à¬?ି ଫାà¬?ଲ à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? à¬?ସହାà?à¬? ଶà?ଲà?ରà? ସà¬?à¬?à?à¬?ିତ।"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-location-entry.c:251
+msgid "Description Column"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-main.c:91
-msgid "Use a private session"
-msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ବà?ଯà¬?à?ତିà¬?ତ à¬?ଧିବà?ଶନà¬?à? ବà?ଯବହାର à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-location-entry.c:252
+msgid "A column in the model to get descriptions from"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-main.c:100
-msgid "Define which cache directory to use"
-msgstr "à¬?à?ଯାଶ ଡିରà?à¬?à?à¬?à?ରିà¬?à? ବà?ଯାà¬?à?ଯା à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-location-entry.c:267
+msgid "Icon Column"
+msgstr ""
-#. Commandline parsing is done here
-#: ../src/yelp-main.c:357
-msgid " GNOME Help Browser"
-msgstr " ନà?ମ ସାହାଯà?ଯ à¬?à?à¬?ାଳà?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-location-entry.c:268
+msgid "A column in the model to get icon names from"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-main.c:377 ../yelp.desktop.in.in.h:2
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "ସହାà?ତା"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-location-entry.c:283
+msgid "Flags Column"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-man.c:459
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file â??%sâ?? could not be parsed because it is not a well-formed man page."
-msgstr "â??%sâ?? ଫାà¬?ଲà¬?à? ବିଶà?ଳà?ଷଣ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬? à¬?ାରଣ à¬?ହା ସà?ନିରà?ମିତ ମà?à¬?à?à? ପà?ଷà?ଠା ନà?ହà¬?."
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-location-entry.c:284
+msgid "A column in the model with YelpLocationEntryFlags flags"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-print.c:97
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "ମà?ଦà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-location-entry.c:300
+msgid "Enable Search"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-print.c:167
-msgid "Preparing to print"
-msgstr "ମà?ଦà?ରଣ ପାà¬?à¬? ବà?ଯବସà?ଥା à¬?ରାଯାà¬?à¬?ି"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-location-entry.c:301
+msgid "Whether the location entry can be used as a search field"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-print.c:261
-msgid "Printing is not supported on this printer"
-msgstr "à¬?ହି ମà?ଦà?ରଣà?ରà? ମà?ଦà?ରଣ à¬?ସହାà?à¬?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-mallard-document.c:294
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "The file â??%sâ?? does not exist."
+msgid "The directory â??%sâ?? does not exist."
+msgstr "ଡିରà?à¬?à?à¬?à?ରà? '%s' à¬?ବସà?ଥିତ ନାହିà¬?।"
-#: ../src/yelp-print.c:264
-#, c-format
-msgid "Printer %s does not support postscript printing."
-msgstr "%s ମà?ଦà?ରଣà?ରà? ପà?ଷà?à¬?ସà?à¬?à?ରିପà?à¬? ମà?ଦà?ରଣà¬?à? ସମରà?ଥ à¬?ରà?ନାହିà¬?।"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-settings.c:146
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Settings"
+msgid "GtkSettings"
+msgstr "ବିନà?à?ାସ"
-#: ../src/yelp-print.c:366
-msgid "Waiting to print"
-msgstr "ମà?ଦà?ରଣ ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ପà?à¬?à?ଷାରà?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-settings.c:147
+msgid "A GtkSettings object to get settings from"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-print.c:578
-msgid "An error occurred while printing"
-msgstr "ମà?ଦà?ରଣରà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-settings.c:155
+msgid "GtkIconTheme"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-print.c:582
-#, c-format
-msgid "It was not possible to print your document: %s"
-msgstr "à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬? ଦଲିଲ ମà?ଦà?ରଣ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?: %s"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-settings.c:156
+msgid "A GtkIconTheme object to get icons from"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-search-parser.c:67
-msgid "the GNOME Support Forums"
-msgstr "ନà?ମ ସହାà?ତା ବିà¬?ାରସà?ଥଳ"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-settings.c:164
+msgid "Font Adjustment"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-search-parser.c:285
-#, c-format
-msgid "No results for \"%s\""
-msgstr "\"%s\" ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à?ଣସି ଫଳାଫଳ ମିଳିଲା ନାହିà¬?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-settings.c:165
+msgid "A size adjustment to add to font sizes"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-search-parser.c:286
-msgid ""
-"Try using different words to describe the problem you're having or the topic "
-"you want help with."
