[pygi] add combobox example

commit aa1e82c7eb87620bd73e1edb486f5b9e0d49aa96
Author: John (J5) Palmieri <johnp redhat com>
Date:   Mon Jun 14 18:36:57 2010 -0400

    add combobox example

 demos/gtk-demo/demos/combobox.py |  282 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 282 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/demos/gtk-demo/demos/combobox.py b/demos/gtk-demo/demos/combobox.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e54a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/gtk-demo/demos/combobox.py
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- Mode: Python; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc., John (J5) Palmieri <johnp redhat com>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
+# USA
+title = "Combo boxes"
+description = """
+The ComboBox widget allows to select one option out of a list.
+The ComboBoxEntry additionally allows the user to enter a value
+that is not in the list of options.
+How the options are displayed is controlled by cell renderers.
+ """
+# See FIXME's
+is_fully_bound = False
+from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf, GLib
+ TEXT_COL) = range(2)
+class MaskEntry(Gtk.Entry):
+    __gtype_name__ = 'MaskEntry'
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        self.mask = mask
+        super(MaskEntry, self).__init__()
+        self.connect('changed', self.changed_cb)
+    def set_background(self):
+        error_color = Gdk.Color(65535, 60000, 60000)
+        if self.mask:
+            if not GLib.regex_match_simple(self.mask,
+                                           self.get_text(), 0, 0):
+                self.modify_base(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, error_color)
+                return
+        self.modify_base(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, None)
+    def changed_cb(self, entry):
+        self.set_background()
+class ComboboxApp:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.window = Gtk.Window()
+        self.window.set_title('Combo boxes')
+        self.window.set_border_width(10)
+        self.window.connect('destroy', lambda w: Gtk.main_quit())
+        vbox = Gtk.VBox(homogeneous=False, spacing=2)
+        self.window.add(vbox)
+        frame = Gtk.Frame(label='Some stock icons')
+        vbox.pack_start(frame, False, False, 0)
+        box = Gtk.VBox(homogeneous=False, spacing=0)
+        box.set_border_width(5)
+        frame.add(box)
+        model = self.create_stock_icon_store()
+        combo = Gtk.ComboBox(model=model)
+        box.add(combo)
+        renderer = Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
+        combo.pack_start(renderer, False)
+        # FIXME: override set_attributes
+        combo.add_attribute(renderer, 'pixbuf', PIXBUF_COL)
+        combo.set_cell_data_func(renderer, self.set_sensitive, None)
+        renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText()
+        combo.pack_start(renderer, True)
+        combo.add_attribute(renderer, 'text', TEXT_COL)
+        combo.set_cell_data_func(renderer, self.set_sensitive, None)
+        combo.set_row_separator_func(self.is_separator, None)
+        combo.set_active(0)
+        # a combobox demonstrating trees
+        frame = Gtk.Frame(label='Where are we ?')
+        vbox.pack_start(frame, False, False, 0)
+        box = Gtk.VBox(homogeneous=False, spacing=0)
+        box.set_border_width(5)
+        frame.add(box)
+        model = self.create_capital_store()
+        combo = Gtk.ComboBox(model=model)
+        box.add(combo)
+        renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText()
+        combo.pack_start(renderer, True)
+        combo.add_attribute(renderer, 'text', 0)
+        combo.set_cell_data_func(renderer, self.is_capital_sensistive, None)
+        # FIXME: make new_from_indices work
+        #        make constructor take list or string of indices
+        iter = Gtk.TreeIter()
+        path = Gtk.TreePath.new_from_string('0:8')
+        model.get_iter(iter, path)
+        combo.set_active_iter(iter)
+        # A GtkComboBoxEntry with validation.
+        frame = Gtk.Frame(label='Editable')
+        vbox.pack_start(frame, False, False, 0)
+        box = Gtk.VBox(homogeneous=False, spacing=0)
+        box.set_border_width(5)
+        frame.add(box)
+        combo = Gtk.ComboBoxEntry.new_text()
+        self.fill_combo_entry(combo)
+        box.add(combo)
+        entry = MaskEntry(mask='^([0-9]*|One|Two|2\302\275|Three)$')
+        combo.remove(combo.get_child())
+        combo.add(entry)
+        self.window.show_all()
+    def strip_underscore(self, s):
+        return s.replace('_', '')
+    def create_stock_icon_store(self):
+        item = Gtk.StockItem()
+        stock_id = (Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING,
+                    Gtk.STOCK_STOP,
+                    Gtk.STOCK_NEW,
+                    Gtk.STOCK_CLEAR,
+                    None,
+                    Gtk.STOCK_OPEN)
+        cellview = Gtk.CellView()
+        store = Gtk.ListStore(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf, str)
+        for id in stock_id:
+            if id is not None:
+                pixbuf = cellview.render_icon(id, Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON, None)
+                # FIXME: item should be annotated (out)
+                Gtk.stock_lookup(id, item)
