[gnome-control-center] Updated Hebrew translation

commit 0cd435ee222d6fa0804f83cb29e5dfdffba793b8
Author: Mark Krapivner <mark125 gmail com>
Date:   Fri Aug 14 12:22:32 2009 +0300

    Updated Hebrew translation

 po/he.po | 2159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
 1 files changed, 1045 insertions(+), 1114 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/he.po b/po/he.po
index dd79941..c89218d 100644
--- a/po/he.po
+++ b/po/he.po
@@ -13,11 +13,10 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gnome-control-center.HEAD.he\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-19 14:44+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-17 17:17+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Yaron Shahrabani <sh yaron gmail com>\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-control-center&component=general\n";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-08 13:57+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-14 11:29+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mark Krapivner <mark125 gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Hebrew <he li org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -178,25 +177,25 @@ msgstr "×?×?צ×?×¢ ש×?×? ×?×? ר×?×?×?×?, נס×? ×?×?×¢×?×?ר ×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢ 
 msgid "Remove your finger, and try swiping your finger again"
 msgstr "×?ר×?ק ×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢ ש×?×? ×?נס×? ×?×?×¢×?×?ר ×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢ ש×?×? ש×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:776
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:756
 msgid "Select Image"
 msgstr "×?×?ר ת×?×?× ×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:778
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:758
 msgid "No Image"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ת×?×?× ×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:806
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:786
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-desktop.c:661
 msgid "Images"
 msgstr "ת×?×?× ×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:810
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:790
 #: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:695
 msgid "All Files"
 msgstr "×?×? ×?ק×?צ×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:956
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:933
 msgid ""
 "There was an error while trying to get the addressbook information\n"
 "Evolution Data Server can't handle the protocol"
@@ -204,416 +203,382 @@ msgstr ""
 "×?תר×?ש×? ש×?×?×?×? ×?עת ×?× ×?ס×?×?×? ×?×?שת ×?×?×?×?×¢ ספר ×?×?ת×?×?×?ת. \n"
 "שרת ×?×?×?×?×¢ ש×? Evolution ×?×?× ×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?שת ×?פר×?×?×?ק×?×?."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:977
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:954
 msgid "Unable to open address book"
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?פת×?×? פנקס ×?ת×?×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:991
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:968
 msgid "Unknown login ID, the user database might be corrupted"
 msgstr "פר×?×? ×?×?×?ש×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢×?×?, ×?×?ת×?×? ש×?×?×?ר ×?×?שת×?ש×?×? ש×?×?ר."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:1021
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:1023
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:998
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:1000
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?ת %s"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:1041
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:26
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:1018
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:16
 msgid "Enable _Fingerprint Login..."
 msgstr "×?פע×? ×?ת×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?×?עת _×?צ×?×¢..."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:1044
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:25
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.c:1021
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:14
 msgid "Disable _Fingerprint Login..."
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?ת×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?×?עת _×?צ×?×¢..."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.desktop.in.in.h:1
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:12
-msgid "About Me"
-msgstr "×?×?×?×?ת עצ×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.desktop.in.in.h:2
-msgid "Set your personal information"
-msgstr "ער×?×? ×?ת ×?×?×?×?×¢ ×?×?×?ש×? ש×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:99
-msgid ""
-"You are not allowed to access the device. Contact your system administrator."
-msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?רש×? ×?×?שת ×?×?תק×?. צ×?ר קשר ×¢×? ×?× ×?×? ×?×?ער×?ת ש×?×?."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:101
-msgid "The device is already in use."
-msgstr "×?×?תק×? ×?×?ר × ×?צ×? ×?ש×?×?×?ש."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:103
-msgid "An internal error occured"
-msgstr "×?רע×? ש×?×?×?×? פנ×?×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:220
-msgid "Delete registered fingerprints?"
-msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ק ×?ת ×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢ ×?רש×?×?×?ת?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:223
-msgid "_Delete Fingerprints"
-msgstr "_×?×?ק ×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?צ×?×¢"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:230
-msgid ""
-"Do you want to delete your registered fingerprints so fingerprint login is "
-msgstr ""
-"×?×?×? ×?רצ×?× ×? ×?×?×?×?ק ×?ת ×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢×?ת ×?רש×?×?×?ת ש×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?ת ×?×?ת×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?צע×?ת "
-"×?×?×?עת ×?צ×?×¢?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:345
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:601
-msgid "Done!"
-msgstr "×?×?צע!"
-#. translators:
-#. * The variable is the name of the device, for example:
-#. * "Could you not access "Digital Persona U.are.U 4000/4000B" device
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:391
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:413
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not access '%s' device"
-msgstr "×?×?×? ×?פשר×?ת ×?×?שת ×?×? ×?תק×? '%s'"
-#. translators:
-#. * The variable is the name of the device, for example:
-#. * "Could you not access "Digital Persona U.are.U 4000/4000B" device
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:462
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not start finger capture on '%s' device"
-msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?פע×?×? ×?ת ×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢ ×¢×? ×?×?תק×? '%s'"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:509
-msgid "Could not access any fingerprint readers"
-msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?שת ×?ק×?ר×?×? ×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:510
-msgid "Please contact your system administrator for help."
-msgstr "×?× ×? צ×?ר קשר ×¢×? ×?× ×?×? ×?×?ער×?ת ש×?×? ×?ק×?×?ת ×¢×?ר×?."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:536
-msgid "Enable Fingerprint Login"
-msgstr "×?פע×? ×?ת×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?×?עת ×?צ×?×¢"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:552
-msgid "Select finger"
-msgstr "×?×?ר ×?צ×?×¢"
-#. translators:
-#. * The variable is the name of the device, for example:
-#. * "To enable fingerprint login, you need to save one of your fingerprints, using the
-#. * 'Digital Persona U.are.U 4000/4000B' device."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:573
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"To enable fingerprint login, you need to save one of your fingerprints, "
-"using the '%s' device."
-msgstr ""
-"×?×?×? ×?×?פשר ×?ת×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?×?עת ×?צ×?×¢, ×¢×?×?×? ×?ש×?×?ר ×?ת ×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢×?ת ש×?×?, "
-"×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?תק×? '%s'."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:586
-msgid "Swipe finger on reader"
-msgstr "×?×¢×?ר ×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢ ×¢×? ×?ק×?ר×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:588
-msgid "Place finger on reader"
-msgstr "×?× ×? ×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢ ×¢×? ×?ק×?ר×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.glade.h:1
-msgid "Left index finger"
-msgstr "×?צ×?×¢ ש×?×?×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.glade.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Left thumb\n"
-"Left middle finger\n"
-"Left ring finger\n"
-"Left little finger\n"
-"Right thumb\n"
-"Right middle finger\n"
-"Right ring finger\n"
-"Right little finger"
-msgstr ""
-"×?×?×?×?×? ש×?×?×?×?ת\n"
-"×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?צע×?ת ש×?×?×?×?ת\n"
-"ק×?×?צ×? ש×?×?×?×?ת\n"
-"×?רת ש×?×?×?×?ת\n"
-"×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?× ×?ת\n"
-"×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?× ×?ת\n"
-"ק×?×?צ×? ×?×?× ×?ת\n"
-"×?רת ×?×?× ×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.glade.h:10
-msgid "Other finger: "
-msgstr "×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?רת: "
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.glade.h:11
-msgid "Right index finger"
-msgstr "×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?× ×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.glade.h:12
-msgid ""
-"Your fingerprint was successfully saved. You should now be able to log in "
-"using your fingerprint reader."
-msgstr ""
-"×?×?×?עת ×?×?צ×?×¢ ש×?×? נש×?ר×? ×?×?צ×?×?×?. ×?עת ×?×?ת×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?צע×?ת ק×?ר×? ×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢×?ת ש×?×? "
-"×?×?×?ר×? ×?×?×?×?ת ×?פשר×?ת."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Email</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?×?\"×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:2
-msgid "<b>Home</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?ת</b>"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:3
-msgid "<b>Instant Messaging</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:4
-msgid "<b>Job</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×¢×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:5
-msgid "<b>Telephone</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?פ×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:6
-msgid "<b>Web</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?תר ×?×?× ×?רנ×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:7
-msgid "<b>Work</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×¢×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:8
-msgid "<span size=\"larger\" weight=\"bold\">Change your password</span>"
-msgstr "<span size=\"larger\" weight=\"bold\">×?×?×?×£ ס×?ס×?×?</span>"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:9
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:1
 msgid "A_IM/iChat:"
 msgstr "A_IM/iChat:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:10
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:2
 msgid "A_ddress:"
 msgstr "_×?ת×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:11
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:3
 msgid "A_ssistant:"
 msgstr "_×¢×?×?ר:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:13
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:4
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.desktop.in.in.h:1
+msgid "About Me"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?ת עצ×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:5
 msgid "Address"
 msgstr "×?ת×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:14
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:6
 msgid "C_ity:"
 msgstr "_×¢×?ר:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:15
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:7
 msgid "C_ompany:"
 msgstr "_×?×?ר×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:16
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:8
 msgid "Cale_ndar:"
 msgstr "_×?×?×? שנ×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:17
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:9
 msgid "Change Passwo_rd..."
 msgstr "שנ×? _ס×?ס×?×?..."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:18
-msgid "Change pa_ssword"
-msgstr "×?×?×?×£ _ס×?ס×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:19
-msgid "Change password"
-msgstr "×?×?×?×£ ס×?ס×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:20
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:10
 msgid "Ci_ty:"
 msgstr "_×¢×?ר:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:21
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:11
 msgid "Co_untry:"
 msgstr "×?×?×?× ×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:22
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:12
 msgid "Contact"
 msgstr "קשר"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:23
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:13
 msgid "Cou_ntry:"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?× ×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:24
-msgid "Current _password:"
-msgstr "ס×?ס×?×? _× ×?×?×?×?ת:"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:15
+#| msgid "Small"
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "×?×?×?ר ×?×?ק×?ר×?× ×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:27
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:17
 msgid "Full Name"
 msgstr "ש×? ×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:28
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:18
 msgid "Hom_e:"
 msgstr "_×?×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:29
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:19
+#: ../libslab/bookmark-agent.c:1135
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "×?×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:20
 msgid "IC_Q:"
 msgstr "IC_Q:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:30
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:21
+#| msgid "<b>Instant Messaging</b>"
+msgid "Instant Messaging"
+msgstr "×?סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Job"
+msgstr "×¢×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:23
 msgid "M_SN:"
 msgstr "M_SN:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:31
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:24
 msgid "P.O. _box:"
 msgstr "_ת×? ×?×?×?ר"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:32
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:25
 msgid "P._O. box:"
 msgstr "ת_×? ×?×?×?ר"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:33
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:26
 msgid "Personal Info"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×¢ ×?×?ש×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:34
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:938
-msgid ""
-"Please type your password again in the <b>Retype new password</b> field."
-msgstr "×?× ×? ×?×?נס ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? שנ×?ת ×?ש×?×? <b>×?×?נס ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? שנ×?ת</b>."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:35
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:27
 msgid "Select your photo"
 msgstr "×?×?ר ×?ת ת×?×?נת×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:36
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:28
 msgid "State/Pro_vince:"
 msgstr "×?×?×?× ×?/×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:37
-msgid ""
-"To change your password, enter your current password in the field below and "
-"click <b>Authenticate</b>.\n"
-"After you have authenticated, enter your new password, retype it for "
-"verification and click <b>Change password</b>."
-msgstr ""
-"×?×?×? ×?שנ×?ת ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? ש×?×?, ×?×?נס ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?ש×?×? ×?ת×?ת ×?×?×?×¥ ×¢×? <b>×?×?ת</"
-"×?×?×?ר ×?×?×?×?×?ת, ×?×?נס ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?×?×?ש×? ש×?×?, ×?×?נס ×?×?ת×? ש×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×¥ ×¢×? <b>שנ×? "
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:29
+#| msgid "<b>Telephone</b>"
+msgid "Telephone"
+msgstr "×?×?פ×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:39
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:30
 msgid "User name:"
 msgstr "_ש×? ×?שת×?ש:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:40
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:31
+msgid "Web"
+msgstr "רשת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:32
 msgid "Web _log:"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:41
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:33
 msgid "Wor_k:"
 msgstr "_×¢×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:42
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:34
+#| msgid "Wor_k:"
+msgid "Work"
+msgstr "×¢×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:35
 msgid "Work _fax:"
 msgstr "_פקס ×?×¢×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:43
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:36
 msgid "Zip/_Postal code:"
 msgstr "â??×?×?_ק×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:44
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:37
 msgid "_Address:"
 msgstr "_×?ת×?×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:45
-msgid "_Authenticate"
-msgstr "×?_×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:46
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:38
 msgid "_Department:"
 msgstr "×?×?_×?ק×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:47
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:39
 msgid "_Groupwise:"
 msgstr "_Groupwise:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:48
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:40
 msgid "_Home page:"
 msgstr "_×?×£ ×?×?×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:49
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:41
 msgid "_Home:"
 msgstr "_×?×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:50
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:42
 msgid "_Jabber:"
 msgstr "_Jabber:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:51
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:43
 msgid "_Manager:"
 msgstr "×?× _×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:52
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:44
 msgid "_Mobile:"
 msgstr "_× ×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:53
-msgid "_New password:"
-msgstr "ס×?ס×?×? _×?×?ש×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:54
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:45
 msgid "_Profession:"
 msgstr "_×?קצ×?×¢:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:55
-msgid "_Retype new password:"
-msgstr "×?ק×?×? ש×?×? ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:56
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:46
 msgid "_State/Province:"
 msgstr "×?_×?×?× ×?/×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:57
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:47
 msgid "_Title:"
 msgstr "_ת×?×?ר:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:58
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:48
 msgid "_Work:"
 msgstr "×¢×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:59
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:49
 msgid "_Yahoo:"
 msgstr "_Yahoo:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.glade.h:60
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-dialog.ui.h:50
 msgid "_Zip/Postal code:"
 msgstr "×?×?ק×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:162
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me.desktop.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Set your personal information"
+msgstr "ער×?×? ×?ת ×?×?×?×?×¢ ×?×?×?ש×? ש×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:97
+msgid "You are not allowed to access the device. Contact your system administrator."
+msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?רש×? ×?×?שת ×?×?תק×?. צ×?ר קשר ×¢×? ×?× ×?×? ×?×?ער×?ת ש×?×?."
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:99
+msgid "The device is already in use."
+msgstr "×?×?תק×? ×?×?ר × ×?צ×? ×?ש×?×?×?ש."
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:101
+msgid "An internal error occured"
+msgstr "×?רע×? ש×?×?×?×? פנ×?×?×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:218
+msgid "Delete registered fingerprints?"
+msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ק ×?ת ×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢ ×?רש×?×?×?ת?"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:221
+msgid "_Delete Fingerprints"
+msgstr "_×?×?ק ×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?צ×?×¢"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:228
+msgid "Do you want to delete your registered fingerprints so fingerprint login is disabled?"
+msgstr "×?×?×? ×?רצ×?× ×? ×?×?×?×?ק ×?ת ×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢×?ת ×?רש×?×?×?ת ש×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?ת ×?×?ת×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?×?עת ×?צ×?×¢?"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:342
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:1
+msgid "Done!"
+msgstr "×?×?צע!"
+#. translators:
+#. * The variable is the name of the device, for example:
+#. * "Could you not access "Digital Persona U.are.U 4000/4000B" device
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:388
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:410
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not access '%s' device"
+msgstr "×?×?×? ×?פשר×?ת ×?×?שת ×?×? ×?תק×? '%s'"
+#. translators:
+#. * The variable is the name of the device, for example:
+#. * "Could you not access "Digital Persona U.are.U 4000/4000B" device
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:459
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not start finger capture on '%s' device"
+msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?פע×?×? ×?ת ×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢ ×¢×? ×?×?תק×? '%s'"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:506
+msgid "Could not access any fingerprint readers"
+msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?שת ×?ק×?ר×?×? ×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:507
+msgid "Please contact your system administrator for help."
+msgstr "×?× ×? צ×?ר קשר ×¢×? ×?× ×?×? ×?×?ער×?ת ש×?×? ×?ק×?×?ת ×¢×?ר×?."
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:537
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:2
+msgid "Enable Fingerprint Login"
+msgstr "×?פע×? ×?ת×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?×?עת ×?צ×?×¢"
+#. translators:
+#. * The variable is the name of the device, for example:
+#. * "To enable fingerprint login, you need to save one of your fingerprints, using the
+#. * 'Digital Persona U.are.U 4000/4000B' device."
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:567
+#, c-format
+msgid "To enable fingerprint login, you need to save one of your fingerprints, using the '%s' device."
+msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?פשר ×?ת×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?×?עת ×?צ×?×¢, ×¢×?×?×? ×?ש×?×?ר ×?ת ×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢×?ת ש×?×?, ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?תק×? '%s'."
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:576
+msgid "Swipe finger on reader"
+msgstr "×?×¢×?ר ×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢ ×¢×? ×?ק×?ר×?"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.c:578
+msgid "Place finger on reader"
+msgstr "×?× ×? ×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢ ×¢×? ×?ק×?ר×?"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:3
+msgid "Left index finger"
+msgstr "×?צ×?×¢ ש×?×?×?×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:4
+#| msgid "Left index finger"
+msgid "Left little finger"
+msgstr "×?רת ש×?×?×?×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:5
+#| msgid "Left index finger"
+msgid "Left middle finger"
+msgstr "×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?ש×?×?×?×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:6
+#| msgid "Left index finger"
+msgid "Left ring finger"
+msgstr "ק×?×?צ×? ש×?×?×?×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:7
+msgid "Left thumb"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ש×?×?×?×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:8
+msgid "Other finger: "
+msgstr "×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?רת: "
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:9
+msgid "Right index finger"
+msgstr "×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?× ×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:10
+#| msgid "Right index finger"
+msgid "Right little finger"
+msgstr "×?רת ×?×?× ×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:11
+#| msgid "Right index finger"
+msgid "Right middle finger"
+msgstr "×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?×?× ×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:12
+#| msgid "Right index finger"
+msgid "Right ring finger"
+msgstr "ק×?×?צ×? ×?×?× ×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:13
+#| msgid "Right"
+msgid "Right thumb"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?× ×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:14
+msgid "Select finger"
+msgstr "×?×?ר ×?צ×?×¢"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:15
+msgid "Your fingerprint was successfully saved. You should now be able to log in using your fingerprint reader."
+msgstr "×?×?×?עת ×?×?צ×?×¢ ש×?×? נש×?ר×? ×?×?צ×?×?×?. ×?עת ×?×?ת×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?צע×?ת ק×?ר×? ×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?צ×?×¢×?ת ש×?×? ×?×?×?ר×? ×?×?×?×?ת ×?פשר×?ת."
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:161
 msgid "Child exited unexpectedly"
 msgstr "Child exited unexpectedly"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:297
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:296
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not shutdown backend_stdin IO channel: %s"
 msgstr "Could not shutdown backend_stdin IO channel: %s"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:310
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:309
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not shutdown backend_stdout IO channel: %s"
 msgstr "Could not shutdown backend_stdout IO channel: %s"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:409
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:408
 msgid "Authenticated!"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?ת!"
@@ -623,121 +588,161 @@ msgstr "×?×?×?×?ת!"
 #. Update status message and auth state
 #. Authentication failure
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:475
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:551
-msgid ""
-"Your password has been changed since you initially authenticated! Please re-"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:474
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:550
+msgid "Your password has been changed since you initially authenticated! Please re-authenticate."
 msgstr "×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?שתנת×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?ר×?ש×?× ×?! ×?× ×? ×?×?ת ש×?×?."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:477
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:476
 msgid "That password was incorrect."
 msgstr "×?ס×?ס×?×? ש×?×?×?×?."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:524
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:523
 msgid "Your password has been changed."
 msgstr "×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?×?×?×?פ×?."
 #. What does this indicate?
 #. * "Authentication information cannot be recovered?" from libpam?
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:534
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:533
 #, c-format
 msgid "System error: %s."
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?ת ×?ער×?ת: %s."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:537
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:536
 msgid "The password is too short."
 msgstr "×?ס×?ס×?×? קצר×? ×?×?×?."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:540
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:539
 msgid "The password is too simple."
 msgstr "×?ס×?ס×?×? פש×?×?×? ×?×?×?."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:543
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:542
 msgid "The old and new passwords are too similar."
 msgstr "×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?×?שנ×? ×?×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?×?×?ש×? ×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:545
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:544
 msgid "The new password must contain numeric or special character(s)."
 msgstr "×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?×?×?ש×? ×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?×? ת×?×?×? ×?ספר×?×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?×?."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:548
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:547
 msgid "The old and new passwords are the same."
 msgstr "×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?×?שנ×? ×?×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?×?×?ש×? ×?×?×?ת."
 #. translators: Unable to launch <program>: <error message>
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:820
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:818
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to launch %s: %s"
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?ר×?×¥ %s: %s"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:824
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:822
 msgid "Unable to launch backend"
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?ר×?×¥ תשת×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:825
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:823
 msgid "A system error has occurred"
 msgstr "×?רע×? ש×?×?×?ת ×?ער×?ת"
 #. Update status message
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:845
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:843
 msgid "Checking password..."
 msgstr "×?×?×?ק ס×?ס×?×?..."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:932
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:930
 msgid "Click <b>Change password</b> to change your password."
 msgstr "×?ק×?ק <b>×?×?×?×£ ס×?ס×?×?</b> ×?×?×?×?פת ×?ס×?ס×?×? ש×?×?."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:935
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:933
 msgid "Please type your password in the <b>New password</b> field."
 msgstr "×?× ×? ×?×?נס ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?ש×?×? <b>ס×?ס×?×? ×?×?ש×?</b>."
-#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:941
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:936
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.ui.h:5
+msgid "Please type your password again in the <b>Retype new password</b> field."
+msgstr "×?× ×? ×?×?נס ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? שנ×?ת ×?ש×?×? <b>×?×?נס ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? שנ×?ת</b>."
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.c:939
 msgid "The two passwords are not equal."
 msgstr "שנ×? ×?ס×?ס×?×?×?ת ×?×?× ×? ×?×?×?ת."
-#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:1
-msgid "<b>Assistive Technologies</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?× ×?×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?ס×?×?×¢×?ת</b>"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.ui.h:1
+msgid "Change pa_ssword"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×£ _ס×?ס×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:2
-msgid "<b>Preferences</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×¢×?פ×?ת</b>"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.ui.h:2
+msgid "Change password"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×£ ס×?ס×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:3
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.ui.h:3
+#| msgid "Change password"
+msgid "Change your password"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×£ ס×?ס×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.ui.h:4
+msgid "Current _password:"
+msgstr "ס×?ס×?×? _× ×?×?×?×?ת:"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.ui.h:6
+msgid ""
+"To change your password, enter your current password in the field below and click <b>Authenticate</b>.\n"
+"After you have authenticated, enter your new password, retype it for verification and click <b>Change password</b>."
+msgstr ""
+"×?×?×? ×?שנ×?ת ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? ש×?×?, ×?×?נס ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?ש×?×? ×?ת×?ת ×?×?×?×¥ ×¢×? <b>×?×?ת</b>.\n"
+"×?×?×?ר ×?×?×?×?×?ת, ×?×?נס ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?×?×?ש×? ש×?×?, ×?×?נס ×?×?ת×? ש×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×¥ ×¢×? <b>שנ×? ס×?ס×?×?</b>."
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.ui.h:8
+msgid "_Authenticate"
+msgstr "×?_×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.ui.h:9
+msgid "_New password:"
+msgstr "ס×?ס×?×? _×?×?ש×?:"
+#: ../capplets/about-me/gnome-about-me-password.ui.h:10
+msgid "_Retype new password:"
+msgstr "×?ק×?×? ש×?×? ×?ת ×?ס×?ס×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?:"
+#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:1
 msgid "Accessible Lo_gin"
 msgstr "×?ת×?×?ר×?ת _× ×?×?ש×?"
-#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:4
+#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:2
+#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-properties.desktop.in.in.h:1
+msgid "Assistive Technologies"
+msgstr "×?×?× ×?×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?ס×?×?×¢×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:3
 msgid "Assistive Technologies Preferences"
 msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?×?× ×?×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?ס×?×?×¢×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Changes to enable assistive technologies will not take effect until your "
-"next log in."
+#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Changes to enable assistive technologies will not take effect until your next log in."
 msgstr "ש×?× ×?×?×?×? ×?×?פע×?ת ×?×?× ×?×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?ס×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?נס×? ×?ת×?קף רק ×?×?ת×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?×?."
-#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:6
+#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:5
 msgid "Close and _Log Out"
 msgstr "ס×?×?ר ×?×?_תנתק"
-#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:7
+#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:6
 msgid "Jump to Preferred Applications dialog"
 msgstr "×¢×?×?ר ×?ת×?×?ת ×?×?×?־ש×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×¢×?פ×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:8
+#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:7
 msgid "Jump to the Accessible Login dialog"
 msgstr "×¢×?×?ר ×?×? ת×?×?ת ×?×?×?־ש×?×? ×?×?ת×?×?ר×?ת × ×?×?ש×?"
-#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:9
+#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:8
 msgid "Jump to the Keyboard Accessibility dialog"
 msgstr "×¢×?×?ר ×?×?ס×? × ×?×?ש×?ת ×?×?ק×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:10
+#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:9
 msgid "Jump to the Mouse Accessibility dialog"
 msgstr "×¢×?×?ר ×?ת×?×?ת ×?×?×?־ש×?×? ש×? × ×?×?ש×?ת ×?×¢×?×?ר"
+#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:10
+#| msgid "/_Preferences"
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת"
 #: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:11
 msgid "_Enable assistive technologies"
 msgstr "_×?פשר ×?×?× ×?×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?ס×?×?×¢×?ת"
@@ -754,10 +759,6 @@ msgstr "_× ×?×?ש×?ת ×¢×?×?ר"
 msgid "_Preferred Applications"
 msgstr "×?×?ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?×¢_×?פ×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-properties.desktop.in.in.h:1
-msgid "Assistive Technologies"
-msgstr "×?×?× ×?×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?ס×?×?×¢×?ת"
 #: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-properties.desktop.in.in.h:2
 msgid "Choose which accessibility features to enable when you log in"
 msgstr "×?×?ר ×?×?×?×? ת×?×?× ×?ת × ×?×?ש×?ת ×?×?פע×?×? ×?×?ת×?×?ר×?ת"
@@ -776,37 +777,17 @@ msgstr "×?×?×?פ×? ×¢×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?"
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-font.c:498
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The font selected is %d point large, and may make it difficult to "
-"effectively use the computer.  It is recommended that you select a size "
-"smaller than %d."
-msgid_plural ""
-"The font selected is %d points large, and may make it difficult to "
-"effectively use the computer. It is recommended that you select a size "
-"smaller than %d."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"×?×?×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?פ×? ×?× ×?×?ר ×?×?×? נק×?×?×? ×?×?ת, ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×?קש×?ת ×¢×? ש×?×?×?ש ×?×¢×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?. ×?×?×?×?×¥ "
-"×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?ק×?×? ×?Ö¾%d נק×?×?×?ת."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"×?×?×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?פ×? ×?× ×?×?ר ×?×?×? %d נק×?×?×?ת, ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×?קש×?ת ×¢×? ש×?×?×?ש ×?×¢×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?. ×?×?×?×?×¥ "
-"×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?ק×?×? ×?Ö¾%d נק×?×?×?ת."
+msgid "The font selected is %d point large, and may make it difficult to effectively use the computer.  It is recommended that you select a size smaller than %d."
+msgid_plural "The font selected is %d points large, and may make it difficult to effectively use the computer. It is recommended that you select a size smaller than %d."
+msgstr[0] "×?×?×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?פ×? ×?× ×?×?ר ×?×?×? נק×?×?×? ×?×?ת, ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×?קש×?ת ×¢×? ש×?×?×?ש ×?×¢×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?. ×?×?×?×?×¥ ×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?ק×?×? ×?Ö¾%d נק×?×?×?ת."
+msgstr[1] "×?×?×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?פ×? ×?× ×?×?ר ×?×?×? %d נק×?×?×?ת, ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×?קש×?ת ×¢×? ש×?×?×?ש ×?×¢×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?. ×?×?×?×?×¥ ×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?ק×?×? ×?Ö¾%d נק×?×?×?ת."
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-font.c:511
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The font selected is %d point large, and may make it difficult to "
-"effectively use the computer.  It is recommended that you select a smaller "
-"sized font."
-msgid_plural ""
-"The font selected is %d points large, and may make it difficult to "
-"effectively use the computer. It is recommended that you select a smaller "
-"sized font."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"×?×?×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?פ×? ×?× ×?×?ר ×?×?×? נק×?×?×? ×?×?ת, ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×?קש×?ת ×¢×? ש×?×?×?ש ×?×¢×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?. ×?×?×?×?×¥ "
-"×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?×?×? ק×?×? ×?×?תר."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"×?×?×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?פ×? ×?× ×?×?ר ×?×?×? %d נק×?×?×?ת, ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×?קש×?ת ×¢×? ש×?×?×?ש ×?×¢×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?. ×?×?×?×?×¥ "
-"×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?×?×? ק×?×? ×?×?תר."
