Re: [clutter] Threaded widget generation


On 24 November 2012 12:38, Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey boosthardware com> wrote:
At the moment I am just using scrollActor.add_actor().

Clutter.Actor.add_child() (which is what the deprecated
Clutter.Container.add_actor() internally calls) tries to maintain the
list of children sorted using the :depth/:z-position property as the
sorting key; sadly, we need to maintain that invariant for backwards
compatibility, though it's a stupid thing to do (and won't be done any
more in 2.0). since insert_child_above/below_sibling() were introduced
afterwards, and since they are based on explicit ordering, I could
implement them as constant time operations. if you are building a row
of actors then you probably want to use them, since you already have
an implicit order you want to use.

pack sibling nodes inside a container, and then add the container to
the parent, so that you can avoid recursive invalidations inside the
scene graph.

To paraphrase, it's more efficient to destroy the container, create a new
container, add the children  to the container and then add the container
to the parent after all the child actors have been built?

yes; the invalidations necessary when adding children will traverse
the scene graph (something we're trying to optimize), so if the scene
graph is shallow, they will stop sooner.

use constant time operations wherever possible.

do not block the main loop with your own loops: use lazy loading
through callbacks inside the main loop, like the ones provided by
g_idle_add() or g_timeout_add().

This is what I was trying to get at with threading. Is there an example
somewhere of handling g_idle_add/g_timeout_add with a large array of

I wrote this article years ago, to deal with GtkTreeModel
implementations inside gtk:

the concept still applies: you create a simple state machine, pass the
list of actors to add (possibly already ordered) to the callback
function you use with idle_add(), and iterate over the list inserting
a single child (or a small batch, depending on your time constraints)
for each iteration. once the list has been consumed, you remove the
idle handler.

Ex. Is there an example of a clutter "spinner" type widget somewhere for
loading large external datasets (web/db)?

no, not really; though creating a texture with an image, and then
animating its rotation angle using a PropertyTransition() with
repeat_count=-1 would do.

The target system is a quad core with 8GB RAM so things might be faster
with a single "page" of 12 rows but I would like to support smooth
scrolling with upto 1024 rows or 85 "pages".

my design suggestion is to have a screen with predefined rows, and
instead change the contents of the actors, instead of a huge grid that
you have to translate in order to scroll.

You may be surprised to know that the actual scrolling of the grid with a
large number of rows works smoothly on this machine in all directions with
"EASE_OUT" for the easing mode.

I'm not overly surprised: ScrollActor uses transformations to achieve
the scrolling effect, which means that the scene graph is not
invalidated at all. :-)

It's just the time it takes to build and
display the widget that I am interested in maximising efficiency at this

lazily loading actors and data is usually a good technique, especially
when dealing with libraries like Clutter which are based on a main
loop. also, as I said, trying to use as many constant time operations
- or even linear time operations with a small input - usually allows
you to preserve as much of your time budget (which is 16 milliseconds,
for 60fps) as possible.



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