[banshee] [NotificationArea] Indent with spaces in X11NotificationArea.cs

commit 2bc97ca03e7680d0c5d147f947fb81857f7cbda9
Author: Bertrand Lorentz <bertrand lorentz gmail com>
Date:   Sun Jun 20 19:14:03 2010 +0200

    [NotificationArea] Indent with spaces in X11NotificationArea.cs

 .../X11NotificationArea.cs                         |  934 ++++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 467 insertions(+), 467 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Extensions/Banshee.NotificationArea/Banshee.NotificationArea/X11NotificationArea.cs b/src/Extensions/Banshee.NotificationArea/Banshee.NotificationArea/X11NotificationArea.cs
index fd2febf..4519e37 100644
--- a/src/Extensions/Banshee.NotificationArea/Banshee.NotificationArea/X11NotificationArea.cs
+++ b/src/Extensions/Banshee.NotificationArea/Banshee.NotificationArea/X11NotificationArea.cs
@@ -44,473 +44,473 @@ using Gdk;
 public class X11NotificationArea : Plug
-	private uint stamp;
-	private Orientation orientation;
-	private IntPtr selection_atom;
-	private IntPtr manager_atom;
-	private IntPtr system_tray_opcode_atom;
-	private IntPtr orientation_atom;
-	private IntPtr message_data_atom;
-	private IntPtr manager_window;
-	private FilterFunc filter;
-	public X11NotificationArea (string name)
-	{
-		Title = name;
-		Init ();
-	}
-	public X11NotificationArea (string name, Gdk.Screen screen)
-	{
-		Title = name;
-		Screen = screen;
-		Init ();
-	}
-	[DllImport ("libc")]
-	private static extern IntPtr memcpy (ref XClientMessageEvent.DataUnion dest, IntPtr src, IntPtr len);
-	public uint SendMessage (uint timeout, string message)
-	{
-		if (manager_window == IntPtr.Zero) {
-			return 0;
-		}
-		byte[] arr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (message);
-		IntPtr unmanaged_arr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (arr.Length);
-		Marshal.Copy (arr, 0, unmanaged_arr, arr.Length);
-		SendManagerMessage (SystemTrayMessage.BeginMessage, (IntPtr) Id, timeout, (uint) arr.Length, ++stamp);
-		gdk_error_trap_push ();
-		for (int index = 0; index < message.Length; index += 20) {
-			XClientMessageEvent ev = new XClientMessageEvent ();
-			IntPtr display = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (Display.Handle);
-			ev.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
-			ev.window = (IntPtr) Id;
-			ev.format = 8;
-			ev.message_type = message_data_atom;
-			int len = Math.Min (arr.Length - index, 20);
-			memcpy (ref ev.data, (IntPtr)((int)unmanaged_arr + index), (IntPtr)len);
-			XSendEvent (display, manager_window, false, (IntPtr) EventMask.StructureNotifyMask, ref ev);
-			XSync (display, false);
-		}
-		gdk_error_trap_pop ();
-		return stamp;
-	}
-	public void CancelMessage (uint id)
-	{
-		if (id == 0) {
-			return;
-		}
-		SendManagerMessage (SystemTrayMessage.CancelMessage, (IntPtr) Id, id, 0, 0);
-	}
-	private void Init ()
-	{
-		stamp = 1;
-		orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
-		AddEvents ((int)EventMask.PropertyChangeMask);
-		filter = new FilterFunc (ManagerFilter);
-	}
-        [GLib.ConnectBefore]
-        private void TransparentExposeEvent (object obj, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args)
-	{
-		Gtk.Widget widget = (Gtk.Widget)obj;
-		Gdk.Rectangle area = args.Event.Area;
-		widget.GdkWindow.ClearArea (area.X, area.Y, area.Width, area.Height);
-	}
-	private void MakeTransparentAgain (object obj, Gtk.StyleSetArgs args)
-	{
-		Gtk.Widget widget = (Gtk.Widget)obj;
-		widget.GdkWindow.SetBackPixmap (null, true);
-	}
-        private void MakeTransparent (object obj, EventArgs args)
-	{
-		Gtk.Widget widget = (Gtk.Widget)obj;
-		if (widget.IsNoWindow || widget.IsAppPaintable)
-			return;
-		widget.AppPaintable = true;
-		widget.DoubleBuffered = false;
-		widget.GdkWindow.SetBackPixmap (null, true);
-		widget.ExposeEvent += TransparentExposeEvent;
-		widget.StyleSet += MakeTransparentAgain;
-	}
-	protected override void OnRealized ()
-	{