+msgid "The font selected is %d point large, and may make it difficult to effectively use the computer.  It is recommended that you select a smaller sized font."
+msgid_plural "The font selected is %d points large, and may make it difficult to effectively use the computer. It is recommended that you select a smaller sized font."
+msgstr[0] "×?×?×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?פ×? ×?× ×?×?ר ×?×?×? נק×?×?×? ×?×?ת, ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×?קש×?ת ×¢×? ש×?×?×?ש ×?×¢×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?. ×?×?×?×?×¥ ×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?×?×? ק×?×? ×?×?תר."
+msgstr[1] "×?×?×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?פ×? ×?× ×?×?ר ×?×?×? %d נק×?×?×?ת, ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×?קש×?ת ×¢×? ש×?×?×?ש ×?×¢×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?. ×?×?×?×?×¥ ×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?×?×? ק×?×? ×?×?תר."
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-font.c:534
 msgid "Use previous font"
@@ -832,12 +813,11 @@ msgstr "filename"
 #. TRANSLATORS: don't translate the terms in brackets
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-main.c:142
 msgid "Specify the name of the page to show (theme|background|fonts|interface)"
-msgstr ""
-"Specify the name of the page to show (theme|background|fonts|interface)"
+msgstr "Specify the name of the page to show (theme|background|fonts|interface)"
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-main.c:143
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c:909
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.c:564
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c:907
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.c:567
 msgid "page"
 msgstr "page"
@@ -859,9 +839,7 @@ msgstr "×?תק×?"
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-style.c:255
 #: ../capplets/common/gnome-theme-info.c:1646
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine "
-"'%s' is not installed."
+msgid "This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine '%s' is not installed."
 msgstr "ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ×?×? תר×?×? ×?×?צ×?פ×? ×?×?×?×? ש×?× ×?×¢ ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ש×? GTK+ '%s' ×?×? ×?×?תק×?."
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:673
@@ -877,32 +855,20 @@ msgid "Revert Font"
 msgstr "ש×?×?ר ×?×?פ×?"
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:711
-msgid ""
-"The current theme suggests a background and a font. Also, the last applied "
-"font suggestion can be reverted."
-msgstr ""
-"ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?צ×?×¢×? רקע ×?×?×?פ×?. ×?×?×?×?×?, ש×?צעת ×?×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?ר×?× ×? ש×?×?פע×?×? × ×?תנת "
+msgid "The current theme suggests a background and a font. Also, the last applied font suggestion can be reverted."
+msgstr "ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?צ×?×¢×? רקע ×?×?×?פ×?. ×?×?×?×?×?, ש×?צעת ×?×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?ר×?× ×? ש×?×?פע×?×? × ×?תנת ×?×?×?×?×?×?."
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:713
-msgid ""
-"The current theme suggests a background. Also, the last applied font "
-"suggestion can be reverted."
-msgstr ""
-"ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?צ×?×¢×? רקע. ×?×?×?×?×?, ש×?צעת ×?×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?ר×?× ×? ש×?×?פע×?×? × ×?תנת "
+msgid "The current theme suggests a background. Also, the last applied font suggestion can be reverted."
+msgstr "ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?צ×?×¢×? רקע. ×?×?×?×?×?, ש×?צעת ×?×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?ר×?× ×? ש×?×?פע×?×? × ×?תנת ×?×?×?×?×?×?."
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:715
 msgid "The current theme suggests a background and a font."
 msgstr "ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?צ×?×¢ רקע ×?×?×?פ×?."
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:717
-msgid ""
-"The current theme suggests a font. Also, the last applied font suggestion "
-"can be reverted."
-msgstr ""
-"ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?פ×?. ×?×?×?×?×?, ש×?צעת ×?×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?ר×?× ×? ש×?×?פע×?×? × ×?תנת "
+msgid "The current theme suggests a font. Also, the last applied font suggestion can be reverted."
+msgstr "ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?פ×?. ×?×?×?×?×?, ש×?צעת ×?×?×?פ×? ×?×?×?ר×?× ×? ש×?×?פע×?×? × ×?תנת ×?×?×?×?×?×?."
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:719
 msgid "The current theme suggests a background."
@@ -917,250 +883,260 @@ msgid "The current theme suggests a font."
 msgstr "ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?פ×?."
 #: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:1044
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c:648
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c:646
 msgid "Custom"
 msgstr "×?×?ת×?×? ×?×?ש×?ת"
 #: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:1
-msgid "<b>C_olors</b>"
-msgstr "<b>צ_×?×¢×?×?</b>"
-#. font hinting
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:3
-msgid "<b>Hinting</b>"
-msgstr "â??<b>ר×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:4
-msgid "<b>Menus and Toolbars</b>"
-msgstr "<b>תפר×?×?×?×? ×?סר×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:5
-msgid "<b>Preview</b>"
-msgstr "<b>תצ×?×?×? ×?ק×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:6
-msgid "<b>Rendering</b>"
-msgstr "<b>צ×?×?ר</b>"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:7
-msgid "<b>Smoothing</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?×?ק×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:8
-msgid "<b>Subpixel Order</b>"
-msgstr "â??<b>ס×?ר תת־פ×?קס×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:9
-msgid "<b>_Desktop Background</b>"
-msgstr "<b>רקע _ש×?×?×?×? ×¢×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:10
 msgid "Appearance Preferences"
 msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?ר×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:11
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:2
 msgid "Background"
 msgstr "רקע"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:12
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:3
 msgid "Best _shapes"
 msgstr "×?_צ×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?תר"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:13
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:4
 msgid "Best co_ntrast"
 msgstr "×?_× ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?תר"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:14
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:5
+#| msgid "Colors"
+msgid "C_olors"
+msgstr "צ_×?×¢×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:6
 msgid "C_ustomize..."
 msgstr "_×?×?ת×?×? ×?×?ש×?ת..."
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:15
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:7
 msgid "Centered"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:16
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:8
 msgid "Changing your cursor theme takes effect the next time you log in."
 msgstr "ש×?× ×?×? ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ש×? ×?ס×?×? ×?×?נס ×?ת×?קף ×?×?× ×?ס×? ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:17
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:9
 msgid "Colors"
 msgstr "צ×?×¢×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:18
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:10
 msgid "Controls"
 msgstr "פק×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:19
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:11
 msgid "Customize Theme"
 msgstr "×?ת×?×?×? ×?×?ש×?ת ש×? ער×?ת × ×?ש×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:20
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:12
 msgid "D_etails..."
 msgstr "_פר×?×?×?..."
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:21
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:13
 msgid "Des_ktop font:"
 msgstr "×?×?פ×? ש×?×?_×?×? ×?×¢×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:22
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:14
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "ער×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:23
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:15
 msgid "Fill screen"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ס×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:24
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:16
 msgid "Font Rendering Details"
 msgstr "פר×?×? צ×?×?ר ×?×?פ×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:25
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:17
 msgid "Fonts"
 msgstr "×?×?פנ×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:26
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:18
 msgid "Gra_yscale"
 msgstr "×?×?×?× ×? _×?פ×?ר"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:27
+#. font hinting
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:20
+#| msgid "<b>Hinting</b>"
+msgid "Hinting"
+msgstr "ר×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:21
 msgid "Horizontal gradient"
 msgstr "×?×?ר×? ×?×?פק×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:28
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:22
 msgid "Icons"
 msgstr "×?×?ק×?× ×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:29
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:23
 msgid "Icons only"
 msgstr "×?×?ק×?× ×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:30
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:24
 msgid "Interface"
 msgstr "×?נשק"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:31
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:25
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:16
 msgid "Large"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:32
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:26
+#| msgid "<b>Menus and Toolbars</b>"
+msgid "Menus and Toolbars"
+msgstr "תפר×?×?×?×? ×?סר×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:27
 msgid "N_one"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:33
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:28
 msgid "Open a dialog to specify the color"
 msgstr "פת×? ת×?×?ת ×?×?־ש×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר צ×?×¢"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:34
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:29
 msgid "Pointer"
 msgstr "ס×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:35
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:30
+#| msgid "Preview:"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "תצ×?×?×? ×?ק×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:31
 msgid "R_esolution:"
 msgstr "_ר×?×?×?×?צ×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:36
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:32
+#| msgid "<b>Rendering</b>"
+msgid "Rendering"
+msgstr "צ×?×?ר"
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:33
 msgid "Save Theme As..."
 msgstr "_ש×?×?ר ער×?ת × ×?ש×? ×?ש×?..."
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:37
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:34
 msgid "Save _As..."
 msgstr "ש×?×?ר _×?ש×?..."
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:38
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:35
 msgid "Save _background image"
 msgstr "ש×?×?רת ת×?×?נת ×?_רקע"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:39
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:36
 msgid "Scaled"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ת×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:40
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:37
 msgid "Show _icons in menus"
 msgstr "×?צ×? _×?×?ק×?× ×?×? ×?תפר×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:41
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:38
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:30
 msgid "Small"
 msgstr "ק×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:42
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:39
+#| msgid "<b>Smoothing</b>"
+msgid "Smoothing"
+msgstr "×?×?×?ק×?"
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:40
 msgid "Solid color"
 msgstr "צ×?×¢ ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:43
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:41
 msgid "Sub_pixel (LCDs)"
 msgstr "תת _פ×?קס×? (צ×?×? LCD)"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:44
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:42
 msgid "Sub_pixel smoothing (LCDs)"
 msgstr "×?×?×?קת תת _פ×?קס×? (×?צ×?×? LCD)"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:45
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:43
+#| msgid "<b>Subpixel Order</b>"
+msgid "Subpixel Order"
+msgstr "ס×?ר תת־פ×?קס×?"
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:44
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr "×?קס×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:46
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:45
 msgid "Text below items"
 msgstr "×?קס×? ×?ת×?ת ×?פר×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:47
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:46
 msgid "Text beside items"
 msgstr "×?קס×? ×?×?×? ×?פר×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:48
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:47
 msgid "Text only"
 msgstr "×?קס×? ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:49
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:48
 msgid "The current controls theme does not support color schemes."
 msgstr "ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ש×? ×?פק×?×?×? ×?×? ת×?×?×?ת ×?ער×?×?ת צ×?×¢×?×?."
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:50
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:49
 msgid "Theme"
 msgstr "ער×?ת × ×?ש×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:51
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:50
 msgid "Tiled"
 msgstr "פר×?ש"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:52
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:51
 msgid "Toolbar _button labels:"
 msgstr "ת×?×?×?×?ת _×?פת×?ר×? סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?:"
 #. vertical hinting, pixel order blue, green, red
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:54
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:53
 msgid "VB_GR"
 msgstr "VB_GR"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:55
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:54
 msgid "Vertical gradient"
 msgstr "×?×?ר×? ×?× ×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:56
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:55
 msgid "Window Border"
 msgstr "×?ס×?רת ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:57
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:56
 msgid "Zoom"
 msgstr "תקר×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:58
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:54
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:57
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:35
 msgid "_Add..."
 msgstr "_×?×?סף..."
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:59
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:58
 msgid "_Application font:"
 msgstr "×?×?פ×? ×?_×?×?ש×?×?:"
 #. pixel order blue, green, red
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:61
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:60
 msgid "_BGR"
 msgstr "_BGR"
-#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:62
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:61
 msgid "_Description:"
 msgstr "_ת×?×?×?ר:"
+#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:62
+#| msgid "No Desktop Background"
+msgid "_Desktop Background"
+msgstr "_רקע ×?ש×?×?×?×? ×¢×?×?×?×?"
 #: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:63
 msgid "_Document font:"
 msgstr "_×?×?פ×? ×?ס×?×?×?×?:"
@@ -1327,11 +1303,8 @@ msgstr "â??\"%s\" ×?×?× ×? ער×?ת × ×?ש×? תקנ×?ת."
 #: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:251
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"\"%s\" does not appear to be a valid theme. It may be a theme engine which "
-"you need to compile."
-msgstr ""
-"×?סת×?ר ×?×? \"%s\" ×?×?× ×? ער×?ת × ×?ש×? תקנ×?ת. ×?×?ת×?×? ש×?×?×? ×?× ×?×¢ ×?ער×?ת × ×?ש×? שע×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר."
+msgid "\"%s\" does not appear to be a valid theme. It may be a theme engine which you need to compile."
+msgstr "×?סת×?ר ×?×? \"%s\" ×?×?× ×? ער×?ת × ×?ש×? תקנ×?ת. ×?×?ת×?×? ש×?×?×? ×?× ×?×¢ ×?ער×?ת × ×?ש×? שע×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר."
 #: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:354
 #, c-format
@@ -1416,17 +1389,18 @@ msgid "Could not install theme engine"
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?תק×?×? ×?ת ×?× ×?×¢ ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×?"
 #: ../capplets/common/activate-settings-daemon.c:16
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'.\n"
+#| "Without the GNOME settings manager running, some preferences may not take "
+#| "effect. This could indicate a problem with Bonobo, or a non-GNOME (e.g. "
+#| "KDE) settings manager may already be active and conflicting with the "
+#| "GNOME settings manager."
 msgid ""
 "Unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'.\n"
-"Without the GNOME settings manager running, some preferences may not take "
-"effect. This could indicate a problem with Bonobo, or a non-GNOME (e.g. KDE) "
-"settings manager may already be active and conflicting with the GNOME "
-"settings manager."
+"Without the GNOME settings manager running, some preferences may not take effect. This could indicate a problem with DBus, or a non-GNOME (e.g. KDE) settings manager may already be active and conflicting with the GNOME settings manager."
 msgstr ""
 "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?פע×?×? ×?ת ×?× ×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר×?ת 'gnome-settings-daemon'.\n"
-"×?×?×? ×?× ×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר×?ת ש×? GNOME פ×?×¢×?, ×?×?ק ×?×?×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?פע×?×?. ×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?צ×?×?×¢ "
-"×¢×? ×?×¢×?×? ×¢×? Bonobo, ×?×? ×?× ×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?ת ש×?×?× ×? GNOME (×?×?×?×?×?×? KDE) ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ת פע×?×? "
-"×?×?×?תנ×?ש ×¢×? ×?× ×?×? ×?×?×?×?× ×?ת GNOME."
+"×?×?×? a×?× ×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר×?ת ש×? GNOME פ×?×¢×?, ×?×?ק ×?×?×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?פע×?×?. ×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?צ×?×?×¢ ×¢×? ×?×¢×?×? ×¢×? DBus, ×?×? ×?× ×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?ת ש×?×?× ×? GNOME (×?×?×?×?×?×? KDE) ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ת פע×?×? ×?×?×?תנ×?ש ×¢×? ×?× ×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?ת ש×? GNOME."
