Re: Design Diagrams

Hi there is video and audio encoder in this diagram.
Also will be interesting to show image trace and format converstations. It will show some performance bottlenecks.
It will look some how like this, it is only draft:

{webcam(yuv)->kernel}-> v4l2src(yuv)->videorate(yuv)->effects(rgb)->
->split to 1. and 2.
1. (yuv) theoraenc (theora)-> oggmux -> file
2. (yuv) autovideosink

Am 03.11.2011 23:00, schrieb David Descoteaux:
To All,

We've been tasked with running our sample architecture diagrams through
the community to get feedback on them. As of right now, we're only
looking at the effect filters for Cheese, so our diagrams aren't
complete and / or fully representative of the program as a whole.

Any criticisms, feedback, or ideas would be appreciated by our team.


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