-		base.OnRealized ();
-		MakeTransparent (this, EventArgs.Empty);
-		Display display = Screen.Display;
-		IntPtr xdisplay = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (display.Handle);
-		selection_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S" + Screen.Number.ToString (), false);
-		manager_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "MANAGER", false);
-		system_tray_opcode_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE", false);
-		orientation_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_ORIENTATION", false);
-		message_data_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_MESSAGE_DATA", false);
-		UpdateManagerWindow (false);
-		SendDockRequest ();
-		Screen.RootWindow.AddFilter (filter);
-	}
-	protected override void OnAdded (Gtk.Widget child)
-	{
-		child.Realized += MakeTransparent;
-		base.OnAdded (child);
-	}
-	protected override void OnUnrealized ()
-	{
-		if (manager_window != IntPtr.Zero) {
-			Gdk.Window gdkwin = Gdk.Window.ForeignNewForDisplay (Display, (uint)manager_window);
-			if (gdkwin != null) {
-				gdkwin.RemoveFilter (filter);
-			}
-		}
-		Screen.RootWindow.RemoveFilter (filter);
-		base.OnUnrealized ();
-	}
-	private void UpdateManagerWindow (bool dock_if_realized)
-	{
-		if(Handle == IntPtr.Zero || Display == null || Display.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) {
-			return;
-		}
-		IntPtr xdisplay = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (Display.Handle);
-		if (manager_window != IntPtr.Zero) {
-			return;
-		}
-		XGrabServer (xdisplay);
-		manager_window = XGetSelectionOwner (xdisplay, selection_atom);
-		if (manager_window != IntPtr.Zero) {
-			XSelectInput (xdisplay, manager_window, (IntPtr) (EventMask.StructureNotifyMask | EventMask.PropertyChangeMask));
-		}
-		XUngrabServer (xdisplay);
-		XFlush (xdisplay);
-		if (manager_window != IntPtr.Zero) {
-			Gdk.Window gdkwin = Gdk.Window.ForeignNewForDisplay (Display, (uint)manager_window);
-			if (gdkwin != null) {
-				gdkwin.AddFilter (filter);
-			}
-			if (dock_if_realized && IsRealized) {
-				SendDockRequest ();
-			}
-			GetOrientationProperty ();
-		}
-	}
-	private void SendDockRequest ()
-	{
-		SendManagerMessage (SystemTrayMessage.RequestDock, manager_window, Id, 0, 0);
-	}
-	private void SendManagerMessage (SystemTrayMessage message, IntPtr window, uint data1, uint data2, uint data3)
-	{
-		XClientMessageEvent ev = new XClientMessageEvent ();
-		IntPtr display;
-		ev.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
-		ev.window = window;
-		ev.message_type = system_tray_opcode_atom;
-		ev.format = 32;
-		ev.data.ptr1 = (IntPtr)gdk_x11_get_server_time (GdkWindow.Handle);
-		ev.data.ptr2 = (IntPtr)message;
-		ev.data.ptr3 = (IntPtr)data1;
-		ev.data.ptr4 = (IntPtr)data2;
-		ev.data.ptr5 = (IntPtr)data3;
-		display = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (Display.Handle);
-		gdk_error_trap_push ();
-		XSendEvent (display, manager_window, false, (IntPtr) EventMask.NoEventMask, ref ev);
-		XSync (display, false);
-		gdk_error_trap_pop ();
-	}
-	private FilterReturn ManagerFilter (IntPtr xevent, Event evnt)
-	{
-		XAnyEvent xev = (XAnyEvent) Marshal.PtrToStructure (xevent, typeof(XAnyEvent));
-		if (xev.type == XEventName.ClientMessage){
-			XClientMessageEvent xclient = (XClientMessageEvent) Marshal.PtrToStructure (xevent, typeof(XClientMessageEvent));
-			if (xclient.message_type == manager_atom && xclient.data.ptr2 == selection_atom) {
-				UpdateManagerWindow (true);
-				return FilterReturn.Continue;
-			}
-		}
-		if (xev.window == manager_window) {
-			if (xev.type == XEventName.PropertyNotify){
-				XPropertyEvent xproperty = (XPropertyEvent) Marshal.PtrToStructure (xevent, typeof(XPropertyEvent));
-				if (xproperty.atom == orientation_atom) {
-					GetOrientationProperty();
-					return FilterReturn.Continue;
-				}
-			}
-			if (xev.type == XEventName.DestroyNotify) {
-				ManagerWindowDestroyed();
-			}
-		}