 #: ../capplets/common/capplet-stock-icons.c:66
 #, c-format
@@ -1535,30 +1509,24 @@ msgid "Change set"
 msgstr "Change set"
 #: ../capplets/common/gconf-property-editor.c:148
-msgid ""
-"GConf change set containing data to be forwarded to the gconf client on apply"
-msgstr ""
-"GConf change set containing data to be forwarded to the gconf client on apply"
+msgid "GConf change set containing data to be forwarded to the gconf client on apply"
+msgstr "GConf change set containing data to be forwarded to the gconf client on apply"
 #: ../capplets/common/gconf-property-editor.c:153
 msgid "Conversion to widget callback"
 msgstr "Conversion to widget callback"
 #: ../capplets/common/gconf-property-editor.c:154
-msgid ""
-"Callback to be issued when data are to be converted from GConf to the widget"
-msgstr ""
-"Callback to be issued when data are to be converted from GConf to the widget"
+msgid "Callback to be issued when data are to be converted from GConf to the widget"
+msgstr "Callback to be issued when data are to be converted from GConf to the widget"
 #: ../capplets/common/gconf-property-editor.c:159
 msgid "Conversion from widget callback"
 msgstr "Conversion from widget callback"
 #: ../capplets/common/gconf-property-editor.c:160
-msgid ""
-"Callback to be issued when data are to be converted to GConf from the widget"
-msgstr ""
-"Callback to be issued when data are to be converted to GConf from the widget"
+msgid "Callback to be issued when data are to be converted to GConf from the widget"
+msgstr "Callback to be issued when data are to be converted to GConf from the widget"
 #: ../capplets/common/gconf-property-editor.c:165
 msgid "UI Control"
@@ -1589,8 +1557,7 @@ msgstr "Callback to be issued when property editor object data is to be freed"
 msgid ""
 "Couldn't find the file '%s'.\n"
-"Please make sure it exists and try again, or choose a different background "
+"Please make sure it exists and try again, or choose a different background picture."
 msgstr ""
 "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?צ×?×? ×?ת ×?ק×?×?×¥ '%s'.\n"
@@ -1647,27 +1614,21 @@ msgstr "ס×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?"
 #: ../capplets/common/gnome-theme-info.c:1622
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme '%s' is "
-"not installed."
+msgid "This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme '%s' is not installed."
 msgstr "ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ×?×? תר×?×? ×?×?צ×?פ×? ×?×?×?×? שער×?ת GTK+ '%s' ×?×? ×?×?תקנת."
 #: ../capplets/common/gnome-theme-info.c:1630
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This theme will not look as intended because the required window manager "
-"theme '%s' is not installed."
+msgid "This theme will not look as intended because the required window manager theme '%s' is not installed."
 msgstr "ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ×?×? תר×?×? ×?×?צ×?פ×? ×?×? ער×?ת ×?× ×?×? ×?×?×?×?× ×?ת '%s' ×?×? ×?×?תקנת."
 #: ../capplets/common/gnome-theme-info.c:1637
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This theme will not look as intended because the required icon theme '%s' is "
-"not installed."
+msgid "This theme will not look as intended because the required icon theme '%s' is not installed."
 msgstr "ער×?ת ×?× ×?ש×? ×?×? תר×?×? ×?×?צ×?פ×? ×?×? ער×?ת ×?×?×?ק×?× ×?×? '%s' ×?×? ×?×?תקנת."
 #: ../capplets/default-applications/default-applications.desktop.in.in.h:1
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:22
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:17
 msgid "Preferred Applications"
 msgstr "×?×?ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?×¢×?פ×?×?"
@@ -1690,70 +1651,30 @@ msgstr "ס×?×?×¢ ×?×?×?ת×?"
 msgid "Error saving configuration: %s"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?×? ×?ש×?×?רת ×?×?×?×?ר×?ת: %s"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c:679
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c:677
 msgid "Could not load the main interface"
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?×¢×?×?ת ×?ת ×?×?×?שק ×?ר×?ש×?"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c:681
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c:679
 msgid "Please make sure that the applet is properly installed"
 msgstr "× ×? ×?×?×? ש×?×?×?ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?תק×? ×?×?×?×?"
 #. TRANSLATORS: don't translate the terms in brackets
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c:908
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c:906
 msgid "Specify the name of the page to show (internet|multimedia|system|a11y)"
 msgstr "Specify the name of the page to show (internet|multimedia|system|a11y)"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c:913
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c:911
 msgid "- GNOME Default Applications"
 msgstr "- ×?×?ש×?×?×? ×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?×? ש×? GNOME"
 #: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:1
-msgid "<b>Image Viewer</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?צ×?×? ת×?×?× ×?ת</b>"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:2
-msgid "<b>Instant Messenger</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:3
-msgid "<b>Mail Reader</b>"
-msgstr "â??<b>ק×?ר×? ×?×?×?ר</b>"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:4
-msgid "<b>Mobility</b>"
-msgstr "<b>× ×?×?×?×?ת</b>"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:5
-msgid "<b>Multimedia Player</b>"
-msgstr "<b>× ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:6
-msgid "<b>Terminal Emulator</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?×?×? ×?ס×?×£</b>"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:7
-msgid "<b>Text Editor</b>"
-msgstr "â??<b>×¢×?ר×? ×?קס×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:8
-msgid "<b>Video Player</b>"
-msgstr "<b>× ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:9
-msgid "<b>Visual</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?×?ת×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:10
-msgid "<b>Web Browser</b>"
-msgstr "â??<b>×?פ×?פ×? ×?×?× ×?רנ×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:11
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:13
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:30
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:1
 msgid "Accessibility"
 msgstr "× ×?×?ש×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:13
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:3
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "All %s occurrences will be replaced with actual link"
 msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×?רע×?ת ש×? %s ×?×?×?×?פ×? ×?ק×?ש×?ר ×?×?ש×?"
@@ -1761,51 +1682,102 @@ msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×?רע×?ת ש×? %s ×?×?×?×?פ×? ×?ק×?ש×?ר ×?×?ש×?"
 #. * vim: sw=2 ts=8 cindent noai bs=2
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:14
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:4
 #: ../capplets/keybindings/gnome-keybinding-properties.ui.h:1
 msgid "C_ommand:"
 msgstr "פ_ק×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:15
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:5
 msgid "Co_mmand:"
 msgstr "_פק×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:16
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:6
 msgid "E_xecute flag:"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ×?_פע×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:17
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:7
+#| msgid "<b>Image Viewer</b>"
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "×?צ×?×? ת×?×?× ×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:8
+#| msgid "<b>Instant Messenger</b>"
+msgid "Instant Messenger"
+msgstr "×?סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:9
 msgid "Internet"
 msgstr "×?×?× ×?רנ×?"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:18
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:10
+#| msgid "<b>Mail Reader</b>"
+msgid "Mail Reader"
+msgstr "ק×?ר×? ×?×?×?ר"
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:11
+#| msgid "<b>Mobility</b>"
+msgid "Mobility"
+msgstr "× ×?×?×?×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:12
 msgid "Multimedia"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:19
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:13
+#| msgid "<b>Multimedia Player</b>"
+msgid "Multimedia Player"
+msgstr "× ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:14
 msgid "Open link in new _tab"
 msgstr "פת×? ק×?ש×?ר ×?×?ש×?× ×?ת _×?×?ש×?"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:20
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:15
 msgid "Open link in new _window"
 msgstr "פת×? ק×?ש×?ר ×?×?×?×?×? _×?×?ש"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:21
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:16
 msgid "Open link with web browser _default"
 msgstr "פת×? ק×?ש×?ר ×¢×? פ×? ×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?×? ש×? _×?×?פ×?פ×?"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:23
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:18
 msgid "Run at st_art"
 msgstr "×?רץ ×¢×? ×?×?_פע×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:24
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:19
 msgid "Run in t_erminal"
 msgstr "×?רץ ×?_×?ס×?×£"
-#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:25
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:20
 msgid "System"
 msgstr "×?ער×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:21
+#| msgid "<b>Terminal Emulator</b>"
+msgid "Terminal Emulator"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×? ×?ס×?×£"
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:22
+#| msgid "<b>Text Editor</b>"
+msgid "Text Editor"
+msgstr "×¢×?ר×? ×?קס×?"
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:23
+#| msgid "<b>Video Player</b>"
+msgid "Video Player"
+msgstr "× ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:24
+#| msgctxt "Sound event"
+#| msgid "Visual alert"
+msgid "Visual"
+msgstr "×?×?×?ת×?"
+#: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:25
+#| msgid "<b>Web Browser</b>"
+msgid "Web Browser"
+msgstr "×?פ×?פ×? ×?×?× ×?רנ×?"
 #: ../capplets/default-applications/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui.h:26
 msgid "_Run at start"
 msgstr "×?רץ _×¢×? ×?×?פע×?×?"
@@ -2019,45 +1991,48 @@ msgid "aterm"
 msgstr "aterm"
 #: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:1
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:478
-msgid "<b>Monitor</b>"
-msgstr "<b>צ×?</b>"
+msgid "Display Preferences"
+msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת תצ×?×?×?"
 #: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:2
-msgid "<b>Panel icon</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?ק×?×? ×¢×? ×?×?×?×?</b>"
+#| msgid "<i>Drag the monitors to set their place</i>"
+msgid "Drag the monitors to set their place"
+msgstr "×?ר×?ר ×?ת ×?צ×?×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?ר ×?ת ×?×?ק×?×?×?"
 #: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:3
-msgid "<i>Drag the monitors to set their place</i>"
-msgstr "<i>×?ר×?ר ×?ת ×?צ×?×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?ר ×?ת ×?×?ק×?×?×?</i>"
+msgid "Include _panel"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×? _×?×?×?"
 #: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:4
-msgid "Display Preferences"
-msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת תצ×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:302
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "ש×?×?×?×?"
 #: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:5
-msgid "Include _panel"
-msgstr "×?×?×?×? _×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:440
+#| msgid "<b>Monitor</b>"
+msgid "Monitor"
+msgstr "צ×?"
 #: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:6
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:301
 #: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:340
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "ש×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:7
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:339
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:378
 msgid "Normal"
 msgstr "ר×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:8
+#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:7
 msgid "Off"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:9
+#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:8
 msgid "On"
 msgstr "פע×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:9
+#| msgid "<b>Panel icon</b>"
+msgid "Panel icon"
+msgstr "×?×?ק×?×? ×¢×? ×?×?×?×?"
 #: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:10
 msgid "R_otation:"
 msgstr "ס×?_×?×?×?:"
@@ -2067,7 +2042,7 @@ msgid "Re_fresh rate:"
 msgstr "ת×?×?ר×?ת ר_×¢× ×?×?:"
 #: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:12
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:341
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:303
 msgid "Right"
 msgstr "×?×?×?× ×?"
@@ -2099,21 +2074,22 @@ msgstr "שנ×? ×?ת ×?פר×?ת ×?×?ס×?"
 msgid "Display"
 msgstr "תצ×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:342
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:304
 msgid "Upside Down"
 msgstr "×?פ×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:384
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d Hz"
 msgstr "%d Hz"
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:471
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:432
 #, c-format
-msgid "<b>Monitor: %s</b>"
-msgstr "<b>צ×?: %s</b>"
+#| msgid "<b>Monitor: %s</b>"
+msgid "Monitor: %s"
+msgstr "צ×?: %s"
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:552
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:511
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d x %d"
 msgstr "%d x %d"
@@ -2123,23 +2099,23 @@ msgstr "%d x %d"
 #. * used as an adjective, not as a verb.  For example, the Spanish
 #. * translation could be "Pantallas en Espejo", *not* "Espejar Pantallas".
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:1492
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:1451
 msgid "Mirror Screens"
 msgstr "תצ×?×?ת ×?ר×?×? ×?צ×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:1926
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:1893
 msgid "Could not save the monitor configuration"
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?ש×?×?ר ×?ת תצ×?רת ×?צ×?"
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:1937
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:1904
 msgid "Could not get session bus while applying display configuration"
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?×?×?ר ×?ת ×?פ×?ק ×?×?פע×?×? ×?עת ×?×?×?ת תצ×?רת ×?תצ×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:1979
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:1946
 msgid "Could not detect displays"
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?×?×?ת ×?ת ×?צ×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:2194
+#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:2161
 msgid "Could not get screen information"
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?×?×?ר ×?ת נת×?× ×? ×?צ×?"
@@ -2201,12 +2177,10 @@ msgstr "ש×?×?×?×? ×?ש×?×?רת ק×?צ×?ר ×?×?ר×? ×?×?×?ש"
 #: ../capplets/keybindings/gnome-keybinding-properties.c:1165
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"The shortcut \"%s\" cannot be used because it will become impossible to type "
-"using this key.\n"
+"The shortcut \"%s\" cannot be used because it will become impossible to type using this key.\n"
 "Please try with a key such as Control, Alt or Shift at the same time."
 msgstr ""
-"×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?שת×?ש ×?ק×?צ×?ר ×?×?ר×? \"%s\" ×?×?×?×?×?×? ש×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?ק×?×?×? ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?קש "
+"×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?שת×?ש ×?ק×?צ×?ר ×?×?ר×? \"%s\" ×?×?×?×?×?×? ש×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?ק×?×?×? ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?קש ×?×?.\n"
 "× ×? נס×? ×?קש ×?×? צ×?ר×?×£ ×?קש×?×? ש×?× ×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?צ×? ×¢×? Ctrl, Alt ×?×? Shift ×?×?×?×?×?."
 #: ../capplets/keybindings/gnome-keybinding-properties.c:1195
@@ -2220,8 +2194,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../capplets/keybindings/gnome-keybinding-properties.c:1201
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If you reassign the shortcut to \"%s\", the \"%s\" shortcut will be disabled."
+msgid "If you reassign the shortcut to \"%s\", the \"%s\" shortcut will be disabled."
 msgstr "×?×? תקצ×? ×?×?×?ש ×?ת ק×?צ×?ר ×?×?ר×? ×?×? %s\", ק×?צ×?ר ×?×?ר×? \"%s\" ×?×?×?×?×?."
 #: ../capplets/keybindings/gnome-keybinding-properties.c:1209
@@ -2255,345 +2228,343 @@ msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
 msgstr "ק×?צ×?ר×? ×?ק×?×?ת"
 #: ../capplets/keybindings/gnome-keybinding-properties.ui.h:4
-msgid ""
-"To edit a shortcut key, click on the corresponding row and type a new key "
-"combination, or press backspace to clear."
-msgstr ""
-"×?×?×? ×?ער×?×? ×?קש ק×?צ×?ר ×?ר×?, ×?×?×¥ ×¢×? ×?ש×?ר×? ×?×?ת×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×¥ ×¢×? ×?ק×?צ×?ר ×?×?×?ש, ×?×? ×?×?×¥ ×¢×? "
-"×?קש ×?×?×?ר ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ק."
