[anjuta] project-wizard: Improve UI for PkgConfigChooser

commit e509112a99472c220edae4ac8249f4fedd9ac870
Author: Johannes Schmid <jhs gnome org>
Date:   Sun Aug 1 15:30:01 2010 +0200

    project-wizard: Improve UI for PkgConfigChooser
    Use the integrated checkboxes in the list and fix all wizard files to
    use the new format. Also remove the deprecated gnome-applet wizard.

 plugins/project-wizard/druid.c                     |   27 ++++--
 plugins/project-wizard/property.c                  |   85 +++++-----------
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/Makefile.am       |    3 +-
 .../project-wizard/templates/anjuta-plugin.wiz.in  |    6 +-
 .../templates/anjuta-plugin/configure.ac.tpl       |    2 +-
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/cpp.wiz.in        |   10 +--
 .../project-wizard/templates/cpp/configure.ac.tpl  |    2 +-
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/gcj.wiz.in        |   10 +--
 .../project-wizard/templates/gcj/configure.ac.tpl  |    2 +-
 .../project-wizard/templates/gnome-applet.wiz.in   |  104 --------------------
 .../project-wizard/templates/gnome-applet/HACKING  |   33 ------
 .../templates/gnome-applet/Makefile.am             |   13 ---
 .../templates/gnome-applet/Makefile.am.tpl         |   33 ------
 .../templates/gnome-applet/autogen.sh              |   23 -----
 .../templates/gnome-applet/configure.ac.tpl        |   45 ---------
 .../templates/gnome-applet/po/Makefile.am          |    5 -
 .../templates/gnome-applet/po/POTFILES.in          |    5 -
 .../gnome-applet/src/GNOME_Applet.server.in.in     |   22 ----
 .../templates/gnome-applet/src/Makefile.am         |    9 --
 .../templates/gnome-applet/src/Makefile.am.tpl     |   54 ----------
 .../templates/gnome-applet/src/main.c              |   44 --------
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/gtk.wiz.in        |    3 -
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/gtkmm.wiz.in      |   13 ++-
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/java.wiz.in       |    9 +-
 .../project-wizard/templates/java/configure.ac.tpl |    2 +-
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/library.wiz.in    |   10 +--
 .../templates/library/configure.ac.tpl             |    2 +-
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/minimal.wiz.in    |   10 +--
 .../templates/minimal/configure.ac.tpl             |    2 +-
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/python.wiz.in     |   10 +--
 .../templates/python/configure.ac.tpl              |    2 +-
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/terminal.wiz.in   |   10 +--
 .../templates/terminal/configure.ac.tpl            |    2 +-
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/wxwin.wiz.in      |    9 +-
 .../templates/wxwin/configure.ac.tpl               |    2 +-
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib-dock.wiz.in  |    9 +-
 plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib.wiz.in       |    9 +-
 .../project-wizard/templates/xlib/configure.ac.tpl |    2 +-
 38 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 546 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/druid.c b/plugins/project-wizard/druid.c
index 6901954..12baa80 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/druid.c
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/druid.c
@@ -449,17 +449,30 @@ cb_druid_add_property (NPWProperty* property, gpointer user_data)
 			gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (entry, description);
-		/* Add label and entry */
-		gtk_table_resize (data->table, data->row + 1, 2);
 		label = gtk_label_new (npw_property_get_label (property));
 		gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0, 0.5);
 		gtk_misc_set_padding (GTK_MISC (label), 6, 6);
-		gtk_table_attach (data->table, label, 0, 1, data->row, data->row + 1,
-			(GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_FILL), (GtkAttachOptions)(0), 0, 0);
-		gtk_table_attach (data->table, entry, 1, 2, data->row, data->row + 1,
-			(GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND|GTK_FILL), (GtkAttachOptions)(0), 0, 0);
-		data->row++;
+		switch (npw_property_get_type (property))
+		{
+				gtk_table_resize (data->table, data->row + 2, 1);
+				gtk_table_attach (data->table, label, 0, 1, data->row, data->row + 1,
+				                  (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_FILL), 0, 0, 0);
+				gtk_table_attach (data->table, entry, 0, 1, data->row + 1, data->row + 2,
+				                  (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND|GTK_FILL),
+				                  (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND|GTK_FILL), 0, 0);
+				data->row += 2;
+				break;
+			default:
+				/* Add label and entry */
+				gtk_table_resize (data->table, data->row + 1, 2);
+				gtk_table_attach (data->table, label, 0, 1, data->row, data->row + 1,
+				                  (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_FILL), 0, 0, 0);
+				gtk_table_attach (data->table, entry, 1, 2, data->row, data->row + 1,
+				                  (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND|GTK_FILL), 0, 0, 0);
+				data->row++;
+		}
 		/* Set first entry */
 		if (data->first_entry == NULL) data->first_entry = entry;
