[empathy/gnome-2-28] idle: work around the case if the session doesn't tell us when we go idle (fixes bug #594619)

commit 5395bb722fc1cb6dfbe415908e86734f523c6128
Author: Jonny Lamb <jonnylamb gnome org>
Date:   Sat Oct 17 15:09:47 2009 +0100

    idle: work around the case if the session doesn't tell us when we go idle (fixes bug #594619)
    Signed-off-by: Jonny Lamb <jonnylamb gnome org>

 libempathy/empathy-idle.c |   23 +++++++++++++++++------
 1 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libempathy/empathy-idle.c b/libempathy/empathy-idle.c
index b8c7784..20efbce 100644
--- a/libempathy/empathy-idle.c
+++ b/libempathy/empathy-idle.c
@@ -215,12 +215,23 @@ idle_session_status_changed_cb (DBusGProxy    *gs_proxy,
 			new_status = priv->status;
-		DEBUG ("Restoring state to %d, reset status to %s",
-			priv->away_saved_state, new_status);
-		empathy_idle_set_presence (idle,
-					   priv->away_saved_state,
-					   new_status);
+		/* Only try and set the presence if the away saved state is not
+		 * unset. This is an odd case because it means that the session
+		 * didn't notify us of the state change to idle, and as a
+		 * result, we couldn't save the current state at that time.
+		 */
+		if (priv->away_saved_state != TP_CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_UNSET) {
+			DEBUG ("Restoring state to %d, reset status to %s",
+				priv->away_saved_state, new_status);
+			empathy_idle_set_presence (idle,
+						   priv->away_saved_state,
+						   new_status);
+		} else {
+			DEBUG ("Away saved state is unset. This means that we "
+			       "weren't told when the session went idle. "
+			       "As a result, I'm not trying to set presence");
+		}
 		priv->away_saved_state = TP_CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_UNSET;

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