[gnome-icon-theme/one-canvas] remove all source files that have been moved over as plates
- From: Jakub Steiner <jimmac src gnome org>
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: [gnome-icon-theme/one-canvas] remove all source files that have been moved over as plates
- Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 19:15:21 +0000 (UTC)
commit 73d266b87a081b499970448c10bea0d4bb57ec99
Author: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date: Mon Jul 6 19:15:06 2009 +0000
remove all source files that have been moved over as plates
16x16/actions/application-exit.xcf.bz2 | Bin 797 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/appointment-new.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1539 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/bookmark-new.xcf.bz2 | Bin 2140 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/call-start.svg | 367 --
16x16/actions/call-stop.svg | 389 --
16x16/actions/contact-new.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1528 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/document-open-recent.svg | 287 --
16x16/actions/document-print-preview.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1629 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/document-print.svg | 350 --
16x16/actions/document-send.xcf.bz2 | Bin 919 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/edit-clear.svg | 243 --
16x16/actions/edit-copy.xcf.bz2 | Bin 792 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/edit-cut.svg | 203 -
16x16/actions/edit-find-replace.svg | 1441 --------
16x16/actions/edit-find.svg | 1391 -------
16x16/actions/edit-paste.xcf.bz2 | Bin 978 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/edit-redo.xcf.bz2 | Bin 997 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/edit-undo.xcf.bz2 | Bin 952 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/format-indent-less.svg | 341 --
16x16/actions/format-indent-more.svg | 341 --
16x16/actions/format-justify-center.svg | 454 ---
16x16/actions/format-justify-fill.svg | 376 --
16x16/actions/format-justify-left.svg | 355 --
16x16/actions/format-justify-right.svg | 359 --
16x16/actions/format-text-bold.svg | 194 -
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16x16/actions/format-text-direction-rtl.svg | 522 ---
16x16/actions/format-text-italic.svg | 213 --
16x16/actions/format-text-strikethrough.svg | 257 --
16x16/actions/format-text-underline.svg | 250 --
16x16/actions/go-bottom.svg | 109 -
16x16/actions/go-down.svg | 102 -
16x16/actions/go-first.svg | 110 -
16x16/actions/go-home.svg | 114 -
16x16/actions/go-jump.svg | 120 -
16x16/actions/go-last.svg | 110 -
16x16/actions/go-next.svg | 102 -
16x16/actions/go-previous.svg | 102 -
16x16/actions/go-top.svg | 110 -
16x16/actions/go-up.svg | 102 -
16x16/actions/gtk-edit.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1997 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/help-about.svg | 142 -
16x16/actions/help-contents.svg | 331 --
16x16/actions/help-faq.svg | 247 --
16x16/actions/insert-image.svg | 317 --
16x16/actions/insert-link.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1338 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/insert-object.svg | 256 --
16x16/actions/insert-text.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1056 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/list-add.svg | 102 -
16x16/actions/list-remove.svg | 102 -
16x16/actions/mail-forward.svg | 321 --
16x16/actions/mail-forward.xcf.bz2 | Bin 758 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/mail-mark-important.svg | 3893 --------------------
16x16/actions/mail-mark-junk.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1206 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/mail-mark-notjunk.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1820 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/mail-mark-read.svg | 659 ----
16x16/actions/mail-mark-unread.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1505 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/mail-message-new.svg | 838 -----
16x16/actions/mail-reply-all.svg | 525 ---
16x16/actions/mail-reply-sender.svg | 320 --
16x16/actions/mail-send-receive.svg | 461 ---
16x16/actions/mail-send.svg | 217 --
16x16/actions/media-eject.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1000 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/media-playback-pause.svg | 212 --
16x16/actions/media-playback-start.svg | 196 -
16x16/actions/media-playback-stop.svg | 215 --
16x16/actions/media-record.svg | 260 --
16x16/actions/media-seek-backward.svg | 223 --
16x16/actions/media-seek-forward.svg | 220 --
16x16/actions/media-skip-backward.svg | 250 --
16x16/actions/media-skip-forward.svg | 245 --
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16x16/actions/object-flip-vertical.svg | 827 -----
16x16/actions/object-rotate-left.svg | 851 -----
16x16/actions/object-rotate-right.svg | 853 -----
16x16/actions/system-lock-screen.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1997 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/system-log-out.svg | 166 -
16x16/actions/system-run.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1032 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/system-search.svg | 466 ---
16x16/actions/system-shutdown.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1015 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/tab-new.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1867 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/tools-check-spelling.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1134 -> 0 bytes
16x16/actions/view-fullscreen.svg | 185 -
16x16/actions/view-refresh.svg | 307 --
16x16/actions/view-restore.svg | 213 --
16x16/actions/view-sort-ascending.svg | 368 --
16x16/actions/view-sort-descending.svg | 325 --
16x16/actions/window-close.svg | 172 -
16x16/actions/window-new.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1497 -> 0 bytes
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16x16/actions/zoom-in.svg | 250 --