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/property.c b/plugins/project-wizard/property.c
index c686f1a..b0ca9c2 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/property.c
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/property.c
@@ -347,7 +347,6 @@ static void
 cb_browse_button_clicked (GtkButton *button, NPWProperty* prop)
 	GtkWidget *dialog;
-	GtkWidget *list;
 	switch (prop->type)
@@ -367,55 +366,13 @@ cb_browse_button_clicked (GtkButton *button, NPWProperty* prop)
-	{
-		GtkWidget *scroll_window;
-		GtkWidget *content_area;
-		GtkWidget *action_area;
-		dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Select package"),
-												GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (prop->widget, GTK_TYPE_WINDOW)),
-												GTK_STOCK_CANCEL,
-												GTK_STOCK_ADD,
-												NULL);
-		content_area = gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
-		action_area = gtk_dialog_get_action_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
-		gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FALSE);
-		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog), 5);
-		gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (content_area), 2);
-		gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (action_area), 5);
-		gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), 600, 500);
-		scroll_window = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
-		gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scroll_window), GTK_SHADOW_IN);
-		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (content_area), scroll_window);
-		list = anjuta_pkg_config_chooser_new ();
-		anjuta_pkg_config_chooser_show_active_column (ANJUTA_PKG_CONFIG_CHOOSER (list), FALSE);
-		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scroll_window), list);
-		gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
-		break;
-	}
 		g_return_if_reached ();
 	if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
-		gchar *name;
-		if (prop->type == NPW_PACKAGE_PROPERTY)
-		{
-			name = anjuta_pkg_config_chooser_get_selected_package (ANJUTA_PKG_CONFIG_CHOOSER (list));
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			name = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog));
-		}
+		gchar* name = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog));
 		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (prop->widget), name);
 		g_free (name);
@@ -599,19 +556,15 @@ npw_property_create_widget (NPWProperty* prop)
-		GtkWidget *button;
-		// Use an entry box and a browse button
-		widget = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 3);
+		GtkWidget *scroll_window;
+		scroll_window = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
+		gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scroll_window), GTK_SHADOW_IN);
-		entry = gtk_entry_new ();
-		if (value) gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), value);
-		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (widget), entry);
-		button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_ADD);
-		g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (cb_browse_button_clicked), prop);
-		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (widget), button);
-		gtk_box_set_child_packing (GTK_BOX (widget), button, FALSE, TRUE, 0, GTK_PACK_END);
+		entry = anjuta_pkg_config_chooser_new ();
+		anjuta_pkg_config_chooser_show_active_column (ANJUTA_PKG_CONFIG_CHOOSER (entry), TRUE);
+		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scroll_window), entry);
+		widget = scroll_window;
@@ -678,6 +631,9 @@ npw_property_set_value_from_widget (NPWProperty* prop, NPWValueTag tag)
 	gchar* alloc_value = NULL;
 	const gchar* value = NULL;
+	GList* packages;
+	GList* node;
+	GString* str_value;
 	gboolean ok;
 	switch (prop->type)
@@ -729,7 +685,22 @@ npw_property_set_value_from_widget (NPWProperty* prop, NPWValueTag tag)
-		value = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (prop->widget));
+		packages = 
+			anjuta_pkg_config_chooser_get_active_packages (ANJUTA_PKG_CONFIG_CHOOSER (prop->widget));
+		str_value = NULL;
+		for (node = packages; node != NULL; node = g_list_next (node))
+		{
+			if (str_value)
+			{
+				g_string_append_printf (str_value, " %s", (gchar*) node->data);
+			}
+			else
+				str_value = g_string_new (node->data);
+		}
+		value = str_value->str;
+		g_string_free (str_value, FALSE);
+		g_list_foreach (packages, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+		g_list_free (packages);	
 		/* Hidden property */
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/Makefile.am b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/Makefile.am
index cd84f4b..0e4919a 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/Makefile.am
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/Makefile.am
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 SUBDIRS = minimal terminal cpp gtk anjuta-plugin \
-	gtkmm wxwin xlib xlib-dock gcj java gnome-applet\
+	gtkmm wxwin xlib xlib-dock gcj java
 	python mkfile sdl library directory licenses m4 js_minimal
 template_in_files = \
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ template_in_files = \
 	python.wiz.in \
 	mkfile.wiz.in \
 	sdl.wiz.in \
-	gnome-applet.wiz.in \
