Re: Layout manager on a Rectangle


On 2 October 2013 11:41, Alessandro Re <ale ale-re net> wrote:
thanks for your suggestion about Rectangle, I missed that although I was
keeping an eye about deprecated methods (d'oh!)

May I suggest, if possible, to explicitly mark Rectangle as deprecated class
*on its own page*?
it's weird, because the class is marked as deprecated:

it used to be propagated to all symbols on that class. it probably has
to do with the fact that we're not using global pre-processor symbols,
and instead we're using compiler annotations.

I'll open a bug so that I don't forget to fix this before the next release.

The incomplete tutorial - which I have to fix after this new discovery -
should be available here:

**Any comment is highly appreciated** (I believe you can comment directly on
the document if you have a Google Account).
thanks! I'll have a look as soon as possible.


On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi gmail com> wrote:

On 2 October 2013 10:32, Alessandro Re <ale ale-re net> wrote:

Oh, and I am writing a tutorial as I go, so, if you want, I can submit
for a review.
thanks, that would be very much appreciated.

I was experimenting with layout managers, and I tried to create a simple
button in this way:

1. created an Actor()
2. created a Rectangle()
3. created a Text()
4. make Text and Rectangle child of Actor
5. set BinLayout() onto Actor.

And this seems to work fine. Then I tried without the Actor, placing the
Text directly on the Rectangle ( rect.add_child(text) ), using the
( rect.set_layout_manager(BinLayout()) ), but without success: the Text
seems to be vanished, I can not see it (also tried with the show()
Clutter.Rectangle is a deprecated class, and should not be used in
newly written code. you can effectively replace it with a simple
Clutter.Actor with a background color, or (in case you need fancier
drawing features like borders or rounded corners) with a
Clutter.Canvas content.

I would not use a deprecated class in a tutorial either.

Can someone please explain me why it is so?
Maybe Rectangles are not made to have a layout manager?
Should I use always a third Actor for this kind of tasks?
the reason you don't see a child of a Clutter.Rectangle is that
Rectangle does not paint its children, for backward compatibility. you
can add children to it, but they will never be painted — unless you
subclass Clutter.Rectangle and override the `paint` virtual function.

again, I strongly encourage you not to use deprecated functionality,
especially when creating documentation.

I look forward to reading your tutorial!




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