+msgid "To edit a shortcut key, click on the corresponding row and type a new key combination, or press backspace to clear."
+msgstr "×?×?×? ×?ער×?×? ×?קש ק×?צ×?ר ×?ר×?, ×?×?×¥ ×¢×? ×?ש×?ר×? ×?×?ת×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×¥ ×¢×? ×?ק×?צ×?ר ×?×?×?ש, ×?×? ×?×?×¥ ×¢×? ×?קש ×?×?×?ר ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ק."
 #: ../capplets/keybindings/keybinding.desktop.in.in.h:1
 msgid "Assign shortcut keys to commands"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×? ×?קש×? ק×?צ×?ר ×?פק×?×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.c:206
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.c:211
-msgid ""
-"Just apply settings and quit (compatibility only; now handled by daemon)"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.c:205
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.c:210
+msgid "Just apply settings and quit (compatibility only; now handled by daemon)"
 msgstr "רק ×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?צ×? (ת×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?; ×¢×?ש×?×? ×?× ×?×?×? ×¢×?Ö¾×?×?×? ת×?×?×?×? ש×?ר×?ת)"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.c:216
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.c:215
 msgid "Start the page with the typing break settings showing"
 msgstr "×?ת×?×? ×?ת ×?×¢×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?צ×?ת ×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?פסקת ×?ק×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.c:221
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.c:220
 msgid "Start the page with the accessibility settings showing"
 msgstr "×?ת×?×? ×?ת ×?×¢×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?צ×?ת ×?×?×?ר×?ת × ×?×?ש×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.c:227
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.c:226
 msgid "- GNOME Keyboard Preferences"
 msgstr "- ×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?ק×?×?ת ש×? GNOME"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Bounce Keys</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?קש×?×? _ק×?פצ×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:2
-msgid "<b>Cursor Blinking</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?×?×?×? ס×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:3
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:5
-msgid "<b>General</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:4
-msgid "<b>Repeat Keys</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?קש×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:5
-msgid "<b>Slow Keys</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?קש×?×? ×?×?_×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:6
-msgid "<b>Sticky Keys</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?קש×?×? ×?×?×?ק×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:7
-msgid "<b>Visual cues for sounds</b>"
-msgstr "<b>ס×?×?×?× ×?×? ×?×?×?ת×?×?×? ×¢×?×?ר צ×?×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#. fast acceleration
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:8
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:15
-msgid "<small><i>Fast</i></small>"
-msgstr "<small><i>×?×?×?ר</i></small>"
-#. long delay
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:9
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:21
-msgid "<small><i>Long</i></small>"
-msgstr "<small><i>×?ר×?×?×?</i></small>"
-#. short delay
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:10
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:25
-msgid "<small><i>Short</i></small>"
-msgstr "<small><i>קצר×?</i></small>"
-#. slow acceleration
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:11
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:27
-msgid "<small><i>Slow</i></small>"
-msgstr "<small><i>×?×?×?×?</i></small>"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:12
-msgid "A_cceleration:"
-msgstr "_ק×?צ×?ר:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:14
-msgid "All_ow postponing of breaks"
-msgstr "×?_פשר ×?×?×?×?ת ×?פסק×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:15
-msgid "Audio _Feedback..."
-msgstr "_×?ש×?×? ק×?×?×?..."
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:16
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:1
 msgid "Beep when _accessibility features are turned on or off"
 msgstr "צפצף ×?×?שר _×?פשר×?×?×?ת × ×?×?ש×?ת ×?×?×?×?ק×?ת ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:17
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:2
 msgid "Beep when a _modifier key is pressed"
 msgstr "צפצף ×?×?שר ×?קש _×?שנ×? × ×?×?×¥"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:18
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:3
 msgid "Beep when a _toggle key is pressed"
 msgstr "צפצף ×?×?שר ×?קש _ש×?× ×?×? × ×?×?×¥"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:19
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:4
 msgid "Beep when a key is pr_essed"
 msgstr "צפצף ×?×?שר ×?קש _× ×?×?×¥"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:20
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:5
 msgid "Beep when a key is reje_cted"
 msgstr "צפצף ×?×?שר ×?קש _× ×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:21
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:6
 msgid "Beep when key is _accepted"
 msgstr "צפצף ×?×?שר ×?קש _×?תק×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:22
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:7
 msgid "Beep when key is _rejected"
 msgstr "צפצף ×?×?שר ×?קש _× ×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:23
-msgid "By _country"
-msgstr "×?פ×? _×?×?×?× ×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:8
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+#| msgid "Mouse Keys"
+msgid "Bounce Keys"
+msgstr "×?קש×?×? ק×?פצ×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:24
-msgid "By _language"
-msgstr "×?פ×? _שפ×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:9
+msgid "Flash _window titlebar"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? _×?×?תרת ×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash entire _screen"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?_×?ס×? ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:25
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:11
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:14
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:12
+msgid "Keyboard Accessibility Audio Feedback"
+msgstr "×?ש×?×? ק×?×?×? ×?× ×?×?ש×?ת ×?ק×?×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:13
+msgid "Show _visual feedback for the alert sound"
+msgstr "×?צ×?ת ×?ש×?×? _×?×?×?ת×? ×¢×?×?ר צ×?×?×? ×?×?תרע×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:14
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:31
+#| msgid "<b>Slow Keys</b>"
+msgid "Slow Keys"
+msgstr "×?קש×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:15
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:32
+#| msgid "<b>Sticky Keys</b>"
+msgid "Sticky Keys"
+msgstr "×?קש×?×? ×?×?×?ק×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:16
+#| msgid "<b>Visual cues for sounds</b>"
+msgid "Visual cues for sounds"
+msgstr "ס×?×?×?× ×?×? ×?×?×?ת×?×?×? ×¢×?×?ר צ×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "A_cceleration:"
+msgstr "_ק×?צ×?ר:"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "All_ow postponing of breaks"
+msgstr "×?_פשר ×?×?×?×?ת ×?פסק×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Audio _Feedback..."
+msgstr "_×?ש×?×? ק×?×?×?..."
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
 msgid "Check if breaks are allowed to be postponed"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ק ×?×? ×?×?פסק×?ת × ×?תנ×?ת ×?×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:26
-msgid "Choose a Keyboard Model"
-msgstr "×?×?ר ס×?×? ×?ק×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:27
-msgid "Choose a Layout"
-msgstr "×?×?ר פר×?ס×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+#| msgid "<b>Cursor Blinking</b>"
+msgid "Cursor Blinking"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ס×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:28
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
 msgid "Cursor _blinks in text fields"
 msgstr "ס×?×? ×?_×?×?×?×? ×?ש×?×?ת ×?קס×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:29
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:33
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:4
 msgid "Cursor blinks speed"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?×?×? ס×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:30
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:34
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:5
 msgid "D_elay:"
 msgstr "×?_ש×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:31
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
 msgid "Disa_ble sticky keys if two keys are pressed together"
 msgstr "×?×?_×?×?×? ×?קש×?×? ×?×?×?ק×?×? ×?×? שנ×? ×?קש×?×? × ×?×?צ×?×? ×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:32
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
 msgid "Duration of the break when typing is disallowed"
 msgstr "×?ש×? ×?×?פסק×? ×?×?שר ×?ק×?×?×? ×?ס×?ר×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:33
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
 msgid "Duration of work before forcing a break"
 msgstr "×?ש×? ×?×¢×?×?×?×? ×?פנ×? ש×?×?ר×?×?×?×? ×?פסק×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:34
-msgid "Flash _window titlebar"
-msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? _×?×?תרת ×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:13
+#| msgid "_Paste"
+msgid "Fast"
+msgstr "×?×?×?ר"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:35
-msgid "Flash entire _screen"
-msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?_×?ס×? ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:36
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:40
-msgid "General"
-msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:37
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
 msgid "Key presses _repeat when key is held down"
 msgstr "×?×?×?צת ×?×?קש _×?×?×?רת ×?×?שר ×?×?קש נש×?ר ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:38
-msgid "Keyboard Accessibility Audio Feedback"
-msgstr "×?ש×?×? ק×?×?×? ×?× ×?×?ש×?ת ×?ק×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:39
-msgid "Keyboard Layout Options"
-msgstr "×?פשר×?×?×?ת פר×?סת ×?ק×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:40
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
 msgid "Keyboard Preferences"
 msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?ק×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:41
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
 msgid "Keyboard _model:"
 msgstr "_ס×?×? ×?ק×?×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:42
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
 msgid "Layout _Options..."
 msgstr "_×?פשר×?×?×?ת פר×?ס×?..."
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:43
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
 msgid "Layouts"
 msgstr "פר×?ס×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:44
-msgid ""
-"Lock screen after a certain duration to help prevent repetitive keyboard use "
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Lock screen after a certain duration to help prevent repetitive keyboard use injuries"
 msgstr "× ×¢×? ×?ת ×?×?ס×? ×?×?×?ר פרק ×?×?×? ×?ס×?×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×¢×?×?ר ×?×?× ×?×¢ × ×?ק×? ש×?×?×?ש ×?×?×?ר ×?×?ק×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:45
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:18
+#| msgctxt "Sound event"
+#| msgid "Login"
+msgid "Long"
+msgstr "×?ר×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
 msgid "Mouse Keys"
 msgstr "×?קש×? ×¢×?×?ר"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:46
-msgid "Preview:"
-msgstr "תצ×?×?×? ×?ק×?×?×?×?:"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+#| msgid "<b>Repeat Keys</b>"
+msgid "Repeat Keys"
+msgstr "×?קש×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:47
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:25
 msgid "Repeat keys speed"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?רת ×?קש×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:48
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:26
 msgid "Reset to De_faults"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ר ×?_×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:49
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:27
 msgid "S_peed:"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?ר×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:50
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:28
 msgid "Separate _layout for each window"
 msgstr "פר×?ס×? _נפר×?ת ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:51
-msgid "Show _visual feedback for the alert sound"
-msgstr "×?צ×?ת ×?ש×?×? _×?×?×?ת×? ×¢×?×?ר צ×?×?×? ×?×?תרע×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:29
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:26
+#| msgid "Shortcut"
+msgid "Short"
+msgstr "קצר"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:52
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:30
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:29
+msgid "Slow"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:33
 msgid "Typing Break"
 msgstr "×?פסקת ×?ק×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:53
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:34
 msgid "_Accessibility features can be toggled with keyboard shortcuts"
 msgstr "_×?פשר ×?ת ×?פע×?ת ×?×?פסקת ת×?×?× ×?ת ×?× ×?×?ש×?ת ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?קש×? ק×?צ×?ר ×?ר×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:55
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:36
 msgid "_Break interval lasts:"
 msgstr "_×?×?×? ×?×?פסק×? ×?×?ר×?:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:56
-msgid "_Country:"
-msgstr "×?_×?×?× ×?:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:57
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:49
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:37
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:37
 msgid "_Delay:"
 msgstr "_×?ש×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:58
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:38
 msgid "_Ignore fast duplicate keypresses"
 msgstr "×?_תע×?×? ×?×?×?×?צ×?ת ×?קש ×?פ×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?ר×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:59
-msgid "_Language:"
-msgstr "_שפ×?:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:60
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:39
 msgid "_Lock screen to enforce typing break"
 msgstr "_× ×¢×? ×?ס×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?פסקת ×?ק×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:61
-msgid "_Models:"
-msgstr "_ס×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:62
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:40
 msgid "_Only accept long keypresses"
 msgstr "_ק×?×? רק ×?×?×?צ×?ת ×?ר×?×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:63
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:41
 msgid "_Pointer can be controlled using the keypad"
 msgstr "_× ×?ת×? ×?ש×?×?×? ×?ס×?×? ×?×¢×?×?ר ×?×¢×?רת ×?×?ק×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:64
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:42
 msgid "_Selected layouts:"
 msgstr "_פר×?ס×?ת × ×?×?ר×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:65
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:43
 msgid "_Simulate simultaneous keypresses"
 msgstr "_×?×?×? ×?×?×?צ×?ת ×?ספר ×?קש×?×? ×?×?ק×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:66
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:44
 msgid "_Speed:"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?ר×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:67
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:45
 msgid "_Type to test settings:"
 msgstr "_×?ת×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ק ×?ת ×?×?×?×?ר×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:68
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:46
+msgid "_Work interval lasts:"
+msgstr "×?×?×? ×?_×¢×?×?×?×? × ×?ש×?:"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:47
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr "×?ק×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:1
+msgid "By _country"
+msgstr "×?פ×? _×?×?×?× ×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:2
+msgid "By _language"
+msgstr "×?פ×? _שפ×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:3
+msgid "Choose a Layout"
+msgstr "×?×?ר פר×?ס×?"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:4
+msgid "Preview:"
+msgstr "תצ×?×?×? ×?ק×?×?×?×?:"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:5
+msgid "_Country:"
+msgstr "×?_×?×?× ×?:"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:6
+msgid "_Language:"
+msgstr "_שפ×?:"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:7
 msgid "_Variants:"
 msgstr "_×?ר×?×?צ×?×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:69
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-model-chooser.ui.h:1
+msgid "Choose a Keyboard Model"
+msgstr "×?×?ר ס×?×? ×?ק×?×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-model-chooser.ui.h:2
+msgid "_Models:"
+msgstr "_ס×?×?×?×?:"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-model-chooser.ui.h:3
 msgid "_Vendors:"
 msgstr "_×?צרנ×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:70
-msgid "_Work interval lasts:"
-msgstr "×?×?×? ×?_×¢×?×?×?×? × ×?ש×?:"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties.glade.h:71
-msgid "minutes"
-msgstr "×?ק×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-options-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Keyboard Layout Options"
+msgstr "×?פשר×?×?×?ת פר×?סת ×?ק×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-xkb.c:83
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-xkb.c:82
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×¢"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-xkblt.c:215
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-xkbot.c:235
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-xkblt.c:214
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-xkbot.c:234
 #: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.c:583
 msgid "Default"
 msgstr "×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-xkblt.c:333
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-xkblt.c:332
 msgid "Layout"
 msgstr "ס×?×?×?ר"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-xkbmc.c:169
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-xkbmc.c:168
 msgid "Vendors"
 msgstr "×?צרנ×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-xkbmc.c:235
+#: ../capplets/keyboard/gnome-keyboard-properties-xkbmc.c:234
 msgid "Models"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?×?"
@@ -2607,209 +2578,203 @@ msgstr "ק×?×¢ ×?ת ×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?×?ק×?×?ת ש×?×?"
 #. Translators: this is the gesture to trigger/choose the click type.
 #. Don't include the prefix "gesture|" in the translation.