-		return FilterReturn.Continue;
-	}
-	private void ManagerWindowDestroyed ()
-	{
-		if (manager_window != IntPtr.Zero) {
-			Gdk.Window gdkwin = Gdk.Window.ForeignNewForDisplay (Display, (uint) manager_window);
-			if (gdkwin != null) {
-				gdkwin.RemoveFilter (filter);
-			}
-			manager_window = IntPtr.Zero;
-			UpdateManagerWindow (true);
-		}
-	}
-	private void GetOrientationProperty ()
-	{
-		IntPtr display;
-		IntPtr type;
-		int format;
-		IntPtr prop_return;
-		IntPtr nitems, bytes_after;
-		int error, result;
-		if (manager_window == IntPtr.Zero) {
-			return;
-		}
-		display = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (Display.Handle);
-		gdk_error_trap_push ();
-		type = IntPtr.Zero;
-		result = XGetWindowProperty (display, manager_window, orientation_atom, (IntPtr) 0,
-					     (IntPtr) System.Int32.MaxValue, false, (IntPtr) XAtom.Cardinal, out type, out format,
-					     out nitems, out bytes_after, out prop_return);
-		error = gdk_error_trap_pop ();
-		if (error != 0 || result != 0) {
-			return;
-		}
-		if (type == (IntPtr) XAtom.Cardinal) {
-			orientation = ((SystemTrayOrientation) Marshal.ReadInt32 (prop_return) == SystemTrayOrientation.Horz)
-				? Orientation.Horizontal
-				: Orientation.Vertical;
-		}
-		if (prop_return != IntPtr.Zero) {
-			XFree (prop_return);
-		}
-	}
-	[DllImport ("libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0")]
-	private static extern IntPtr gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (IntPtr display);
-	[DllImport ("libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0")]
-	private static extern int gdk_x11_get_server_time (IntPtr window);
-	[DllImport ("libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0")]
-	private static extern void gdk_error_trap_push ();
-	[DllImport ("libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0")]
-	private static extern int gdk_error_trap_pop ();
-	[DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
-	private extern static IntPtr XInternAtom(IntPtr display, string atom_name, bool only_if_exists);
-	[DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
-	private extern static void XGrabServer (IntPtr display);
-	[DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
-	private extern static void XUngrabServer (IntPtr display);
-	[DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
-	private extern static int XFlush (IntPtr display);
-	[DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
-	private extern static int XSync (IntPtr display, bool discard);
-	[DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
-	private extern static int XFree (IntPtr display);
-	[DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
-	private extern static IntPtr XGetSelectionOwner (IntPtr display, IntPtr atom);
-	[DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
-	private extern static IntPtr XSelectInput (IntPtr display, IntPtr window, IntPtr mask);
-	[DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
-	private extern static int XSendEvent (IntPtr display, IntPtr window, bool propagate, IntPtr event_mask,
-					     ref XClientMessageEvent send_event);
-	[DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
-	private extern static int XGetWindowProperty (IntPtr display, IntPtr w, IntPtr property, IntPtr long_offset,
-						     IntPtr long_length, bool deleteProp, IntPtr req_type,
-						     out IntPtr actual_type_return, out int actual_format_return,
-						     out IntPtr nitems_return, out IntPtr bytes_after_return,
-						     out IntPtr prop_return);
-	[Flags]
-	private enum EventMask {
-		NoEventMask              = 0,
-		KeyPressMask             = 1 << 0,
-		KeyReleaseMask           = 1 << 1,
-		ButtonPressMask          = 1 << 2,
-		ButtonReleaseMask        = 1 << 3,
-		EnterWindowMask          = 1 << 4,
-		LeaveWindowMask          = 1 << 5,
-		PointerMotionMask        = 1 << 6,
-		PointerMotionHintMask    = 1 << 7,
-		Button1MotionMask        = 1 << 8,
