Re: ClutterGst plans

On 04/02/13 17:21, Stefan de Konink wrote:
On 02/04/2013 06:11 PM, Lionel Landwerlin wrote:
Ok, so that's going to be supported as well, though you can already do
it at the moment with a ClutterClone.
To be completely honest, my biggest interest are:
  - gapless playout of video
    (hence an event to properly cue the next video)

Define gapless. If you're talking about gap detection, I might be wrong but it seems outside of ClutterGst's scope (at least I don't know anyone interested/looking at this).

  - proper hardware acceleration that doesn't require to
    "git pull hair" when compiling/configuring/runnig.

Sadly that's going to depend a lot on your drivers. As far as I know Gstreamer 1.0 (on which ClutterGst master depends) does not support hardware acceleration at the moment.
But yeah definitely interested in simpler hw accelerated playback.

  - less crashes with Gst

Do you have bug reports about this? If that's Gstreamer crashes, we won't be able to do much about it...

  - sync between different files

You mean syncing 2 playbacks or 2 different files?

  - some decent examples introspection examples

That's my plan.

I think overall the plan here is to allow more flexibility in manipulating video streams in a Clutter scene.
So obviously more animations/effects using whole or part of a video.
We don't really care that much about what's going on at the Gstreamer level.


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