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-accessibility.c:90
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-accessibility.c:89
 msgid "gesture|Move left"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ש×?×?×?×?"
 #. Translators: this is the gesture to trigger/choose the click type.
 #. Don't include the prefix "gesture|" in the translation.
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-accessibility.c:95
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-accessibility.c:94
 msgid "gesture|Move right"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?"
 #. Translators: this is the gesture to trigger/choose the click type.
 #. Don't include the prefix "gesture|" in the translation.
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-accessibility.c:100
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-accessibility.c:99
 msgid "gesture|Move up"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?×¢×?×?"
 #. Translators: this is the gesture to trigger/choose the click type.
 #. Don't include the prefix "gesture|" in the translation.
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-accessibility.c:105
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-accessibility.c:104
 msgid "gesture|Move down"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
 #. Translators: this is the gesture to trigger/choose the click type.
 #. Don't include the prefix "gesture|" in the translation.
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-accessibility.c:110
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-accessibility.c:109
 msgid "gesture|Disabled"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
 #. TRANSLATORS: don't translate the terms in brackets
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.c:563
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.c:566
 msgid "Specify the name of the page to show (general|accessibility)"
 msgstr "Specify the name of the page to show (general|accessibility)"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.c:568
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.c:571
 msgid "- GNOME Mouse Preferences"
 msgstr "- ×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×¢×?×?ר ש×? GNOME"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Double-Click Timeout</b>"
-msgstr "<b>פרק ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?צ×? ×?פ×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:2
-msgid "<b>Drag and Drop</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?ר×?ר ×?×?ר×?ק</b>"
-#. Dwell Click = Clicking without hardware buttons (by letting the pointer sit on the click target for a certain amount of time)
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:4
-msgid "<b>Dwell Click</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?×?צת ש×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:6
-msgid "<b>Locate Pointer</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?צ×? ס×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:7
-msgid "<b>Mouse Orientation</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?×?ת ×¢×?×?ר</b>"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:8
-msgid "<b>Pointer Speed</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?ס×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:9
-msgid "<b>Scrolling</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:10
-msgid "<b>Simulated Secondary Click</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?×?צ×? שנ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:11
-msgid ""
-"<i>To test your double-click settings, try to double-click on the light bulb."
-msgstr ""
-"<i>×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ק ×?ת ×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?×?צ×? ×?×?פ×?×?×? ש×?×?, נס×? ×?×?×?×?×¥ פע×?×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?× ×?ר×?.</i>"
-#. Dwell Click = Clicking without hardware buttons (by letting the pointer sit on the click target for a certain amount of time)
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:13
-msgid ""
-"<i>You can also use the Dwell Click panel applet to choose the click type.</"
-msgstr ""
-"<i>× ×?ת×? ×?×?שת×?ש ×?×?×?ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?צת ש×?×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר ×?ת ס×?×? ×?×?×?×?צ×?.</i>"
-#. high sensitivity
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:17
-msgid "<small><i>High</i></small>"
-msgstr "<small><i>×?×?×?×?</i></small>"
-#. large threshold
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:19
-msgid "<small><i>Large</i></small>"
-msgstr "<small><i>×?×?×?×?</i></small>"
-#. low sensitivity
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:23
-msgid "<small><i>Low</i></small>"
-msgstr "<small><i>× ×?×?×?×?</i></small>"
-#. small threshold
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:29
-msgid "<small><i>Small</i></small>"
-msgstr "<small><i>ק×?×?</i></small>"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:31
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:2
 msgid "Choose type of click _beforehand"
 msgstr "×?×?ר ×?ת ס×?×? ×?×?×?×?צ×? ×?_ר×?ש"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:32
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:3
 msgid "Choose type of click with mo_use gestures"
 msgstr "×?×?ר ×?ת ס×?×? ×?×?×?×?צ×? ×¢×? ×?×?×?×?ת _×¢×?×?ר"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:35
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:6
 msgid "D_ouble click:"
 msgstr "×?×?×?צ×? _×?פ×?×?×?:"
-#. click to initiate drag-and-drop (like normally click and hold)
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:37
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:7
 msgid "D_rag click:"
 msgstr "×?×?×?צת _×?ר×?ר×?:"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:38
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:8
+#| msgid "<b>Double-Click Timeout</b>"
+msgid "Double-Click Timeout"
+msgstr "פרק ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?צ×? ×?פ×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:9
+#| msgid "<b>Drag and Drop</b>"
+msgid "Drag and Drop"
+msgstr "×?ר×?ר ×?×?ר×?ק"
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:10
+#| msgid "<b>Dwell Click</b>"
+msgid "Dwell Click"
+msgstr "×?×?×?צת ש×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:11
 msgid "Enable _horizontal scrolling"
 msgstr "×?_פע×?ת ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?פק×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:39
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:12
 msgid "Enable mouse _clicks with touchpad"
 msgstr "×?פע×?ת _×?×?×?צ×?ת ×¢×?×?ר ×¢×? ×?ש×?×? ×?×?×¢"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:41
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:15
+#| msgid "Right"
+msgid "High"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:17
+#| msgid "Large Pointer"
+msgid "Locate Pointer"
+msgstr "×?×?ת×?ר ס×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:19
+msgid "Low"
+msgstr "× ×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:20
+#| msgid "<b>Mouse Orientation</b>"
+msgid "Mouse Orientation"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×¢×?×?ר"
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:21
 msgid "Mouse Preferences"
 msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×¢×?×?ר"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:42
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:22
+#| msgid "<b>Pointer Speed</b>"
+msgid "Pointer Speed"
+msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?ס×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:23
+#| msgid "<b>Scrolling</b>"
+msgid "Scrolling"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:24
 msgid "Seco_ndary click:"
 msgstr "×?×?×?צ×? _×?שנ×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:43
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:25
 msgid "Sh_ow position of pointer when the Control key is pressed"
 msgstr "×?_צ×? ×?ת ×?×?ק×?×? ×?ס×?×? ×?עת ×?×?×?צ×? ×¢×? Ctrl"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:44
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:27
 msgid "Show click type _window"
 msgstr "×?צ×? ×?ת ×?×?×?×? _ס×?×? ×?×?×?×?צ×?"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:45
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:28
+#| msgid "<b>Simulated Secondary Click</b>"
+msgid "Simulated Secondary Click"
+msgstr "×?×?×?צ×? שנ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:31
 msgid "Thr_eshold:"
 msgstr "_סף:"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:46
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:32
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<i>To test your double-click settings, try to double-click on the light "
+#| "bulb.</i>"
+msgid "To test your double-click settings, try to double-click on the light bulb."
+msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ק ×?ת ×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?×?צ×? ×?×?פ×?×?×? ש×?×?, נס×? ×?×?×?×?×¥ פע×?×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?× ×?ר×?."
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:33
 msgid "Touchpad"
 msgstr "×?ש×?×? ×?×?×¢"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:47
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:34
 msgid "Two-_finger scrolling"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?_שת×? ×?צ×?×¢×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:48
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:35
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<i>You can also use the Dwell Click panel applet to choose the click type."
+#| "</i>"
+msgid "You can also use the Dwell Click panel applet to choose the click type."
+msgstr "× ×?ת×? ×?×?שת×?ש ×?×?×?ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?צת ש×?×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר ×?ת ס×?×? ×?×?×?×?צ×?."
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:36
 msgid "_Acceleration:"
 msgstr "_ק×?צ×?ר:"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:50
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:38
 msgid "_Disable touchpad while typing"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? _×?ש×?×? ×?×?×?×¢ ×?עת ×?ק×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:51
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:39
 msgid "_Disabled"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:52
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:40
 msgid "_Edge scrolling"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?ת _קצ×?"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:53
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:41
 msgid "_Initiate click when stopping pointer movement"
 msgstr "×?_פע×? ×?×?×?צ×? ×?×?שר נעצרת ת×?×?×?ת ×?×¢×?×?ר"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:54
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:42
 msgid "_Left-handed"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:55
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:43
 msgid "_Motion threshold:"
 msgstr "_סף תנ×?×¢×?:"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:56
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:44
 msgid "_Right-handed"
 msgstr "_×?×?× ×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:57
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:45
 msgid "_Sensitivity:"
 msgstr "_ר×?×?ש×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:58
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:46
 msgid "_Single click:"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?צ×? ×?×?×?×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:59
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:47
 msgid "_Timeout:"
 msgstr "_פרק ×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.glade.h:60
+#: ../capplets/mouse/gnome-mouse-properties.ui.h:48
 msgid "_Trigger secondary click by holding down the primary button"
 msgstr "_×?פע×? ×?×?×?צ×? ×?שנ×?ת ×¢×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×?קת ×?×?פת×?ר ×?ר×?ש×?"
@@ -2839,101 +2804,106 @@ msgid "Set your network proxy preferences"
 msgstr "ק×?×¢ ×?ת ×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?ת×?×?×? ×?רשת"
 #: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:1
-msgid "<b>Di_rect internet connection</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?_×?×?ר ×?×?× ×?רנ×? ×?ש×?ר</b>"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:2
-msgid "<b>Ignore Host List</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?תע×?×? ×?רש×?×?ת ×?×?×?ר×?×?×?</b>"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:3
-msgid "<b>_Automatic proxy configuration</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?ת×?×?×? _×?×?×?×?×?×?×?×?ת</b>"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:4
-msgid "<b>_Manual proxy configuration</b>"
-msgstr "<b>_×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?ת×?×?×? ×?×?× ×?×?ת</b>"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:5
-msgid "<b>_Use authentication</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?_שת×?ש ×?×?×?×?×?ת</b>"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:6
 msgid "Autoconfiguration _URL:"
 msgstr "_×?ת×?×?ת ×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?×?×?×?×?×?ת:"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:7
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:2
 msgid "C_reate"
 msgstr "צ×?_ר"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:8
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:3
 msgid "Create New Location"
 msgstr "צ×?ר ×?×?ק×?×? ×?×?ש"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:9
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:4
+#| msgid "<b>Di_rect internet connection</b>"
+msgid "Di_rect internet connection"
+msgstr "×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?× ×?רנ×? ×?ש×?_ר"
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:5
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Details"
 msgstr "פר×?×? ×?ת×?×?×? HTTP"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:10
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:6
 msgid "H_TTP proxy:"
 msgstr "×?ת×?×?×? H_TTP:"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:11
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:7
+#| msgid "Ignored Hosts"
+msgid "Ignore Host List"
+msgstr "×?תע×?×? ×?רש×?×?ת ×?×?ר×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:8
 msgid "Ignored Hosts"
 msgstr "×?×?ר×?×?×? ×?×?תע×?×?×?ת"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:12
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:9
 msgid "Location:"
 msgstr "×?×?ק×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:13
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:10
 msgid "Network Proxy Preferences"
 msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?ת×?×?×? רשת"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:14
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:11
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "שער:"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:15
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:12
 msgid "Proxy Configuration"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?ת×?×?×? רשת"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:16
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:13
 msgid "S_ocks host:"
 msgstr "×?×?_ר×? ×?Ö¾Socks:"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:17
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:14
 msgid "The location already exists."
 msgstr "×?×?×?ק×?×? ×?×?ר ק×?×?×?."
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:18
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:15
 msgid "U_sername:"
 msgstr "_ש×? ×?שת×?ש:"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:19
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:16
+#| msgid "<b>_Automatic proxy configuration</b>"
+msgid "_Automatic proxy configuration"
+msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?ת×?×?×? _×?×?×?×?×?×?×?×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:17
 msgid "_Delete Location"
 msgstr "_×?×?ק ×?×?ק×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:20
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:18
 msgid "_Details"
 msgstr "_פר×?×?×?"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:21
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:19
 msgid "_FTP proxy:"
 msgstr "×?ת×?×?×? _FTP:"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:22
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:20
 msgid "_Location name:"
 msgstr "_ש×? ×?×?ק×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:23
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:21
+#| msgid "<b>_Manual proxy configuration</b>"
+msgid "_Manual proxy configuration"
+msgstr "_×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?ת×?×?×? ×?×?× ×?×?ת"
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:22
 msgid "_Password:"
 msgstr "_ס×?ס×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:24
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:23
 msgid "_Secure HTTP proxy:"
 msgstr "×?ת×?×?×? HTTP ×?_×?×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:24
+#| msgid "<b>_Use authentication</b>"
+msgid "_Use authentication"
+msgstr "_×?שת×?ש ×?×?×?×?×?ת"
 #: ../capplets/network/gnome-network-properties.ui.h:25
 msgid "_Use the same proxy for all protocols"
 msgstr "_×?שת×?ש ×?×?×?ת×? ×?×?ת×?×?×? ×¢×?×?ר ×?×? ×?פר×?×?×?ק×?×?×?×?"
@@ -2964,25 +2934,28 @@ msgid "_Meta"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?"
 #: ../capplets/windows/gnome-window-properties.ui.h:1
-msgid "<b>Movement Key</b>"
-msgstr "<b>×?קש ת×?×?×?×?</b>"
+#| msgid "<b>Movement Key</b>"
+msgid "Movement Key"
+msgstr "×?קש ת×?×?×?×?"
 #: ../capplets/windows/gnome-window-properties.ui.h:2
-msgid "<b>Titlebar Action</b>"
-msgstr "<b>פע×?×?ת ×?×?תרת</b>"
+#| msgid "<b>Titlebar Action</b>"
+msgid "Titlebar Action"
+msgstr "פע×?×?ת ×?×?תרת"
 #: ../capplets/windows/gnome-window-properties.ui.h:3
-msgid "<b>Window Selection</b>"
-msgstr "â??<b>×?×?×?רת ×?×?×?× ×?ת</b>"
-#: ../capplets/windows/gnome-window-properties.ui.h:4
 msgid "To move a window, press-and-hold this key then grab the window:"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?, ×?×?×¥ ×?×?×?×?ק ×?קש ×?×? ×?×?×? ×?ר×?ר ×?ת ×?×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../capplets/windows/gnome-window-properties.ui.h:5
+#: ../capplets/windows/gnome-window-properties.ui.h:4
 msgid "Window Preferences"
 msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת ×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../capplets/windows/gnome-window-properties.ui.h:5
+#| msgid "<b>Window Selection</b>"
+msgid "Window Selection"
+msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?×?×?× ×?ת"
 #: ../capplets/windows/gnome-window-properties.ui.h:6
 msgid "_Double-click titlebar to perform this action:"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?צ×? ×?פ×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?×?×?תרת ×?×?×?צ×?×¢ פע×?×?×? ×?×?:"
@@ -3040,24 +3013,29 @@ msgstr "×?×?×?×? ×?×¢×?×?"
 msgid "None"
 msgstr "×?×?×?"