-		Button2MotionMask        = 1 << 9,
-		Button3MotionMask        = 1 << 10,
-		Button4MotionMask        = 1 << 11,
-		Button5MotionMask        = 1 << 12,
-		ButtonMotionMask         = 1 << 13,
-		KeymapStateMask          = 1 << 14,
-		ExposureMask             = 1 << 15,
-		VisibilityChangeMask     = 1 << 16,
-		StructureNotifyMask      = 1 << 17,
-		ResizeRedirectMask       = 1 << 18,
-		SubstructureNotifyMask   = 1 << 19,
-		SubstructureRedirectMask = 1 << 20,
-		FocusChangeMask          = 1 << 21,
-		PropertyChangeMask       = 1 << 22,
-		ColormapChangeMask       = 1 << 23,
-		OwnerGrabButtonMask      = 1 << 24
-	}
-	private enum SystemTrayMessage {
-		RequestDock = 0,
-		BeginMessage = 1,
-		CancelMessage = 2
-	}
-	private enum SystemTrayOrientation {
-		Horz = 0,
-		Vert = 1
-	}
-	private enum XEventName {
-		KeyPress                = 2,
-		KeyRelease              = 3,
-		ButtonPress             = 4,
-		ButtonRelease           = 5,
-		MotionNotify            = 6,
-		EnterNotify             = 7,
-		LeaveNotify             = 8,
-		FocusIn                 = 9,
-		FocusOut                = 10,
-		KeymapNotify            = 11,
-		Expose                  = 12,
-		GraphicsExpose          = 13,
-		NoExpose                = 14,
-		VisibilityNotify        = 15,
-		CreateNotify            = 16,
-		DestroyNotify           = 17,
-		UnmapNotify             = 18,
-		MapNotify               = 19,
-		MapRequest              = 20,
-		ReparentNotify          = 21,
-		ConfigureNotify         = 22,
-		ConfigureRequest        = 23,
-		GravityNotify           = 24,
-		ResizeRequest           = 25,
-		CirculateNotify         = 26,
-		CirculateRequest        = 27,
-		PropertyNotify          = 28,
-		SelectionClear          = 29,
-		SelectionRequest        = 30,
-		SelectionNotify         = 31,
-		ColormapNotify          = 32,
-		ClientMessage           = 33,
-		MappingNotify           = 34,
-		TimerNotify             = 100,
-		LASTEvent
-	}
-	private enum XAtom {
-		Cardinal                = 6,
-		LASTAtom
-	}
-	[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
-	private struct XAnyEvent
-	{
-		internal XEventName    type;
-		internal IntPtr        serial;
-		internal bool          send_event;
-		internal IntPtr        display;
-		internal IntPtr        window;
-	}
-	[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
-	private struct XPropertyEvent
-	{
-		internal XEventName    type;
-		internal IntPtr        serial;
-		internal bool          send_event;
-		internal IntPtr        display;
-		internal IntPtr        window;
-		internal IntPtr        atom;
-		internal IntPtr        time;
-		internal int           state;
-	}
-	[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
-	private struct XClientMessageEvent
-	{
-		internal XEventName     type;
-		internal IntPtr         serial;
-		internal bool           send_event;
-		internal IntPtr         display;
-		internal IntPtr         window;
-		internal IntPtr         message_type;
-		internal int            format;
-		[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
-		internal struct DataUnion
-		{
-			internal IntPtr ptr1;
-			internal IntPtr ptr2;
-			internal IntPtr ptr3;
-			internal IntPtr ptr4;
-			internal IntPtr ptr5;
-		}
-		internal DataUnion      data;
-	}
+    private uint stamp;
+    private Orientation orientation;
+    private IntPtr selection_atom;
+    private IntPtr manager_atom;
+    private IntPtr system_tray_opcode_atom;
+    private IntPtr orientation_atom;
+    private IntPtr message_data_atom;
+    private IntPtr manager_window;
+    private FilterFunc filter;
+    public X11NotificationArea (string name)
+    {
+        Title = name;
+        Init ();
+    }
+    public X11NotificationArea (string name, Gdk.Screen screen)
+    {
+        Title = name;
+        Screen = screen;
+        Init ();
+    }
+    [DllImport ("libc")]
+    private static extern IntPtr memcpy (ref XClientMessageEvent.DataUnion dest, IntPtr src, IntPtr len);
