[tracker] Functional tests: BatchCommit + kill the daemon

commit 8446a30b7c79d17413d4465daaeacd34ca40e638
Author: Ivan Frade <ivan frade nokia com>
Date:   Fri Jun 4 17:36:56 2010 +0300

    Functional tests: BatchCommit + kill the daemon

 tests/functional-tests/12-transactions.py |   95 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/12-transactions.py b/tests/functional-tests/12-transactions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..229f32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/12-transactions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import dbus
+import os
+from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
+import gobject
+import unittest
+import time
+import commands, signal
+TRACKER = 'org.freedesktop.Tracker1'
+TRACKER_OBJ = '/org/freedesktop/Tracker1/Resources'
+TEST_INSTANCE_PATTERN = "test://test-instance-%d"
+def kill_store ():
+    for pid in commands.getoutput("ps -ef| grep tracker-store | awk '{print $2}'").split() :
+        try:
+            print "Killing tracker process", pid
+            os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
+        except OSError, e:
+            if not e.errno == 3 : raise e
+class TrackerTransactionsTest (unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp (self):
+        self.connect_dbus ()
+        self.instance_counter = 0
+    def connect_dbus (self):
+        dbus_loop = DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
+        self.bus = dbus.SessionBus (dbus_loop)
+        self.tracker = self.bus.get_object (TRACKER, TRACKER_OBJ)
+        self.iface = dbus.Interface (self.tracker,
+                                     "org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Resources")
+    def tearDown (self):
+        print "Tear down (will take some time to remove all resources)"
+        delete_sparql = "DELETE { ?u a rdfs:Resource } WHERE { ?u a nmo:Email} \n"
+        self.iface.SparqlUpdate (delete_sparql,
+                                 #reply_handler=self.delete_ok_cb,
+                                 #error_handler=self.delete_error_cb,
+                                 timeout=60000)
+        self.instance_counter = 0
+    def delete_ok_cb (self):
+        print "Delete ok"
+    def delete_error_cb (self, error):
+        print "Delete error"
+    def insert_and_commit (self, number):
+        print "Preparing the batch sparql"
+        insert_sparql = "INSERT {\n"
+        for i in range (0, number):
+            insert_sparql += "  <" + TEST_INSTANCE_PATTERN % (self.instance_counter) + ">"
+            insert_sparql += " a nmo:Email.\n "
+            self.instance_counter += 1
+        insert_sparql += "}"
+        self.iface.BatchSparqlUpdate (insert_sparql)
+        print "Waiting for commit (", number," instances)"
+        start = time.time ()
+        self.iface.BatchCommit ()
+        end = time.time ()
+        print "BatchCommit returned (after %d s.)" % (end - start)
+    def count_instances (self):
+        #query_sparql = "SELECT COUNT(?u) WHERE { ?u a nmo:Email. FILTER (REGEX (?u, '%s*'))}" % TEST_INSTANCE_PATTERN[:-3]
+        query_sparql = "SELECT COUNT(?u) WHERE { ?u a nmo:Email.}"
+        return int (self.iface.SparqlQuery (query_sparql)[0][0])
+    def test_commit_and_abort (self):
+        for i in range (0, 20):
+            NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES = 100
+            self.insert_and_commit (NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES)
+            print "Abort daemon"
+            kill_store ()
+            time.sleep (3)
+            # Reconnect dbus to autoactivate the daemon!
+            self.connect_dbus ()
+            try:
+                print "Wake up the store with a query"
+                results = self.count_instances ()
+            except:
+                print "Timeout, probably replaying journal or something (wait 20 sec.)"
+                time.sleep (20)
+                results = self.count_instances ()
+            self.assertEqual (results, NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES * (i+1))
+            print "Yep,", results, "results"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main ()

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