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-settings.c:173
+msgid "Show Text Cursor"
msgstr ""
-"à¬?ପଣ ସମà?ମà?à¬?à?ନ ହà?à¬?ଥିବା ସମସà?ଯାà¬?à? à¬?ିମà?ବା à¬?ପଣ ଯà?à¬?à¬? ବିଷà? ବସà?ତà? ସହିତ ସାହାରà?ଯà?ଯ à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?ାହà?à¬?à¬?ନà?ତି "
-"ତାହାà¬?à? ବରà?ଣà?ଣନା à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ବିà¬à¬¿à¬¨à?ନ ଶବà?ଦ ମାନà¬?à?à¬?à? ପà?ରà?à?à¬? à¬?ରିବା ପାà¬?à¬? ପà?ରà¬?à?ଷà?à¬?ା à¬?ରନà?ତà?।"
-#: ../src/yelp-search-parser.c:289
-#, c-format
-msgid "Search results for \"%s\""
-msgstr "\"%s\" ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ଫଳାଫଳ ସନà?ଧାନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#. TRANSLATORS: Please don't do anything funny with the
-#. * format arguement. It isn't really going through a printf
-#. * The %s is used to indicate where the name of the site (linked)
-#. * should be. This is done in the XSLT
-#: ../src/yelp-search-parser.c:303
-#, c-format
-msgid "Repeat the search online at %s"
-msgstr "%s ରà? à¬?ନ-ଲାà¬?ନ à¬à¬¾à¬¬à¬°à? ପà?ଣିଥରà? ସନà?ଧାନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?"
-#. Translators: Do not translate this list exactly. These are
-#. * colon-separated words that aren't useful for choosing search
-#. * results; they will be different for each language. Include
-#. * pronouns, articles, very common verbs and prepositions,
-#. * words from question structures like "tell me about" and
-#. * "how do I", and words for functional states like "not",
-#. * "work", and "broken".
-#: ../src/yelp-search-parser.c:874
-msgid ""
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-settings.c:174
+msgid "Show the text cursor or caret for accessibile navigation"
msgstr ""
-#. Translators: This is a list of common prefixes for words.
-#. * Do not translate this directly. Instead, use a colon
-#. * seperated list of word-starts. In English, an example
-#. * is re-. If there is none, please use the term NULL
-#. * If there is only one, please put a colon after.
-#. * E.g. if the common prefix is re then the string would be
-#. * "re:"
-#: ../src/yelp-search-parser.c:890
-msgid "re"
-msgstr "NULL"
-#. Translators: This is a list of (guess what?) common suffixes
-#. * to words. Things that may be put at ends of words to slightly
-#. * alter their meaning (like -ing and -s in English). This is a
-#. * colon seperated list (I like colons). If there are none,
-#. * please use the string NULL. If there is only 1, please
-#. * add a colon at the end of the list
-#: ../src/yelp-search-parser.c:899
-msgid "ers:er:ing:es:s:'s"
-msgstr "NULL"
-#: ../src/yelp-search-parser.c:1095
-msgid "No Comment"
-msgstr "à¬?ିà¬?ି à¬?ିପà?ପଣà? ନାହିà¬?"
-#. Much bigger problems
-#: ../src/yelp-search.c:238
-msgid "Search could not be processed"
-msgstr "ସନà?ଧାନà¬?à? ସà¬?ସାଧନ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/yelp-search.c:239
-msgid "The requested search could not be processed."
-msgstr "à¬?ନà?ରà?ଧିତ ସନà?ଧାନà¬?ି ସà¬?ସାଧନ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?."
-#: ../src/yelp-search.c:366
-msgid "Cannot process the search"
-msgstr "ସନà?ଧାନà¬?à? ସà¬?ସାଧନ à¬?ରିପାରିଲà? ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/yelp-search.c:367
-msgid "The search processor returned invalid results"
-msgstr "ସନà?ଧାନ ସà¬?ସାଧà¬? à¬?ବà?ଧ ଫଳାଫଳ ଫà?ରାà¬?ଲା"
-#: ../src/yelp-toc.c:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "The page %s was not found in the TOC."
