slow FPS caused by auto exposure?

Greetings and salutations;

I've been banging my head off Cheese trying to figure out why I was getting slow FPS rates across the board.
On a whim, I installed guvcview and tried to fiddle around with some of 
the settings and stumbled on a fix for a problem that's been plaguing 
Cheese for way too long;
Under Windows 7 I noticed the auto-exposure setting for my camera was 
causing performance issues, so I decided to fiddle with them in guvcview.
While in guvcview, I selected "Manual Mode" from the drop-down in the 
"Exposure, Auto" setting then "TAB" selected the next option from 
"Exposure Absolute".
The "Exposure Absolute" was set to "156". I used my right arrow key to 
bump it up to "157" then back down to "156" and presto! my frame rates 
are a solid 30fps at a resolution of 1280x720, with normal exposure.
I quit guvcview, booted back into Cheese, and Cheese now works 
Not sure why or how this worked, but maybe it will help others who may 
be experiencing the same type of issue?
At any rate, now I just have to solve the audio sync problem when I 
record. :)
Thanks for making Cheese. I'm one step closer to being perfectly happy 
with it.

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