+    public uint SendMessage (uint timeout, string message)
+    {
+        if (manager_window == IntPtr.Zero) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        byte[] arr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (message);
+        IntPtr unmanaged_arr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (arr.Length);
+        Marshal.Copy (arr, 0, unmanaged_arr, arr.Length);
+        SendManagerMessage (SystemTrayMessage.BeginMessage, (IntPtr) Id, timeout, (uint) arr.Length, ++stamp);
+        gdk_error_trap_push ();
+        for (int index = 0; index < message.Length; index += 20) {
+            XClientMessageEvent ev = new XClientMessageEvent ();
+            IntPtr display = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (Display.Handle);
+            ev.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
+            ev.window = (IntPtr) Id;
+            ev.format = 8;
+            ev.message_type = message_data_atom;
+            int len = Math.Min (arr.Length - index, 20);
+            memcpy (ref ev.data, (IntPtr)((int)unmanaged_arr + index), (IntPtr)len);
+            XSendEvent (display, manager_window, false, (IntPtr) EventMask.StructureNotifyMask, ref ev);
+            XSync (display, false);
+        }
+        gdk_error_trap_pop ();
+        return stamp;
+    }
+    public void CancelMessage (uint id)
+    {
+        if (id == 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        SendManagerMessage (SystemTrayMessage.CancelMessage, (IntPtr) Id, id, 0, 0);
+    }
+    private void Init ()
+    {
+        stamp = 1;
+        orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
+        AddEvents ((int)EventMask.PropertyChangeMask);
+        filter = new FilterFunc (ManagerFilter);
+    }
+    [GLib.ConnectBefore]
+    private void TransparentExposeEvent (object obj, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args)
+    {
+        Gtk.Widget widget = (Gtk.Widget)obj;
+        Gdk.Rectangle area = args.Event.Area;
+        widget.GdkWindow.ClearArea (area.X, area.Y, area.Width, area.Height);
+    }
+    private void MakeTransparentAgain (object obj, Gtk.StyleSetArgs args)
+    {
+        Gtk.Widget widget = (Gtk.Widget)obj;
+        widget.GdkWindow.SetBackPixmap (null, true);
+    }
+    private void MakeTransparent (object obj, EventArgs args)
+    {
+        Gtk.Widget widget = (Gtk.Widget)obj;
+        if (widget.IsNoWindow || widget.IsAppPaintable)
+            return;
+        widget.AppPaintable = true;
+        widget.DoubleBuffered = false;
+        widget.GdkWindow.SetBackPixmap (null, true);
+        widget.ExposeEvent += TransparentExposeEvent;
+        widget.StyleSet += MakeTransparentAgain;
+    }
+    protected override void OnRealized ()
+    {
+        base.OnRealized ();
+        MakeTransparent (this, EventArgs.Empty);
+        Display display = Screen.Display;
+        IntPtr xdisplay = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (display.Handle);
+        selection_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S" + Screen.Number.ToString (), false);
+        manager_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "MANAGER", false);
+        system_tray_opcode_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE", false);
+        orientation_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_ORIENTATION", false);
+        message_data_atom = XInternAtom (xdisplay, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_MESSAGE_DATA", false);
+        UpdateManagerWindow (false);
+        SendDockRequest ();
+        Screen.RootWindow.AddFilter (filter);
+    }
+    protected override void OnAdded (Gtk.Widget child)
+    {
+        child.Realized += MakeTransparent;
+        base.OnAdded (child);
+    }
+    protected override void OnUnrealized ()
+    {
+        if (manager_window != IntPtr.Zero) {
+            Gdk.Window gdkwin = Gdk.Window.ForeignNewForDisplay (Display, (uint)manager_window);