-msgstr "TOC ରà? ପà?ଷà?ଠା %s ମିଳିନଥିଲା।"
-#: ../src/yelp-toc.c:366
-msgid "The requested page was not found in the TOC."
-msgstr "TOC ରà? à¬?ନà?ରà?ଧିତ ପà?ଷà?ଠା ମିଳିନଥିଲା।"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-settings.c:182
+msgid "Editor Mode"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-toc.c:438
-msgid ""
-"The TOC file could not be parsed because it is not a well-formed XML "
-msgstr "TOC ଫାà¬?ଲà¬?à? ବିଶà?ଳà?ଷଣ à¬?ରିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬? à¬?ାରଣ à¬?ହା à¬?à¬? ସà?ନିରà?ମିତ XML ଦଲିଲ ନà?ହà¬?."
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-settings.c:183
+msgid "Enable features useful to editors"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-transform.c:80
-msgid "Invalid Stylesheet"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-transform.c:171
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Invalid Stylesheet"
+msgid "XSLT Stylesheet"
msgstr "à¬?ବà?ଧ ଶà?ଳà? ପà?ଷà?ଠା"
-#: ../src/yelp-transform.c:81
-#, c-format
-msgid "The XSLT stylesheet â??%sâ?? is either missing, or it is not valid."
-msgstr "XSLT ଶà?ଳà?ପà?ଷà?ଠା '%s'à¬?ି ହà¬?ିଯାà¬?ଥାà¬?ପାରà?, à¬?ଥବା à¬?ହା ବà?ଧ ନà?ହà¬?."
-#: ../src/yelp-transform.c:112
-msgid "Broken Transformation"
-msgstr "à¬à¬?à?à¬?ା ରà?ପାନà?ତରଣ"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-transform.c:172
+msgid "The location of the XSLT stylesheet"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-transform.c:113
-msgid "An unknown error occurred while attempting to transform the document."
-msgstr "ଦଲିଲà¬?à? ରà?ପାନà?ତରଣ à¬?ରିବାà¬?à? ପà?ରà?ାସ à¬?ରିବା ସମà?ରà? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? à¬?à¬?ଣା ତà?ରà?à¬?ି à¬?à¬?ିଲା."
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-transform.c:379 ../libyelp/yelp-transform.c:394
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "The XSLT stylesheet â??%sâ?? is either missing, or it is not valid."
+msgid "The XSLT stylesheet â??%sâ?? is either missing or not valid."
+msgstr "XSLT ଶà?ଳà?ପà?ଷà?ଠା '%s'à¬?ି ହà¬?ିଯାà¬?ଥାà¬?ପାରà?, à¬?ଥବା à¬?ହା ବà?ଧ ନà?ହà¬?."
-#: ../src/yelp-transform.c:373
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-transform.c:528
msgid "No href attribute found on yelp:document\n"
msgstr "yelp:ଦଲିଲରà? à¬?à?ଣସି href à¬?à?ଣ ମିଳିଲା ନାହିà¬?\n"
-#: ../src/yelp-transform.c:388
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-transform.c:543
msgid "Out of memory"
msgstr "ଯଥà?ଷà?à¬? ସà?ମà?ରà?ତି ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:304
-msgid "_File"
-msgstr "ଫା�ଲ (_F)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:94
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Print"
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "ମà?ଦà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà? ... (_P)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:305
-msgid "_Edit"
-msgstr "ସମà?ପାଦନ (_E)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:306
-msgid "_Go"
-msgstr "ଯାà¬?ନà?ତà? (_G)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:99
+msgid "_Back"
+msgstr "ପà¬?à¬?à? (_B)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:307
-msgid "_Bookmarks"
-msgstr "à¬?ିହà?ନିତ ସà?ଥାନ (_B)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:104
+msgid "_Forward"
+msgstr "ପରବରà?ତà?ତà? (_F)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:308
-msgid "_Help"
-msgstr "ସାହାଯà?ଯ (_H)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:109
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Previous"
+msgid "_Previous Page"
+msgstr "ପà?ରà?ବବରà?ତà?ତà? (_P)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:311
-msgid "_New Window"
-msgstr "ନà?à¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà? (_N)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:114
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Next"
+msgid "_Next Page"
+msgstr "ପରବରà?ତà?ତà? (_N)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:316
-msgid "Print This Document ..."