 wizard_filesdir = $(anjuta_data_dir)/project
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/anjuta-plugin.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/anjuta-plugin.wiz.in
index 370c731..9f4b9c6 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/anjuta-plugin.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/anjuta-plugin.wiz.in
@@ -45,11 +45,7 @@
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
 		<property type="boolean" name="HaveLangCPP" _label="Add C++ support:" _description="Adds C++ support to the project so that C++ source files can be built" default="0"/>
 	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/anjuta-plugin/configure.ac.tpl b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/anjuta-plugin/configure.ac.tpl
index d4ce6e1..e487145 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/anjuta-plugin/configure.ac.tpl
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/anjuta-plugin/configure.ac.tpl
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ AM_PROG_LIBTOOL
 [+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+] [+PackageModule3+] [+PackageModule4+] [+PackageModule5+]])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+]])
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/cpp.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/cpp.wiz.in
index 5dc6cd5..7b19bc9 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/cpp.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/cpp.wiz.in
@@ -34,15 +34,11 @@
 		<property type="boolean" name="HavePackage" _label="Configure external packages:" _description="Use pkg-config to add library support from other packages" default="0"/>
-	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-	</page>
+	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
+	</page>
 		<directory source="terminal" destination="[+Destination+]">
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/cpp/configure.ac.tpl b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/cpp/configure.ac.tpl
index 46b32fb..718fad5 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/cpp/configure.ac.tpl
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/cpp/configure.ac.tpl
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ AM_PROG_LIBTOOL
 [+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+] [+PackageModule3+] [+PackageModule4+] [+PackageModule5+]])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+]])
 [+IF (=(get "HaveGtkDoc") "1")+]
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gcj.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gcj.wiz.in
index 1dc84ba..d1a464d 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gcj.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gcj.wiz.in
@@ -37,15 +37,11 @@
 		<property type="boolean" name="HavePackageExtra" _label="Configure external packages:" _description="Use pkg-config to add library support from other packages" default="0"/>
-	[+IF (=(get "HavePackageExtra") "1")+]
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-	</page>
+	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
+	</page>
 		<directory source="terminal" destination="[+Destination+]">
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gcj/configure.ac.tpl b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gcj/configure.ac.tpl
index f67db2f..506f2a8 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gcj/configure.ac.tpl
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gcj/configure.ac.tpl
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ IT_PROG_INTLTOOL([0.35.0])
 [+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+] [+PackageModule3+] [+PackageModule4+] [+PackageModule5+]])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+]])
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gtk.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gtk.wiz.in
index 2db4a47..07bd854 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gtk.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gtk.wiz.in
@@ -42,9 +42,6 @@
 	[+IF (=(get "HavePackageExtra") "1")+]
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
 		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gtkmm.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gtkmm.wiz.in
index e6f549c..7cd4f92 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gtkmm.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/gtkmm.wiz.in
@@ -37,15 +37,16 @@
 		<property type="boolean" name="HaveGtkDoc" _label="Add gtk-doc system:" _description="gtk-doc is used to compile API documentations for GObject based classes" default="0"/>
 		<property type="boolean" name="HavePackageExtra" _label="Configure external packages:" _description="Use pkg-config to add library support from other packages" default="0"/>
+	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
+	[+ENDIF+]
-	[+IF (=(get "HavePackageExtra") "1")+]
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-	</page>
+	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
+	</page>
 		<directory source="terminal" destination="[+Destination+]">
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/java.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/java.wiz.in
index 0b4b1e7..7aeb165 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/java.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/java.wiz.in