+            if (gdkwin != null) {
+                gdkwin.RemoveFilter (filter);
+            }
+        }
+        Screen.RootWindow.RemoveFilter (filter);
+        base.OnUnrealized ();
+    }
+    private void UpdateManagerWindow (bool dock_if_realized)
+    {
+        if(Handle == IntPtr.Zero || Display == null || Display.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) {
+            return;
+        }
+        IntPtr xdisplay = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (Display.Handle);
+        if (manager_window != IntPtr.Zero) {
+            return;
+        }
+        XGrabServer (xdisplay);
+        manager_window = XGetSelectionOwner (xdisplay, selection_atom);
+        if (manager_window != IntPtr.Zero) {
+            XSelectInput (xdisplay, manager_window, (IntPtr) (EventMask.StructureNotifyMask | EventMask.PropertyChangeMask));
+        }
+        XUngrabServer (xdisplay);
+        XFlush (xdisplay);
+        if (manager_window != IntPtr.Zero) {
+            Gdk.Window gdkwin = Gdk.Window.ForeignNewForDisplay (Display, (uint)manager_window);
+            if (gdkwin != null) {
+                gdkwin.AddFilter (filter);
+            }
+            if (dock_if_realized && IsRealized) {
+                SendDockRequest ();
+            }
+            GetOrientationProperty ();
+        }
+    }
+    private void SendDockRequest ()
+    {
+        SendManagerMessage (SystemTrayMessage.RequestDock, manager_window, Id, 0, 0);
+    }
+    private void SendManagerMessage (SystemTrayMessage message, IntPtr window, uint data1, uint data2, uint data3)
+    {
+        XClientMessageEvent ev = new XClientMessageEvent ();
+        IntPtr display;
+        ev.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
+        ev.window = window;
+        ev.message_type = system_tray_opcode_atom;
+        ev.format = 32;
+        ev.data.ptr1 = (IntPtr)gdk_x11_get_server_time (GdkWindow.Handle);
+        ev.data.ptr2 = (IntPtr)message;
+        ev.data.ptr3 = (IntPtr)data1;
+        ev.data.ptr4 = (IntPtr)data2;
+        ev.data.ptr5 = (IntPtr)data3;
+        display = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (Display.Handle);
+        gdk_error_trap_push ();
+        XSendEvent (display, manager_window, false, (IntPtr) EventMask.NoEventMask, ref ev);
+        XSync (display, false);
+        gdk_error_trap_pop ();
+    }
+    private FilterReturn ManagerFilter (IntPtr xevent, Event evnt)
+    {
+        XAnyEvent xev = (XAnyEvent) Marshal.PtrToStructure (xevent, typeof(XAnyEvent));
+        if (xev.type == XEventName.ClientMessage){
+            XClientMessageEvent xclient = (XClientMessageEvent) Marshal.PtrToStructure (xevent, typeof(XClientMessageEvent));
+            if (xclient.message_type == manager_atom && xclient.data.ptr2 == selection_atom) {
+                UpdateManagerWindow (true);
+                return FilterReturn.Continue;
+            }
+        }
+        if (xev.window == manager_window) {
+            if (xev.type == XEventName.PropertyNotify){
+                XPropertyEvent xproperty = (XPropertyEvent) Marshal.PtrToStructure (xevent, typeof(XPropertyEvent));
+                if (xproperty.atom == orientation_atom) {
+                    GetOrientationProperty();
+                    return FilterReturn.Continue;
+                }
+            }
+            if (xev.type == XEventName.DestroyNotify) {
+                ManagerWindowDestroyed();
+            }
+        }
+        return FilterReturn.Continue;
+    }
+    private void ManagerWindowDestroyed ()
+    {
+        if (manager_window != IntPtr.Zero) {
+            Gdk.Window gdkwin = Gdk.Window.ForeignNewForDisplay (Display, (uint) manager_window);
+            if (gdkwin != null) {
+                gdkwin.RemoveFilter (filter);
+            }
+            manager_window = IntPtr.Zero;
+            UpdateManagerWindow (true);
+        }
+    }
+    private void GetOrientationProperty ()
+    {