-msgstr "à¬?ହି ଦଲିଲà¬?à? ମà?ଦà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà? ..."
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:317
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Yelp"
+msgid "Yelp URI"
+msgstr "à?à?ଲà?ପ"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:321
-msgid "Print This Page ..."
-msgstr "à¬?ହି ପà?ଷà?ଠାà¬?à? ମà?ଦà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà? ..."
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:318
+msgid "A YelpUri with the current location"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:326
-msgid "About This Document"
-msgstr "à¬?ହି ଦଲିଲ ବିଷà?ରà?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:326
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Loading..."
+msgid "Loading State"
+msgstr "ଧାରଣ..."
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:331
-msgid "Open _Location"
-msgstr "à¬?ବସà?ଥାନ à¬?à?ଲନà?ତà? (_L)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:327
+msgid "The loading state of the view"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:336
-msgid "_Close Window"
-msgstr "à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà? ବନà?ଦ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_C)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:336
+msgid "Page ID"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:342
-msgid "_Copy"
-msgstr "ନ�ଲ (_C)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:337
+msgid "The ID of the root page of the page being viewed"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:348
-msgid "_Select All"
-msgstr "ସବà? ବାà¬?ନà?ତà? (_S)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:345
+msgid "Root Title"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:353
-msgid "_Find..."
-msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà?... (_F)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:346
+msgid "The title of the root page of the page being viewed"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:358
-msgid "Find Pre_vious"
-msgstr "ପà?ରà?ବବରà?ତà?ତà? à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà? (_v)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:354
+msgid "Page Title"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:360
-msgid "Find previous occurrence of the word or phrase"
-msgstr "ଶବà?ଦ ବା ବାà¬?à?ଯà¬?ଣà?ଡର ପà?ରà?ବବରà?ତà?ତà? à¬?à¬?ଣା à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:355
+msgid "The title of the page being viewed"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:363
-msgid "Find Ne_xt"
-msgstr "ପରବରà?ତà?ତà? à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà? (_x)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:363
+msgid "Page Description"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:365
-msgid "Find next occurrence of the word or phrase"
-msgstr "ଶବà?ଦ ବା ବାà¬?à?ଯà¬?ଣà?ଡର ପରବରà?ତà?ତà? à¬?à¬?ଣା à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:364
+msgid "The description of the page being viewed"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:368
-msgid "_Preferences"
-msgstr "ପସନà?ଦ (_P)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:372
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Page not found"
+msgid "Page Icon"
+msgstr "ପà?ଷà?ଠା ମିଳà?ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:373
-msgid "_Reload"
-msgstr "ପà?ନରà?ଧାରଣ (_R)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:373
+msgid "The icon of the page being viewed"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:385
-msgid "_Back"
-msgstr "ପà¬?à¬?à? ଯାà¬?ନà?ତà? (_B)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:696
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load a document for â??%sâ??"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:387
-msgid "Show previous page in history"
-msgstr "à¬?ତିହାସର ପà?ରà?ବବରà?ତà?ତà? ପà?ଷà?ଠା ଦà?à¬?ାନà?ତà?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:702
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load a document"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:390
-msgid "_Forward"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?à¬?à? (_F)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:769
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Page not found"
+msgid "Not Found"
+msgstr "ପà?ଷà?ଠା ମିଳà?ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:392
-msgid "Show next page in history"
-msgstr "à¬?ତିହାସର ପରବରà?ତà?ତà? ପà?ଷà?ଠା ଦà?à¬?ାନà?ତà?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:772
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Cannot create window"
+msgid "Cannot Read"
+msgstr "à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà? ସà?ଷà?à¬?ି à¬?ରିପାରିଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:395
-msgid "_Help Topics"
-msgstr "ସାହାଯà?ଯ ବିଷà? (_H)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:778
+msgid "Unknown Error"
+msgstr "à¬?à¬?ଣା ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:397
-msgid "Go to the listing of help topics"
-msgstr "ସାହାଯà?ଯ ବିଷà? ତାଲିà¬?ାà¬?à? ଯାà¬?ନà?ତà?"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:868
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "The file â??%sâ?? does not exist."