-#: ../shell/control-center.c:54
+#: ../shell/control-center.c:52
 #, c-format
 msgid "key not found [%s]\n"
 msgstr "×?×?פת×? ×?×? × ×?צ×? [%s]\n"
-#: ../shell/control-center.c:151
+#: ../shell/control-center.c:112
+msgid "Hide on start (useful to preload the shell)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../shell/control-center.c:135
 msgid "Filter"
 msgstr "×?סנ×?"
-#: ../shell/control-center.c:151
+#: ../shell/control-center.c:135
 msgid "Groups"
 msgstr "ק×?×?צ×?ת"
-#: ../shell/control-center.c:151
+#: ../shell/control-center.c:135
 msgid "Common Tasks"
 msgstr "×?ש×?×?×?ת נפ×?צ×?ת"
-#: ../shell/control-center.c:155 ../shell/gnomecc.desktop.in.in.h:1
+#: ../shell/control-center.c:138
+#: ../shell/gnomecc.desktop.in.in.h:1
 #: ../shell/gnomecc.directory.in.h:1
 msgid "Control Center"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ×?קר×?"
@@ -3091,49 +3069,29 @@ msgid "Indicates whether to close the shell when a start action is performed."
 msgstr "Indicates whether to close the shell when a start action is performed."
 #: ../shell/control-center.schemas.in.h:8
-msgid ""
-"Indicates whether to close the shell when an add or remove action is "
-msgstr ""
-"Indicates whether to close the shell when an add or remove action is "
+msgid "Indicates whether to close the shell when an add or remove action is performed."
+msgstr "Indicates whether to close the shell when an add or remove action is performed."
 #: ../shell/control-center.schemas.in.h:9
-msgid ""
-"Indicates whether to close the shell when an upgrade or uninstall action is "
-msgstr ""
-"Indicates whether to close the shell when an upgrade or uninstall action is "
+msgid "Indicates whether to close the shell when an upgrade or uninstall action is performed."
+msgstr "Indicates whether to close the shell when an upgrade or uninstall action is performed."
 #: ../shell/control-center.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid "Task names and associated .desktop files"
 msgstr "Task names and associated .desktop files"
 #: ../shell/control-center.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid ""
-"The task name to be displayed in the control-center followed by a \";\" "
-"separator then the filename of an associated .desktop file to launch for "
-"that task."
-msgstr ""
-"The task name to be displayed in the control-center followed by a \";\" "
-"separator then the filename of an associated .desktop file to launch for "
-"that task."
+msgid "The task name to be displayed in the control-center followed by a \";\" separator then the filename of an associated .desktop file to launch for that task."
+msgstr "The task name to be displayed in the control-center followed by a \";\" separator then the filename of an associated .desktop file to launch for that task."
 #. Translators: The format of this string is the task name to be displayed (translate that part) followed by a ";" separator then the filename (DONT translate the file name) of a .desktop file to launch. Multiple entries are separated by a ","
 #: ../shell/control-center.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid ""
-"[Change Theme;gtk-theme-selector.desktop,Set Preferred Applications;default-"
-"applications.desktop,Add Printer;gnome-cups-manager.desktop]"
-msgstr ""
-"[Change Theme;gtk-theme-selector.desktop,Set Preferred Applications;default-"
-"applications.desktop,Add Printer;gnome-cups-manager.desktop]"
+msgid "[Change Theme;gtk-theme-selector.desktop,Set Preferred Applications;default-applications.desktop,Add Printer;gnome-cups-manager.desktop]"
+msgstr "[Change Theme;gtk-theme-selector.desktop,Set Preferred Applications;default-applications.desktop,Add Printer;gnome-cups-manager.desktop]"
 #: ../shell/control-center.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid ""
-"if true, the control-center will close when a \"Common Task\" is activated."
-msgstr ""
-"if true, the control-center will close when a \"Common Task\" is activated."
+msgid "if true, the control-center will close when a \"Common Task\" is activated."
+msgstr "if true, the control-center will close when a \"Common Task\" is activated."
 #: ../shell/gnomecc.desktop.in.in.h:2
 msgid "The GNOME configuration tool"
@@ -3165,9 +3123,7 @@ msgstr "פ×?×?ת ×?×?ק×? ×?×?ת ×¢×? ×?×?פסק×? ×?×?×?×?"
 #: ../typing-break/drwright.c:563
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to bring up the typing break properties dialog with the following "
-"error: %s"
+msgid "Unable to bring up the typing break properties dialog with the following error: %s"
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?ת ×?×?־ש×?×? ×?×?פ×?×?× ×? ×?פסקת ×?ק×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?: %s"
 #: ../typing-break/drwright.c:580
@@ -3207,15 +3163,8 @@ msgid "Typing Monitor"
 msgstr "צ×? ×?ק×?×?×?"
 #: ../typing-break/main.c:105
-msgid ""
-"The typing monitor uses the notification area to display information. You "
-"don't seem to have a notification area on your panel. You can add it by "
-"right-clicking on your panel and choosing 'Add to panel', selecting "
-"'Notification area' and clicking 'Add'."
-msgstr ""
-"צ×? ×?×?ק×?×?×? ×?שת×?ש ×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?×? ×?×?צ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢. נר×?×? ש×?×? ק×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר ×?תרע×?ת ×?×?×?×? "
-"ש×?×?. ×?ת×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ס×?×£ ×?×?ת×? ×¢×?Ö¾×?×?×? ×?×?×?צ×? ×?×?× ×?ת ×¢×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?רת '×?×?סף ×?×?×?×?', "
-"ס×?×?×?×? '×?×?×?×?ר ×?תרע×?ת' ×?×?×?×?צ×? ×¢×? '×?×?סף'."
+msgid "The typing monitor uses the notification area to display information. You don't seem to have a notification area on your panel. You can add it by right-clicking on your panel and choosing 'Add to panel', selecting 'Notification area' and clicking 'Add'."
+msgstr "צ×? ×?×?ק×?×?×? ×?שת×?ש ×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?×?×?×¢×?ת ×?×?×? ×?×?צ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢. נר×?×? ש×?×? ק×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר ×?תרע×?ת ×?×?×?×? ש×?×?. ×?ת×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ס×?×£ ×?×?ת×? ×¢×?Ö¾×?×?×? ×?×?×?צ×? ×?×?× ×?ת ×¢×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?רת '×?×?סף ×?×?×?×?', ס×?×?×?×? '×?×?×?×?ר ×?תרע×?ת' ×?×?×?×?צ×? ×¢×? '×?×?סף'."
 #: ../font-viewer/fontilus.schemas.in.h:1
 msgid "If set to true, then OpenType fonts will be thumbnailed."
@@ -3234,20 +3183,16 @@ msgid "If set to true, then Type1 fonts will be thumbnailed."
 msgstr "If set to true, then Type1 fonts will be thumbnailed."
 #: ../font-viewer/fontilus.schemas.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for OpenType fonts."
-msgstr ""
-"Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for OpenType fonts."
+msgid "Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for OpenType fonts."
+msgstr "Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for OpenType fonts."
 #: ../font-viewer/fontilus.schemas.in.h:6
 msgid "Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for PCF fonts."
 msgstr "Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for PCF fonts."
 #: ../font-viewer/fontilus.schemas.in.h:7
-msgid ""
-"Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for TrueType fonts."
-msgstr ""
-"Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for TrueType fonts."
+msgid "Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for TrueType fonts."
+msgstr "Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for TrueType fonts."
 #: ../font-viewer/fontilus.schemas.in.h:8
 msgid "Set this key to the command used to create thumbnails for Type1 fonts."
@@ -3289,39 +3234,56 @@ msgstr "Whether to thumbnail Type1 fonts"
 msgid "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 0123456789"
 msgstr "×?×? סקר×? ש×? ×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×? ×?×?פתע ×?צ×? ×?×?×?ר×? × ×?×?×?×?. 0123456789"
-#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:275
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:288
 msgid "Name:"
 msgstr "ש×?:"
-#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:278
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:291
 msgid "Style:"
 msgstr "ס×?× ×?×?:"
-#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:291
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:304
 msgid "Type:"
 msgstr "ס×?×?:"
-#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:295
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:308
 msgid "Size:"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?:"
-#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:339 ../font-viewer/font-view.c:352
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:352
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:365
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "×?×?רס×?:"
-#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:343 ../font-viewer/font-view.c:354
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:356
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:367
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?צר×?×?"
-#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:347
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:360
 msgid "Description:"
 msgstr "ת×?×?×?ר:"
-#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:437
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:440
+#| msgid "Install"
+msgid "Installed"
+msgstr "×?×?תק×?"
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:443
+#| msgid "Install"
+msgid "Install Failed"
+msgstr "×?תקנ×? × ×?ש×?×?"
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:516
 #, c-format
 msgid "usage: %s fontfile\n"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?ש: %s fontfile\n"
+#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:591
+#| msgid "Install"
+msgid "I_nstall Font"
+msgstr "×?_תק×? ×?×?פ×?"
 #: ../font-viewer/gnome-font-viewer.desktop.in.in.h:1
 msgid "Font Viewer"
 msgstr "×?צ×?×? ×?×?פנ×?×?"
@@ -3355,7 +3317,7 @@ msgstr "FONT-FILE OUTPUT-FILE"
 msgid "Error parsing arguments: %s\n"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?×? ×?פ×?ר×?ק ×?×?ר×?×?×?× ×?×?×?: %s\n"
-#: ../libslab/app-shell.c:755
+#: ../libslab/app-shell.c:753
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "<span size=\"large\"><b>No matches found.</b> </span><span>\n"
@@ -3366,41 +3328,43 @@ msgstr ""
 " ×?×?סנ×? \"<b>%s</b>\" ×?×?× ×? ת×?×?×? ×?×£ פר×?×?.</span>"
-#: ../libslab/app-shell.c:905
+#: ../libslab/app-shell.c:903
 msgid "Other"
 msgstr "×?×?ר"
 #. make start action
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:372
+#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:373
 #, c-format
 msgid "<b>Start %s</b>"
 msgstr "<b>×?ת×?×? %s</b>"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:391
+#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:392
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "×¢×?ר×?"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:438
+#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:439
 msgid "Upgrade"
 msgstr "ש×?ר×?"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:453
+#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:454
 msgid "Uninstall"
 msgstr "×?סר"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:780 ../libslab/document-tile.c:715
+#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:781
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:718
 msgid "Remove from Favorites"
 msgstr "×?סר ×?×?×?×?×¢×?פ×?×?"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:782 ../libslab/document-tile.c:717
+#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:783
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:720
 msgid "Add to Favorites"
 msgstr "×?×?סף ×?×?×?×¢×?פ×?×?"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:867
+#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:868
 msgid "Remove from Startup Programs"
 msgstr "×?סר ×?ת×?×?× ×?×?ת ×?ת×?×?×?"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:869
+#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:870
 msgid "Add to Startup Programs"
 msgstr "×?×?סף ×?ת×?×?× ×?×?ת ×?ת×?×?×?"
@@ -3412,10 +3376,6 @@ msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ק×?ר×?× ×? ×?×?ש"
 msgid "New Document"
 msgstr "×?ס×?×? ×?×?ש"
-#: ../libslab/bookmark-agent.c:1135
-msgid "Home"
-msgstr "×?×?ת"
 #: ../libslab/bookmark-agent.c:1140
 msgid "Documents"
 msgstr "×?ס×?×?×?×?"
@@ -3433,37 +3393,45 @@ msgid "Search"
 msgstr "×?×?פ×?ש"
 #. make open with default action
-#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:170
+#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:171
 #, c-format
 msgid "<b>Open</b>"
 msgstr "<b>פת×?</b>"
 #. make rename action
-#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:189 ../libslab/document-tile.c:231
+#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:190
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:231
 msgid "Rename..."
 msgstr "×?×?×?×£ ש×?..."
-#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:203 ../libslab/directory-tile.c:212
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:245 ../libslab/document-tile.c:254
+#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:204
+#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:213
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:245
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:254
 msgid "Send To..."
 msgstr "ש×?×? ×?×?..."
 #. make move to trash action
-#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:227 ../libslab/document-tile.c:280
+#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:228
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:280
 msgid "Move to Trash"
 msgstr "×?×¢×?ר ×?×?שפ×?"
-#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:237 ../libslab/directory-tile.c:456
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:290 ../libslab/document-tile.c:831
+#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:238
+#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:457
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:290
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:834
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "×?×?ק"
-#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:532 ../libslab/document-tile.c:979
+#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:533
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:982
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete \"%s\"?"
 msgstr "×?ת×? ×?×?×?×? ש×?רצ×?× ×? ×?×?×?×?ק ×?צ×?×?ת×?ת ×?ת \"%s\"?"
-#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:533 ../libslab/document-tile.c:980
+#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:534
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:983
 msgid "If you delete an item, it is permanently lost."
 msgstr "×?×? ת×?×?ק ×?ת ×?פר×?×?, ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×? נצ×?."
@@ -3480,35 +3448,35 @@ msgstr "פת×? ×¢×? ×?×?ש×?×? ×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?×?"
 msgid "Open in File Manager"
 msgstr "פת×? ×?×?× ×?×? ×?ק×?צ×?×?"
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:611
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:614
 msgid "?"
 msgstr "?"
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:618
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:621
 msgid "%l:%M %p"
 msgstr "â??â??%l:%M %p"
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:626
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:629
 msgid "Today %l:%M %p"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×? â??%l:%M %p"
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:636
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:639
 msgid "Yesterday %l:%M %p"
 msgstr "×?ת×?×?×? â??%l:%M %p"
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:648
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:651
 msgid "%a %l:%M %p"
 msgstr "â??%aâ?? â??â??%l:%M %p"
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:656
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:659
 msgid "%b %d %l:%M %p"
 msgstr "â??%b â??â??%d %l:%M %p"
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:658
+#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:661
 msgid "%b %d %Y"
 msgstr "â??â??%b %d %Y"
-#: ../libslab/search-bar.c:254
+#: ../libslab/search-bar.c:255
 msgid "Find Now"
 msgstr "×?פש ×¢×?ש×?×?"
