[kupfer] Documentation: Quickstart & Manual colocate here

commit a3423b00329f8c753b71bedfb1c22bdface9bd4e
Author: Ulrik Sverdrup <ulrik sverdrup gmail com>
Date:   Fri Sep 18 02:36:03 2009 +0200

    Documentation: Quickstart & Manual colocate here
    Write documentation as reStructuredText, shape up the markup in all of
    the files so that they parse as nice rST and join them together into
    the Manual.rst document.

 Documentation/Manual.rst                          |  254 +++++++++++++++++++++
 data/kupfer.1.rst => Documentation/Quickstart.rst |    3 +-
 Documentation/coding_style                        |   33 ---
 Documentation/kupfer_internals                    |  106 ---------
 Documentation/localization                        |   57 -----
 Documentation/plugins                             |   41 ----
 6 files changed, 256 insertions(+), 238 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Documentation/Manual.rst b/Documentation/Manual.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f64ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/Manual.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+:Author: Ulrik Sverdrup
+:Date: Friday, 18 September 2009
+:License: GNU General Public License, version 3
+:Homepage: http://kaizer.se/wiki/kupfer
+.. contents::
+Kupfer internals
+Kupfer's architecture is built around objects that can be acted on by
+actions. Kupfer's basic concept for understanding objects is in
+``kupfer/objects.py``. The basic building block is ``KupferObject``.
+.. note::
+    This document is a Work in progress.
+    If you have questions, just fire them away directly to me,
+    using the address <ulrik sverdrup gmail com>
+base class for basic user-visible constructs, this defines:
+* A way to get the object's name
+* A way to get the object's icon
+This is the base object for the following four very important base
+* Leaf
+* Action
+* Source
+* TextSource
+Below follows a summary. For complete information, you should read
+kupfer's python interface documentation: go to the directory containing
+the kupfer module and do::
+    $ python
+    >>> import kupfer.main
+    >>> import kupfer.objects
+    >>> help(kupfer.objects.KupferObject)
+    >>> help(kupfer.objects.Leaf)
+    >>> help(kupfer.objects.Action)
+    >>> help(kupfer.objects.Source)
+this represents an object that the user will want to summon and
+act on. An example is a file, an application, a window or a Free-text
+query (TextLeaf).
+This defines, in addition to KupferObject:
+* ``Leaf.object`` is the represented object, is implementation-specific
+* A way to get the default actions for this type
+* ``__hash__`` and ``__eq__`` so that equivalents are recognized
+* ``has_content()`` and ``content_source()`` to find out if objects
+  contain anything, like for example folders do
+represents and action on a Leaf, for example Show() that will open with
+default viewer.
+This defines, in addition to KupferObject:
+* ``activate(leaf, obj)`` to act on a leaf, with optional indirect object
+* ``is_factory`` if the action returns content, returns a collection of
+  new items.
+* ``item_type``: which items action applies to (in plugins)
+* ``require_object``: Wheter this action uses an indirect object; if it
+  does, some more methods have to define which items
+The Source understands specific data and delivers Leaves for it. For
+example DirectorySource, that will give FileLeaves for contents of a
+This defines, in addition to KupferObject:
+* ``__hash__`` and ``__eq__`` so that equivalents are recognized
+* ``get_items`` That subclasses should define to return its items
+* ``is_dynamic`` If there should be no caching (usually there should be)
+* ``get_leaf_repr`` How to represent the source in a list, For example
+  the DirectorySource is represented by a FileLeaf for the directory
+* ``provides`` To define which Leaf types it may contain
+A text source returns items for a given text string
+* ``get_item`` produce items for given string
+* ``provides`` To define which Leaf types it may provide
+Kupfer deals with PyGTK a lot, which always returns UTF-8-encoded
+strings (almost always). However Kupfer works internally with unicode
+strings; only then does slicing, lowercasing etc work across other than
+ascii charsets.
+Kupfer accepts UTF-8-encoded strings as well as unicode objects for the
+most parts, but all internals should be unicode. Note that the gettext
+``_()`` will return a unicode string.
+A kupfer plugin is a python module with special module attributes
