seed r413 - in trunk: doc libseed
- From: hortont svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: seed r413 - in trunk: doc libseed
- Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 14:04:11 +0000 (UTC)
Author: hortont
Date: Tue Dec 9 14:04:11 2008
New Revision: 413
Update runtime docs, move closure-related JSClassDef. to closure.h,
instead of builtins (where it belonged before we got rid of
Modified: trunk/doc/runtime.html
--- trunk/doc/runtime.html (original)
+++ trunk/doc/runtime.html Tue Dec 9 14:04:11 2008
@@ -153,22 +153,6 @@
Seed.print("From Child");
-<div class="section"><b>Seed.setTimeout</b>(code, timeout)</div>
-Evaluates a given segment of Javascript after <i>timeout</i> milliseconds. Keep in mind that this is evaluated in the global context, so local variables surrounding the call to setTimeout will not be available! Also, setTimeout will <b>only</b> work while a GLib main loop is running (after you've called Gtk.main(), etc.).
-<div class="section"><b>Seed.prototype</b>(constructor)</div>
-Returns the prototype for an object created with <i>constructor</i>. This can be used to add methods to all future objects of a particular class.
-Seed.prototype(Gio.FileInputStream).get_contents = function()
- var stream = Gio.DataInputStream._new(this);
- var line = stream.read_until("", 0);
- return line;
<div class="section"><b>Seed.introspect</b>(function)</div>
Returns an object containing information about the function, its arguments, etc. This will eventually support introspection of a wider variety of Javascript types.
@@ -195,11 +179,12 @@
An array representing the arguments passed to the <code>seed</code> interpreter.
-<div class="section"><b>Seed.quit(<i>exitcode</i>)</b></div>
+<div class="section"><b>Seed.quit</b>(<i>exitcode</i>)</div>
Terminates the execution of the Seed interpreter, returning <i>exitcode</i> as the exit value of the program.
-<div class="section"><b><i>object</i>.signal.<i>signame</i>.connect</b>(function<i>, context, user_data </i>)</div>
+<div class="section"><b><i>object</i>.signal.<i>signame</i>.connect</b>(function<i>, context, user_data</i>)<br/>
+<b><i>object</i>.connect</b>(signame, function, <i>user_data</i>)</div>
Connects <i>function</i> to the signal, <i>signame</i>, on <i>object</i>. Any GObject signal will work. <i>context</i> is passed to the signal handler as the <code>this</code> object; if omitted, the global context is used. If present, user_data is passed as the last argument to the callback.
@@ -212,6 +197,18 @@
var button = new Gtk.Button();
+The second form is useful if you want to connect to detailed signals; for example, <b>notify::</b> signals on an object's properties:
+function handle_opacity_change(obj, gobject, user_data)
+ Seed.print("Window " + obj + "'s opacity was changed!");
+win = new Gtk.Window();
+win.signal.connect("notify::opacity", handle_opacity_change);
<div class="section"><b>Exceptions</b></div>
Seed throws Javascript exceptions for errors in the GObject layer; our custom exception types are as follows:</p>
@@ -245,6 +242,20 @@
<li><b>line</b> - the line on which the exception took place</li>
<li><b>sourceURL</b> - the source file, if any, in which the exception took place</li>
+Just as in Javascript, you can throw an exception manually with the <b>throw</b> function, passing it an object - either a new object, with the properties listed above (for consistency), or an arbitrary object:
+ if(!http.connect(""))
+ throw { name: "HTTPConnectionError", message: "404 File Not Found" }
+ // e.message = "404 File Not Found"
<div class="section"><b>Inheritance</b></div>
JavaScript being a prototypal language, rather than a class based language, has no strict inheritance model. A plethora of documentation can be found on the internet for implementing various inheritance models inside your program. However, a clear and common use case is to subclass GObjects, and Seed provides an interface to define and implement new GTypes.
Modified: trunk/libseed/seed-builtins.c
--- trunk/libseed/seed-builtins.c (original)
+++ trunk/libseed/seed-builtins.c Tue Dec 9 14:04:11 2008
@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <readline/history.h>
#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-JSClassRef seed_native_callback_class;
static JSValueRef
seed_include(JSContextRef ctx,
Modified: trunk/libseed/seed-closure.h
--- trunk/libseed/seed-closure.h (original)
+++ trunk/libseed/seed-closure.h Tue Dec 9 14:04:11 2008
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
ffi_cif *cif;
} SeedNativeClosure;
-extern JSClassRef seed_native_callback_class;
+JSClassRef seed_native_callback_class;
SeedNativeClosure *seed_make_native_closure(JSContextRef ctx,
GICallableInfo * info,
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