@@ -3522,18 +3490,80 @@ msgstr "<b>פת×? %s</b>"
 msgid "Remove from System Items"
 msgstr "×?סר ×?פר×?×?×? ×?×?ער×?ת"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Left thumb\n"
+#~ "Left middle finger\n"
+#~ "Left ring finger\n"
+#~ "Left little finger\n"
+#~ "Right thumb\n"
+#~ "Right middle finger\n"
+#~ "Right ring finger\n"
+#~ "Right little finger"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "×?×?×?×?×? ש×?×?×?×?ת\n"
+#~ "×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?צע×?ת ש×?×?×?×?ת\n"
+#~ "ק×?×?צ×? ש×?×?×?×?ת\n"
+#~ "×?רת ש×?×?×?×?ת\n"
+#~ "×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?× ×?ת\n"
+#~ "×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?× ×?ת\n"
+#~ "ק×?×?צ×? ×?×?× ×?ת\n"
+#~ "×?רת ×?×?× ×?ת"
+#~ msgid "<b>Email</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>×?×?×?\"×?</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Home</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>×?×?ת</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Job</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>×¢×?×?×?×?</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Web</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>×?תר ×?×?× ×?רנ×?</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Work</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>×¢×?×?×?×?</b>"
+#~ msgid "<span size=\"larger\" weight=\"bold\">Change your password</span>"
+#~ msgstr "<span size=\"larger\" weight=\"bold\">×?×?×?×£ ס×?ס×?×?</span>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Assistive Technologies</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>×?×?× ×?×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?ס×?×?×¢×?ת</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Preferences</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>×?×¢×?פ×?ת</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>C_olors</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>צ_×?×¢×?×?</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Preview</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>תצ×?×?×? ×?ק×?×?×?×?</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>_Desktop Background</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>רקע _ש×?×?×?×? ×¢×?×?×?×?</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Visual</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>×?×?×?ת×?</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Bounce Keys</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>×?קש×?×? _ק×?פצ×?×?</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>×?×?×?×?</b>"
+#~ msgid "<small><i>Fast</i></small>"
+#~ msgstr "<small><i>×?×?×?ר</i></small>"
+#~ msgid "<small><i>Long</i></small>"
+#~ msgstr "<small><i>×?ר×?×?×?</i></small>"
+#~ msgid "<small><i>Short</i></small>"
+#~ msgstr "<small><i>קצר×?</i></small>"
+#~ msgid "<small><i>Slow</i></small>"
+#~ msgstr "<small><i>×?×?×?×?</i></small>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Locate Pointer</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>×?צ×? ס×?×?</b>"
+#~ msgid "<small><i>High</i></small>"
+#~ msgstr "<small><i>×?×?×?×?</i></small>"
+#~ msgid "<small><i>Large</i></small>"
+#~ msgstr "<small><i>×?×?×?×?</i></small>"
+#~ msgid "<small><i>Low</i></small>"
+#~ msgstr "<small><i>× ×?×?×?×?</i></small>"
+#~ msgid "<small><i>Small</i></small>"
+#~ msgstr "<small><i>ק×?×?</i></small>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Ignore Host List</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>×?תע×?×? ×?רש×?×?ת ×?×?×?ר×?×?×?</b>"
 #~ msgid "C_ut"
 #~ msgstr "_×?×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "New File"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×?×¥ ×?×?ש"
 #~ msgid "Open File"
 #~ msgstr "פת×? ק×?×?×¥"
 #~ msgid "Save File"
 #~ msgstr "ש×?×?ר ק×?×?×¥"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Solid color\n"
 #~ "Horizontal gradient\n"
@@ -3542,7 +3572,6 @@ msgstr "×?סר ×?פר×?×?×? ×?×?ער×?ת"
 #~ "צ×?×¢ ×?×?×?×?\n"
 #~ "×?×?ר×? צ×?×¢×?×? ×?×?פק×?\n"
 #~ "×?×?ר×? צ×?×¢×?×? ×?× ×?×?"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Text below items\n"
 #~ "Text beside items\n"
@@ -3553,7 +3582,6 @@ msgstr "×?סר ×?פר×?×?×? ×?×?ער×?ת"
 #~ "×?קס×? ×?×?×? ×?פר×?×?×?×?\n"
 #~ "×?×?ק×?× ×?×? ×?×?×?×?\n"
 #~ "×?קס×? ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Tiled\n"
 #~ "Zoom\n"
@@ -3566,28 +3594,18 @@ msgstr "×?סר ×?פר×?×?×? ×?×?ער×?ת"
 #~ "×?×?×?ר×?×?\n"
 #~ "×?×?ת×?×?\n"
 #~ "×?ס×? ×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "_Copy"
 #~ msgstr "×?_עתק"
 #~ msgid "_New"
 #~ msgstr "_×?×?ש"
 #~ msgid "_Open"
 #~ msgstr "_פת×?"
-#~ msgid "_Paste"
-#~ msgstr "×?_×?×?ק"
 #~ msgid "_Print"
 #~ msgstr "_×?×?פס"
 #~ msgid "_Quit"
 #~ msgstr "_×?צ×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "_Save"
 #~ msgstr "_ש×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Normal\n"
 #~ "Left\n"
@@ -3598,265 +3616,178 @@ msgstr "×?סר ×?פר×?×?×? ×?×?ער×?ת"
 #~ "ש×?×?×?×?\n"
 #~ "×?×?×?× ×?\n"
 #~ "×?פ×?×?\n"
 #~ msgid "Could not apply the selected configuration"
 #~ msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?ת ×?תצ×?ר×? ×?× ×?×?רת"
 #~ msgid "Could not get org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XRANDR"
 #~ msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?×?×?ר ×?ת org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XRANDR"
-#~ msgid "/_Preferences"
-#~ msgstr "/_×?×¢×?פ×?ת"
 #~ msgid "/_About"
 #~ msgstr "/_×?×?×?×?ת"
 #~ msgid "_Command:"
 #~ msgstr "פ_ק×?×?×?:"
 #~ msgid "<b>_Wallpaper</b>"
 #~ msgstr "<b>_×?פ×? ש×?×?×?×? ×¢×?×?×?×?</b>"
 #~ msgid "No Wallpaper"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×? ×?פ×?"
 #~ msgid "Screen Resolution"
 #~ msgstr "×?פר×?ת ×?ס×?"
 #~ msgid "Monitor Resolution Settings"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?פר×?ת ×?ס×?"
 #~ msgid "Retrieve and store legacy settings"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×? ×?ש×?×?ר ×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?×?×?ר×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Enable sound and associate sounds with events"
 #~ msgstr "×?פשר ק×?×?×?ת ×?ש×?×?×? ק×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?ר×?×¢×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Unknown Volume Control %d"
 #~ msgstr "×?קרת ×¢×?צ×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×¢×?: %d"
 #~ msgid "Failed to construct test pipeline for '%s'"
 #~ msgstr "× ×?ש×? ×?×?ק×?ת צ×?× ×?ר × ×?ס×?×?×? ×? -'%s'"
 #~ msgid "Not connected"
 #~ msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "Autodetect"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture"
 #~ msgstr "â??ALSA - ×?ר×?×?×?ק×?×?רת ק×?×? ×?תק×?×?ת ×?×?×?× ×?קס"
 #~ msgid "Artsd - ART Sound Daemon"
 #~ msgstr "Artsd - ×?× ×?×? ×?ק×?×? ART"
 #~ msgid "ESD - Enlightened Sound Daemon"
 #~ msgstr "ESD - ×?×?שק ×?ש×?×¢ ×?× ×?×?ר"
 #~ msgid "OSS - Open Sound System"
 #~ msgstr "â??OSS - ×?ער×?ת ק×?×? פת×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "PulseAudio Sound Server"
 #~ msgstr "שרת ק×?×? PulseAudio"
 #~ msgid "Silence"
 #~ msgstr "שק×?"
 #~ msgid "- GNOME Sound Preferences"
 #~ msgstr "- ×?×¢×?פ×?ת ק×?×? ש×? GNOME"
 #~ msgid "<b>Alerts and Sound Effects</b>"
 #~ msgstr "<b>×?תרע×?ת ×?×?פק×?×? צ×?×?×?</b>"
 #~ msgid "<b>Audio Conferencing</b>"
 #~ msgstr "<b>ש×?×?ת ×?×¢×?×?×? ק×?×?×?ת</b>"
 #~ msgid "<b>Default Mixer Tracks</b>"
 #~ msgstr "<b>×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?×? ×¢×?×?ר רצ×?×¢×?ת ×?ער×?×?</b>"
 #~ msgid "<b>Music and Movies</b>"
 #~ msgstr "â??<b>×?×?ס×?ק×? ×?סר×?×?×?</b>"
 #~ msgid "<b>Sound Events</b>"
 #~ msgstr "<b>×?ר×?×¢×? ק×?×?</b>"
 #~ msgid "<b>Sound Theme</b>"
 #~ msgstr "<b>ער×?ת צ×?×?×?×?×?</b>"
 #~ msgid "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"x-large\">Testing...</span>"
 #~ msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">×?×?×?ק...</span>"
 #~ msgid "Click OK to finish."
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×¥ ×¢×? ×?×?ש×?ר ×?ס×?×?×?."
 #~ msgid "Devices"
 #~ msgstr "×?תקנ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Play _alert sound"
 #~ msgstr "_× ×?×? צ×?×?×? ×?תרע×?"
 #~ msgid "S_ound playback:"
 #~ msgstr "×?ש×?עת _ק×?×?:"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Select the device and tracks to control with the keyboard. Use the Shift "
 #~ "and Control keys to select multiple tracks if required."
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "×?×?ר ×?ת ×?×?תק×? ×?×?ת ×?רצ×?×¢×?ת ×?ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?ק×?×?ת. ×?שת×?ש ×?×?קש×? ×?-Shift ×?×?-"
 #~ "Ctrl ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר ×?ספר רצ×?×¢×?ת ×?×?×?×?×? ×?× ×?רש."
 #~ msgid "So_und playback:"
 #~ msgstr "×?ש×?עת _ק×?×?:"
 #~ msgid "Sou_nd capture:"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?ת צ×?×?_×?:"
 #~ msgid "Sound Preferences"
 #~ msgstr "×?×¢×?פ×?ת ק×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Sounds"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×?×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Test"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?ק×?"
 #~ msgid "_Device:"
 #~ msgstr "_×?תק×?:"
 #~ msgid "_Play alerts and sound effects"
 #~ msgstr "_× ×?×? ×?תרע×?ת ×?×?פק×?×? ק×?×?"
 #~ msgid "_Sound playback:"
 #~ msgstr "_×?ש×?עת ק×?×?:"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Alert sound"
 #~ msgstr "צ×?×?×? ×?תרע×?"
-#~ msgctxt "Sound event"
-#~ msgid "Visual alert"
-#~ msgstr "×?תרע×? ×?×?×?ת×?ת"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Windows and Buttons"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?× ×?ת ×?×?פת×?ר×?×?"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Button clicked"
 #~ msgstr "×?פת×?ר × ×?×?×¥"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Window maximized"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Window unmaximized"
 #~ msgstr "ש×?×?×?ר ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Window minimised"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×¢×?ר ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Desktop"
 #~ msgstr "ש×?×?×?×? ×¢×?×?×?×?"
-#~ msgctxt "Sound event"
-#~ msgid "Login"
-#~ msgstr "×?ת×?×?ר×?ת"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Logout"
 #~ msgstr "×?תנתק×?ת"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "New e-mail"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?\"×? ×?×?ש"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Empty trash"
 #~ msgstr "ר×?ק×?×? ×?×?שפ×?"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Long action completed (download, CD burning, etc.)"
 #~ msgstr "פע×?×?×? ×?ר×?×?×? ×?×?ש×?×?×? (×?×?ר×?×?, צר×?×?ת תק×?×?×?×?ר ×?×¢×?×?)"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Alerts"
 #~ msgstr "×?תרע×?ת"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Information or question"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×¢ ×?×? ש×?×?×?"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Warning"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?ר×?"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Error"
 #~ msgstr "ש×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgctxt "Sound event"
 #~ msgid "Battery warning"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?רת ס×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Testing event sound"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?ק צ×?×?×? ×?×?ר×?×¢"
 #~ msgid "Select Sound File"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ר ק×?×?×¥ ק×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Sound files"
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×?צ×? ק×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Custom..."
 #~ msgstr "×?×?ת×?×? ×?×?ש×?ת..."
 #~ msgid "Lock Screen"
 #~ msgstr "× ×¢×? ×?ס×?"
 #~ msgid "Logout"
 #~ msgstr "×?תנתק×?ת"
 #~ msgid "Shutdown"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Enable support for GNOME assistive technologies at login"
 #~ msgstr "×?פשר ת×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?×?×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?ס×?×?×¢×?ת ש×? GNOME ×?×?ת×?×?ר×?ת"
 #~ msgid "New accelerator..."
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×?×¥ ×?×?ש..."
 #~ msgid "Unexpected attribute '%s' for element '%s'"
 #~ msgstr "ת×?×?× ×? ×?×? צפ×?×?×? '%s' ×¢×?×?ר ×?ר×?×?×? '%s'"
 #~ msgid "Attribute '%s' of element '%s' not found"
 #~ msgstr "×?ת×?×?× ×? '%s' ×¢×?×?ר ×?ר×?×?×? '%s' ×?×? × ×?צ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Unexpected tag '%s', tag '%s' expected"
 #~ msgstr "ת×?×?ת ×?×? צפ×?×?×? '%s', ×?×?ת×? צ×?פ×?×? ×?ת×?×?ת '%s'"
 #~ msgid "Unexpected tag '%s' inside '%s'"
 #~ msgstr "ת×?×?ת ×?×? צפ×?×?×? '%s' ×?ת×?×? '%s'"
 #~ msgid "No valid bookmark file found in data dirs"
 #~ msgstr "×?×? × ×?צ×? ק×?×?×¥ ס×?×?× ×?×? תקנ×? ×?ת×?×? ת×?ק×?×?ת ×?נת×?× ×?×?"
 #~ msgid "A bookmark for URI '%s' already exists"
 #~ msgstr "ס×?×?× ×?×? ×¢×?×?ר ×?×?×?ק×?×? '%s' ×?×?ר ק×?×?×?ת"
 #~ msgid "No bookmark found for URI '%s'"
 #~ msgstr "×?×?×? ס×?×?× ×?×? ×¢×?×?ר ×?×?ת×?×?ת '%s'"
 #~ msgid "No MIME type defined in the bookmark for URI '%s'"
 #~ msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?פ×?ס MIME ×?ס×?×?× ×?×? ×¢×?×?ר ×?×?ת×?×?ת '%s'"
 #~ msgid "No private flag has been defined in bookmark for URI '%s'"
 #~ msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?×? פר×?×? ×?ס×?×?× ×?×? ×?×?ת×?×?ת '%s'"
 #~ msgid "No groups set in bookmark for URI '%s'"
 #~ msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×?ר×? ק×?×?צ×?ת ×?ס×?×?× ×?×? ×¢×?×?ר ×?×?ת×?×?ת '%s'"
 #~ msgid "No application with name '%s' registered a bookmark for '%s'"
 #~ msgstr "×?×£ ת×?×?× ×? ×?×¢×?ת ×?ש×? '%s' רש×?×? ס×?×?× ×?×? ×¢×?×?ר '%s'"

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