16x16/actions/zoom-original.svg | 244 --
16x16/actions/zoom-out.svg | 246 --
16x16/apps/accessories-calculator.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1008 -> 0 bytes
16x16/apps/accessories-character-map.svg | 204 -
16x16/apps/accessories-dictionary.svg | 267 --
16x16/apps/applets-screenshooter.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1115 -> 0 bytes
16x16/apps/help-browser.svg | 306 --
16x16/apps/im-nov.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1294 -> 0 bytes
16x16/apps/im.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1243 -> 0 bytes
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16x16/apps/multimedia-volume-control.xcf.bz2 | Bin 968 -> 0 bytes
16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-font.svg | 155 -
.../preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts.svg | 380 --
16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-keyboard.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1476 -> 0 bytes
16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-locale.svg | 273 --
.../preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1916 -> 0 bytes
16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-screensaver.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1668 -> 0 bytes
16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-theme.svg | 202 -
16x16/apps/preferences-system-windows.xcf.bz2 | Bin 777 -> 0 bytes
16x16/apps/system-file-manager.svg | 217 --
16x16/apps/system-software-update.svg | 545 ---
16x16/apps/system-users.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1129 -> 0 bytes
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16x16/apps/utilities-terminal.svg | 360 --
16x16/apps/web-browser.svg | 853 -----
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16x16/categories/applications-engineering.svg | 347 --
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16x16/categories/applications-science.svg | 429 ---
16x16/categories/applications-system.svg | 180 -
16x16/categories/applications-utilities.svg | 311 --
.../preferences-desktop-peripherals.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1479 -> 0 bytes
.../preferences-desktop-personal.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1527 -> 0 bytes
16x16/categories/preferences-desktop.svg | 318 --
16x16/categories/preferences-other.svg | 715 ----
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16x16/devices/camera-web.svg | 523 ---
16x16/devices/input-gaming.svg | 292 --
16x16/devices/input-mouse.svg | 261 --
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16x16/emblems/emblem-symbolic-link.svg | 172 -
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16x16/emotes/face-smile.svg | 321 --
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16x16/places/network-workgroup.svg | 244 --
16x16/places/start-here.svg | 286 --
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16x16/status/appointment-soon.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1328 -> 0 bytes
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16x16/status/audio-volume-low.svg | 518 ---
16x16/status/audio-volume-medium.svg | 533 ---
16x16/status/audio-volume-muted.svg | 548 ---
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16x16/status/dialog-information.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1052 -> 0 bytes
16x16/status/dialog-password.svg | 237 --
16x16/status/dialog-question.svg | 299 --
16x16/status/mail-attachment.svg | 136 -
16x16/status/mail-read.svg | 413 ---
16x16/status/mail-replied.svg | 473 ---
16x16/status/mail-signed-verified.svg | 460 ---
16x16/status/mail-signed.svg | 272 --
16x16/status/mail-unread.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1517 -> 0 bytes
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16x16/status/media-playlist-shuffle.svg | 379 --
16x16/status/network-error.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1333 -> 0 bytes
16x16/status/network-idle.svg | 317 --
16x16/status/network-offline.xcf.bz2 | Bin 989 -> 0 bytes
16x16/status/network-receive.svg | 329 --
16x16/status/network-transmit-receive.svg | 244 --
16x16/status/network-transmit.svg | 329 --
16x16/status/network-wireless-encrypted.svg | 366 --
16x16/status/printer-error.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1346 -> 0 bytes
16x16/status/printer-printing.svg | 308 --
16x16/status/security-high.svg | 263 --
16x16/status/security-low.svg | 259 --
16x16/status/security-medium.svg | 235 --
16x16/status/software-update-urgent.svg | 798 ----
16x16/status/task-due.svg | 312 --
16x16/status/task-past-due.svg | 278 --
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16x16/status/weather-few-clouds.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1631 -> 0 bytes
16x16/status/weather-overcast.svg | 247 --
16x16/status/weather-severe-alert.svg | 297 --
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16x16/status/weather-showers.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1671 -> 0 bytes
16x16/status/weather-snow.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1151 -> 0 bytes
16x16/status/weather-storm.svg | 346 --
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22x22/actions/bookmark-new.xcf.bz2 | Bin 2761 -> 0 bytes
22x22/actions/call-start.svg | 502 ---
22x22/actions/call-stop.svg | 484 ---
22x22/actions/contact-new.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1572 -> 0 bytes
22x22/actions/document-open-recent.svg | 318 --
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22x22/actions/document-send.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1320 -> 0 bytes
22x22/actions/edit-clear.svg | 387 --
22x22/actions/edit-copy.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1226 -> 0 bytes
22x22/actions/edit-cut.svg | 277 --
22x22/actions/edit-find-replace.svg | 1512 --------
22x22/actions/edit-find.svg | 1454 --------
22x22/actions/edit-paste.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1765 -> 0 bytes
22x22/actions/edit-redo.svg | 185 -
22x22/actions/edit-undo.svg | 186 -
22x22/actions/format-indent-less.svg | 272 --
22x22/actions/format-indent-more.svg | 272 --
