[gdl] port the js example to gjs

commit 0dbf1cffb62f0eb526cf251372fd3b9747ab79b9
Author: Abderrahim Kitouni <a kitouni gmail com>
Date:   Wed Dec 29 23:20:15 2010 +0100

    port the js example to gjs

 gdl/test-dock-gjs.js |  202 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gdl/test-dock-gjs.js b/gdl/test-dock-gjs.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bceb660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdl/test-dock-gjs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env gjs
+const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
+const Gdl = imports.gi.Gdl;
+Gtk.init (0, null);
+function create_item (button_title) {
+	let vbox1 = Gtk.VBox.new (false, 0);
+	let button1 = Gtk.Button.new_with_label (button_title);
+	vbox1.pack_start (button1, true, true, 0);
+	vbox1.show_all ();
+	return vbox1;
+function create_text_item () {
+	let vbox1 = Gtk.VBox.new (false, 0);
+	let scrolledwindow1 = Gtk.ScrolledWindow.new (null, null);
+	vbox1.pack_start (scrolledwindow1, true, true, 0);
+	scrolledwindow1.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+	scrolledwindow1.set_shadow_type (Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN);
+	let text = new Gtk.TextView ({ "wrap-mode": Gtk.WrapMode.WORD });
+	scrolledwindow1.add (text);
+	vbox1.show_all ();
+	return vbox1;
+function create_styles_item (dock) {
+	function create_style_button (dock, box, group, style, style_text) {
+		let current_style = dock.master.switcher_style;
+		/* This won't work because of a bug in G-I, a workaround is below
+		let button1 = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget (group, style_text);
+		*/
+		let button1;
+		if (group == null) {
+			button1 = new Gtk.RadioButton ();
+		} else {
+			button1 = group.new_with_label_from_widget (style_text);
+		}
+		/* end workaround */
+		button1.show ();
+		button1.__style_id = style;
+		if (current_style == style) {
+	    		button1.set_active (true);
+		}
+		button1.connect ("toggled", function (button) {
+			let style = button.__style_id;
+			let active = button.get_active ();
+			if (active) {
+			    dock.master.switcher_style = style;
+			}
+		});
+		box.pack_start (button1, false, false, 0);
+		return button1;
+	}
+	let vbox1 = Gtk.VBox.new (false, 0);
+	vbox1.show ();
+	let group = create_style_button (dock, vbox1, null,
+				     Gdl.SwitcherStyle.ICON, "Only icon");
+	group = create_style_button (dock, vbox1, group,
+				     Gdl.SwitcherStyle.TEXT, "Only text");
+	group = create_style_button (dock, vbox1, group,
+				     Gdl.SwitcherStyle.BOTH, "Both icons and texts");
+	group = create_style_button (dock, vbox1, group,
+				     Gdl.SwitcherStyle.TOOLBAR, "Desktop toolbar style");
+	group = create_style_button (dock, vbox1, group,
+				     Gdl.SwitcherStyle.TABS, "Notebook tabs");
+	group = create_style_button (dock, vbox1, group,
+				     Gdl.SwitcherStyle.NONE, "None of the above");
+	return vbox1;
+let win = new Gtk.Window ({ "title": "Docking widget test", "default-width": 400, "default-height": 400 });
+win.connect ("delete-event", function () {
+	Gtk.main_quit ();
+	return true;
+let table = Gtk.VBox.new (false, 5);
+win.add (table);
+let dock = new Gdl.Dock ();
+let layout = new Gdl.DockLayout (dock);
+let dockbar = new Gdl.DockBar (dock);
+dockbar.docbar_style = Gdl.DockBarStyle.TEXT;
+let box = Gtk.HBox.new (false, 5);
+table.pack_start (box, true, true, 0);
