Re: Odd issue when subclassing Mx.Widget rather than Clutter.Actor

Hi Nox,

You need to override the paint function to do so and call paint on each child. Only some of the Mx widgets do paint their children, like the containers (BoxLayout, Grid, Viewport, KineticScrollView, ScrollView, etc...).


On 19/12/12 15:38, Nox Deleo wrote:
. If I subclass Clutter.Actor, any child widgets I place inside are automatically drawn. However if I take the same class and change it to subclass from Mx.Widget, none of the children are drawn. If I change for example the background colour of the top level widget, I see the change. I can't find anything in the Mx reference that explains this, so hopefully someone here can. I suspect it might be something to do with "realizing" the widgets, since when I checked that property, the widget and all the children had "realized" set to false. This didn't change when I called "realize" for the widget or the children.

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