[evolution-mapi] BGO 583490 – evolution-mapi not removing listing of message not on server
- From: Johnny Jacob <jjohnny src gnome org>
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: [evolution-mapi] BGO 583490 – evolution-mapi not removing listing of message not on server
- Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 08:04:33 -0400 (EDT)
commit b13a00ba9fa7596c70d4715f738ab3e441af3502
Author: Johnny Jacob <jjohnny novell com>
Date: Mon Jun 15 17:20:23 2009 +0530
BGO 583490 â?? evolution-mapi not removing listing of message not on server
* camel-mapi-folder.c (deleted_items_sync_cb): Added. Callback function for
collecting message UIDs from server.
(mapi_sync_deleted): Added. Downsync deleted items from server.
(mapi_sync_deleted_free): Added.
(mapi_refresh_folder): On refresh, downsync deleted items from server.
src/camel/ChangeLog | 10 ++
src/camel/camel-mapi-folder.c | 188 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
2 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/camel/ChangeLog b/src/camel/ChangeLog
index 2360a5f..31ec3f1 100644
--- a/src/camel/ChangeLog
+++ b/src/camel/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+2009-06-10 Johnny Jacob <jjohnny novell com>
+ ** Fix for BGO 583490 â?? evolution-mapi not removing listing of message not on server
+ * camel-mapi-folder.c (deleted_items_sync_cb): Added. Callback function for
+ collecting message UIDs from server.
+ (mapi_sync_deleted): Added. Downsync deleted items from server.
+ (mapi_sync_deleted_free): Added.
+ (mapi_refresh_folder): On refresh, downsync deleted items from server.
2009-06-11 Johnny Jacob <jjohnny novell com>
* camel-mapi-folder.c (mapi_refresh_folder): Switch on RecipientTable
diff --git a/src/camel/camel-mapi-folder.c b/src/camel/camel-mapi-folder.c
index 42df562..0c56d26 100644
--- a/src/camel/camel-mapi-folder.c
+++ b/src/camel/camel-mapi-folder.c
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
#include <camel/camel-data-wrapper.h>
#include <camel/camel-multipart.h>
#include <camel/camel-private.h>
+#include <camel/camel-session.h>
#include <camel/camel-stream-buffer.h>
#include <camel/camel-stream-mem.h>
#include <camel/camel-debug.h>
@@ -476,9 +477,11 @@ mapi_update_cache (CamelFolder *folder, GSList *list, CamelFolderChangeInfo **ch
camel_folder_change_info_change_uid (changes, mi->info.uid);
camel_message_info_free (pmi);
} else {
+ CAMEL_MAPI_FOLDER_REC_LOCK (folder, cache_lock);
camel_folder_summary_add (folder->summary,(CamelMessageInfo *)mi);
camel_folder_change_info_add_uid (changes, mi->info.uid);
camel_folder_change_info_recent_uid (changes, mi->info.uid);
+ CAMEL_MAPI_FOLDER_REC_UNLOCK (folder, cache_lock);
/********************* Summary ends *************************/
@@ -509,6 +512,137 @@ mapi_utils_do_flags_diff (flags_diff_t *diff, guint32 old, guint32 _new)
diff->bits = _new & diff->changed;
+struct mapi_update_deleted_msg {
+ CamelSessionThreadMsg msg;
+ CamelFolder *folder;
+ mapi_id_t folder_id;
+static gboolean
+deleted_items_sync_cb (FetchItemsCallbackData *item_data, gpointer data)
+ GSList **uid_list = (GSList **) data;
+ gchar *msg_uid = exchange_mapi_util_mapi_ids_to_uid (item_data->fid,
+ item_data->mid);
+ *uid_list = g_slist_prepend (*uid_list, msg_uid);
+ /* Progress update */
+ if (item_data->total > 0)
+ camel_operation_progress (NULL, (item_data->index * 100)/item_data->total);
+ /* Check if we have to stop */
+ if (camel_operation_cancel_check(NULL))
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+mapi_sync_deleted (CamelSession *session, CamelSessionThreadMsg *msg)
+ struct mapi_update_deleted_msg *m = (struct mapi_update_deleted_msg *)msg;
+ CamelMapiStore *mapi_store = CAMEL_MAPI_STORE (m->folder->parent_store);
+ CamelMapiFolder *mapi_folder = CAMEL_MAPI_FOLDER (m->folder);
+ CamelFolderChangeInfo *changes = NULL;
+ CamelMessageInfo *info = NULL;
+ guint32 index, count, options = 0;
+ GSList *server_uid_list = NULL;
+ const gchar *uid = NULL;