+                label = self.strip_underscore(item.label)
+                store.append((pixbuf, label))
+            else:
+                store.append((None, 'separator'))
+        return store
+    def set_sensitive(self, cell_layout, cell, tree_model, iter, data):
+        """
+        A GtkCellLayoutDataFunc that demonstrates how one can control
+        sensitivity of rows. This particular function does nothing
+        useful and just makes the second row insensitive.
+        """
+        path = tree_model.get_path(iter)
+        indices = path.get_indices()
+        sensitive = not(indices[0] == 1)
+        cell.set_property('sensitive', sensitive)
+    def is_separator(self, model, iter, data):
+        """
+        A GtkTreeViewRowSeparatorFunc that demonstrates how rows can be
+        rendered as separators. This particular function does nothing
+        useful and just turns the fourth row into a separator.
+        """
+        path = model.get_path(iter)
+        indices = path.get_indices()
+        result = (indices[0] == 4)
+        return result
+    def create_capital_store(self):
+        capitals = (
+            {'group': 'A - B', 'capital': None},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Albany'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Annapolis'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Atlanta'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Augusta'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Austin'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Baton Rouge'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Bismarck'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Boise'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Boston'},
+            {'group': 'C - D', 'capital': None},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Carson City'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Charleston'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Cheyeene'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Columbia'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Columbus'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Concord'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Denver'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Des Moines'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Dover'},
+            {'group': 'E - J', 'capital': None},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Frankfort'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Harrisburg'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Hartford'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Helena'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Honolulu'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Indianapolis'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Jackson'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Jefferson City'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Juneau'},
+            {'group': 'K - O', 'capital': None},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Lansing'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Lincon'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Little Rock'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Madison'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Montgomery'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Montpelier'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Nashville'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Oklahoma City'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Olympia'},
+            {'group': 'P - S', 'capital': None},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Phoenix'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Pierre'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Providence'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Raleigh'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Richmond'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Sacramento'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Salem'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Salt Lake City'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Santa Fe'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Springfield'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'St. Paul'},
+            {'group': 'T - Z', 'capital': None},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Tallahassee'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Topeka'},
+            {'group': None, 'capital': 'Trenton'}
+        )
+        parent = Gtk.TreeIter()
+        store = Gtk.TreeStore(str)
+        for item in capitals:
+            if item['group']:
+                parent = store.append(None, (item['group'],))
+            elif item['capital']:
+                store.append(parent, (item['capital'],))
+        return store
+    def is_capital_sensistive(self, cell_layout, cell, tree_model, iter, data):
+        sensitive = not tree_model.iter_has_child(iter)
+        cell.set_property('sensitive', sensitive)
+    def fill_combo_entry(self, entry):
+        entry.append_text('One')
+        entry.append_text('Two')
+        entry.append_text('2\302\275')
+        entry.append_text('Three')
+def main():
+    app = ComboboxApp()
+    Gtk.main()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

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