+msgid "The URI â??%sâ?? does point to a valid page."
+msgstr "ଫାà¬?ଲ '%s' à¬?ବସà?ଥିତ ନାହିà¬?."
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:400
-msgid "_Previous Section"
-msgstr "ପà?ରà?ବବରà?ତà?ତà? à¬?à¬?ଶ (_P)"
+#: ../libyelp/yelp-view.c:876
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "The file â??%sâ?? does not exist."
+msgid "The URI â??%sâ?? could not be parsed."
+msgstr "ଫାà¬?ଲ '%s' à¬?ବସà?ଥିତ ନାହିà¬?."
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:405
-msgid "_Next Section"
-msgstr "ପରବରà?ତà?ତà? à¬?à¬?ଶ (_N)"
+#: ../src/yelp-application.c:55
+msgid "Turn on editor mode"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:410 ../src/yelp-window.c:442
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "ସà?à¬?à?ପତà?ର (_C)"
+#: ../src/yelp-application.c:106
+msgid "_Larger Text"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:416
-msgid "_Add Bookmark"
-msgstr "à¬?ିହà?ନିତ ସà?ଥାନ ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_A)"
+#: ../src/yelp-application.c:108
+msgid "Increase the size of the text"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:421
-msgid "_Edit Bookmarks..."
-msgstr "à¬?ିହà?ନିତ ସà?ଥାନ ସମà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରନà?ତà?... (_E)"
+#: ../src/yelp-application.c:111
+msgid "_Smaller Text"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:427
-msgid "_Open Link"
-msgstr "ସà¬?ଯà?à¬? à¬?à?ଲନà?ତà? (_O)"
+#: ../src/yelp-application.c:113
+msgid "Descrease the size of the text"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:432
-msgid "Open Link in _New Window"
-msgstr "ନà?à¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà?ରà? ସà¬?ଯà?à¬? à¬?à?ଲନà?ତà? (_N)"
+#: ../src/yelp-application.c:221
+msgid "Show Text _Cursor"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:437
-msgid "_Copy Link Address"
-msgstr "ସà¬?ଯà?à¬? ଠିà¬?ଣା ନà¬?ଲ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_C)"
+#: ../src/yelp-application.c:297 ../src/yelp-window.c:1353
+#: ../yelp.desktop.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "ସହାà?ତା"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:444
-msgid "Help On this application"
-msgstr "à¬?ହି ପà?ରà?à?à¬? ପାà¬?à¬? ସହାà?ତା"
+#: ../src/yelp-application.c:547
+msgid ""
+"You do not have PackageKit installed. Package installation links require "
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:447
-msgid "_About"
-msgstr "ବିବରଣà? (_A)"
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:241
+msgid "_Page"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:452
-msgid "Copy _Email Address"
-msgstr "à¬?-ଡାà¬? ଠିà¬?ଣା ନà¬?ଲ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_E)"
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:242
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Viewer"
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "ଦà?ରà?ଶà?ଯ (_V)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:501
-msgid "Help Browser"
-msgstr "ସାହାଯà?ଯ à¬?à?à¬?ାଳà?"
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:243
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "ଯାà¬?ନà?ତà? (_G)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:592 ../src/yelp-window.c:644 ../src/yelp-window.c:1700
-msgid "Loading..."
-msgstr "ଧାରଣ..."
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:244
+msgid "_Bookmarks"
+msgstr "à¬?ିହà?ନିତ ସà?ଥାନ (_B)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:593 ../src/yelp-window.c:645
-msgid "Unknown Page"
-msgstr "à¬?à¬?ଣା ପà?ଷà?ଠା"
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:247
+msgid "_New Window"
+msgstr "ନà?à¬? à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà? (_N)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1008 ../src/yelp-window.c:1064
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1084
-#, c-format
-msgid "The requested URI \"%s\" is invalid"
-msgstr "à¬?ନà?ରà?ଧିତ URI \"%s\"à¬?ି à¬?ବà?ଧ à¬?à¬?à?"