+        IntPtr display;
+        IntPtr type;
+        int format;
+        IntPtr prop_return;
+        IntPtr nitems, bytes_after;
+        int error, result;
+        if (manager_window == IntPtr.Zero) {
+            return;
+        }
+        display = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (Display.Handle);
+        gdk_error_trap_push ();
+        type = IntPtr.Zero;
+        result = XGetWindowProperty (display, manager_window, orientation_atom, (IntPtr) 0,
+                         (IntPtr) System.Int32.MaxValue, false, (IntPtr) XAtom.Cardinal, out type, out format,
+                         out nitems, out bytes_after, out prop_return);
+        error = gdk_error_trap_pop ();
+        if (error != 0 || result != 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (type == (IntPtr) XAtom.Cardinal) {
+            orientation = ((SystemTrayOrientation) Marshal.ReadInt32 (prop_return) == SystemTrayOrientation.Horz)
+                ? Orientation.Horizontal
+                : Orientation.Vertical;
+        }
+        if (prop_return != IntPtr.Zero) {
+            XFree (prop_return);
+        }
+    }
+    [DllImport ("libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0")]
+    private static extern IntPtr gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (IntPtr display);
+    [DllImport ("libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0")]
+    private static extern int gdk_x11_get_server_time (IntPtr window);
+    [DllImport ("libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0")]
+    private static extern void gdk_error_trap_push ();
+    [DllImport ("libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0")]
+    private static extern int gdk_error_trap_pop ();
+    [DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
+    private extern static IntPtr XInternAtom(IntPtr display, string atom_name, bool only_if_exists);
+    [DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
+    private extern static void XGrabServer (IntPtr display);
+    [DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
+    private extern static void XUngrabServer (IntPtr display);
+    [DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
+    private extern static int XFlush (IntPtr display);
+    [DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
+    private extern static int XSync (IntPtr display, bool discard);
+    [DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
+    private extern static int XFree (IntPtr display);
+    [DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
+    private extern static IntPtr XGetSelectionOwner (IntPtr display, IntPtr atom);
+    [DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
+    private extern static IntPtr XSelectInput (IntPtr display, IntPtr window, IntPtr mask);
+    [DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
+    private extern static int XSendEvent (IntPtr display, IntPtr window, bool propagate, IntPtr event_mask,
+                         ref XClientMessageEvent send_event);
+    [DllImport ("libX11.so.6")]
+    private extern static int XGetWindowProperty (IntPtr display, IntPtr w, IntPtr property, IntPtr long_offset,
+                             IntPtr long_length, bool deleteProp, IntPtr req_type,
+                             out IntPtr actual_type_return, out int actual_format_return,
+                             out IntPtr nitems_return, out IntPtr bytes_after_return,
+                             out IntPtr prop_return);
+    [Flags]
+    private enum EventMask {
+        NoEventMask              = 0,
+        KeyPressMask             = 1 << 0,
+        KeyReleaseMask           = 1 << 1,
+        ButtonPressMask          = 1 << 2,
+        ButtonReleaseMask        = 1 << 3,
+        EnterWindowMask          = 1 << 4,
+        LeaveWindowMask          = 1 << 5,
+        PointerMotionMask        = 1 << 6,
+        PointerMotionHintMask    = 1 << 7,
+        Button1MotionMask        = 1 << 8,