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22x22/actions/format-justify-right.svg | 375 --
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22x22/actions/format-text-direction-rtl.svg | 712 ----
22x22/actions/format-text-italic.svg | 302 --
22x22/actions/format-text-strikethrough.svg | 279 --
22x22/actions/format-text-underline.svg | 272 --
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22x22/actions/go-first.svg | 143 -
22x22/actions/go-home.svg | 210 --
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22x22/actions/go-last.svg | 143 -
22x22/actions/go-next.svg | 135 -
22x22/actions/go-previous.svg | 135 -
22x22/actions/go-top.svg | 142 -
22x22/actions/go-up.svg | 135 -
22x22/actions/gtk-edit.xcf.bz2 | Bin 2067 -> 0 bytes
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22x22/actions/help-contents.svg | 377 --
22x22/actions/help-faq.svg | 314 --
22x22/actions/insert-image.svg | 341 --
22x22/actions/insert-link.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1592 -> 0 bytes
22x22/actions/insert-object.svg | 284 --
22x22/actions/insert-text.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1306 -> 0 bytes
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22x22/actions/list-remove.svg | 102 -
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22x22/actions/mail-mark-important.svg | 633 ----
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22x22/actions/mail-mark-notjunk.xcf.bz2 | Bin 2543 -> 0 bytes
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22x22/actions/mail-mark-unread.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1766 -> 0 bytes
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22x22/actions/mail-message-new.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1853 -> 0 bytes
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22x22/actions/mail-reply-sender.svg | 810 ----
22x22/actions/mail-send-receive.svg | 953 -----
22x22/actions/mail-send.svg | 319 --
22x22/actions/media-eject.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1943 -> 0 bytes
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22x22/actions/media-playback-start.svg | 199 -
22x22/actions/media-playback-stop.svg | 215 --
22x22/actions/media-record.svg | 251 --
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22x22/actions/media-seek-forward.svg | 226 --
22x22/actions/media-skip-backward.svg | 250 --
22x22/actions/media-skip-forward.svg | 248 --
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22x22/actions/object-flip-vertical.svg | 1093 ------
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22x22/actions/object-rotate-right.svg | 756 ----
22x22/actions/process-stop.svg | 198 -
22x22/actions/system-lock-screen.xcf.bz2 | Bin 2770 -> 0 bytes
22x22/actions/system-log-out.svg | 208 --
22x22/actions/system-run.xcf.bz2 | Bin 2084 -> 0 bytes
22x22/actions/system-search.svg | 1589 --------
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22x22/actions/tools-check-spelling.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1911 -> 0 bytes
22x22/actions/view-fullscreen.svg | 266 --
22x22/actions/view-refresh.svg | 311 --
22x22/actions/view-restore.svg | 294 --
22x22/actions/view-sort-ascending.svg | 324 --
22x22/actions/view-sort-descending.svg | 320 --
22x22/actions/window-close.svg | 221 --
22x22/actions/window-new.xcf.bz2 | Bin 2156 -> 0 bytes
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22x22/actions/zoom-in.svg | 317 --
22x22/actions/zoom-original.svg | 285 --
22x22/actions/zoom-out.svg | 294 --
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22x22/apps/accessories-character-map.svg | 226 --
22x22/apps/accessories-dictionary.svg | 258 --
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22x22/apps/help-browser.svg | 447 ---
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22x22/apps/im-yahoo.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1804 -> 0 bytes
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22x22/apps/multimedia-volume-control.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1561 -> 0 bytes
22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-font.svg | 243 --
.../preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts.svg | 380 --
22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-keyboard.xcf.bz2 | Bin 2179 -> 0 bytes
22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-locale.svg | 334 --
.../preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.xcf.bz2 | Bin 2654 -> 0 bytes
22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-theme.svg | 272 --
22x22/apps/preferences-system-windows.xcf.bz2 | Bin 917 -> 0 bytes
22x22/apps/system-file-manager.svg | 299 --
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22x22/categories/applications-system.svg | 659 ----
22x22/categories/applications-utilities.svg | 413 ---
.../preferences-desktop-peripherals.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1566 -> 0 bytes
.../preferences-desktop-personal.xcf.bz2 | Bin 2000 -> 0 bytes
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22x22/categories/preferences-other.svg | 909 -----
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22x22/categories/system-help.svg | 479 ---
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22x22/devices/audio-input-microphone.xcf.bz2 | Bin 1466 -> 0 bytes
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22x22/devices/camera-web.svg | 605 ---
22x22/devices/input-gaming.svg | 679 ----
22x22/devices/input-mouse.svg | 318 --
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22x22/devices/network-wired.svg | 390 --
22x22/devices/network-wireless.svg | 294 --
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22x22/devices/printer.svg | 613 ---
22x22/devices/scanner.svg | 315 --
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22x22/emblems/emblem-readonly.svg | 251 --
22x22/emblems/emblem-shared.svg | 517 ---
22x22/emblems/emblem-symbolic-link.svg | 267 --
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722 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 252111 deletions(-)
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