+Here is an example from ``kupfer.plugin.applications``::
+	__kupfer_name__ = _("Applications")
+	__kupfer_sources__ = ("AppSource", )
+	__kupfer_text_sources__ = ()
+	__kupfer_actions__ = ("OpenWith", )
+	__description__ = _("All applications and preferences")
+	__version__ = ""
+	__author__ = "Ulrik Sverdrup <ulrik sverdrup gmail com>"
+For a plugin, the following attributes are required::
+	__kupfer_name__ (Localized name of plugin)
+	__description__ (Localized description of plugin)
+	__version__
+	__author__
+For the plugin to do anything, the following attributes may be defined::
+	__kupfer_sources__ = ()
+	__kupfer_text_sources__ = ()
+	__kupfer_actions__ = ()
+They should be tuples of *names* of classes in the module:
+* all sources have to be subclasses of ``kupfer.objects.Source``
+* all text sources have to be subclasses of ``kupfer.objects.TextSource``
+* all actions have to be subclasses of ``kupfer.objects.Action``
+The plugin should not do **anything at all** upon module load, except
+loading its required modules. Load modules without try/except;
+ImportErrors will be caught by the plugin loader and the plugin disabled
+Look in ``contrib/`` and in ``kupfer/plugin/`` for using the existing
+plugins as example
+Coding style
+Kupfer python code is indented with tabs, which is a bit uncommon. (My
+editor is set to tabs of size four.) Otherwise, if you want to
+contribute to kupfer keep in mind that
+* Python code should be clear
+* Kupfer is a simple project. Do simple first.
+Sometimes comments are needed to explain the code. How many know the
+``for..else`` construction? Hint: find out what it does in the
+``kupfer.icons`` module::
+	for item in sequence:
+		...
+	else:
+		...
+Living and learning
+Most of kupfer plugin code uses super statements such as::
+	super(RecentsSource, self).__init__(_("Recent items"))
+when writing new code, you should however use the following style::
+	Source.__init__(self, _("Recent items"))
+Why? Because the second version is easier to copy! If you copy the whole
+class and rename it, which you often do to create new plugins, you have
+don't have to-- you are probably using the same superclass.
+kupfer is translated using gettext and it is managed in the build system
+using intltool. Translation messages are located in the po/ directory.
+To update or check an existing translation
+To update with new strings, run::
+    ./waf intlupdate
+Then check all fuzzy messages, translate all untranslated messages.
+Continue running ``./waf intlupdate`` to check that you have 0 fuzzy and
+0 untranslated, then you're finished. ``./waf intlupdate`` will also run
+a check of the consistency of the file, so that you know that all syntax
+is correct.
+If you want to send in the translation to a repository, or as a patch,
+you can use git if you have a checked-out copy of kupfer::
+    git add po/lang.po
+    git commit -m "lang: Updated translation"
+    # now we create a patch out of the latest change
+    git format-patch HEAD^
+where ``lang`` is the two-letter abbreviation. You can send the patch to
+the mailing list kupfer-list gnome org 
+To create a new translation
+Add the language to po/LINGUAS with it's (commonly) two-letter code.
+Run ./waf intlupdate and then edit the header in the po/lang.po file,
+filling in your name and other slots, and importantly the CHARSET. You
+probably want to use UTF-8.
+When the header is filled-in, run ./waf intlupdate to see that it runs
+without errors, and you should have a po/lang.po file ready for
+To try the new translation
+Make sure the translation is listed in po/LINGUAS.
+To try it, you have to install kupfer with ``./waf install``
+If you run ./kupfer-activate.sh from the working directory it won't find
+the installed translations unless you make a symlink called ``locale`` to
+the installed location (for example ``~/.local/share/locale`` if install
+prefix was ``~/.local``).
+.. vim: ft=rst tw=72
+.. this document best viewed with::
+        TMP=$(tempfile); rst2html Manual.rst > $TMP; xdg-open $TMP
diff --git a/data/kupfer.1.rst b/Documentation/Quickstart.rst
similarity index 94%
rename from data/kupfer.1.rst
rename to Documentation/Quickstart.rst
index a975c94..f0b8b21 100644
--- a/data/kupfer.1.rst
+++ b/Documentation/Quickstart.rst
@@ -66,4 +66,5 @@ Custom plugins are added to kupfer by installing them to the directory
 of ``$XDG_DATA_DIRS``.
 .. vim: ft=rst tw=72
+.. this document best viewed with::
+        TMP=$(tempfile); rst2html Quickstart.rst > $TMP; xdg-open $TMP

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