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:252
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Clocks"
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "ବନà?ଦ à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_C)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1009 ../src/yelp-window.c:1066
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1085
-msgid "Unable to load page"
-msgstr "ପà?ଷà?ଠା ଧାରଣ à¬?ରିବାରà? à¬?ସମରà?ଥ"
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:257
+msgid "_Add Bookmark"
+msgstr "ବà?à¬?ମାରà?à¬?à¬?à? ଯà?à¬? à¬?ରନà?ତà? (_A)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1079
-msgid "Error executing \"gnome-open\""
-msgstr "\"gnome-à¬?à?ଲନà?ତà?\"à¬?à? ନିଷà?ପାଦନ à¬?ରିବା ସମà?ରà? ତà?ରà?à¬?ି"
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:262
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Print This Page ..."
+msgid "Find in Page..."
+msgstr "à¬?ହି ପà?ଷà?ଠାà¬?à? ମà?ଦà?ରଣ à¬?ରନà?ତà? ..."
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1265
-msgid "_Search:"
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:267 ../src/yelp-window.c:482
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Search:"
+msgid "Search..."
msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà?: (_S)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1266
-msgid "Search for other documentation"
-msgstr "à¬?ନà?ଯ ଦଲିଲିà¬?ରଣ à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1286
-msgid "Cannot create window"
-msgstr "à±à¬¿à¬£à?ଡà? ସà?ଷà?à¬?ି à¬?ରିପାରିଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1292
-msgid "Cannot create search component"
-msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ା ଯନà?ତà?ରାà¬?ଶ ସà?ଷà?à¬?ି à¬?ରିପାରିଲା ନାହିà¬?"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1464
-msgid "Fin_d:"
-msgstr "à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà?: (_d)"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1486
-msgid "Find _Previous"
-msgstr "ପà?ରà?ବବରà?ତà?ତà? à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà? (_P)"
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:272
+msgid "Open Location"
+msgstr "à¬?ବସà?ଥାନà¬?à? à¬?à?ଲନà?ତà?"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1498
-msgid "Find _Next"
-msgstr "ପରବରà?ତà?ତà? à¬?à?à¬?ନà?ତà? (_N)"
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:299
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Applications"
+msgid "Application"
+msgstr "ପà?ରà?à?à¬?"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1511
-msgid "Phrase not found"
-msgstr "ବାà¬?à?à?ାà¬?ଶ ମିଳିଲା ନାହିà¬?"
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:300
+msgid "A YelpApplication instance that controls this window"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1640
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:995
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The file â??%sâ?? could not be read. This file might be missing, or you might "
-"not have permissions to read it."
-msgstr "â??%sâ?? ଫାà¬?ଲ ପଢ଼ିହà?ଲା ନାହିà¬?. à¬?ହି ଫାà¬?ଲ ମିଳà? ନାହିà¬?, ବା à¬?ପଣà¬?à?à¬?ର à¬?ହାà¬?à? ପଢ଼ିବାର à¬?ନà?ମତି ନାହିà¬?."
-#. Note to translators: put here your name (and address) so it
-#. * will show up in the "about" box
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:2480
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "Sudhansu <srujanika yahoo com>"
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:2483
-msgid "Yelp"
-msgstr "à?à?ଲà?ପ"
+msgid "%i match"
+msgid_plural "%i matches"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1020
+msgid "No matches"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../src/yelp-window.c:2485
-msgid "A documentation browser and viewer for the Gnome Desktop."
-msgstr "ନà?ମ ଡà?à¬?à?ସà¬?ପ ପାà¬?à¬? à¬?à?à¬?ିà¬? ଦଲିଲିà¬?ରଣ à¬?à?à¬?ାଳି à¬? ପà?ରଦରà?ଶà¬?."
+#: ../src/yelp-window.c:1297
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Loading..."
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "ଧାରଣ à¬?ରà?à¬?à¬?ି"
#: ../yelp.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Get help with GNOME"
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