@@ -38,14 +38,11 @@
 		<property type="hidden" name="HavePackageExtra" _label="Configure external packages:" _description="Use pkg-config to add library support from other packages" default="0"/>
-	[+IF (=(get "HavePackageExtra") "1")+]
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-	</page>
+	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
+	</page>
 		<directory source="terminal" destination="[+Destination+]">
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/java/configure.ac.tpl b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/java/configure.ac.tpl
index 1bff91f..f255088 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/java/configure.ac.tpl
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/java/configure.ac.tpl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ IT_PROG_INTLTOOL([0.35.0])
 [+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PACKAGE, [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+] [+PackageModule3+] [+PackageModule4+] [+PackageModule5+]])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PACKAGE, [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+]])
 [+IF (=(get "HaveGtkDoc") "1")+]
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/library.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/library.wiz.in
index a3ed480..9d87c68 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/library.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/library.wiz.in
@@ -39,15 +39,11 @@
 		<property type="boolean" name="HavePackage" _label="Configure external packages:" _description="Use pkg-config to add library support from other packages" default="0"/>
-	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-	</page>
+	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
+	</page>
 		<directory source="terminal" destination="[+Destination+]">
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/library/configure.ac.tpl b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/library/configure.ac.tpl
index ddfc90a..7e194a0 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/library/configure.ac.tpl
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/library/configure.ac.tpl
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ IT_PROG_INTLTOOL([0.35.0])
 [+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+] [+PackageModule3+] [+PackageModule4+] [+PackageModule5+]])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+]])
 [+IF (=(get "HaveGtkDoc") "1")+]
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/minimal.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/minimal.wiz.in
index 55b9eec..476c810 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/minimal.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/minimal.wiz.in
@@ -34,15 +34,11 @@
 		<property type="boolean" name="HavePackage" _label="Configure external packages:" _description="Use pkg-config to add library support from other packages" default="0"/>
-	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-	</page>
+	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
+	</page>
 		<directory source="minimal" destination="[+Destination+]">
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/minimal/configure.ac.tpl b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/minimal/configure.ac.tpl
index fdf102e..03794f1 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/minimal/configure.ac.tpl
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/minimal/configure.ac.tpl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ AM_PROG_LIBTOOL
 [+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+] [+PackageModule3+] [+PackageModule4+] [+PackageModule5+]])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+]])
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/python.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/python.wiz.in
index ff25fb7..d56923d 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/python.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/python.wiz.in
@@ -37,15 +37,11 @@
 		<property type="hidden" name="HavePackageExtra" _label="Configure external packages:" _description="Use pkg-config to add library support from other packages" default="0"/>
-	[+IF (=(get "HavePackageExtra") "1")+]
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-	</page>
+	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
+	</page>
 		<directory source="terminal" destination="[+Destination+]">
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/python/configure.ac.tpl b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/python/configure.ac.tpl
index a5585a4..e69a368 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/python/configure.ac.tpl
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/python/configure.ac.tpl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ IT_PROG_INTLTOOL([0.35.0])
 [+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+] [+PackageModule3+] [+PackageModule4+] [+PackageModule5+]])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+]])
 [+IF (=(get "HaveGtkDoc") "1")+]
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/terminal.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/terminal.wiz.in