+ gchar *tmp = NULL;
+ /* Currently we don't have simple wrapper over getprops.*/
+ const guint32 prop_list[] = { PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME };
+ if (((CamelOfflineStore *) mapi_store)->state == CAMEL_OFFLINE_STORE_NETWORK_UNAVAIL ||
+ ((CamelService *)mapi_store)->status == CAMEL_SERVICE_DISCONNECTED) {
+ return;
+ }
+ camel_operation_start (NULL, _("Retriving message IDs from server for %s"), m->folder->name);
+ CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_LOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
+ /*Get the UID list from server.*/
+ exchange_mapi_connection_fetch_items (m->folder_id, NULL, NULL,
+ prop_list, G_N_ELEMENTS (prop_list),
+ deleted_items_sync_cb, &server_uid_list,
+ options);
+ camel_operation_end (NULL);
+ CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_UNLOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
+ /* Check if we have to stop */
+ if (camel_operation_cancel_check(NULL))
+ return;
+ changes = camel_folder_change_info_new ();
+ count = camel_folder_summary_count (m->folder->summary);
+ camel_operation_start (NULL, _("Removing deleted messages from cache in %s"), m->folder->name);
+ /* Iterate over cache and check if the UID is in server*/
+ for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
+ /*FIXME :Any other list available ???*/
+ info = camel_folder_summary_index (m->folder->summary, index);
+ if (!info) continue; /*This is bad. *Should* not happen*/
+ uid = camel_message_info_uid (info);
+ if (server_uid_list) {
+ /* TODO : Find a better way and avoid this linear search */
+ tmp = g_slist_find_custom (server_uid_list, (const gchar *)uid,
+ (GCompareFunc) g_strcmp0);
+ }
+ /* If it is not in server list, clean our cache */
+ if (!tmp && uid) {
+ CAMEL_MAPI_FOLDER_REC_LOCK (m->folder, cache_lock);
+ camel_folder_summary_remove_uid (m->folder->summary, uid);
+ camel_data_cache_remove (mapi_folder->cache, "cache", uid, NULL);
+ camel_folder_change_info_remove_uid (changes, uid);
+ CAMEL_MAPI_FOLDER_REC_UNLOCK (m->folder, cache_lock);
+ }
+ /* Progress update */
+ camel_operation_progress (NULL, (index * 100)/count); /* ;-) */
+ /* Check if we have to stop */
+ if (camel_operation_cancel_check(NULL))
+ return;
+ }
+ camel_operation_end (NULL);
+ camel_object_trigger_event (m->folder, "folder_changed", changes);
+ camel_folder_change_info_free (changes);
+ /* Discard server uid list */
+ g_slist_foreach (server_uid_list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+ g_slist_free (server_uid_list);
+static void
+mapi_sync_deleted_free (CamelSession *session, CamelSessionThreadMsg *msg)
+ struct mapi_update_deleted_msg *m = (struct mapi_update_deleted_msg *)msg;
+ camel_object_unref (m->folder);
+ /* camel_session_thread_msg_free (session, &m->msg); */
+static CamelSessionThreadOps deleted_items_sync_ops = {
+ mapi_sync_deleted,
+ mapi_sync_deleted_free,
static void
mapi_sync (CamelFolder *folder, gboolean expunge, CamelException *ex)
@@ -521,7 +655,7 @@ mapi_sync (CamelFolder *folder, gboolean expunge, CamelException *ex)
flags_diff_t diff, unset_flags;
const char *folder_id;
mapi_id_t fid, deleted_items_fid;
- int count, i;
+ gint count, i;
guint32 options =0;
GSList *deleted_items, *deleted_head;
@@ -584,17 +718,14 @@ mapi_sync (CamelFolder *folder, gboolean expunge, CamelException *ex)
deleted_head = NULL;
deleted_head = deleted_items = g_slist_prepend (deleted_items, mid);
- CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_LOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
- }
- }
- if (diff.bits & CAMEL_MESSAGE_SEEN) {
- read_items = g_slist_prepend (read_items, mid);
- } else if (unset_flags.bits & CAMEL_MESSAGE_SEEN) {
- unread_items = g_slist_prepend (unread_items, mid);
+ }
+ if (diff.bits & CAMEL_MESSAGE_SEEN) {
+ read_items = g_slist_prepend (read_items, mid);
+ } else if (unset_flags.bits & CAMEL_MESSAGE_SEEN) {
+ unread_items = g_slist_prepend (unread_items, mid);