+        Button2MotionMask        = 1 << 9,
+        Button3MotionMask        = 1 << 10,
+        Button4MotionMask        = 1 << 11,
+        Button5MotionMask        = 1 << 12,
+        ButtonMotionMask         = 1 << 13,
+        KeymapStateMask          = 1 << 14,
+        ExposureMask             = 1 << 15,
+        VisibilityChangeMask     = 1 << 16,
+        StructureNotifyMask      = 1 << 17,
+        ResizeRedirectMask       = 1 << 18,
+        SubstructureNotifyMask   = 1 << 19,
+        SubstructureRedirectMask = 1 << 20,
+        FocusChangeMask          = 1 << 21,
+        PropertyChangeMask       = 1 << 22,
+        ColormapChangeMask       = 1 << 23,
+        OwnerGrabButtonMask      = 1 << 24
+    }
+    private enum SystemTrayMessage {
+        RequestDock = 0,
+        BeginMessage = 1,
+        CancelMessage = 2
+    }
+    private enum SystemTrayOrientation {
+        Horz = 0,
+        Vert = 1
+    }
+    private enum XEventName {
+        KeyPress                = 2,
+        KeyRelease              = 3,
+        ButtonPress             = 4,
+        ButtonRelease           = 5,
+        MotionNotify            = 6,
+        EnterNotify             = 7,
+        LeaveNotify             = 8,
+        FocusIn                 = 9,
+        FocusOut                = 10,
+        KeymapNotify            = 11,
+        Expose                  = 12,
+        GraphicsExpose          = 13,
+        NoExpose                = 14,
+        VisibilityNotify        = 15,
+        CreateNotify            = 16,
+        DestroyNotify           = 17,
+        UnmapNotify             = 18,
+        MapNotify               = 19,
+        MapRequest              = 20,
+        ReparentNotify          = 21,
+        ConfigureNotify         = 22,
+        ConfigureRequest        = 23,
+        GravityNotify           = 24,
+        ResizeRequest           = 25,
+        CirculateNotify         = 26,
+        CirculateRequest        = 27,
+        PropertyNotify          = 28,
+        SelectionClear          = 29,
+        SelectionRequest        = 30,
+        SelectionNotify         = 31,
+        ColormapNotify          = 32,
+        ClientMessage           = 33,
+        MappingNotify           = 34,
+        TimerNotify             = 100,
+        LASTEvent
+    }
+    private enum XAtom {
+        Cardinal                = 6,
+        LASTAtom
+    }
+    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
+    private struct XAnyEvent
+    {
+        internal XEventName    type;
+        internal IntPtr        serial;
+        internal bool          send_event;
+        internal IntPtr        display;
+        internal IntPtr        window;
+    }
+    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
+    private struct XPropertyEvent
+    {
+        internal XEventName    type;
+        internal IntPtr        serial;
+        internal bool          send_event;
+        internal IntPtr        display;
+        internal IntPtr        window;
+        internal IntPtr        atom;
+        internal IntPtr        time;
+        internal int           state;
+    }
+    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
+    private struct XClientMessageEvent
+    {
+        internal XEventName     type;
+        internal IntPtr         serial;
+        internal bool           send_event;
+        internal IntPtr         display;
+        internal IntPtr         window;
+        internal IntPtr         message_type;
+        internal int            format;
+        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
+        internal struct DataUnion
+        {
+            internal IntPtr ptr1;
+            internal IntPtr ptr2;
+            internal IntPtr ptr3;
+            internal IntPtr ptr4;
+            internal IntPtr ptr5;
+        }
+        internal DataUnion      data;
+    }
 #pragma warning restore 0169, 0414

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