+box.pack_start (dockbar, false, false, 0);
+box.pack_end (dock, true, true, 0);
+let item1 = Gdl.DockItem.new ("item1", "Item #1", Gdl.DockItemBehavior.LOCKED);
+item1.add (create_text_item ());
+dock.add_item (item1, Gdl.DockPlacement.TOP);
+item1.show ();
+let item2 = Gdl.DockItem.new_with_stock ("item2", "Item #2: Select the switcher style for notebooks",
+					Gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE, Gdl.DockItemBehavior.NORMAL);
+item2.resize = false;
+item2.add (create_styles_item (dock));
+dock.add_item (item2, Gdl.DockPlacement.RIGHT);
+item2.show_all ();
+let item3 = Gdl.DockItem.new_with_stock ("item3", "Item #3 has accented characters (áéíóúñ)",
+				Gtk.STOCK_CONVERT, Gdl.DockItemBehavior.NORMAL |
+					      Gdl.DockItemBehavior.CANT_CLOSE);
+item3.add (create_item ("Button 3"));
+dock.add_item (item3, Gdl.DockPlacement.BOTTOM);
+item3.show ();
+let items = new Array (3);
+items [0] = Gdl.DockItem.new_with_stock ("Item #4", "Item #4", Gtk.STOCK_JUSTIFY_FILL,
+						  Gdl.DockItemBehavior.NORMAL |
+						  Gdl.DockItemBehavior.CANT_ICONIFY);
+items [0].add (create_text_item ());
+items [0].show ();
+dock.add_item (items [0], Gdl.DockPlacement.BOTTOM);
+for (let i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
+	let name = "Item #" + (i + 4);
+	items [i] = Gdl.DockItem.new_with_stock (name, name, Gtk.STOCK_NEW,
+						      Gdl.DockItemBehavior.NORMAL);
+	items [i].add (create_text_item ());
+	items [i].show ();
+	items [0].dock (items [i], Gdl.DockPlacement.CENTER, null);
+item3.dock_to (item1, Gdl.DockPlacement.TOP, -1);
+item2.dock_to (item3, Gdl.DockPlacement.RIGHT, -1);
+item2.dock_to (item3, Gdl.DockPlacement.LEFT, -1);
+item2.dock_to (null, Gdl.DockPlacement.FLOATING, -1);
+box = Gtk.HBox.new (true, 5);
+table.pack_end (box, false, false, 0);
+let button = Gtk.Button.new_from_stock (Gtk.STOCK_SAVE);
+button.connect ("clicked", function (w) {
+	let dialog = new Gtk.Dialog ({title: "New Layout"});
+	dialog.flags = Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT;
+	dialog.add_button (Gtk.STOCK_OK, Gtk.ResponseType.OK);
+	let hbox = Gtk.HBox.new (false, 8);
+	hbox.set_border_width (8);
+	dialog.get_content_area ().pack_start (hbox, false, false, 0);
+	let label = Gtk.Label.new ("Name:");
+	hbox.pack_start (label, false, false, 0);
+	let entry = Gtk.Entry.new ();
+	hbox.pack_start (entry, true, true, 0);
+	hbox.show_all ();
+	response = dialog.run ();
+	if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK) {
+		name = entry.get_text ();
+		layout.save_layout (name);
+	}
+	dialog.destroy ();
+box.pack_end (button, false, true, 0);
+button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label ("Layout Manager");
+button.connect ("clicked", function (w) {
+	layout.run_manager (layout);
+box.pack_end (button, false, true, 0);
+button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label ("Dump XML");
+button.connect ("clicked", function (w) {
+	layout.save_to_file ("layout.xml");
+box.pack_end (button, false, true, 0);
+win.show_all ();
+Gdl.DockPlaceholder.new ("ph1", dock, Gdl.DockPlacement.TOP, false);
+Gdl.DockPlaceholder.new ("ph2", dock, Gdl.DockPlacement.BOTTOM, false);
+Gdl.DockPlaceholder.new ("ph3", dock, Gdl.DockPlacement.LEFT, false);
+Gdl.DockPlaceholder.new ("ph4", dock, Gdl.DockPlacement.RIGHT, false);
+Gtk.main ();

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