+ }
camel_message_info_free (info);
@@ -614,6 +745,7 @@ mapi_sync (CamelFolder *folder, gboolean expunge, CamelException *ex)
g_slist_free (read_items);
+ /* Remove messages from server*/
if (deleted_items) {
CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_LOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
if (mapi_folder->type & CAMEL_FOLDER_TYPE_TRASH) {
@@ -625,7 +757,8 @@ mapi_sync (CamelFolder *folder, gboolean expunge, CamelException *ex)
CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_UNLOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
- /*Remove them from cache*/
+ /*Remove messages from local cache*/
while (deleted_items) {
char* deleted_msg_uid = g_strdup_printf ("%016" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "X%016" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "X", fid, *(mapi_id_t *)deleted_items->data);
@@ -637,18 +770,13 @@ mapi_sync (CamelFolder *folder, gboolean expunge, CamelException *ex)
deleted_items = g_slist_next (deleted_items);
if (unread_items) {
- CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_LOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
/* TODO */
- CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_UNLOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
g_slist_free (unread_items);
if (expunge) {
- CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_LOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
/* TODO */
- CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_UNLOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_LOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
@@ -664,12 +792,15 @@ mapi_refresh_folder(CamelFolder *folder, CamelException *ex)
CamelMapiStore *mapi_store = CAMEL_MAPI_STORE (folder->parent_store);
CamelMapiFolder *mapi_folder = CAMEL_MAPI_FOLDER (folder);
CamelMapiSummary *mapi_summary = CAMEL_MAPI_SUMMARY (folder->summary);
+ CamelSession *session = ((CamelService *)folder->parent_store)->session;
gboolean is_proxy = folder->parent_store->flags & CAMEL_STORE_PROXY;
gboolean is_locked = FALSE;
gboolean status;
struct mapi_SRestriction *res = NULL;
struct SSortOrderSet *sort = NULL;
+ struct mapi_update_deleted_msg *deleted_items_op_msg;
fetch_items_data *fetch_data = g_new0 (fetch_items_data, 1);
const gchar *folder_id = NULL;
@@ -755,7 +886,7 @@ mapi_refresh_folder(CamelFolder *folder, CamelException *ex)
/*BUG : Fix exception string.*/
_("This message is not available in offline mode."));
- goto end2;
+ goto end1;
@@ -774,7 +905,7 @@ mapi_refresh_folder(CamelFolder *folder, CamelException *ex)
if (!status) {
camel_exception_set (ex, CAMEL_EXCEPTION_SERVICE_INVALID, _("Fetching items failed"));
- goto end2;
+ goto end1;
/*Preserve last_modification_time from this fetch for later use with restrictions.*/
@@ -783,17 +914,22 @@ mapi_refresh_folder(CamelFolder *folder, CamelException *ex)
camel_folder_summary_touch (folder->summary);
mapi_sync_summary (folder, ex);
- camel_object_trigger_event (folder, "folder_changed", fetch_data->changes);
+ CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_UNLOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
+ is_locked = FALSE;
- camel_folder_change_info_free (fetch_data->changes);
- }
+ /* Downsync deleted items */
+ deleted_items_op_msg = camel_session_thread_msg_new (session, &deleted_items_sync_ops,
+ sizeof (*deleted_items_op_msg));
+ deleted_items_op_msg->folder = folder;
+ deleted_items_op_msg->folder_id = temp_folder_id;
+ camel_object_ref (folder);
+ camel_session_thread_queue (session, &deleted_items_op_msg->msg, 0);
- CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_UNLOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
- is_locked = FALSE;
+ camel_object_trigger_event (folder, "folder_changed", fetch_data->changes);
+ camel_folder_change_info_free (fetch_data->changes);
+ }
- //TODO:
if (is_locked)
CAMEL_SERVICE_REC_UNLOCK (mapi_store, connect_lock);
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