index e3248f4..6580c55 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/terminal.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/terminal.wiz.in
@@ -34,15 +34,11 @@
 		<property type="boolean" name="HavePackage" _label="Configure external packages:" _description="Use pkg-config to add library support from other packages" default="0"/>
-	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-	</page>
+	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule1" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
+	</page>
 		<directory source="terminal" destination="[+Destination+]">
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/terminal/configure.ac.tpl b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/terminal/configure.ac.tpl
index 27b0bd8..9cc6efc 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/terminal/configure.ac.tpl
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/terminal/configure.ac.tpl
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ AM_PROG_LIBTOOL
 [+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+] [+PackageModule3+] [+PackageModule4+] [+PackageModule5+]])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+]])
 [+IF (=(get "HaveGtkDoc") "1")+]
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/wxwin.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/wxwin.wiz.in
index ec5c0d4..d030f70 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/wxwin.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/wxwin.wiz.in
@@ -34,14 +34,11 @@
 		<property type="boolean" name="HavePackageExtra" _label="Configure external packages:" _description="Use pkg-config to add library support from other packages" default="0"/>
-	[+IF (=(get "HavePackageExtra") "1")+]
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-	</page>
+	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
+	</page>
 		<directory source="terminal" destination="[+Destination+]">
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/wxwin/configure.ac.tpl b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/wxwin/configure.ac.tpl
index 24031f3..4336f55 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/wxwin/configure.ac.tpl
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/wxwin/configure.ac.tpl
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ AM_PROG_LIBTOOL
 [+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+] [+PackageModule3+] [+PackageModule4+] [+PackageModule5+]])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+]])
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib-dock.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib-dock.wiz.in
index dede1c2..72d5ba8 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib-dock.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib-dock.wiz.in
@@ -37,14 +37,11 @@
 		<property type="boolean" name="HavePackageExtra" _label="Configure external packages:" _description="Use pkg-config to add library support from other packages" default="0"/>
-	[+IF (=(get "HavePackageExtra") "1")+]
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-	</page>
+	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
+	</page>
 		<directory source="terminal" destination="[+Destination+]">
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib.wiz.in b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib.wiz.in
index e97e218..07913f0 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib.wiz.in
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib.wiz.in
@@ -37,14 +37,11 @@
 		<property type="boolean" name="HavePackageExtra" _label="Configure external packages:" _description="Use pkg-config to add library support from other packages" default="0"/>
-	[+IF (=(get "HavePackageExtra") "1")+]
 	<page name="packages" _label="Configure external packages" _description="Configure external packages">
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'" mandatory="yes"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule3" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule4" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-		<property type="package" name="PackageModule5" _label="Require Package:" _description="Give a package name that your project require. You may also mention what is the required version of the package. For example, 'libgnomeui-2.0' or 'libgnomeui-2.0 &gt;= 2.2.0'"/>
-	</page>
+	[+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
+		<property type="package" name="PackageModule2" _label="Required Packages:" _description="Check the packages that your project requires" mandatory="yes"/>
+	</page>
 		<directory source="terminal" destination="[+Destination+]">
diff --git a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib/configure.ac.tpl b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib/configure.ac.tpl
index 1845a5b..7a36221 100644
--- a/plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib/configure.ac.tpl
+++ b/plugins/project-wizard/templates/xlib/configure.ac.tpl
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ AM_PROG_LIBTOOL
 [+IF (=(get "HavePackage") "1")+]
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+] [+PackageModule3+] [+PackageModule4+] [+PackageModule5+]])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([+NameCUpper+], [[+PackageModule1+] [+PackageModule2+]])

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